aged and disability pack - 2014 Developed by – macarthur/wingecarribee hacc development project A Macarthur Disability Services Initiative – “Defying Boundaries” Phone: 4621 8400 Fax: 4620 4048 Email: INFORMATION SERVICE: 1800 683 232 HACC is a State and Federally funded program 1 Contents THESE ARE A SAMPLE OF SOME OF THE SERVICES AVAILABLE IN MACARTHUR THERE ARE MANY OTHER SERVICES THAT MAY BE ABLE TO ASSIST, SO FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT 1800 683 232 Page Number INTRODUCTION WHAT IS HOME & COMMUNITY CARE (HACC) AND WHAT DOES IT DO? WHAT IS THE DISABILITY SERVICES PROGRAM? WHAT ARE COMMUNITY AGED CARE PACKAGES (CACPs)? WHAT IS CARER'S NSW WHAT IS VETERANS' HOME CARE (VHC)? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CLIENT RINGS A HOME & COMMUNITY CARE (HACC) SERVICE? WHAT DOES HACC COST? WHAT IF A CLIENT HAS A PROBLEM WITH A HACC SERVICE? AGED AND DISABILITY SERVICES IN MACARTHUR 6 7 8 9 & 10 11 12 13 13 13 14 – 64 AGED & DISABILITY SERVICES IN MACARTHUR Respite Care/ Frail Aged Activity Centres/ Recreation Programs: After Hours and Weekend Day Care Camden District Activity Centre Carrington Community Care, Overnight Respite Program Carrington In Home Support Community Connect Respite Couridjah Centre Based Day Care Disability Services Australia – Campbelltown Disability Services Australia – Picton HammondCare In Home Dementia & Employed Carers Respite HammondCare In Home Dementia Respite "Janangalee" Aboriginal Day Care Centre Macarthur Disability Services “Dolphins” Seniors Program Macarthur Disability Services "Trendy Dudes" Macarthur Disability Services “Link Up” Macarthur Dementia Day Care and Support Service Macarthur District Temporary Family Care Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative. – Multicultural Aged Day Care Service Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Multicultural Disability Day Program Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Multicultural Seniors Group Macarthur In Home Support Program Myrtle Cottage Narellan Congregational Community Services Nepean Food Services Day Centre 14 14 15 15 15 15 16 - 19 19 - 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 23 - 25 25 26 26 26 - 27 27 2 Northcott – Flexible Respite SWS & Macarthur Northcott – Respite for Older Carers Picton Day Centre Reslink Rosemeadow Frail Aged Day Centre Sunnyfield Flexible Respite The Disability Trust – Mental Health Respite (Targeted Community Care) Transcultural Respite Service UnitingCare Ageing – Flexible Respite WSACCI - Senior Friendship Group Polish Respite & Carers Support Service 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 31 31 Community Aged Care Packages (CACPs): Aboriginal CACPs Carrington Care HammondCare – CACP HammondCare – EACH Illawarra Retirements Trust South West Sydney Community Service Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Multicultural Aged Care Packages Polish-Australian Welfare Association Inc The Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) Bowral Community Aged Care The Benevolent Society – SWS Community Care UnitingCare Ageing 32 32 32 33 33 33 34 34 34 35 Personal Care / Domestic Assistance: BCS Care Centre - Macarthur Carrington Community Care Home Care Service of NSW Home Care Service of NSW - Warrambucca Aboriginal Service Outlet Southern Cross Care Service Veterans Home Care Program 35 35 36 36 36 36 Case Management Services: ADHC Bowral Community Support Team (CST) ADHC Macarthur Community Support Team (CST) Community Links Wollondilly Macarthur Community Options Macarthur Disability Case Management & Brokerage Service Northcott Society The Junction Works Neighbour Aid: BCS Campbelltown Neighbour Aid Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Multicultural Neighbour Aid Narellan Congregational Community Services 37 37 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 3 Nepean Food Services WSACCI - Neighbour Aid 41 41 Transport: Gandangara Transport Services South West Community Transport South West Community Transport – Travel Training South West Community Transport – Self Drive South West Community Transport – Taxi Vouchers 41 42 42 Food Services: Camden Meals on Wheels Inc. Campbelltown Meals on Wheels The Little Corner Community Café Nepean Food Services Wollondilly Support & Community Care Inc – Meals on Wheels 42 43 43 43 43 Information, Co-ordination and Assessment: Aboriginal Access Workers Aboriginal Information & Referral Service Autism Advisory and Support Service Campbelltown City Council – Information and Referral Service Community Aged Care & Rehabilitation Services (including ACAT) Law Access NSW Lifeline Macarthur Macarthur Community Care Macarthur Dementia Advisory Service Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Links to Supportive & Healthy Ageing Program Macarthur/Wingecarribee Aboriginal HACC/Access Development Project Macarthur/Wingecarribee HACC Development Project South West Dementia Education and Training for Carers Project TIS (Translating and Interpreting Service) Youth Solutions 44 44 44 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 Other Services: Australian Foundation for Disability (AFFORD) Anglicare - SWS Dementia Education & Training for Carer Project BCD Community Care Bridges for Learning Community Linkline In-Home Support Program (Dementia Monitoring) Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative Multicultural Access Project (MAPS) Macarthur Home Modification Service National Disability Coordinator Officer Program Northcott – Early Childhood Autism Service & Better Start Therapy Service Northcott - Macarthur Teen After School & Vacation Care Program South West Sydney HACC Training Project 49 49 50 50 50 51 51 51 51 52 52 53 4 Specialist mental Health Service for the Older Person NSW Paediatric Spinal Outreach Service Polish-Australian Welfare Association – Eastern European CALD Project 53 53? Health Services: Community Health Centres - Ingleburn - Narellan/Camden - Rosemeadow - Tahmoor (Wollondilly) 54 54 54 54 Hospitals - Camden - Campbelltown 54 54 Other Health Services - Physiotherapist - Occupational Therapist - Speech Pathology 54 54 54 Other Health Contacts - ASET Aged Care Services Emergency Team, C’town Hospital - Nutrition Links - Centre for Women’s Health - Specialist Mental Health Service for the Older Person (Bowral Community Hlth Cntre) 54 54 54 54 Carers / Support Groups: Carers NSW Carer Assist Compeer Macarthur-Wingecarribee Family Resource Links HACC Carer Coordination Service HACC Carer Coordination Service – Social Media Service Macarthur Autism Spectrum Family Group Aspergers Syndrome Support Group Macarthur Cancer Support Group Macarthur Dementia Day Care & Support Service Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – CALD Carers Social Support Group Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – Coffee Room Macarthur Mental Health Support Group Macarthur Temporary Family Care - Fathers Plus Support Group Macarthur Temporary Family Care – Support Group “Life Goes On” Macarthur Wheelchair Users Support Network Multiple Sclerosis Limited Northcott – Cystic Fibrosis Support Group Northcott – Leaving Care Program (Mentoring Service) Northcott – Yarning Circle Odyssey House After Care Program Polish-Australian Welfare Association – Polish Respite & Carer Support Service (PRCSS) Support Coordination Program 55 55 55 56 56 56 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 60 60 61 61 61 62 5 SWS Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre (CRCC) SWS Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre (CRCC) Young Carers Program The Haven Project 62 63 63 DISCLAIMER Every care has been taken in the preparation of this booklet and the information it contains is believed to be accurate. However, numbers are subject to change. If, for any reason, you have difficulties contacting any service please phone our Information Service on 1800 683 232 for assistance. The Macarthur HACC Development Project cannot be liable for any error or omission in this publication or for damages arising from the supply, performance or use of any service and makes no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied in relation to this document. Introduction This Aged & Disability Pack has been produced as a result of a grant supplied under the Home and Community Care Program. This grant has also enabled the Macarthur HACC Development Project to produce:* * * * HACC Services Brochures Posters (general, Aboriginal & Non-English speaking) Free call 1800 683 232 Information line And other promotional material For information regarding any of the above-mentioned material, please contact 1800 683 232. Some of the services mentioned herein are not HACC funded but have close ties with the Macarthur Aged & Disability Forum and as such have been included. There are also many other disability specific services that are not funded through HACC. For information on these please phone Macarthur Disability Services on (02) 4621 8400. The HACC Development Project wishes to thank the many services involved in putting together the Aged & Disability Pack including The Department of Veterans Affairs for funding the Doctors Contact List, and the State and Federal Governments for funding the production. 6 What Is Home & Community Care (HACC) And What Does It Do? The Home and Community Care Program came into existence in 1985 with the aim to:"provide basic maintenance services to people who are frail aged, people with disabilities and their carers who were still living in their own home therefore preventing premature or inappropriate institutionalisation." HACC is a State and Federally funded program and is administered by The Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care in New South Wales. HACC provides a range of services from practical assistance to companionship and recreational activities. The types of services provided by HACC include Community Transport, Respite Care, Activity or Day Care Centres, Meals on Wheels, Community Options, Home Care, Home Modification and Maintenance, Neighbour Aid, Host Family Respite, Peer Support as well as funding Community Health type services such as Podiatry, Community Nursing, Occupational Therapy and much more. Most HACC services are managed by a Co-ordinator and run by independent Community Based Management Committees. All services assess clients for their programs and there will usually be a small fee for service. HACC must provide services on the client’s ability to pay so there is the potential for fees to be reduced or waived in extreme circumstances. Each service will assess the client and determine service delivery based on the client’s need and the service’s available resources. Some services may be able to commence service immediately others may have a waiting list for service. All HACC services must comply with the HACC National Services Standards which have been developed to provide consistent quality and delivery of HACC Services across Australia and to provide a common reference point for agencies for internal quality control, monitoring and evaluation. 7 What is The Disability Services Program? AIM The aim of The Disability Services Program is to develop and improve services for people with a disability by promoting and supporting their involvement in the community. The following service types are funded under this program:ACCOMMODATION SUPPORT Covers a variety of community support arrangements, including attendant care and in-home support which aim to assist persons with a disability develop and maintain suitable residential arrangements in regular individualised accommodation settings, housing leased from the Department of Housing, or flats, apartments and units which offer a range of tenancy arrangements. SUPPORTED ACCOMMODATION Facilities are those residential arrangements that have support integrated into the tenancy. These facilities may provide full time supported accommodation or centre based respite care to residents, although both types of service are not to be operated within the same residence. The accommodation comes in the form of large residential centres, hostels, group homes, attendant care, outreach/’in-home’ drop-in support, and alternative family placement. RECREATION Services which facilitate the interaction of – and participation by – people with a disability in recreation and leisure activities generally available to persons in the community. RESPITE CARE Services for relief or assistance, for a limited period of time and whether on a planned or unplanned basis to: the families of, and other persons who provide care for or assistance to, persons with disabilities living in the community. INDEPENDENT LIVING TRAINING Services provided to assist people with disabilities to gain greater access and participation in the community by developing or maintaining personal skills and the self-confidence necessary to enhance their independence and self-reliance, in the community. ADVOCACY SERVICES Services allow people with disabilities, their families, carers, or groups of people with disabilities to represent their interests and establish themselves in the community. INFORMATION SERVICES Services provide for the collection, storage and dissemination of information which is relevant to people with a disability, and/or their families, carers and advocates. These services aim to facilitate access to information, particularly on disability services, equipment, aids and issues of concern to people with disabilities, or simply, the range and quality of information available to the general community. PRINT DISABILITY Services intended to facilitate access to, or the use of, printed materials by people whom, because of disabilities, are unable to read, hold or manipulate printed material in standard form. 8 What are Community Aged Care Packages (CACPs) & The home support program First introduced in 1992, Community Aged Care Packages (CACP) are a national, Commonwealth-funded program. The original Community Aged Care Services General Conditions were part of the Principles of the Aged Care Act 1997, which also covers nursing homes and hostels. CACPs provide an intensive home-based care program (incorporating a co-ordination component and case management) to frail aged clients in order to assist them to remain in their own homes. From the 1st August 2013, CACP Packages will be known as the Home Support Program, comprising four levels of care, dependent upon need. A Dementia Supplement is available to packages, as required. The new packages are funded under the new Consumer Directed Care approach. The packages are intended to provide personal care services and other personal assistance at a level provided in a hostel while allowing the client to remain in their own home. Assistance may be provided for all activities of daily living, including: bathing, showering and personal hygiene; toileting; dressing or undressing and grooming; psycho-social support and socialisation; transport; appointments, shopping etc; mobility and transfer; preparing and eating meals; sensory communication or fitting of sensory aids; laundry and domestic assistance; gardening Home Support Program packages are administered by the Department of Health and Ageing. In order to be selected for funding through a selective tendering process, organisations must be “Approved Providers” under the Aged Care Act. This involves applying for Approved Provider status and being incorporated. WHO CAN USE THE HOME SUPPORT PROGRAM? Frail aged people who would otherwise be eligible for at least low level care are eligible for the Home Support Program. The Home Support Program packages are targeted to those older people living in the community who have: complex care needs arising from interacting physical/medical, social and psychological needs; a need for a skilled assessment and comprehensive management of service delivery; a need for services that are not provided/available from other community services; a preference to remain living at home with appropriate and reliable supports; and a need for ongoing monitoring and review of their changing care need. There are also ethno-specific packages available in some areas for people from culturally and linguistically diverse populations. 