ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS OF MALAYSIA (AFPM) RESEARCH GRANT Introduction The AFPM research grant was introduced in 2008 with the objective of promoting primary care research in Malaysia. Many of the existing research grants hosted by large organisations target at experienced researchers with high expectation of research outcomes. In order to help smaller projects by novice primary care researchers, the AFPM have decided to create this research grant to help fund projects conducted by members of AFPM. Research grant The total grant approved for 2010 is RM6000 and a research project is entitled up to RM2000. However, the final decision on the approved amount will be decided by the reviewing committee. The review Committee The review committee shall be appointed by the chairperson of Malaysian Primary Care Research Group (MPCRG), an interest group under the auspices of AFPM. Eligibility criteria The applicant must be a member of the MPCRG and AFPM. Process of application The research proposal must be submitted to the review committee through the secretariat office of AFPM (see address below). Email submission is acceptable ( The applicant must use the standard application form attached below. An electronic copy of the application must be sent to the secretariat via email together with a hardcopy of completed application form. The proposal should contain sufficient details to justify your grant application. The outcome of the application will be notified to the applicant within 2 months. However, the grant will be released after the ethical approval of the research project by the respective ethics committee. The principal investigator of the research project is responsible to forward the evidence of such approval such as letter of approval from the ethics committee. We encourage the submission of the application through electronic forms. Ethics approval The review committee may help to advice on where to obtain the ethics approval if necessary. Interim and final reports The principal investigator of the approved research project is require to submit a progress report every 6 months and final report within 2 months of completion to the review committee via the secretariat of AFPM. An account statement on how the grant is spent should be enclosed with the final report. Publication Successful applicants are encouraged to publish their findings in the AFPM official journal, Malaysian Family Physicians. However, the principal investigator has the rights to the final decision of publication. AFPM must be acknowledged as the funder in the report and any form of publication. Secretariat Suit 4-3, 4th Floor, Medical Academies of Malaysia, 210 Jalan Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia email: ACADEMY OF FAMILY PHYSICIANS OF MALAYSIA (AFPM) RESEARCH GRANT APPLICATION FORM Please (X) to indicate either “Y” or “N” that the following documents are attached to this application. Please note the following: 1. Complete all relevant sections. 2. Please write/type within the space provided. Part 1: Basic information 1.1 Project title 1.2 Principal investigator 1.3 Institution/ Place of practice (including address) 1.4 Email 1.5 Telephone 1.6 Fax 1.7 Co- investigator(s): Name Place of practice/institution Signature Part 2: Summary of project 2.1 Background information (outline the literature review, current development and rationale for your study. Insert the relevant reference list at the end of this section. Limit this section to two pages) 2.2 Objectives 2.3 Methods (outline the type of study design, sampling, intervention (if any), data collection, data analysis) 2.4 Expected outcome (if any) and the significance of the findings: 2.5 Budget (outline the potential cost and expenditure for the project. Eg. Salary, stationeries, travel, equipments, token to participants, others) Category of expenditure 1. . 2. . Total Amount 2.6 Project mile stone (outline the proposed schedule for different stages of research activity) Part 3: Grant application 3.1 Other fund provider(s): List other sources of funding for this project (if any): Institution Amount Nil Nil Total 3.2 Grant application: Total amount of application 4.1 Declaration of applicant I have read and understood the guideline for AFPM research grant application. The above information is true to the best of my knowledge. Provision of false information may result in withdrawal of the funds. 4.2 Signature of applicant _________________ Date _____________________________ Signature