Honors World History Modern World History 1945- Today Chapters 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, & 24 The following are requirements for your individual project. If all information comes from the text that does not constitute extra information, make sure you SOURCE all your information. You are required to read the section you are assigned and create a presentation to teach the class about your section. You should probably start by taking notes over your section then create a list of vocabulary words and their definitions. Please create a powerpoint or digital presentation. PRESENTATION needs to be 5-10 minutes in length with Identify & Define [from questions at the end of your section], as well as other important people and places. The Powerpoint must include a detailed review of your section and PICTURES relating to your topic! You MUST also define the VOCAB from the VOCAB SHEETS in you’re your section from your chapter. Be creative any extra information or presentation materials will help you and the class. BE MORE concerned about CONTENT than animations. IF YOU CAN NOT PRONOUNCE A WORD, that is not vocabulary or location or very important to your section, CHANGE IT TO A WORD YOU CAN PRONOUNCE. If you are struggling with pronunciation put the word in dictionary.com and if will speak the word for you to learn the pronunciation. On this project you WILL have 5 days FRI, MON, TUE, WED, FRI to complete your project. THEY ARE DO MONDAY 4/27 AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS USE YOUR TIME WISELY. No late assignments will be accepted. YOU MAY NOT WORK ON YOUR PROJECT WHILE OTHERS ARE PRESENTING!!!! **Working on your project or “surfing” the net, during others presentations, or “surfing” during WORK time, will constitute a dock in your grade. ** THE WAY YOU are listed on the Assignment Sheet is the Order in which you will present, but you must be prepared on the first day in case people are absent!! NO EXCUSES: You have plenty of class time to complete the projects. If you are not done or leave your presentation at home you will be docked points on the project!! POINT BREAKDOWN Presentation 5-10 minutes Summarize Section Review Sheet Info Extra Information Pictures/Visual Aids Relative to Section Neatness/Creative TOTAL 2 5 5 3 5 3 2 25/27