G Glleenn R Riiddggee P Puubblliicc S Scchhoooollss –– W Woorrlldd LLaanngguuaaggee C Cuurrrriiccuulluum m Course Title: French 3 Subject: World Language Grade Level: 10 Duration: 1 year Prerequisite: French 2 Elective or Required: Elective World Language Mission Statement The mission of the World Language Department is to prepare students linguistically and culturally to communicate successfully in a pluralistic American society and the world. We, in the World Language Department, believe every individual in our schools is capable of acquiring a second language to the best of their ability. In our endeavor to develop passionate, confident, lifelong learners, we are emphasizing the five national standards: Communicate in Languages Other Than English; Gain Knowledge and Understanding of Other Cultures; Connect With Other Disciplines and Acquire Information; Develop Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture; and Participate in Multilingual Communities at Home and Around the World. These standards are presented within the four basic areas of language learning: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. Students will be expected to take an active role in the learning of the target language since true communication is an active process. Course Description: This course will afford students a comprehensive presentation of culture, history and grammar of French and Francophone countries using the communicative, interpersonal and presentational modes as an interdisciplinary experience. Classes will be held totally in the target language, except where clarification is necessary. The students will read the entire original version of Le Petit Prince by St. Exupery and numerous other short stories by Sempe and Goscinny, DeMaupassant, Bernard Badie, Andre Theuriet ,and Yves Theuriaut. Cuture will be stressed through virtual tours, webquests, readings, studies of countries and Internet research. The study of idioms and a broadening of vocabulary will increase the student’s competency in the language. All major grammatical structures and tenses will be learned during this year of language study. Author: Teresa L. Fitzsimmons Date Submitted: Summer 2010 World Languages – Curriculum Standards – 2009 7.1 World Languages: All students will be able to use a world language in addition to English to engage in meaningful conversation, to understand and interpret spoken and written language, and to present information, concepts, and ideas, while also gaining an understanding of the perspectives of other cultures. Through language study, they will make connections with other content areas, compare the language and culture studied with their own, and participate in home and global communities. A. Interpretive Mode Interpretive Mode: The mode of communication in which students demonstrate understanding of spoken and written communication within the appropriate cultural context. Examples of "one-way" reading or listening include cultural interpretations of print, video, and online texts, movies, radio and television broadcasts, and speeches. Interpretation beyond the Novice level differs from comprehension because it implies the ability to read or listen "between the lines" and "beyond the lines." B. Interpersonal Mode Interpersonal Mode: The mode of communication in which students engage in direct oral and/or written communication with others (e.g., conversing face-toface, participating in online discussions or videoconferences, instant messaging and text messaging, exchanging personal letters or e-mail messages). C. Presentation Mode Presentational Mode: The mode of communication in which students present, through oral and/or written communications, information, concepts and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers with whom there is no immediate interaction. Examples of this "one-to-many" mode of communication are making a presentation to a group, posting an online video or webpage, creating and posting a podcast or videocast, and writing an article for a newspaper. Topic/Unit: #1 Let’s review passé compose & imparfait Approximate # Of Weeks: 2 Essential Questions: 1. Can I tell a friend about my summer? 2. Can I describe a vacation to a French speaking country? 3. Can I read a story about a past event? 4. How do I design a mystery story? 5. What is the difference between the passé compose and imparfait in written and spoken forms? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=World+Lan guages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.B.2 7.1.IM.B.4 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.IM.C.2 7.1.IM.C.4 7.1.IM.A.2 7.1.IM.A.7 7.1.Im.a.7 6.1.P.D.4 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age-and level-appropriate classroom and cultural activities in familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature, on school-related topics and on some unfamiliar topics and situations. Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Dramatize student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports. Synthesize information found in age-and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials. Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written Compare and contrast the main idea, theme, main characters and setting in readings from age-and levelappropriate culturally authentic materials. Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words in some new contexts. Learn about and respect other cultures within the classroom and community. Activities – include 21st Century Technologies: Listen to audio clips (21st Century Tech) Student conversations Present a speech in the past about your summer. Design a dialog about a past event. Participate in question and answer in the past on the language lab. Create a mystery story in the past. Describe visual a visual story in the past in writing. Read “Les Trois Bagues” . Create a dialog about the story. Design a different ending for the story. Retell the story with 2 partners using the new vocabulary from the story. Write a short biography of one of the main characters. Review the passé compose with etre and avoir. Review the imparfait and all its uses. Methods of Assessments/Evaluation: Student Reponses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations. Speeches. Retelling the story. Speaking with the partner on lab. Homework. Listen to the story on tape Text, Resources, and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook Listening activities with workbook Discovering French nouveau rouge- Activites pour Tous Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources Classzone.com Take home tutor. Story on CD. Topic/Unit: #2 Let’s appreciate the world round us, everyday life & art. Approximate # Of Weeks: 3 Essential Questions: 1. Could I describe aspects of my daily routine in French? 2. Who were the French Impressionists? 3. What is Ionesco’s story “Conte pour enfants de moins de trois ans” about? 4. Can I express my feelings and ask about others? 5. How do French teenagers care about their appearance? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=World+Lan guages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.2 7.1.IM.A.4 7.1.IM.A.5 7.1.IM.A.7 7..1IM.B.1 7.1.IM.B.2 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.IM.C.2 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities and to some unfamiliar situations through appropriate responses. Use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily activities. Comprehend conversations and written information on a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar topics. Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words in some new contexts. Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to a variety of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics. Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands, and requests for participating in age-and level-appropriate classroom and cultural activities in familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas and some unfamiliar topics and situations Dramatize student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports. 7.1.IM.C.3 1.4.8.A.1 8.1.8.A.5 6.1.P.D.3 Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts about familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Generate observational and emotional responses to divers culturally and historically specific works of dance, music, theatre, and visual art. Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks to solve problems. Express individuality and cultural diversity(e.g. through dramatic play) Activities – include 21st Century Technologies: Listen to audio clips (21st Century Tech) Student conversations Read about Le Look. Listen to French teens talk about their appearance. Do listening comprehension activities on the Lb. Design and act out a skit. Write a proverb related to yourself. Use reflexive verbs to talk about daily habits in the present and past tenses. Use overhead photos to promote discussion. Research a French artist and present that artist’s work to the class. Choose music that would go with a French painting of your choice and write a poem-recite it with the music in the background. Read “Conte pour enfants de moins de trois ans.” Compose a scene similar to the one your have read. Write a letter as if you were one of the characters in the story. Give a speech about your favorite character. Read a poem by Jacques Prevert. Methods of Assessments/Evaluation: Student Reponses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations. Power-point presentation and oral presentations. Listening, speaking, reading and writing proficiency tests. Writing poems and proverbs. Workbook exercises. Activites pour Tous exercises Video and listening exercises with the Lab and DVD. Speaking with a partner-digital recordings on Lab. Homework. Cultural Awareness quizzes. Oral Presentations. Text, Resources, and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text. Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook. Discovering French nouveau rouge Activites pour Tous workbook. Images 2 reader. Power-point presentations on DVD. Video presentations on DVD. Language Lab. Multiple choice testing. Unit tests. Overhead transparencies. Sing along: Grammar and vocabulary songs. Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources Classzone.com Test Generator CD. Easy planner CD Power-point CD Take home tutor DVD Chanson audio. Video program modules. Warm-up transparencies. On-line workbook Http://www.lilithgallery.com/arthistory/impressionism.shtml-79-cached., http://www.arthistory.about.com.library/quiz/frimp/bl_frimpstsquiz.htm-18Kcached. Bestwebquests.com Topic/Unit: #3 Working and helping around the House. Approximate # Of Weeks: 4 weeks Essential Questions: 1. Can you ask and offer help? 2. How do French and American pastimes compare? 3. Describing what has to be done, could I do that? 4. What types of creative activities do the French engage in at home? 5. Can I express my feelings and opinions about certain situations and events? 6. Who is Asterix? 7. What was the influence of Roman culture on France? 8. Can I read and understand a fable from the Middle Ages? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=World+Lan guages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.1 7.1.IM.A.3 7.1.IM.A.4 7.1.IM.B.1 7.1.IM.B.3 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.1.IM.C.3 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Compare and contrast information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. Analyze the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette(i.e., gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target culture(s) to determine the meaning of a message. Use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily activities. Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information related to a variety of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics. Use appropriate gestures, intonation and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar and some unfamiliar situations Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety 7.1.IM.C.4 1.1.12.C.1 8.1.2.B.1 6.1.P.D.4 6.1.P.D.3 of oral or visual prompts about familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Synthesize information found in age-and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials. Analyze examples of theatre’s influence on history and history’s influence on theatre in western and non-western theatre traditions. Illustrate and communicate original ideas and stories using digital tools and media-rich resources. Learn about and respect other cultures within the classroom and community. Express individuality and cultural diversity. Activities – include 21st Century Technologies: Listen to audio clips (21st Century Tech) Student conversations Read and discuss ‘La Couverture”. Do a skit about helping at home. Research France known as Gaule. Read about Roland, Guillaume le Conquerant and the hundreds years war and Joan of Arc. Keep a historical journal with a timeline of famous French people throughout history. Create a modern fable with the same moral as “La Couverture”. Play charades using Travaux domestique vocabulary. Create a conversation about work at home and ask and answer questions of your partner on the Lab. Watch chores with pictures in complete sentences. Use the subjunctive to express likes and dislikes with regular and irregular verbs Read about teens in France and their work ethic. Write about your ideal job. Ask, accept and refuse help in student created dialogs to be acted out in class. Use appropriate vocabulary to describe an object. Make a poster of one of the famous people tracking their accomplishments through history. Read an Asterix comic book and compare it to an American comic of your choice. Methods of Assessments/Evaluation: Student Reponses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations. Power-point presentations. Writing samples and writing portfolios. Workbook exercises Activites pour Tous workbook Video activities. Listening comprehension exercises on the Lab. Speaking with partner-oral testing on the Lab Homework. Speaking, writing and reading proficiency tests. Cultural awareness quizzes. Text, Resources, and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook. Discovering French Activites pour Tous workbook Warm-up activites- Discovering French nouveau rouge. Powerpoint presentations DVD. Images 3 reader. Multiple choice testing. Sing Along: Grammar and Vocabulary songs Language Lab. Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources Classzone.com Test Generator CD Easy planner CD Powerpoint CD Take Home Tutor DVD Chanson audio Video program modules. Warm-up transparencies Online-workbook http://www.lachansonderoland.d-t-x.com http://www.bbc.com http://www.tv5.com http://www.middle-ages.org.uk http://www.ehistory.osu.edu/middleages/hundredyearswar/ Topic/Unit: #4 Ecology Approximate # of weeks: 2 weeks Essential questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Can I talk about the weather? What outdoor activities do the French participate in? What is eco-tourism? How can we protect the environment? Who was Jacques Cousteau? How do you talk about what’s new? What is the children’s story “King” about? Unit Learning targets: http://njccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=World+Lang uages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.1 7.1.IM.A.4 7.1.Im.B.4 7.1.IM.C.4 6.1.4.A.15 8.1.8.A.5 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Compare and contrast information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. Use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily activities. Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature, on school-related topics and on some unfamiliar topics and situations. Synthesize information found in age-and levelappropriate culturally authentic materials. Explain how and why it is important that people from diverse cultures collaborate to find solutions to community, state, national and global challenges. Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. Activities-Include 21st Century Technologies: 1. Read about eco-tourism and how people feel about the environment. 2. Do research on environmental protection in your area. 3. Write a poem about nature. 4. Use vacation vocabulary to create a conversation and do a situational skit. 5. Read about Jacques Cousteau & research his work and present your findings to the class. 6. Learn a song by John Denver about the Calypso. 7. Write about one of the species that Jacques Cousteau was trying to save. 8. Create a slogan and a poster related to protecting the environment. 9. Give a weather report. 10. Read King- retell the story using the vocabulary with a group on tape. 11. Listen to a tape by Jacques Cousteau. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Student responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations Powerpoint presentations. Writing samples Workbook exercises Activites pour tous exercises Video ctivities Listening & speaking on the Lab Homework Text, Resources, and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French Images 3 reader. Video on Jacques Cousteau. Language Lab. Multiple choice, speaking and listening tests. Online Resources: Teacher Webpage Online textbook resources Classzone.com Power-point CDE Video program Warm-up transparencies On-line workbook http://www.jacquescousteau.fr, http://www.ecology.com http://www.theenvironment.com http://www.johndenver.com Unit 5 Cyrano de Bergerac Approximate # of weeks: 1 Essential questions: 1. Was Cyrano real? 2. What was the Renaissance? 3. Who were the mosqueteers? 4. Where is Gascogne? 5. What is a full length French film like? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=World+Lan guages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM..6 7.1.IM.B.4 7.1.IM.C.5 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Compare and contrast the main idea, theme, main characters, and setting in readings from age-and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials. Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature, on school-related topics and on some unfamiliar topics and situations. Compare the cultural perspectives of the target cultures(s) with those of one’s own culture, as evidenced through the cultural products and cultural practices associated with each. 6.1.4.B.6 7.1.IL.A.5 Compare and contrast information that can be found on different types of maps, and determine when the information may be useful. Demonstrate comprehension of conversations and written information on a variety of topics. Activities-Include 21st Century Technologies: Watch Cyrano de Bergerac? Discuss the mousquetiers. Research the Renaissance. Place Gascogne on the map and research topography, history, famous places on major cities on the Internet. Write a critique of the film. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Student responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Writing samples Video activities Presentations homework Text, Resources, and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge-Text Discovering French nouveau rouge- workbook Video- Cyrano de Bergerac. Language lab. Cultural awareness quizzes. Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources. Classzone.com Power-point CD Video program modules www.gascogne.fr www.larennaissance.fr www.cyranodebergerac.fr Unit 6 Bon Voyage! Approximate # of weeks: 4 Essential Questions: 1. Do the French travel a lot? 2. Can I get through customs , make travel arrangements, read a train, plane or metro schedule? 3. How do I get around in France? 4. Could I speak about my future plans? 5. Who are the famous French singers? 6. What is the difference between the French and American national anthems? 7. What is it like to travel by train in France? 8. How are the American and French Revolutions connected? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc= World+Languages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI# Cumulative Progress Indicator(CPI) 7.1.IM.B.2 Give and follow a series of oral and written directions, commands and requests for participating in age- and level- appropriate classroom and cultural activities in familiar and some unfamiliar situation. Use appropriate gestures, intonation and common idiomatic expressions of target culture(s)/language in familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts about familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Compare the cultural perspectives of the target culture(s) with those of one’s own culture, as evidenced through the cultural products and cultural practices associated with each. 7.1.IM.B.3 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.IM.C.3 7l.1.IM.C.5 7.1. IM.A.2 7.1.Im.A.8 8.1.8.A.5 6.1.P.D.4 3.3 Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities and to some unfamiliar situations through appropriate responses. Use knowledge of structures of the target language to deduce meaning of new and unfamiliar structures. Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. Learn about and respect other cultures within the classroom and community. All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. Activities-include 21st century Technologies: Read abut French teens and their passion for travel. Make a travel brochure. Explore a favorite francophone travel destination. Research the American influence on the French Revolution. Take a virtual tour of a museum in your chosen travel destination Listen to French music sites on the Internet from other francophone countries and choose 4 genres of those choose your favorite. Make a speech about your future plans Participate in questions and answer about travel on the Language Lab. Listen to French speakers talk about travel plans and answer listening comprehension questions Read an excerpt, be digitally recorded and self critique. Read about the impression of francophone people about America. Go on the Internet and go on a virtual tour of the Eurotunnel Write a letter to a French person who will visit your area and tell them about your plans for traveling here. Use travel vocabulary to simulate buying a ticket, getting on a plane or train, asking for help and going through customs. Read a story about a bande dessine Compose a situational dialog and act it out. Write a magazine article about a travel destination. With a group draw and tell about your own bande dessine orally in class. Add to your historical journal with the great moments in French history. Choose one and research and write a one page paper. Watch the travel video segments. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Student responses. Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations Power-point presentations Writing samples Workbook exercises Activites pour tous workbook Video activities Listening comprehension exercises on the Lab Speaking with partner-oral testing on the Lab Homework Speaking, writing, and reading proficiency tests Cultural Awareness quizzes. Tests, Resources and/or Literature: Discovering French nouveau text Discovering French nouveau workbook Discovering French Activites pour tous Images 3 Reader Warm-up activities Power-point presentations on DVD Language Lab. Online Resources: Teacher webpage. Online textbook Online workbook Classzone.com Take home tutor Online practice quizzes and flash cards. Tv5.org, flteach.com, http://www.bandedessine.fr http://www.lafrancophonie.fr http://www.eurotunnel.com http://www.travelocity.com http://www.bonjour.fr Unit 7 My trip to France Travel tip continuation Approximate # of Weeks: 4 weeks Essential Questions: 1. Could I decide where to stay in France and make a hotel reservation? 2. What is a youth hostel? 3. Where could I go of interest in France? 4. Could I compare different places I visited? 5. How can the chamber of commerce help me plan my trip? 6. Which are the best guide books to get around with in France? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContnetAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc= World+Lanugages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 8.1.8.A.3 7.1.Im.A.3 7.1.IM.A.4 7.1.IM.A.5 7.1.Im.A.6 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Create a multimedia presentation including sound and images. Analyze the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette(i.e., gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target cultures to determine the meaning of a message. Use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places objects, and daily activities. Comprehend conversations and written information on a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar topics. Compare and contrast the main idea, theme, main characters, and setting in readings 7.1.IM.C.4 7.1.IM.B.5 from age-and level-appropriate, culturally authentic materials. Synthesize information found in age- and level-appropriate culturally authentic materials. Engage in short conversations aobut personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Activities-Include 21st Century Technologies: Read about possible trips for young people on a limited budget. Use a Michelin guide & the Internet to answer questions in planning a trip. Listen to French people on CD talk about planning a trip. Use comparisons to choose your destination. Watch the video segments with this lesson. Take a virtual tour of a hotel in your chosen city. Use correct relative pronouns to describe, compare and contrast travel possibilities. Write an adventure story about a trip taken to a village in France that you will research on the internet beforehand. Read a poem by Paul Eluard “La Liberte”. Create a visual of the place you are planning to visit. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Student responses Tests and quizzes. Conversations and skits Oral evaluation in class and on the lab. Powerpoint presentations. Writing samples Workbook exercises Activites pour tous workbook exercises Video activities Listening comprehension exercises on the Lb Speaking with a partner- oral testing on the Lab Homework. Speaking, writing and reading proficiency tests. Cultural awareness quizzes. Tests, resources and/or literature: Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook Discovering French nouveau rouge Activites pour Tous Warm-up activites Powerpoint presentations Images 3 Reader Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources, online workbook, take home tutor, power-point presentations. Classzone.com Tennesseebobfamousfrenchlinks.com http://www.bonjour.com http://lafrancophonie.fr http://www.fodors.com http://www.travelocity.com. Orbitz.com Unit 8 You and Your Health Approximate # of Weeks: 4 Essential Questions: 1. Could I participate in a debate about medical care and/or medicine? 2. How does the French and American health care systems vary? 3. What are the mineral water spas? 4. Could I get help if I were to become ill abroad? 5. Can I express fear, doubt, and affirm beliefs in French? 6. Can I give my opinion about present or past events? 7. What does water do for you? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc= World+Languages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.2 7.1.IM.A.5 7.1.IM.A.1 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.IM.C.2 Cumulative Progress Indicator(CPI) Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities and to some unfamiliar situations through appropriate responses. Comprehend conversations and written information on a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar topics. Compare and contrast information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Dramatize student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, 3.3 6.1.P.D.3 1.2.12.A.1 songs, stories, or reports. All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. Express individuality and cultural diversity. Determine how dance, music, theatre and visual art have influenced world cultures throughout history. Activities-include 21st Century Technologies: See video on conversations at the doctor’s office. Research famous French scientists i.e. Pasteur Take a virtual tour of the Pasteur Institute. Develop a guide to local emergency services Design questions for a health survey. Design a conversation from situations given. Discuss fears, doubts and thoughts with the subjunctive ass questions and answers on Lab. Use the Lab telephone component to simulate a phone conversation with a doctor’s office. Research “Les medecins sans frontiers” on line. Write a letter as if you were raising funds for doctors without borders describing the organization. Use picture stories to describe an accident and then a trip to the emergency room. Play vocab game – Tabot. Use the past subjunctive to give commentary on past events. Research the education and training to be a language translator at a hospital. Read about the unification of Europe Consult the consulate of a francophone country and note the services offered to their citizens living in the US. Write a paper about L’abbe Pierre and his work for the homeless and poor. Methods of Assessment/evaluation: Student responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Act out skits and conversations Powepoint presentations Speeches Writing samples Workbook exercises Activites pour Tous workbook exercises Video activities Listening comprehension exercises on the Loab Speaking with partner-oral testing on the Lab Homework Speaking, writing, and reading proficiency tests. Cultural awareness quizzes. Tests, Resources and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook Discovering French Activites pour Tous workbook Images 3 reader Warm-up activities Powerpoint presentations DVD. Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources, online workbook, take home tutor, powerpoint presentations. Classzone.com Take home tutor. http://www.abbepierre.fr http://www.medecinssansfrontiers.fr http://www.pasteurinstitute.fr Unit 9 The Big City Approximate # of weeks: 3 Essential Questions: 1. How do urban and country life differ in France from the US? 2. How did French cities develop historically and what do they look like? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of urban life? 4. What types of street artists might you see in Paris? 5. How do I describe my neighborhood? 6. I need to know how to make a wish or a suggestion, formulate a polite request and indicate what to do in certain circumstances to get along in the city. Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7$Desc= World+Languages Upon Completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.1 7.1.IM.A.4 7.1.IM.A.5 7.1.IM.B.3 7.1.IM.B.5 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Compare and contrast information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. Use target language to paraphrase what is heard or read in oral or written descriptions of people, places, objects, and daily activities. Comprehend conversations and written information on a variety of familiar and some unfamiliar topics. Use appropriate gestures, intonation and common idiomatic expressions of the target culture(s)/language in familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Engage in short conversations about personal 7.1.IM.C.2 7.1.IM.C.5 3.3 8.1.8.A.5 6.1.P.D.4 experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Dramatize