9 ELIGIBILITY FOR THE HOME SUPPORT PROGRAM The relationship between The Home Support Program and HACC. Home Support Program clients are supposed to receive personal care, temporary respite in the home, home maintenance and modification and transport services as a part of their package. In instances when Home Support Program providers do not provide these services, they may purchase them from a HACC provider, who should charge the Home Support Program provider on a full cost recovery basis or, where there is no disadvantage to other HACC clients, at the normal fee to the client. Community nursing and centre-based day respite are not included in the packages and, in order to access these services through HACC, Home Support Program clients must be assessed and can be allocated HACC services on the basis of their relative need, and pay the usual HACC fee. RESIDENTS OF NURSING HOMES AND HOSTELS People who live in supported accommodation facilities that receive funding through Government programs to provide similar services to the Home Support Program, or where lease arrangements include the provision of similar services, are not eligible for the Home Support Program. RESIDENTS OF RETIREMENT VILLAGES If a person is in a self-care unit, and that village does not provide or purport to provide Home Support Program-like support services, then the resident may be eligible for the Home Support Program. PEOPLE ON RESIDENTIAL CARE LISTS Home Support Program packages are not intended to be used as a crisis management tool for people requiring temporary care, but if a person is on a residential care list because they believe it to be their only option, and they would prefer to remain at home, they should be told about the Home Support Program. HOW DO PEOPLE GET REFERRALS TO HOME SUPPORT PROGRAM SERVICES? Assessment by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) is essential to determine eligibility for low level residential care and therefore a package through the Home Support Program. ACATs then make referrals. AGED CARE COMPLAINTS SCHEME The Scheme provides a free service for people to raise their concerns about the quality of care or services being delivered to people receiving residential or community aged care services that are subsidised by the Australian Government. Anyone can complain to the Scheme and complaints can be made anonymously or confidentially. You are encouraged to lodge complaints openly as this provides the most flexibility to resolve your concerns. Contact the Aged Care Complaints Scheme on 1800 550 552 or Write: Aged Care Complaints Scheme, Australian Department of Health & Ageing, GPO Box 9848 in your capital city. 10 What is Carers NSW? Carers NSW aims to be a voice for carers and to encourage carers to recognise their own needs. They provide resources and support to carers and enable them to make informed choices. Carers NSW promote recognition and understanding of carers and try to influence government and policy makers to make changes that will benefit carers. The vision of Carers NSW is to be the leading voice and support for all carers in New South Wales. Carers NSW provide many products and services. These include:- Information and Referral – The Carer Resource Officers provide information, support and referrals regarding services, financial assistance, carer support groups and any other kind of support. Counsellors are also available. Carer Support Kits – The carer support kits contain a Carers’ Directory of Services, practical information for caring at home and are available free of charge in English and 10 community languages. Carers News – A monthly newsletter informs members of the latest developments of carers and is a forum for exchanging information and experiences. Library – The Tom Fink Library is dedicated to carer specific information and open to the public (borrowing restricted to members). Promoting Carer Issues – We work to increase the awareness of carers’ needs in the general community and amongst service providers. 11 What is Veterans’ home Care (VHC)? In 2001, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) introduced the Veterans’ Home Care (VHC) program to help veterans and war widows/widowers remain in their own homes for longer. Veterans’ Home Care extends the range of home support services provided by DVA to veterans and war widows/widowers to include: domestic assistance; personal care; home and garden maintenance (up to 15 hours per year); respite care. HACC services, such as Meals on Wheels, are provided through special arrangements with State and Territory Governments. DVA already provides community nursing, home modifications and other allied health services. Veterans can choose whether to use HACC or VHC. WHO CAN USE VETERANS’ HOME CARE? To be eligible for a VHC assessment a person must be: a veteran of the Australian Defence Forces; or an Australian mariner; or war widow/widower of a veteran of the Australian Defence Forces or an Australian mariner; and have a Repatriation Health Card – for all conditions (Gold Card); or a Repatriation Health Card – for specific conditions (White Card). Partners and carers are not eligible for Veterans’ Home Care services, unless they have their own Gold or White Card. However, they are still eligible for respite care if they care for a veteran or a war widow/widower, and for home support services through the Home and Community Care (HACC) program. HOW DO PEOPLE GET REFERRALS TO VETERANS’ HOME CARE? Veterans and war widows/widowers can be referred for assessment for Veterans’ Home Care services by their Local Medical Officer, or they can ring their Veterans’ Home Care Assessment Agency on 1300 550 450. Access to services is not automatic, but is based on accessed need. Assessments are undertaken by Veterans’ Home Care Regional Agencies appointed by DVA. The agencies also arrange for the services to be provided by authorised service providers contracted with DVA. Veterans and war widows/widowers may be asked to pay a co-payment of $5 per hour, up to a maximum of $20 a week for basic home care services. There will be no co-payment for respite care. Veterans and war widows/widowers who are transferring from a HACC service will pay no more for the same service. 12 What Happens When A Client Rings A Home and Community Care (HACC) Service? First of all the Co-ordinator will discuss with the client their needs and gather some information. This is usually done by the Co-ordinator visiting the client at home or sometimes it may be done over the phone. If the client is eligible for service, the Co-ordinator will try and organise the service to best fit in with their life. HACC services have a limited amount of resources and service clients with the highest need. This means that sometimes a person may be eligible for service but unable to be assisted because the service has given all its available hours to clients with a higher need. (If this is the case make sure the client is put on a waiting list). What Does HACC Cost? Most HACC services have a fee, but it is based on the client’s ability to pay. If the client is having financial difficulties they should tell the service and they will make every effort to assist. What If a Client Has a Problem With A HACC Service? All HACC services will have their own Complaints Policy. Just ring the service and ask for a copy to be sent (no questions asked). The client can also ring and discuss the problem with the Co-ordinator. If the client doesn't feel comfortable doing that they can contact the HACC Development Worker on 1800 683 232 and this service will assist them to write a letter of complaint. If the problem cannot be solved locally, they can ring the Community Services Division of the NSW Ombudsman on 1800 451 524 or 9286 1000. Remember, services need to know if there are problems so they have the chance to improve. 13 Aged & Disability Services In Macarthur Respite Care / Frail Aged Activity Centres / Recreation Programs These services provide opportunities for people to have 'time out' from their usual routine and give carers a break. Services provide socialisation and encourage people to be as independent as possible. Services are provided in various ways from "centre based" to "in- home". Centre based services usually include transport, morning tea and lunch. AFTER HOURS & WEEKEND DAY CARE Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people with Dementia Commonwealth Available every Saturday and 3rd Thursday of each month Out of hours respite care Nil This service is available every Saturday 9:00am – 4:00pm and the 3rd Thursday of each month form 5:00pm to 9:30pm Camden district activity centre A Program of Camden District Care Inc. Ph: 4654 6066 Fax: 4654 6068 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am – 3pm Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Ageing, Frail aged, those with a disability and younger with a disability, living in the Camden LGA, and parts of the Wollondilly Shire DoHA & ADHC Assessment Required Service User Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday. Centre based Day Care, Including door to door transport – buses fitted with disability access. $8.00 per day for Centre Based Days including door to door transport and activities eg Entertainers, Gentle Exercise, Guest Speakers, Bingo, Games, Craft, Carpet Bowls, Walking & freshly prepared / cooked Morning Tea, Lunch & Desert. *Outings are priced on the Monthly Calendar of Events. Centre Based Day Care for the ageing, frail aged, those with a disability and those who are younger with a disability. Transport with disability access. – Buses fitted with disability access and Station Wagon – 4WD for more remote or disadvantaged areas. Centre Based Cooked Meals. Social & stimulating interaction to assist in enabling independence. Camden District Activity Centre can make a huge difference to your quality of life assisting people to remain living independently or with family/carer for as long as possible, providing social interaction, support and transport. All referrals always welcome. 14 Carrington community care – overnight respite program Ph: 4659 0335 Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Fax: 4655 4358 Email: Carers of the frail aged and those with dementia Commonwealth National Respite for Carer Program (NRCP) Yes Average length of stay is 3 nights Overnight respite provided in a cottage home like environment located in the grounds of Carrington with qualified staff Coordinator discusses fees at time of assessment The facilities are designed to provide accommodation for the frail aged and those with dementia, living in the South West Sydney area providing their carers with a short term break from their caring role. For carers and care recipients living in the South West Sydney area. Transport provided. Service provided by Paid Staff. Cost Information Carrington in home support Ph: 4659 0335 Fax: 4655 4358 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am – 4.30pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Email: Carers of the frail aged in Campbelltown, Camden, and Wollondilly. Commonwealth National Respite for Carer Program (NRCP) Yes 3 hours per week; Mon – Fri. In Home Coordinator will discuss at time of assessment In Home respite service provides the carer of a frail aged person with a short term break. No transport provided. Service provided by Paid Staff. Community connect respite Ph: 1800 822 000 or 9790 0400 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Adults with disabilities DSP Needs based/client focused Flexible respite Nil This service is for adults with disabilities (including Acquired Brain Injury) aged 18-64 years. Priority is given to people who have an ageing carer. Flexible respite, needs based/client focussed. Life skills training, camps and outings also available. COURIDJAH – CENTRE BASED DAY CARE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, over 50; Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes 15 Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Every Wednesday Day Activities Occasional Cost for Outings Providing a meeting place for Frail/Aged Aboriginal & Torres Strait persons in Wollondilly. Disability services Australia – Campbelltown Ph: 1300 884 372 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information The program is targeted to young people with a disability with moderate to high support needs who require an alternative o paid employment or further education in the medium or long term Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes 4 – 5 days per week, dependant on funding level Centre based Community Access Day Program $4 per day The Community Participation Program aims to assist young people with a disability to develop the skills they need to work towards their goals, increase their independence and participate as valued and active members in the community. BLOCK FUNDED DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a disability who live independently or at home and receive no other support or employment. These day programs are targeted to people with a disability who have moderate to very high support needs and who are not eligible for a Post School Program Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which has determined their level of support needs. 1-5 days per week dependent on need, level of support and funding availability. Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides opportunities to build capacity to participate in community life, enhance independence, develop and sustain social and community relationships, and to participate in meaningful activities that focus on ongoing learning and development. Offers a range of support and activities focusing on the following four activity areas: skills development community access, participation and integration 16 adult education leisure and recreation ACTIVE AGEING DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Older people aged 55 – 64 (and people with early onset ageing) who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which will determine their level of support needs. 3 days per week Centre Based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: age-appropriate daytime leisure and recreation activities flexible service options support to make the transition to an active older life opportunities for community inclusion and participation, including involvement in mainstream seniors groups support to build and maintain networks of support LIFE CHOICES DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a disability aged 25 – 54 who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which has determined their level of support needs. 3 days per week Centre Based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: purposeful life-stage and age-appropriate daytime activities matched to skills and interest leisure and recreation activities healthy lifestyles opportunities for community inclusion and participation support to pursue individual interests and age-appropriate social relationships 17 COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION SPECIALIST CENTRE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information The program is aimed at young people with Autism with moderate to very high support needs who require an alternative to paid employment or further education in the medium or long term Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes 4 – 5 days per week dependent on funding level Centre based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day The Community Participation Program aims to assist young people with a disability to develop the skills they need to work towards their goals, increase their independence and participate as active and valued members in the community BLOCK FUNDED DAY PROGRAM – SPECIALIST CENTRE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Autism who live independently or at home and receive no other support or employment. These day programs are targeted to people with a disability who have moderate to very high support needs and are not eligible for a Post School Program Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which will determine their level of support needs 1 – 5 days per week dependent on need, level of support and funding availability Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides opportunities to build capacity to participate in community life, enhance independence, develop and sustain social and community relationships, and to participate in meaningful activities that focus on ongoing learning and development. Offers a range of support and activities focusing on the following four activity areas: skills development community access, participation and integration adult education leisure and recreation ACTIVE AGEING DAY PROGRAM – SPECIALIST CENTRE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Older people with Autism aged 55 – 64 (and people with early onset ageing) who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which will determine their level of support needs. 