Two day literacy training

Labour Education Foundation
Three day Study Circle Leaders’ Training Workshop
22-24 January, 2007
A three day study circle leader’s training workshop was organized by labor education
foundation at Caritas Hall, Lahore on 22nd – 24th January, 2007. The participants of
the workshop were the leaders of study circles recommended by different trade unions
and working groups. These study circles cater to the educational needs of the workers.
The study circle runs a one year course of basic and advance adult literacy. The
syllabus is tailor made and is designed to enable the learners read and write Urdu,
arithmetic and English without any difficulty and acquire some basic life skills.
Training was carried out by LEF team including Ulfat Bukhari, Nazli Javel, Jalvat
Ali, Talat Rubab and Khalid Mahmood.
The training covered the following contents;
 Training;
o Registration of the Study circle leaders
o Introduction of the participants
o Introduction of Labour Education Foundation & functionaries
o Qualities and responsibilities of participants
o Training Aims
o Pakistan – Current Situation; Political, Social and Labour
o Recognition of numbers
o Concept of zero, unit and ten, counting
o Tables
o Place value and numeric value of number
o How make the budget
Art & Urdu
o Knowledge of Art work, Recognition of alphabets Urdu
o Joining of Urdu alphabets
o Writing skills of Urdu
o Word & sentence making Urdu
o Recognition of English alphabets
o Joining the alphabets and word making
o Names of parts of body in English
o Water, health & Injection
o Parts of body
o Violation against women
o Democracy, vote casting
Study circle methodology
o 6 method of learning
o What is study circle
o Difference between teacher & SCL
o Difference between participants & pupils
o Difference between SC & class room
o Responsibility of SCL
o Problems & its solutions
Group work
o Give task to group
o Group work activity
o Participants choose leader
o presentation
Day 1
The training started with the registration of the participants. Afterwards an activity
was conducted for ice breaking with the flash cards displayed by 8 participants and
guess by others. Participants told this is welcome and open the lips to give better
words to welcome in different languages. Then they told the meanings of welcome
and introducing in the different stages of life. Then all the participants and facilitator
introduced themselves. Participants were asked to tell their name, work, and good or
bad habits.
It was interesting to note that participants tried to tell true picture and habits which
they could realized that what is good and what is bad. Some time they told their good
habit but as such that was bad, and some were told badly which good things were. So
all the participants enjoyed this activity and known about others.
Study Circle (aims and importance)
A question was asked, Study circle; aims and importance. All the participants shared
the importance should be; knowledge distributes, activeness, friendship and develop
the relations, independent approach, research, struggle to gain, lighten the abilities,
planning, strengthening, democracy, grow and put the ideas, accept the result and
Pakistan – Current Situation; Political, Social and Labour
Khalid Mahmood
This session was organized to make SC leaders aware of the existing situation in
Pakistan in which they have to carryout work of the project. How they see the
situation, problems, hopes and way out were discussed detail.
Khalid divided the session in three segments covering political, social and workers
situation. Participants were encouraged to discuss their feelings on different issues
covered under these three segments. Main issues discussed in this session were as
Military dictatorship in Pakistan
State of democracy
Changes in Policies due to neo-liberalism
Lac of democratic culture within workers organizations
State of organized workers in Pakistan
Informal sector
Women workers situation
Women situation in general
Importance of literacy for working class
Writing skills (Urdu), Recognition of alphabets, Word making (Urdu)
Talat Rubab
Word can be formed from different alphabets
Lead to different sentences.
Participants were told that the learners in their study circle have experience in their
life of doing things. They know a lot about their surroundings but unable to express.
They can speak. They can understand but can not explain. They can not write
properly. They can not recognize the words which they speak in their sentences in
routine life.
The objective of the session was writing skills, recognition of alphabets and words.
They were taught different skills of writing even without using pencils. They can use
different methodologies like tracing letters in the air, on flash cards, on floor, on plank
and on notebooks was explained. Study circle leader’s behavior with learners should
be polite, friendly and professional. They should have proper information and
conceptual clarity about the issue, going to discuss in the center.
Initially they were taught by using white board that how to hold and grip a pencil,
how to move your hand and control your hand to draw lines, circles or any shape. It is
most important to grip over their pencils and hand to write any thing. They were also
told that in their study circles, firstly they start learners with join lines, circles or any
shape with dots. It was explained on white board as draw below.
After writing skill the session on Urdu Book I was started. On white board, a picture
of telephone was shown to the participants. They were asked one by one. They replied
it is a telephone. It was explained that some basic keys in order to understand and
learn are; see, speak, hear, write and finally understand. Facilitator, to develop
participants’ attention, discussed little about telephone to clear concept also by asking
some questions from participants.