student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports. Compare the cultural perspectives of the target culture with those of ones own culture, as evidenced through the cultural products and cultural practices associated with each. All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. Select and use appropriate tools and digital resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and to solve problems. Learn about and respect other cultures within the classroom and community Activities- Include 21st Century Technologies: Act out meeting a friend in town. Use the past perfect to make suppositions about city life Watch the DVD- cities in France. Choose a large French city besides Paris to research and present a speech with visuals as well as pictures of artwork from a local museum. Invite a classmate to dinner- on the Lab. Explain important elements of a city and tell where to go if you have certain problems. Write a comical situation-exchange with another group each saying what they would do in that situation. Use conditional sentences to state what you would do in certain situations using advanced tenses. Read “Les peches’ by Andre Theuriet. Write your own embarrassing story. Research la Belle Epoque. Watch La Rue Cases Negres. Do paired tete a tete activities. Methods of Assessments/Evaluation: Student responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Language Lab- conversations, questions and answer, random partner discussion, self evaluation listening after being digitally recorded on the Lab. Writing, speaking, listening, and reading performance tests. Writing portfolio. Activites pour tous workbook Listening comprehension workbook activities. Tests de controle in text. Homework. Cultural Awareness quizzes. Speeches Tests, Resources and/or Literature: Discovering French nouveau rouge text Discovering French nouveau rouge workbook Discovering French nouveau rouge Activites pour Tous workbook. Images 3 reader Warm-up activities Power-point presentations on DVD Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources, online workbook, take home tutor, power-point presentations. Classzone.com Online practice quizzes and flash cards http://tv5.org, http://lesvillesfrancaises.fr, http://www.labelleepoque.fr Unit 10 Personal Relationships Approximate # of weeks: 4 Essential Questions: 1. What does friendship and family life mean to the French? 2. What kind of volunteer work do French teens do? 3. What is a French wedding like? 4. Can I congratulate people, comfort them, and talk about friends and acquaintances? 5. How can I describe people and things in a clear and complete manner? 6. Who is Leopold Senghor? 7. Where in Africa is French an official language and what are those countries like? Unit Learning Targets: http://njccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7&Desc=W orld+Languages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI# 7.1.IM.A.1 7.1.IM.A.3 7.1.IM.A.7 7.1.IM.A.8 7.1.IM.B.4 Cumulative Progress Indicator(CPI) Compare and contrast information contained in culturally authentic materials using electronic information sources related to targeted themes. Analyze theuse of verbal and non-verbal etiquette(i.e., gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target culture to determine the meaning of a message. Infer the meaning of some unfamiliar words in some new contexts. Use knowledge of structures of the target language to deduce meaning of new and unfamiliar structures. Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature, on schoolrelated topics, and on some unfamiliar topics 7.1.IM.B.5 7.1.IM.C.2 3.3 3.2 and situations. Engage in short conversations about personal experiences or events, topics studied in other content areas, and some unfamiliar topics and situations. Dramatize student-created and/or authentic short plays, skits, poems, songs, stories, or reports. All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. All students will write in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. Activities-Include 21st Century Technologies: Read about the qualities of a friend that are important to the French. Read about French weddings. Create a conversation about the importance of friendship. Play a vocabulary game. Watch a DVD – a wedding in France. Do listening comprehension activities on the Lab. Use relative pronouns to describe people and things orally and written in all tenses. Describe a wedding you attended and compare it to a French wedding. Write a paper about your expectations in a good marriage. Read “Le Bracelet” by Michelle Maurois. Retell the story on tape with a group using only the vocabulary sheet. Write an alternate conclusion for the story. Read about, research and present francophone countries in Africa. Read an African fable. Choose one African francophone country and find samples of the art and music from that country and share them with the class. Memorize a poem by David Diop Read and write a commentary on “La Legende baoule” by Bernard Dadie. Methods of Assessment/Evaluation: Students Responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Language lab- conversations, question and answer, random partner discussion, self evaluation-listening after being digitally recorded. Writing, speaking, listening, and reading performance tests. Writing portfolio. Activites pour Tous workbook. Listening comprehension workbook activities Tests de controle in the text Homework Cultural Awareness quizzes Speeches. Test, Resources and/or Literature: Discovering French nouveau rouge- Text, workbook, Activites pour Tous Workbook, Power-point presentation DVDs, Warm-up activites. Images 3 reader Language Lab. Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources, online workbook Take home tutor Classzone.com Online practice quizzes and flash cards. Http://www.senegal.com, http://www.leopaldsenghor.com, http://www.lamusiqueafricaine.com, http://www.lemariagefrancais.fr, http://www.laculturefrancais.ca Unit 11 Professions and professionalism Approximate # of weeks: 4 Essential Questions: 1. What is the “bac”? and who goes to college in France? 2. Which are the most popular professions in France? 3. What type of job or profession would I want in the future? 4. What are the personal qualifications of many types of jobs? 5. Can I write a resume in French? 6. How do you prepare for an interview? 7. How do you indicate why you do certain things under certain conditions in French? 8. How do you describe how your actions have an effect on other people? Unit Learning Targets: http://njcccs.org/ContentAreaTabularView.aspx?code=7$Desc= World+Languages Upon completion of this unit students will be able to: CPI # 7.1.IM.A.3 7.1.IM.A.2 7.1.IM.A.8 7.1.IM.B.1 Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI) Analyze the use of verbal and non-verbal etiquette(i.e., gestures, intonation, and cultural practices) in the target culture to determine the meaning of a message. Demonstrate comprehension of oral and written instructions connected to daily activities and to some unfamiliar situations through appropriate responses. Use knowledge of structures of the target language to deduce meaning of new and unfamiliar structures. Use digital tools to participate in short conversations and to exchange information 7.1.IM.B.4 7.1.IM.C.1 7.1.IM.C.3 6.1.P.D.2 3.3 related to a variety of familiar topics and some unfamiliar topics. Ask and respond to factual and interpretive questions of a personal nature, on schoolrelated topics and on some unfamiliar topics and situations. Synthesize information related to the cultural products, cultural practices, and cultural perspectives associated with targeted cultures to create a multimedia-rich presentation on targeted themes to be shared virtually with a target language audience. Use language creatively to respond in writing to a variety of oral or visual prompts about familiar and some unfamiliar situations. Demonstrate an understanding of family roles and traditions. All students will speak in clear, concise, organized language that varies in content and form for different audiences and purposes. Activities- Include 21st Century Technologies: Listen to audio clips Read about and research the parts of the French Baccaulaureat on the internet and compare it to our SAT. With a partner-discuss the advantages and disadvantages of going to college. Learn the names of professions and be able to give the necessary qualities and qualifications needed for each. Give a speech about your possible chosen profession saying why you think this profession would suit you. Use the past infinitive to say what you would do in certain situations. Use the present participle to express simultaneous action and cause and effect orally and written. Do a mock interview with a classmate. Write a curriculum vitae Do a tete a tete conversation with your partner. Share your resume with a parent or older person and ask for commentary. Discuss your view of professional life. Interview an adult about their professional life. Go online and research jobs using the French language. Do practice interviews on the Lab with random partners. Use conjunctions with the subjunctive to indicate what people do in certain situations. Read “Le Portrait” BY Yves Theriault. Write a prediction for the possible end to the sotry. Write an imaginary biography of Oncle Jean. Do a presentation on either Louisiana, Montreal or Quebec. Methods of Assessments/Evaluation: Student Responses Tests and quizzes Oral evaluation Language lab- conversation, question and answer, random partner discussion, self evaluation-listening to yourself after being digitally recorded. Writing, speaking, listening, and reading performance tests. Writing portolio Activites pour tous workbook activities. Listening comprehension workbook activities. Tests de Controle in the text. Homework Cultural awareness quizzes Speeches Video activities Powerpoint presentations Act out skits and conversations Tests, Resources and/or Literature Discovering French nouveau rouge text, workbook, & Activites pour Tous. Discovering French- Warm-up activities Powerpoint presentations DVD. Images 3 reader Online Resources: Teacher webpage Online textbook resources, online workbook, Take home tutor Powerpoint presentation DVD Classzone.com Online practice quizzes and flash cards. http://www.louisiana.com, http://www.travail.com, http://www.baccalaureat.fr, http://www.curriculumvitae.fr http://www.webquest.com