3 days per week Centre based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: age-appropriate daytime leisure and recreation activities flexible service options 18 support to make the transition into an active older life opportunities for community inclusion and participation, including involvement in mainstream seniors groups support to build and maintain networks of support LIFE CHOICES DAY PROGRAM – SPECIALIST CENTRE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Autism aged 25 – 54 who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which has determined their level of support needs 3 days per week Centre Based with Community access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: purposeful life-stage and age-appropriate daytime activities matched to skills and interests leisure and recreation activities healthy lifestyles opportunities for community inclusion and participation support to pursue individual interests and age-appropriate social relationships Disability services Australia – picton Ph: 1300 884 372 or 0448 418 776 LIFE CHOICES DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a disability aged 25 – 54 who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which will determine their level of support need 3 days per week Centre based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: purposeful life-stage and age-appropriate daytime activities matched to skills and 19 interests leisure and recreation activities healthy lifestyles opportunities for community inclusion and participation support to pursue individual interests and age-appropriate social relationships ACTIVE AGEING DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Older people with a disability aged 55 – 64 (and people with early onset ageing) who do not already attend a day program or place of employment Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo and independent assessment which will determine their level of support needs 3 days per week Centre based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day This program provides: age-appropriate daytime leisure and recreation activities flexible service options support to make the transition to an active older life opportunities for community inclusion and participation, including involvement in mainstream seniors groups support to build and maintain networks of support BLOCK FUNDED DAY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost People with a disability who live independently or at home and receive no other support or employment. These day program are targeted to people with a disability who have moderate to very high support needs and who are not eligible for a post-school program Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes. To be eligible, a person must undergo an independent assessment which has determined their level of support needs. 1 – 5 days per week dependent on need, level of support and funding availability. Community Access Day Program $4 per day 20 Information This program provides opportunities to build capacity to participate in community life, enhance independence, develop and sustain social and community relationships, and to participate in meaningful activities that focus on ongoing learning and development, & offers a range of support and activities focusing on the following four activity areas: skills development community access, participation and integration adult education leisure and recreation COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information The program is targeted to young people with a disability with moderate to high support needs Ageing, Disability and Home Care Yes 4 to 5 days per week dependent on funding level Centre Based with Community Access Day Program $4 per day The Community Participation Program assist young people with a disability to develop the skills they need to work towards their goals, increase their independence and participate as valued and active members in the community. hammondcare in-home dementia & employed carers respite Ph: 1300 902 997 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 9825 2856 People who are frail aged and/or living with dementia are, and who have a carer NRCP & HACC To be discussed with the service manager In-Home Respite The fee for service can be discussed with the Service Manager. Area covered: Campbelltown & Camden. Service provided by paid staff. Transport provided as part of the service. In Home Respite, including accessing the community for People who are frail aged and/or living with dementia, and who have a carer. The Care recipient must live within the Campbelltown, Camden or Wollondilly local government area. HammondCare provides a quality and flexible in-home respite service and aims to help ease the demands of the caring responsibilities Hammondcare – in-home dementia respite Ph: 1300 902 997 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 9825 2856 People with Dementia and their carers in the Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly LGA’s Commonwealth HACC Service is dependent on need. Operates Monday – Friday. Respite for Carers Cost to be negotiated with Manager Assisting Carers to gain quality respite regularly and provide activities and outings for the person with Dementia 21 “janangalee” aboriginal day Care Ph: 9820 2022 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal people aged 50 years and over HACC Monday Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Day centre activities Nil Provides activities, meals and outings for people from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. MACARTHUR DISABILITY SERVICES Ph: 4621 8400 MACARTHUR DOLPHINS SENIORS PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a disability who are 25-65 years of age and live in the Macarthur area MDS Every Wednesday and Thursday at Eagle Vale Gentle water exercise program Cost of pool entry This service provides a gentle water exercise program designed to increase and maintain mobility and health within a social atmosphere. Dolphin’s provides opportunities for relaxation and social interaction. The program is open to people aged from 18 to 65 years and is operated every Wednesday and Thursday at Eagle Vale. No transport is provided. “TRENDY DUDES” Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Young people with disabilities aged 7-17 years MDS Thursdays Seniors (Aged 12 – 18) Saturdays Juniors (Aged 7 – 11) In house group activities, fun, social recreation and support for young people with a disability $5.00 This service provides fun, social recreation and support for young people with disabilities who have moderate support needs to participate in in-house, group activities in their local community. No transport is provided. “MACARTHUR LINK UP” Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a sensory disability aged 20 years and over living in the Macarthur, Camden and Wollondilly area. MDS Every Monday from 10am – 1pm Leisure program $5.00 A leisure program aimed at providing people with disabilities an opportunity to engage in social activities within a comfortable and supportive environment 22 Macarthur dementia centre and support service Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Dementia and their carers HACC Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – Camden Wednesday, Friday – Rosemeadow Wednesday, Friday – Picton Day Centre Day centre activities $10.00 for day centre activities Provides activities, meals, and outings for people with Dementia Macarthur district temporary family care Ph: 9603 7011 Phone App Available RESPITE ACCESS PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with disabilities and their families. ADHC Based on need and available funding Respite access program is aimed at meeting the respite care needs of clients and their families A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. This program provides support where there are no other appropriate services available or previous service provision has broken down. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children/adults. BREAKAWAY RESPITE PLAYGROUP Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Pre-school children who have a disability ADHC Operates two days a week during school term. Tuesdays & Thursdays. Respite is provided for families of children with special needs, whilst assisting to develop the children’s skills, social interaction and independence. A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. 23 Information Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children. KIDZ CLUB Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children with a disability and their siblings aged 5 - 14 years. ADHC Runs every Thursday afternoon during the school term between 4-5pm at Minto PCYC. After school exercise group with varied levels of activities. To provide integration to mainstream services in the community. A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Activities can be adapted to meet and suit the needs of children with wide ranges of disabilities. Siblings are encouraged to attend. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children. KIDZ BIZ Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children with intellectual and/or physical disability aged 7 – 14 years. ADHC Held fortnightly Saturdays at Magnolia Cottage, Bradbury. Small day group activities. Combination of centre based respite and community access. A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Kidz Biz is a great opportunity for kids to experience fun activities, learn new skills and meet other children. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children/adolescents. SUNFLOWER RESPITE COTTAGE Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children aged 0 -12 years with disabilities who have high support and medical needs. ADHC Hours of operation from Friday Morning to Tuesday Morning. Cottage operates on a 24 hour basis during operational hours. Sunflower Respite Cottage aims to provide a warm and homely environment for children A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Children on medication need to provide a Webster Pack (available at selected chemists in the Macarthur area). Each program provided by the Agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children. SPECIAL NEEDS RESPITE PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Children and adolescents who have a disability from age 0 – 19 years. ADHC Day & Overnight placements and weekend day activities. Options Include: Kidz Biz Held fortnightly Saturdays; Fun activities in small groups for children aged 7 – 14 yrs; Transport Provided. After School Respite (In School Term) Tuesdays & Thursdays 3 – 6pm; Age 7 – 13 yrs; Children participate in fun activities held indoor and outdoor. Hacc Day Respite Held one day a month for teenagers between 9am - 4pm; Morning, afternoon tea and lunch will be provided; Fun activities – Sports Day, Indoor activities, Art, Wii and watching 24 DVD’s. Cost Information A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Respite care is provided for children with an opportunity to become familiar with other members of the community, outside of their immediate family unit. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placement of adolescents / adults. HOLIDAY VENTURES Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children with a physical or intellectual disability aged 5 – 18 years. FACS & ADHC School holidays programme currently running 3 to 4 days per week (days vary) 9am – 3pm. School holidays activity programme (placements are not guaranteed every school holidays) A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. To provide opportunities for recreational, social and leisure activities in both community and centre based group settings. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children. AFTER SCHOOL RESPITE PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children with intellectual and/or physical disability aged 7 to 13 years. ADHC In school term, held Tuesdays and Thursdays between 3 to 6pm at Magnolia Cottage. After school respite. A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Children participate in fun activities held indoor and outdoor. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children. HACC DAY RESPITE PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Teenagers aged 13-19 years with intellectual and or physical disability. HACC Held one day a month between 9am to 4pm. Day activities – Centre based and community activities. A fee will be required and this will be discussed with the Programme Co-Ordinator. Children participate in fun activities – Sports day, Indoor activities, Art, Wii and watching DVD’s. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placements of children / adolescents. PEER SUPPORT PROGRAM Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Adolescents or adults who have a disability aged 15 – 65 years ADHC Based on need and waiting list Peer support program is aimed at meeting the social, recreational and leisure needs of clients, promoting independence, confidence and social skills. Usually cost of activity and $5 - $7 for transport. Operates in the Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly areas. Each program provided by the agency has an assessment procedure that is followed for assessing referrals and placement of adolescents/adults. Macarthur Diversity Services initiative – 25 Multicultural Aged Day Care Service Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4620 6355 People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds HACC Assessment is required 11 Ethnic Groups: Arabic (ladies), Egyptian, Spanish, Mauritian, Arabic (mixed group), Lao, Filipino (2 groups) Multicultural, Pacific Islander (Samoan, Tongan), Vietnamese Provides socialisation and structured programs for people 65 and over, their carers and younger people with disabilities $12.00 Each group is run by a trained worker who can speak the language of the group. Activities are culturally and language based.Transport is provided to and from the venue. Morning tea and lunch is provided. Outings take place once a month to different locations. Programs are tailored, where possible, to meet the individual needs of the participant. These activities provide an opportunity for social interaction, mental stimulation and physical activity in a safe and friendly environment. Volunteers are also recruited to assist the group activities. Macarthur Diversity Services initiative – Multicultural disability day program Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4620 6355 People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds who have a low level of Physical and/or Intellectual Disability, in the Campbelltown & Wingecarribee Local Government Areas. HACC Assessment is required. Referral to the program can be made by other service providers, friends, carers and family members. Every Wednesday Culturally appropriate centre based HACC Day Care. Culturally appropriate, structured group activities including social support, group recreation activities, social media, monthly outings, transport provided. $12.00 The Program is delivered by experienced staff and volunteers. Transport to and from the centre, as well as lunch, is provided. All members will have equal number of activities and we will attempt to satisfy their Individual requirements. Macarthur diversity services initiative – Multicultural seniors group Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding People with Dementia from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds HACC 26 Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Day care $12-00 The program provides day care activities for people who have mild dementia at the same time providing a much needed respite break and information and support for the carer. Groups are held in a safe, home-like environment. Activities such as craft, gentle exercise, music therapy and outings are tailored to meet the needs of clients with mild levels of memory loss that come from a non-English speaking background and may be losing the ability to communicate in English. The program is delivered by experienced staff as well as volunteers of relevant language and cultural backgrounds. Transport to and from the centre as well as midday meal is provided. A referral can be made by a family member, carer, friend, GP or other organisations. Macarthur in-home support program Ph: 4654 6157 Referrals: 1800 728 968 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Dementia who live alone or are left alone for long periods of time HACC Monday to Sunday Home visits. Small outings. Nil The service provides home visits by trained staff to monitor medication, meals etc. Service also provides clients with opportunities to enjoy small group outings with others of similar age/ability MYRTLE COTTAGE Ph: 9426 3100 Fax: 9426 3199 DIVERSIONAL THERAPY PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged in the Campbelltown area HACC / Myrtle Cottage Contact the office 5 hours daily at the centre, this does not include transport time. Office hours are Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.00pm Diversional Therapy Program Usually $10.00 plus annual membership fee of $5.00 An activity program designed with client input. Activities include craft activities, games, quizzes, guest speakers, etc. DIVERSIONAL THERAPY AND RECREATION PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Younger people with a disability, aged 18-60 in the Campbelltown LGA DSP Contact the office Day activity centre operates Wednesday. Recreation activities operate Friday and second Saturday for 48 weeks / year. Day activity centre; Recreation activities $10 per day + cost of outing. An activity program designed with client input. Activities include craft activities, games, quizzes, guest speakers, etc. Venues such as bowling, movies, restaurants, snooker, 27 swimming, fishing, picnics etc. Transport is provided. Service provided by paid staff and volunteers. Important: LINKLINE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, people with a disability and their carers HACC / Myrtle Cottage Contact the office Calls last for an hour. There are set groups each day. Social Support over the phone. No Cost Allows up to 7 people to join in a telephone linkup with our Coordinator. Activities include general chat sessions, games, quizzes, support and information. Clients can also be involved in outings arranged for members of the Diversional Therapy Program (every 5 weeks). THE BELL PROGRAM Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Dementia and their carers in the Macarthur Area HACC / Myrtle Cottage Contact the office. Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at Ingleburn – 8.30am – 4.00pm. Monday from The Oaks. Wednesday from Mount Annan. Thursday from Bargo. The Bell Program – an activity program designed for people with dementia that provides respite for carers $10.00 including transport and meals. Designed to provide activities to people with Dementia. Information given to carers to improve their knowledge of Dementia. Narellan congregational community services – centre based day care Ph: 4658 1040 Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4658 0720 Aged, Frail Aged and their Carers in Camden LGA HACC & DoHA Assessment Required No waiting list at present Centre based day care $8.00 per day for centre based day care Narellan Congregational Community Services is a not for profit organization providing centre based day care to the aged, frail aged living in Camden LGA, and their carers. We run a Diversional Therapy based program on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week. Service provided by Volunteers and Staff. Participants must be able to transfer and toilet themselves. Nepean Food Services day centre Ph: 4733 7200 Fax: 4733 7211 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am – 3.30pm Target Group Funding Frail aged, people with a disability, and their carers in Warragamba, Silverdale DOSS 28 Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Every second Thursday – off pension week Day Centre $11.00 Service provided by staff and volunteers. This service provides morning tea, social and recreational activities, and lunch. Activities may include Bingo, cards, craft, etc. Transport is available Northcott flexible respite Sw Sydney & macarthur Ph: 4625 1061 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4625 6389 People with a moderate to severe disability (0 – 65 years) and their families/carers. Disability is broadly defined including physical, intellectual, acquired brain injury, dual diagnosis and sensory impairment. Areas Covered: LGA for SWS & Macarthur, including Fairfield, Bankstown, Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly ADHC & Northcott Clients can receive up to 168 hours of respite per year, although this amount can be flexible based on individual needs. Services may include: In home respite; 24 hour support; Community recreation and participation; Holiday respite support; Other options as deemed appropriate to the particular circumstances at the time. Fees are charged by Northcott at a rate of $2.50 per hour of service, up to a maximum of $30 for a 24 hour period. The Flexible respite services in SWS / Macarthur provides a broad range of high quality, flexible, support responses tailored to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities and their families/carers. The service addresses the specialised needs of individuals with high support needs due to a moderate to severe disability or a disabling medical condition. The service works closely with other service providers to deliver a well-coordinated response to service users. Northcott respite for older carers Ph: 4625 1061 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Fax: 4625 6389 People over 70 years who provide care for a person with a disability. Indigenous people over the age of 50 who provide primary care for a person with a disability. Areas covered: SWS – Fairfield, Liverpool, Bankstown, Camden, Campbelltown & Wollondilly. ADHC & Northcott Clients can receive up to 168 hours of respite per year, although this amount can be flexible based on individual needs. Services available are flexible and may provide In Home Respite; Community Access (group 29 and individual); Camps; Weekend and Holiday support. Fees are charged by Northcott at a rate of $2.50 per hour of service, up to a maximum of $30 for a 24 hour period. Respite for Older Carers is a flexible service that provides a broad range of high quality respite options to people with a disability and their older carer. Working closely with other service providers the program is designed to deliver a well-coordinated response according to individual need and can include a choice or combination of respite services. Cost Information Picton day centre Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail Older Persons NSW Health Operates Tuesday at Picton Day Centre Day Centre Activities $7.00 Provides activities, meals and outings for people who are frail Reslink Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Referrals: 1800 455 511 Carers of people with Disabilities who are Frail Aged or who have Dementia and/or challenging behaviours. Commonwealth Monday to Friday In home/out of home/access to day centres, counselling, support and advocacy Nil Reslink is a service for carers of people with Dementia who have challenging behaviours. There are no fees associated with the Reslink Service. Service provides in home/out of home/access to day centres, counselling, support and advocacy. Rosemeadow frail aged day centre Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail older persons HACC Tuesday and Thursday Day centre activities $10.00 This service operates each Tuesday and Thursday at Rosemeadow Community Health Centre. The service provides day centre activities including outings. Transport and meals are provided. Sunnyfield flexible respite Ph: 4620 0250 30 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with a disability aged between 0 -65 years DSP 24 hours, 7 days depending on assessment Flexible, planned respite Flexible, planned respite service for people with a disability. Priority is given to ageing carers and families at risk of breakdown. People from culturally and linguistically diverse groups and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders are a priority. Service is available 24 hours, 7 days a week depending on assessment. Intake in February/March to being service 1st July each year. THE DISABILITY TRUST – MENTAL HEALTH RESPITE – (TARGETED COMMUNITY CARE) Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people with mental illness in the Bankstown, Liverpool, Fairfield, Campbelltown & Camden areas. FASCIA - TCC Yes Varies, up to 70 hours/year. In-Home, Community Based, Respite, with a focus on restoring/maintaining social linkages NIL Targets Carers of people with mental illness (including autism) and assists to create, maintain or restore social networks and increase community participation. A wide variety of activities can be undertaken in this program, including in-home respite, community access, etc. Transcultural respite service Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people who have dementia and/or challenging behaviours Commonwealth Monday to Friday In home/out of home respite counselling, support and advocacy Nil This service allows for the placement of bi-lingual workers in day centres to assist with the language and cultural needs of members. Uniting care ageing – flexible respite Ph: 4647 4643 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of frail older people and people with a disability HACC Respite Nil Assist the carer to gain quality respite Wollondilly Support & Community care inc. 31 Senior Friendship Group Ph: 4677 2524 Hours of operation: Mon - Fri Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4677 0194 Frail Aged, Younger Person with a Disability and their carer’s, living in the Wollondilly Shire (excluding Silverdale & Warragamba) HACC Yes Operates Mon - Fri Offers social programs which can be either centre based or out in the community $12.50 depending on activity The Senior Friendship Group aims to provide an enjoyable and social program for the frail aged and younger person with a disability, and respite. Group members plan activities. Transport provided. Service provided by staff and volunteers Polish respite & carers support service Ph: 02 9716 0036 Fax: 02 9716 0504 Hours of operation: Office: Mon – Fri 9 - 4.30pm; Service: Mon – Sun 24hrs emergency on call services Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers and/or care recipients of Eastern European Communities; Carers of Frail Aged, People with Dementia and Dementia and Challenging Behaviours. Areas covered: Cumberland/Prospect, Inner West, Nepean, & South West Sydney, HACC Regions. NRCP Carer needs assessment by Case Managers of program. Up to 5 hours / week. In-Home Day Respite; Individual Access; Emergency Respite, Flexible Respite. $9/hr negotiable, depending on carers capacity to pay and individual circumstances In Home Day Respite including direct respite and carer support service. Individual Access – planned outings for service recipients; Information & Support for carers. Transport provided. Service provided by paid bi-lingual staff. NB. Support Group for Polish Carers – quarterly meetings. Community Aged Care Packages (CACPs) These are intended to provide personal care services / other personal assistance at a level provided in a hostel while allowing the client to remain in their own home. Assistance may be provided for all activities of daily living, including: bathing, showering, toileting and personal hygiene; dressing / undressing and grooming; psycho-social support and socialisation; transport for appointments, shopping etc; mobility and transfer; preparing and eating meals; sensory communication or fitting of sensory aids; gardening, laundry and domestic assistance. Aboriginal cacp Ph: 4633 2111 32 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged Commonwealth CACP CACP services specifically for Indigenous frail aged people Carrington in home support Ph: 4659 0335 Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4659 4358 Email: Frail aged in Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly areas. Commonwealth ACAT Depends on client needs Home Care Packages: level 2 and level 4 Discuss at time of assessment Home Care Packages offer a level of aged care in the home through tailored packages to meet the client’s needs and goals. Service provided by paid staff. Transport provided to local medical and shopping. Hammondcare Ph: 1300 902 9887 Hours of operation: Mon - Sunday Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 9825 2856 Email: People who are frail aged and / or living with dementia in Campbelltown and Camden Home Care Package Aged Care Assessment To be discussed with the service manager. Home Care Packages Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 & Level 4. The fee for the service can be discussed with the Service Manager Home Care Packages program aims to assist people to remain living at home for as long as possible; and to enable consumers to have choice and flexibility in the way that care and support is provided at home. Transport provided as a part of the service. Service provided by paid staff. Illawarra retirements trust south west Sydney community services Ph: 4633 2070 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged Commonwealth CACP Varied Areas covered: Campbelltown and Camden LGA 33 macarthur diversity services initiative – Multicultural aged care packages Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged people from CALD backgrounds Funding for 40 packages from Department of Health and Ageing Dependent on need up to 8 hours per week In home support $8.00 This service is a planned coordinated and managed package of community aged care services (for example, home help, laundry, shopping, meals and bathing) established to assist the elderly (65 years and over) with low to medium level care needs.MCACP’s provide case management of a range of health and support services, together with ongoing monitoring and review of care needs. This program covers clients from the local government areas of Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly Polish-australian welfare association inc. Polish home care packages Ph: 9716 0036 Fax: 9716 0504 Hours of Operation: Office: Mon – Fri 9am – 4.30pm Services: 7 days/week 8am-6pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Priority of access for Polish community. Areas covered include Campbelltown. Packaged Care ACAT Based on consumer need and individual budget Home Care Packages – Level 2 In most cases there will be a fee charged for delivery of Home Care Package. Consumers on the basic pension cannot be charged more than 17.5% of that pension. Amount fee will be negotiated individually with consumer. HCP is an individually tailored package of care services which helps people with complex care needs to stay living at home by co-ordinating different services they need. Service provided by paid staff. The Anglican Retirement Villages (ARV) Bowral Community Aged Care Ph: 4872 5100 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged Commonwealth Varies CACP Weekly fees calculated on a weekly basis calculated on DOHA guidelines Areas covered: Wingecarribee, Liverpool, Campbelltown and Camden 34 The Benevolent Society SWS community care Ph: 4633 3705 or 4869 8300 Hours of Operation: 9am – 5pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4627 4954 People over 65 years requiring support to live in their own home in the community in Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly LGA’s Dept of Health & Ageing (DOHA) ACAT approval required Indivually assessed by TBS case managers. Home Care Packages. Both low and high care. A fee is set by DOHA but is individually assessed by TBS case managers Direct Service is provided by Care Workers with minimum Cert 3 in Aged Care. Case managers have relevant tertiary qualifications in one social, health or allied health discipline and practical experience.*Registered Nurse with current NSW registration. No transport provided. Home Care packages provide supports to older people and their families living in the community that aim to increase autonomy, develop new or regain lost skills and make strong social connections. The Benevolent Society has funding to provide packages to people who are financially disadvantaged and socially isolated clients. Unitingcare ageing Ph: 4647 4643 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail Aged Commonwealth CACP Provides CACP’s as detailed above Personal Care / Domestic Assistance The following services may provide domestic assistance, personal care and, in some cases, in-home respite. Services are available during the day but may also be provided in the evenings and on week-ends depending on circumstances. 