CONTENTS MEMBERS OF STAFF MEMBERS OF GOVERNING BODY MEMBERS OF ST. CATHERINE’S ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE HEADTEACHER’S WELCOME and School Prayer ST. CATHERINE’S STATEMENT OF MISSION SCHOOL HISTORY – Tradition, Context, Location SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS DUTIES OF THE GOVERNING BODY PASTORAL CARE – Safeguarding Children, Special Needs, Common Good CURRICULUM – Religious Education, English, Mathematics, Science, Information and Communication Technology, Extra Curricular Activities, Educational visits, Assessments, Parent Teacher Consultations and Annual Reports, SATs published results 2012, Inspection of schools PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT – Communication, St. Catherine’s Association, Adult help GENERAL INFORMATION – School Uniform, Jewellery, Mobile phones, Breakfast Club, School Day, Playground Equipment, Teacher Contact, Home time, Holidays in school time HEALTHY EATING - Drinks/snacks, School Dinners POLICIES AND PRACTICE – Equality, Race, Sex and Disability, Racism, Anti Bullying, Internal Acceptable Use Agreement, Image Consent Form, Advance Parental Permission, Complaints Procedure, Unexpected Closure FINANCE - Monies Sent To School, School Development Fund, Charging HEALTH AND SAFETY - Driveway Policy, Health & Welfare, Medicines, Illness and Absence + Attendances for last year, School nurse, Head Lice, Accidents in school APPENDICES A. RECOGNITION and ACCEPTANCE of the CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS ETHOS (sample) B. STATEMENTS of MISSION (sample) C. PERMISSION for EDUCATION WALKS (sample) D. MAP of CATCHMENT AREA E. LETTER re ABSENCE for HOLIDAY DURING TERM TIME 1 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. STAFFING Ms Pauline Curran (DSP) Headteacher Mr Christopher Alger Teacher Mr Daniel Atherton Teacher Mrs Kirsten Bonnick Teacher Mrs Maria Granstrom Teacher Mrs Caroline Griffin Teacher Miss Nicola Kane (SLT) SENCO Teacher Miss Jenny Lee Teacher Mr Mark McKew Teacher Mrs Stephanie Taylor Teacher Mrs Siobhan Togher Teacher Mrs Catherine Wildey (SLT) Teacher Ms Pat Duggan (SLT) DDSP School Business Manager Mrs Ellen Lee Secretary Mrs Lesley Duggan Support Staff Mrs Kelly Fisher Support Staff Mrs Mandy Mc Carthy Support Staff Mrs Marie McHugh Support Staff Mrs Barbara Metcalfe Support Staff Mrs Geri Phipps Support Staff Mrs Joan Waugh Support Staff Mr Wicks Support Staff Miss Jaqui Pestano Support Staff Mrs Lisa Carlon Support Staff Mrs Sharon Flanagan Support Staff Mrs Nicky Pargeter Support Staff Mrs Penny Goldsmith Support Staff Mrs Dawn Reidy Support Staff Mrs Ludmila Williams Support Staff 2 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Mrs Nicola Worrell Support Staff Mrs Eileen Robinson Premises Staff Mrs Pamela John Premises Staff Mrs Pauline John Premises Staff GOVERNING BODY Mr Paul Quinn Chair & Foundation Governor Mrs Maggie Davidovitz Foundation Governor Mr Mike Pargeter Foundation Governor Mrs Mary Duffy Foundation Governor Mr Oscar Fernandez Foundation Governor Mrs Pat Morton Foundation Governor Mrs Patsy Whitham Vice Chair & Foundation Governor Ms Pauline Curran Headteacher & Ex Officio Mrs Anne-Marie Mc Dermott Parent Governor Miss Nicola Kane Teacher Governor Ms Pat Duggan Support Staff Governor Mr John Conlon Clerk to the Governors ST. CATHERINE’S ASSOCIATION COMMITTEE Treena Massey Chair Linda Faulkner Vice Chair Adeline Fleming Treasurer Marie Tailor Vice Treasurer Catherine Mountford Secretary Fiona Moring Vice Secretary 3 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. HEADTEACHER’S WELCOME Dear Parents We are delighted that you have taken this opportunity to look at our Prospectus. If you are unsure of anything, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the office for clarification, or to make an appointment to visit. There is no substitute for personal contact and we would encourage you to come to St. Catherine’s and experience its warm, friendly and caring character and meet our wonderful pupils. We want our children to experience success and become responsible and respectful citizens. Our highly skilled and dedicated staff work hard as a team to ensure a happy and positive learning environment, which we trust will enable pupils to have the self-discipline, confidence and motivation to become lifelong learners. We aim to deliver a broad, balanced and creative curriculum to meet the needs of pupils, providing support when needed, as well as extension for our more able children. We appreciate that parents are the first teachers of their children and education should be a joint venture. When staff and parents support one another and work closely together, in partnership, this provides the best possible atmosphere in which each individual child may flourish. Once you have been offered and accepted a place, you will be invited to a New Parents Meeting. We want school to be an extension of home life. Staff and governors look forward to welcoming you and your child into the unique family of St. Catherine’s. We hope your time with us will be memorable and enriching. At the heart of our Catholic school is its belief in Jesus’ call to fullness of life. We ask for His blessing and guidance in all that we do together. God bless Pauline Curran 4 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. School Prayer This is our school, may peace dwell here. Let the rooms be full of contentment. May love abide here; love of one another; love of mankind; love of life itself; and love of God. May we remember that as many hands build a house so many hearts build a school. Amen. ST. CATHERINE’S STATEMENT OF MISSION We ask you to read the following statements very carefully as these have been produced and agreed by staff and governors as to why St. Catherine’s is a distinctive Catholic School. They guide us in every aspect of school life. The statements are divided into the following main areas: Community – Our aim is to: Live our Mission Statement, “ Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church” and encourage all to spread the “Good News”; Nurture the partnership between home, school and parish; Create an atmosphere of justice and openness for those who work for the well being of the school; Strengthen and sustain School-Business-Diocesan-Local Education Authority Links and Promote a tolerance and understanding of all faiths, creeds and minority groups in our society. Communication and Relationships – Our aim is to: Offer involvement, friendship and welcome freely, so there is understanding in all our relationships; Willingly address concerns and give genuine forgiveness; Plan opportunities for each person’s role to be fulfilled through guidance and mentoring; 5 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Understand that all may have their worries and that we are able to share these, if we wish to do so and Encourage each individual to flourish, knowing that they are valued and cherished. Worship – Our aim is to: Provide opportunities to celebrate, pray, reflect and share together within God’s family; Develop a balance between knowledge, worship and values in the curriculum; Recognise, guide and support everyone on their faith journey during their different stages; Enable pupils to know that they are precious to God and to nurture this close loving relationship and Help