Mr. Toms/Mrs. Haynes ELA 7 Unit: The Outsiders Characterization Poster Name: ____________________________________ Character Poster Your Task: You will create an eye-catching, creative, characterization poster depicting one main character from The Outsiders. Your poster must include the following: 1. A significant image representing your main character. 2. A brief (5-10 sentence) description of your character including, but not limited to the character’s physical appearance, personality traits, quirks, flaws, thoughts, actions etc. Make sure that this description is neat, legible, and accurate. 3. One direct quote spoken by your character with proper citation (Hinton 25). This quote should reflect your character’s essence or personality and/or how your character feels about himself/herself. 4. One direct quote spoken by another character with proper citation (Hinton 25). This quote should reflect how others view your character. 5. Five key adjectives to describe your character. You may choose the arrangement and design of your poster, so long as it fulfills the requirements of the assignment. Experiment with font and color, but please make sure that your poster is neat and organized. We will be displaying the posters in the classroom. If you rush through the poster and do not follow directions, your grade will reflect this. Mr. Toms/Mrs. Haynes ELA 7 Unit: The Outsiders Characterization Poster Name: ____________________________________ Poster Rubric Format: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3 2 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 4 3 2 5 Poster contains thorough, developed analysis of character All information is clear and accurate to novel and character Key words and phrases develop and/or describe character Quotations build, connect to, and support characterization Creativity: 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 Poster includes the title of the novel, centered Poster includes an accurate description (picture) of the character Poster includes five descriptive adjectives about the character Poster includes a direct quotation from character (with citation) Poster includes a direct quotation about character (with citation) Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Poster is colorful and original Poster is neat and legible Text is large and readable at a distance Effort is evident Conventions: 1. Accurate spelling/grammar/mechanics 2. Accurate word usage 3. Proper in-text documentation for quotations Total: _____/20