35 Baptist community services (BCS) – macarthur Ph: 4648 7111 Fax: 4647 2528 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8 am – 4.30 pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information email: Aged, frail aged, with a disability and their carers, in Camden, Campbelltown and Wollondilly HACC Assessment completed before services commence As determined by assessment. Domestic assistance and personal care $12 per hour; Domestic Assistance helps clients with domestic tasks, including: Cleaning, dischwashing, clothes washing and ironing and unaccompanied shopping. Personal Care provides assistance with daily self-care tasks in order to help a client maintain appropriate standards of hygiene and grooming, including: eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, grooming, getting in and out of bed and moving about the house. Carrington In home support Ph: 4659 0335 Fax: 4655 4358 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 8am – 4.30pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Email: Frail, aged and disabled persons, in Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly Home & Community Care (HACC) Yes Personal Care: Depends on clients assessed needs; Domestic Assistance: 1.5 hrs / fortnight; Domestic assistance and personal care Discuss with client at time of assessment. Service provided by paid staff. No transport provided. Limited capacity for under 65 years. Home care service of nsw – South western Sydney Ph: 1800 350 792 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail older people, younger people with a Disability and their carers HACC/DSP Domestic assistance, personal care, in-home respite Covers areas: Liverpool, Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee LGA’s Home care service of nsw – Warrambucca aboriginal service outlet Ph: 4629 1700 Fax: 4629 1799 36 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal specific – Elders and people with a Disability HACC Domestic assistance, personal care and respite Area covered: Campbelltown, Liverpool and Bankstown Southern cross care service Ph: 1800 989 000 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, younger people and children with a Disability and their Carers HACC Personal care only Area covered: Campbelltown, Camden, Liverpool and Wollondilly LGA’s Veterans home care program Ph: 1300 550 450 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Eligible veterans and war widows/widowers Commonwealth Domestic assistance, personal care, garden maintenance (up to 15 hours per year) and respite care Area covered: Macarthur Case Management Services Case management refers to a collaborative and person focussed process for managing support provision to people with chronic or complex conditions or situations. It uses processes of assessment, care planning, implementation, monitoring and case closure to achieve optimal outcomes. adhc – Bowral community support team Ph: 4862 8700 Fax: 4862 8711 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays) Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service People with Intellectual Disabilities 0 – 65, and their families and carers in the Wollondilly & Wingecarribee area. ADHC Eligibility required by Intake Panel. Community Support Teams provide a range of supports and services including: information, advocacy, case management, links to community supports, person and family centered planning, skills development (communication, social skills, self-care, independent living skills). Services are provided by a multidisciplinary team of case managers, psychologist, speech 37 pathologist, occupational therapist, physiotherapist and a therapy assistant NIL No Transport provided Cost Information adhc – macarthur community support team Ph: 4629 1600 Fax: 4629 1699 Email: Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm (excluding public holidays) Target Group People with an Intellectual Disability 0 – 65, their families and carers in Campbelltown and Camden LGA’s, and part of Liverpool LGA. ADHC Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Community Support Teams provide a range of supports and services including: information; service coordination; links to community supports; person and family centred planning; support for the person with a disability and their family/carer; skills development, including communication, social skills, self-care and independent living skills; specialist services and advice, including seating and positioning, eating and drinking, health and managing behaviour; support to move through significant life stages and transitions such as starting school or moving out of home; and consultation, training and support to mainstream services. Nil Community Support team staff use a person-centred, family-centred, strengths-based and early intervention and prevention approach. The staff in a Community Support Team work with the person with a disability to identify individual priorities, develop a plan to promote their independence, and support the person with a disability to be part of their community. The staff in Community Support Teams come from a range of professional backgrounds and may include Case managers, Community Nurses, Dieticians, Behaviour Support Specialists, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Pathologists, Physiotherapists and Therapy Assistants. They provide services and support to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of people with a disability, their families and carers. No Transport provided. Service Provided By Paid Staff & Volunteers. Cost Information Community links Wollondilly Ph: 4683 2776 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4683 2787 Families with children with disabilities ages birth to 12 years, in Camden and Wollondilly LGA Ageing Disability and Home Care. None Three – Six Months, or as negotiated Family Centred case work. Free Family support and individual family casework, groups, workshops, and information and referrals. Other staff can also assist by providing programs and activities to community including young people, families, and groups. Community Links staff provide assistance through educational programs, workshops, events, activities and information. We specifically assist people who may be disadvantaged and/or experiencing a challenging period in their lives, with but not exclusive to crisis assistance. Service provided by Case Workers. No Transport provided. Provides information & referral. 38 Macarthur community options Ph: 4645 4001 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, people with a disability and their carers HACC/DSP Case management A contribution is requested Area covered: Macarthur. Macarthur and Wingecarribee for Aboriginal people. To provide case management which supports people with complex needs while living at home. A confidential, professional relationship between client and case manager that assists you through the pathways to community services Macarthur disability case management and brokerage service Ph: 4645 4001 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Autism or Acquired Brain Injury or Dual Diagnosis (Intellectual Disability and Mental Health) DSP Tailored to meet client’s individual needs Case Management Priority is given to people living in the rural areas of Macarthur/Wollondilly and people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Cultures. Macarthur Disability Case Management and Brokerage Service (MDCM&BS) provides an assessment, individual case management and brokerage service assisting people who have Autism, Acquired Brain Injury or Dual Diagnosis. MDCM&BS) tailor’s services to meet the clients individual needs Northcott society Ph: 4625 1061 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children 0 – 18 years with disabilities in Macarthur and Wollondilly LGA’s with mild to moderate disability. ADHC Short to medium Case Management Provides case management support to families with complex needs. Includes brokerage support services and referrals for respite care, family support, early childhood intervention service, therapy and support services. The junction works ltd. Ph: 9825 2894 Target Group People with an Intellectual Disability aged 12-64 years 39 Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Ageing, Disability and Home Care Short to medium term Case Management Provides short to medium term case management for clients with complex needs Neighbour Aid Caring volunteers provide assistance with shopping, transport to medical appointments, social outings, small odd jobs and some gardening. They are also happy to visit just to have a chat. Volunteers who are specially selected and trained provide the service which means that the service can operate seven days a week (depending on availability of volunteers). Clients will be assessed by the Co-ordinator. Baptist community services (bcs) Campbelltown neighbour aid Ph: 4648 7111 Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4647 2528 email: Aged, frail aged, people with a Disability and their carers in Campbelltown HACC Assessment completed before services commence. As determined by assessment Social support/Neighbour Aid Varies according to outing and Transport being involved Social Support assists a client to participate in community life through meeting their need for social contact and accompaniment. Activities include: visiting services, telephone based monitoring services, and assisting the person with shopping and other related activities. Service provided by Volunteers. Depending on assistance required, transport may be available. Macarthur diversity services initiative – Multicultural neighbour aid Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged people, elderly/younger people with a disability and their carers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds. HACC Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Please see table below for group schedule. Social support service Varies According to client. Multicultural Neighbour Aid aims to provide a social support service to meet the needs of aged, young people with a disability and their carers from CALD backgrounds. Services may include: one to one support, friendly visiting, shopping, bill paying, banking individual transport and minor garden and home maintenance with the support of Volunteers. MDSI has over 80 volunteers registered in Neighbour Aid program. In addition Neighbour Aid facilitates small groups from various language and culturally backgrounds with the aid of Volunteers: table see below 40 Day Group Monday Spanish Social Support Group Fortnightly Frequency Tuesday Carers Group Monthly Wednesday People from Former Yugoslavia Fortnightly Wednesday Greek Fortnightly Thursday Maltese/Italian Fortnightly Thursday Volunteers Support Group Fortnightly Location The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown The Manse 32 Lithgow St., Campbelltown Narellan congregational community services – neighbour aid Ph: 4658 1040 Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax 4658 0720 Frail aged, aged and their carers and younger people with a disability and their carers in the Camden LGA. HACC & DoHA Assessment required Varies according to need Social Support through Neighbour Aid Program $10 for return trip in Camden LGA; $20 return trip to Campbelltown; $25 return trip to Liverpool. Narellan Congregational Community Services is a not for profit organisation providing Neighbour Aid Social Support to the aged, frail aged and younger people with disabilities, and their carers living in the Camden LGA. Neighbour Aid assistance is available 7 days/week. Service provided by Volunteers and Staff. Participants must be able to transfer and toilet themselves. Nepean food services Ph: 4774 2589 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, people with a disability and their carers, Warragamba & Silverdale DOSS Shopping every Thursday; Lunch, Social, and Carers Club monthly; Medical transport as required Shopping Bus; Carers Club; Lunch Club; Medical Transport; Social Outings $11.00 Shopping Bus; $4.00 Lunch Club (transport only); $4.00 Carers Club (includes morning tea); Medical Transport and Social Outings vary Shopping bus alternates between Penrith and Narellan; Lunch Club runs at least every month, Carer’s Club meets first Tuesday of every month, Social Outings are scheduled fourth Monday of every month. Service provided by staff and volunteers. Transport provided. 41 Wollondilly support and community care Neighbour aid Ph: 4677 2524 Fax: 4677 0194 Hours of operation: Mon - Fri Target Group Frail Aged, Younger Person with a Disability and their Carer’s in Wollondilly – excluding Warragamba HACC Yes Mon - Fri Social Support: provides home visiting, letter writing and transport to shopping, other appointments and social activities. Other activities include picnics, BBQ’s, shopping trips etc. Varies Transport provided by volunteers. Service provided by staff and volunteers. Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Transport Transport services refer to the provision of supported transport to facilitate access to community activities or services. gandangara transport services Ph: 9608 0968 Service Fax: 9602 2741 Destination Doctors/Specialists, Hospital visits, Podiatry, Shopping trips, group social outings, individual social outings Bankstown, Camden, Campbelltown, Fairfield and Wollondilly, Wingecarribee Transport Provided by Staff Notice Required As much as possible Cost Varies Information First time users of Gandangara will require an assessment before transport. south west community transport Ph: 9426 8999 Fax: 9426 8900 Hours of operation: Mon to Fri 7.15am – 7.30pm Target Group Frail aged , younger people with disabilities, carers in Camden, Campbelltown & Wollondilly Funding HACC Assessment Telephone assessment required when first accessing the service. Transport bookings made in advance of date required. Amount of Service Dependent upon availability of resources Type of Service Accessible Transport using Accessible mini buses and cars Cost Fees depend on distance travelled Information Accessible transport service provided to clients to go shopping, social outings, medical appointments, nursing homes, hospital visits, access to general community, visits to cemetery 42 Both buses and station wagons used to better meet the needs of individual clients Transport provided to both local and out of area destinations such as Sydney, Bowral etc Further information on services provided available on our website Mixture of paid and volunteer staff. Bookings should be made as far in advance as possible. South west community transport – Travel training Ph: 9426 8986 Fax: 9426 8900 Hours of operation: Mon to Fri 8.30am to 5pm Target Group Frail aged / younger people with disabilities, carers in the Camden, Campbelltown & Wollondilly Funding HACC Assessment Assessment required at point of contact. Applicant must have basic road safety and money handling skills. Amount of Service Dependent on individual needs Type of Service Travel Training provided by paid staff. Cost Free Service – up to 6 sessions Information Travel Training is about getting helpful advice to assist you to become more independent in accessing your community. Its about planning your journey so you can feel relaxed and confident when you are going somewhere new. It may be that you need help with understanding timetables or someone to go with you when you use public transport. The amount of help you receive is dependent on your individual’s needs. Further information on services provided available on our website south west community transport Ph: 9426 8999 Fax: 9426 8900 Hours of operation: Mon to Fri 7.15am – 7.30pm Target Group Frail aged , younger people with disabilities, carers in Camden, Campbelltown & Wollondilly Funding HACC Assessment Telephone assessment required when first accessing the service. Bookings for hire of vehicle made in advance of date required Amount of Service Dependent upon availability of resources Type of Service Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle available for self-drive hire Cost $35 per day includes a full tank of fuel Information Self-drive wheelchair accessible vehicle offered by the service to clients who travel in wheelchairs. This project enables clients to hire a vehicle out of hours – in the evening and on weekends. The driver needs to complete an hour’s orientation on safely loading, securing, and unloading wheelchairs. Further information on services provided available on our website Wheelchair accessible vehicle requiring a C Class licence. Bookings should be made as far in advance as possible. south west community transport Ph: 9426 8999 Fax: 9426 8900 Hours of operation: Mon to Fri 7.15am – 7.30pm Target Group Frail aged , younger people with disabilities, carers in Camden, Campbelltown & Wollondilly Funding HACC Assessment Telephone assessment required when first accessing the service. Amount of Service Variety of packages available eg. $55 or $80 per month Type of Service Taxi Vouchers Provided – to assist with after hours or weekend transport needs 43 Cost Information Dependent on package provided – between $10 and $18 per month Vouchers provided to assist in accessing taxis.Monthly Taxi Voucher packages provided to eligible clients who have a need to travel out of hours or on weekends when Community Transport services are not available. Applicant must be an eligible client of Community Transport prior to applying for Taxi Voucher Packages. Referrals for packages must come from local Community Transport group. Further information on services provided available on our website Food Services Volunteers deliver a hot lunch to people. The cost of the meal is kept to a minimum. Some services may also assist with meal preparation and shopping. Camden meals on wheels inc. Ph: 4655 6822 Fax: 4655 6195 Hours of Operation: Mon & Tues 8.30 – 1; Wed Thurs & Fri 8.30-3.30; Target Group Frail aged, younger people with a Disability Funding HACC Amount of Service Varies according to need Type of Service Delivered meals, chilled or frozen meal packs comprising of the actual meal, sweet, and fruit juice. Hot meals available for clients with special needs. Frozen Pick Up. Wide range of frozen meals which includes the main and mini