the children to understand that we grow together in the Spirit of the Risen Jesus when we celebrate and frequent the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. St. Catherine’s is part of the Parish of Our Lady and St Michael, in Garston, and we do all we can to join together in celebration. There are occasions when we go to the Church for Mass and at other times the Parish Priest comes to the school and parents/ parishioners are invited to join us. St. Catherine’s sees Religious Education as the core and foundation of the entire educational process, communicating beliefs and values which should inspire and unify every aspect of school life and the curriculum. It is this which gives St. Catherine’s its distinctive nature as a Catholic School. Since we regard these as one of the most important school documents, we ask you to read them very carefully and if offered a place, we will request you to sign Appendix A and B, as an indication that you agree with its contents and that you will join the staff and governors in doing all you can to support and work with us to develop this partnership, through open and honest communication. Thank you. SCHOOL HISTORY Tradition St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School converted to Academy statues on the 1st July 2012 under the trusteeship of the diocese of Westminster. It was opened by Dominican Sisters in April 1964. We are blessed by and grateful for our roots/identity and committed to carrying on the long and proud tradition of our Founders. St. Catherine of Siena was a remarkable woman who stands out not only in her own historical period (over 600 years ago) but throughout the centuries, up to today. She is the patron saint of Europe, of nurses and the sick. She died on April 29th 1380 and it is on this date that we celebrate her Feast Day. St. Catherine had a tremendous zest for life and put all of herself into whatever she undertook – an example to us all. The “Truth” she was most convinced about was God’s overwhelming love for humanity. Our school badge, with the latin word for truth, “Veritas” is the Dominican motto and a reminder that we are part of the Dominican family and called to seek God in our lives. The Leadership and management team of our school shapes its ethos and vision and is responsible for the quality of Catholic education we provide. This is translated into every day life and the shared, committed dedication of the staff. Everything we do is linked to our Mission Statement ‘Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church’. Each of us has a common sense of belonging and purpose, to motivate and inspire the pupils entrusted to our care. To this end we strive to develop and provide outstanding educational experiences to maximise the potential of every child and member of staff. Context St Catherine’s has created a warm and friendly atmosphere. The partnership between staff, governors, parents and pupils is excellent. Everything we do is for our pupils and future generations of children. We place the child at the centre of the whole educational enterprise. We plan opportunities for pupils to be active participants in day to day school life and encourage them to engage with others in assuming responsibilities. 6 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Our pupils are aged between four and eleven. We are an over-subscribed one form entry school. Currently we have two hundred and twenty six children on roll – with a waiting list for some classes. Our Published Admissions Numbers are 30 for KS1 and Reception Class and 34 for KS2. We do our utmost to be inclusive. Respect for each pupil and his/her learning needs is reflected in the experiences offered at school. Therefore, to help us to deliver the best service to parents/guardians and/carers. Please bring to the attention of the office staff any special needs you or your child may have, so we can try to accommodate you. Location Our side gate is located on the A405 in Garston, Watford, and we have a pedestrian access there. The main entrance is off Horseshoe Lane, opposite the Leisure Centre. The school is situated on a campus with three secondary schools – one of them being our main feeder school, St. Michael’s Catholic High School - with whom we have forged very close relations. There are extensive playing fields, which include floodlit astro-turf pitches and several copes. The school building is large and well resourced. During the summer of 2010, a major building project was completed and pupils returned to find exciting new play equipment. This afforded all ages and abilities to interact, challenge themselves, develop and enhance skills and, of course, have fun – all in a safe, durable and positive learning environment. We take pride in the fact that we provide a stimulating and welcoming setting, conducive to delivering an enhanced creative curriculum, both indoors and outdoors. SCHOOL CONTACT DETAILS Ms Pauline Curran (Headteacher) Mr Paul Quinn (Chair of Governors) St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School Horseshoe Lane Garston Watford WD25 7HP Tel: 01923 676022 Fax: 01923 893497 Email Parish Church of Our Lady and St Michael Crown Rise Garston Watford WD25 0NE 01923 673239 Our website contains further pertinent information (such as term dates and events) and has useful links. It gives a true insight into school life and reflects the joy that being part of this community can bring. Website:,uk Archdiocese of Westminster Vaughan House 46 Francis Street London SW1P 1QN Tel: 0171 798 9005 St. Catherine’s Association DUTIES OF THE GOVERNING BODY All governors – be they foundation, local authority, parent, staff or associate members – have the responsibility to uphold the distinctive ethos of our Catholic school. They are responsible for the strategic direction of the school and along with the Senior Leadership Team shape its vision. They willingly give of their time, bringing unique skills and expertise, which support us in our drive for school improvement. The Governing Body is responsible for many other matters, including finance, appointment of staff, personnel, admissions, curriculum, school policies, discipline, health and safety, repair and maintenance. As a full body, it meets formally at least twice a term and sub-committee meetings are arranged, on a regular basis, to look after aspects of the above. 