doc version - Advanced Digital Systems and Services for Education

The 16 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies ICALT2016
Austin, Texas, USA, July 25-28 2016
Deadline: January 18, 2016 (23:59 GMT -10:00, Hawaii Standard Time)
Track 9: Technology Enhanced Language Learning
Track Program Chairs
Jiyou Jia, Peking University, China
Vincent Tam, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (
Jie-Chi Yang, National Central University, Taiwan
Yuping Wang, Griffith University, Australia
Track Description and Topics of Interest:
The diverse structure and usage of languages in various aspects including
interactions, social contexts, pronunciations, explicit/implicit semantic meanings
and syntactic structures readily present many challenges for local or foreign
learners of any age or level of education to learn one/several language(s) and
effectively use it/them for communication. However, due to the impacts of
globalization, language learning is becoming a very crucial and life-long activity for
many who wish to communicate and participate in business or large-scale projects
involving experts from around the globe. With enabling technologies such as
affective and pervasive computing, cloud and mobile computing, e-books,
intelligent e-learning systems, semantic web and ontology analysis, smart sensors,
social computing, Web 2.0 and knowledge management techniques and new
pedagogical impacts developed and studies in the past decade, the challenge of
language learning is expected to be reduced with new and innovative
methods/technologies. This specific track of “Technology Enhanced Language
Learning” (TELL@ICALT2016) is targeted at providing an exciting forum for
educators, practitioners and researchers to exchange and share their inspiring
and innovative ideas and experiences to enhance language learning in various
aspects and dimensions of the learning processes.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Learning Systems Platforms and Architectures for Language Learning
• Rethinking Pedagogy in Technology-enhanced Learning of Languages
• Intelligent Educational Systems for Language Learning
• Computer Supported Collaborative Language Learning
• Mobile Learning Platforms/Systems for Language Learning
• Wireless and Ubiquitous Computing Technologies for Language Learning
• Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments for Language Learning
• Web 2.0 and Social Computing for Learning and Knowledge Sharing of
• Semantic Web and Ontologies for Language Learning Systems
• Affective and Pervasive Computing for Language Learning
• Human-Centered Web Science and its Applications to Technologyenhanced Language Learning
• e-Assessment and new Assessment Theories and Methodologies for
Language Learning
• Data Mining and Web Mining for Language Learning
• Knowledge and Competencies Management for Language Learning
• School of the Future and Future Classrooms to Learn Languages
• E-learning in the Workplace for Language Learning
• Cloud-based Learning and Assessment for Language Learning
• E-textbooks/Library Media Supports for Language Learning
• Learning Analytics and Context modeling for Language Learning
• Teacher Education/Training for Language Learning
Members of Track Program Committee
Alvin Kwan, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Andrew Scrimgeour, University of South Australia, Australia
Baorong Li, Beijing Institute of Education, China
Chihcheng Hsu, National Central University, Taiwan
Chih-Cheng Lin, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Chih-Hung Lai, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Ching-Kun Hsu, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Claire Kennedy, Griffith University, Australia
Daniel Churchill, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Edmund Y. Lam, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Gloria Shu Mei Chwo, Hungkuang University, Taiwan
Hsing-Chin Lee, National Taipei College of Business, Taiwan
Hsiu-Ting Hung, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
Technology, Taiwan
K.S. Lui, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Masanori Yamada, Kyushu University, Japan
Morris Jong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Qun Jin, Waseda University, Japan
Rosanna Chan, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Peichin Chang, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Shelley S. C. Young, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Weichao Chen, School of Medicine, University of Virginia
Weizhan Zhang, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Wen-Chi Vivian Wu, Providence University, Taiwan
Wendy Jiang, University of Queensland, Australia
Yanhui Han, Open University of China, China
Yi Shang, University of Missouri, Columbia, U.S.A.
Ying Cheng, Peking University, China
Yoshiko Goda, Kumamoto University, Japan
Zhenzhen Chen, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunication