FAYETTEVILLE STATE UNIVERSITY College of Arts and Sciences Department of Mathematics and Computer Science COURSE SYLLABUS I. Fall 2006 Location Information: Semester: Spring Year: Fall Every Year X X Both Every Other Year Course Number & Name: Math 521 Real Analysis Semester Hours of Credit: 3 Time Class Meets: TR 6:00-7:15. Instructor's Name: Where Class Meet: SBE 213 Dr. Bo Zhang Office Location: SBE 348 Office Telephone: 672-1786 Office Hours: MWF: 1:00-3:00pm & TR: 2:00-3:00pm E-mail Address: bzhang@uncfsu.edu Instructor’s web page: http://faculty.uncfsu.edu/bzhang Department Office Location: SBE 338 Department Office Telephone: 672-1294 II. COURSE DESCRIPTION: The first course of a three-semester sequence in real analysis, including such topics as real number system, element of point set topology and metric spaces, sequences and series of real numbers, continuity, differentiation, integration, the Reimann-Stieltjes integral, sequences and series of functions, pointwise and uniform convergence, functions of several variables, implicit function, and inverse function theorem. Prerequisite: Math 412 or Math 461 or consent of department. III. TEXTBOOK Manfed Stoll, Introduction to Real Analysis, Addison Wesley, 2001. Mathematical Software: Maple V9 IV. Course Objective: To provide necessary background in real analysis for students in mathematics computer science, engineering, physics, and teaching of mathematics. After the completion of this course, students would have a working knowledge of the basic concepts in Real analysis described in II. Page #2 V. Course Competencies: Competencies (DPI): (2.1) Evaluate limits involving the elementary functions. (2.2) Demonstrate an awareness that derivative and definite integrals are defined as limits. (2.3) Know the relationship between differentiability and continuity. (2.4) Possess a knowledge of the notations and fundamental concepts used in studying sequences and series. (2.5) Possess a knowledge of the basic properties of power series, especially the properties of geometric series. (2.6) Possess a knowledge of the relationship between infinite series and improper integrals. (2.7) Use the standard tests for convergence to infinite series. (2.8) Possess a knowledge of the Taylor series representation of the elementary function. (8.1) Know the symbolism of mathematical logic. (8.2) Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the concepts of equivalence and implication. (8.4) Possess a knowledge of the role of proof in the study and development of mathematics. (8.6) Create original proofs in the various branches of mathematics including direct proofs, indirect proof, and proofs using mathematical induction. (9.1) Use the set theoretic operations, intersection and complementation. (9.2) Know the relationship between the logical operations and the set of theoretic operations. NCATE Standards (1.1.1) Use a problem-solving approach to investigate and understand mathematical concept. (1.1.2) Formulate and solve problems from both mathematical and everyday situations. (1.2.1) Communicate mathematical ideas in writing, using everyday mathematical language, including symbols. (1.3.0) Make and evaluate mathematical conjectures/arguments and validate their own mathematical thinking. (1.4.1) Show an understanding of interrelationships within mathematics. (1.4.2) Connect mathematics to other disciplines and real-world situations. (1.6.1) Use calculators in computational and problem-solving situations. (1.6.2) Use computer software to explore and solve mathematical problems. (2.2.2) Use graphing calculators, computers and other technologies as tools for teaching mathematics. (2.4.0) Use a variety of resource materials such as software, print materials, technology, and activity files to enhance the learning of mathematics. (2.5.0) Select appropriate mathematical tasks that will stimulate students' development of mathematical concepts and skills. Page #3 VI. Evaluation Criteria: Homework 20%, Tests 60%, Final Exam 20% Final grade will be determined on the basis of academic performance in the following manner: A = 90-100%, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, F = below 70% VII. Course Outline with assignment schedule: See attached assignment calendar VIII. Course requirements: 1. Students are expected to attend all class sessions. Excessive absences may result in a reduction of your final grade. 2. Students are expected to enter the classroom on time and remain for the full class period. Students should not make other appointments in conflict with their class schedule. 