IOE 481 Expectations - University of Michigan

Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Key Information and Expectations: Client, Mentor, and Student Roles
IOE 481: Practicum in Hospital Systems
Mondays 7:00PM - 9:00PM in Room 1610 IOE Bldg. Jan 7, 2009-Apr 21, 2009
Purpose of this document: To communicate the course essentials and expectations to Clients,
Coordinators (Mentors), and students working on IOE 481 projects with the University of Michigan
Hospital and Healthcare Centers. Reading these guidelines will help the process for all involved. The
Client, Coordinator, and student team for each project may mutually agree to deviate from these
expectations, within reason.
Key Contacts:
Associate Professor, IOE Rm
Industrial and Operations
Engineering Department
Ph: 734-763-1454
Fax: 734-763-3451
Office Hours: By appointment.
Graduate Student Instructor
IOE Bldg. Rm 2818
Industrial and Operations
Engineering Department
Cell Phone: 321-446-9654 (preferred
for IOE 481), and
Office Hours: Mondays, 5:006:45pm, and by appointment.
Office Phone: 734-615-7156
Technical Communications
310 Engineering Programs
Office phone: 734-764-1429
Fax: 734-763-1558
Office Hours: By appointment.
Enforced Pre-requisites: [IOE 310 and 316 and 333 and 334 and 366 and 373; (C- or better)] and
Senior Standing]
GRADING SYSTEM. The Client, Coordinator, Tech Com Lecturer, Professor, and GSI all have
input into a student’s grade, with the percentage distribution listed in the table below. All members of
the team will receive the same grade from the CLIENT and the TECH COMM LECTURER unless
there is evidence of unequal contribution among team members. Unequal contribution, however, will
result in unequal grades. The manner in which you conduct the project will contribute to your grade as
well as your final outputs.
IOE 481 Grading System Weights
Coordi- Tech Com Professor
Factors to be considered in grading include:
Final Project Outputs: Proposal & Presentation; Interim Report & Presentation; Final Report &
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Client & Coordinator Relations : Professionalism with Client, Coord., Employees; Amount of
"hand holding" required of Client & Coordinator; Documents ready to discuss at meetings;
Integrity of team & analyses
Project Conduct: Thorough literature search; Mastered engineering methods used; Analyses
thorough and accurate; Appropriate data, findings, conclusions, recommendations
Team Meetings & Draft Materials: Completeness of draft documents submitted; Attendance;
Class: Quizzes & homework completed; attendance; participation
EXPECTATIONS FOR CLIENTS. The Client, or customer, is usually a clinical or administrative
manager or a physician within UMHS. To promote the success of the project, the expectations for the
Clients are to:
Define a project with an appropriate scope. Include key project contacts and their position, email
address, phone, and physical address. Keep in mind that teams of 3-4 students will work on the
project for about 10 hours per week. Eliminate barriers so the project will be completed by the end
of the UM term. For example, it students experience delays in obtaining needed data, the Client
can assist by expediting the data collection.
Provide the students with:
Complete description of the problem and guidance to define the project scope.
b. Your requirements and expectations.
All available data that the students will need for the project, which will not be collected by
the students. These data should be identified in the project proposal.
d. Relevant political and other environmental issues and considerations.
Previous or current related studies.
Potential sources of benchmarking information and comparative processes related to the
project (e.g., University HealthSystem Consortium or professional association).
g. Names, titles, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail numbers of people the students should
contact regarding the project.
h. References to any relevant literature that you are aware of.
Any related things the students need to be aware of.
Meet or at least communicate with the student group weekly, unless you agree that a meeting is not
needed that week. The students are expected to take the lead in scheduling these meetings. These
meetings are necessary to keep the project on track, to provide guidance to the students, and to
identify and discuss questions and issues. For students to complete their projects, it is important
that they be able to meet with their Clients, so your commitment to meet with the students is
important. Meeting with your students guides the project and conveys the importance of the
project. Teleconferences may be useful if the client is traveling. Please express your preferred
mode of communication with the students and vice versa.
Introduce the project and student team to everyone they will be working with, and other
stakeholders. Communicate the importance of the project to stakeholders, and request
participation as needed. The student team will receive more support, if people know the project is
important to you.
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Review and provide written and verbal review comments and advice for each IOE 481 student
team on the drafts of the following documents:
proposal and presentation.
b. interim report and presentation.
final report and presentation.
The Client has the right to refuse to review obviously incomplete or poorly written document(s),
and require that the students improve the document(s) before reviewing the document(s).
Invite appropriate people to the final presentation, tell the students who will be attending, and
provide information to the students about the participants knowledge and known opinions related
to the project.
Flag any issues with the students' conduct and/or professionalism as soon as possible.
