To Do List for the Beginning of the School Year Make New Friends! If you are new to the school make it a point to meet your new team, the office staff, the lunchroom staff, the librarians and the custodians. All the "stuff" we have to do in the classroom is important, but so is our sense of camaraderie (is this spelled right!?) and interest in others. Organizing the Classroom Atmosphere Clean off my desk and organize it for the school year Finish organizing the classroom library Find places for the students to put their new supplies (For example, Kleenex boxes, computer paper, etc.) These supplies are the ones I will be collecting. Arrange the classroom. Put furniture in places that are easy to walk around, where all students can see the board and you can always see all students! You may want to think about setting up specific areas/zones with purposes (library, writing area, etc.) I have set up my classroom with these specific areas in mind: writing center for all of our writing supplies reading corner/ classroom library meeting area for read aloud and mini lessons teacher area for my materials and my computer area for student computer (must think about internet drops and outlets) Where will office passes, library passes, kleenex and other important items go? Cover you bulletin boards and put up border. If you have time, decorate the boards. This should be the last thing on your list! Since bulletin boards are not stressed at our school, I rarely change mine. One is a math board, the other is my helpers and I have one section that I haven't decided yet! Organize Paper Work/ Prepare for Documentation Re-label my Friday Folder box with the new class Prepare my grade book with new names Do you have all the forms you need? Get a few extra lunch count forms, attendance forms, discipline forms, leave forms, Money accounted for forms, and so on. Create your sub folder. This should have information for a sub if you are unexpectedly absent. Have spare activities, worksheets, schedules, emergency information and a class list. Also include blank copies of attendance and lunch count sheets. A wonderful website with information to include is Preparing for the Students Put names on cubbies and desks Call each of the students Assign each student a number Put each textbook in the students cubbies. Make sure text number matches students personal number. Number all of the paperback workbooks and put in corresponding student's cubby Write your first day letter. Check here for the example of my first day letter. Write your parent letter with information on procedures for the class. Here is an example of mine. DO YOU KNOW HOW EACH CHILD WILL GET HOME? This is very important. If you don’t you need to find this out BEFORE the first day if possible. Student List- have several copies that you can use as check off lists, have one posted one the door for students and families to check out. Pre-address one postcard for every student and stamp the post card. As the year goes b, pick up one post card out of the stack, jot down a nice note and send it home. Read more about this here. Classroom Management KNOW YOUR PROCEDURES FOR EVERYTHING! Have them written down on a list you can refer to when explaining them to students. Here is a list of the routines I go over with students. This is just a rough outline of where to start. Ms Powell at has an excellent list. Click here to see it. Will you be creating your rules with the students, or will they already be posted? Create your poster if they will be posted. What is your behavior management system? Will students pull strips? Then you need to make a pocket chart and slips. Will they move a clothespin on a stoplight? Then you need to make a giant stoplight? Will you have a clip board? Then you need to make your clipboard sheet. Agghh! What Am I Going to Do! Prepare lessons for the first week! This is very important! Pull materials for any craft or activity. You don't want to be fumbling around for any construction paper while your new students wait, and wait and wait....