Advanced Placement Biology

Advanced Placement Biology
Ms. Block
509.663.8117 x 301
Student Help Office Hours: 3-4PM daily
Course Description:
AP Biology is a class designed for students who have completed Biology and
Chemistry with grades of a “B” or better and who are possibly contemplating
a major in a science –related field or planning to attend a four year college.
Students earn college credit for the class by passing the AP Biology exam
given on Monday, May 14, 2007 at 8AM. All students are strongly
encouraged to take the AP exam.
The class will be conducted at the college level and students are expected to
work accordingly. Students should attend class regularly, except in case of
an excused illness. Students will be expected to come to class prepared and
on time. The overall success of the program depends in large part, on
students meeting their individual responsibilities. Each student will cover a
significant portion of the content of this course independently. Allowances
should be made for substantial study time. Plan to study at least an hour per
day in order to effectively assimilate the complex and extensive reading
assignments/laboratory preparations and formal conclusions. We have 32
weeks to cover 40 chapters and 12 required National College Board labs.
Know that you will frequently be expected to do reading/writing assignments
over the weekends and holidays.
Text: Biology (2002) Campbell & Reece 6th Edition
Campbell Interactive Student Media CD
Major Themes: Each of these themes permeates every topic in the course and
you are expected to formally apply/address any three in each of your twelve
required lab conclusions:
a. Science as a Process
b. Evolution
c. Energy Transfer
d. Continuity and Change
e. Relationship of Structure to Function
f. Regulation
g. Interdependence in Nature
h. Science, Technology and Society
Labs: In the “Purpose” section of the lab write-up, you must delineate your
hypothesis and elaborate on ALL bullet pointed objectives described in the prelab introduction reading BEFORE coming to class. All 12 required labs must be
Exams are given at the conclusion of each unit (2-4 chapters), which is about 3-4
weeks and will be designed along the same format as the AP exam (60% multiple
choice and 40% essay- 45 minutes each section). Many of the questions will be
off past AP exams. Remember: NO CALCULATORS ARE ALLOWED ON THE
AP BIOLOGY exam. It is much more important that you understand the overall
concepts/themes and lab objectives in Biology than it is to memorize endless
facts. A student can earn a 50% on the multiple choice and a 70% overall and
still get a perfect “5” on the exam!
Late Work:
All written assignments MUST be in by the beginning of the period on the day
they are due. Beyond this time, they will NOT be accepted.
VIII. GRADES: All assignments are added together as a total point percentage
score weighted as follows:
Daily Work/SRs
Research Project
NOTEBOOK: The student should divide a two inch, three-ring binder into the
following labeled index divider tab sections:
a. Daily Assignments
b. Labs
c. Quizzes & Exams
d. Scientific Reviews
e. Research Experiment
Molecules and Cells
25% of course
Cells are the structural and functional units of life; cellular processes
are based on physical and chemical changes.
A. Chemistry of Life (7%)
1. Water (Chapters 1-3)
 How do the unique chemical and physical properties of
water make life on Earth possible?
 Be able to explain how some life processes directly rely on
these properties.
2. Organic molecules in organisms (Chapter 4 and 5)
 What is the role of carbon in the molecular diversity of
 How do cells synthesize and break down macromolecules?
 How do structures of biologically important molecules
account for their functions?
3. Free energy changes (Chapter 6)
 How do the laws of thermodynamics relate to the
biochemical processes that provide energy to living systems?
 What is activation energy and why is it needed?
4. Enzymes (Chapter 6) Lab #2
 How do enzymes regulate the rate of chemical reactions?
 How does the specificity of an enzyme depend on its
How is the activity of an enzyme regulated?
B. Cells (10%)
1. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells (Chapter 7)
 What are their similarities and differences?
 What are their evolutionary differences?
2. Sub cellular organization (Chapter 7)
 How does compartmentalization organize a cell’s
 How are the structures of various sub cellular organelles
related to their functions?
 How do organelles function together in cellular process?
 What factors limit cell size?
3. Membranes (Chapter 8)
Lab #1
What is the current model of the molecular architecture
of membranes?
How do variations in this structure account for functional
differences among membranes?
How does the structural organization of membranes
provide for transport and recognition?
What are various mechanisms by which substances cross
4. Cell Cycle and its regulation (Chapter 12) Lab #3
 How does the cell cycle assure genetic continuity?
 How does mitosis allow for the even distribution of
genetic information to new cells?
What are the mechanisms of cytokinesis?
How is the cell cycle regulated?
How can aberrations in the cell cycle lead to tumor
C. Cellular Energetics (Chapter 6)(8%)
1. Coupled reactions (Chapter 9-10)
 What is the role of ATP in coupling the cell’s anabolic and
catabolic processes?
How does the chemiosmosis function on bioenergetics?
2. Fermentation and cellular respiration (Chapter 9) Lab #5
 How are organic molecules broken down by catabolic
 What is the role of oxygen in energy-yielding pathways?
 How do cells generate ATP in the absence of oxygen?
3. Photosynthesis (Chapter 10) Lab #4
 How does photosynthesis convert light energy into
chemical energy?
 How are the chemical products of the light-trapping
reactions coupled to the synthesis of carbohydrates?
 What interactions exist between photosynthesis and
cellular respiration?
Heredity and Evolution
25% of course
Heredity events control the passage of structural and functional
information from one generation to the next.
A. Heredity (8%)
1. Meiosis and gametogenesis (Chapter 13)
What features of meiosis are important in sexual reproduction?
Why is meiosis important in heredity?
How is meiosis related to gametogenesis?
What are the similarities and differences between gametogenesis
in animals and gametogenesis in plants?
2. Eukaryotic chromosomes (Chapter 15 and 19)
 How is genetic information organized in the eukaryotic
 How does this organization contribute to both continuity of and
variability in the genetic information?
3. Inheritance patterns (Chapter 14) lab #7
 How did Mendel’s work lay the foundation of modern genetics?
 What are the principal patterns of inheritance?
B. Molecular Genetics (9%)
1. RNA and DNA structure and function (Chapter 16 and 17)
 How do the structures of nucleic acids relate to their
functions of information storage and protein synthesis?
 What are the similarities and differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes?
2. Gene Regulation (Chapter 18)
 What are some mechanisms by which gene expression is
regulated in prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
3. Mutation (Chapter 16)
 In what ways can genetic information be altered?
 What are some effects of these alterations?
4. Viral
structure and replication (Chapter 18)
What is the structure of viruses?
What are the major steps in viral reproduction?
How do viruses transfer genetic material between cells?
5. Nucleic acid technology and application (Chapter 20) Lab # 6
 What are some current recombinant technologies?
 What are some practical applications of nucleic acid
 What legal and ethical problems may arise from these
C. Evolutionary Biology (8%)
1. Early evolution of life (Chapter 26)
What are the current biological models for the origins of
biological macromolecules?
What are the current models for the origins of prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells?
2. Evidence for evolution (Chapter 23 and 24)
 What types of evidence support an evolutionary view of
3. Mechanisms of evolution (Chapter 24) Lab #8
 What is the role of natural selection in the process of
 How are heredity and natural selection involved in the
process of evolution?
 What mechanisms account for speciation and
 What different patterns of evolution have been identified
and what mechanisms are responsible for each of these
III. Organisms and Populations
50% of Course
The relationship of structure to function is a theme that is common to
all organisms; interaction of organisms within their evolution is the major
theme in ecology.
Diversity of Organisms (8%)
1. Evolutionary patterns (Chapter 40)
 What is the major body plans of plants and
Survey if the diversity of life (Chapters 27-34)
 What are representative organisms for the
Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya?
 What are representative members of the major
animal phyla and plant divisions?
Phylogenetic classification (Chapters 27-34)
 What are the distinguishing characteristics of
each group (domains, kingdoms, and the major
phyla and divisions of animals and plants)?
Evolutionary relationships (Chapter 25)
What is some evidence that organisms are related
to each other?
How do scientists study evolutionary relationships
among organisms?
How is this information used in classification of
B. Structure and Function of Plants and Animals (32%)
1. Reproduction, growth, and development (Chapters
35,38,46, and 47) Lab #9
 What patterns of reproduction and development are
found in plants and animals and how are they
 What is adaptive significance of alternation of
generations in major groups of plants?
Structural, physiological and behavioral adaptations
(Chapters 36, 37, 42, and 51) Lab #10 and #11
 How does the organization of cells, tissues, and
organs determine structure and function in plant and
animal systems?
 How are structure and function related to various
organ systems?
 How do the organ systems of animals interact?
 What adaptive features have contributed to the
success of various plants and animals on land?
Response to the environment (Chapters 39, 48, and 49)
 What are the responses of plants and animals to
environmental clues, and how do hormones mediate
C. Ecology (10%)
Population Dynamics (Chapter 52)
 What models are useful in describing the growth of
a population?
 How is population size regulated by abiotic and
biotic factors?
Communities and ecosystems (53 and 54) Lab #12
 How is energy flow through an ecosystem related to
trophic structure (trophic levels)?
 How do elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous,
sulfur, and oxygen) cycle through the ecosystems?
How do the organisms affect the cycling of elements
and water through the biosphere?
How do biotic and abiotic factors affect community
structure and ecosystem function?
Global issues (Chapter 55)
 In which ways are humans affecting biogeochemical
Advanced Placement Biology Topic Outline
The following topic outline indicates the percentage of the course and exam
devoted to each major subset of biology.
I. Molecules and cells
II. Heredity and Evolution
III. Organisms and Populations
I. Molecules and Cells (25%)
A. Chemistry of Life (7%)
1. Water
2. Organic molecules in organisms
3. Free energy changes
4. Enzymes
B. Cells (10%)
1. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
2. Membranes
3. Subcellular organization
4. Cell cycle and its regulation
C. Cellular
Energetics (8%)
Coupled reactions
Fermentation and cellular respiration
II. Heredity and Evolution (25%)
A. Heredity (8%)
1. Meiosis and gametogenesis
2. Eukaryotic chromosomes
3. Inheritance patterns
B. Molecular Genetics (9%)
1. RNA and DNA structure and function
2. Gene regulation
3. Mutation
4. Viral structure and replication
5. Nucleic acid technology and applications
C. Evolutionary Biology (8%)
1. Early evolution of life
2. Evidence for evolution
3. Mechanisms of evolution
Organisms and Populations (50%)
A. Diversity of Organisms (8%)
1.Evolutionary patterns
2. Survey of the diversity of life
3. Phylogenetic classification
Evolutionary relationships
B. Structure and Function of Plants and Animals (32%)
1. Reproduction, growth, and development
2. Structural, physiological, and behavioral adaptations
3. Response to environment
C. Ecology
Population dynamics
Communities and ecosystems
Global issues
Advanced Placement Biology Course Outline & Syllabus
*Time frame is an approximation. Revisions may be made due to time
Ch. 1-5 (3 1/2 weeks)
Introduction: Themes in the Study of Life
The Chemical Context of Life
Water and the Fitness of the Environment
Carbon and the Molecular Diversity of Life
The Structure and Function of Macromolecules
An Introduction to Metabolism
UNIT TEST #1: CH. 1-5.
