Georgia Baptist College of Nursing of Mercer University NUR 210 Nursing Concepts, Processes, and Skills Unit III: Holism, Human Responses, and the Nursing Process Chronicity: Human Response to Chronic Illness Lesson Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson the student will: 1. Define chronic illness. 2. Discuss factors affecting the incidence of chronic illness. 3. Discuss the impact of sociological factors on chronic illness. 4. Identify major factors involved in adaptation to chronic illness. 5. Identify nursing diagnoses related to chronic illness. 6. Discuss nursing actions related to chronic illness. 7. Identify outcomes related to chronic illness. 8. Identify methods of evaluation related to chronic illness. Content Outline: 1. Definition of chronic illness 1.1. Acute vs. chronic 1.2. Conditions commonly considered "chronic" 1.3. Factors affecting the incidence of chronic illness 1.3.1 Age 1.3.2 Limitations 1.3.3 Technology 2. Sociological Factors 2.1. Roles 2.2. Physical status 2.3. Social Resources 2.3.1. Acceptance vs. stigma 2.3.2. Americans with Disabilities Act 1990 3. Adaptation 3.1. Independence or dependence 3.2. Care givers 3.3. Technology 3.4. 3.5. Developmental level Resources 4. Nursing Diagnoses 4.1. Altered Health Maintenance 4.2. Powerlessness 4.3 Alteration in parenting 4.4 Ineffective coping 4.5 Impaired adjustment 4.6 Body image disturbance 4.7 Ineffective role performance 4.8 Chronic or situational low self-esteem 5. Nursing Actions 5.1. Professional Ethics 5.2. Social Support 5.3. Assessments 6. Outcomes: Teaching/Learning Activities: 1. 2. Seminar/group discussion Presentation: panel discussion of lived experiences of individuals with chronic illness. Groups assigned two weeks prior Critical Thinking Focus: Discuss the relationship of physiological fatigue, depression, and hope as may occur for clients and caregivers dealing with chronic conditions. Reading Requirements: Burrell, L. 0., Gerlach, M. M., & Pless, B. (1997). Adult nursing acute and community care (2nd ed.).(pp. 290-300). Norwalk, Ct: Appleton and Lange. Potter, P. A., & Perry, A. G. (2005). Fundamentals of nursing. (6th ed.), (pp.100-103). St. Louis: Mosby Yearbook. Suggested Readings: Burks, K. J. (1999). A nursing practice model for chronic illness. Rehabilitation Nursing, 24(5), 197-200. Grey, M., & Sullivan-Bolyai, S. (1999). Key issues in chronic illness research: Lessons from the study of children with diabetes. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 14 (6), 351-8. Lubkin, I. M., & Larsen, P.D. (2002). Chronic illness (5th ed.). (pp. 3-23). Sudbury, Massachusetts: Jones and Bartlett. Mishel, M. H. (1999). Uncertainty in chronic illness. Annual Review of Nursing Research, 17 (26), 90-94. Chron.210 Rev.9/97JR ;Rev. 5/99; 5/00; GM, Rev. 8/04KH