7 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. The duties and functions of Governors are defined in the Instruments and Articles of Government for Schools. Day to day running of the school is a matter for the Headteacher. If problems with pupils occur, parents should initially make an appointment to discuss these with the class teacher. If the issue needs to be taken further, they go through the same process with the Senior Leadership Team and as a last resort with the Chair of Governors. PASTORAL CARE Safeguarding Children The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every way possible. However, the Children’s Act 1989 places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure that they work together with guidance from the DCSF and other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children. As a result, if the concerns are raised within the school or a child or parent reports a situation involving possible abuse, we cannot guarantee confidentiality. Schools are legally bound to contact the Child Protection Unit if they believe a child may be suffering from abuse or neglect, without first contacting the parents. This is in line with Government and Hertfordshire County Council’s guidelines on Safeguarding. The Headteacher is the designated person for Safeguarding and in her absence the School Business Manager. We will be happy to discuss any questions or concerns parents may have about Safeguarding Practice. All staff have Safeguarding briefings and the majority of staff have attended Safeguarding Courses. This training is ongoing as we induct new staff. Special Needs As a Catholic and caring community, we are all concerned with the effective development of every child. Classroom based staff are teachers of children with special educational needs. When a child has been assessed (internally or externally) as having a particular need, a programme is devised and implemented in conjunction with the class teacher, teaching assistant, special needs co-ordinator, outside agencies (where appropriate) and parents. Pupils will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) and are set individual targets. These are closely monitored and reviewed termly. The use of the school’s Special Educational Needs register to monitor progress and provision supports this process. In some situations the advice of Speech Therapists, Education Psychologists Behaviour Support Workers and others is sought. These professionals should be regarded as an extension of the school staff; they give valuable help to your children. A wide range of strategies are implemented to stimulate children with special educational needs. Their teacher /teaching assistant provide individual or group help as required to ensure that they progress at an appropriate pace and at their own level. Teaching Assistants are trained and guided by teachers to deliver a high standard of care. All Special Needs Provision is governed by the Every Child Matters Agenda. A copy of our current policy for Special Needs is at the end of this Prospectus, Appendix F. Common Good The school promotes the Common Good. Inclusion is at the heart of our Mission Statement. The rich diversity of cultures within our school is positively valued and celebrated. We promote knowledge and understanding of cultures and faiths other than our own, including welcoming speakers from other faiths. We promote awareness of global citizenship. We take every opportunity to involve our children locally. They join in various competitions and sporting fixtures. There are also visits to and from local services, such as the fire brigade and police. Lower sixth pupils from St. Michael’s Catholic High School and Parmiter’s School sometimes assist in classrooms. We try to avail of opportunities to work with the local community. Pupils show their compassion for others by supporting local, national and international charities. 8 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. CURRICULUM Religious Education: Whole school Religious Education provides for a lived faith experience; pupils learn about and from the Catholic tradition. It is central to our curriculum and permeates every aspect. It is treated as a core subject. It is taught in accordance with the Curriculum Directory and Diocesan guidelines and inspected according to their framework. It is closely linked with Personal, Social, Citizenship and Health Education (PSCHE). Therefore, the removal of a child from the teaching of Religious Education would be impossible to achieve and parents who wish to exercise this legal right are discouraged from making application to St. Catherine’s. The reception class contains children at the Foundation Stage (EYFS), where they follow a curriculum based on the following six areas of learning: Personal, Social and Emotional Development; Communication, Language and Literacy; Mathematical Development; Knowledge and Understanding of the world; Physical Development and Creative Development. Until such a time as the New National Curriculum is published, we will continue to follow the National Frameworks for the teaching of English and Mathematics. Where possible, we are also implementing the proposed changes indicated by the Draft National Curriculum and will continue to take into account any updates published throughout the course of this year. More information relating to this can be found on the following link. Class teachers will inform parents, at regular intervals, about work being undertaken each term. English: Speaking and Listening: We encourage clear and accurate articulation at all times. We plan opportunities for self-expression through class, group and independent work. Children are expected to be attentive and participate to the best of their ability in such sessions. Phonics: Phonics is emphasised in the early teaching of reading. We use the “Letters and Sounds” scheme. Phonic knowledge is first tested at the end of year one (since June 2012) and the results are given to parents, along with the end of year report. Reading: A variety of reading skills are fostered, enabling children to read for pleasure, retrieve information and carry out independent research. Centrally stored colour-coded reading schemes afford children some element of choice, within a carefully monitored reading structure. Children also have access to class libraries, and are encouraged to show respect for books. We urge parents to read regularly with their child/children, discuss the text and sign Reading Record Books. Writing: Children are required to write factually and creatively in a variety of ways in each year group. English grammar is taught and emphasis is placed on the development of good style and use of language. Clear, wellformed handwriting is encouraged and expectations of general standards of presentation are very high. Spelling: Children are to learn set spellings and are usually tested weekly. Mathematics: There is an emphasis on mental calculation and strategies, with substantial work on the four rules of number and their implementation in a variety of applications. Other areas of study include measure, algebra, shape and data handling. Children are encouraged to explore mathematical investigations practically and are 9 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. taught to check answers through a process of approximation and estimation. Neat and accurate recording of work is expected at all levels. Children are required to learn multiplication tables for homework, at an age appropriate time. Science: Pupils are encouraged to develop the intellectual and practical skills of scientific investigation. They are expected to question, set up fair tests, predict outcomes, make observations and interpret results. Programmes of study concentrate mainly on the following aspects; life and living processes, materials and their properties and physical processes. Information Communications Technology (ICT): The school has a mobile unit containing 34 laptops. All children have access to these, on a rota basis, and work on a variety of themes, including word-processing, datahandling, control, modelling, monitoring, graphics, digital filming and e-mail. The use of ICT comes into many lessons and the skills are cross curricular. Homework: We regard homework as an important element in your