2013 Governing By Laws I. GENERAL BODY Shall consist of Executive Board members, appointed positions, coaches and parents of participants. A. The club shall, through a simple majority (of Executive Board members at regular scheduled meetings), enact a set of rules and regulations that the club will govern its’ self by. B. The club shall hold regular monthly meetings for the Executive Board and general body. The monthly board meeting shall be held on the 1st Monday of every month unless the President or Vice-President are required to re-schedule otherwise. General Body meetings are open from 6:00-7:00PM. Meetings will be closed when necessary after the General Body meeting. To utilize time efficiently and maximize productivity of the closed meeting, individuals will be requested to participate on as needed basis. C. Drugs/Alcohol Consumption and Tobacco a. Any general body member attending a meeting or club function shall not consume, possess, or be under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The club shall enforce a zero tolerance policy. Any board member determined to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall be asked to resign immediately. b. Designated smoking areas will be across the street on the game day field and practice fields. c. No chewing tobacco will be allowed by coaches during football practice or football games. D. Executive Board Election: Nominations will be accepted in person or in writing at the October and November Board Meeting if interested for an Executive Board Position. a. In the event there are no nominations, the club will not hold an Election. b. Election will be held in December and communicated appropriately. c. Each member of the general body shall have one vote, and each child participant shall have one vote cast by their legal guardian at the election. (One vote per adult, maximum 2 votes per family). d. New board members shall assume duties the first of January. Information should be transferred in the December board meeting. E. Appointed Positions: The Executive Board will hold a closed Executive Board Meeting to review the nominations for the appointed positions. It is at this time the appointed positions will be reviewed and voted on. Individuals will be notified within 72 hours of the Executive Board decision. New board members shall assume duties the first of January. Information should be transferred in the December board meeting. F. You must have served on the Executive Board in the previous year to run for the position of President. You must have served as a General Board Member, Head Coach, Head Cheerleading Coach or Executive Board member, to run for the position of Vice-President. G. Any monies spent must have prior approval of the Executive Board. Items that are not in the pre-approved budget must have Executive Board approval. This excludes payment of referees. The President, Vice-President and Treasurer may approve monies less than $500.00 when deemed critical for the operation of the club. Notification of the expense will be communicated to the Executive Board via e-mail or phone the same day as the transaction. All transactions require a receipt for reimbursement. I. At all club functions at least two board members shall be accountable for all funds. J. ALL board members are expected to share responsibilities at all Club functions. K. Any written communication to be handed out to the general body must be approved by the Executive Board. L. Team fundraisers must be Board approved, by written request, prior to the fundraiser and submitted to the Fundraising Coordinator. M. No blood relatives or spouses may serve in any two of the monetary positions. (President, Secretary, and Treasurer). II. BOARD POSITIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. ELECTED POSITIONS (EXECUTIVE): 1. PRESIDENT a. Shall oversee board meetings, general body meetings, and coaches review board meetings. b. Shall have the right to call for an accounting of all funds from any committee or the club Treasurer. c. Shall have the right to act on any internal or external problem that may arise until an Executive Board meeting can be called for, within seven days notice, and any problems presented to the Executive Board for their consideration. d. Shall have the right to appoint temporary alternates to positions when needed. Alternates shall become permanent upon approval of the Executive Board. e. President’s vote shall only be cast in the case of a tie in general body/Executive Board meetings. f. Shall submit a budget to the Executive Board at the February meeting. g. Shall attend monthly scheduled Gateway League meetings or designate. h. Shall interface with ManageYourLeague.com, Parents and Coaches to ensure website changes and availability. i. Shall be responsible for field permits and direct contact with the City of O’Fallon. 