Last Update: 5/15/06 Complete Summary of Materials Reviewed by AIDS Material Review Panel 1987 - 2006 Prepared by: Roy Nelson, M.S. STD and HIV Section Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division Minnesota Department of Health 717 Delaware Street S.E. P.O. Box 9441 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55440-9441 Table of Contents Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………..3 Print Materials Approved………………………………………………………………………….5 Video/Slides Approved…………………………………………………………………………..43 Advertising Approved……………………………………………………………………………55 Materials Disapproved…………………………………………………………………………...71 1 2 Introduction As a condition of the receipt of federal funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) prevention programs, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and its funded Grantees are obligated to submit materials for review to the AIDS Materials Review Panel (AMRP). The AMRP was established in 1987 in Minnesota to comply with the CDC federal requirement. According to the CDC guidelines for the program review panel membership, “panels which review materials intended for a specific audience should draw upon the expertise of individuals who can represent cultural sensitivities and language of the intended audience either through representation on the panels or as consultants to the panels.” The following qualifications are required to serve on the AMRP: • must represent the racial or ethnic groups of intended audiences that are being reached by MDH funded community based organizations; • knowledge of the cultural sensitivities and/or languages of the intended audiences that are being reached by MDH funded community based organizations; • can be a staff person from a local public health agency, MDH-funded agency, or MDH department involved in HIV/STD prevention or service delivery; and • must have basic knowledge of the epidemiology, prevention and transmission of HIV/AIDS and other STDs. The CDC provides each AMRP with a set of basic guidelines to help guide the review of submitted materials. These guidelines are intended to provide criteria for the development and use of materials, and to review the appropriateness of messages designed to communicate with various groups. These guidelines specify, “None of the funds appropriated to carry out this title may be used to provide education or information designed to promote or encourage, directly, homosexual or heterosexual activity or intravenous substance abuse.” The following pages list all the materials reviewed by the AMRP from 1987 to the present. Materials reviewed have been organized alphabetically by the developer of the material and by the title of the materials under four main sections: 1) Print Materials Approved; 2) Videos/Slides Approved; 3) Advertising Approved; and 4) Materials Disapproved. 3 4 Print Materials Approved 5 6 AIDS Materials Review Panel Materials Reviewed and Approved 1987-Present Print Materials (Brochures, Booklets, Questionnaires, Handouts, Curriculums, Posters, etc.) 1. “Crystal Meth Linked to HIV Rise” article/handout (9/20/04) 2. Abbott Laboratories: “Chlamydia is Not a Flower” brochure (1989) “For HIV: What To Ask Your Doctor When You’re Choosing Therapy” brochure (5/21/01) 3. Access Works (formerly Women With A Point): “Access Works Groups and Services (4 variations): Harm Reduction Services; Hepatitis C Support Group; User’s Group; and Women’s Group” brochures (11/18/02) “Access Works: STD Information and Referral For Testing” brochure (11/18/02) “Delaware Street Clinic” referral form (8/13/01) “Enhanced Post HIV Test Counseling Intervention” curriculum (7/15/02) “Free HIV OraSure Testing” brochure (1/22/01) “Hepatitis C Resources” listing (8/13/01) “HIV Testing - Access Works” mini brochure (1/22/01) “I Am the CEO” worksheet (9/15/03) “Individual Level Intervention Risk Assessment” questionnaire (11/17/03) “Preparing for My Doctor’s Visit” worksheet (9/15/03) “Prevention Case Management Risk Assessment” questionnaire (11/17/03) “Resource Lists – HCV