Alexander Graham bell invented Electrical Speech Machine (telephone) in Boston,
Scotland in 1876. Word “telephone” comes from Greek word “tele” means ‘a far’ and
“phone” means ‘voice or voiced sound’. It means conveys sound over a distance. It is
a source of communication and gives information. It can convey message any where
any time to any one. Some points were also raised by the participants which help to
discuss lively. After that they spelled out and taught how they have to teach their
learners in the study circles.
Did an activity at the end of the session, participants were given flash cards.
Participants were asked to write any five names of things which are in the training
hall. The participants practiced joining of different alphabets in words on flash cards.
They showed interest to write words individually.
Arithmetic; Recognition of figure, to write & count
Nazli Javed
Concept of figure, counting and amount
To write better number or digit
Participants were told that the workers known more things because they have lot of
experience of their professional life and listened about number or digit and arithmetic
but did not write and count down the same.
Firstly, they were taught by using workbook, copies, paper and black or white board
even earth and air. Secondly, hold the pencil, control over hand and move it, then can
draw the shape of any figure. It is started that what are surroundings where they sit
and how to count down? They can uses their hand, finger and thumb. So they joint the
thumb and first finger and that is zero and they can clear the concept of zero with their
sitting plan with circle. One is standing first finger, picks and finger can use, but use
the same thing which is easily available surrounding their. Then they can count the
number of same things, add more and minus from that. How they can write the digit,
0 to 9. (Zero to nine). It is clear the concept of one zero/circle and one line/scale.
They can understand the angling of all number/digit, if SC leader can able to taught,
with their body activity and available things, cloth, wall, roof, floor or any other
available things etc. Participants replied a question that all the arithmetic started from
left to right side, put the sign mark. SC leader can use flash cards to clear the concept
of writing. An interested activity done in the response of participation by participants
and drawn different number/digit, mark of plus, minus, multiply and divided as well
as table making.
How to Learn English?
Ms. Jalvat Ali
To learn basic rules of writing English
To know the methods of teaching their learners
Session was estranged into three parts
How to learn read
How to learn write
How to learn concept
How to learn read
 First read the lesson yourselves and said your learners for following you.
 Show them pictures and ask them the name of picture.
 Ask them different questions regarding the word you are teaching them.
 Ask them how many things in this study circle center are going to be start with
the word you are listening.
How to learn write
Share basic rules of writing English with your learners and tell them
 Always start English in writing from the left side
 While writing capital always initiate English from up
 In small letters there are fourteen words would be on two central lines
 While teaching them words tell them how many spells are in this word.
After spreading flash cards written on spell of the word. Ask to a learners
come in center and paste correct spell of the word. Through this activity
learners learn actively.
How to learn concept
As learners are not children so they wish to know the concept of any thing they learn
during their study. It’s the responsibility of study circle leaders to provide information
and knowledge regarding their lesson. For instance if a leader is telling their learners
about apple now he wish to tell his learner what is the color of apple, where it grow
more, what are the benefits of it, is it fruit or vegetable? Such questions can bring
more awareness among them.
Benish Ayub: I did not know the basic rules of writing English. Our teachers never
gave attention on rules they just start teaching. This is beneficial for me.
Imran: said due to this I came to know how we can learn spelling of any word.
Before this when I start teaching I paid full attention on repeating the spellings of any
Nighat Sultana: said how we can teach spelling to learners’ through example is new
for me. Now I can teach very well.
Day 2
Democracy, vote and voting
Ms. Jalvat Ali
To know about democracy and dictatorship
To differentiate among democratic government and dictatorship
To learn right process of casting vote
To understand the importance of casting vote
Session was divided into three parts
 Definition of Democracy and dictatorship
 What is Vote
 Importance of Vote
 Method of casting vote through activity
Definition of Democracy and dictatorship
Democracy is a system of government. Democratic government is the government of
the people, by the people and for the people. People elect their representatives by
casting their vote and those representatives work for the welfare of people.
Dictatorship is such a system in which a military person takes over the country. He
does not take over with the will of masses. So he dose not work for the welfare of
masses. His totally attention bent towards army. Yow can see the practice going on in
our country.
What is Vote?
Vote is the right to persons for showing their will in the favor of a person who is
eligible for holding any responsibility. In Pakistan in the age of 18 every person has
the right to cast their vote.
Importance of Vote
Vote is the right of showing will. This is the right every one with out any caste
discrimination has. If a person dose not caste vote may be due to this a corrupt person
come into the power. Now that person will not work for the welfare of masses he will
provide facilities to his own class.
Vote should be cast with every person own choice with out any pressure. In our
society there is a big pressure of the head of a family, on his dependents. Due to this
our election system is not clean and clear.