2. VICE-PRESIDENT a. Shall have the same duties as the President when the President is unavailable. Shall cast one vote unless the President is unavailable. Shall cast the deciding vote only when the President is unavailable. b. All parent’s complaints shall be submitted in writing and be given to the VicePresident for evaluation and resolution. A copy of all written complaints that do not have resolution must be presented to the Board at its next meeting. c. Shall be the Sergeant at Arms to ensure meetings run efficiently and follow the meeting agenda. d. Shall coordinate compilation and distribution of club newsletters to the general body with Executive Board approval. e. Shall handle all Public Relations to the organizations general body with Executive Board approval. 4. SECRETARY a. Shall keep minutes of the Executive and general body meeting and any coaches review meetings, and email a copy of previous board meeting to all Executive Board members. b. Shall post, one (1) week in advance, if there are any changes to the monthly board meeting. c. Shall have the right to select members to assist in secretarial and typing duties. d. Shall set up sign-ups and registration with board approval. Shall coordinate communications for Flag and Tackle Football Registrations. e. Shall coordinate Agenda for the next months meeting. Agenda may be changed after it is published, if necessary. 5. TREASURER a. Shall maintain the financial records of the club. b. Shall give complete verbal and written financial report at each meeting. A copy should be given to each board member. Balance sheet, profit & loss statement, bank statement are to be provided. c. Shall keep record of incoming and outgoing money of spirit wear and any additional club fundraisers. d. Shall disburse checks for all transactions with prior approval from President. (I.E.: drops). e. . Use of cash is to be avoided, if possible. Payments to referees are excluded from this policy. f. Shall issue written receipts for all cash received. g. Shall insure all bills/invoices will be paid within thirty (30) days with prior written approval from President. (I.E.: signed invoice). f. Shall present a year-end statement in February for previous year. g. Shall seek and retain liability insurance for the organization. Shall make copies of said insurance policy for all board members. h. Shall check the P.O. Box at least once per week. Bring other correspondence to members at Executive meetings. i. Manage and submit 501 c3 Non-Profit Requirements j. Tax exempt k. Website, domain l. Manage Your League 6. EQUIPMENT DIRECTOR a. Shall be responsible for all distribution of player equipment and club scale. b. Shall maintain a complete inventory of equipment issued to coaches and players. c. Shall request help when needed to facilitate orderly equipment hand out, turn in, and inventory preparation. d. Shall over-see Executive Board and Head Coaches at equipment hand out and at designated times. e. Shall inventory all equipment before first sign up and before any equipment is ordered for following season. f. A list of all outstanding equipment will be provided to the secretary for collection with copies of the list being given to Executive Board members at the February board meeting. g. Shall make recommendations on purchases of equipment. h. Shall work within pre-approved annual equipment budget for purchases. i. Invoices will be provided to Treasurer for all equipment purchases. 7. COACHING DIRECTOR a. b. c. d. Shall over-see all coaches in the club. Shall accept applications of all coaches. Shall be in charge of organizing and planning any camps held. Shall make recommendations to the board regarding who is to be selected as Head Coaches. e. Criteria for choosing coaches if there are too many applications for a specific level of competition are as follows: ABILITY ATTENDANCE AT CLUB FUNCTIONS SENIORITY f. Shall have the right to recruit coaching applicants. g. Shall have the right to discipline coaches. All complaints must be submitted to the Vice-President in writing for recommendation to the Board for any disciplinary action. If a coach disagrees with the disciplinary action against him/her, he shall have the right to an Executive Board Meeting within seven (7) days. Coaching Director of Football shall cast a deciding vote in case of a tie, unless the complaint is against him/her, then the President shall break the tie. h. Shall investigate all complaints against a coach. i. Shall make recommendations to the Field Director about needed improvements to the field. j. Shall call coaches meetings at least monthly, or as needed, in advance of the day of the meeting. k. Shall preside over player assignment based on the rules of the club. l. Shall reply to plaintiff and board about disposition of issues within fourteen (14) days. m. Shall insure all coaches are USA Football Certified n. Shall make final decision on rainouts and relay that information to the secretary and the field director. o. Shall be notified by coaches of all practices, outside of the normal schedule. p. Shall maintain a copy of the Code of Ethics. Each will be signed by the Head Coach. q. Shall follow GFL back ground check processes. 8. CHEERLEADING DIRECTOR a. Shall have the same duties as the Coaching Director of Football with regard to Cheerleading. b. Shall preside over Pep Rally and any additional functions. 