size, and deserts. Cost Delivered From $5.50, price depends upon meal size. Frozen Pick Up – price depends Information Area covered: Camden LGA and surrounds City of campelltown meals on wheels & housebound resource service incorporated Ph: 4645 4523 Fax: 4645 4426 Hours of Operation: Mon – Thurs 6.30am – 2pm; Fri 6.30am to 1pm Target Group Frail/Aged; Disabled; Housebound People in Campbelltown Local Government Area & Appin Funding DOH; HACC Program; Assessment Assessment may be completed by phone or in person. Assessment will be followed up with a check on the client every 6 months. Amount of Service Service is available from Monday to Friday for all Campbelltown Meals on Wheels Services Type of Service Meal Delivery; Housebound Shopping Service; Housebound Library Service; Housebound Visiting Service; Cost Meals cost ranges from $5.50 - $9.70; Cost of shopping service is $5 per day; Cost of library service – nil; Cost of visiting service – nil; Information Campbelltown Meals on Wheels is managed by a Community Based Volunteer Committee which is elected annually. The day to day operations are carried out by paid staff, but many of the services are provided by volunteers. Campbelltown Meals On Wheels provides more than just a meal, for some people the service provides the only human contact they receive and as such we are able to also monitor their general wellness and behaviour. The Little corner community cafe Ph: 4655 6822 Target Group Funding Fax: 4655 6195 Frail aged or younger people with a Disability HACC 44 Amount of Service Type of Service Twice a month; 2nd Wednesday and 4th Thursday each month The Little Corner Community Café provides meal, desert, fruit juice, tea/coffee, and entertainment. From $12.00 Area covered: South West Sydney Cost Information Nepean food services Ph: 4733 7200 Fax: 02 4733 7211 Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri 8am – 3.30pm Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, people with a Disability and their carers in Warragamba & Silverdale DOSS As required Food Service Delivery, & Let’s Dine Out Vouchers $6.00 for main meal; $6.90 main with soup or desert; Let’s Dine Out Voucher $6.60 Service provided by staff and volunteers. Meals delivered to client homes; vouchers can be collected in person from the office or posted. Wollondilly support & community care inc – meals on wheels Ph: 4677 2524 Hours of Operation: Mon - Fri Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4677 0194 Frail Aged, Younger Person with a Disability and their carer’s, living in the Wollondilly Shire Excluding Appin and Silverdale/Warragamba HACC Yes Varies according to client need Food Service Hot, chilled or frozen meals starting from $5.50; Frozen meals pick up available. Service provided by staff and volunteers. Meals delivered Mon – Fri. Frozen pick up available Mon – Fri 8.30am – 10.30 am or 11.30 am – 12.30 pm Information, Co-ordination and Assessment These services can provide information and referral to other services available and in some cases professional assessment of client's needs. aboriginal access workers Ph: 4633 2111 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal frail aged, people with a disability and their carers HACC/DSP Access / Support Service Area covered: Macarthur 45 aboriginal information & referral service (AIRS) Ph: 1800 248 589 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders aged 50 and over or younger people with a disability. Areas covered: Liverpool, Bankstown, Fairfield, Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly, Wingecarribee. HACC Information & Referral To provide information & referrals to services that are available to help promote independent living within one’s own home. Service provided by Tharawal Local Aboriginal Land Council. Autism advisory and support service Ph: 9601 2844 Web: Hotline: 1300 222 777 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children with Autism and their families As required Support groups, workshops and seminars, family days out, advice, advocacy, social groups and a 24 hour Australia-wide Autism hotline manned by parents of children with Autism Nil The aim of AASS is to empower children with Autism and their families through knowledge and support. AASS is run by parents of children with Autism so when you contact us you will be answered by someone who understands what you are experiencing. AASS can also put you in touch with organisations wand early intervention services to help your child. Our support groups are designed so we may come together to support one another and share our experiences. We also host a social group for young adults with ASD, with neuro typical mentors and peers so that they may learn social skills while boosting self esteem and confidence. Our 24 hours Australia wide Autism hotline is manned by volunteer parents from around Australia. You can call any time of the day or night to get guidance or even just to speak with someone who understands what you are experiencing. You are not alone in your journey. Campbelltown city council Information and referral service Ph: 4645 4903 Fax: 4645 4349 Email: Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Older people, people with a disability and their carers Nil As required Information and referral Nil Supports and works in partnership with local aged and disability services and groups to identify and address the needs of older people, people with a disability and their carers in Campbelltown Community aged care & Rehabilitation Service (including ACAT) Ph: 1800 455 511 (the triple I hub) Target Group Frail aged or adults with a disability 46 Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Commonwealth HACC NSW Health As required Aged care, Rehabilitation, Therapy, and support Free to Australian Residents Area covered: Camden, Campbelltown, Wollondilly. Law access nsw Ph: 1300 888 529 (if interpreter required, call TIS on 131 450 and ask for Law Access NSW TTY 1300 889 529) Hours of operation: 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Service available to all groups. Priority customers include: People living in regional, rural and remote areas of NSW; Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples; people with disability; people from a CALD background. Legal information, referral and in some cases, legal advice. Free LawAccess NSW is a free government telephone service that provides legal information, referrals and in some cases, legal advice as a starting point to help people with their legal problem or question in NSW. Area covered: Statewide. Service provided by paid staff and volunteers. Lifeline macarthur Ph: 4645 7200 (24hr service, 7 days/week) Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information All inclusive 24/7 Telephone Crisis Support Free Lifeline is a 24/7 Telephone Crisis support service Macarthur community care Ph: 4647 4643 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Dementia who require some social support living in the Wingecarribee area As required Companionship, domestic assistance, transport $8.00 per hour in home and extra if transport is required Our aim is to provide high quality, responsive and flexible care for clients who have dementia and require some social support who live in the Wingecarribee area. Dementia Monitoring Social Support refers to assistance provided by a companion, either within the home environment or whilst accessing a community service, which is primarily directed towards meeting the persons need for social contact and/or accompaniment in order to participate in community life. Social support includes: Keeping a person company Friendly visiting Helping with housework Daily phone calls Reading the newspaper Assisting with nutritional intake Transport for bill paying 47 Macarthur dementia advisory service Ph: 4654 6062 & 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with dementia, their carers and the general community HACC Monday to Friday Information, support, counselling and advocacy. Provides regular social support and education opportunities for people with dementia and their family members living in the community. Nil Area covered: Macarthur. Referrals: 1800 728 968 Macarthur diversity services initiative – Links to supportive & healthy ageing Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Links to Supportive & Healthy Ageing Program (LSHAP) assists aged people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds in accessing aged care services. The LSHAP has a dual role in working with CALD communities and Aged Care Service providers. The service works with groups and services from Macarthur to Wingecarribee. LSHAP, Department of Health and Ageing 1 worker supported by Multicultural Resource Officers (MRO) Workshops, cultural briefings, information dissemination, networking and support Free service to clients Raise awareness of aged care services available to frail aged people form the Chinese, Arabic, Mauritian (French), South Pacific (Samoan), Spanish, Vietnamese, Indian (Hindu and Urdu) and Filipino (Tagalog) communities. Network with aged care service providers and provide cultural briefings on the 8 target language groups. Increase understanding on how to provide culturally sensitive care to the aged. Macarthur/wingecarribee aboriginal hacc ACCESS/development project Ph: 1800 682 232 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander Frail aged, people with a disability and their carers HACC Varies Information and referral, support and resources to service providers This project has provided support and resources to Aboriginal specific Home and Community Care services in the Macarthur/Wingecarribee to ensure a cohesive network of services. 48 Macarthur/wingecarribee hacc development project Ph: 1800 683 232 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged, people with a disability and their carers HACC Varies Information and referral, support and resources to service providers This project has provided support and resources to Home and Community Care services in the Macarthur/Wingecarribee to ensure a cohesive network of services. South west dementia education & training for carers project Ph: 1800 052 222 / 9728 0290 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People who care for someone with Dementia Department of Health and Ageing Connects carers of people with dementia with information, support, education and resources to help them in their caring role Services provided include: Helps carers access dementia services in their local area Arrange training workshops and information sessions about issues and challenges relevant to caring for someone with dementia both practical (eg dealing with symptoms of dementia, medical issues, legal/financial issues) and personal (eg stress management and relationship difficulties) Send carers information and resources about dementia Help carers access support specific to their cultural background Provide transport and respite assistance so carers can attend workshops and information sessions. (if required) tis national (translating and interpreting service) Ph: 131 450 (24 hours, 7 days) Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Any person or organisation in Australia requiring interpreting services Department of Immigration and Citizenship As required Interpreting/translation Fee for service basis, however Government departments and some private businesses will absorb the cost of interpreting on behalf of the non English speaking client A national interpreting service which assists people who do not speak English and English speakers who need to communicate with them. Youth solutions 49 Ph: 4628 2319 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information 12-25 year olds living in the Macarthur and Wingecarribee area NSW Health via SSWAHS Case by case basis Information and education Considered on a case by case basis – generally nil depending on the request Alcohol and other drug information, referral, education, resource development, community programs, training other Services australian foundation for disability (afford) Ph: 4626 3140 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information AFFORD works actively to develop its recognised and acknowledged ability as a caring organisation that creates opportunities for people with a disability through innovative and contemporary and Person Centred Planning Dependent on situation Day programs, resource centre, carer program $8.00 per day for day programs AFFORD is a leading not for profit organisation that provides employment, Day Programs, Respite, Training and Accommodation for over 1200 people with a disability. Established over 50 years ago as one of Australia’s first disability support groups, AFFORD retains a proven 50 record in support and skills development of people with severe and profound disability. AFFORD provides: Day Programs: Community Participation, Post School Options, Life Choices and Active Ageing at eleven sites through Sydney Resource Centre: AFFORD’s state of the art facility offers clients and commercial use by other disability organisations, schools and community organisations. The Resource Centre provides a sophisticated range of sensory stimulation to increase awareness, coordination, reflexes, and enjoyment of people with a disability. Carer Program: AFFORD has a carer support program that supports carers to navigate the systems and also provides education programs such as Seasons for Growth and Eight Stages of Healing. SWS Dementia Education & Training for Carer project Ph: 1800 052 222 Email: Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people with Dementia; and Carers of people with Dementia & Challenging Behaviours; Carers of Frail Older Australians Experiencing Memory Loss Problems; Living at Home. Areas Covered: Liverpool, Fairfield, Bankstown, Camden, Campbelltown, Wollondilly, Wingecarribee. DOHA No waiting list Help Carers access Dementia Services in their local area; Arrange Training Workshops & Information Sessions about Caring for Someone with Dementia at home; Provide Carers information and resources about Dementia; Assist Carers to access support specific to their cultural background; Provide Respite & Transport so Carers can attend workshops and information sessions; Nil This project provides Carers of people with Dementia, with information, support, education and resources to help them in their caring role. This service is part of SWS Commonwealth Respite & Carelink Centre. Bcd community care Ph: 4871 1544 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Most FaHCSIA Area covered: Wingecarribee, Wollondilly, Macarthur Personal care, Respite care, Post Op care, Mental Health care, Palliative care, Companionship, Social Support, Shopping. Domestic Assistance, Transport, Meal Preparation $32.50 PH BCD Community Care is committed to providing a comprehensive range of services in the above mentioned LGA’s. All services are case managed by professionals. Our aim id to provide flexible and innovative case management services for our clients and their carers/families. We also collaborate with our clients, their families and carers in individual service planning and facilitating access to other appropriate services. Our staff are all TAFE trained and are thoroughly screened and a police background checked for safety and security. 