AP World History I Mr. Hackney What’s in a Name? The assignment is for you to research the origins of your last name / surname. Where is it from? What does the name mean? How old is it? Has the name changed over time? Discuss all of the information you find in a brief typed essay (double spaced, Times New Roman, font size 12), 250 - 300 words in length (about one page). Remember to use parenthetical citations in addition to the creation of your bibliography. As part of your assignment, include the following: A. Cover / Title Page (Page One) This page should represent or symbolize your last name. It could be a “coat of arms or some other heraldic device, or it simply could be your own drawing or artistic creation (E.g.: a collage) best representing your last name. (10 points) B. Map (Page Two) Create a map yourself (do not simply copy a map and then draw movement lines over that map) illustrating the original location and possible movement of the last name. Include all relevant geographic data such as a compass rose, key and scale. (20 points) C. The Essay (Page Three and possibly Page Four) (40 points) D. Bibliography (Page Five) Cite whatever sources you use (genealogical books, family history books, regional history books, websites, atlases, interviews, etc.). However, you must use at least three different types of sources. We will have a lesson in class on how to cite sources and create bibliographies. (20 points) E. Aesthetic Appeal Make sure that your entire assignment is neat and generally aesthetically pleasing. (10 points) If you do not understand any of the words used in this assignment description use your dictionary to look them up. Due Monday, October 24th, 2011 Collateral Rubric Essay 40 35 1. Discusses origins of name One error 2. Discusses and analyzes movement of name 3. Parenthetical citations used. 4. 250 -300 word requirement adhered to. 5. Other typing rules adhered to. 6. No grammatical or spelling errors. 7. The essay is an essay flows well and uses topic sentences. Cover / Title Page 10 5 The image created by Image is not created by you perfectly the student or does not encapsulates the clearly illustrate the research point of the research Bibliography Map Aesthetic Appeal 20 No errors At least three different types of sources Rules of a bibliography adhered to. 20 Perfect Created by student and illustrates location of origin of name and subsequent movement of name. Includes compass rose, scale, and a key 10 Neat and artistically appealing 30 Two errors 25 Three errors 20 Four errors 3 Both of the previous goals have not been realized 0 Both of the previous goals have not been realized with major errors 15 One error 10 Two Errors 5 Three errors 15 One error 10 Two errors 5 Three errors 5 Somewhat messy 0 Certainly not neat or artistically appealing Name __________________________________________________