child’s education. It is given to help children further the learning taking place in class and help them increase their skills, understanding and knowledge. It also affords parents an insight into what their child is doing at school – other than Nothing!!. It prepares them for the workload at Secondary School. Class teachers should make children and parents aware of their expectations with regards to homework i.e. when it will be set, how long it should take, when it needs to be handed in and what to do if any issues arise. Please ensure that your child’s homework is signed by you and if you have any concerns, please log these. Staff devote time to set, mark and give feedback to pupils, so we would like your co-operation in ensuring that conditions at home, when homework is being done, are also conducive to learning. Pupils should make a good effort to complete work neatly and carefully to the best of their ability. They are always encouraged to access learning at home, from recommended educational sites. If you child does not have computer access, please let us know and we will try to arrange for them to have extra time on the Internet here. Educational Visits: Visits are organised to places of interest as an extension of schoolwork. Children may make visits during the school year to places connected with their class work. At present Year 6 have a residential week (usually in an Adventure Centre on the Isle of Wight) and Year 5 go for a two night stay at London Colney. Every effort is made to minimise the cost. The Governing Body has agreed a Charges and Remissions policy so that parents understand when charges have to be made to enable a visit to take place. Extra Curricular Activities: A range of extra activities is organised and varied according to the interests and experience of the staff and agencies available. In the past we have been able to offer tin whistle, indoor and outdoor games, multi-skills, football, netball, sewing, dance, gym, healthy eating, ECO, computer and thinking skills clubs. Assessments, Parent Teacher Consultations and Annual Reports Pupil progress and attainment is monitored and regularly assessed, formally and informally. Teachers assess children as they work in the classroom. We set assessments and optional year end tests and share these with parents. Parent Consultations usually take place in the first and second term of the academic year, with an optional one after Reports are sent out at the end of the academic year. Dates for these are on our website. The first occasion is early in the Autumn Term and affords the opportunity for the class teacher to inform you how your child has settled, what targets they have set for them and how best you can help at home. You will have the chance to discuss things from your point of view and make a comment on the Pro Forma. The second meeting follows a similar format, but you should also have the opportunity to see your child’s books. The teacher should be able to give you a more detailed account of attitude, effort, progress and attainment 10 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. However, meetings do not have to be so limited. We have an open door policy. Parents are invited to make an appointment with the class teacher to discuss matters which need addressing immediately. If this does not bring about the desired result and you want to take matters further, please do not hesitate to contact the Head who will work alongside the management team for a positive outcome. Children are assessed at 7 and 11 years under national assessment regulations. These assessments are known as SATs and parents are informed of their own child’s results. Following these, in late Autumn each year, the Government will also publish every school’s SATs results in League Tables. Results of the SATs 2013 for 7 & 11 Year Olds The information contained in this document is correct at the time of updating KEY STAGE 1 Teacher Assessment Level 2 and above Level 3 Reading & Comprehension 97% 43% Writing 87% 20% Maths 97% 37% KEY STAGE 2 Test Level 4 4B+ Level 5 Level 6 Reading & Comprehension 94% 82% 38% - Writing 94% - 41% 3% SPAG 91% - 59% 3% Maths 91% 88% 56% 18% Reading, Writing & Maths 4+ 88% 79% 27% - Inspection of Schools In July and May 2010 the school had very successful short Religious Education and OFSTED Inspections. These Inspections evaluated all aspects of school organisation and management and we are very proud of the outcomes. Copies of both findings are available for download on the home page of our website, or on request from the school office. 11 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT Communication As we hope you have gleaned from reading our prospectus that we know parents have the best interest of their children at heart. Working closely with you is paramount to success. We believe that children learn best when they see their parents and the school working together to achieve common goals. We should be positive rolemodels and lead by example. St. Catherine’s Association There is a very active association called “St Catherine’s Association”. Joining is a great way to make new friends! Every parent at the school automatically becomes a member of the PTA and indeed we still have past pupils and their parents, who help on a regular basis. All are invited to come along to their meetings. If you can’t attend, your ideas and feedback are just as important. There is a PTA Post Box located in the main school entrance and suggestions are welcomed. The Committee run a variety of social events, such as family barbecue, quiz nights and children’s discos, so that parents can get to know one other better and pupils can have fun with their peers and/or family. This means that some functions do not make much profit but a good time is had by all. However, overall their main purpose is fundraising. Assistance on the day of big events is appreciated, as is your and your child’s attendance, the donation of raffle prizes and Match Funding. This is where employers match any funds raised through the efforts of their employees running stalls. Maybe your employer has such a scheme! The Association, thanks to their hard-work, energy and parental support, raise a substantial amount of money which is then used to purchase resources requested by the school. Their most recent contribution was £ 5,000 towards the instalment of a Monster Multi-Active Sport Play Wall, on the top playground, - now utilised and enjoyed by all pupils at playtimes and for a variety of outdoor lessons. Adult help We encourage you to assist the school and are grateful for the loyal band who already do so, as follows - driving pupils to sporting events, changing reading books for KS1 on a regular basis, supervising small groups of children during an activity, walking the children to the cinema or church, helping out on an educational visit or after school club. Some parents are able to provide us with materials for the classroom e.g. paper, card and plastics. Other parents offer visits to their place of work. Our website lists school events to which you are invited. We look forward to you joining us as often as possible. GENERAL INFORMATION School Uniform We expect children to be dressed neatly and to respect their clothing. School Uniform should be worn at all times, apart from special occasions. Pupils with long hair