Testing, Rule 25 Assessments, Methadone Clinics” listing (11/18/02) “Women With A Point” brochure (5/18/99) “Women With A Point Prevention Case Management” consent form (1/22/01) “Women With A Point Prevention Case Management Intake/Assessment” (1/22/01) 4. Advocates for Youth: “Resources for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth” listing (3/17/03) 5. African American AIDS Task Force: “African American AIDS Task Force” brochure (9/16/02) “A Personal Risk Assessment (Revised)” brochure (9/14/99) “Harm Reduction Reality Check” brochure (5/18/99) “HIV/STD Health Alert” brochure (5/18/99) “HIV is a Special Threat to African American Women” brochure (5/18/99) “Know The Facts” outreach card (1/28/02) “Soul of a Women” 3 week session outline (7/10/00) “World AIDS Day 2001” flyer (1/28/02) 6. African Assistance Program “HIV Prevention Drama” script (9/13/04) 7 7. Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc: “Choose to live well - learn about your treatment” brochure (3/24/00) “Eating right and keeping a positive attitude, more important than ever - learn to feel well while taking your medicine” brochure (3/24/00) “Learn About Your Treatment” booklet (9/17/01) “Learn To Feel Well While Taking Your Medication” booklet (9/17/01) “Making choices - learn about your treatment options” brochure (3/24/00) “My grandma has AIDS - Annisha’s story” booklet (3/24/00) & (9/17/01) “Stick with your treatment plan - taking your medicines correctly can help you live well” brochure (3/24/00) 8. “Huge Sale! Buy Crystal, Get HIV Free!” poster (5/16/05) 9. AIDS Committee of Toronto: “Get It On” brochure (9/20/04) “Grrls on Grrls and HIV” brochure (1/24/05) “I Can Relate – Gay Men, Relationships, Condoms” booklet (9/20/04) “Safer SM” brochure (8/13/01) “Safer SM” guidelines (9/15/03) “Welcome to Condom Country” pamphlet (9/20/04) “Women Lovin’ Women – Healthy-Sex-Life” (9/19/05) “Young, Proud, Safe” booklet (9/20/04) 10. Aliveness Project: “2003 World AIDS Day Celebration: The Heart and Soul of HIV” press release (1/26/04) “A Video Night for the Boyz” flyer (11/17/03) “Aliveness Project Newsletter” article: May ‘05 edition (5/16/05); September ‘05 edition (8/17/05); Nov/Dec ‘05 edition (11/21/05) “All or Nothing at All” column (2/13/06) “Barebacking and Condomless Sex Today” workshop outline (3/15/04) “Barebacking, Not as Simple as Using a Condom” workshop curriculum (5/19/03) “Be the First, to be the Positive ½ of HIV” flyer (3/17/03) “Between Us” group curriculum and flyer (9/15/03) “Between Us – HIV + Group” flyer (7/21/03) “Condoms & Lube?” flyer (7/21/03) “Condoms & Lube! Lube! Lube!” flyer (9/15/03) “Crystal Meth, HIV, and Your Body” curriculum (9/20/04) “Dating and Intimacy Discussion Group for HIV+ Adults” outline (7/19/04) “Gay Men’s Sex Discussion Group” flyer (with Greek images) (11/17/03) “HIV Men and Women’s Recovery Group” flyer and curriculum (3/15/04) “HIV + Gay Men’s Sex Discussion Group” curriculum (9/15/03) “HIV + Gay Men’s Sex Discussion Group” flyer (9/15/03) “HIV + Group, Between Us” flyer (5/19/03) “HIV + Men’s Sexual Health Group” curriculum (7/21/03) “Mental Health Issues” workshop curriculum (5/19/03) 8 “Newly Diagnosed Group (HIV)” flyer and curriculum (3/15/04) “Passion Pack” safe sex inserts (3/17/03) “Positive Sex, Condoms & Lube” brochure (7/21/03) “Positively Alive” newsletter-May ‘03 edition (5/19/03); September ’03 issue (9/15/03); January ’04 edition (1/26/04) “Positively Alive: a positive program for positive people” leaflet (3/17/03) “Positively Alive – A Program for Positives” brochure (revised) (7/21/03) “Positively Alive Program, Summer Schedule Update” flyer (9/15/03) “Positively Alive Program For HIV + People” brochure (9/15/03) “Sexual Confidence for Gay/Bi Men” flyer (7/21/03) “Sexual Confidence Workshop?” curriculum (5/19/03) “Straight Folks Together” flyer & curriculum (3/21/05) “Straight to the Point” flyer and curriculum (3/15/04) Table top poster set: “AA;” “Barebacking Einstein;” “Black Hat;” “Gentle Surfs;” “Holland Kiss;” “Keep it;” “Michelangelo;” “Navel