subject - Malmesbury School

Subject title
Exam board
Exam board specification number
Time allowance each week
AS and A2 Biology
1411, 2411
5 hours
Assessment and coursework
AS Course
Types of Assessment
External exams
BIOL1 – Biology and disease
BIOL2 – The variety of living organisms
BIOL3 – Investigative and practical skills in AS biology (skills assessed internally
against exam board mark scheme)
Timings of assessments
Biol3 Coursework is assessed between Mid-February and Easter using
assessments provided by the exam board and marked according to the
predetermined mark scheme. This coursework is commonly called an ISA. (Two
attempts are allowed). Both written examinations BIOL1 and BIOL2 are taken in
the summer series of Year 12.
Nature of assessments
BIOL1 Biology and Disease
Examination paper (60 raw marks / 100 UMS) 5-7 short answer questions plus 2
longer (a short comprehension and a structured question involving continuous
1 hour 15 minutes
33% of the total AS level marks
16.7% of the total A Level marks
BIOL2 The variety of Living Organisms
Examination paper (85 raw marks / 140 UMS) 7-9 short answer questions plus 2
longer questions (a data-handling question and one assessing analysis and
1 hours 45 minutes
46.7% of the total AS marks
23.3% of the total A Level marks
Centre Marked Route T (50 raw marks/60 UMS)
Practical Skills Assessment (PSA – 6 raw marks)
Investigative Skills Assignment (ISA – 44 raw marks).
20% of the total AS marks
10% of the total A level marks.
BIOL3T is a skills assessment. Students will be provided with an experimental
protocol in order to carry out an experimental investigation. The data generated is
analysed graphically and used by the student as part of a supervised, controlled
assessment. The controlled assessment paper includes questions related to the
scientific ideas investigated, the nature of scientific investigations and the ability of
the student to apply ideas to new contexts.
Topics covered during the course
Causes of Disease
Enzymes and the digestive system
Cells and movement in and out of them
Lungs and lung disease
The heart and heart disease
DNA and meiosis
Genetic Diversity
Cellular organisation
Exchange and transport
Adaptation and Selection
Skills developed during the course
Communication, Application of Number, Information Technology, Working with
Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance and Problem Solving
Home study
Expected time allocation for the subject
5 hours per week usually split equally between the subject teachers. Pupils are
expected to read their notes and work from each lesson and the relevant
sections of the text book to check their understanding. Students are also
expected to read ahead to facilitate class discussions..
Help for home study
All topics are covered on the VLE and contain PowerPoints, activity sheets, word
documents and links to website to help consolidate the subject knowledge.
Additional support for the course
The following sources can be used to support your learning during the course
Text book
AS Biology by Nelson Thornes ISBN 978-0-7487-8275-8
Revision guide
CGP AS-Level Biology Revision Guide ISBN 978-1-84762-118-4
Other sources of help
Staff organise sessions for y12 to help improve their skills ready for the ISA. Staff
organise after school revision sessions on the run up to the examinations. Staff
are always available to offer help to individual students
Additional information about the course
Students undertake an optional residential field course in June after their
Retakes of examinations
Students carrying on to A2 Biology will only be able to retake AS exams in the
summer series of Year 13.
A2 Course
Types of Assessment
External exams
BIOL4 – Populations and the Environment
BIOL5 – Control in Cells and Organisms
BIOL6 – Internal Assessment Investigative and practical skills in A2 Biology
Timings of assessments
Biol6 Coursework is assessed between the end of February and Easter using
assessments provided by the exam board and marked according to the
predetermined mark scheme. This coursework is commonly called an ISA.
Examination of Biol4 and Biol5 are taken in the Summer series of Y13.
Nature of assessments
BIOL4 Populations and the Environment
Examination paper (75 raw marks / 100 UMS) 6 – 9 short answer questions plus 2
longer questions involving continuous prose and How Science Works
1 hour 30 minutes
16.7% of the total A Level marks
BIOL5 Control in Cells and Organisms
Examination paper (100 raw marks / 140 UMS) 8 – 10 short answer questions plus
2 longer questions (a data-handling question and a synoptic essay - choice of 1 out
of 2)
2 hours 15 minutes
23.3% of the total A Level marks
Centre Marked Route T (50 raw marks/60 UMS)
Practical Skills Assessment (PSA – 6 raw marks)
Investigative Skills Assignment (ISA – 44 raw marks).
10% of the total A level marks.
Topics covered during the course
BIOL4 - Populations and the Environment
Populations; Photosynthesis; Respiration and Energy transfer; Nutrient Cycles;
Food Chains and Ecology; Inheritance and Selection.
BIOL5 - Control in Cells and Organisms
Survival and responses; nervous control; hormonal control; homeostasis; The
Genetic code; Gene Expression and modern Genetic technologies – to include
Stem Cell Research; DNA Fingerprinting; Genetic Engineering; Gene Therapy and
the Treatment of Cancer.
Skills developed during the course
Communication, Application of Number, Information Technology, Working with
Others, Improving Own Learning and Performance and Problem, Field Studies,
Laboratory Skills.
Home study
Expected time allocation for the subject
5 hours per week usually split equally between the subject teachers. Pupils are
expected to read their notes and work from each lesson and the relevant
sections of the text book to check their understanding. Students are also
expected to read ahead to facilitate class discussions.
Help for home study
All topics are covered on the VLE and contain PowerPoints, activity sheets, word
documents and links to website to help consolidate the subject knowledge.
Additional support for the course
The following sources can be used to support your learning during the course
Text book
AS Biology by Nelson Thornes ISBN 978-0-7487-9813-1
Revision guide
CGP AS-Level Biology Revision Guide ISBN 978-1-84762-259-4
Available through School Finance Office
Other sources of help
Staff organise after school revision sessions on the run up to the examinations.
Staff are always available to offer help to individual students
Additional information about the course
BIOL6T is a skills assessment. Students will be provided with an experimental
protocol in order to carry out and experimental investigation. The data generated
is to be submitted to statistical analysis and used by the student as part of a
supervised, controlled assessment. The controlled assessment paper includes
questions related to the scientific ideas investigated, the nature of scientific
investigations and the ability of the student to apply ideas to new contexts.
Retakes of examinations
Students wishing to retake AS examinations can only do so in the summer series
of Year 13. There will be an opportunity to retake the AS ISA with the Y12
students during the February to Eater windows of opportunity.