Unit 6 Study Guide

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Date: _______________
Unit 6 Study Guide
 Is this a function? (table, graph, mapping, coordinates)
 Vertical Line Test
 Function Notation
Ex: If f(x) = 3x + 2, what is f(w-4) ?
 Study Quiz - Functions
 x-intercepts: substitute y = 0 and solve for x
 y-intercepts: substitute x = 0 and solve for y
y 2  y1
x2  x1
Another term for slope is “rate of change”
Recognize positive, negative, 0 and undefined slopes
Find the rise/run when given a graph
Ex: If (-3,2) and (4,r), find r if the slope is 3.
Study Quiz – Slope
p.260 (13,14,53-55)
Slope =
Slope-Intercept Form
 y = mx + b (KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!)
 When you are given an equation, plug in values for x and make a graph.
 When you are given a graph, find the equation for it.
 Explain what would happen to a graph of a line if the m and b values are changed.
Ex: How would the graph of y = 2x – 7 change if the -7 were changed to 4?
 Create the equation for a line when given the following information:
1) m = ___ and b = ___
2) A graph of the line
3) Two points
Parallel & Perpendicular Lines
 Parallel lines have the SAME SLOPE and DIFFERENT Y-INTERCEPTS.
 Perpendicular lines have OPPOSITE RECIPROCAL SLOPES.
 When given an equation, find an equation that is either parallel or perpendicular to it.
Ex: Find the equation of the line parallel to y = -2x + 4 that passes through
the point (3, 5).
 Be sure that you can graph on a calculator! It can help you check your work.