RAYMOND JOE SCHATZER Professor, July 1994 to present Interim Department Head, May 2006 to January 2007 Acting Department Head, January 2006 to May 2006 Associate Professor, July 1988 to June 1994 Assistant Professor, July 1983 to June 1988 Department of Agricultural Economics Oklahoma State University Adjunct Graduate Faculty, 2004-2006 Department of Zootecnia University of Chihuahua September 2006 Education Doctor of Philosophy, Major: Agricultural Economics, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, May 15, 1982. Advisor: Dr. Earl O. Heady. Master of Science, Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, May 12, 1979. Advisor: Dr. J.C. Headley Bachelor of Science in Agriculture, Honors Scholar, Major in Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, May 14, 1977. Advisor: Dr. J.C. Headley. Previous Professional Experience Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University. July 1982 to July 1983, Post-doctoral Research Associate July 1980 to June 1982, Pre-doctoral Research Associate September 1978 to June 1980, Graduate Research Assistant Department of Economics, Iowa State University September 1982 to December 1982, Instructor Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Missouri, Columbia May 1977 to August 1978, Research Analyst May 1976 to May 1977, Research Clerk Schatzer-2 Current Duties My current appointment is Interim Department Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics. I am responsible for management of the department’s human and financial resources. My faculty appointment had changed since my initial appointment in 1983 of 75 percent research and 25 percent teaching. My appointment for 2005-2006 was about 16 percent research and 84 percent teaching. Over the years, I have developed an integrated teaching, research, and professional service program; however the last few years my commitment to the teaching program has been substantial resulting in a reduction in my research program. Teaching and Advising Program My participation in the teaching program has been critical to the Department of Agricultural Economics. I have provided leadership in developing an agribusiness focus for the Department that resulted in an undergraduate agribusiness major. The major originally had one option managed jointly by the Department of Agricultural Economics and the College of Business Administration. The major has now expanded to six additional options in Agricultural Economics besides the jointly managed program. For 2005-2006, I taught five undergraduate courses (two both semesters), served as Co-Chairman of the Curriculum and Assessment committee for the Department of Agricultural Economics and served as Chairman of the Awards sub-committee of the Undergraduate Awards and Recruitment Committee. As Co-Chairman my duties included being Undergraduate Advisor Coordinator and Outcome Assessment Coordinator for the department. I taught AGEC 5403, Production Economics each Spring Semester from 1996 to 2005. AGEC 5403 is a core course for most M.S. graduate students in Agricultural Economics. In 1999, I began to use the Internet to distribute class notes and data. I also introduced the use of the Maple software package in the class over the last five years. From the Spring Semester of 1997 to 2005, I taught AGEC 4101 (previously AGEC 4911), Agricultural Economics Seminar. The Department Head used this class to conduct exit interviews with graduating students. Students wrote a short paper and develop a short power point presentation on their selves in this course. In addition, they developed personal management and leadership skills. I also used the class to help collect information for the department's outcome assessment and provide information for curriculum revisions. The Department decide to end AGEC 4101 in the Spring of 2005. Spring Semester 2001, I begin teaching AGEC 3423, Farm and Agribusiness Management, a new course that combined the old AGEC 3413 Farm and Ranch Management and AGEC 3313 Introduction to Agribusiness Management courses into a single course. I had experience teaching both courses previously, so I have had to integrate the material into a single new course. This course is required of all agricultural economics and agribusiness majors and is an important service course for students from other departments in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. I taught this course each Spring and Fall semester from Spring 2001 to Spring 2006. I taught AGEC 3413, Farm and Ranch Management for fifteen Spring Semesters from 1984 to 1995 and from 1998 to 2000. AGEC 3413 was a core course for many students in the Department of Agricultural Economics. It also was an important service course for students from other departments in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Schatzer-3 Resources. I developed exercises requiring students to use microcomputers to solve farm management problems. I have high expectations of my students and challenge them. Several years, I also provided the students an opportunity to participate in a Green Revolution / Exaction simulation game. In 1999, I began posting my notes and former exams on the Internet for students to use. I also taught AGEC 3313, Introduction to Agribusiness Management three semesters. I volunteered to teach AGEC 3313 Fall Semester of 1989, then called Agricultural Business Management and Finance, and the Fall Semesters of 1995 and 1996 when the instructor resigned from the department in 1989 and when the instructor went to a 100% extension appointment in 1995. In 1989, I required students to write case study reports and make oral presentations. In 1995 and 996, I required the students to do several group case studies and prepare group projects. I took over AGEC 3101, Professional Career Development, from Dr. Williams Fall 2003. This one hour course is for our junior students and helps orientate them to the department’ requirements, job opportunities and career development. I have taught it each Fall semester since 2003. I took over AGEC 3213, Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics, from Dr. Kletke Spring 2004. I have been following his course notes and lab exercises. I hope to make some changes in the course in the summer of 2006. I also taught AGEC 4323, Applied Agribusiness Management Spring Semesters from 1994 to 1997. This course was the capstone course for students majoring in Agribusiness and students obtaining a farm and management option in Agricultural Economics. In the course, I helped the students pull together all the material they have obtained from other courses and apply it to real world situations. I used several cases in the course and required the students to complete exercises using different quantitative methods. I also helped the students to understand the importance of developing their own leadership and management styles. I have received three teaching awards. For my teaching excellence, the Aggie-X Club voted me the Aggie-X Outstanding Professor in 1989-90 and again in 2003-04. Aggie-X is the Agricultural Economics undergraduate club. I received the University’s Merrick Foundation Teaching Award in 1998. I advise undergraduates each semester and as documented in my research summary I have advised and served on several graduate student committees. I have advised undergraduates that major in Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, and Environmental Science. The number of official undergraduates varies each semester. However, I have had the largest number of advisees in the Department, or close to it, for several years. I was Advisor to the Aggie-X Club from 1985 to 1987 and 1993 to 1994. For my advising excellence, the Aggie-X Club voted me the Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor in 1997-98, 2003-04, 2004-05 and 2005-06. The Agriculture Ambassors named me the Outstanding Advisor in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources for 2003-04. From Fall Semester 1989 through Summer Semester 1993, I was in charge of the Undergraduate Internship program. These responsibilities included working with mentors, helping students in finding possible internships, and grading of internships. Dr. Osborn, department head at the time, appointed me Chairman of the Undergraduate: Curriculum and Assessment Committee Fall Semester 1993. As part of my responsibilities on this committee, I serve as the Outcome Assessment Coordinator and Coordinator of Undergraduate Advisors for the Department of Agricultural Economics. Other responsibilities of Schatzer-4 the committee include suggesting changes in the undergraduate options, courses, course prerequisites, and instructors. Fall Semester 1998, Dr. Barkema changed the Curriculum and Assessment Committee duties to include both undergraduate and graduate curriculum issues. Fall Semester 2000; Dr. Trapp added a co-chair, Dr. Wade Brorsen, to the committee to help handle graduate curriculum issues. Research Program My interdisciplinary research program has emphasized economic issues associated with horticultural crop production in Oklahoma. I have participated in several experiment station projects. I have trained several graduate students to do economic research on these projects. I have actively participated in a regional research project that examines the economics of fruit and vegetable production and marketing in the United States. I have used these projects to develop an area of expertise in farm management issues critical to the success of the individual horticultural producer. As needed to support these activities, I have developed expertise in the supporting areas of finance and marketing. I have analyzed issues in marketing and finance at the farm and processing level. I have cooperated and continue to cooperate on research projects and grants with the faculty from the Departments of Horticulture, Entomology and Plant Pathology, and Animal Science at Oklahoma State University. I have continued to develop a research program that examines the economic feasibility of the production of horticultural crops. My current program focuses on the following areas: (a) perennial crop analysis, (b) production and marketing of horticultural crops for food, and (c) alternative uses of horticultural crops. I have participated in grants and contracts directly related to my approved Oklahoma State University Agricultural Experiment Station projects. Each grant or contract has required the consideration of the economic feasibility of production or a specific production practice for one or more horticultural crops in Oklahoma. Since joining the faculty, I have cooperated with other Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources faculty to obtain more than $1.5 million in grants and special project