Ch. 7 and 8 (2 weeks)
A Tour of the Cell
Membrane Structure and Function
Laboratory 1: Diffusion and osmosis
UNIT TEST #2: Ch. 7-8 AND Laboratory 1
Ch. 6, 9, and 10 (3 1/2 weeks)
Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy
Laboratory 2: Enzymes
Laboratory 4: Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis
Laboratory 5: Cell Respiration
UNIT TEST #3: Ch. 6, 9, and 10 AND Laboratories 2, 4, and 5
Ch. 11-15 (3 1/2 weeks)
Cell Communication
The Reproduction of Cells
Meiosis and Sexual Life Cycles
Mendel and Gene Idea
The Chromosomal Basis of Inheritance
Laboratory 3: Mitosis and Meiosis
UNIT TEST #4: Ch. 11-15 AND Laboratory 3
Ch. 16-21 (3 weeks)
The Molecular Basis of Inheritance
From Gene to Protein
Microbial Models: The Genetics of Viruses and Bacteria
Genome Organization and Expression in Eukaryotes
DNA Technology
The Genetics Basis of Development
Laboratory 6: Molecular Biology
UNIT TEST #5: Ch. 16-21 AND Laboratory 6
Ch. 22-28, 31 (4 weeks)
Descent with Modification: A Darwinian View of Life
The Evolution of Populations
The Origin of Species
Tracing Phylogeny: Macroevolution, the Fossil Record, and Systematics
Early Earth and the Origin of Life
Prokaryotes and the Origins of Metabolic Diversity
The Origins of Eukaryotic Diversity (545-554)
Fungi (616-619, 629-631)
Laboratory 8: Population Genetics and Evolution
Laboratory 7: Genetics of Organisms
UNIT TEST #6: Ch. 22-28, 31, Laboratories 7 and 8
Ch. 29-30, 35-39 (4 weeks)
Plant Diversity I: The Colonization of Land
Plant Diversity II: The Evolution of the Seed Plant
Plant Structure and Growth
Transport in Plants
Plant Nutrition
Plant Reproduction and Development
Control Systems in Plants
Laboratory 9: Transpiration
UNIT TEST #7: Ch. 29-30, 35-39, Laboratory 9
Ch. 32-34, 40-49 (4 weeks)
Introduction to Animal Evolution
Vertebrate Evolution and Diversity
An Introduction to Animal Structure and Function
Animal Nutrition
Circulation and Gas Exchange
The Body’s Defenses
Controlling the Internal Environment
Chemical Signals in Animals
Animal Reproduction
Animal Development
Nervous Systems
Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
Laboratory 10: Physiology of the Circulatory System
UNIT TEST #8: Ch. 32-34, 40-49 and Laboratory 10
Ch. 50-55 (2-3 weeks)
An Introduction to Ecology and the Biosphere
Behavioral Biology
Population Ecology
Community Ecology
Conservation Biology
Laboratory 11: Animal Behavior
Laboratory 12: Dissolved Oxygen and Primary Productivity
AP EXAMINATION Monday, May 14 2006. Morning Session. 8 a.m.
FINAL EXAM/LAB: UNIT TEST #9: Ch. 50-55 and Laboratory 11&12
The Exam
The AP Biology Exam puts your knowledge and understanding of modern biology to the
test—and gives you the chance to earn college credit before you’re done with high school.
About the Exam
The three hour test includes an 80-minute, 100 question multiple choice section, a 10 minute
reading period, and a 90-minute four question free-response section.
Section I: Multiple-Choice
The multiple-choice section covers a broad range of topics and types of questions. What
should you expect? Everything from thought-provoking problems based on fundamental
ideas to questions that ask you to recall the basic facts and major concepts of modern
biology. The topic outline for AP Biology details the percentage of the course—and the
exam—devoted to each major subset of biology.
Unlike other multiple-choice tests, random guessing can hurt your final score. While you
don’t lose anything for leaving a question blank, one quarter of a point is subtracted for
each incorrect answer on the test. But if you have some knowledge of the question and can
eliminate one or more answers, it’s usually to your advantage to choose what you believe is
the best answer of the remaining choices.
Section II: Free Response
In the free response section, you’ll be asked to write persuasive and coherent essays for
four broad questions. Your answers will demonstrate your reasoning and analytical skills, as
well as your ability to synthesize material from several sources. Each of the four essays is
given equal consideration when tallying your final score.
The free-response section usually includes one question on molecules and cells, one on
genetics and evolution, and two on organisms and populations. But, since there is some
overlap between these areas, some questions may cover more than one topic. Also, keep in
mind that the questions may go beyond your book learning and require you to analyze and
interpret data or information from your laboratory experience.