should always have it tied back. Games kit must be worn for all Physical Education lessons and pupils may come to school in their P.E. kits on their allocated days, including swimming lessons. Items with * can only be purchased from the school office. Footwear is plain and sensible shoes for outdoors and plimsolls for indoors. A note of explanation is required should parents wish their child to be excluded from a games lesson on medical grounds. All items should be clearly labelled. Although we cannot be responsible for lost items - if they are not clearly labelled we put them in Lost Property. Boys Uniform Black Trousers Black Jumpers (Logo) Tie White Shirts (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) (Online only @ School Trends) (In school only) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) 12 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Coats Summer Polo Shirts (Logo) Smart Black Shorts (Online only @ School Trends Optional) (Online only @ School Trends) (High Street Stores) Girls Uniform Black Skirts Black Pinafores Black Cardigan/Jumpers (Logo) White Shirts (open neck – no tie) Coats Summer Dresses (lemon & white) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) (Online only @ School Trends) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) (Online only @ School Trends– Optional) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) P E Kit Sweatshirts T-Shirts (Logo) Shorts Bags Plain Black Tracksuit Bottoms (Online only @ School Trends) (Online only @ School Trends) (High Street Stores or online @ School Trends) (Online only @ School Trends) (High Street Stores) Our school netball, football and rugby teams have been supplied with new kits, thanks to the sponsorship and generosity of MonsterPlay – the UK’s eco friendly playground experts. Jewellery A watch and small ear studs (if ears are pierced) are permitted. No other jewellery should be worn. The school will not accept responsibility for accidents or loss of items. On P.E. days, please remove studs before your child comes to school, otherwise children must take their own studs out and look after them or tape them up. Mobile Phones Children are discouraged from bringing mobile phones into school. However, on rare occasions where it is necessary i.e. child attending after school clubs or walking home alone, they should be handed to the class teacher at the beginning of the day so that they can be locked away for the day. Again, the school cannot take responsibility for lost mobiles. Breakfast Club To offer some extended provision for parents, a Breakfast Club has been set up which caters for all our pupils. This is held each morning in the main school dining room. It commences at 7.45 am through to the start of the school day - 8.45 am. The personnel who run this are currently members of our school staff. It has proved very popular with our children, who can chose from a wide range of nutritional cereals, bars, fruit, drinks and bread and engage in activities such as Wi Fi, Table Football, hockey, computer games and board games, If you require any further details, please contact the school office on 01923 676022 or call in during the session and talk to one of the staff there. Prices for 2012 – 2013 are as follows: £3.00 per session per child, £2.00 for your second child and £1.00 for your third child – up to a maximum of £25 per week, per family. School Day Classrooms will be open to pupils from 8.45 a.m. The children are not expected to arrive before this time as there is no supervision on the playground. The Governors/staff cannot accept responsibility for children left outside the school opening times. 13 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Setting good routines is also ideal preparation for Secondary School and future employment prospects. Parents should try to: ensure that their child arrives at school on time, properly dressed and ready to learn instil in their child an appreciation of the importance of attending school regularly impress upon their child the need to observe school rules take an active interest in their child’s school career praise and encourage good work and behaviour attend parents’ consultations and other relevant meetings work in partnership with us to resolve issues avoid arranging holidays/medical/dental appointments during term time R-Y2 8.45am - 10.35am Y3-Y6 8.45am - 10.40am 10.35am - 10.55am Break 10.40am - 10.55am Break 12.30pm - 1.15pm Lunch 12.30pm - 1.15pm Lunch 1.15pm - 3.30pm 1.15pm - 3.30 pm Please note we finish at 1.30pm on a Friday. On occasions, lunch-times will be altered slightly to accommodate events such as swimming and school trips. Playground Equipment For health and safety reasons pupils may not use this unsupervised by staff. Therefore, this means that children are not permitted on it either before or after school. We ask parents to ensure that younger siblings (not yet at our school) are kept away from the playground equipment at all times. Teacher Contact If you wish to speak to a class teacher, please make an appointment through the office. Teachers will do their best to accommodate you before or after school, as soon as possible. Most of them are on the premises from 8.00am to 5.30 pm. However, please understand that it is not appropriate for them to see you when they should be with their class. Urgent messages can be given to the office staff and they will ensure these are dealt with appropriately. When class teachers are on courses, visiting other schools, having non-contact time, observing, planning, and assessing lessons, the class will have another well briefed teacher or teaching assistant to cover. As a school it is also our policy to support Initial Teacher Training, consequently your child may be taught by a student, under direct supervision of the class teacher and monitored by University tutors. Home Time At home time, children in the Foundation Stage and KS1 must be collected from their classroom by an adult. The staff will not dismiss a child until their parent or the adult responsible has arrived. Children in KS2 will be dismissed by their teacher onto the playground to meet their parents. If parents are not there, the children are requested to return to their class teacher who will then take them to the dining hall to wait for their parents. We 14 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. ask that all parents arrive promptly to collect their children, as staff are often supervising extra curricular clubs or have the commitment of staff meetings. In the event of a parent being unavoidably late at the end of the day, a telephone call should be made to the school. If you are unable to collect your child and instruct another parent to do so, please tell the office staff as soon as possible so a message can be passed to the teacher/pupil. Holidays in School Time Parents are urged to take their annual leave during the dates set for holidays by the Governors. Provisional term dates are given a year in advance. Please see the attached letter from Justin Donovan, Deputy Director (Chief Education Officer) from Children Schools and Families. Attendance at school is obviously very important for your child’s continued development. Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 SATs dates for tests should be totally avoided. No parent can demand leave of absence for the purpose of a family holiday, as of right. HEALTHY EATING Drinks/Snacks We encourage healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle. Children may bring their own drink to school (water only) and a piece of fruit for their morning snack (no glass bottles – for safety). Fruit will be given free of charge to KS1. KS2 are able to purchase fruit (or a sugar free juice drink) direct from the school at morning break. All pupils are encouraged to drink water throughout the day, as this helps concentration. Dinners Hertfordshire Catering Ltd are contracted by the School to deliver school lunches, organise the menus and ensure they comply fully with the Government Food Standard Agency. This operates on a three week menu and copies will be available at the start of term. Children may also bring their own packed lunch to school if preferred. Again, we stress that the contents should be healthy – no fizzy drinks! The office staff are happy for children to partake of school meals as and when, depending on the menu. The Governors employ Mid-day Supervisory Assistants (MSA’s) to look after pupils at lunchtimes and our Teaching Assistants also provide cover. If you are entitled to free school meals, (i.e. some families on benefits), applications should be made on line at Behaviour We have high expectations of behaviour, which we encourage through gradual self-discipline. Our Behaviour Policy is based on the principle of consideration, with respect for people, places and property. Misdemeanours will be dealt with firmness, kindness, forgiveness and understanding. There are rewards and sanctions. On rare occasions, parents will be asked to discuss their child’s behaviour, if it is a cause for concern. Equality of Race, Sex and Disability - Racism St. Catherine’s is a Catholic School reflecting the views of the Catholic Church, which universally teaches respect and justice for all peoples in every aspect of our lives, irrespective of race, colour, creed or disability. All staff are guided by these principles and bullying or racist incidents are not accepted. In line with LA guidelines, incidents must be logged and dealt with effectively and with sympathy. We ask that parents support us in this undertaking. School staff deal with these matters in accordance with the school’s policy procedures a copy of which is available on request from the school office. The Home Office definition of racism is “Any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”. 15 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Anti-Bullying The Education and Inspections Bill gives teachers a legal right to discipline pupils and take firm action on bullying. All bullying has to be tackled on the premises! However, as a school, we can owe a duty of care towards a child being outside of the school gates. The last couple of years have seen a rapid rise of a new type of bullying, one which harnesses the modern technologies teenagers use, namely mobile phones, email and webbase chat-rooms –“Cyber-Bullying” The Anti-Bullying Association has identified seven types of cyber-bullying, ranging from abusive text messages, emails and phone calls, to bullying in internet chat-rooms, social networking sites and instant messaging; Text messages – unwelcome texts that are threatening or cause discomfort Picture/video-clips via mobile phone cameras – images sent to others to make the victim feel threatened or embarrassed. Mobile phone calls – silent calls or abusive messages; or stealing the victim’s phone and using it to harass others, to make them believe the victim is responsible Emails – threatening emails, often sent using a pseudonym or somebody else’s name Chat-room bullying – menacing or upsetting responses to children or young people in a web-based chat-room. Instant messaging (IM) – unpleasant messages sent as children conduct real-time conversations online Bullying via websites – use of defamatory blogs (web blogs) personal websites and online personal polling sites The DCSF has guidelines on “Tackling Cyber-bullying” with simple steps schools, parents and pupils can take to prevent cyber-bullying and deal with incidents when they occur. We need to include strategies in our policies and tell pupils and students not to respond to abusive emails, text messages or phone calls. Staff responsibilities include: Teaching children safe Internet etiquette Applying school policy in monitoring electronic messages and images Keeping up a dialogue with parents and emerging technologies their child might be using Ensuring parents know what steps to take if they suspect their child is being cyber-bullied or is bullying someone else Parents are advised to use parental control software and their children to use moderated chat-rooms. Internet Acceptable Use Agreement In light of the above, parents are expected to support and promote the school e-safety policy and help pupils to be safe whilst using the internet. A consent form will be given to you in your New Parent Pack. Image Consent We often take photographs of children at school. We may use these images in our prospectus, publications, displays, videos or on our website. To comply with the Data Protection Act of 1998 we need your permission before we can photograph or make recordings of your child. However, we will have to exclude pupils, who do not have permission, from participation in certain events and class photographs. A consent form will be given to you in your New Parent Pack. Advance Parental Permission There will be occasions when teachers wish to make full use of events that may happen locally, such as in the Church, cinema or one of the secondary schools on campus. Rather than keep completing permission slips for each occasion, if accepting a place, we will ask you to complete the General Permission Slip, (Appendix C), 16 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. giving teachers your permission in advance for any of the above activities. Visits requiring transport, or a residential stay, will require an individual permission slip which will be forwarded to you as and when required. Complaints Procedures A formal complaint procedure exists in line with the Education Reform Act, under arrangements set up by the Diocese of Westminster and adopted by the Governing Body. These procedures are available from the school or the Diocese of Westminster office. If parents are abusive to staff, other parents or pupils, they will be asked to vacate the school premises. From time to time pupil/parent/staff questionnaires are sent out for feedback and we are delighted and reassured when parents let us know when we are getting things right, as well as how we can improve. Unexpected School Closure We do all we can to stay open but on occasions it has been necessary to close the school, e.g. in winter if there has been a heavy snow fall. Any such closures will be announced on the local Radio Station Heart 96.6 Hertfordshire, ParentMail (text & email), or on our website at Staff will do their utmost to ensure parents are advised of any closure as soon as possible. It has been reported to us in the past that text messages have been delivered late or even repeated. This is due to the high demand of schools using ParentMail, is beyond our control and is not down to the school administration, so please exercise tolerance and understanding. FINANCE