Curriculum Vita

Curriculum Vitae
Audrey A. Wick
Division of Humanities/Parallel Studies at Blinn College
100 Ranger Drive
Schulenburg, TX 78956
M.A. Sam Houston State University, 2003. Major: English. (3.81 GPA.)
B.A. Sam Houston State University, 2002. Majors: English and Speech Communication. (3.70 GPA.)
A.A. Blinn College, 2000. Major: English. (3.60 GPA.)
Masters Thesis
“Them That’s Got Ears to Hear:” An Analysis of Southwestern Dialect in Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy
Teaching Experience
Composition and Developmental Writing Courses
 Blinn College: English 1301 – Composition and Rhetoric: Instructor.
Traditional, online, blended, and dual credit format
 Blinn College: English 0321 – Preparation for College Composition: Instructor.
Traditional and lab/contract lab format
 Blinn College: English 0320 – Fundamentals of Grammar and Writing: Instructor.
Traditional and lab format
 SHSU: English 031D - Developmental English: Instructor.
Traditional format
Literature Courses
 Blinn College: English 1302 – Composition and Intro. to Literature: Instructor.
Traditional, blended, and dual credit format
 Blinn College: English 2328 – Survey of American Literature II: Instructor.
Traditional, blended, and dual credit format
Speech Courses
 SHSU: Speech Communication 370W - Intercultural Communication: Teaching assistant.
Traditional format
Kinesiology Courses
 Blinn College: Kinesiology 1101 – Pilates: Instructor.
Traditional format on campus and at the Schulenburg Family Fitness Center
Service Learning
 Optional project for students in ENGL 1301 and 1302 consisting of authoring articles for a tourism book
published through Historical Publishing Co. in cooperation with the Schulenburg Chamber of Commerce office
Tutoring Experience
 Blinn College Writing/Learning Center: Schulenburg campus, Spring 2007 tutor.
 Sam Houston State University/Sam Houston Writing Center: Huntsville campus, Fall 2002-Spring 2003 graduate
assistant tutor.
Professional Scoring and Other Writing Projects
 Appointed College Board AP Reader for 2010, 2007, and 2006 English Language Readings in Daytona Beach,
FL, and Louisville, KY.
 Appointed SAT essay reader for 7 administrations from 2008-2011.
 Technology Power User for Cengage Learning: November 2010 – present.
 TeamUP English faculty consultant for Cengage Learning: April 2009 – present.
 Cachamsi: Cacha Medical Spanish Institute—Ecuador: contract technical writer, Summer 2009- Summer 2010.
 Youens and Duchicela Clinic—Weimar, Texas: contract technical writer, Fall 2008-Summer 2010.
 Appointed 2009 Arkansas Augmented Benchmark Examination Grades 3/4 essay scorer, April/May 2009.
 NESTA (National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association) Spencer Pilates Mat and Ball Program Certified
Instructor, completed Aug. 2007.
 Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Studies Program Certification (seminar completion and certification
to teach PTK Leadership Development Studies course at the community college level), completed May 2004.
 Masters Level (highest attainable) Tutor Certification through the College Reading and Learning Association,
May 2003.
Professional Organization Memberships
 Texas Community College Teachers Association (active member)
 South Central Modern Language Association (past member)
 American Studies Association of Texas (past member)
 “The Best Things That Educators Do” (tip inclusion for collaborative piece compiled by Skip Downing for the
OnCourse electronic newsletter (e-subscription of 44,000), Oct. 2009.
 Ghostwriter of Health Matters, newspaper column on health/wellness for the Youens and Duchicela Clinic,
Weimar, TX, published in several central Texas newspapers and online, June 2009—present.
 “New Equipment Aids in Osteoporosis Detection” (news release for Youens and Duchicela Clinic) published in
The Weimar Mercury, The Schulenburg Sticker, and The BannerPress, June 2009.
