The Outsiders - Tipp City Exempted Village Schools

The Outsiders: Chapter 1 Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary
NAME: _______________________________Date: ______________ Period: ______
Answer the following questions on the lines. Answer in complete THOUGHTS.
1. What happens to Ponyboy on his way home from the movies?
2. Who is the narrator of The Outsiders? ________________________________________
3. What two groups of teenagers does Ponyboy describe?
_________________ AND _______________
4. Compare the two groups using the T-Chart below:
5. Briefly describe the conflict between the Greasers and the Socs.
6. What happened to the Curtis brothers’ parents? _________________________________
7. How is Ponyboy different than the other Greasers?
8. Why do you think Darry was upset with Ponyboy?
9. Why did Ponyboy have a hard time with his oldest brother?
10. In one well-written sentence, describe Sodapop.
Vocabulary for Chapter 1
Asset- (page _______) an advantage or source of strength
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Unfathomable- (page _______) not capable of being understood or grasped
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Rivalry- (page _______) a continues striving for advantage over another
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Gingerly- (page _______) cautiously; carefully
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Sagely- (page _______) wisely; knowingly
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Ponyboy explains “tuff” as being “tuff means cool, sharp – like a tuff-looking Mustang or
tuff record.” What do you think is “tuff”? One a piece of construction paper, make a
collage or montage of what is “tuff”. Use magazines, computer-generated graphics, or
hand-drawn pictures
The Outsiders: Chapter 2 Comprehension Questions and Vocabulary
NAME: _______________________________Date: ______________ Period: ______
11. In chapter two, where are Dally, Ponyboy and Johnny going?
12. Who do they meet and what happens?
13. Where do the Socs hang out? What do they do for fun?
14. Where do the Greasers hang out? What do they do for fun?
15. What does Ponyboy tell Cherry about Johnny while standing in line for popcorn?
16. What kind of rules do gang members follow in fights?
17. Who says “Things are rough all over.” and what does he/she mean?
Vocabulary for Chapter 2
Roguishly- (page _______) in a mischievous way
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Incredulous- (page _______) not ready to believe; doubting
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Nonchalantly - (page _______) in a casual and unenthusiastic manner
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Abiding- (page _______) obeying
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
Digested- (page _______) thought over; absorbed
Sentence from the book: _________________________________________________
This novel includes many idioms- expressions that have meanings different from what
their words usually suggest. Literal means “word for word.” Figurative means “not
literal,” characterized by figures of speech or symbolic expressions. Write the literal
meaning of each phrase in column 1 and the figurative meaning in column 2.
1. “never cracks a
book” page 2
2. “beer blasts for
kicks” page 3
3. “knock our heads
together” page 8
4. “…you’ve always got
your nose in a book.”
Page 13
5. “It’s a shame you
can’t ride bull as
good as you can talk
it.” Page 38
Literal Meaning
Figurative Meaning