INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE SPA 101 Elementary Spanish I Effective Term Fall 2012 INSTRUCTIONAL PACKAGE Effective Term: Fall 2012 (201210) COURSE PREFIX: SPA 101 COURSE TITLE: Elementary Spanish I CONTACT HOURS: CREDIT HOURS: 4 4 RATIONALE FOR THE COURSE: Students may enroll in SPA 101 in order to satisfy their particular program’s requirements and/or to enhance their personal and professional growth as a result of developing an ability to communicate at a basic level in Spanish in everyday situations. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This university parallel transfer course is a study of the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, including an introduction to the Spanish culture. PREREQUISITES: COMPASS Reading 87 and COMPASS Writing 80 or SAT Critical Reading 480 or ACT Reading 19 and ACT Reading 19 or ASSET 45 or Credit level ENG 100 Minimum Grade of C or Credit level ENG 101 Minimum Grade of C REQUIRED MATERIALS: TEXTBOOK: AVENTURAS: Primer curso de lengua española, Third Edition. Donley, Benavides, Blanco. Vista Higher Learning. © 2010. DICTIONARY: Any extensive Spanish/English dictionary ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: (for used textbook purchases only) (included in the purchase of a new text or directly from the publisher’s website) 978-1-60007-129-4 AVENTURAS Supersite Student Passcode TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS: All SPA students will need earphones to be used during laboratory exercises. STUDENT COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES: All successful SPA 101 students will be able to: 1) Demonstrate their mastery of the Spanish alphabet, rules of pronunciation, and dividing words into syllables. 2) Conjugate verbs grammatically in two present tenses. 3) Demonstrate the function and syntax of types of words such as subjects, verbs, adjectives, prepositions, adverbs, etc. 4) Answer questions referring to future actions. 5) Express comparative and superlative forms. 6) Address Spanish speakers using formal or informal greetings. 7) Tell time in Spanish. 8) Discuss basic needs. 9) Ask and offer basic personal information about their family and career. 10) Build solidarity based on common likes and dislikes. Course Outline Spanish 101 Grammar Objectives Test 1 Chapter 1 1.1Nouns and articles 1.2 Numbers 0-30 1.3 Present tense of ser 1.4 Telling time Test 2 Chapter 2 2.1 Present tense of regular ar verbs 2.2 Forming questions 2.3 The present tense of estar 2.4 Numbers 31–100 Test 3 Chapter 3 3.1 Descriptive adjectives 3.2 Possessive adjectives 3.3 Present tense of regular er and ir verbs 3.4 Present tense of tener and venir Test 4 Chapter 41 4.1 The present tense of ir 4.2 Stem-changing verbs: eie, oue 4.3 Stem-changing verbs: e:i 4.4 Verbs with irregular yo forms Test 5 Chapter 5 5.1 Estar with conditions and emotions 5.2 The present progressive 5.3 Comparing ser and estar 5.4 Direct object nouns and pronouns Test 6 (Final Exam) Chapter 6 6.1 Numbers 101 and higher 6.2 The preterit tense of regular verbs 6.3 Indirect object pronouns 6.4 Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns REQUIRED COURSE MEASURES/ARTIFACTS: The following is a list all tangible measurements that are used for assessment of student course learning outcomes. These artifacts provide evidence of student performance, areas of strength and weakness within the course. Selected artifacts maybe used to assess program learning outcomes. Quizzes Semester Project Tests Homework Final Exam EVALUATION: GRADING SYSTEM: The standardized grading scale for the College is: A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=0-59 Grades earned in courses impact academic progression and financial aid status. Before withdrawing from a course, be sure to talk with your instructor and financial aid counselor about the implications of that course of action. Ds, Fs, Ws, WFs and Is also negatively impact academic progression and financial aid status. The Add/Drop Period is the first 5 days of the semester for full term classes. Add/Drop periods are shorter for accelerated format courses. The following week of the semester is Financial Aid Attendance Verification period. You must attend at least one meeting of all of your classes during that period. If you do not, you will be dropped from the course(s) and your Financial Aid will be reduced accordingly. SSTC The SSTC is an excellent place for you to go if you need help. The SSTC offers to all students the following free resources: 1. Student and professional tutors (appointments recommended) for most major subject areas 2. Writing Center Support Services (appointments recommended) for writing, reading, and basic English developmental skills 3. Student success, academic, and technology support resources a. Online Resource Center ( b. DVDs for Test Taking Strategies and Writing Skills c. Reading Comprehension, Time Management or Study Skills Packets d. Microsoft Office 2010 Guides e. D2L Guides f. And Much More…. 4. Workshops on college success skills, technology, and D2L for online courses 5. General technology assistance The SSTC wants you to have the opportunity to use the free resources that they offer to students in house and online on their website: To schedule a tutoring session or appointment with staff, please call one of the following locations: SSTC Conway, 349-7872; SSTC Grand Strand, 477-2113; and SSTC Georgetown, 520-1455. Room locations are posted on the SSTC website. INSTRUCTOR’S PERSONAL INFORMATION SHEET *Instructor’s Name: Office hours: *Office Location: *Office Telephone Number: *E-mail Address: *Attendance Policy: *Tardy Policy: *Make-up Test Policy: Student must attend 80% of the class meetings.