 “Classroom Court” (pedagogical piece) feature for OnCourse electronic newsletter (e-subscription of 40,000),
July 2008.
 Schulenburg: Halfway to Everywhere. Co-edited with Vicki Woodard. San Antonio: Historical Publishing Co.,
2007. Print.
“A Word of Advice for the Newly Elected City Official” (three-page nonfiction feature) for The Missouri
Municipal Review, a magazine publication by the Missouri Municipal League, May 2007.
 “A Word of Advice for the Newly Elected Official” for Texas Town and City, a magazine publication by the
Texas Municipal League, Dec. 2006.
 “Anyone Got a Nut Cracker?” (column, creative nonfiction travel with original published photo) for, Nov. 1, 2006.
 “Blinn Students Work with Chamber of Commerce on Tourism Publication” (news article) in College Central:
Campus News online site, Jan. 1, 2006.
 “A Lesson in Service” (column, creative nonfiction) in Mature Years magazine, Fall 2005.
 “San Angelo’s (Semi-) Old Five-and-Dime.” (column, creative nonfiction travel with original published photos)
for, June 16, 2005.
 “‘Them That’s Got Ears to Hear:’ An Analysis of Southwestern Dialect in Cormac McCarthy’s Border Trilogy”
(selected portions of my thesis along with additional info.) in South Texas Studies journal, 2005 edition.
“Running of the Sheep.” (column, creative nonfiction travel with original published photos) for, Feb. 16, 2005.
 “The Perdiest Falls in Texas” (nonfiction travel with original published photos) for, Dec. 15,
 “Hollywood Soot” (short story, creative nonfiction with photos by Boyd Photography) feature story for, Nov. 24, 2004.
 “Classroom Court” (pedagogical piece) invention exercise as part of the University of Nevada, Reno, Core
Writing Invention Project online, Fall 2004.
 “The Siren Call of the Bingo Hall” (short story, creative nonfiction) in The Concho River Review, Fall 2004.
 “‘My, What Critical Thinking Skills You Have!’: A Party Approach to College Student Engagement”
(pedagogical piece) co-written with Robert Parr in Innovation Abstracts, Oct. 22, 2004, Vol. XXVI, No. 24, a
publication of the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) by the University of
Texas at Austin.
 “Moments of Tranquility at Pedernales Falls” (nonfiction travel with four original published photos) in The
Houston Chronicle’s Texas Magazine, Aug. 29, 2004.
 “Rereading Fiction: An Autobiographical Perspective” in the Sam Houston Review, Summer 2004.
 “The Siren Call of the Bingo Hall” (short story, creative nonfiction) in The Houston Chronicle’s Texas
Magazine, Nov. 23, 2003.
“Through Security Gates, With Recipe for Disaster” (opinionated commentary) in Houston Chronicle,
Viewpoints column, Nov. 7, 2003.
“My Trip to the Ole’ Bingo Hall” (short story, creative nonfiction) in Third Story Presents, a production of the
Sam Houston State University Writers’ Forum, May 2003.
"‘Hell, Fire, and Damnation:’ An Analysis of Flight in Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses” In Research
in Educational Leadership (Spring 2003) and the 2003 SHSU University-Wide Graduate Research Exchange
Yearbook, Spring 2003.
"A Message From a Recent Graduate. . ." In The Legacy, alumni and public relations publication of Sam
Houston State University, 2002.
Over sixty feature stories, campus news, and entertainment articles in The Houstonian, Sam Houston State
University campus newspaper, Aug. 2000-May 2002.
Over forty feature articles on campus life on Today@Sam, Sam Houston State University’s on-line daily news
source, December 2000-May 2002.
Various publications in Texas newspapers, newsletters, and magazines for articles sent by wire from Sam
Houston State University’s Public Relations Office, December 2000-May 2002.
Recent Publication Evaluations
 (Proposal review) Loving Literature, offered by Pearson: completed Oct. 2010.
