SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 1: What is the size of the gas compressors being replaced and the new electric compressor? Please provide in horsepower and in any available measure of gas compressed per hour. RESPONSE 1: The existing facility consists of three identical turbine driven compressor (TDC) trains. Each train consists of: 1) a natural gas fired turbine gas generator, General Electric LM1500: 2) a power turbine wheel, Clark DJ125G: 3) a speed increasing gear, Western Gear 4116HSS and: 4) a centrifugal two-stage compressor, Clark 272B 3/4. The GE LM1500 was originally rated at 15,000 HP ISO rating. ISO is a standard rating formula that uses 59.5 degrees F as the inlet ambient air temperature, at sea level, with no inlet or outlet pressure losses. Correcting for actual site conditions at Aliso Canyon, the site rating of the LM1500 is approximately 12,000 HP. As the unit ages, efficiency drops and maintenance/rebuild is required. Over the many years of service, even after rebuilds, the original horsepower output can never be achieved. The Benedict-WebbRubin (BWR) equation currently calculates the average existing horsepower at 10,200 to 10,400 hp. At end-of-cycle conditions, when the field inventory is at its highest and compressor duty is also at its highest, the existing facility is capable if injecting 300 mmcfd with a suction pressure of 550psig and a discharge pressure of 2900psig. Each of the three new electric driven compressor trains will consist of: 1) a 22,000 HP VFD electric motor; 2) speed increasing gear and; 3) a two-stage centrifugal compressor. At end-of-cycle conditions, the new facility will be capable of injecting 450 mmcfd with a 550psig suction and a 3400psig discharge. Electric motors are not derated by elevation or normal temperatures; therefore the horsepower rating for each motor is 22,000 hp. 1 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 2: Please provide an analysis of the monthly energy consumed by the three gas turbine compressors, as well as the monthly kWh of electricity consumed by the proposed new electric compressor by time period and peak kW of electricity demand (both coincident with peak electrical usage periods and non-coincident peak). RESPONSE 2: Taking the three year period from 2005 to 2007, the average monthly gas consumption of the compressors was as follows: Gas Consumption (MMBtu) 2005 - 2007 (Average) MMBtu January February March April May June July August September October November December 4,382 126 43,368 204,231 276,771 202,681 111,229 67,275 152,435 166,262 63,702 21,403 2 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ RESPONSE 2 (continued): Converting the above gas consumption to an equivalent electric consumption, and taking into consideration the time of day of usage, yields the following profile: Year 2005 - 2007 Average Energy Consumption (kWh) Sum OnSum MidPeak Peak Energy Energy Month January February March April May June 2,185,145 3,427,830 July 620,643 1,092,916 August 168,416 283,920 September 1,193,628 2,033,539 October November December - Sum OffPeak Energy 8,390,435 5,971,337 4,195,744 7,304,718 - Win MidPeak Win Off-Peak Energy Energy 54,105 248,685 8,727 1,000,426 1,995,939 4,647,048 9,463,476 7,017,655 12,104,698 3,301,886 8,185,315 1,000,953 3,400,291 273,853 1,204,926 This profile can be stated as follows to better highlight the relative amount of energy consumed monthly in each of the time periods defined in the SoCal Edison tariffs. Energy Consumption (% of Total) Sum On- Sum MidPeak Peak Energy Energy Month January February March April May June 2.4% 3.8% July 0.7% 1.2% August 0.2% 0.3% September 1.3% 2.2% October November December - 3 Sum OffPeak Energy 9.2% 6.6% 4.6% 8.0% - Win MidPeak Energy 0.1% 0.0% 1.1% 5.1% 7.7% 3.6% 1.1% 0.3% Win OffPeak Energy 0.3% 0.0% 2.2% 10.4% 13.3% 9.0% 3.7% 1.3% SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ RESPONSE 2 (continued): The peak demand for this energy profile is shown below: Metered Demand (kW) Sum OnPeak Demand Month January February March April May June 27,981 July 27,639 August 9,949 September 28,156 October November December - Sum MidPeak Demand 28,416 28,294 22,122 28,655 - Sum OffPeak Demand 28,650 28,716 28,545 28,889 - Win MidPeak Win Off-Peak Demand Demand 9,598 9,873 2,726 23,139 16,275 28,703 29,152 28,915 29,105 28,741 28,856 25,663 25,877 9,655 28,766 *At full capacity, new compressor may achieve peak demand of 66,000/1.34 kW. 4 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 3: Please provide a comparison of the energy efficiency of new modern gas turbine compressors with the old inefficient compressors that SoCal proposes to remove. RESPONSE 3: See response to Question 1 of this data request. The original ISO rating for the LM1500 was 15,000hp at a 9470Btu/hp-hr heat rate. At the current average 10,300hp and a 80 degree F inlet temperature the attached curve indicates a 12,000 Btu/hp-hr heat rate. As a check, the current average fuel rate to the LM1500s is 131,000scfh. At a 1020 Btu/scf, the calculated heat rate is 12,972 Btu/hphr. A new gas turbine of similar size, for example, would be a Solar Mars 100 with an ISO rating of 15,000 HP and a mechanical drive heat rate of 7490 Btu/hp-hr. Adjusting for site conditions at approximately 20% loss, the horsepower equates to 12,000 HP with a 8900 Btu/hp-hr heat rate. The Clark 272B 3/4 compressor has an efficiency of approximately 80% whereas new compressors range from 84% to 86%. 5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ 6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 4: Has SoCal considered the use of a hybrid electric and gas system that would retain some gas-fired compression for the specific purposes of replacing electric compression during periods of peak electrical demand as well as for backup purposes? If so, please provide any memoranda or other documentation of the results of such analysis or consideration. If not, why not? RESPONSE 4: No, SoCalGas did not consider a hybrid electric and gas system that would retain some gas-fired compression to replace electric driven compression during periods of peak electrical demand. Retention of the existing gas turbines is not an option given that those units are old, obsolete and could no longer be economically maintained. Installation of a new gas-driven compression system that could support 145 mmcfd of injection capacity during periods of peak electrical demand would be cost prohibitive as it would require essentially a 100% back-up gas-driven compression system to avoid the limited incremental cost of electricity during peak electrical demand periods. Based on historical usage, the estimated annual On-Peak electric consumption would be approximately 4,170 MWH (roughly 4.6% of the total annual electric consumption). Were a gas-driven back-up system available, the equivalent gas consumption would be approximately 45,630 MMBtu. A comparison of the energy cost for estimated On-peak gas and electric consumption is as follows: On-Peak Energy Consumption 4,170 MWH 45,630 MMBtu On-Peak Energy Cost $ 1,022,874 $ 273,787 D Cost $ 749,087 Gas cost evaluated at $6/MMBtu; Electric cost evaluated at Critical Peak Pricing for Sub transmission level service These annual energy cost savings would only support a capital investment in the range of $5.0 million, which is far too small to install a new gas-fired back-up system capable of the new injection capacity. It should also be noted that during peak electrical demand periods SoCalGas’ storage operations are normally operating in gas withdrawal mode and not in gas injection mode. That is why historically less than five percent of Aliso Canyon’s gas injection has incurred during On-peak electrical periods. 7 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 5: Has SoCal Gas considered use of turboexpander or similar technology to capture energy from the withdrawal of compressed gas from storage? If so, please provide any memoranda or other documentation of the results of such analysis or consideration. If not, why not? RESPONSE 5: No, this technology was not considered; therefore no memoranda or documentation exists. The reasoning why this technology was not undertaken is explained below. The Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project is a gas compression project and does not address gas withdrawal in any way. The project’s main objective is to replace the obsolete LM1500 driven compressor trains that have been in service almost 40 years and to increase injection capacity by at least 145 mmcfd. However, field piping during withdrawal from the injection/withdrawal wells combines at the inlet to the dehydration station. The pressure differential between the dehydration process outlet and plant discharge pressure is less than 100 psig. With this small pressure differential and a withdrawal duration averaged over the past three years of less than 3000 hours/year, turboexpanders would be of little value. Capturing the energy from the small pressure differential must then be converted to some useful benefit such as mechanical drive or electric generation which further increases cost. This benefit would only be available during withdrawal when plant energy requirements are small. 