9. FIELD DIRECTOR a. Shall maintain the building, field and timing devices. b. Shall be allowed to get help from the general body to carry out duties, including field preparation and cleanup. c. Shall be in charge of coordinating weekly field striping schedule. d. Shall communicate with the Sports Coordinator of the City of O’Fallon to discuss field conditions, usage, etc., on a weekly basis. B. APPOINTED POSITIONS: 1. FUND RAISING COORDINATOR a. Shall over-see fundraising for the organization. b. Shall seek out fall fundraiser. c. Shall be present or have representation at all fundraising activities inclusive of but not exclusive of: handout, distribution, turn-in, golf tournaments, trivia nights, etc. d. Shall be the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for individual Team Fundraisers granting approval and updating the Board of Directors monthly. e. Ensure completion of fundraising request form and alternate team uniform. 2. SPIRIT WEAR COORDINATOR (s) a. Shall inventory all merchandise by February meeting. b. Shall order all merchandise within annual budget. c. Shall be responsible for Spirit Wear monies and receipts and turn in to Treasurer. d. Is responsible for scheduling Board member coverage. 3. TEAM MANAGER DIRECTOR a. Shall recruit one (1) Team Manager representative for each team. b. Shall be responsible for communicating all information to families through a weekly meeting with all Team Managers. c. Shall insure each Team Manager over-sees all team activity: equipment handout and turn in, fundraising, and recruiting parents to work home games. d. Shall coordinate with Team Managers completion of GFL Rosters and Player ID Cards for weigh-ins. e. Shall coordinate with Team Managers completion of GFL Coaches ID Cards. f. Shall be responsible for communicating to all participants inclusive of football players and cheerleaders. g. Shall coordinate pictures, trophies and any end of season events. 4. FLAG FOOTBALL COORDINATOR. a. Shall coordinate and oversee Flag Football Season. b. Shall work closely with all members of the Executive Board to ensure success of Flag Football. 5. ASSISTANT CHEERLEADING DIRECTOR a. Shall assist the Cheerleading Director with responsibilities regarding Cheerleading. 6. ASSISTANT EQUIPMENT DIRECTOR a. Shall assist the Equipment Director with duties assigned. 7. ASSISTANT FIELD DIRECTOR a. Shall assist the Field Director with duties assigned. 8. CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP DIRECTOR a. Shall seek out and write grants/letters of sponsorship from local businesses for the organization. III. RULES AND BY-LAWS REVISIONS After a new board takes over and decides on the club rules and by-laws for the coming year, a new rule or by-law must be submitted in writing and presented to the Executive Board for discussion, motion and a second motion The Board of Directors will then vote on the motion and if passed by a simple majority, the by-laws will be updated. If approved by a simple majority, the proposal shall become an active rule or by-law, replacing any existing rule or by-law. It shall be the function of the secretary to make the proper changes in the printed rules and by-laws within thirty (30) days. IV. REGISTRATION AND PLAYER ASSIGNMENT A. All players, to be eligible, must be registered. To register, a player must present proof of age with a birth certificate, report card, residence, photo ID and Health Insurance at time of registration. They will be charged a registration fee set by the board. A parent or legal guardian must be present and sign the release form provided. Each player is required to get a sports physical before participating. Proof of check-up will be maintained by the Team Manager and no later than July 31st of that year. A waiting list will be maintained by the secretary and players will be back filled from the waiting list to maximize roster numbers. B. A player cannot be considered fully registered unless all of the above stipulations are met and the registration fee is paid. C. 100% OF REGISTRATION FEE IS REFUNDABLE UP TO AUGUST 1ST. 50% OF REGISTRATION FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE AFTER AUGUST 1ST. NO REFUNDS WILL BE ISSUED AFTER THE FIRST GAME OF THE REGULAR SEASON. MEDICAL REASONS WITH A DOCTOR’S NOTE AND EXECUTIVE BOARD APPROVAL ARE THE ONLY EXCEPTIONS. D. The first fifty (50) players registered at each age level that have paid required fees, shall not be turned away. A waiting list will be maintained by the secretary and players will be back filled from the waiting list to maximize roster numbers. The Executive Board will determine player selection and all Head Coaches at the Coaches meeting held in March of that year. (May change due to Gateway guideline changes). 