51 bridges for learning Ph: 4861 4054 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children 0 -12 with a disability/additional needs and their families ADHC, DET, FaHCSIA Varies widely depending on the program and the child Therapy and Education Programs Varies widely depending on program and child Bridges for Learning provides Therapy and Educational Programs for children in the Southern Highlands from birth to 12 years. Parents and carers are provided with ongoing support and resources in order to educate and nurture the wellbeing of children and families within our local community. The early childhood years lay the foundation for all future development. What happens to us in the early years has a major effect on the rest of our lives. Improving the development and functioning of children with special needs reduces the dependence on specialised service later in life. Bridges for Learning is an established professional facility with quality resources and a supportive environment. Our programs are practical and therapeutic. Our aim is to help make each child make progress and enable them to reach their optimal potential. Community linkline Ph: 9426 3100 Fax: 9426 3199 Hours of operation: Office hours Mon – Fri., 8.30 – 4pm Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People who are frail aged, younger people with disabilities and carers of people with dementia in the Macarthur area. DoHA Contact Office Calls last for an hour. There are set groups each day. Telephone conferencing program; Outings once every 5 weeks; No cost for week call. $10/day and cost of outing. Allows up to 7 people to join in a telephone linkup with our Coordinator. Activities include general chat sessions, games, quizzes, support and information. There is no cost for this Program. Members can also be involved in outings arranged for members of the Diversional Therapy Program (every 5 weeks). Transport is provided for outings only. Service is provided by paid staff. Import: participants must have a landline. In Home Support Program (dementia monitoring) Ph: 4654 6157 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People who have dementia, short term memory loss, and live alone or are left alone for extended periods of time HACC Varies according to client need Home Visits, Outings, Social Support, Monitoring of Medications, Small Lunch Clubs, Club Outings, Assistance with Dr’s appointments. Nil Area covered: Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly 52 Macarthur diversity services initiative multicultural access project (maps) Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4620 6355 People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds. Frail Aged, Younger Person with a Disability and their carer’s. Campbelltown & Wingecarribee Local Government Areas. HACC This program connects culturally & linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to Home & Community Care (HACC) related programs and assists Aged Care Service providers to achieve quality outcomes for the CALD ageing population. Greater awareness of HACC funded services; Increased access to HACC funded services; Access to information & resources in multiple languages; Access to education & information about HACC services; Access to resources for CALD aged, frail & disabled; Creates links with CALD community; Provides valuable information on the needs of older persons from CALD communities; Can book workshops to assist with developing strategies for culturally appropriate care; staff access to in-house cultural briefings & information sessions; Immediate access to CALD resources. Macarthur home modification service Ph: 4655 3263 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Frail aged and people with a disability HACC As required Home Modifications and Maintenance Cost for modifications is at subsidised labour cost dependent on time taken for the completion of the task and materials Area covered: Macarthur This service provides modifications to a clients home including rails, hand-held showers, improving access and ramping to allow wheelchair access to a home. Level one (1) modifications to the value of $5000.00 in the Macartthur and Wollondilly regions and level two (2) to the value of $20000.00 across Bankstown, Fairfield, Liverpool, Macarthur, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee is also available. There is also a lawn mowing service available to high need clients. The lawn mowing service entitles the client to 18 lawn mows. National disability coordinator officer program Ph: 4620 3246 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information 15-65 year olds with a disability requiring assistance to participate in post-school education, training and qualified employment DEEWR Dependent on need. NDCO program does not provide ongoing case management services Improve transitions and participation for people with a disability into higher education, establish better links between education providers and disability service providers The National Disability Coordination Officer (NDCO) program works to: Improve transitions for people with a disability from their school or community into post-school education, training and subsequent employment Increase participation by people with a disability in higher education, vocational education, and training and employment 53 Establish better links between schools, universities, TAFE’s, training providers and disability services providers so they can work together to provide the best possible assistance for people with a disability. We work with many groups of people to help us reach these goals. We can help individuals with a disability or chronic medical condition, their families, education and training organisations and professionals, employment services, employers and the community. Our activities include providing information and transition planning assistance, referral and coordination, resource development and training, awareness raising and promotion. Northcott early childhood autism service & better start therapy service Ph: 02 8778 2305 Fax: 8778 2399 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri., 8am – 5pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children who are eligible to receive therapy services using FaHCSIA or Better Start funding, or who wish to pay privately for therapy. Centre-based sessions at Northcott Campbelltown, Casula or Parramatta office, or home/school visits for clients who are within a 10km radius from a Northcott office. Nil Please call the therapy hotline on 1800 004 957 to book an assessment. As requested Speech Pathology; occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy; Behaviour Support. Centre-based therapy $90 half hour or $135 per hour. Home/school-based therapy (within 10kms) $235 per hour. Northcott SWS Therapy Team provides Occupational Therapy, Speech Pathology, Physiotherapy and Behaviour Support to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Fragile X, Prader Willi, Williams, Angelman, Kabuki Make Up, Smith-Magenis, CHARGE, Cornelia de lange or Cri du Chat syndromes, or microcephaly. Therapy sessions can be paid for with the helping Children with Autism funding package, or the Better Start funding (for eligible children aged 0-7) For older children aged 7-15, or younger children who do not have the government funding, you may be eligible for a partial refund through Medicare or your Private Health Fund. Service provided by Northcott Staff. No transport provided. Northcott - Macarthur teen after school &Vacation care program Ph: 0427 895 488 Hours of operation: After School Care 3pm – 6pm; Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4625 6389 Vacation Care 8am – 6pm Teens aged 12 to 18 and in secondary school who have a disability in Campbelltown, Camden and Wollondilly LGA’s. FaHCSIA Child care benefit available through Centrelink for those eligible. 9 Places per day. Vacancies vary from day to day. After School and Vacation Care. $12.50 for After School Care. $35 for Vacation Care. Aim of the program is to enable students to spend time with their peers in age appropriate 54 activities including; group activities, literacy and numeracy skills, sport, recreation and quiet time. Program runs from the Mary Brooksbank school in Rosemeadow; service provided by paid staff through Northcott. No Transport Provided. South west Sydney Hacc training & Reform project Ph: 4621 8400 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information HACC services staff, management and volunteers HACC As required Training & Resources $55.00 for HACC funded workers to attend a HACC calendar workshop within our region. $150.00 for non HACC funded workers and those out of area to attend a HACC calendar workshop. The aim of the project is to provide current information via training workshops and resources for HACC funded organisations and workers. Specialist mental Health Service for the older person Ph: 4654 6347 Fax: 4654 6348 Hours of Operation: Mon-Fri 8.30 – 16.00 Target Group Older people who develop or are at high risk of developing a mental health disorder at the age of 65 years and over, such as depression, psychosis, anxiety or a severe adjustment disorder; Present with severe behavioural or psychiatric symptoms associated with dementia or other long-standing organic brain disorder, in Macarthur (& Wingecarribee). Funding NSW Health Assessment All referrals must have General Practitioner involvement and must be made, in writing, by a medical officer. Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Medical tests are required (where possible) such as FBC, UEC, LFT, TFT, B12, folate and a CT Brain Scan Mon - Fri The SMHSOP health professionals offer comprehensive mental health assessments, linkage to aged care services and mental health services, advice on management to the referrer and care planning in close consultation with the patient’s family/carers. Nil Where possible assessments are carried out within the home of the client. Service provided by Health professionals include Psychiatrist, Clinical Nurse Consultant and Mental Health Workers. The Macarthur/Wingecarribee Specialist mental health Service for Older Persons provides a community-based service to older people with Dementia who are experiencing behavioural and/or psychiatric disturbance. The “psychiatric disturbance” may include major depression, severe physical or verbal aggression, agitation, screaming and psychosis. The families and carers of these older people are also part of the target group. NSW paediatric spinal outreach service Ph: 02 9890 0526 Fax: 9683 2827 55 Hours of operation: standard business hours, with flexibility to operate outside school hours as needed Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Children and adolescents (0-18 yrs) who reside in NSW and have an acquired spinal cord injury sustained through trauma or disease. NSW state-wide. Northcott supported by NSW Health. Consultative and Outreach Services available M-F business hours with flexibility outside of school hours as needed on these days. Case management; Nursing; occupational Therapy; Physiotherapy; Social Work; Nil fee for service for clients who are not eligible for trust fund, insurer or compensable claims. $150/hour (therapy); $150/hour + GST (travel and report writing) charged for clients with compensable claims / trusts. The NSW Paediatric Spinal Outreach Service aims to maximize outcomes of age-appropriate rehabilitation following acquired spinal cord injury, as well as facilitate reintegration into the home, school or community. No transport provided for clients. Staff is able to travel to attend home visit, school visit, etc. Service provided by paid staff. Polish-australian welfare association – eastern European cald project Ph: 9716 0554 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 9716 054 Eastern European Communities; Aged Care Providers; Metropolitan Sydney Aged Care Services Improvement & Healthy Ageing Grants Fund (ACSIHAG) Information only Information & education Free For community: provide information about community and residential aged care which is relevant to your needs and circumstances; assist in navigating through the aged care system to enable people to make better choices when deciding what services and support they want to access; when possible, link people with services which are able to meet their cultural and linguistic needs; For providers: link services with Eastern European communities; Offer practical assistance to 1) Promote service to eastern european consumers; 2) Develop culturally appropriate strategies to introduce concept of CDCs, enablement and healthy ageing to Eastern European consumers and their carers 3) Support providers to address cultural issues and care needs of Eastern European consumers and their carers by provision of information, expert advice, delivery of cultural sensitivity trainings, access to community language resources, books, dvds, newspapers, communication cards, translated materials. 56 Health Services Your local health centre can provide a range of services including:- Nursing, Podiatry, Dental Services, Speech Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Counselling, Social Worker and referral to other services. Community Health Centres * * * * Ingleburn Narellan Rosemeadow Tahmoor (Wollondilly) 8788 4200 4640 3500 4633 4100 4683 6000 Hospitals * Camden * Campbelltown 4634 3000 4634 3000 Other Health Services * Physiotherapist * Occupational Therapist * Speech Pathology 4634 3580 4634 3580 4634 3580 Other health contacts ASET (Aged Care Services Emergency Team (C’town Hospital) 02 4634 3222 Nutrition links Ph: 4633 4170 Fax: 4633 4111 Hours of operation: 8am – 4.30pm Mon - Fri Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Email: HACC eligible clients in Macarthur HACC Yes Varies from time to time Home visit; phone consultation; group education; staff training; Free Providing nutrition and dietetics related to service to HACC eligible clients in Macarthur region. Service type including: home visit, phone consultation and clinics. Centre for Women’s health Ph: 4633 3777 Target Group Aboriginal women 45+ experiencing or recovering from domestic violence. NGO’s and the community. Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Sydney South West Area Health Support for women experiencing or recovering from domestic violence Most services free, massage and naturopath have a minimal cost 57 Information The Centre for Women’s Health supports women to create positive futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. We are committed to providing a high quality, innovative service to women living in the Macarthur area of NSW. The Centre for Women’s Health is the first women’s health service in Australia to receive national accreditation. We provide training and consultancy to community groups and organisations across Australia. Specialist mental health service for the older person - Bowral community health centre Ph: 4654 6347 Fax: 4654 6348 Hours of Operation: Mon – Fri 8.30 am – 4pm Target Group Funding Assessment Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Older people who develop or are at high risk of developing a mental health disorder at the age of 65 years and over, such as depression, psychosis, anxiety or a severe adjustment disorder; Present with severe behavioural or psychiatric symptoms associated with dementia or other long-standing organic brain disorder. Macarthur & Wingecarribee areas. NSW Health All referrals must have General Practitioner involvement and must be made, in writing, by a medical officer. Medical tests are required (where possible) such as FBC, UEC, LFT, TFT, B12, folate and a CT Scan Brain. Mon - Fri The SMHSOP health professionals offer comprehensive mental health assessments, linkage to aged care services and mental health services, advice on management to the referrer and care planning in close consultation with the patient’s family/carers. Nil The Macarthur/Wingecarribee Specialist mental Health Service for Older persons provides a community-based service to older people with Dementia who are experiencing behavioural and /or psychiatric disturbance. The ‘psychiatric disturbance’ may include major depression, severe physical or verbal aggression, agitation, screaming and psychosis. The families and carers of these older people are also part of the target group. Where possible assessments are carried out within the home of the client. Service provided by Health professionals including Psychiatrist, Clinical Nurse Consultant, and mental health Workers. Carers / Support Groups Services provide support by sharing information, group discussion and telephone link-ups so that carers get support and don’t feel alone. Carers nsw Ph: Freecall* 1800 242 636 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Carers only Australian Government As required Telephone support 58 Cost Information Free (* Free call except from mobile phones. Mobile calls at mobile rates) The Carers NSW is a telephone support service based in Sydney and is part of Carer’s NSW. It provides information, referral and emotional support. Carer assist Ph: 4620 5255 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Family, friends and carers of people living with a mental illness Family and Carer Mental Health Program As required Advocacy Area covered; Campbelltown LGA. Carer Assist has Carer Advocates who provide individual support services and education and training for carers and families of someone with a mental illness. Compeer macarthur - wingecarribee Ph: 4627 9180 Email: Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People living with a mental illness in the Macarthur/Wingecarribee region St Vincent de Paul Society Volunteers give a minimum 4 hours per month for an initial 12 month period One-to-one, same sex friendship match between a volunteer & a person living with mental illness Nil Compeer is an award-winning friendship program that links volunteers in a one-to-one friendship with a person living with a mental illness. Compeer recruits, screens, trains and supports volunteers throughout a 12 month friendship commitment. Activities such as having a cuppa and a chat, seeing a movie, going bushwalking etc are just some of the outings that our friendship matches participate in. Individuals living with mental illness need to be referred by their current health professional or case worker. The referring agent also makes a commitment to stay connected with the client and Compeer