8 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 6: Please provide itemized estimates of the costs of the new compressor plant (e.g., materials, labor, contracts, overheads, etc.) RESPONSE 6: The major pieces of plant equipment within the Procurement category of the EPC contract can be itemized as follows: Major Plant Equipment* Gas Compressor Electric Motor High Speed Gear Box Lube Oil Console Variable Frequency Drive Seal Gas System Coolers Surge Control System Additional Support Systems Cost ($MM) $ 8.10 $ 6.90 $ 1.80 $ 1.80 $ 6.62 $ 1.62 $ 3.30 $ 0.83 $ 2.35 * Note the above costs are not escalated and do not account for the total Procurement cost estimate The Construction category of the EPC contract accounts for materials, labor, and other related fees, which can be described in more detail as follows: Cost Element Demolition Site Improvement Earthwork Concrete Structures Pipe - Mat'l Installation Electrical - Mat'l Installation Instru & Controls - Bulks & Installation Painting / Coating Insulation Buildings Capital Spares Labor Materials ($MM) ($MM) $ 0.29 $ 0.01 $ 1.42 $ 0.92 $ 9.66 $ 1.07 $ 10.91 $ 2.12 $ 0.59 $ 0.89 $ 5.97 $ 3.62 $ 4.48 $ 6.77 $ 0.56 $ 1.97 $ 0.10 $ 0.01 $ 0.08 $ 0.02 $ 0.26 $ 0.47 $ $ 0.98 9 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ RESPONSE 6 (continued): Related Fees Construction Management Insurance Bonds Taxes Freight 2 Year Operational Spares Contractor Fees Cost ($MM) $ 4.74 $ 1.53 $ 0.29 $ 5.75 $ 5.58 $ 0.76 $ 13.92 SoCalGas overhead is estimated to be $0.92 million. 10 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 7: Please provide a discussion of the efficiency of the electric compression equipment that SoCal proposes to use and any benefit-cost or cost-effectiveness analysis of the fuel cost versus the capital cost of the option chosen by SoCal versus other options). RESPONSE 7: Electric motor drives are more efficient than the gas drive alternative (turbines) that was being considered for the new Aliso Canyon compressors. Option EPC Cost Estimate* Electric Motor $156 MM Gas Turbine $176 MM * Represents unescalated cost The benefits of a lower capital cost and lower operating costs associated with the electric motor option are partially offset by higher energy costs. Taking into account these various factors, the overall economics favor the electric motor option. As referenced in Responses 1 & 3, gas turbine efficiency is rated at ISO and site conditions. A gas turbine site rated at the same horsepower as the site rated electric motor, 22,000 hp, would have approximately 32-35% thermal efficiency. A 22,000hp electric motor would have an efficiency of 97-98%. However, taking into account the thermal efficiency of the electricity generation to power the motor, approximately 3537%, the motor energy system and the gas turbine energy system are similar. 11 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 8: Please provide the gross plant and depreciation reserve associated with the amounts included in Accounts 354 and 351 expected at the time of retirement. RESPONSE 8: Account 351 The book life of assets in FERC account 351 is 37 years. At the end of 37 years, the gross plant associated with amounts included in this account will equal the original investment of $3.357 million. The depreciation reserve will equal the original investment plus the net salvage value. Net salvage value is 30% of the original investment. Therefore, the depreciation reserve will equal $4.364 million. $3.357 million + (30% x $3.357 million) = $4.364 million At the expected time of retirement, the net plant balance will equal the net salvage value. Account 354 The book life of assets in FERC account 354 is 40 years. At the end of 40 years, the gross plant associated with amounts included in this account will equal the original investment of $197.557 million. The depreciation reserve will equal the original investment plus the net salvage value. Net salvage value is 5% of the original investment. Therefore, the depreciation reserve will equal $207.435 million. $197.557 million + (5% x $197.557 million) = $207.435 million At the expected time of retirement, the net plant balance will equal the net salvage value. 12 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 9: Please provide detailed workpapers supporting the revenue requirement. Please include data showing book and tax depreciation, assumed property tax rates, and amounts of the new plant in Accounts 354 and 351. RESPONSE 9: See attached worksheets: Aliso Compressor Acct 351 9-11-09.xls Aliso Compressor Acct 354 9-11-09.xls Aliso Compressor Summary 9-11-09.xls Capitalized Maintenance Credit 9-10-09.xls 13 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 10: Is there any reason to expect that electric compressors will have a shorter or longer life than gas turbine compressors? RESPONSE 10: The compression trains have several components that are very similar. For turbine driven, the train consists of a turbine, gear, centrifugal compressor and selective catalytic reduction (SCR) units for controlling the turbine emission quality. For electric driven, there is an electric motor, gear, centrifugal compressor and a variable frequency drive (VFD) for controlling the motor. The electric motor or gas turbine is the driver that provides power to a separate stand-alone centrifugal compressor. The life of the compressor is independent of the drive source. The turbines require regular maintenance and rebuilds that are proportional to hours of use and number of starts. The lifespan of a typical turbine between zero hour rebuilds is approximately 30,000 hours. The turbine SCRs would also require catalyst replacement at intervals dependent on number of fired hours. The electric motors have almost no maintenance, but the motors would need replacement in 30-40 years and the VFDs would require replacement every 15 to 20 years. The gear and compressor lifespan are not affected by the type of driver used to power them; thus, the lifespan of these components are the same for either driver option. 