1. The manner in which teams will be organized. Coaches will submit a pre-season Roster to the Coaching Director. During registrations. Players will be assigned to the requested team. 2. Unassigned players will be drafted by the Head Coaches either the Saturday after Camp or if time permits, coaches can review player assignments with the other coaches at their level for assigning players the last day of Camp. i. For situations where player assignments cannot be agreed upon between head coaches, players will be drafted between coaches with the 1st pick being decided by the flip of a coin. 3. Football players ages 6 – 14 and Cheerleaders ages 5 – 14 not going into 8th grade. Football players cannot turn 15 during the year. No one under the age of 18 is to be in the practice area without the permission of the Coaching Director. V. GAME RULES AND REGULATIONS A. THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE HIGH SCHOOL RULE BOOK will be issued with the following additions or deletions. A copy will be kept in the Spirit Wear Trailer and Press Box. 1. If a player should lose consciousness or receive any injury that could be considered serious, that player shall not be allowed to participate without doctors’ release. It shall be the responsibility of the Head Coach to enforce this rule and notify the coaching director. If a violation occurs, disciplinary action may be taken at the discretion of the Coaches Review Board. 2. A complaint from parents, about poor grades or attendance at school, or a complaint from Head Coaches of poor practice attendance presented to a Coaching Director, could lead to removal or suspension of games at the Coaching Director’s discretion. B. Any person ejected from a game shall serve an additional game suspension. This includes practice between consecutive games. The Executive Board will evaluate individual situations. C. Coaches, parents, and players shall follow their code of ethics that must be signed at registration, at all times. D. Playing Time 1. See Section: VII – Item: G VI. GATEWAY FOOTBALL LEAGUE RULES (refer to insert) A. Gateway Football League rules shall override club rules and by-laws. B. President or appointed representative will attend league meetings. VII. HEAD COACHES AND ASSISTANT COACHES A. All Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must be USA Football certified, pass appropriate background check and be approved by the Executive Board. 1. Head Coaches and Assistant Coaches must wear GFL coaches ID badge on sidelines during games. B. All Head Coaches must have one (1) year previous experience as a coach in this organization, or another organization, or as an Assistant Coach with the club unless approved by the Board. C. All Head Coaches must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age prior to the start of the season. D. Head Coaches may lose their responsibilities due to lack of participation of coaches meetings, fund raising activities, and equipment handouts and returns. E. Head Coaches are required to be at monthly Board Meetings. F. The Head Coach shall select his assistant coaches and shall be responsible on the following demands of the club. 1. Good sportsmanship and personal behavior on the football field and in the teaching of the sport. 2. All equipment to include uniforms, footballs and use of all tackling and blocking devices. 3. MUST ATTEND OR SEND A TEAM REPRESENTATIVE TO EVERY COACHES MEETING OR MEETINGS CALLED BY THE COACHING DIRECTOR. 4. In the event of a draft, the Head Coach shall select not more than one (1) assistant coach for selection purposes. 5. Must participate in camp unless the Executive Board has approved previous arrangements. G. Head Coaches will be present at equipment hand-out and return. Coaches will verify all equipment is returned and all said equipment is CLEAN. H. Head Coaches will abide by the stated playing time rules established by the organizations Board of Directors. 1. Grades 2nd thru 5th - 4 Plays per half minimum not including special teams. 2. Grades 6th thru 8th – There is no minimum number of plays per half/per game. 3. A head coach needs to be adamant to give all players an opportunity to learn the game of football and be rewarded with game time experience at all levels. 4. Failure to enforce these rules will result in Disciplinary Action as recommended by the Coaching Director and Vice-President to the Executive Board. Action may result in the dismissal as a Head Coach if playing time issues are persistent. VIII. PRACTICE SESSIONS Subject to change with the permits given by the O’Fallon Park Board A. During the month of August, all teams should have a minimum of 3 practices per week. Days and times will be determined by the board. B. After September 1st, coaches will adhere to designated practice schedule of two (2) practices per week with an optional Saturday walk through. IX. SPECIAL COMMITTEES A. Coaches Review Board will be made up of the Vice-President, Coaching Director(s) and Assistant Coaching Director(s). Shall meet at the request of the Coaching Directors, Coach or Parent. Any complaint brought against a coach must be submitted in writing to the VicePresident and Coaching Director. In this Committee, members shall have one (1) vote each. B. Coaching Director shall present specific complaint, his findings and recommendations. Recording Secretary will take minutes. The Board shall have the right to hand down the following actions: 1. Removal of coaching responsibilities up to five (5) seasons. 