Help the team to protect the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI). See also,
the specific privacy and security expectations listed in the “Guidelines For Privacy and Security”.
Provide your grades for the student teams after the final report and presentation are complete. The
formal weight for the students' grades as submitted by you to the instructor is 33%. Student grades
will be assumed to be the same, unless during the conduct of the project they have demonstrated
significantly different contributions. Then different grades are appropriate to reflect their
respective contributions. The grading system is discussed at the beginning of this document. A+
= truly amazing; A=Excellent Work; A- = Very Good work; B+= good work; B or B- for work
that fell short of reasonable expectations; C+, C, or C- for work ranging from fair to poor; D for
bad work.
EXPECTATIONS FOR COORDINATORS. Each project will have a Coordinator (typically, a staff
member at the UM Health System). Coordinators must have the experience, knowledge, and skills to
guide an IOE 481 team. The Coordinator will serve as a guide and mentor for the student team, and
must be willing to actively support analytical quality of the project and positive Client relationships.
Expectations for the Coordinators include:
As needed, mentors should access the class CTOOLS website ( ),
click on Login in the upper right, use your uniquename (not the entire email address) and supply
your Kerberos password. There is also the Mentors Website( then
select IOE481_Instr_Coord, probably under `more sites` in the upper right of the window.)
Coach the students in each team so they understand the environment, address the Client's
requirements, use appropriate analytical methods, and avoid problems. Require that the students to
do objective, quantitative analyses.
Meet with the student group weekly, unless you agree that a meeting is not needed that week. The
students are expected to take the lead in scheduling meetings. These meetings are necessary to
keep the project on track, to provide guidance to the students, and to identify and discuss questions
and issues. If you agree that a meeting is not required during a week, the student team is expected
to communicate with the Coordinator by phone or e-mail.
Communicate with the student team at least once each week. This communication is to be
initiated by the students, and may be in the form of a meeting, telephone call, e-mail, or memo.
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Please express your preferences to the students.
Review and provide timely written and verbal review comments and advice for each IOE 481
student team on the following documents:
Draft proposal and draft proposal presentation.
b. Draft interim report and draft interim report presentation.
Draft final report and draft final presentation.
The purpose is to assure that the Client's requirements are being addressed, that appropriate
analytical methods are being used correctly, and that the students' understanding and presentation
of materials is appropriate. The Coordinator has the right to refuse to review obviously incomplete
or poorly written document(s), and require that the students improve the document(s) before
reviewing the document(s).
Provide feedback on the students' conduct and general impression as professionals.
Protect the privacy and security of protected health information (PHI). See also, the specific
privacy and security expectations listed in the “Guidelines For Privacy and Security”.
Provide your grades for the student teams after the final report and presentation are complete. The
formal weight for the students' grades as submitted by you to the instructor is 30%. The grading
system is discussed at the beginning of this document. A+ = truly amazing; A=Excellent Work;
A- = Very Good work; B+= good work; B or B- for work that fell short of reasonable
expectations; C+, C, or C- for work ranging from fair to poor; D for bad work.
EXPECTATIONS FOR STUDENTS. The expectations for IOE 481 students include:
Commit 8-14 hours per week, for each student, to the project, in addition to the hours in class. A
significant portion of these hours will be during normal working hours for your Client,
Coordinator, and UMHS staff, because:
Each student team is expected to meet with the Client and Coordinator each week of the
term, unless you have a specific agreement to another schedule.
b. Interviews and data collection at UMHS are required for almost all projects.
Students meet with their project team, at times convenient for team members.
Organize and manage yourselves as a team, and schedule project activities, to best meet your
Client's requirements. You are expected to function as a cohesive team, with everyone
contributing equally. If you are having problems among your team, contact your Coordinator early
in the term to resolve team dynamics.
Prepare agendas, questions, and data for meetings and communications. Conserve the time of your
Client and Coordinator.
Take initiative and proactively lead your project, without requirement of day-to-day instructions of
what to do. This is the students’ project, with guidance and mentoring provided by the
Coordinator. The Coordinator is not expected to spoon-feed every action and decision. Hence,
time is required to plan your project activities, interviews, data collection, etc., with a list of
information requirements and desired outcomes.
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Meet with your Coordinator before meeting with your Client the first time. Your Coordinator will
orient you to the UMHS, your project, and any particular information that you need to know.
Meet with both the Client and Coordinator once each week, unless you specifically agree with
them that a meeting is not required that week. The Client and Coordinator normally meet
separately with the student team. The students are expected to take the lead in scheduling these
meetings, and attend those meetings. Since the Client, Coordinator, and students have busy
schedules, it is important to schedule these meetings far in advance. It is best to schedule the
meetings for the whole term during the first week or two of the term. If you do not meet with the
Client and Coordinator during a week, initiate a telephone call or e-mail to communicate progress,
questions, issues, and findings. The weekly class time should be adequate for weekly
communication with the Professor, for projects where he is not also serving the Coordinator role.