funds to support research and extension efforts related to horticultural crop production in Oklahoma. I have supervised a graduate student’s research that examined the economic feasibility of using a pasture system for ostrich production and compared it to beef cattle production. Extension Program While I have had no appointment in Cooperative Extension, I have made many extension presentations and cooperated on several extension publications. The “Achievement Award” I received from the Oklahoma Vegetable Association in 1991 and the Extension Publication Awards I received, with others, in 1986, 1996, and 2003 from the Southern Region American Society of Horticultural Science shows the quality of my efforts in these areas. I have established an ongoing transfer of research results to the public that has provided a significant contribution to the extension programs of the faculty in horticultural crop production. Professional Service I have made many contributions to professional organizations, the University, College, and Department. Over the years, I have refereed articles for the following journals: American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, HortScience, Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Journal of Production Agriculture, Schatzer-5 Agribusiness: An International Journal, Journal of Agribusiness, Journal of Food Distribution Research, Water Resources Bulletin, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Journal of Vegetable Crop Production, Scientia Agricola, and Review of Agricultural Economics. I also have served as a reviewer of selected papers for the American and Southern Agricultural Economics Association. I was elected as Chairman of Group IV (Social Sciences) of the Graduate Faculty for a two-year term, 1992 to 1994. As Chairman, I served as a member of the Graduate Faculty Council. The faculty of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources elected me as their representative to a three-year term on the University's General Education Committee in the Fall Semester 1993 and reelected me to an additional three-year term in the Fall Semester 1996. I declined being on the ballet for a third term in 1999. I served as a University President's appointee on the Faculty Council's Academic Standards and Policy Committee from July 1992 to June 1995. Fall Semester 1994, I was elected to a two-year term on the Agriculture Faculty Council by members of the Department of Agricultural Economics. The University President appointed me to the University Honorary Degree committee for three years, 1992 to 1995. I served as a University President’s appointee on the Athletic Council for July 1995 through June 1999 and served as Chairman of the Athletic Council’s Academic Integrity committee for 1995 through 1998. In the Fall Semester 1996 the University Provost asked me to serve on a university wide Extension Course Review Committee. During the Fall Semester 1998, Associate Dean Hummer appointed me to fulfill the remaining two years of a term on the University General Education Council to represent the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources. In 2000, I began a full three-year term. During the Fall Semester 1999, the Chairman of the Faculty Council appointed me to a two-year term as the Chairman of the University’s Campus Review Committee. The Campus Review Committee hears appeals related to the extracurricular use of university facilities, areas, or media for the purpose of expression. I served on one of the subcommittees preparing materials for the university’s North Central Accreditation review to be conducted in the Fall of 2005. In addition to the departmental committees supporting the teaching program, I have served on several other departmental committees. I have served as Chairman of two and been a member of many of the faculty search committees for the Department. In 1991, the Farm Management Work Group in the Department elected me as their representative to the CSRS Program Review Planning committee. I was the only member of the committee that was not at the Professor rank. In the Spring Semester 1996, the faculty in the Department elected me as one of four members of a new Faculty Advisory Committee within the Department. In the Fall Semester 1998, the faculty in the Department elected me to a five-year term on the Departmental Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure committee and I served as Chairman my last year, 20022003. Journal Articles and Book Chapters Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. A Simulation of Alternative Futures in U.S. Farm Size. North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 5, No. 1, January 1983, pp. 1-7. Schatzer-6 Raymond Joe Schatzer, Burton C. English, and Earl O. Heady. Future Crop Prices and Quantities: Influence of Alternative Crop Yields. North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 7, No. 2, July 1985, pp. 51-64. Daniel S. Tilley, Constance Falk, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Wholesalers' Interest in Oklahoma Produce. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 59, No. 2, June 1986, pp. 17-25. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Michael C. Wickwire. Adding Vegetable Enterprises to Maximize Profits on Limited Resource Farms. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 50, No. 2, October 1986, pp. 56-60. James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Raleigh Jobes. An Analysis of Irrigator Demand for Natural Gas in the Central High Plains (Ogallala Aquifer) Area. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 60, No. 1, March 1987, pp. 26-31. Constance L. Falk, Daniel S. Tilley, and R. Joe Schatzer. The Packing Simulation Model. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 19, No. 2, December 1987, pp. 211-215. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. Development of Surface Water Resources for Supplemental Irrigation of Vegetable Crop Production. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 52, No. 2, October 1988, pp. 89-93. Jeffrey Dale, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Supplementing Incomes of Limited Resource Farmers with Irrigated Vegetable Enterprises. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 61, No. 1-4, December 1988, pp.14-20. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Douglas Moesel. Consumer Expenditures at Direct Produce Markets. Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, July 1989, pp. 131-138. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Michael W. Smith. Investment Analysis of Establishing and Operating an Improved Pecan Orchard. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 63, No. 1, March 1990, pp. 3-11. James R. Nelson, Raymond J. Schatzer, and Julie A. Stanley. Alternative Small Plot Vegetable Irrigation Systems: A Tomato and Fall Broccoli Rotation Example. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 63, No. 2, June 1990, pp. 31-38. V. M. Russo, B. W. Roberts, and R. J. Schatzer. Feasibility of Trellised Cucumber Production. HortScience, Vol. 26, No. 9, September 1991, pp. 1156-1158. Schatzer-7 Julie A. Stanley, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. An Economic Analysis of Groundwater Irrigation of Vegetables in Southeastern Oklahoma. Journal of Production Agriculture, Vol. 4, No. 4, October-December 1991, pp. 449-452. Brian A. Kahn and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic and Horticultural Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Weed Control Strategies for Cowpea. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Vol. 117, No. 2, March 1992, pp. 255-259. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi. Influence of Temperature Variability on the Profitability of Tomato Processing. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 65, No. 4, December 1992, pp. 12-22. Daniel J. Bernardo, Larry D. Sanders, Raymond J. Schatzer, and James N. Trapp. Teaching "Experience" with Simulation Gaming: An Application of "Green Revolution/Exaction." NACTA Journal, Vol. 37, No. 2, June 1993, pp. 28-31. Roland K. Roberts, Daryll E. Ray, Donald O. Mitchell, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Agricultural Sector Simulation Modeling, Chapter 3, pp. 29-51, in Earl O. Heady: His Impact on Agricultural Economics, edited by James Langley, Gary Vocke, and Larry Whiting. Iowa State University Press, 1994, 197 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, B. Dean McCraw, Ahmed Al-Abdulkader and Harry P. Mapp. The Economics of Bag Culture Greenhouse Tomatoes in Oklahoma. Current Farm Economics, Vol. 67, No. 4, December 1994, pp. 29-40. Shida Rastegari Henneberry, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Yousif El Beheisi. Comparative Static Analysis of Oklahoma’s Vegetable Industry. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 28, No. 1, July 1996, pp. 159-171 George K. Criner, Thomas G. Allen, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Compost Economics: Production and Utilization in Agriculture, Chapter 11, pages 241-262, in Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems, edited by Peter J. Stoffella and Brian A. Kahn. Lewis Publishers an imprint of CRC Press LLC, 2001. Brian A. Kahn, John.P. Damicone, and Raymond.Joe Schatzer. Alternatives to Benomyl for Management of Cercospora Leaf Spot on Turnip Greens. HortScience 40(5):1324-1326, 2005. Experiment Station Publications Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. Potential Long-term Agricultural Impacts of the Russian Grain Embargo. CARD Report 97, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, April 1981, 100 pp. Schatzer-8 Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, and Earl O. Heady. Alternative Futures in U.S. Farm Size Structure, Productivity, Exports, and Income: A Simulation. CARD Report 99, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, April 1981, 118 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Roland K. Roberts, Earl O. Heady, and Kisan R. Gunjal. An Econometric Simulation Model to Estimate Input Stocks and Expenses, Supply Response, and Resource Demand for Several U.S. Agricultural Commodities. CARD Report 102T, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, July 1981, 104 pp. Douglas A. Christensen, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Earl O. Heady, and Burton C. English. The Effects of Increased Energy Prices on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Approach. CARD Report 104, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, September 1981, 147 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Earl O. Heady. National Results for Demand and Supply Equilibrium for Some United States Crops in 2000: Theory and Application of Tatonnement Modeling. CARD Report 106, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, June 1982, 85 pp. David R. Krog, Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Earl O. Heady. Economics of Terracing in Iowa. CARD Report 123, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, January 1984, 163 pp. Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, George Oamek, and Earl O. Heady. Natural Gas Pricing: Its Impacts on the Agricultural Production Sector. CARD Report 125, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, February 1984, 61 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, and Daniel S. Tilley. Supplemental Vegetable Enterprises for a Cow-calf and Grain Farmer in Southeastern Oklahoma. Research Report P-874, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1986, 35 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, Daniel S. Tilley, and James E. Motes. Costs and Returns for Selected Fresh Market Vegetables in Oklahoma for Small Scale Producers. Research Report P-875, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1986, 43 pp. Daniel S. Tilley, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Steve Campbell. Oklahoma Horticultural Industry: Vegetables, Fruits, and Christmas Trees. Research Report P-886, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1986, 13 pp. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. Economic Analysis of Surface Water Development for Vegetable Crop Irrigation in Southeastern Oklahoma. Research Schatzer-9 Bulletin B-785. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1987, 25 pp. Barbara B. Dayvault, Daniel S. Tilley, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Constance Falk. Business Development Planning for Fresh Market Vegetable Packing Facilities: A Case Study of Three Rivers Produce. Research Report P-899. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, April 1988, 46 pp. Julie A. Stanley, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Economic Feasibility of Ground Water Irrigated Fresh Market Vegetable Production in Southeast Oklahoma. Research Bulletin B-787. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, November 1989, 35 pp. Janet C. Henderson and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Oklahoma's Wholesale Nursery Industry: Production Practices and Trade Flows. Research Bulletin B-794. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, January 1991, 28 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi, and Daniel S. Tilley. Feasibility of a Tomato Processing Firm in Southeastern Oklahoma. Research Bulletin B-804. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1992, 52 pp. Extension Publications Daniel S. Tilley and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Should I Commercially Grow Vegetables and/or Fruits? Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 165, July 1985, 4 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Michael C. Wickwire. Operating Capital Requirements for Selected Fresh Market Vegetables. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Current Report 485, April 1986, 4 pp. Jim Motes, Jim Criswell, B. Dean McCraw, George Barnes, Raymond Schatzer, Dan Tilley, W. Scott Fargo, and Gerrit Cuperus. Cucurbit Production and Pest Management. Circular E-853, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Stillwater, July 1986, 40 pp. Dean McCraw, Jim Motes, and R. Joe Schatzer. Commercial Production of Fresh Market Tomatoes. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 6019, February 1987, Revised July 1992, 8 pp. Renee M. Lloyd, James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Raleigh A. Jobes. Should I Grow Fruits and Vegetables? Identifying and Evaluating the Possibilities. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 180, June 1987, 8 pp. Renee M. Lloyd, James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Raleigh A. Jobes. Should I Grow Fruits and Vegetables? Basic Business Development Plan for Schatzer-10 Horticultural Producers. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 181, July 1987, 8 pp. Julie A. Yingst, Raleigh A. Jobes, James R. Nelson, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Predicting Vegetable Yields in SE Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 191, August 1987, 4 pp. James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and James Horne. Taking Advantage of Alternative Agricultural Opportunities. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Facts No. 869, July 1989, 4 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Michael W. Smith. Seven enterprise budgets for pecans and peaches in Oklahoma Enterprise Budget Book, editor Raleigh Jobes, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, budget number and years shown in Table 1. Raymond Joe Schatzer and James E. Motes. Thirty-nine enterprise budgets for vegetables and strawberries in Oklahoma Enterprise Budget Book, editor Raleigh Jobes, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, budget number and years shown in Table 1. Bob Cartwright, Jim Criswell, Gerrit Cuperus, John Damicone, Niels Maness, Jim Motes, Warren Roberts, Joe Schatzer, Al Sutherland, and Dan Tilley. Cucurbit Production and Pest Management. Circular E-853, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Stillwater, Revised March 1995, 56 pp. Editors: Patricia Bolin and Lynn Brandenberger; Contributors: Patricia Bolin, Lynn Brandenberger, Jim T. Criswell, Gerritt Cuperus, John Damicone, Jonathon Edelson, Niels Maness, William McGlynn, Jim Motes, Warren Roberts, Joe Schatzer, James Shrefler, Al Sutherland, Merritt Taylor, and Penny Perkins-Veazie. Cucurbit Integrated Crop Management. Circular E-853, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Stillwater, Revised December 2001, 90 pp. Other Publications Ken Schneeberger and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Linear Programming: An Introduction and Application. Department of Agricultural Economics Paper #1976-47, University of Missouri, Columbia, 23 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic Analysis of Erosion Limits for Northwest Missouri. M.S. Thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia, May 1979, 103 pp. Major Professor Joseph C. Headley. Schatzer-11 Raymond Joe Schatzer. Tatonnement Modeling with Linear Programming: Demand and Supply for Some United States Crops in 2000. Ph.D. Dissertation, Iowa State University, Ames, May 1982, 86 pp. Major Professor Earl O. Heady. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Burton C. English, and Earl O. Heady. A Tatonnement Model for Determining Future Market Prices and Quantities for Some U.S. Crops. CARD Series Paper 83-3, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, Iowa State University, Ames, July 1983, 30 pp. Burton C. English, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and George Oamek. Natural Gas Pricing: Its Impacts on Agriculture. Journal Paper No. J-11197 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Project No. 2105, Iowa State University, Ames, October 1983. Jim Sleper, Jeff Dale, Jim Motes, Daniel S. Tilley, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Vegetable Production and Marketing Alternatives for Southeastern Oklahoma. AE Paper 8498, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, September 1984, 20 pp. Daniel S. Tilley, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Steven K. Campbell. Characteristics of Oklahoma Christmas Tree Producers. AE Paper 85102, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, July 1985, 13 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, Daniel S. Tilley, and James E. Motes. Preliminary Production Costs and Returns Budgets for Selected Vegetable Crops in Oklahoma. AE Paper 85110, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, July 1985, 53 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Fresh Market Produce Marketing Strategies. AE Paper 8692. Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, October 1986, 14 pp. Raleigh A. Jobes, James R. Nelson, and R. J. Schatzer. Preliminary report on An Analysis of Residual Returns to Water for Vegetable Enterprises in Southeast Oklahoma. AE Paper 8696, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, December 1986, 26 pp. Annette M. Schones, James R. Nelson, Raymond J. Schatzer, and Raleigh A. Jobes. Evaluation of Vegetable Consumption within the Market Area of Southeast Oklahoma Producers. Report to Department of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Southwest Region. September 1987, 5 pp. AE Paper 8775 Raleigh A. Jobes, James R. Nelson, and R. J. Schatzer. An Analysis of Residual Returns to Water for Vegetable Enterprises in Southeast Oklahoma. Report to Department of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Southwest Region. September 1987, 89 pp. AE Paper 8776. Schatzer-12 James R. Nelson, Raleigh A. Jobes, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Analysis of the Economics of Production and Marketing of Fresh Vegetables in Southeast Oklahoma. Final Report to Department of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Southwest Region, Amarillo, Texas. September 1987, 21 pp. AE Paper 8777. Raleigh A. Jobes, James R. Nelson, and R. J. Schatzer. Supplemental Report to Department of Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Southwest Region, Amarillo, Texas, on Analysis of the Economics of Production and Marketing of Fresh Vegetables in Southeast Oklahoma. January 1988, 9 pp. AE Paper 8802. Joe Schatzer. Soybeans: Stable Prices Could Climb. The Oklahoma Farmer Stockman, January 1988. James R. Nelson and Raymond J. Schatzer. Weather, Competition Affect Vegetable Markets. The Oklahoma Farmer Stockman, January 1989. Dean McCraw and Joe Schatzer. Evaluation of Pecan Trees. HORT 5, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, January 1996. Papers Presented at Professional Conferences Papers Published in Proceedings Roland K. Roberts, Earl O. Heady, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. An Econometric Simulation Model of U.S. Agriculture Used to Estimate Crop Exports Required for Price Maintenance. Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 11, Part 4: Socio-Economics, pp. 1467-1472. Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Pittsburgh Conference, University of Pittsburgh, May 1-2, 1980. Douglas A. Christensen, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Earl O. Heady. An Econometric Evaluation of Rising Petroleum Prices in Agriculture. Advances in Energy Technology, papers presented at Eighth Annual UMR-DNR Conference on Energy, pp. 281-290, University of Missouri, Rolla, November 4-7, 1981. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Burton C. English, and Earl O. Heady. Analysis of Demand and Supply for Some U.S. Crops Through Tatonnement Modeling. Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium: Applied Simulation and Modeling, pp. 5-9, San Diego, California, July 21-23, 1982. R. Thamodaran, Earl O. Heady, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. An Econometric Simulation Model for Analyzing the Use of Funds in Corn Belt Agriculture: An Application of Pure Random Coefficient Technique. Modeling and Simulation, Vol. 15, Part 3: Socio-Economics, pp. 1239-1246, Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Pittsburgh Conference, University of Pittsburgh, April 19-20, 1984. Schatzer-13 Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. An Analysis of Potential Impacts of Alternative Institutional Arrangements on Development of a Specialty Crop Industry in Southeastern Oklahoma. Professional Paper PP-2103 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station. Proceedings of the Mississippi Water Resources Conference, 1986, Jackson, Mississippi, February 12-13, 1986. pp. 21-23. James E. Motes, Daniel S. Tilley, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Vegetables as Alternative Crops. Proceedings Alternative Farming Opportunities for the South. Professional Paper PP-2380 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at a regional conference held January 26-28, 1987 at Mississippi State University. Southern Rural Development Center, Mississippi State, June 1987, pp. 167-172. B. Cartwright, R. J. Schatzer, W. P. Morrison, and C. Chambers. Economics of Managing Lepidopterous Cabbage Pests in the Southwestern United States. Chapter 39 in Diamondback Moth and Other Crucifer Pests: Proceedings of the Second International Workshop, 10-14 December 1990, editor N. S. Talekar, Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Tainan, Taiwan. AVRDC Publication No. 92-368, 1992, pp. 351-359. Published Abstracts Roland K. Roberts, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Earl O. Heady. The Impacts of Government Production Oriented Research and Extension on U.S. Agriculture: A Simulation of Future Alternatives. Presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meetings, Clemson University, July 1981, 13 pp. Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 1049-1050, December 1981. James R. Nelson, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Raleigh Jobes. An Analysis of Irrigator Demand for Natural Gas in the Central High Plains (Ogallala Aquifer) Area. Professional Paper PP-1922 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Saskatoon, Canada, July 7-9, 1985, 16 pp. Abstract in Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2, December 1985, p. 425. Francis M. Epplin and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Farm Management: Mature Adult or Struggling Adolescent? Professional Paper PP-1900 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Ames, Iowa, August 4-7, 1985, 12 pp. Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No. 5, December 1985, p. 1272. Francis M. Epplin, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Randall A. Reese. An Alternative Measure of Professional Productivity: Are Implied Differences Real? Professional Paper PP-2031 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 2-5, 1986, 12 pp. Schatzer-14 Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, July 1986, p. 188. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Michael C. Wickwire, and Daniel S. Tilley. Cash Flow Analysis When Adding Vegetable Enterprises to Limited Resource Farms. Professional Paper PP-2033 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 2-5, 1986, 18 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, July 1986, p. 192. Daniel S. Tilley, Constance L. Falk, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Extension Issues in New Vegetable Production Regions: Quality and Yield Impacts on Costs and Returns. Professional Paper PP-2377 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 2-4, 1987, 20 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 19, No. 1, July 1987, p. 128. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. Development of Surface Water Resources to Support Irrigated Specialty Crop Production in the South Central United States. Professional Paper PP-2378 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 2-4, 1987, 18 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 19, No. 1, July 1987, p. 131. Francis M. Epplin and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Incorporating Plateau Response Functions into Farm Management Curriculum. Professional Paper PP-2585 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, February 1-3, 1988, 17 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 20, No. 1, July 1988, p. 199. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Daniel S. Tilley, and Douglas Moesel. Consumer Expenditures at Direct Produce Markets. Professional Paper PP-2789 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Knoxville, Tennessee, July 31-August 3, 1988, 14 pp. Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70, No. 5, December 1988, p. 1199. James N. Trapp, Dan Bernardo, Larry Sanders, Joe Schatzer, and Wade Gregory. Green Revolution/Exaction -- Making Economic Principles Come Alive through Case Simulation Gaming. Organized Symposium Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee, February 5-8, 1989. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 21, No. 1, July 1989, p. 197. James R. Nelson, Raymond J. Schatzer, and Julie A. Stanley. Costs Implications of Alternative Small Plot Vegetable Irrigation Systems. Professional Paper PP-3061 of the Oklahoma Schatzer-15 Agricultural Experiment Station. 9 pp. Abstract in Program and Abstracts 86th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 29-August 3, 1989, p. 102. R. J. Schatzer. Economics of Deciding Whether to Plant a Perennial Crop. Professional Paper PP-3057 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, poster presented at the 86th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Abstract in Program and Abstracts 86th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Tulsa, Oklahoma, July 29-August 3, 1989, p. 68. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi. Stochastic Temperature Impacts on the Profits of A Vegetable Processing Plant: A Tomato Example. Professional Paper PP-3201 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, February 4-7, 1990, 16 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 22, No. 1, July 1990, p. 216. Constance L. Falk and R. Joe Schatzer. The Packing Simulation Model. Poster presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association held 5-8 August 1990 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Abstract in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 72, No. 5, December 1990, p. 1381. V. M. Russo, B. W. Roberts, and R. J. Schatzer. Production and Economic Feasibility of Trellising Cucumbers. Poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Tucson, Arizona, November 4-8, 1990, Abstract in HortScience, Vol. 25, No. 9, September 1990, p. 1067. Brian A. Kahn, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and Wendy A. Nelson. Comparison of Chemical and Mechanical Weed Control Strategies for Cowpea. Professional Paper PP-3285 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, poster presented at the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Tucson, Arizona, November 4-8, 1990, Abstract in HortScience, Vol. 25, No. 9, September 1990, p. 1097. Shida Rastegari Henneberry, Taehoon Kang, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Potential Market Windows for Fresh Vegetables Grown in Oklahoma. Professional Paper PP-3465 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, Texas, February 3-6, 1991, 20 pp. Abstract in Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1, July 1991, p. 257. James E. Motes and Raymond J. Schatzer. Influence of Culture on Fresh-Market Tomato Production Costs. Poster presented at the 89th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 30-August 6, 1992, Abstract in HortScience, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1992, p. 664. Schatzer-16 Shida R. Henneberry, Joe Schatzer, and Yousif El Beheisi. A Comparative Static Analysis of Oklahoma's Vegetable Industry. Paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana, January 28 - February 1, 1995. Abstract in Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 27, No. 1, July 1995, p. 331. J.E. Motes and R.J. Schatzer. Developing Alternative Crops. Poster presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Burlington, Vermont, July 13-17, 1997. Abstract in NACAA Poster Session and Award Winner Abstracts, p. 12. Selected Presentations at Professional Conferences Jeffrey F. Dale, James R. Nelson, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. The Potential Impacts of Irrigation District Development on Irrigated Specialty Crop Production in Southeastern Oklahoma. Professional Paper PP-2102 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Sixty-fourth meeting of the Southwestern Economics Association, San Antonio, Texas, March 1986, 15 pp. Jeffrey F. Dale, Raymond Joe Schatzer, and James R. Nelson. Development of Surface Water Resources to Support Irrigated Specialty Crop Production in Southeastern Oklahoma. Professional Paper PP-2255 of the Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station presented at the Oklahoma Academy of Science, Tahlequah, November 14, 1986, 18 pp. Jeffrey F. Dale, James R. Nelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Supplementing Family Incomes of Small, Limited Resource Farmers with Irrigated Vegetable Enterprises -- A Southeastern Oklahoma Study with Implications for the South Central United States. Presented at the Sixty-six meeting of the Southwestern Economics Association, Houston, Texas, March 1988, 10 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Review of an Economics of Methyl Bromide Ban Study. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions. San Diego, CA, November 1-4, 1999. Invited Presentations to Commodity Organizations and others Daniel S. Tilley and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Should I Commercially Grow Vegetables? Paper presented at workshop "Options for Limited Resource Farms: Horticulture", Poteau, Oklahoma, December 5, 1984, 8 pp. Daniel S. Tilley and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Characteristics of Oklahoma Vegetable Producers. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show, Civic Center, Muskogee, Oklahoma, February 12-13, 1985, pp. 59-66. AE Paper 8530. Schatzer-17 Raymond Joe Schatzer and Daniel S. Tilley. Characteristics of Oklahoma Fruit Growers. Proceedings of the 4th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show, Civic Center, Muskogee, Oklahoma, February 12-13, 1985, pp. 115-124. AE Paper 8531. Ross O. Love and Raymond Joe Schatzer. The Greenthumb Case. AE Paper 8512, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, February 1985. Case developed for panel discussion at the 4th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show, 4 pp. Daniel S. Tilley, Matthew C. Dickey, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Impact of Quality and Yield on Vegetable Production and Marketing Costs and Returns for Southeastern Oklahoma. Summary published in Proceedings of the 5th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show. Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma. January 30-31, 1986, p. Vegetable 78. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Karen J. Campbell. Costs and Returns from Establishing and Operating an Improved Variety Pecan Orchard. AE Paper 8654 presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Oklahoma Pecan Growers' Association at Lake Texoma Lodge in Kingston, Oklahoma, June 23-24, 1986. 34 pp. Summary in Proceedings of the Oklahoma Pecan Growers' Association, Vol. 56, p. 13. Raymond Joe Schatzer and Karen J. Campbell. Economics of Developing a Native Pecan Grove. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Pecan Growers' Association, Vol. 57, pp. 40-54. Western Hills Lodge, Lake Ft. Gibson, Oklahoma, June 28-30, 1987. AE Paper 8739. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic Considerations in Starting a Pecan Orchard. Proceedings of the 7th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show. Tulsa Convention Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma. January 28-29, 1988, pp. 112-115. James R. Nelson and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic Information Concerning Alternative Irrigation Systems for Commercial Vegetable Production in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Oklahoma Horticultural Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 6-7, 1989, pp. 120-123. AE Paper 8879. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Knowing Your Cost and Pricing. AE Paper 8978, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, November 1989, 12 pp. Presented at the Fall Growers Conference, Oklahoma Greenhouse Growers Association, November 2 and 3, 1989, Doubletree Hotel, Tulsa, Oklahoma. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Knowing Your Cost of Production. AE Paper 9069, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, July 1990, 8 pp. Presented at the Arkansas Greenhouse Growers Association Meeting and Trade Show, July 20 and 21, 1990, Airport Holiday Inn, Little Rock, Arkansas. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Determining Your Selling Price. AE Paper 9070, Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, July 1990, 5 pp. Schatzer-18 Presented at the Arkansas Greenhouse Growers Association Meeting and Trade Show, July 20 and 21, 1990, Airport Holiday Inn, Little Rock, Arkansas. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Using Computers in Your Business to Determine Packing Cost. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 4-5, 1991, p. 68. AE Paper 9108. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Peach Production Cost. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 4-5, 1991, pp. 46-49. AE Paper 9109. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Know Your Costs: Pecans. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Pecan Growers' Association, Vol. 61, pp. 42-49. Fountainhead Resort, Lake Eufaula, Oklahoma, June 30-July 2, 1991. AE Paper 9136. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Potential Effects of Mexican Free Trade on Oklahoma Vegetable Producers. Proceedings of the 11th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 9-10, 1992, pp. 159-162. James E. Motes, Brian A. Kahn, and R. Joe Schatzer. The Oklahoma Spice Pepper and Herb Development Program. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 7-8, 1993, pp. 83-84. Bob Cartwright, Jim Motes, and R. Joe Schatzer. Potential for Sweet Corn Production in Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 7-8, 1993, pp. 137-141. James E. Motes and Raymond J. Schatzer. The Economics of Stake and Weave Tomato Production. Abstract in Proceedings 26th Annual Great Lakes Vegetable Growers Convention and Farm Market Show. Grand Center, Grand Rapids, Michigan, January 19-21, 1993, p. 12. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Anita Kinsella, James E. Motes, and Brian A. Kahn. Economics of Spice Pepper Production in Oklahoma. AEP-104 of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University. 11 pp. Abstract in Ninth Biennial Texas Pepper Conference Proceedings, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Weslaco, Texas, 2-4 June 1993. James E. Motes, Brian A. Kahn, and R. Joe Schatzer. A Production Systems to Improve Mechanical Harvest of Pepper. Abstract in Ninth Biennial Texas Pepper Conference Proceedings, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Weslaco, Texas, 2-4 June 1993. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Ahmed Al-Abdulkader, and Harry P. Mapp. Economics of Greenhouse Tomato and Cucumber Growing. 30th Annual Texas Greenhouse Grower's Conference, Green Oaks Inn, Fort Worth, Texas, July 16-18, 1993. Paper AE-9386 of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University. Schatzer-19 James E. Motes, Nancy E. Maness, Anita M. Kinsella, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Field Production of Sage and Thyme. Proceedings of the 13th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 7-8, 1994, pp. 67. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Ahmed Al-Abdulkader, and Harry P. Mapp. Economics of Greenhouse Vegetables. Greenhouse Vegetable Growers Seminar, John Kirkpatrick Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, July 28, 1994. Paper AE-9432 of the Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, 17 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Making the Pecan Business Decision — Some Important Considerations. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 6-7, 1995, pp. 131-134. Daniel S. Tilley and R. Joe Schatzer. Future Agricultural Marketing Alternatives for Oklahoma Farmers and Ranchers. Sustainable Agriculture Training. Radisson Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, December 7-8, 1995, pp. 31-44. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Some Important Considerations in Making the Pecan Business Decision. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Junior College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 5-6, 1996, pp. 167-170. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Making the Pecan Business Decision — Some Important Considerations. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 3-4, 1997, pp. 25-28. James E. Motes, Brian A. Kahn, and R. Joe Schatzer. Paprika Pepper Development for Oklahoma. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Oklahoma Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 3-4, 1997, pp. 262-263. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Making the Pecan Business Decision: Some Important Considerations. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 9-10, 1998, pp. 21-24. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Making the Pecan Business Decision: Some Important Considerations. Proceedings of the 18th Annual Horticulture Industries Show. Holiday Inn Northwest Arkansas Hotel and Convention Center, Springdale, Arkansas, January 8-9, 1999, pp. 130-133. Raymond Joe Schatzer. Entering the Pecan Business: Some Important Business Considerations. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Horticulture Industries Show. Tulsa Community College, Tulsa, Oklahoma, January 6-7, 2000. Invited Presentations Schatzer-20 Raymond Joe Schatzer. Joe Schatzer and a Vision for the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business. New Mexico State University, November 6, 2002. Honors and Awards Received Alpha Zeta, 1975. Gamma Sigma Delta, December 2, 1976. Blue Ribbon Extension Publication Award, Cucurbit Production and Pest Management, Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science, 1986. Aggie-X Outstanding Professor, March 14, 1990. Achievement Award, Presented by Oklahoma Vegetable Association, January 4, 1991. Blue Ribbon Extension Publication Award, Cucurbit Production and Pest Management, Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science, 1996. 1996 Oklahoma State University All-Star Academic Support Team, Oklahoma State University Department of Intercollegiate Athletics, April 12, 1996. Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor, 1997-98. The Merrick Foundation Teaching Award for 1998. Blue Ribbon Extension Publication Award, Cucurbit Integrated Crop Management, Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science, 2003. OSU College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources 2003-2004 Outstanding Advisor, presented by Agricultural Ambassadors, March 26, 2004. CASNR Exemplary Faculty 2004, presented by Ag Alumni Association, Oklahoma State University Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor, 2003-2004 Aggie-X Outstanding Professor, 2003-2004 Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor, 2004-2005 Aggie-X Outstanding Advisor, 2005-2006 Schatzer-21 Creative Works Videotapes: James E. Motes, James R. Nelson, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Alternative Crops Part II Video conference broadcast aired 7:30-9:00 P.M. on December 3, 1987 from Oklahoma State University. Oklahoma State Cooperative Extension VideoTape TC 47. Computer Software: Constance L. Falk, Daniel S. Tilley, and R. Joe Schatzer. The Packing Simulation Model User's Manual. Computer Software Series CSS-25, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, December 1986, 64 pp. Raymond Joe Schatzer, Constance L. Falk, and Daniel S. Tilley. User's Manual for Packing Simulation Model: Version Two. Computer Software Series CSS-45, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, Stillwater, August 1990, 53 pp. Participation in Grants and Contracts Project Leader: Daniel S. Tilley. Cooperator: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Market Development Potential for Vegetables, Fruit, and Tree Crops Produced in Southeastern Oklahoma. Grant Project ($96,400) Cooperative State Research Service Special Research Grants Program, OKLO1870, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1983-87. Principal Investigators: Daniel S. Tilley and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Feasibility of Processing Vegetables in Southeastern Oklahoma. Grant Project ($96,030) Cooperative State Research Service Special Research Grants Program, OKLO1947, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1985-89. Principal Investigators: James E. Motes, Brian A. Kahn, Michael W. Smith, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Orchard and Vegetable Intercropping Systems for Small Farms in Southeast Oklahoma, Grant Project ($240,075) Cooperative State Research Service Special Research Grants Program, OKLO1950, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1985-90. Principal Investigators: James R. Nelson, Raleigh Jobes, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Development of Economic and Market Data to Determine the Value of Water for Specialty Crop Irrigation in Southeastern Oklahoma Study Area. Cooperative Agreement ($40,000) USDA Soil Conservation Service, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1986-87. Schatzer-22 Principal Investigators: Brian Kahn and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic and Horticultural Evaluation of Chemical and Mechanical Weed Control Strategies for Cowpea. Grant Project ($10,000) Southern Region Pesticide Impact Assessment Program. Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1988-89. Principal Investigator: James E. Motes. Co-investigators: Brian A. Kahn and Raymond J. Schatzer. Spice and Herb Industry Development. Contract ($139,750) Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Applied Research Funding Competition, 1990-1994. Principal Investigator: B. Cartwright. Co-investigators: P. D. Lingren, T. Valco, James E. Motes, B. W. Roberts, and R. J. Schatzer. An Expanded Sweet Corn Industry Using Novel Pest Control. Contract ($138,500) Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Applied Research Funding Competition, 1990-1993. Principal Investigator: Raymond D. Eikenbary. Co-investigators: Marvin Stone and R. Joe Schatzer. Pecan Market Enhancement by a New Pest Extermination Device. Contract ($102,550) Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Applied Research Funding Competition, 1990-1993. Principal Investigator: Charles L. Patterson. Co-investigators: B. Warren Roberts, James Lanier, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Forecasting Watermelon Disease Epidemics. Contract ($89,346) Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology Applied Research Funding Competition, 1990-1993. Principal Investigators: B. Cartwright and R. L. Meagher, Jr. Co-investigators: B. W. Roberts, B. Scull, R. J. Schatzer, P. Perkins-Veazie, and D. Riley. Development of an Economic Threshold for Melon Aphid on Watermelons: Damage Assessment, Sampling, Plant Genotype Interactions and Effects on Post-Harvest Quality. Grant Project ($104,275) Southern Region IPM, 1991-1993. Principal Investigator: Julia Whitworth. Co-investigators: Jeffrey A. Anderson and Raymond J. Schatzer. Frost Protection of Strawberries by "FrostGard" and Row Covers. Research grant ($1000) from North American Strawberry Growers Association, 1991-1992. Principal Investigator: D.R. Earhart. Co-Investigators: V.A. Haby, M.L. Baker, and B.A. Kahn. Cooperators: F.J. Dainello, G.W. Evers, G.R. Smith, G. Clary, H. Soape, G. Thomas, G. Millard, R. Skinner, J.E. Motes, R.J. Schatzer, W. Shearhart, and D. Sheffield. Managing Soil Phosphorus Accumulation from Poultry Litter Application through Vegetable/Legume Rotations. Grant Project ($135,000) Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, 1995-1998. Principal Investigator: James A. Duthie. Co-Investigators: John P. Damicone and Raymond J. Schatzer. Benefits of Fungicidal Control of Anthracnose and Downy Mildew of Schatzer-23 Watermelons in Oklahoma. Grant Project ($26,660) Southern Regional Impact and Assessment, 1996-1997. Principal Investigator: John P. Damicone. Co-Investigators: James Motes, Raymond J. Schatzer, John Sherwood, Jonathan V. Edelson, B. Warren Roberts, James A. Duthie, Forrest Mitchell, and Nancy Roe. Cropping Systems for Management of Cucurbit Virus Diseases. Grant Project ($98,476) Southern Regional IPM, 1996-1998. Principal Investigator: James A. Duthie. Co-Investigators: Charles L. Campbell, B. Warren Roberts, Jonathan V. Edelson, and Raymond J. Schatzer. Cucurbit Polyculture: A Novel Strategy for Control of Foliar Disease. Grant Project ($99,964) Southern Regional IPM, 1996-1998. Principal Investigator: B. Dean McCraw, Phillip Mulder, and R. J. Schatzer. Importance of Organophosphate Insecticides in Fresh Market Peach IPM Programs. Grant Project ($18,690) Southern Regional Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, NAPIAP FY-99, 1999-2001. Principal Investigator: Brian A. Kahn, John P. Damicone, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Benomyl for Disease Management in Turnip Greens: Benefits, Alternatives, and Economics. Grant Project ($27,184) Southern Regional Pesticide Impact Assessment Program, NAPIAP FY-99, 1999-2001. Principal Investigator: B. Dean McCraw, Cooperators: M. Biernacki, Gerrit W. Cuperus, David Lalman, Larry Redman, James Stiegler, Jim Shrefler, Michael W. Smith, Phillip Mulder, Sharon L. von Broembsen, Joe Schatzer, Keith Striegler, and Clark Williams. Demonstration of a Sustainable Integrated Production System for Native Pecan and Beef Cattle Producers and its Effect on Ecology in Flood Prone Areas. Grant Project ($210,188 ) Southern Region Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education 1999-2002. Walker, N. R.; Schatzer, R. J.; Zhang, H.; Martin, D.L.; Cuperus, G. W., CSREES, $42,679, 2/1/02-1/31/04, Management of Nematode Pests in Sod Production Systems with Soil Amendments or Fallowing Outside Activities McGraw-Hill Book Company textbook reviewer for the second edition of Farm Management: Planning, Control, and Implementation by Ronald D. Kay. 1985 McGraw-Hill Book Company textbook reviewer for the third edition of Farm Management by Ronald D. Kay and William M. Edwards. 1992 Westview Press textbook reviewer for Economic and Business Principles for Farm Planning and Production by Sydney James. 1994 Schatzer-24 McGraw-Hill Book Company textbook reviewer for the fourth edition of Farm Management by Ronald D. Kay and William M. Edwards. 1998 First Baptist Church, Stillwater Transportation Committee, 1995-2004, Chairman 1997, 1998, 2000 Television Committee, 2001-2003 Recreation Committee, 1989-1991 Royal Ambassador Instructor, First and Second Grade, 1994-1995 Royal Ambassador Leader, First, Second, and Third Grade, 1995-1996 Sunday School Teacher, part-time, Adult IV, Stillwater, 1998-2006 Ordained Deacon, June 6, 1999 Chairman-elect, Deacons, 2002 Chairman, Deacons, 2003 Buildings and Grounds Committee, 2004-2007 Usher and Greeters Committee, 2004-2006 The First Baptist Church Foundation, Inc., Stillwater Board member, July 2002-current Vice-chairman, 2003 Treasurer, 2004-2006 University and Professional Service Activities Department of Economics, Iowa State University: Computing and Data Processing Services Committee, 1980-1982. Department of Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University: Outcomes Assessment Coordinator, 1993-2006. Co-Chairman, Curriculum and Assessment, 2000-2006. Undergraduate Awards and Recruitment Committee, 2002-2006, Chairman Awards subcommittee 2004-2006. Production and Agricultural Finance Search Committee, 2005. Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, 1998-2003, Chairman 20002-2003. Chairman, Curriculum and Assessment, 1998-2000. Sparks Agribusiness Chair Search Committee, 2001-2003. Fitswater Cooperative Chair Search Committee, 1999-2000. Production and Natural Resource Economist Search Committee, 1999. Chairman, Undergraduate: Curriculum and Assessment, 1993-1998. Faculty Advisory Committee, 1996-1997. Undergraduate Retreat Planning Committee, 1996-1997. Agribusiness Position Search Committee, 1996. Agricultural Economist, Value-Added Commodities Position Search Committee, 1996. Department Head Search and Screen Committee, 1995-1996. Schatzer-25 Enterprise Budget Development and Maintaining Committee, 1995-1996. Edmon Low Library Materials Committee, 1994. Aggie-X Club Advisor, 1985-1987, 1993-1994. Undergraduate Committee, 1988-1989, 1991-1993. Undergraduate Internship Committee, 1983-93, Chairman 1989-1993. Chairman, Assessment Program Development Committee, 1992. CSRS Review Planning Committee, 1991-1992. Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Committee, 1986-1987, 1990-1991. Agribusiness Program Committee, 1989-1991. Chairman, Agribusiness Course Development Committee, 1991-1992. Chairman, Quantitative Methods Position Search Committee, 1991. Chairman, Agribusiness Position Search Committee, 1989-1990. Chairman, Farm Management Work Group, 1987-1988. Agricultural Economics Contest Committee, 1984-1985. Unit Captain, OSU United Way Campaign, 1983. Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Oklahoma State University: Scholarships and Awards, 2002-2006. Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee, 1993-2006, Chairman 1994-1995, 2001-2002. Gamma Sigma Delta Historian, 1999-2001. Review Team for the Agriculture Department, Western Oklahoma State College, 1998. Chairman, Review Follow-up Team for the Department of Agriculture, Murray State College, 1997. Agricultural Faculty Council, 1994-1996. Review Team for the Department of Agriculture, Murray State College, 1995. Gamma Sigma Delta, President, 1994-1995. North Central Accreditation Task Force, 1994-1995. Gamma Sigma Delta, Secretary, 1993-1994. Gamma Sigma Delta, Treasurer, 1992-1993. Vegetable Commodity Group, 1985-1997. Committee on Student Counseling, Advisement, and Retention, 1989-1990. Placement Advisory Council, 1988-1989. Wes Watkins Agricultural Research and Extension Center Advisory Committee 19861988. Alternative Enterprise Task Force, 1987-1988. Horticulture Task Force, 1987. Committee on Careers in Agriculture, 1986-1987. Pecan Task Force, 1986. Schatzer-26 Oklahoma State University: University Assessment Council, 1998-2008. Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association Self-Study Steering Committee, Criterion 4 General Education Section Subcommittee 2003-2005. General Education Assessment Task Force, 2000. Campus Review Committee, 1999-2001, Chairman, 1999-2001. Merrick Outstanding Teacher selection committee, 1999- 2001, Chairman 2001. General Education Committee, 1993-1999, elected to two terms by College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources faculty. Athletic Council, 1995-1999. Chairman Academic Integrity Committee of Athletic Council, 1995-1998. Extension Course Review Committee, 1996-1997. Faculty Council Academic Standards and Policies Committee, 1992-1995. Graduate Faculty Council, Mentoring Committee, 1992-1995. Honorary Degree Committee, 1992-1995. Chairman, Group IV (Social Sciences) of Graduate Faculty, 1992-1994, elected by Group IV faculty. Graduate Faculty Council, 1992-1994. Graduate Faculty Council, Membership Committee, 1992-1994. Faculty Retreat on Student Retention, November 16-17, 1989. State and National: Student Committee, International Agribusiness Management Association, 1992. Oklahoma State University Liaison for Membership Committee of the American Agricultural Economics Association, 1992 Refereed articles for the following journals: American Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science HortScience Southern Journal of Agricultural Economics Journal of Production Agriculture Agribusiness: An International Journal Journal of Agribusiness Journal of Food Distribution Research Water Resources Bulletin HortTechnology International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Journal of Vegetable Crop Production Scientia Agricola Served as a reviewer of Selected papers for the American and Southern Agricultural Economics Association. Schatzer-27 Extension Program Activities "Vegetable Production Costs." Commercial Vegetable Production Workshop, Tulsa, December 8, 1983. "Costs of Production for Selected Vegetable Crops." Atoka Vegetable Growers Association, Atoka, November 1, 1984. "Vegetable Crop Budgets." Southeastern Oklahoma County Extension Agents, Atoka, November 2, 1984. "Vegetable Operating Capital Requirements." Oklahoma Cooperative Extension In-Service Training, Stillwater, January 8, 1986. "Economics of Vegetable Production." Bryan County Extension, Durant, February 24, 1986. "Marketing Strategies." Alternative Crops for Oklahoma Farmers Workshop, Oklahoma City, October 24, 1986. "Projecting Costs and Returns." Alternative Crops for Oklahoma Farmers Workshop, Oklahoma City, October 24, 1986. "Should I Grow Small Fruits and Vegetables Commercially?" Pottawatomie County Workshop on Vegetable and Small Fruit Production, Shawnee, December 13, 1986. "Overview of Marketing Options -- Wholesale and Retail." Pottawatomie County Workshop on Vegetable and Small Fruit Production, Shawnee, December 13, 1986. "Production Requirements Costs and Returns." Pottawatomie County Workshop on Vegetable and Small Fruit Production, Shawnee, December 13, 1986. "Markets for Vegetable Produce." Choctaw County Agricultural Industrial Meeting, Hugo, March 12, 1987. "Evaluating Risks in Horticultural Production." Horticulture Agent In-Service Training, Stillwater, March 25, 1987. "Melon Production Costs." Melon Management Program Planning, Duncan, October 20, 1987. Larry Sanders, Joe Schatzer, and Jim Trapp. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 1987, Stillwater "Vegetable and Fruit Markets." Payne County Development, Perkins, January 20, 1988. Schatzer-28 Larry Sanders, Joe Schatzer, and Jim Trapp. "Green Revolution Game." Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Winter Conference, Lawton, February 27, 1988. "Marketing Options." Governor's Conference on Alternative Opportunities for Oklahoma Agricultural Producers, Stillwater, November 15 and 16, 1988. "Alternative Crop Enterprises." Oklahoma Agricultural Economics Association, Seventh Annual Meeting, Oklahoma City, March 31 and April 1, 1989. Larry Sanders, Joe Schatzer, Jim Trapp, and Mike Dicks. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 1989, Stillwater "Business Planning, Financing and Marketing." Commercial Horticultural Crop Production: Winter Short Course, Wes Watkins Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Lane, OK. February 8, 1990. Joint with Damona Doye. "Economics of Pest Management in the Greenhouse." Greenhouse IPM Workshop, October 8, 1991, Student Union, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Dan Bernardo. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 1991, Stillwater Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Dan Bernardo. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Leadership Oklahoma Class VI, Energy & Economy Session, March 5 & 6, 1993, Simmons Center, Duncan, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Dan Bernardo. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 1, 1993, Stillwater, Oklahoma. "Should I Grow Fruits or Vegetables: Basic Business Development Plans and Market Opportunities." Farmers' Market Educational Seminar, November 19, 1994, Cinderella Best Western Motel, Shawnee, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, November 29, 1995, Stillwater, Oklahoma. “Enterprise Budgets.” Payne County Fruit and Vegetable Association, February 13, 1997, Stillwater, Oklahoma. “Pecan Enterprise Budgets.” 1997 Pecan Management Course, July 17, 1997, Bixby, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 4, 1997, Stillwater, Oklahoma. “Pecan Economics.” 1998 Pecan Management Course, May 16, 1998, Ada, Oklahoma. Schatzer-29 “Pecan Economics.” 1999 Pecan Management Course, July 15, 1999, Perkins, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, December 2, 1999, Stillwater, Oklahoma. “Pecan Economics.” 2000 Pecan Management Course, May 18, 2000, Bixby, Oklahoma. “Pecan Economics.” 2001 Pecan Management Course, May 17, 2001, Perkins, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Agricultural Leadership Program, January 25, 2002, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers Program, January 26, 2002, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Jim Trapp, Joe Schatzer, and Larry Sanders. "The Green Revolution Game." Oklahoma 4-H Roundup, May 30, 2002, Stillwater, Oklahoma. “Pecan Economics.” 2003 Pecan Management Course, July 15, 2003, Perkins, Oklahoma. Larry Sanders and Joe Schatzer. "The Green Revolution/Exaction Game." Oklahoma 4-H Congress, July 22, 2005, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Teaching Program Activities Courses Taught: Economics 330, Farm Planning, Production, and Organization, Iowa State University. Fall 1982, 171 students. Agricultural Economics 3413, Farm and Ranch Management I, Oklahoma State University. Spring 1984, 153 students; Spring 1985, 116; Spring 1986, 119; Spring 1987, 107; Spring 1988, 91; Spring 1989, 96; Spring 1990, 75; Spring 1991, 51; Spring 1992, 71; Spring 1993, 73; Spring 1994, 69; Spring 1995, 72; Spring 1998, 62; Spring 1999, 59; Spring 2000, 59. Agricultural Economics 6400, Seminar in Farm Management and Production Economics, Oklahoma State University. Spring 1989, 4 students. Agricultural Economics 3313, Agribusiness Management, Oklahoma State University. Fall 1989, 58 students; Fall 1995, 59; Fall 1996, 62. Schatzer-30 Agricultural Economics 3010, Internship in Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University. Summer 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993. Agricultural Economics 4323, Applied Agribusiness Management, Oklahoma State University. Spring 1994, 21 students; Spring 1995, 23; Spring 1996, 25; Spring 1997, 28. Agricultural Economics 5403, Production Economics, Oklahoma State University. Spring 1996, 22; Spring 1997, 22; Spring 1998, 18; Spring 1999, 13; Spring 2000, 14; Spring 2001, 15; Spring 2002, 14; Spring 2003 19; Spring 2004, 18; Spring 2005, 9. Agricultural Economics 4911 (4101 starting Spring 2002), Agricultural Economics Seminar, Oklahoma State University. Spring 1997, 71; Spring 1998, 68; Spring 1999, 60; Spring 2000, 70; Spring 2001, 55; Spring 2002, 74; Spring 2003, 61; Spring 2004, 85; Spring 2005, 32. Agricultural Economics 3423, Farm and Agribusiness Management, Oklahoma State University, Spring 2001, 72; Fall 2001, 94; Spring 2002, 102; Fall 2002, 84; Spring 2003 101; Fall 2003, 102; Spring 2004, 84; Fall 2004, 105; Spring 2005, 94; Fall 2005, 92, Spring 2006, 88. Agricultural Economics 3101, Professional Career Development, Oklahoma State University, Fall 2003, 90; Fall 2004, 80; Fall 2005, 70; Fall 2006, 64. Agricultural Economics 3213, Quantitative Methods in Agricultural Economics, Oklahoma State University, Spring 2004, 61; Fall 2004, 54; Spring 2005, 60; Fall 2005, 61; Spring 2006, 45; Fall 2006, 39. Course Evaluations: Year Fall 2003 Fall 2004 Fall 2005 Spr 2004 Fall 2004 Spr 2005 Fall 2005 Spr 2006 Fall 1989 Fall 1995 Fall 1996 Course 3101 3101 3101 3213 3213 3213 3213 3213 3313 3313 3313 Instructor Preparation & Organization 3.07 3.40 3.61 3.15 3.29 3.52 3.41 3.53 3.02 2.73 3.31 Instructor Teaching Effort 3.07 3.45 3.66 3.40 3.39 3.57 3.57 3.69 2.96 2.96 3.11 Instructor Attitude 3.34 3.64 3.73 3.62 3.61 3.69 3.67 3.84 2.98 3.18 3.33 Instructor Overall 3.13 3.55 3.64 3.28 3.32 3.62 3.40 3.55 2.73 2.73 3.07 Course Overall 2.98 3.30 3.21 3.10 3.33 3.56 3.39 3.46 3.00 2.96 2.98 Schatzer-31 Year Spr 1984 Spr 1985 Spr 1986 Spr 1987 Spr 1988 Spr 1989 Spr 1990 Spr 1991 Spr 1992 Spr 1993 Spr 1994 Spr 1995 Spr 1998 Spr 1999 Spr 2000 Spr 2001 Fall 2001 Spr 2002 Fall 2002 Spr 2003 Fall 2003 Spr 2004 Fall 2004 Spr 2005 Fall 2005 Spr 2006 Spr 1994 Spr 1995 Spr 1996 Spr 1997 Spr 1997 Spr 1998 Spr 1999 Spr 2000 Spr 2001 Spr 2002 Course 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3413 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 3423 4323 4323 4323 4323 4911 4911 4911 4911 4911 4101 Instructor Preparation & Organization 2.48 2.81 2.39 2.91 2.71 3.00 2.65 3.09 3.00 2.72 2.84 3.08 2.20 2.52 3.03 2.48 2.60 2.60 2.90 2.97 2.85 2.81 3.18 3.04 2.94 3.31 2.47 3.25 3.29 2.44 2.62 2.72 2.95 2.59 2.74 3.14 Instructor Teaching Effort 2.58 2.77 2.16 2.83 2.67 3.07 2.66 3.02 3.05 2.44 2.44 3.22 2.47 2.60 3.11 2.96 2.79 2.72 3.00 3.18 2.97 2.97 3.13 3.29 3.13 3.31 2.84 3.55 3.65 2.85 2.92 2.85 3.02 2.86 2.91 3.36 Instructor Attitude 2.82 2.82 2.36 2.95 3.02 3.22 2.71 3.07 3.27 2.60 2.60 3.57 3.15 2.95 3.49 3.31 2.97 2.66 3.17 3.24 3.47 3.13 3.32 3.43 3.16 3.58 3.61 3.85 3.88 3.56 3.31 3.29 3.46 3.20 3.26 3.57 Instructor Overall 2.32 2.79 1.95 2.60 2.62 2.85 2.39 2.89 2.89 2.47 2.42 3.12 2.33 2.40 3.08 2.56 2.45 2.36 2.85 2.89 2.88 2.82 3.02 3.03 2.90 3.33 2.83 3.60 3.63 2.41 2.59 2.86 3.15 2.76 2.91 3.30 Course Overall 2.82 3.02 2.65 2.88 2.94 3.09 2.85 3.02 3.00 2.81 2.69 3.13 2.56 2.66 3.08 2.64 2.75 2.53 2.87 2.94 3.05 2.94 2.94 3.07 2.86 3.27 2.74 3.32 3.53 2.68 2.41 2.45 2.62 1.89 2.42 2.93 Schatzer-32 Year Spr 2003 Spr 2004 Spr 2005 Spr 1996 Spr 1997 Spr 1998 Spr 1999 Spr 2000 Spr 2001 Spr 2002 Spr 2003 Spr 2004 Spr 2005 Course 4101 4101 4101 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 Instructor Preparation & Organization 2.77 3.16 3.74 2.05 3.12 2.82 2.54 3.43 3.47 3.92 3.44 3.25 3.22 Instructor Teaching Effort 2.95 3.19 3.68 2.63 3.35 3.29 3.23 3.71 3.6 3.85 3.61 3.25 3.33 Instructor Attitude 3.17 3.52 3.74 3.35 3.56 3.69 3.58 4.00 3.86 3.75 3.94 3.75 3.89 Instructor Overall 2.83 3.29 3.74 2.18 3.13 3.06 3.33 3.86 3.79 3.91 3.72 3.50 3.22 Course Overall 2.21 2.37 3.56 3.06 3.59 3.38 3.08 3.75 3.27 3.69 3.50 3.27 3.50 Undergraduate Advisees: Year 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998 2001 2004 Spring N/A 26 28 28 41 40 60 97 Fall 6 29 26 30 48 46 70 105 Year 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 Spring 6 31 23 23 50 46 68 108 Fall 19 27 52 27 48 55 85 105 Year 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000 2003 2006 Spring 17 26 49 19 43 48 70 105 Fall 25 31 34 40 44 55 114 87 Graduate Student Committee Activities: Member, Paul Gutierrez, 1985, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Doug Moesel, 1985, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Michael C. Wickwire, 1985, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Supplemental Vegetable Crop Mixes for a Cow-Calf and Grain Producer in Bryan and Atoka Counties in Oklahoma. 94 p. Selected for WAEA competition. Member and thesis advisor, Jeffrey F. Dale, 1986, M.S. Agricultural Economics. The Economics of Irrigated Specialty Crop Production in Southeastern Oklahoma. 81 p. Selected for WAEA competition. Schatzer-33 Chairman, Karen J. Campbell, 1987, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Economic Costs, Returns, Cash Flow, and Investment Decisions for Establishing an Improved Variety Pecan Orchard in Oklahoma. 88 p. Member, Suki Kang, 1987, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member and dissertation advisor, Abdulhamid A. Elmagsabi, 1988, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. A Stochastic Simulation Model for a Tomato Processing Plant in Southeastern Oklahoma. 106 p. Member, Constance Falk, 1988, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Julie Yingst, 1988, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Kama Berte, 1989, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Se-Hyun Choi, 1989, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Christa Clugston, 1990, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Efiong Isang, 1990, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Ross Sestak, 1990, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Clark Williams, 1990, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Yousif El-Beheisi, 1991, Ph.D. Economics. Chairman, Dennie Jenkins, 1991, M.Ag. Agricultural Economics. Member, Brad Martin, 1991, M.S. Horticulture. Chairman, Carl Williams, 1991, M.Ag. Agricultural Economics. Member, Ahmed M. Al-Abdulkader, 1992, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Ibraheem Al-Rabah, 1992, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Ghazi Al-Sakkaf, 1993, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Anita Kinsella, 1993, M.S. Agricultural Economics. A Cost and Return Analysis for Producing Sage and Thyme for Processing. 53 p. Member, Amer Subhi Jabarin, 1994, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Charles Njomaha, 1994, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Farm Resource Allocation in the Extreme North of Cameroon. 83 p. Chairman, Gustavo Ruiz, 1994, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Khalid Mahmood, 1995, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Eliecer Vargas, 1995, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Donna Sutter, 1995, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Sri Rejeki Andayani, 1995, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Nongnooch Poramacom, 1995, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Yulita Susanti, 1996, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Bob Wells, 1997, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, John Townsend, 1997, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Nancy Maness, 1997, M.S. Horticulture. Member, Roy Attaway, 1998, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Saad Esa, 1998, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Chris Kerr, 1999, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Shawna Crider, 1999, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Economic Comparison of Ostrich and Beef Cattle Production on Pasture in Oklahoma. 74 p. Member, Kullapapruk Piewthongngam, 2000, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Tracy Lee, 2000, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Jaramie Karcher, 2001, M.Ag. Agricultural Economics. Schatzer-34 Member, Michael E. Westerman, 2001, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Khali Al-Rwis, 2001, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Simeon Kaitibie, 2002, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Larysa Rybak, 2003, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Sara Thorsell, 2003 M.S. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Jeff Brant, 2003, M.S. Agricultural Economics. A Computerized Cost and Return Analysis for Producing Different Watermelon Varieties in Oklahoma. Member, Rosa Mercedes Escolan, 2003, M.S. Agricultural Economics. Member, Remy Hounsou, 2004, Ph.D., Economics. Member, Othman Al-Nashwan, 2004, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Chairman, Glenn Gish, 2004, M.Ag., Agribusiness. Chairman, Jason Lopez, took job ABD Fall 2004, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Nilay Daga, 2005, M.Ag., Agribusiness. Member, Elisha Henderson, 2005, M.S., Agribusiness. Member, Yi-Hung Lin, 2005, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Anucha Puripunpinyoo, 2005, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Jon Biermacher, 2006, Ph.D. Agricultural Economics. Member, Kalpana Khanal, Current M.S., Agricultural Economics. Other: Completed the "Strategic Agri Marketing II Seminar" at Purdue University from October 24-28, 1994, West Lafayette, Indiana. Research Program Activities Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Cooperators: Daniel S. Tilley, James E. Motes, Brian A. Kahn, and Glenn G. Taylor. Economic Analysis of Fruit and Vegetable Production in Oklahoma. Hatch Project, OKLO1905, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1983-1988. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Cooperator: Daniel S. Tilley. Structural and Operational Efficiency of the Fruit and Vegetable Production-Marketing System. Hatch Project, Southern Regional Project 178, OKLO1971, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1985-87. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Competition and Change in the Fruit and Vegetable Production and Marketing Systems. Hatch Project, Southern Regional Project 222, OKLO2033, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1987-93. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Cooperators: James R. Nelson, James E. Motes, and Kenneth E. Conway. Farm Production Issues and the Economics of Horticultural Crops in Oklahoma. Hatch Project, OKLO2046, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1988-93. Schatzer-35 Project Leader: James E. Motes. Cooperators: Brian A. Kahn, Warren Roberts, Kenneth E. Conway, and Raymond Joe Schatzer. Vegetable Breeding Material Evaluation and Herb Production. Hatch Project, OKLO1441, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1989-94. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Farm Production Issues and the Economics of Horticultural Crops in Oklahoma. Revised Hatch Project, OKLO2046, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993-99. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Economic Issues Affecting the U.S. Fruit and Vegetable System. Revised Hatch Project, Revised Southern Regional Project 222, OKLO2033, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1993-98. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Fruit and Vegetable Supply-Chain Management, Innovations, and Competitiveness. Revised Hatch Project, Revised Southern Regional Project 222, OKLO2033, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998-2003. Project Leader: Raymond Joe Schatzer. Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Innovations and Demand Assessment. Revised Hatch Project, Multistate Research Project S1019, OKLO2033, Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003-2008. Professional Memberships American Agricultural Economics Association (1979-present) American Economics Association (1979-present) American Statistical Association (1979-present) American Society for Horticultural Science (1985-present) Western Agricultural Economics Association (1981-present) Southern Agricultural Economics Association (1983-present) International Agribusiness Management Association (1991-present) The Food Distribution Research Society (1995-present) Primary Fields of Interest Agricultural Production Economics Applied Econometrics Farm Management Agribusiness Management Addresses Home: 4021 Yorkshire Drive Stillwater, OK 74074-1637 (405) 372-0850 E-mail joeschatzer@hotmail.com Office: Room 308, Agriculture Hall Stillwater, OK 74078-6026 (405) 744-6161 Fax: (405) 744-8210 E-mail: joe.schatzer@okstate.edu Schatzer-36 Table 1. Enterprise budgets maintained by Schatzer by crop, budget number, and years (Budget numbers for 1985, 1986, and 1987 were different). Crop Number Years Native pecans, mature trees 96000100 89-95,97 Variety pecans, mature trees 96000200 89-95,97 Sudan and wheat, prepare for fruit tree 97000500 89-95,97 Peaches, establishment year 97000501 89-95,97 Peaches, year 2 97000502 89-95,97 Peaches, year 3 97000503 89-95,97 Peaches, years 4 to 15 97000504 89-95,97 Asparagus, establishment year 99000011 88-95,97 Asparagus, year 2 99000012 88-95,97 Asparagus, year 3 99000013 88-95,97 Asparagus, years 4 to 15 99000014 88-95,97 Snap beans 99000031 85-95,97 Snap beans, processing 99000035 88-95,97 Broccoli, spring seeded 99000051 85-95,97 Broccoli, spring transplanted 99000053 85-95,97 Broccoli, fall seeded 99000055 85-95,97 Broccoli, fall transplanted 99000057 85-95,97 Cabbage, spring seeded 99000081 88-95,97 Cabbage, spring transplanted 99000083 88-95,97 Cabbage, fall seeded 99000085 88-95,97 Cabbage, fall transplanted 99000087 88-95,97 Cauliflower, spring transplanted 99000113 88-95,97 Cauliflower, fall seeded 99000115 88-95,97 Cauliflower, fall transplanted 99000117 88-95,97 Sweet corn 99000141 85-95,97 Cucumber 99000151 85-95,97 Eggplant 99000161 85-95,97 Cantaloupe 99000251 85-95,97 Cantaloupe, commercial 99000255 88-95,97 Okra 99000381 85-95,97 Peppers, bell 99000361 85-95,97 Southern peas 99000481 85-95,97 Southern peas, processing 99000485 88-95,97 Spinach, spring 99000491 85-95,97 Spinach, spring processing 99000497 88-95,97 Spinach, fall processing 99000498 88-95,97 Spinach, carryover processing 99000499 88-95,97 Squash, yellow crookneck 99000541 85-95,97 Sweet potatoes 99000571 85-95,97 Sweet potatoes, commercial 99000575 88-95,97 Tomatoes, staked 99000581 85-95,97 Watermelon 99000621 85-95,97 Watermelon, commercial 99000625 88-95,97 Strawberries, establishment year 99000981 88-95,97 Strawberries, year 2 and 3 99000982 88-95,97 Sudan green mature for small fruit 99000991 88-95,97