2. Probation 3. Board discretion on disciplinary action. C. The Secretary shall maintain a written copy of the complaint and of any action taken; nothing else of the proceedings shall be recorded. D. Decisions of the Board shall be final with no appeal. X. O’FALLON JR. RENEGADES (OJR) ALTERNATE UNIFORM POLICY O’Fallon Jr. Renegades Alternate Uniform Policy Any OJR team playing in the Gateway Football League or any tournaments must seek Board Approval to modify in any way the appearance of the standard uniform assigned to that team. The Head Coach must seek annual board approval if a second uniform is to be used. The organization will not purchase any uniform items other than uniform assigned to that team. Following are the standard OJR uniform items: Black, White, Maroon – Current Jersey 2013: Under Armour Hammer (Note: Nike Destroyer Game Jersey Grandfathered in 2013) Black Game Pants Black Socks Black Belt 1. An alternate Game Jersey must be of the same brand and make as the organization jersey. The organization will “only” provide the current Under Armour Hammer jersey in the color assigned to the team. Optional second jersey colors are white, black or maroon. If a team is a dark color, the second game jersey must be white. If the team color is white, the second jersey can be black or maroon. The organization will not be responsible for fitting players or correcting any discrepancies in the order. The jersey must be purchased from the OJR supplier. JERSEY: White Nike Destroyer (Grandfathered 2013) or Under Armour Hammer with RENEGADES direct embroidered on front below neck in maroon. Sublimated on twill #’s sewn on front and back maroon/white/black. Sublimated on twill name on back sewn on black name on white plaque. Numbers and name in Handel Gothic font. Black Nike Destroyer (Grandfathered 2013) or Under Armour Hammer with RENEGADES embroidered on front in white. Numbers as above maroon/white border. Name as above white on black plaque. Maroon Nike Destroyer (Grandfathered 2013) or Under Armour Hammer with RENEGADES embroidered on front in white. Numbers as above black/white border. Name as above white on maroon plaque. NOTE: Numbers are 6” front/8” back on youth small and youth medium. Numbers are 8” front/10” back on youth large and bigger. Names are 2” on youth sizes and 2.5” on adult sizes. 2. Game pants must be the same pants provided by OJR. The organization will “only” provide the standard black game pants to each player. Optional colors would be white or maroon. The organization will not be responsible for fitting players or correcting any discrepancies in the order. Alternate Game PANTS: Alleson 640SL polyester dazzle slotted waistband maroon or white. XI. INDIVIDUAL TEAM FUNDRAISING A. A Fundraiser Request Form must be completed and submitted to the Fundraising Coordinator. They will in return submit for approval to the OJR Board of Directors for approval. This will be coordinated with the Fundraising Coordinator and Equipment Director. B. Team Order form for jersey or pants to be completed and paid in full before ordering. C. Purchase Order will be created for each individual team. Sample: Fundraising Request Form: Team: __________________________________________ Date of Event: ___________________________________ Type of Event: ___________________________________ Person Responsible for Event: _______________________ What will money be used for: _______________________ Who will be responsible for money:___________________ Coaches Signature:__________________________________ Date:______________________ Note: Team Fundraising, is not sponsored by OJR Each team must fundraise for the additional money. Regarding Uniforms, the only items that can be purchased/ worn is the Under Armour Hammer jersey. The Nike Destroyer Game Jersey is grandfathered for 2013 and Alleson 640 SL pants. An Alternate Jersey must be the same brand and make of the original jersey. Optional game jersey colors are Black, Maroon or White. Game pants must be the same pants provided by OJR. OJR will only provide the standard black game pants for each player. Optional game pants colors are maroon or white. The alternate game pants that will need to be used are Alleson 640 SL. 2013 Jersey: 2013 Pants: Nike Destroyer (Grandfathered 1 year) & Under Armour Hammer Jersey Alleson 640 SL The head coach must seek board approval if using an alternate game day jersey and/or pants. The organization will not be responsible for fitting players. Payment must be provided when placing order. The Organization cannot cover the cost of these items above and beyond what we have budgeted for each player/team. Orders must be submitted within the time frame required by the vendor to complete the order. Teams can fundraise to purchase team shirts, An Alternate Jersey and Pants, Training, Team Supplies and Tournaments. Board Member Signature (only if it is approved): ______________________________________ Date: ________________