 (Proposal and two chapter review) The DK Guide to Literature, offered by Pearson: completed July 2010.
 (Proposal and two chapter review) Crossways: Writing Across the Disciplines, offered by Pearson: completed
Apr. 2010.
 (Full textbook review) Pathways: Writing Scenarios by Kathleen T. McWhorter offered by Pearson: completed
Mar. 2010.
 (WebEx for prerelease/first edition feedback) COMP: Read by Randall VanderMay et al., offered by Cengage’s
4LTR Press: completed Oct. 5, 2009.
 (Internet review) Beta version reviews of MyLiteratureLab offered by Pearson: completed Oct. 26 and Nov. 16,
 (WebEx) Discussion of trends in classroom/publisher technology offered by Pearson: Oct. 2, 2009.
 (Full textbook review) Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age by David Blakesley and Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen,
offered by Cengage: completed August 2009.
 (Chapter review) The DK Handbook by Anne F. Wysocki and Dennis A. Lynch, offered by Pearson: completed
May 2009.
 (Proposal review) The DK Guide to Reading, Writing, and Thinking Through Literature, offered by Pearson:
completed May 2009.
 (Telephone review) The Thomson Handbook by David Blakesley and Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen, offered by
Cengage: completed Apr. 2009.
 (Chapter “quick” review) The Technical Communication Handbook by Laura J. Gurak and Mary E. Hocks,
offered by Pearson: completed Mar. 2009.
 (Prospectus & chapter review project) Everyday Writing: A Multiple Literacies Approach to Writing & Reading
by Shannon Carter, Christy Foreman, and Chandra Lewis-Qualls, offered by Pearson: completed Sept. 2008.
 (Textbook & video project review) Team Writing by Joanna Wolfe, offered by Bedford/St. Martin’s: completed
Sept. 2008.
 (Textbook project review) Untitled project by Dave Shaberg, offered by Bedford/St. Martin’s: completed June
 (“Reading Hour”-mini textbook review) Envision: Persuasive Writing in a Visual World by Christine Alfano and
Alyssa O’Brien, offered by Longman: completed Apr. 2008.
 (Post-publication evaluation textbook review) Living Literature by John C. Brereton, offered by Longman:
completed Apr. 2008.
 (Full textbook review) Real Writing with Readings, 4th ed. by Susan Anker, offered by Bedford/St. Martin’s
Publishers: completed Apr. 2008.
Conference and Workshop Presentations
 “Time Well Spent: Teaching Argument and Description” at the Connecting through Composition conference
sponsored by Cengage Learning/TeamUP: Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, March 3-4, 2011.
 eCampus Technology Roundtable Moderator for Blinn’s College’s faculty return meeting held at the Brenham
campus Jan. 11, 2011.
“Jackpot Ideas for Helping Students Find Voice through Argument and Description” at the Viva Composition!
conference sponsored by Cengage Learning/TeamUP: Las Vegas, Nevada, November 18-19, 2010.
“Using TurnItIn’s WriteCycle Suite in the Humanities Classroom” at the fall Blinn College Humanities—
Brenham faculty gathering, August 26, 2010.
“Cleaning-up College’s Dirtiest Word: ‘Assessment’” at three Teaching Composition in the 21st Century
conferences sponsored by Cengage Learning/TeamUP: Orlando, Florida, February 4-5, 2010; San Antonio,
Texas, February 18-19, 2010, and Phoenix, Arizona March 4-5, 2010.
“Spying on the Neighbors: What are they doing Online?” Wake Up The Neighborhood! 2009 TeamUP Fall
Energizer Conference sponsored by Cengage Learning, Chicago, Illinois, October 21-23, 2009.
“Abracadabra! Online Teaching Secrets Revealed!,” Computer Culture panel of Southwest Texas Popular
Culture Association/American Culture Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 26, 2009.
Panel chair for “Everything but the Kitchen Sink: Food, Recipes, and Relationships in Contemporary Women’s
Fiction,” SCMLA Convention, Houston, Texas, October 29, 2005.
“A Delectable Discovery: Tita’s Formation of a Self-Identity in Esquivel’s Like Water for Chocolate.” SCMLA
Convention, Houston, Texas, October 29, 2005.
“Study Skills 101.” Presented to Stanzel Foundation Scholarship recipients at Blinn College—Schulenburg
campus in Aug. 2005.
“Hollywood Soot.” 9th Annual Writers Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton, Angelo State University, February
25, 2005.
“Feminine Presence in The Crossing.” Texas Association for American Studies 48th Annual Meeting, University
of Texas at San Antonio, November 18, 2003.
"Rereading Fiction: An Autobiographical Perspective.” Central New York Conference on Language and
Literature, SUNY-Cortland, New York, October 27, 2003.
"‘Hell, Fire, and Damnation:’ An Analysis of Flight in Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses.” 2003
University-Wide Graduate Research Exchange, SHSU, April 16, 2003.
"‘Hell, Fire, and Damnation:’ An Analysis of Flight in Cormac McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses.” International
Spanish Association for American Studies Conference, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, April 9, 2003.
“Moving from Idea to Thesis” Sam Houston Writing Center and Eng. 165 classes. SHSU. Presented on several
occasions during Spring 2003 with Bill Rudolph. Original reference handouts also developed.
“The Campus Newspaper: A Valuable Teaching Tool in the Writing Center” Sam Houston Writing Center.
SHSU. Presented on March 10, 2003.
Seminars/Training/Lectures Attended
 Blinn College Angel 7.4 Gradebook Training. Nov. 2010.
 Blinn College virtual web-ex Wimba Training. March 3, 2010.
 Blinn College Tegrity (online video/lecture capture) Training, Schulenburg campus. Oct. 2, 2009
 Annual Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition reception/presentation in Key West, FL. July 24, 2009.
 Cengage/Wadsworth Enhanced InSite WebEx (online) demonstration July 19, 2009.
 National College Success Conference, sponsored by Cengage Learning, held in San Antonio, June 24-26, 2009.
 Texas Community College Teachers Assoc. Annual Convention held in Austin, Feb. 20, 2009.
 MyCompLab Focus group held by Pearson publishers at TCCTA Annual Convention in Austin, Feb. 20, 2009.
 Blinn College Angel Learning Management System Training. July 2008.
 OnCourse National Conference—teaching techniques and best practices conference held in Los Angeles,
California, May 2-3, 2008.
 Blinn College Word 2007 Training. Dec. 2007.
 Texas Community College Teachers Assoc. Annual Convention held in Austin, Feb. 23, 2007.
 Blinn College DreamWeaver Training, Sept. 2006.
 Blinn College WebCT 6.0 Online Course Training, July 2006.
 On Course National Conference—teaching techniques and best practices conference held in St. Louis, Missouri,
Mar. 23-24, 2006.
 Leon Hale, Houston Chronicle columnist, lecture at Brenham Public Library, Feb. 19, 2005.
 Various author readings sponsored by Sigma Kappa Delta, Blinn College—Brenham campus, 2003-2005.
 Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Program, Colorado Springs, CO, May 2004.
 Blinn College WebCT 4.1 Training, May 2004.
 Blinn College Sigma Kappa Delta Writing Award Winners Presentation and Readings, Apr. 2004.
 SHSU Sigma Tau Delta Guest Author: D.A. Smith, reading from Axis Mundi Sum, Oct. 2003.
 Blinn College Preventing Sexual Harassment Training, Sept. 2003.
Blinn College Incivility Training, Aug. 2003.
Speaking Engagements
 La Grange Rotary Club, La Grange, TX—Dec. 3, 2008. Service Learning.
 Schulenburg Literary Club, Schulenburg, TX—Feb. 13, 2007. Freelance writing.
