Business Administration DIS 320 Intermediate Business Statistics

Approved by Faculty Senate February 9, 2004.
Approved by University Studies Sub-committee 1/21/04. A2C2 action pending.
University Studies Course Proposal
Department or Program: Business Administration
Course Number: DIS 320
Semester Hours: 3
Frequency of Offering: Multiple Sections Each Semester
Course Title: Intermediate Business Statistics
Catalog Description:
A continuation of Business Statistics I, including Chi-Square Tests, regression and
correlation, and analysis of variance. Prerequisites: DIS 220 or instructor’s permission.
Grade only.
This is an existing course previously approved by A2C2: Yes
This is a new course proposal: No
Department Contact Person: Sara Barbor
University Studies Approval is requested in: Flag Requirements: Mathematics and
Attachments: The syllabus explains what typically is covered in this course and
addresses the coverage for the two outcomes for mathematics and statistics (a-b). The
syllabus is included in this application for purposes of illustration. Each faculty member
is still responsible for his/her own course syllabus.
As required by the approval process, the following address the two outcomes listed for
Mathematics and Statistics flag:
a. practice the correct application of mathematical or statistical models that are
appropriate to their prerequisite knowledge of those areas
The purpose of the Intermediate Statistics course is to educate students in the
application of correct statistical techniques to a set of data. Students further develop their
basic skills in addressing problems and arriving at the correct statistical inference. For
example, in weeks 2 and 3 of the sample syllabus, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is used
to compare k (two or more) groups of quantitative data to determine whether their means
are the same or differ for the groups. If it is determined that the group means differ, then
the method of multiple comparisons determines which of the group means actually differ.
b. make proper use of modern mathematical or statistical methods appropriate to their
level of prerequisite knowledge, to include, if statistics is used in a substantive way, the
use of a statistical package with graphics capability when appropriate.
Students are required to complete a number of statistical problems using MS Excel
and SAS for Windows. Graphical output is desirable and required for regression and
forecasting exercises. For example, in using SAS (Statistical Analysis System) to
analyze ANOVA data, first an F test is performed to determine whether any of the group
means differ. If some of the group means are determined to differ, then SAS can employ
a Fisher LSD or Tukey HSD method for multiple comparisons. SAS supports eight
methods for multiple comparisons, but these are the two that we normally focus upon in
DIS 320.
Sample Syllabus
DIS 320
Intermediate Business Statistics
M. Wolfmeyer
318 Somsen Hall
University policy requires the following information for your benefit. DIS 320
fulfills the 3 s.h. of a Mathematics/Statistics Flag course required in the University
Studies Program. As such, this courses seeks to
a. practice the correct application of mathematical or statistical models that are
appropriate to their prerequisite knowledge of those areas; and
b. make proper use of modern mathematical or statistical methods appropriate to their
level of prerequisite knowledge, to include, if statistics is used in a substantive way, the
use of a statistical package with graphics capability when appropriate.
Letters in parentheses below identify these outcomes.
2-Sample Inferences (a, b)
Analysis of Variance (a, b)
Analysis of Variance (a, b)
Problems/SAS Intro (a, b)
Exam 1/Regression
Simple Regression (a, b)
Simple Regression (a, b)
Multiple Regression (a, b)
Multiple Regression (a, b)
Exam 2/Forecasting
Forecasting (a, b)
Chi-Squared (a, b)
Rank-Sum Tests (a, b)
Exam 3/D-M
Text Reading
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11
Suggested Problems
10-17, 21, 37, 40
11-8, 9, 13, 26
11-28, 34, 54
Chapter 12
Chapter 12
12-5, 8, 13, 23, 26, 30
12-33, 36, 39. 42, 58
Chapter 13
13-8, 13, 17, 55
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16
15-12, 15
16-1, 6, 7, 17, 18
16-26, 42
Chapter 18
18-6, 7, 24
Text: Business Statistics:Contemporary DM, Black, 3th Ed
Exam I (a, b)
50 pts
Chapters 10,11
Exam II (a, b)
50 pts
Chapters 14,15
Exam III (a, b)
50 pts
Chapters 12,13,16
Computer Exercises (a, b)
Final Exam (a, b)
Total Points
50 pts
80 pts
280 pts
Chapters 10-13,15,16,18
SAS Help: