CMTH 102-33: SPEECH COMMUNICATION Fall 2011 Section: CMTH 102-33 Class location: CMUN 140 Prof. Ryan Sabo E-mail: Phone: (610) 861-4541x1472 T 6:00-8:45 PM Office: CMUN 118A Office Hours: W 1:30-2:30 PM & F 11:30 AM-12:30 PM Also available by appointment TEXT Communication Works, 10th Edition, by Gamble & Gamble COURSE DESCRIPTION AND FORMAT This course is an introduction to the concepts that are essential to human speech communication. Consequently, this is more than a public speaking course; this course examines all levels of human speech interaction. Students are evaluated on not only what they can do, but also on what they know regarding human speech communication. The prime objective of this course is to motivate you away from the common fear of public speaking that lies in the majority of us. Secondarily, we will learn some theory surrounding communication; which will help in understanding your speech delivery. We will engage in speaking in front of the class regularly, as well as enacting exercises that help you feel more comfortable speaking to live audiences. I will use some interesting techniques to motivate, so please use an open mind and come prepared to laugh and learn. This course will take on a small group format. I expect you will have read all the readings before class, will be prepared to engage in class discussion, will not miss class, will complete all assignments on time, and will put your best effort into all work. You will be assigned to a base group. The function of the base group is to assist you in your learning the concepts in this class, as a team. You will also rely on your base group if you miss assignments, if you are late to, or miss class. Your group also will help you loosen up your communicative skills and prepare you for your speeches. You should exchange information (phone numbers and email addresses) with your group members, as you will be with this group throughout the semester. I encourage you to stay in contact with your base group outside of class as well. Some students may choose to meet regularly with their groups outside of class, chat online, or email one another. I will treat this course as a seminar in which we spend much of our time discussing the readings in small groups, and I need your involvement to make that happen. I look forward to interacting with you collectively and individually on a regular basis. View my role primarily as one of facilitator, encouraging you to think, question, apply, and integrate the course material, rather than one of merely disseminating knowledge for your consumption. I cannot stress more strongly that I espouse, encourage, and respect reciprocity. I run my classes under the policy of fairness. If you are diligent with your attendance, respond to discussions regularly, respect the thoughts of others, and treat me with the respect I deserve, you will be rewarded the same courtesy. Conversely, if you, for example, are chronically late to class, do not participate, and are generally apathetic to the pedagogy in my classroom, rewards will be less frequent. STUDENT LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Students write and deliver speeches that demonstrate awareness of audience and purpose. 2. Students can articulate the theoretical concepts of self, interpersonal, and intercultural communication. 3. Students understand group processes and roles and can work effectively in a group. 4. Students understand, explain, and can demonstrate the elements of effective listening. 5. Students identify, think critically about, and utilize persuasive strategies as both creators and consumers of communication. 6. You will be aware of how the media you consume affects the way you think, speak, and communicate, and this will be executed through a semester long journal. HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL IN THIS COURSE •Make a habit of turning your cell phone on silent or vibrate as you enter the classroom. •Plan to attend all classes; contact your instructor if you will be absent. •Show effort by participating in class discussions and activities. •Show empathy with your classmates; be considerate during speeches. •Communicate with your instructor outside of class. •Type every graded assignment. Please print on both sides of paper. •Prepare and practice before your speech delivery. •Keep track of your own grades using Blackboard. •Think about your communication behavior outside of class. COURSE REQUIREMENTS Brown Bag Speech 10 points Group quizzes (12 @ 5 pts. each) 60 points Informative Speech 40 points Informative Outline 20 points Persuasive Speech 40 points Motivated Sequence 25 points Interpersonal Relationship Essay 25 points Group Communication Essay 25 points Exams (2 @ 40 points each) 80 points Class Attendance and Participation 30 points Speech outline workshop (2@10 pts. each) 20 points Self evaluation after speeches (2@10 pts. each) 20 points Peer Evaluations (2@5 pts. each) 10 points Impromptu speeches (3 @ 20 pts. each) 60 points Weekly Reaction Critiques of Media Usage 70 points Extra credit assignment (media fast) <50 points> Total Course 525 points <585> CLASS ATTENDANCE Class attendance is expected. You are also expected to arrive to class on time and not to leave early. With the exception of an emergency you should let me know ahead of time if you must leave class early. A student who misses class more than twice the number of weekly meetings of the class will be withdrawn. See student handbook for more information. SPEECH PREPARATION AND PRACTICE (SLO#1) You will be required to prepare and practice your Informative speech and Persuasive speech to your base group. You will be given an evaluation form that your peers will fill out regarding your outline and speech. After you have reviewed