City of Westminster Decision maker Date Title of Report CABINET MEMBER FOR ENVIRONMENT AND LEISURE 22 February 2002 PURCHASE OF STREET CLEANSING EQUIPMENT CLASSIFICATION For General Release Report of Director of Environment and Leisure Wards Involved All wards Policy Context The proposed purchase of two Aquazura cleansing machines is in line with the Environment and Leisure Performance Plan to make Westminster the most attractive City and the Civic Renewal priority of Clean Streets. Financial Summary The report proposes purchasing two Aquazura cleansing machines at an estimated total cost of £150,000 to be funded from within the capital programme provision originally earmarked for the purchase of replacement glass recycling vehicles. 1. Summary 1.1 During the course of the Best Value Review of the cleansing services the issue of staining on footways and paved areas was raised by the various groups consulted and by members of the former Environment and Leisure Committee. In addition on 21 January 2002 Cabinet approved for consultation a Draft Action Plan for Leicester Square that proposes a rolling programme of improvements for the West End. These will begin with a concerted effort in and around Leicester Square and include enhancements to the current level of cleansing service. 1.2 In the context of the Best Value comments and the proposed Leicester Square Action Plan a review has been carried out of the existing street washing equipment and the options available for improving performance. 1.3 Currently all street washing in this part of the City is carried out by either two Hotwash vehicles or a Powerboss scrubber owned by Onyx. Recently 1 a new machine has been developed by the Euromec company – the Aquazura. It is claimed to be the first machine of its type and combines two cleaning principles scrubbing and suction 1.4 An Aquazura vacuum scrubber capable of coping with multiple surfaces has been tested in Chinatown, Leicester Square and Covent Garden and achieved significantly higher standards of performance than either the Hotwash vehicles owned by the City Council or the Powerboss scrubber used by Onyx. 1.5 Approval is therefore sought to purchase two Aquazura machines at a cost of £150,000. The purchase can be funded from within the existing approved capital programme for 2001/2002. 2. Recommendation 2.1 That approval be given for the purchase of 2 Aquazura street cleansing machines at an estimated capital cost of £150,000. 3. Background Information 3.1 In 1997 the City Council purchased two Hotwash machines to try to cope with the increasing problems of grease staining on the footway. Whilst the machines have proved effective, there have been ongoing mechanical problems due to the hybrid nature of the actual machines and it has not been possible to work them to their full potential. The vehicles are also reaching the end of their operational lives and there is a need to look for some form of replacement for the remaining life of the existing street cleansing contract and into the first years of the next contract. The Hotwash machines themselves are no longer in production. In 1999 the service was expanded with the provision of two further units provided by Onyx. 3.2 The Best Value work on the new Contract has highlighted that concerns about grease and other sorts of staining are now even more important. Street cleansing is one of the five elements of the Civic Renewal Programme having been identified as one of the three most important issues for key stakeholders. The recently approved Draft Action Plan also identifies the need to improve the quality of street cleaning in the Leicester Square area. The Environment & Leisure Committee’s agreed capital programme for 2001/02 includes provision of £250,000 for two vehicles to replace the existing side loading glass collection vehicles that were purchased by the City Council in 1994 and which are due for replacement. In light of the revised vehicle strategy for the next cleansing contract, it has been decided not to replace the vehicles now, but to include them as 2 part of the new contractors’ vehicle fleet requirements to meet the new contract specification. 3.3 In light of this change, approval is sought to use some of the approved capital funding for the purchase of 2 Aquazura vacuum scrubbers. 4. Detail 4.1 Two trials of an Aquazura on Leicester Square, and in Gerrard Street and Covent Garden took place in September and these were compared against the performance of the existing City Council and Onyx-owned equipment. On both occasions the Aquazura out-performed both the Hotwash and Powerboss machines. In addition to the scrubbing, the Aquazura vacuums up the surplus dirty water and recycles it. The advantage of this in Chinatown in particular was that because of the power of the suction system, squeegee and vacuum, it was able to suck up the greasy water and large bits of litter at the same time leaving the surface clean, dry and free of grease. The Aquazura also has 5 independent rotating brush heads through which variable pressure can be exerted that improve the overall performance. 4.2 It is proposed that the existing two Hotwash machines be taken off the front line service and used as ‘spares’ for the two Onyx units which would improve the reliability of this service. 4.3 The revenue costs of running two Aquazuras would be met almost in full by the savings on revenue costs from the two City Council owned Hotwash vehicles. 4.4 The vehicles would replace the two existing Hotwash machines and because of their versatility a higher level of productivity is anticipated as well as higher quality results. One of the Aquazuras would be based at the Newport Place depot and be dedicated to Leicester Square, Chinatown and Covent Garden areas. The other unit would cover northern areas of the City (e.g. Edgware Road, parts of Marylebone and Bayswater) where grease staining is problematic, and elsewhere. 4.5 5. At the end of the current street cleaning contract, the vehicles would be passed to the new contractors for use on the future contract. The new contractors would be responsible for replacing the existing Aquazura machines within the life of the new contract. Financial Implications 3 5.1 The report seeks capital approval for £150,000 for the purchase of 2 Aquazura street cleansing vehicles to be met from the capital programme provision of £250,000 originally earmarked for glass recycling vehicles. This would leave £100,000 and officers will be looking at alternative schemes to utilise the remaining provision. 