Remember to write all answers to the free-response questions in essay form. Outlines and
unlabeled diagrams are not acceptable final answers.
Scoring the Exam
The multiple-choice section counts for 60 percent of your final score, and the freeresponse section counts for 40 percent.
While each AP Biology class generally covers the same types of information, there are
differences from class to class. The test may include questions that you might not have
covered in class. Don’t worry—you’re not expected to know the answer to every single
question to get a passing grade.
Sample Questions & Scoring Guidelines
For details about the content on the AP Biology Exam go to
Multiple-Choice Questions
For sample multiple-choice questions, refer to the Course Description (.pdf/308K) at
Tips For Writing AP Biology Exam Essays
The first thing that you should do is to carefully read the question. The second
thing you should do is read the question, and the third thing you should do is read
the question. Be sure that you answer the question that is asked and only that
question, and that you answer all parts of it. If you are given a choice of parts to
answer, choose carefully. Don’t answer all parts in that case.
Briefly outline the answer to avoid confusion and disorganization. Pay close
attention to the verbs used in the directions (such as “describe”, “explain”,
“compare”, “give evidence for”, “graph”, “calculate”, etc.) and be sure to follow those
directions. Thinking ahead helps to avoid scratch outs, astrices, skipping around,
and rambling.
Write an essay. Outlines and diagrams, no matter how elaborate and accurate, are
not essays and will not get you much, if any, credit by themselves. Exceptions: If
you are asked as a part of an essay on a lab to calculate a number, this part does not
require an essay, but be sure to show how you got your answer (show formulas you
are using and the values you have inserted into those formulas); or, if you are asked
to draw a diagram in the question, do so, but be sure to annotate it carefully and
Define and/or explain the terms you use. Say something about each of the
important terms that you use. The AP Exam will not ask for a list of buzzwords.
Use high-level vocabulary but use it in context.
Answer the question in parts in the order called for and label them “a”, “b”, etc., as
they are labeled in the question. It is best not to skip around with the question.
The four essay questions do not have to be answered in any particular order. The
readers will find your answer. Put the number in the box at the top of the page to
make it easy to find your answer.
Write clearly and neatly. It is foolhardy to antagonize or confuse the reader with
lousy penmanship.
Go into detail that is on the subject and to the point. Be sure to include the obvious
(for example, “light is necessary for photosynthesis”). Answer the question
If you cannot remember a word exactly, take a shot at it—get as close to it as you
can. Even if you don’t remember the name for a concept, describe the concept.
Use a ballpoint pen with dark black ink. If it “bleeds” through to the other side of
the paper, don’t write on the back of that page. That will make it easier for the
Remember that no detail is too small to be included as long as it is to the point. Be
sure to include the obvious—most points are given for the basics anyway.
If you use a diagram, carefully label it (it will get no points otherwise) and place it in
the text at the appropriate place—not detached at the end. Be sure to refer to the
diagram in your essay.
Widen your margins a little. This will make the essay easier for most folks to read.
Bring a watch to the exam so that you can pace yourself. You have four essays with
about 22 minutes for each answer. The proctor will not give you any time cues.
Understand that the exam is written to be hard. The national average for the essay
section will be under 50% correct, that is less than 5 points out of a possible 10 on
each essay. It is very likely that you will not know everything. This is expected, but
you will know something about each essay, so relax and do the best you can. Write
through the answers.
If you are asked to design or describe an experiment, include these things:
a. Hypothesis and/or predictions
b. Identify independent variable(s)—what treatments will you apply
c. Identify dependent variable(s)—what will measure to see if the independent
variable had an effect
d. Describe how you will measure the independent variable, AND why it will
work in this case
e. Identify several variables to be controlled (VERY IMPORTANT)
f. Describe the organism/materials/apparatus to be used
g. Describe what you will actually do (how will you apply the treatment)
h. Describe how the data will be graphed and analyzed
i. State how you will draw a conclusion (compare your results to hypotheses &
j. Your experimental design needs to be at least theoretically possible and it is
very important that your conclusions/predictions be consistent with 1) the
principles involved with and 2) with the way you set up the experiment.
