Washington's Administration

Washington’s Administration
1789 Election
a. Washington agreed to become . . .
b. All electors voted for . . .
c. VP =>
d. Washington assumes office on April 30, 1789 in _____________________
e. Title =>
George Washington, the man
a. Character
i. Humorous =>
ii. Virginian =>
iii. Dinner at Mt. Vernon =>
iv. Cherry Tree story =>
b. At 16 years, he fell in love with Sally Fairfax =>
George Washington’s life
a. Virginian planter =>
b. Other jobs =>
c. Married into . . .
d. Put it all on the line for American Revolution =>
General Washington
a. Careful with the lives of his troops
b. Troops loved him =>
c. Defense / offense strategy =>
d. Newburgh Conspiracy (1783)
i. End of war
ii. Officers’ goal =>
iii. The means =>
iv. The end =>
v. Officers offered Washington . . .
Washington’s response =>
e. GW retired at end of war =>
President Washington
a. Challenges to presidency
i. Revolutionary war debt =>
ii. General finances =>
iii. Foreign relations
1. Native Americans =>
2. British =>
b. Washington’s cabinet
i. Cabinet =>
1. Secretary of State =>
2. Secretary of Treasury =>
3. Secretary of War =>
4. Attorney General =>
ii. Most important? =>
c. Alexander Hamilton
i. Illegitimate son, born in _______________ around 1755
ii. Brilliant . . .
iii. During War =>
iv. Became attorney . . .
v. Primary author of _________________ ____________________
d. The Assumption Controversy
i. As Treasury Secretary Hamilton believed in . . .
1. Pay foreign debt
2. Assume (take over) debt …
3. Anticipated result =>
ii. Assumption Controversy & Compromise
1. North got . . .
2. South got . . .
iii. Bank of the United States (BUS)
1. Pushed for establishment of . . .
2. BUS would help government . . .
3. Sold shares to public =>
iv. Tax policy
1. Tariffs (taxes on imports)
a. Revenue tariff =>
b. Protective tariff =>
2. Imposed excise tax =>
v. Whiskey Rebellion (1794) =>
e. Foreign Policy
i. Wars of the French Revolution (1789-1815)
1. France declared war on . . .
2. Issue: America was . . .
3. Remember, US and France had an existing . . .
ii. Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality (1793)
1. US would stay neutral in war
2. Objections =>
iii. “Citizen” Edmond Genet
1. French ambassador to US, 1793 =>
2. Landed in Charleston =>
3. Instead, he immediately . . .
4. He also began raising militia to invade ____________
5. Arrest notice from France arrived =>
iv. England
1. Major issues left over from Revolution
a. British troops . . .
b. British seizure . . .
c. British empire . . .
d. US-Canadian border . . .
2. Jay’s Treaty (1794)
a. Britain agreed to remove . . .
b. Wartime debts and US-Canadian border issues were sent to . . .
c. US got right to trade with . . .
d. Britain got US to limit . . .
e. Importance
i. Brought US, Britain __________
ii. Pushed US, France __________
v. Spain
1. Ally of _________________
2. US wanted access to New Orleans =>
3. Pinckney Treaty of 1795
a. Est. friendship w/ Spain
b. Set _________________ between US, Spanish FL
c. Gave US navigation rights along . . .
vi. Washington’s goal in foreign affairs =>
Washington’s Farewell Address
a. GW refused . . .
b. Farewell address were his parting ideas about . . .
i. Avoid . . .
ii. Avoid . . .