throughout the 12 month friendship and be available for clinical assistance as, or if, required. Clients need to be over the age of 18 years and stable in their illness. Family resource links Ph: 4625 1061 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Families who may have a child with a disability, developmental delay aged 0 – 8, or possible concern around their child’s development. Families NSW, ACYFS and Northcott. Supported playgroups, information and resources. Access and support service Area covered: Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly The Family Resource Links program assists families with young children who may have disabilities or developmental delays to access community services and support networks. The program uses a community developmental approach in partnership with other services and groups, and facilitates community projects aimed at developing supportive environments by strengthening connections between the community and families living in the Macarthur area. 59 HACC Carer Coordination Service Freecall: 1800 68 32 32 Ph: 02 4621 8400 TTY: 02 4621 8453 Email: CARER COORDINATION SERVICE Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people who are frail aged, or have a disability in Macarthur & Wingecarribee ADHC / DoHA CIARR Variable dependent on client need Basic counselling; Support; Advocacy; Information & Referral; Training; Social Media Support. Free The Carers Coordination Service supports carers who are looking after someone who is frail aged or has a disability living in their own home. The Service provides information and referral, basic counselling and support (one on one and in a group setting), advocacy and training opportunities. The service also has a specialist Social Media officer whose role is to assist carers to engage with social media tools such as Facebook and twitter, in order to connect with the service and other carers. Service provided by Carer Support Officers; No Transport Provided. CARER COORDINATION SOCIAL MEDIA SERVICE Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of people over 65, frail, aged or with a disability in the Macarthur & Wingecarribee areas. HACC Varies Training and ongoing support with Social Media for Carers in the Carer Coordination Service; Support and maintenance of online Carer Coordination Service support groups; Ongoing update of information on the HACC Carer Coordination Service Facebook page. Free The Carer Coordination Service Social Media Officer provides training and support in Social media; Lean how to navigate through social media platforms to connect with family and friends, peer support, and access information relevant to the Carers and their needs; The Social Media Officer will assist Carers from the Carer Coordination Service to develop a social media page / blog and/or website to navigate through the online community. Computer and internet access is provided. The social media officer is mobile and will travel to eligible participants within Macarthur & Wingecarribee. Macarthur autism spectrum family group Ph: 4621 8400 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Macarthur Autism Spectrum Family Group Nil Support Group meets every second Tuesday of each month at MDS 10.30am to 12.30am 60 Nil Contact Patrick at Macarthur Disability Services on 46218400 Cost Information asperger’s syndrome support group Ph: 4648 1593 or 0400 481 520 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Parents of people with Asperger’s Syndrome Two days a month Support group Free A support group for the parents of people with Aspergers Syndrome in Macarthur. The group meets two days a month on the 2nd Wednesday and 2nd Thursday. Macarthur cancer support group Ph: 4628 3116 / 0413 480 417 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with cancer and their families 4th Monday of the month Support Group Free Area Covered: Macarthur. A support group meets on the 4th Monday of the month at Campbelltown Hospital. Macarthur dementia day care & support service Ph: 4654 6062 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Dementia, their carers and the general community HACC As required Information , support, counselling and advocacy Area covered: Macarthur. Referrals: 1800 728 968 Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – CALD Carers Social Support Group Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Fax: 4628 6068 Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background carers within the Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee LGA’s 61 Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Not funded Dependent on waiting list Second Wednesday of the month Respite support with educational, interactive and practical support skills Carers pay for their own expenses Every alternative month an outing is organised (choice of carers) Macarthur Diversity Services Initiative – coffee room Ph: 4627 1188 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 4628 6355 Carers of people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds, living with a disability or mental illness. Campbelltown & Wingecarribee Local Government Areas. HACC Referral to the program can be made by other service providers, friends, carers and family members. Drop-in every Monday at Café Kulcha 10am – 12pm, 171-179 Queen Street, Campbelltown. Informal support group for people living with a disability or mental illness, their relatives, carers and friends. Drop-in Centre for clients with low to medium disability. Have a chat over a cup of coffee. Information & referral to services in the area. Social & emotional support. Client centred activities. Advocacy and support for CALD clients living with a disability. Free The Program is delivered by experienced staff and volunteers. No transport provided. Macarthur mental health support group Ph: 9879 2600 or 0403 805 528 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with Schizophrenia and Mental Illness Monthly meetings Support Group Free A support group for people living with Schizophrenia and Mental Illness in the Macarthur area. Meetings take place on the last Tuesday of every month, at Harmony House. Macarthur temporary family care Fathers plus support group Ph: 9603 7011 Target Group Funding Dads of children and adolescents with a disability. N/A 62 Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information 4th Wednesday of each month. 7 – 9pm at Minto office. Support Group. Nil. Fathers Plus Group is a support group for dads to share their stories with other dads and develop their skills. Calendar and Flyer available. Macarthur Temporary Family Care support group “life goes on” Ph: 9603 7011 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Parents/carers of children with disabilities N/A One morning per week. Wednesdays 10am to 12 noon at Minto office of Macarthur Temporary Family Care. Support Group Nil Life Goes On – is a support group which provides informal opportunity for parents/carers to meet and support each other. Contact 9603 7011. Macarthur wheelchair users support network Ph: 4621 8400 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Macarthur Wheelchair Users Support Network Nil Support Group for wheelchair users in the Macarthur region meets monthly Nil Contact Patrick at Macarthur Disability Services on 46218400 Multiple sclerosis limited Ph: 4655 2155 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information People with MS MSL (NFP) Dependent on situation Support services, information and education Dependent on service required, however most are at nil cost. MSL is an independent, not-for-profit organisation expert in MS Care. We provide a range of support services, information resources and educational programs to help people living with MS and their families and carers understand and manage the disease to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. Northcott Cystic fibrosis support group 63 Ph: 4625 1061 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers for children, teenagers and young adults with Cystic Fibrosis in Macarthur Families NSW Bi-Monthly Support Meetings Bi-Monthly Carer support group; Information; Referral; Resources; Free The program aims to: 1. Increase the support to CF carers, reducing the feeling of isolation; 2. Support families to be able to access services relevant to their individual needs (eg case management, respite and therapy services; 3. Enable CF families to be in contact with other CF families without the risk of cross infection of children; 4. Share information and latest research updates on CF; Service provided by paid staff. No transport provided. Northcott Leaving care program – mentoring service Ph: 8778 2311 Fax: 8778 2399 Hours of operation: Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm (there is flexibility around this depending on needs of young person) Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Young people that are part of the ADHC Leaving Care Program , with a disability are eligible. ADHC’s Leaving Care Program Dependent on the needs of the young person. Generally the mentor would meet with the young person for between one and three hours every four weeks at a minimum. Bi-Monthly Carer support group; Information; Referral; Resources; Free Service provided by paid staff. Transport Provided. The mentor can meet with the client at their home or at a place in the community. The mentor can transport the client to and from a community setting for the mentoring session. Service is person centred; young person needs to be able to make an informed choice of whether they want to be involved in the program. The program is completely voluntary. Generally the young person would also need to be able to formulate their own goals and actively participate in the mentoring relationship. Northcott Yarning circle Ph: 4625 1061 Fax: 4625 6389 64 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Aboriginal Carers in Macarthur Program is supported by Northcott Family Resource Links & The Haven Project. Dependent on the needs of the young person. Generally the mentor would meet with the young person for between one and three hours every four weeks at a minimum. Carer support get together; Information; Referrals; Support. Low level support. Monthly meetings and get together. Free. Some outings may require payment for travel or food and beverages. Service provided by paid staff & volunteers. Limited transport can be arranged. The project seeks to encourage and reward separation from their care recipient to achieve the following outcomes: Show the benefits of fun, exercise and stress management; Demonstrate therapeutic benefits of involvement and networking as means to build resilience; Demonstrate via participation, the benefits of taking a break; Offer carers the opportunity to completely unwind in relaxing, supportive surroundings away from their usual environment; Educate carers about respite; Build new friendships and strengthen networks; Strengthen and enhance Northcott and the Haven project’s connections with local Aboriginal carers and communities. Odyssey house after care program Ph: 4628 8806 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Recovering addicts and family Dependent on need Counselling, relapse prevention, family support Free Counselling Free Relapse Prevention Course: 10 weeks) DBA counselling and groups, relapse prevention and family support. Support via counselling, groups, arts and crafts, and recreational activities for people recovering from addiction. Family support also available. A phone assessment will be carried out. Polish-australian welfare association – polish respite & carer support service (prcss) Ph: 9716 0036 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Fax: 9716 0504 Carers of people 70+ who are frail aged, people with dementia and/or challenging behaviours. Priority of access for carers of Eastern European background, in the Campbelltown area. NRCP n/a Negotiated with carer, on average 5 hours / week In home respite; individual and group community access; emergency respite; flexible respite. Level of contribution towards the service is negotiated with the carer and depends on individual circumstance of both carer and care recipient In home respite in carer and/or care recipient’s home – flexible and individually tailored to the needs of carer and needs of a person cared for. PRCSS also provides individual or group social outings for care recipients in the form of: a) outing to Calmsley City Farm in Abbotsbury 65 – monthly on Fri from 10-1pm; 2) individual, planned outing accompanied by our support staff member; 3) planned group outings (calendar of outings will depend on the number of interested participants). Service(s) provided by Paid Staff. Polish carers can attend Carers Support Group which meets bi-monthly Support Co-ordination Program Ph: (02) 4659 0000 Target Group Funding Assessment Required Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers aged 60 and over caring for son or daughter with a disability ADHC Carer or Service Providers can refer by contacting intake on 9728 0252. Short term services are provided through limited brokerage money for each client, each client is different, referral for long term services can be made Case Management to Carer and referral for services for person they look after can also be made or other enquiries to assist The Support Coordination Program for Older Parent Carers aims to help older parents who are 60 years and age and caring for son or daughter with a disability maintain their caring role at home for as long as possible. The program seeks to provide support, information about respite opportunities and assistance in planning and preparing for the transition from parental care. This is done by linking parents with support services which include information about respite, domestic assistance, personal care, transport, peer support, and living skills to help them plan for the future. Priority will be given to “hidden carers” or carers who are not receiving any services at present. Sws commonwealth respite and carelink centre (CRCC) Ph: 1800 052 222 (After hours: 1800 059 059) Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of frail aged, people with a disability (physical or intellectual), Mental Illness, Chronis illness, dementia or palliative care needs Australian Government As required Short term respite, planned breaks, emergency respite Carers contribution but not service is declined if unable to contribute. Caries according to type and length of respite SWS CRCC helps organise occasional or short term or planned breaks. Our service provides 24 hour on call service or Emergency Respite. Our centre also provides one stop free information about Community Aged Care, Disability and other support services. 66 South west Sydney commonwealth respite and carelink centre young carers program Ph: 1800 052 222 Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Youth aged up to 25 years old who are in primary or secondary education or vocational equivalent, and help care for someone who has a disability, or is frail aged, has a severe mental health or physical health condition, or alcohol or drug dependence. A young carer does NOT have to be registered with Centrelink as a primary carer FaHCSIA As required Assists young carers juggling their caring and schoolwork responsibilites. Types of service include: Short term or emergency respite Housework assistance Material support (medical equipment, school books/uniforms, etc) Skills development (cooking, budgeting, information about sickness, disabilities or mental illness, information about study issues) Transport assistance Tutoring assistance Camps or social activities Assistance with referrals for other support Other concerns the haven project Service offered by various providers. See below for full contact details Target Group Funding Amount of Service Type of Service Cost Information Carers of a person living with a mental health illness Dept. of Social Services. As required Support and planning for carers of people with mental health concerns Free, some activities may require client contribution. The Haven Project supports Carers of a person with a mental illness. Providing support and individual planning to assist the carer to take some time out for themselves. We offer a preventative approach with individually planned recreational, respite, or wellness activities, supplying information, access to family respite services, ensuring carers have access to a wide range of activities and support groups. NAME Lead Agency ORGANISATION ANGLICARE Silvia Tedeski Jenny Davies Tania McCurley Shane Hazlewood Macarthur Disability Services The Disability Trust Community Links Wollondilly BCD Community Care AREA COVERED Camden, Campbelltown, Wollondilly & Wingecarribee Camden/Campbelltown Wollondilly/Wingecarribee Education & Engagement Male Specific PHONE 4659 0000 4621 8400 4860 1100 4683 2776 4871 1544 67