14 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 11: Please provide detailed workpapers supporting Table 4 of the application, including but not limited to (a) injection revenue requirement before the increases in revenue requirement arising from the project in 2013-2017 and its allocation between core storage, load balancing, and unbundled storage; and (b) the total revenue requirement after the project and its allocation between core storage, load balancing, and unbundled storage. RESPONSE 11: The figures in Table 4 are derived by applying the Post-Replacement capacities in Table 3 to the Post-Replacement Injection Revenue Requirement. The PostReplacement Injection Revenue Requirement includes both (i) the revenue requirement before the Project; and, (ii) the revenue requirement of the replacement project. The amounts related solely to the replacement project are the difference between the PostProject and the Pre-Project amounts. Injection Revenue Requirement for Year 1 $millions (w/o FFU) 1 2 Post-Project % of total Core $18.1 Load Unbundled Balancing Storage $9.3 $19.0 Total $46.4 1 2 39.0% 20.1% 40.9% 100.0% less Pre-Project $10.3 $5.6 $7.8 $23.7 Project $7.8 $3.8 $11.2 $22.8 3 4 3 5 6 4 5 15 6 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 12: Please provide workpapers showing the derivation of the storage fuel in-kind factor on page 19. RESPONSE 12: See attached worksheet. alisofuelfinal.xlsm 16 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 13: Please identify all costs associated with the gas turbines that are going to be replaced if this application is approved that were included in the base year 2005 costs in Account 834 that formed the basis of SoCal’s 2008 GRC request for this account. RESPONSE 13: The base year 2005 costs in Account 834 of SoCal’s 2008 GRC are an aggregate of all 834 costs for SoCal’s storage activity. The costs applicable to the gas turbines are $1,200,000. 17 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 14: Will the installation of new compressors and increased inventory cause any changes in oil production at Aliso Canyon? If so, please provide a description of any such changes. RESPONSE 14: No, the installation of new compressors will not cause any change in the oil production at Aliso Canyon. This project will not increase gas storage inventory. 18 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 15: What is the basis for SoCal’s estimate of $500,000 per year of capital maintenance for the old compressors? RESPONSE 15: The historical capital maintenance expenses over the three year period from 2007 to 2009 were used as the basis for this estimate, as illustrated in the following table: Year Capital Spending 2007 $244,000 2008 $110,000 2009 (YTD) $1,181,000 Average $511,000 Note the 2009 capital spending total is a year to date figure. 19 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 16: Have the compressor overhauls included in Exh. SCG-5 JMR-CWP-292 in SoCal’s 2008 GRC been completed? If not, why not? RESPONSE 16: Overhaul of Engine K26 was completed in 2007. A partial overhaul of Engine K25 was completed in 1st quarter 2009. Based on the annual inspections of all units and run hours, no overhauls were done in 2008. 20 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANY APPLICATION TO AMEND ITS CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE & NECESSITY OF THE ALISO CANYON GAS STORAGE FACILITY (A.09-09-020) (1ST DATA REQUEST FROM TURN) ______________________________________________________________________ QUESTION 17: What is the schedule for gas turbine compressor overhauls at Aliso Canyon? When would additional overhauls be required but for the new electric system? Would any overhauls prior to 2013 be eliminated if the new electric system is installed? RESPONSE 17: See SoCalGas plant Operation and Maintenance section in the Project Description located in Appendix A of the CPCN Application. To make the maximum injection rate, the units are scheduled for overhaul every few years to insure their availability and reliability. With the inherent uncertainty of constructing projects of this magnitude, the existing maintenance plan for the TDCs will not be altered at this time. As construction progresses, the existing maintenance plan will be reevaluated to determine where savings can be made by avoiding further overhauls. With the entire engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) process scheduled for 30 months or less, it is likely that some maintenance can be avoided. Again, construction progress and the condition of the TDCs in three years will determine any possible cost avoidances. 21