 Schulenburg Lions Club, Schulenburg, TX—Jan. 24, 2007. Discussion of City Council service.
 St. Rose School, Schulenburg, TX—Nov. 2006. Guest Reader for National Young Readers Day, 4K class.
 Brenham Rotary Club, Brenham, TX—March 22, 2005. “Uncovering the Texas Mystique,” presented on behalf
of the Blinn College Speakers Bureau.
 Carmine Lions Club, Carmine, TX—Jan. 11, 2005. “Uncovering the Texas Mystique,” presented on behalf of
the Blinn College Speakers Bureau.
 Bluebonnet Human Resources Org., Brenham, TX—Oct. 20, 2004. Overview of “Principles of Public Speaking
Workshop,” presented on behalf of the Leadership Institute of Blinn College’s Workforce Education.
 Burton Lions Club, Burton, TX—Sept. 27, 2004. “Uncovering the Texas Mystique,” presented on behalf of the
Blinn College Speakers Bureau.
 Washington County Genealogical Society, Brenham, TX—Sept. 13, 2004. “Uncovering the Texas Mystique,”
presented on behalf of the Blinn College Speakers Bureau.
Service: College and Community
 District UIL Contest Judge, Ready Writing, Feature Writing, News Writing, Editorial Writing, and Headline
Writing, 2010.
 Member, Distance Education Advisory Committee, Faculty Representative, Spring 2010.
 Mentor of eCampus (Angel LMS), Faculty Council, Schulenburg campus, Fall 2009-present.
 Member, Blinn College Dean of Distance Education Hiring Committee. Summer 2009.
 Fundraising Coordinator—Pennies for Peace Campaign. Schulenburg campus, Spring 2009.
 Member, Blinn College English handbook selection committee, Spring 2009.
 Member, Blinn College—Schulenburg Final Grade Appeal Committee, 2008-2009.
 Member, Blinn College 1301 syllabus revision committee, 2007- 2008.
 Member, Blinn College—Schulenburg Scholastic Dishonesty Committee, 2007-2008.
 Member, Blinn College Speakers Bureau, 2004-present.
 Alderman, Place 4, Schulenburg City Council, 2006-2008 term.
 City of Schulenburg municipal representative (alternate)—Chamber of Commerce, 2006-2008.
 City of Schulenburg municipal representative—Public Library Committee, 2006-2007.
 Member, Blinn College Student Engagement Academy, Spring 2006-2007.
 Member, Blinn College English Faculty Hiring Committee. Schulenburg campus, Summer 2006.
 Member, Blinn College Curriculum Committee, Fall 2005-2007.
 Member, Blinn College ENGL 1301 textbook selection committee, Spring 2005.
 Member, Blinn College ENGL 0320 and 0321 textbook selection committee, Fall 2004.
 Member, Blinn College Faculty Focus Group, April 2004.
 District/Regional UIL Contest Co-Director, Lincoln-Douglas Debate, 2004 and 2005.
 District UIL Contest Judge, Poetry Interpretation, 2005.
 District/Regional UIL Contest Judge, Prose Interpretation and Informative Speaking, 2004.
 Tutor, Sam Houston Writing Center, SHSU, 2002-2003.
 Member, Public Relations Presidential Investiture Committee, SHSU, 2002.
 Member, Speakeasies (speech society), SHSU, 2000-2002.
 Fundraising Coordinator, Speakeasies Spring Golf Tournament, SHSU, 2001.
 Writer, The Houstonian, SHSU. 2000-2002.
 Writer, Today@Sam, SHSU, 2000-2002.
 Tour Guide, Office of Undergraduate Admissions, SHSU, 2000-2001.
 Member, Phi Theta Kappa (honor society), Blinn College, 1999-2000.
 German: Two years of study at SHSU and familial background
 Spanish: Some understanding through travel experience and completion of Conversational Spanish I and II at
Blinn College, Spring 2006