Method of casting vote
There are many methods of casting vote, with raising hand, with mutual
understanding and with ballot paper.
The method through ballot paper is common now days.
In this method following things are commonly used
 Ballot paper
 Building in which the procedure of vote casting happened is called poling
 In a polling station there are many poling booths
 The in charge of poling station is called presiding officer
 Under presiding officer there are assistance presiding officer
 Under assistance presiding officer there are poling officer
 Poling agent
When a person goes for casting vote he or she should have complete information
about ward # union council # town # and vote #, ID card, if a person has no ID card
then marriage contract and certificate of metric class is necessary.
Mr. Javaid Iqbal: said differentiation between dictatorship and democracy is newfangled for me. I don’t be acquainted with Abraham Linkin. Through this session i
gain knowledge.
Ms. Shakeela: said i used to cast vote but on the choice of my father and after
marriage on the choice of my father in law. Now i am feeling more confidence in my
self. I will go for casting vote on my on choice.
Waheed Khan: said my mother don’t go to cast vote. I don’t know the importance of
casting vote. Now i will go myself for casting vote and will tell the importance of
casting vote to my mother and whole family.
Names of Parts of the body,
What is ‘a.m’ and ‘p.m’?
Learn to tell the time in English
Talat Rubab
Day 2: Started English Book II with the names of parts of the body in English. A
human body parts’ chart was displayed on white board. Participants were asked to
recite body parts names one by one with spellings. The names of the parts of body
There were shown different kind of charts having all human body parts and human
skeleton system also. Participants made live discussion and learn the body parts. It
was explained to the participants that how to make charts or different flash cards
(pictorial form and written form according subjects) to attract learners’ attention and
The main objective of this activity was to help participants develop a better
understanding with the names of parts of body in English. Flash cards were given to
the participants to write any five parts of the body individually in five minutes. They
showed interest and speedily wrote the names.
Then another chart having use of a.m and p.m was displayed in front of participants.
Through asking questions the use of a.m (after midnight) and p.m (pre-midnight) was
explained. After midnight started from 12.00 midnight to 12.00 noon and premidnight started from 12.00 noon to 12.00 midnight.
Keeping on to see the time and use of am and pm, participants were taught how to tell
the time in English. They showed keen interest to learn it. Facilitator with different
clock hands to show the time sketched clock on white board. How to tell the time in
English was explained through two way interaction with participants. Mainly the
raising questions for discussion during session were:
Where and how we use “quarter past”, “half past”, “quarter to”, “0’clock” to
tell the time?
How we have to tell the time in minutes?
Facilitator informed the participants that they can use charts, wall clock, board even
wrist watches to explain the time in English. It can be practiced throughout the class
by asking time just in English even teaching any subject. Learners learn a lot through
informal way. The objective of this session was to build understanding and
confidence that how to tell the time in English and how to teach it in their study
Discrimination with women
Talat Rubab
To conversed women issue was important part of the training workshop. Initially
facilitator talked about the history of women status in society. Men and women were
equal in starting eras. Gradually with the division of responsibilities and nature of
work, men introduced classification. Primarily to develop interest and attention
towards issue, participants were asked; share anything which you think about women.
It was a brain storming activity to enhance their confidence and to know about their
point of views.
Women are almost half of Pakistan population but they have never been allowed
equal political, economical and social opportunities. Rather women are participating
equally for production formally or informally. Customary practices and
discriminatory laws generally govern their social life. In the wake of derogatory
customs and predatory laws, women agonies see no end. Working women are sobbing
under the suffocating pressure of extreme exploitation, force lust, ignorance and
A woman is performing her role at home and outside the home. She has to fulfill
multi kind of responsibilities throughout the day as mother, sister, daughter and as
wife also without any remuneration, reward and compensation. What are the
responsibilities of a woman, facilitator asked the question? All participants
interestingly pointed out some major responsibilities which were being written on the
white board as under:
Get up early in the morning and sleep at end,
Prepare breakfast, cooking food, all kind of work related to kitchen
Cleaning the house,
Washing clothes,
Take care of family members, kids
Treat guests,
Domestic shopping from market,
Doing jobs (formal sectors/informal sector)etc
By discussing aforesaid points, women are exploiting everywhere. They do not have
equal rights as compare to men. There were made valuable discussion on given points
concerning discrimination with women.
Sexual harassment,
Psychological annoyance,
No opportunities for employment,
Less wages as compare to men,
Discriminatory laws,
Difference between son and daughter,
No equal right for witness,
Fewer opportunities for participation in politics,
Social bigotry / racism,
Different kind of Violence,
Offensive customs and voracious traditions,
No security,
Women trafficking,
No right for education,
Forced labour,
Hurdles to take part in games,
No proper health care,
Forced marriages,
Boundaries to go out side, anywhere etc
We believe that liberation of women is only possible through class struggle, socially
just, economically equitable, political aware and gender sensitive society.