5.2 Whilst some of the revenue costs for operating these vehicles can be found by transferring fuel, tax and insurance from the two existing Hotwash machines, there will be additional costs of approximately £14,000 a year for servicing and replacement of consumable items: brushes, detergent and squeegees. These additional costs can be found from within the existing cleansing contract budget. The maintenance will be carried out under an agreement with the supplier of the vehicles, Euromec, and the cleansing contractor will be responsible for ensuring that the proper maintenance regime is adhered to. The machines are being purchased on the basis that they will have a 5 year life, replacement will be costed into the new cleansing and collection contract to be awarded in April 2003. The machines provide a unique service . There is no other mechanical street cleaning equipment currently on the market which comes close to the specification of the Aquazura. It is promoted by the manufacturer as combining two cleaning principles; sucking and scrubbing, it also has a more beneficial impact on the environment than other cleaning machines as it collects the waste water used in the cleaning process. These claims have been confirmed as valid by Cleansing Client team officers through field testing of the Aquazura in Westminster on those streets most severely affected by grease and other staining. In the light of this it is not possible to enter into a tendering process as there is only one company offering a product of this nature. 5.3 The revenue implications arising from the proposed capital expenditure of £150,000, assuming an asset life of 5 years, over the next 4 years are as follows; Capital charges Vehicle running costs (additional over current costs) Total 5.4 2001/02 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 £ 9,400 £ 37,700 £ 36,200 £ 34,600 £ 33,100 2,500 14,000 14,000 14,000 14,000 11,900 51,700 50,200 50,600 50,100 As stated in para 5.2 above the estimated additional vehicle running costs of £14,000 per annum can be contained within approved revenue budgets. 4 6. Legal Implications 6.1 There are no legal implications arising from issues raised in the report. 7. Staffing Implications 7.1 There are no staffing implications arising directly from this report 8. Outstanding Issues 8.1 There are no issues outstanding from these proposals 9. Performance Plan Implications 9.1 The purchase of these two ‘high-tech’ pavement cleaners would be in line with the Clean Streets theme of the Civic Renewal programme as set out in the 2001/02 Performance Plan. 10. Consultation 10.1 As this report relates to all wards, no ward member consultation was required. 11. Crime and Disorder Act 11.1 12. 12.1 Fear of crime is linked to the state of the environment. The Aquazura cleansing vehicles should improve the overall standard of cleansing in key areas of the West End and help engender a safer environment. Health and Safety Issues Operatives who would be driving the vehicles will be trained to use them by the equipment suppliers. 13. Co-operation with Health Authorities 13.1 There are no implications for Health Authorities arising from this report. 14. Human Rights Act 1998 14.1 There are no Human Rights Act implications arising from this report. 15. Conclusions and reasons for the proposed decision 5 15.1 The City Council has a programme of area based improvements in and around Leicester Square. The Best Value review of cleansing services gave prominence to the quality of street cleansing. In the light of these considerations it is proposed to purchase two Aquazura vacuum scrubber street cleansing order to enhance the current level of cleansing in the City. The capital cost of the machines can be met from savings in the capital programme for 2001/02002. It is considered that the vehicles represent good value for money. They will replace the two existing Hotwash machines and because of their versatility a higher level of productivity is anticipated as well as higher quality results. The Aquazuras will be providing an enhanced street cleaning service that will deal directly with a problem, grease staining, that has not been addressed by the current equipment. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUERIES ABOUT THIS REPORT OR WISH TO INSPECT ANY OF THE BACKGROUND PAPERS, PLEASE CONTACT MICHAEL BEGLEY ON 020 7641 3339; EMAIL ADDRESS; FAX NUMBER 020 7641 2644 BACKGROUND PAPERS The Documents referred to in compiling this report are: 1. Leicester Square report of the Director of Planning and Transportation to Cabinet 21 January 2002 2. Best Value review of cleansing services 3. Capital programme for 2001/2002 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… For completion by Cabinet Member Declaration of Interest I have no interest to declare in respect of this report …………………………………… Signed ……………………………. Date I have to declare an interest State nature of interest ……..………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………Signed ……………………………. Date 6 (N.B: If you have an interest you should seek advice as to whether it is appropriate to make a decision in relation to this matter.) For the reasons set out above, I agree the recommendation(s) in the report and reject any alternative options which are referred to but not recommended. Signed ……………………………………………… Cabinet Member for ………………………………. Date ………………………………………………… NOTE: If you do not wish to approve the recommendations, or wish to make an alternative decision, it is important that you consult the report author, the Director of Legal and Administrative Services, the Director of Finance and, if there are staffing implications, the Head of Personnel (or their representatives) so that (1) you can be made aware of any further relevant considerations that you should take into account before making the decision and (2) your reasons for the decision can be properly identified and recorded, as required by law. Note to Cabinet Member: The decision will now be published and copied to the Members of the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee and may not be implemented until five working days have elapsed from publication to allow the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to decide whether it wishes to call it in. 7