3. All tests will be announced prior to their administration. A make-up exam will be given only if the student has a documented and valid written justification for unavoidable absence from the exam. There is no more than one make-up exam for each student during the semester. 4. The Instructor's office hours are times when you may seek assistance without prior appointment. You are encouraged to seek help as needed. 5. Students must refrain from smoking, eating and drinking classroom. The rights of others must be respected at all times. in the 6. Students are encouraged to ask questions of the instructor in class and to respond to those posed by the instructor. They should not discourage others from asking or answering questions. Other students often have the same questions on their minds, but are hesitant to ask. 7. Students are expected to complete all class assignments, to spend adequate time on their class work, and to read each topic prior to class discussion to insure that the course outcomes are met. At least two hours of home study is expected for each class. 8. Talking in class between students is strictly prohibited. Discussions should be directed to the instructor. Unacceptable behavior in the class will result in a reduction of your final grade. 9. Dishonesty on graded assignments will not be tolerated. Students must neither give nor receive help on any work to be graded. The university policy on cheating will be applied to any violations. The minimum penalty will be a grade of zero on the assignment. Page #4 IX. References: 1. Bartle, R. G. and Sherbert, D. R., Introduction to real analysis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000. 2. Fitzpatrick, P., Real Analysis, PWS Publishing Company, 1996. 3. James R. Kirkwood, An Introduction to Analysis, PWS Pub. Company, 1995. 4. Marsden, J. R., Elementary Classical Analysis, Freman and Co. publishers, 1990. 5. Markarov, B. M, Goluzina M. G., Lodkin, A. A. and Podkorytov, A. N., Selected Problems in Real Analysis, American Mathematical Society, 1992. 6. Rudin, W., Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw- Hill, 1976. 7. Gaskill, Herbert S. and Narayanaswami, P. P., Elements of Real Analysis, Prentice-Hall, 1998. 8. Wade, William R., An Introduction to Real Analysis, Prentice Hall, 2000. X. Teaching Strategies: The majority of the material of the course will be given in lecture format. There is a short review before and after each lecture. There will be a comprehensive review after the completion of each chapter. Graphing calculators and Maple (mathematical software) will be used in the class to help students develop a firm grasp of the underlying mathematical concepts. Selected student research project will be introduced during the semester. *VII Course Outline Dates Lecture THU: 08/24 [1.3] Mathematical Induction [1.4] The least upper bound property ---------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE: 08/29 [1.7] Countable and uncountable sets [2.1] Convergent sequences THU: 08/31 [2.2] Limit theorems [2.3] Monotone sequences --------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE: 09/05 [2.4] Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem [2.5] Limit superior and inferior of a sequence THU: 09/07 [2.6] Cauchy sequences [2.7] Series of real numbers TUE: 09/12 THU: 09/14 [3.1] Open and closed sets [3.2] Compact sets [3.3] The Cantor set Page #5 *VII Course Outline (continued) Dates Lecture TUE: 09/19 THU: 09/21 [4.1] Limit of a function [4.2] Continuous functions [4.3] Uniform continuity TUE: 09/26 THU: 09/28 [4.4] Monotone functions and discontinuity Exam #1 TUE: 09/03 [5.1] [5.2] [5.3] [5.4] THU: 09/05 TUE: 10/10 THU: 10/12 The derivative The mean value theorem L’Hospital’s rule Newton’s method [6.1] The Riemann Integral Fall Break TUE: 10/17 [6.2] Properties of the Riemann integral [6.3] Fundamental Theorem of Calculus THU: 10/19 [6.4] Improper Riemann integral ---------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE: 10/24 THU: 10/26 [6.5] The Riemann-Stieltjes integral [7.1] Convergence Tests [7.2] The Dirichlet Test TUE: 10/31 [7.3] Absolute and Conditional Convergence [7.4] Square summable sequence Exam #2 THU: 11/02 TUE: 11/07 [8.1] Pointwise Convergence and interchange of limits THU: 11/09 [8.2] Uniform convergence ---------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE: 11/14 THU: 11/16 [8.3] Uniform convergence and continuity [8.4] Uniform convergence and integration TUE: 11/21 [8.5] Uniform convergence and differentiation THU: 11/23 Thanksgiving Holiday ---------------------------------------------------------------------------TUE: 11/28 [8.6] The Weierstrass Approximation Theorem THU: 11/30 [8.7] Power series expansions TUE: 12/05 THU: 12/07 [8.8] The gamma Function Review for final Exam Tue: 12/12 (6:00-7:50pm) Final Exam