Monies Sent To School All monies must be sent in a sealed envelope on Monday mornings, clearly marked with your child’s name, class, amount of money and what the payment covers. For security and audit purposes, please make payment by cheque and hand this in to the class teacher/teaching assistant and NOT THE OFFICE. Please note that money sent in on other days (unless requested by the Parents Association for a fun event) will be returned School Development Fund This money is put towards the cost of any capital project, such as major building works, refurbishments or ICT infrastructure. Parents are requested to contribute to this fund the sum of £60.00 per family, per academic year, payable by either by direct debit monthly/ annually or direct to the school. We encourage parents to complete the Gift Aid Forms to claim back the tax paid on money donated. Forms are available from the School Office and are in the new reception children’s “Welcome Pack”. Charging The Governing Body recognises the valuable contribution that additional activities can make towards pupils’ Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE). If activities are organised in school time i.e. Theatre Groups, Music and Science Workshops, parents may be requested to make a voluntary contribution towards the cost. A charge will also be made for residential trips. Children will not be prevented from taking part in activities, such as day trips and events organised within the school, if parents cannot or will not pay. However, if sufficient voluntary contributions are not received, it may result in the cancellation of an event. If a parent /guardian cannot or refuses to pay for a Residential Trip, a decision will be made, at the discretion of the Headteacher, as to whether the child can be funded from the school account or not. Any application for the remission of charges is to be made to the Headteacher. 17 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Costs will be kept to a minimum and are often subsidised from the School Budget or School Fund. Receipts are issued for any amounts paid in over £15.00. All charging policies are in line with the St. Catherine’s School Finance Manual. A copy of the Charging Policy is available from the office, on request. The Governing Body of St Catherine’s is a non-profit making organisation. HEALTH AND SAFETY In accordance with current Health and Safety Regulations, St. Catherine’s will maintain, as far as is practicable, a safe and healthy environment for all at St Catherine’s. Your co-operation is required to adhere to the Health & Safety Policy of the school (copy available from the office). We draw your attention to the following: the Driveway Policy no dogs are allowed on the school premises at any time (excepting Guide Dogs). all visitors to the school must use the main front entrance and report to the office. visitors remaining on the premises are to sign in the Visitors’ Book and wear the badge given to them, visitors are required to familiarise themselves with the Fire & Evacuation Procedures. the school is fitted with CCTV cameras and has an intercom fitted on the front door. the gate on the A405 will be locked promptly at 09.10 and reopened at 15.20 School Driveway Policy After careful consideration of parental viewpoints, the Governing Body decided to allow parents to use the driveway both in the morning and in the evening. For the safety of all , the only system to be used is as follows: Mornings - All cars are to drive up and down the driveway with care and at low speed. Proceed round the roundabout and pull immediately over to the left at the set down point adjacent to the wide pathway. Stop here and allow your child(ren) to get out of your car on the nearside only (path side). All children are to walk along the pathway and on to the playground. Afternoons - All cars are to very slowly and carefully come up the driveway, go around the roundabout and down the driveway as far as the first pull in from the school. The first car parks here and all other cars park ‘nose to tail’ back up to the roundabout and down the lane if necessary. Parents may either wait in cars until the children come to you or you may wait on the playground for the children to come out of school. Please help us to make the system work for you! All parents must keep to this agreed method of dropping off and collecting of children. If any parent disregards the system, they will be contacted by the SLT and required to keep their car off school premises. Parents are obviously free to walk children to and from school or to park their cars in other legal areas off the school site and again walk. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that there are vehicles crossing the entrance to our driveway. Please exercise caution. Please do not: walk on the driveway. park on the driveway in the morning park on double yellow lines - at anytime park on the pavement park in the first or second pull in park in the staff car park drop off children in the car park 18 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Health and Welfare On a child’s entrance to school parents will be requested to fill in a questionnaire to make staff aware of any medical or physical problems. It is important for the school to have sufficient information about the medical condition of any pupil with long term medical needs or disabilities. Medicines Parents are requested to dispense medicines to their children before they come to school. If a child needs medicine during the school day, the parent/guardian must be available to come to the school to do so. Staff cannot carry out this procedure. However, in exceptional circumstances staff will be trained to administer epipens, inhalers and insulin. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that medicines kept on site are in date and checked on a regular basis. Any changes in condition must be notified to school with immediate effect. Illness and Absence If your child is absent from school, please notify the school that day by telephone. We have set up a PARENTLINE for this purpose on 01923 893497. Please note that this is also our fax machine so it may take time to leave a message. If this is not possible, please send a letter to school on the day of their return. We expect children to attend every day, when the school is in session, as long as they are fit and healthy and able to do so. The school will contact parents or guardians if any child has an unauthorised absence. Repeated absences (pupils with less than 85% attendance) will be contacted by the Attendance Improvement Officer (AIO) at County. This is with the exception of any child hospitalised or suffering from a long term illness that we have been made aware of. Repeated lateness will also be investigated by the AIO. Rates of Authorised and Unauthorised Absences 2012 - 2013 a. b. c. Total number of pupils of compulsory school age on roll for at least one session Percentage of pupil sessions (half days) missed through authorised absence Percentage of pupil sessions (half days) missed through unauthorised absence 228 3.51% 0.0% School Nurse The School Nurse acts as liaison between Home and School and assists the School Medical Officer to check height, weight and growth of children. She can give advice on head lice, hygiene and other health matters. Parents may