the evaluation of your outline and speech it will be turned into me. You will get the evaluation back for your reference. EXAMS AND QUIZZES (SLO#2) There will be an individual midterm and final given in this course. The final will not be comprehensive. In preparation for each exam you should read all assigned materials and attend all class meetings prior to the specific exam. Make-up exams will be given only if approved by me prior to the time of the regular exam and then only because of major crisis (e.g. serious illness, death of family member). If you simply do not show up for an exam, and do not consult with me at least 24 hours prior to the time of the exam as to why you will be absent, there will be no make up. There will also be quizzes given for most of the chapters read. See course outline and due dates. ORAL COMMUNICATION PRESENTATIONS AND MISSED WORK You will know at least a week in advance of the day on which you are scheduled to perform in any way. You may exchange speaking dates with another student at any time with my consent. Because of the nature of the course and the tightness of the schedule, no missed presentations will be rescheduled unless you have notified me a minimum of 24 hours prior to time of the class in which you were supposed to speak and have a valid excuse (e.g. serious illness, death of an immediate family member). Unexcused, missed or late work will result in a zero grade for all aspects of the assignment. SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS If you feel you have a disability and need special accommodations of any nature I will work with you and the Student Disabilities Services Office to provide reasonable accommodations to ensure that you have a fair opportunity to perform in this class. Please advise me of such a disability and contact the Student Disabilities Services Office, (610) 861-5342, as soon as possible. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY AND MISCONDUCT Please refer to you student handbook for the definitions of cheating and plagiarism. If a student is caught cheating or plagiarizing, an “F” will be given for the assignment. Depending on the severity of the case, an “F” could be assigned for the course as well. ORGANIZATION OF THE COURSE AND FORMAL ASSIGNMENTS The Informative Speech You will deliver a four to five minute informative speech. As a speaker you are to do a complete job of informing your audience on a topic of your choice. This speech has three components that will be graded (outline, delivery, and content). The goals of this project are: 1. To demonstrate to me proper structure for content, and how you use support. 2. To execute effective delivery skills. 3. To use visual aids. 4. To convey professional and formal speech mechanics (i.e. eye contact, audience interaction). This speech will involve doing research, using sources, and making an outline. A speech is not reading word for word off of a paper. Plus, it is not an essay presented verbally. You will be graded strongly on your ability to hold the attention of the audience. Your outline should follow the format presented in class. Remember, if your speech topic is not approved prior to you speaking, you cannot present your speech. The only times I can approve your speech are the days on the syllabus which are scheduled as group/instructor check, not by email, voice mail, or phone. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!! Interpersonal Relationship Analysis Essay The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate recognition and understanding of the stages and characteristics of an interpersonal relationship by using an example from your own experience. Please apply the theory from the readings in the text, as your content will be evaluated based on how well you have synthesized this material. I expect an essay to be typed using a 12 pt. text size, one-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right), to have a cover sheet displaying your name, the title of the essay, and the name of the institution (Northampton Community College), and to consist of at least two full pages of content. No email submissions, no exceptions! Group Communication Analysis Essay The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate understanding of how the elements of communication operate when collaborating with others in small groups, and to understand how conflict is managed in small groups. Please apply the theories from the readings in the text, as your content will be evaluated based on how well you have synthesized this material. I expect an essay to be typed using a 12 pt. text size, one-inch margins (top, bottom, left, right), to have a cover sheet displaying your name, the title of the essay, and the name of the institution (Northampton Community College), and to consist of at least two full pages of content. No email submissions, no exceptions! The Persuasive Speech This is a five to seven minute persuasive speech. You will receive grades for your outline, content of your speech, and your delivery. You will be planning a speech that has a solid strategy, audience analysis, rhetorical applications, and delivery effectiveness. You will be researching, outlining, and planning your speech for reaching maximum persuasive potential. This speech is considered the culmination of the class, so strong extemporaneous delivery and thoughtful content is recommended. Remember, if your speech topic is not approved prior to you speaking, you cannot present your speech. The only times I can approve your speech are the days on the syllabus which are scheduled as group/instructor check, not by email, voice mail, or phone. THIS IS NON-NEGOTIABLE!! Self Evaluation after your formal speeches After you speak formally, it is beneficial to