Make sure the experiment is internally consistent,
16. If you are asked to draw a graph, include these things
a. Set up the graph with the independent variable (manipulated variable) along
the x-axis and dependent variable (responding variable) along the y-axis.
b. Mark off axes in equal (proportional) increments and label with proper units.
c. Plot points and attempt to sketch in curve (line).
d. If more than one curve is plotted, write a label on each curve (this is better
than a legend).
e. Label each axis with the variable name and include the units in which it is
measured (C degrees, min, etc)
f. Give your graph an appropriate title (what is it showing? Try: “Y” as a
function of “X”).
Don’t waste time on background information or a long introduction unless the
question calls for historical development or historical significance. Answer the
2. Don’t ramble—get to the point, and don’t shoot the bull—say what you know and go
on to the next question. You can always come back if you remember something.
3. Don’t use a pencil, and don’t use a pen with an ink color other than black. Don’t use a
felt-tip pen because the ink weeps through the page and makes both sides of the
paper hard to read. Don’t scratch out excessively. One or two lines through the
unwanted word(s) should be sufficient, and don’t write more than a very few words
in the margin. Finally don’t write sloppily. It is easy for a grader to miss an
important word when he/she cannot read your handwriting.
4. Don’t panic or get angry because you are unfamiliar with the question. You probably
have read or heard something about the subject—be calm and think.
5. Don’t worry about spelling every word perfectly or using exact grammar. These are
not a part of the standards the graders use. It is important for you to know,
however, that very poor spelling and grammar will hurt your chances.
6. There is no need to say the same thing twice. While introductory paragraphs may
be important in English class, on the AP Exam they are a waste of valuable time.
This also goes for restating the question. Don’t restate it, just answer it.
7. If given a choice of two or more topics to write about, understand that only the
first one(s) you write about will count. You must make a choice and stick with it.
If you decide that your first choice was a bad one, then cross out that part of the
answer so the reader knows clearly which part you wish to be considered for credit.
8. Don’t leave questions blank. Remember that each point you earn on an essay question
is the equivalent of two correct multiple choice questions, and there is no penalty
for a wrong guess, baad spellig; or bad grammar. Make an effort on every
question! DON’T QUIT!!
Answering AP Biology Essay Questions
Answering an essay question requires sophisticated skills. Your answer will include a
great deal of information and most of it should be specific, not general, information.
You will need to be precise and make sure that everything you say is relevant to the
question. For this you need two main abilities: to be able to detect the key words in the
question and to know how to organize your ideas.
Here are some key direction words used in essay exams. An understanding of these
words will permit you to control what you say.
1. Compare:
2. Contrast:
3. Define:
4. Describe:
5. Discuss:
6. Enumerate:
Show the similarities between two events, periods, ideas, theories,
or the like. (Some AP Essay Questions use “compare” to mean
showing differences as well as similarities.)
Show the differences between two or more evens, periods, ideas,
theories, or the like.
State the meaning of a word or phrase. Ex: Define science.
Give the characteristics of something. Ex: Describe the functions
of the ATP/ADP system.
Give the pros and cons on an issue, event, process, theory, or
technique. Ex: Discuss how DNA replicates itself.
list a number of reasons or attributes of something. Ex: Enumerate
the stages of mitosis.
7. Evaluate:
Make a judgment or give an opinion, or supply reasons why something
is as it is. Ex: Evaluate the effects of Jenner’s experiments with
8 Explain:
Support or qualify a given generalization with specific facts and
ideas. Ex: Explain what is meant by the “scientific method’.
9. Interpret:
Analyze critically or explain something not clear.
10. Prove or Show: Demonstrate the truth of a statement, explain the reasons for
events turning out as they did, or speculate on what might be the
effects of certain causes. Ex: Show with diagrams how the eye is
like a camera.
11. Design an Experiment: Hypothesize or predict; identify independent
and dependent variables; describe the materials used,
the procedures followed, how data was collected,
recorded, graphed, and analyzed, and how conclusions
were drawn.