Applicants should prepare the application documents as follows:
Set 1 – HKBU Associate Degree Applicants
Please complete this application form with your signature on the last page; and
Photocopies of credentials including transcripts of grades and certificates of awards
(evidence of English proficiency, such as TOEFL, IELTS, A-level, HKCEE, GCE English
Test results, should be included in the application).
Set 1 – Other Associate Degree Applicants
Please complete this application form with your signature on the last page; and
Original credentials of post-secondary studies, including transcripts and certificates of awards (evidence of English proficiency, such as TOEFL, IELTS, A-level, HKCEE, GCE
English Test results, should be sent directly from the official testing agency to SCE);
Original documents will be returned.
* SFU and HKBU reserve the right to cancel or delay start of this program because of insufficient enrollment. If the program is cancelled by SFU and
HKBU, all application fees will be fully refunded.
SFU / HKBU Application Form
Set 2 - All Applicants
An application fee of HK$200 by cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Baptist
University” which is non-refundable;*
A photocopy of this application form;
A full set of photocopies of credentials of post-secondary studies, including transcripts and certificates of awards (should be the same as that for set 1);
A photocopy of HKID card; and
A passport size photo.
2. All application documents should be contained in an envelope on which marked
“Application for Bachelor of Arts (Major in Communication, Minor in Business
Administration, SFU”.
3. Application should be submitted either by post or by hand to the Headquarters of the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University within the application period.
Attention: Ms. Evelyn Tang, BITSD
Address: School of Continuing Education
Hong Kong Baptist University
2/F., Franki Centre
320 Junction Road
Kowloon Tong
Office Hours: 9:00am to 8:00pm (Monday to Friday)
9:00am to 12:00nn (Saturday)
Enquiry: 3411 5429 (Ms. Yeung)
Incomplete application materials will affect the process of admissions to the program.
Successful HKBU Associate Degree applicants will be required to present their original credentials for verification at the time of registration.
According to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, all unsuccessful applications will be discarded immediately after the admission exercise is completed.
Applications and supporting documentation received after the due date may be evaluated selectively, at the discretion of the Director of Admissions.
SFU / HKBU Application Form
For Our Information
Please tell us where you first heard about this program (eg. Education Fair, advertisement, etc.)
CIE, HKBU Newspaper Brochure Prospectus Friends Information Talk
Online Website (site name) ________ Others ________
From which newspaper did you get the information?
Personal data
Have you ever attended Simon Fraser University?
SFU Student number __________________
Have you ever applied to Simon Fraser University?
Semester _________ Year ____
(Your last or family name) ________________________________
Given names (in-full as on birth certificate) _______________
Preferred given name _______________________
Former surname
(if applicable) ______________________________________
Title Mr
__ other
Sex Male
Date of birth ______________
What is your primary language?
(specify) __________________
If your primary language is not English, have you taken English as a Second Language courses (ESL) in the past four years? No
Have you taken the language tests TOEFL or IELTS ? No
What is your best TOEFL / IELTS score? TOEFL ______ IELTS ______
What is your country of citizenship?
H.K.I.D. number
Mailing address
Telephone, evening
SFU / HKBU Application Form
Telephone, day
Telephone, mobile
E-mail address
In case of emergency, provide the name of the person we should contact:
Name _____________________________________ surname given names
Telephone, evening __________________________
Telephone, day _____________________________
Academic history
You must arrange to send us official transcripts of your academic record from all schools and colleges you have attended. Replaceable documents will not be returned to you; other documents will be returned by mail or to you personally, on request. If your records are not in English, we require an official translation, certified by an educational official of your country, an official of a Canadian Education Centre, or a Canadian consular or embassy official. Translations made by you, your relatives or friends will not be accepted.
All colleges, universities, and / or technical institutions you have attended (official transcripts required):
Institution Name Location
Student ID number
Credential/diploma completed or expected (if any)
Date awarded
Are you presently attending school, college or university? No
Name of institution_____________________________________________
Term ends on what date? _______________________________________
Has your education been interrupted for a period exceeding six months? No
Attach brief outline of activities during that period.
SFU / HKBU Application Form
Have you ever been required to withdraw from a university or college or to repeat a program of studies, or failed a year at a university or college?
Name of institution _____________________________________ date of withdrawal/repeat/failure _____________
(please print clearly)
Organisation Position
From To
Full/Part Time
Your application for admission is not complete unless you sign the “permission to release personal information” and the “declaration of applicant” on the last page.
Freedom of information/protection of privacy
Simon Fraser University gathers and maintains information used for the purposes of admission, registration and other fundamental activities related to being a member of the
Simon Fraser University community. In signing an application for admission, you should know that the information you provide, and any other information placed into your student record, will be protected and used in compliance with the Freedom of Information and
Protection of Privacy Act (1992), British Columbia, Canada. The information on this form is collected under the authority of the University Act (RSBC 1979 c 419) and is needed to process your application for admission. The information will be used to verify qualifications and decide your eligibility for admission. Upon admission and registration this information will form part of your student record, and will be used to document your progress in an academic program. If you have any questions about the collection and use of this information contact Simon Fraser University, Director of Admissions, Office of the
Registrar, telephone 1 604 291 3224.
Enrollment limits
Our admission requirements are the minimum levels we require to consider your application. Applicants with higher grades than the minimum have a greater chance of successful admission.
SFU / HKBU Application Form
Permission to release personal information
If you anticipate that a family member, friend or representative will be inquiring on your behalf about your application, and you wish that person to have access to that information, we require your written permission before any personal information is released.
For the period from today until the start of the semester to which I am applying, I hereby consent to the release of information concerning my application for admission to:
Name: ____________________________________
Relationship to you: __________________________
Declaration of applicant
I certify that all statements on this application are true and complete. I consent to the disclosure of information on this form to other education institutions when necessary to verify my qualifications. I understand failure to provide my consent, or any misrepresentation, may result in cancellation of my admission or registration status. I also understand that SFU and HKBU reserve the right to delay or cancel the program to which
I am applying in the case of insufficient enrolment.
I agree that SFU and HKBU will not bear any responsibility caused by the damage or loss of original credentials.
Signature __________________
Date ______________________
Signed in Hong Kong
SFU / HKBU Application Form