assess your perceived strengths and weaknesses in order to make adjustments for improvement. Sometimes, we are much harder on ourselves than our teachers or our peers, and a subjective evaluation, used in conjunction with objective evaluations, can help us identify more specifically what we need to improve upon and what we need to embrace as our strengths as a speaker. Media Usage Journal/Impromptu Speeches/Reaction critiques The way we communicate off line, interpersonally, and dyadically depends greatly on the leveland types of input to which we expose ourselves. In other words, based on what you learned about the Saphir-Whorf Hypothesis, the media you consume affects greatly the way you perceive the world. Knowing my opinions about oligarchical nature of mass media ownership (the few operating many media installations), sometimes our thoughts tend to become stagnated by the homogenization of messages we consume. These thoughts then translate to how we communicate. This exercise is a daily, weekly, and semester long project of self monitoring, marking how much media you consume. You will buy a notebook of your choice, and journal daily on how much media you consume. Whether it is an hour of TV, two hours on the net, constantly checking your smart phone, reading a book, seeing a movie, listening to radio, reading a magazine, etc. Also, please note the times when you are not engaged in media consumption, as well as noting the instances of interpersonal communication, whether or not it involved media, and how the communication changed, or did not change, based on the media being consumed. You will come to class with a two minute speech written about your week’s entries, and will be prepared to read your speech to the class. You will not read every week, but should be prepared. If you do not have a speech prepared, you will not be given credit for the assignment. You will read three times in the semester, and on a random basis. If you do not read, you will still hand in your paper for credit. Please also quantify your hours of usage for the week on the other side of the paper, (e.g. 7 hrs of TV: 2hrs law and order, 1 hour of Chopped, 1 hour of Breaking Bad, etc. 6 hours of radio: 3 NPR, 3 Sports Talk, etc, 10 hours on the net, 3 on Facebook, 2, 4 Blackboard, etc..) so I can see the entire class’ usage. I will make a visual presentation for everyone to enjoy regarding your media usage, and break it down by group, but not by individual identification, for privacy purposes. I also will compile a journal, and will share with the class my consumption. Extra Credit Assignment If you choose this mission, which is a daunting one, please inform all of your family, friends, colleagues, and anyone else who may get angry with you for not responding to mediated messages. This assignment will take a special amount of guile and perseverance to undertake, so think before you act. You will fast from all media consumption for at least 72 hours to be given credit for this assignment. The level to which you fast, and the level to which you write about your experience, will be considered in the assessment of your grade. You will note in your media journal every emotion, and thought that involves the compulsion to or revulsion from mediated content. The format for the submission is the same as from the interpersonal and group essay. You will hand this in no later than the last day of class, as it will be returned on the day of the final exam. Semester Schedule Date: Discussion topic: Assigned Reading 1 8/23 Introduction to the course, the syllabus, and benefits FORM BASE of collaborative learning; Team Building Exercise GROUPS 2 8/30 Brown Bag Speeches Communication and Critical thinking Culture and Communication The Self and Communication Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 3 9/6 Communication and Perception Language and Meaning Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Q Ch 1,2, IMPTU 4 9/13 Nonverbal Communication Listening, Feedback, and Critical Thinking Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Q Ch. 3, 4, 5. No IMPTU’s 5 9/20 The Speaker and the Audience The Informative Speech Developing your speech, research, support, and visual aids Chapter 12 Chapter 16 Chapter 13 Q Ch 6, 7 IMPTU 6 9/27 Organizing your ideas Speech Delivery: Managing Anxiety Speech Outline: group check Bring in copies for group members Speech Outline: professor consultation Chapter 14 IMPTU Chapter 15 Preliminary outline and speech due for evaluation OUTLINES ARE DUE THE DAY YOU SPEAK 7 10/4 Informative Speeches Peer Feedback 10/11 FALL BREAK—No Class! 8 10/18 9 10/25 10 11/1 11 11/8 Informative Speech make up day (reduced Credit, of Peer course) Feedback Mid Term Exam Review CHP 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 12,13,14,15,16 ,17 Mid Term Exam (Should take less than 45 minutes) Chapter 8 Interpersonal Relationships Chapter 9 Handling Conflict Relationship analysis explained Group Communication Chapter 10 Leading Others Chapter 11 Managing Conflict IMPTU Persuasive Speaking and Topic Workshop Screening of Food, Inc. Q Chp 10, 11, 17 IMPTU 12 11/15 Supporting your speech with research The Motivated Sequence 13 11/22 The Motivated sequence workshop Media consumption journal handed in. 14 11/29 Persuasive Speeches 15 12/6 Persuasive Speeches Make up Media Consumption Journal Presentation Exam Review RELATIONSH IP ANALYSIS DUE Chapter 17 Group communicatio n analysis explained MEET IN CLASS/ LIBRARY GROUP COMMUNICA TION ANALYSIS DUE Preliminary mot. seq. due for evaluation MOTIVATED SEQUENCE DUE THE DAY YOU SPEAK MOTIVATED SEQUENCE DUE THE DAY YOU SPEAK CHP 8,9,10, 11,17 Self Evals. Due IMPTU Q chp 8,9 IMPTU IMPTU IMPTU IMPTU Tuesday 12/13 EVENING EXAM TIME TBA in our class room Self Evals. Due