Conduct a literature search of related studies, methodologies, and data. You should learn as much
as you can from the work of others. Summary results of this literature search should be included in
interim and final reports for your project. One good search engine is
Maintain confidentiality and security of all patient and UMHS information. See separate
documents that are provided on confidentiality, security, and the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). All IOE 481 students complete corporate compliance
training and testing in areas through the system-wide computerized learning system, MLearning:
(Expect to take Fire safety, Corporate compliance, HIPAA, Patient safety, Critical incident).
Conduct objective, quantitative analyses to support recommendations for the Client. The Client
depends upon us to provide objective, quantitative analyses. Any data collection tools and
methodologies should be reviewed with your Coordinator, before sharing them with your Client or
initiating any data collection.
Provide draft copies of the proposal, interim report, and final report, and presentations on each, to
b. Technical Communications Advisor/Lecturer. The Technical Communications Lecturer for
IOE 481 is Mary Lind.
d. Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for IOE 481.
Computer files of the documents are preferred. Incorporate review comments from your
Coordinator and Technical Communications Lecturer into the documents, before sharing them
with your Client, so your Client sees your best work. The proposal, interim report, and final report
will not be considered complete until all review comments have been incorporated. Your
Coordinator, Technical Communications Lecturer, and Client have the right to refuse to review
obviously incomplete or poorly written document, and require that it be improved before
reviewing it. You must allow time for multiple review and revision cycles of each document.
Meet with the Technical Communications Lecturer at least three times during the Term to review
the draft proposal, interim report, and final report, and respective presentations.
Provide bound copies of the final report to the Client (ask the number of copies required), the
Coordinator, the Professor, and each student on the team. Also provide one unbound copy of the
final report to the Coordinator, along with the CD described below.
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
Provide the Coordinator three (3) computer CD containing the following information at the end of
the Term (one for Client, one for Coordinator, one for Instructor):
Final report.
b. Final report presentation.
Interim report.
d. Interim report presentation.
Proposal presentation.
All project-related spreadsheets, data, analyses, graphics, survey instruments, etc.
The project reports are used as examples by IOE 481 students in subsequent Terms, and the data
are sometimes used for subsequent studies.
Conduct yourselves in a professional manner in all project-related contacts, including appropriate
professional attire, timeliness, and professional behavior.
Expectations For Technical Communication Lecturer. IOE 481 includes a technical
communications advisor/lecturer, to guide students to improve their technical writing and presentation
skills. Expectations for the Technical Communications Lecturer include:
Give lectures on effective written and spoken communication skills.
Review and provide written and verbal review comments and advice for each IOE 481 student
team on the following documents:
Draft proposal and draft proposal presentation.
b. Draft interim report and draft interim report presentation.
Draft final report and draft final presentation.
The Technical Communications Lecturer has the right to refuse to review obviously incomplete or
poorly written document, and require that the students improve the document(s) before reviewing
the document(s).
Meet with each IOE 481 student team at least three times during the Term to review the draft
proposal, interim report, and final report, and respective presentations, and provide advice on how
to improve the reports.
Attend in-class presentations by the student teams, as necessary, and provide critiques and advice
on how to improve their presentations.
Provide Tech Com grades for the students after the final report and presentation are complete. The
formal weight for the students' grades as submitted by you to the instructor is 17%. Student grades
will be assumed to be the same, unless during the conduct of the project they have demonstrated
significantly different contributions. Then different grades are appropriate to reflect their
respective contributions. The grading system is discussed at the beginning of this document. A+
= truly amazing; A=Excellent Work; A- = Very Good work; B+= good work; B or B- for work
that fell short of reasonable expectations; C+, C, or C- for work ranging from fair to poor; D for
bad work.
Structure and Expectations for IOE 481 Projects: Clients, Mentors, and Students
Course: Industrial and Operations Engineering 481, Special Projects in Hospital Systems
3. Provide real world experience conducting a professional project, which is performed in a
healthcare organization, but useful in any industry.
4. Provide knowledge of key problems in healthcare systems to advance industrial engineering
careers in this field.
5. Improve technical communication skills to facilitate professional development.The purpose
of the course for the Clients is to complete analytical projects that provide data, findings, and
recommendations which assist managers to improve operations, quality, and cost
effectiveness of their areas.
 To complete projects that assist them and their Clients by performing useful work their projects
at the University of Michigan Health System.
FILE: IOE 481\Current Class Handouts\ IOE 481 Expectations of Participants.doc
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