7-8 Chapter7 Test Review 2012

Chapter 7 Test Review
Cells are Busy Places!
Major Concepts and Key Ideas:
1) Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplasts and converts light energy into chemical energy.
Key Ideas:
Plants and animals require energy to function.
Plants exchange gases with the atmosphere.
Plants use light energy, carbon dioxide and water to make sugars.
Sugars produced during photosynthesis are used for maintenance and growth.
2) Cellular respiration provides the energy for cells to function.
Key Ideas:
Cellular respiration occurs in the cells of ALL living things.
Cellular respiration converts glucose into ATP, the form of energy used by cells.
3) The sun provides the energy for almost all living systems on Earth.
Key ideas:
Photosynthesis connects the sun to the energy needs of all organisms, including animals.
Biosynthesis and breakdown reactions provide the energy and matter needed by organisms.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration explain where most organisms get the matter and
energy they need to survive.
The following questions, IF you study them, should be of great assistance on the
upcoming test!
1. Compare the reactants of the photosynthesis equation to the products of the equation for respiration. (Note:
Use equations shown in E 337 Powering Cellular Activities). What do you notice?
2. Compare the reactants of the respiration equation to the products of the Photosynthesis equation. What do
you notice?
3. How many molecules of carbon dioxide and how many molecules of water are needed for green plants to
synthesize one molecule of glucose and six molecules of oxygen?
4. In what organelle does photosynthesis occur? ______________ How about respiration? ___________
5. What are some reasons the process of photosynthesis is important to life on Earth?
6. Describe how Light Dependent & Light Independent Reactions of photosynthesis are different in a
plant. What products are produced in each?
7. What pigment is crucial for absorbing light and thus allowing photosynthesis to occur? Where is this
pigment found in a plant cell?
8. Describe the basic steps of aerobic cellular respiration in both plant and animal cells and where this process
9. Which process (aerobic or anaerobic) produces the most adenosine triphosphate (ATP)?
10. Draw a four step food chain showing the type of energy at each step (start with the SUN!).
12. Write the complete balanced chemical reaction for Photosynthesis below (See Explain 337 or your journal
notes). Below that write the complete balanced chemical reaction for Cellular Respiration.
13. Which of the above reactions is a BIOSYNTHESIS reaction? ___________________
14. Which of the above reactions is a DECOMPOSITION reaction? ___________________
15. Describe & draw the difference between biosynthesis & decomposition reactions.
16. Why does it take acres of grass to feed/support a single wildebeest (a large herbivore found in the African
Plains) and a herd of (many) wildebeest to feed a single lion? Use Pictures, Arrows, and words to explain
your answer. Make sure your answer addresses energy transfer at each trophic level.
17. Create a well- labeled diagram, ENDING with a chicken drumstick, showing where the CARBON in the
chicken leg originally came from: (Where does the carbon start and how does it get into the drumstick?). In
your answer address where CARBON is at in every step and HOW it got there (think biosynthesis, etc).