At the end of the session, facilitator showed four pictures, having different kind of
violence, and asked participants write down their thinking which they perceive.
Participants were given flash cards. Everybody had different write up with different
point of views. After the activity, different facets of the pictures were elucidated. It
was a remarkable activity to build participants confidence and thinking approach in
different ways.
Day 3
Day 3rd is divided in 4 sessions
 Review of last day
 6 methods of learning
 Difference between Class room & Study Circle
 Teacher & study circle leader & its differences
 Responsibilities of study circle leaders
 Helping material & facilitate personalities
 Group Work & Presentation
Session 1.
Review of last day
Need of Training (aims, objects)
Review of last day
All the participants shared their views as review of 2nd day of training session and
some were appreciated and some were criticized some ideological things regarding
women issues. Actually the women and male persons have religious and backward
background who criticized negatively.
6 Methods of learning;
In this session, display some illustration. Through these illustrations, show different
activities. At the end handout was distributed.
1. Discussion; Learning with share the ideas
2. Pictures, Drawing and things made by hand; different things break and rejoined
3. Listening; Learning with listening to others, lecture memories previous
4. Activities & physical role play; Learning with professional experience,
experience of things with hand made, walk and activeness, role play in theatre,
participation in festivals, visits of historical places.
5. Saw and explain the pictures, Learning to saw the picture, illustration and
story making, maps, drawing.
6. Reading; Learning through books, newspaper, periodicals, history,
blackboard, pamphlets, newsletters etc.
Difference between Class room & Study Circle
In this session detailed discussion on differences between class room and circle. At
the end distributed the handout. Explain the idea of Sitting plan, introduction, time
setting, sharing the ideas, atmosphere, attitude, behavior, planning of topic, authorized
by, answerable to, discussion, aims & objectives, study material develop the
relations, respect, motivation, courage, seriousness, developing approaches, convey
the messages, learning with others, learning with available resources, develop thought
& understanding, appreciation, solve the problems, consensus, no doubt, review,
voting, democracy, step forward, easy to difficult, identifications, authentication,
decision power, accept the result, measure the responsibilities, implementation,
feedback and evaluation.
Teacher and study circle leader
In this session, pin points some differences of teacher and study circle leaders. A
handout in this respect distributed to all the participants.
 Deputed or introduced by any other authority and friend/ co-worker or group,
 Boss& one participant’s friend or senior worker.
 Bound the rules and regulation versus guide the other workers and volunteers
 Implement the rules & direction issues by the authority and work on the
decisions made by volunteer/friend/participants
 Debates between pupils and promote the discrimination among black & white,
religion, sect, but SCL discourage these all matters
Responsibilities of SCL
 Time pattern
 Follow the methodology of SC
 Polite and friendly behave with participants/workers
 Make activities with minimum and available resources
 Develop the ideas, clear the concept
 Observe and write Reflective journal
 Record made
 Ensure the participation of participants/volunteer
 Entertain all the participants
 Write the report of activities and progress
Problems and its solutions
In this session asked the previous SCL that what they have face the problems and how
to solve it. More SCL share their problems faced by them and its better solution.
Almost faced the problems;
Participants drop out or lake of interest of participants in adult literacy with dozen
reasons. That’s mean the major reason of problem only of the participation of workers
in study circle.
Participants did not identify the ideological problems of SC. Supposed the
methodology of SC, participants’ differences in experience, some participants
habitual to talk more.
Group Work & Presentation
At the end of this session, four different groups were made on at least 1 study circle
leader from Rustam Sohrab Cycle Factory/ Bricks Labor Union, 1 of female from
Women Workers Helpline and 2 SC leaders of Ittehad Labour Union of Carpet
Industries Pakistan and give the task to organize a circle as under. All the groups of 4
members drawn the outlines of ideas on chart and one of them choose or selected
study circle leader by that group for presentation and lead the group. After the group
work, participants made presentations one by one.
 Review of 3 days
Review of 3 days
In this session handover the review/evaluation forms to all the participants and they
give feedback of three days work of training workshop.
The objective was that a word can be formed from different alphabets and can lead to
different sentences.
 Certificate & Prize distribution
Prize distribution
Before the ending programme there were bags and some material (handbooks of SC
leaders) distributed with the funny style there was one person called to another and
some words or lyric say for that and handover the gift bag, and same as 2nd call to
another, it was a best ceremony.
Group photo/ ending words
Group photo/ ending words
At the end of last session Coordinator/facilitator/trainer thanks to all the participants
and facilitators of this training workshop and group photo with all SC leaders.