have an opportunity to meet the school nurse when attending our ‘Starting School Meeting’, at which she is usually available to give a short talk, as well as at various points during your child’s school career. Head Lice Infestations are very common among young children and can cause a great deal of discomfort and embarrassment. The well-cared for, clean child is not immune. School checks have been discontinued and it is now the parent’s responsibility to deal with this problem. Please check your child’s hair weekly. We would appreciate parents letting us know if their child has lice. This would enable us to inform their class mates by pro- forma, hence avoiding a continuous problem. When a letter is sent out, please check your child’s hair thoroughly the same day/evening. Children must be excluded from school until they are treated and free from the condition. Leaflets and advice can be obtained from your local clinic and Accidents at School The majority of our staff are First Aid Trained and we have a well equipped medical room. If you child has a more serious accident or bumped head a letter will be sent home via your child’s class teacher. However, if staff are concerned about your child’s injury, you will be contact immediately by telephone. 19 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. PLEASE ENSURE THAT THE SCHOOL OFFICE HAS UP TO DATE EMERGENCY NUMBERS AND THAT THEY ARE ADVISED OF ANY CHANGES TO THESE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. DISCLAIMER We occasionally distribute information which has been sent in to us, relating to out-of-school activities. The fact that we pass it on to parents does not indicate that we have verified it in any way. Parents are responsible for satisfying themselves as to the suitability of any such activity. The information in this document is correct at the time of publication for the forthcoming school year. However, it does not exclude the possibility of change during any given year or in subsequent school years. Sample of forms you will be requested to sign if offered and you accept a school place. Appendix A - Recognition and Acceptance of the School’s Catholic Religious Ethos St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School has been founded to provide for the educational needs of Catholic families in this part of the Diocese of Westminster. The constitution of the school states: “Religious observance and education in the school shall be in accordance with the rites, practices and doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church.” The Bishop and the governors of the school intend that pupils should receive an education of a high standard provided by teachers dedicated to the task of the Christian formation of children and young people, in an atmosphere pervaded by Gospel values and the message of Christ. This means that Religious Education while given full expression in the prayer life of the school, its acts of worship and instruction in the faith, is not limited to these. As the Bishops have said, “The beliefs and values it communicates should inspire and unify every aspect of school life. It should provide the context for, and substantially shape, the school curriculum, and offer living experiences of the life of faith in its practical expression.” (Statement from Bishops’ Conference 1988). Partnership with parents, the primary educators of their children, has long been a principle embedded in Catholic Education. The governors value and welcome, above all, the co-operation of parents in seeking to achieve these aims for pupils attending the school. The governors have agreed that all parents seeking a place at St. Catherine’s should be asked to sign below to signify that they understand and accept this statement of purpose and aims for pupils at our school. I/We have read and understand the statement of aims and purpose made above which I/we agree to support for my child(ren) should I/we be offered the pupil place(s) I/we have requested. Signed – Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Appendix B - Statements of Mission I/We have read carefully the Statement of Mission and I/we agree to do all we can to achieve these aims. We ask that all parent(s)/guardian(s) sign below. Signed – Parent(s)/Guardian(s) 20 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Appendix C - Permission for Educational Walks (General Consent Form – Short Visits to Local Venues) I/We agree that my child may take part in any short visits arranged during his/her time at school. Name of Child Date Signed (Parent(s)/Guardian(s) 21 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Appendix D - The Municipal Borough of Watford west of the M1, east of High Road Leavesden, and north of North Western Avenue, St Albans Road and Sheepcot Lane. The Civil Parish of Abbots Langley east of Woodside Road. The Bricket Wood area of the Civil Parish of St Stephen in St Albans District as defined below. Parish boundaries are as follows and run along the centre of any roads, rivers or railways mentioned North: Chequers Lane from Woodside Road to the M1. The M1 north to the M25. M25, A405, then Lye Lane back to the M25. M25 to the Watford-St Albans Railway. East: The Watford-St Albans Railway to Mount Pleasant Lane. School Lane and the south-western edge of New Plantation to St Stephens Civil Parish Boundary at Little Munden Farm. The C.P Boundary around Bricket Wood Common to the M1 at the railway bridge. The M1 to Watford Borough Boundary at the River Colne,, Otterspool. South: River Colne from M1 to North Western Avenue. North Western Avenue to St Albans Road. West: St Albans Road, Sheepcot Lane, High Road Leavesden and Woodside Road to Chequers Lane. 22 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”. Appendix E County Hall Hertford, SG13 8DF Tel: 01438 737500 Fax: 01992 555719 Dear Parent/Carer I understand that you have requested that your child is given time away from school in order to take part in a family holiday. I am writing to support the Governing Body and Headteacher in their attempts to dissuade parents and carers from taking children out of school for other than wholly exceptional or unavoidable circumstances. The Local Authority takes the view that taking children on holiday during term time can be damaging to a child’s educational progress for two reasons. Firstly, children find it very difficult to catch up on the learning that they have missed and in the longer term this can have a negative impact on their progress. Secondly and as importantly, children can be given a very unhelpful message about the value and importance of going to school. Absence from school for family holidays is not a right. Schools have discretion to allow up to 10 days in a school year, only if they believe that the circumstances warrant it. The Pupil Registration Regulations 2006 outline the conditions under which leave of absence for term time holidays may be granted. Regulation 7, states that ‘leave of absence should only be granted due to the special circumstances relating to that application’. As parents and carers you will want the best education for your child. By taking holidays during the designated holiday periods, you will be supporting your child’s full school attendance, learning and development. 23 “Live, love and learn joyfully together through Jesus and His Church”.