Gazing;” “Phoenix Theater;” “Purple Meth;” “Spot’s Advice;” and “Twins” (9/19/05) “The Positively Alive Program is Here to Support…” flyer (9/15/03) “The Positively Alive Program. Be Positive and Proud” flyer (9/15/03) “World AIDS Day 2003 The Heart and Soul of HIV” poster (1/26/04) “You Can Never Have Enough Talk about Sex” curriculum (11/17/03) “You Can Never Have Enough Talk about Sex” flyer (Oct. 7th workshop) (11/17/03) 11. Alliance of the Streets: “Handbooks of the Streets” book – Minneapolis edition (9/16/02) 12. American College Health Association: “The HIV Antibody Test” brochure (4/29/96) “Hepatitis B: The Silent Epidemic” brochure (10/21/96) “HPV - What's That?” brochure (4/29/96) “Responding to HIV Infection and AIDS: Campus Inventory” survey (10/21/96) “Safer Sex” brochure (10/21/96) “Sexually Transmitted Diseases: What Everyone Should Know” brochure (10/21/96) “What Are Sexually Transmitted Diseases” brochure (12/16/96) 13. American Council for Healthy Living: “Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases” brochure (1990) 14. American Council Life Insurance: “Teens and AIDS: Playing It Safe” brochure (1989) 15. American Indian Health Care Association: “Taking Control” brochure (5/8/92) 16. American Liver Foundation: “Could You Have Hepatitis C?” brochure (3/21/05) “Getting Hip To Hep” brochure (1/22/01) 9 “Hepatitis B: Your Child at Risk” brochure (3/21/05) “The Hepatitis Information You Need To Know” brochure (11/18/02) 17. American Psychological Association: “Answers to Your Questions about Sexual Orientation and Homosexuality” fact sheet (3/17/03) 18. American Red Cross: “A Leader’s Guide to Building HIV Prevention Skills in African American Communities” manual (11/17/03) “African HIV/AIDS Starter Facts” instructor manual (5/17/04) African Proverb Posters: “He who upsets a thing should know how to rearrange it;” “Knowledge is better than riches;” “The ruin of a nation begins in the homes of its people;” “He who does not cultivate field will die of hunger;” “When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion;” and, “He who conceals his disease cannot expect to be cured” posters (5/17/04) “African Proverb Posters” (six varieties) (1/24/05) “African Talking Posters” (five varieties) (1/24/05) “AIDS and Children” brochure (1988) “AIDS and Your Job” brochure (1988) “American Red Cross African-born Instructor’s Manual” manual (11/15/04) “Caring for AIDS Patients at Home” brochure (1988) “Children, Parents and AIDS” brochure (1989) “Drugs, Sex and AIDS” brochure (1989) “Educacion y Prevencion del VIH/SIDA” overheads (11/15/04) “Emergency and Public Safety Workers and HIV/AIDS” brochure (1990) “Facts About AIDS and Drug Abuse” brochure (1988) “Gay/Bisexual Men and AIDS” brochure (1988) “Guide to Home Care for the Person with AIDS” brochure (1990) “HIV/AIDS Facts Book” book (5/17/04) “HIV/AIDS Frame” poster (5/17/04) HIV/AIDS Instructional Posters: a) “Key points”; b) “HIV infection;” c) “How HIV is not spread;” d) “How HIV is spread;” e) “Stopping the spread of HIV;” d) “Alcohol, drugs & HIV;” e) “HIV testing;” and, f) “Blood supply” posters (5/17/04) “HIV and AIDS” brochure (5/21/01) “HIV Infection and AIDS” brochure (English and Spanish versions) (English - 1989) (Spanish - 1990) “HIV Infection and Workers for Health Care Settings” brochure (1990) “HIV Prevention Education Chart” handout (5/17/04) “If Your Test for Antibody to the AIDS Virus is Positive...” brochure (1988) “Living With HIV Infection” brochure (1990) “Manual del Instructor – Program Hispano de Educacion Sobre el VIH/SIDA” curriculum (11/15/04) “Men, Sex, and AIDS” brochure (1989) “My Commitment” handout (5/17/04) “Safe Sex” brochure (1988) 10 “School Systems and AIDS” brochure (1989) “Stages of HIV Infection” handout (5/17/04) “Teenagers and AIDS” brochure (1989) “Testing for HIV Infection” brochure (1990) “What is AIDS? What is HIV?” brochure (5/17/04) “What Happens When Blood is Donated” handout (5/17/04) “Women, Sex and AIDS” brochure (1989) “Your Job and AIDS - Are There Risks” brochure (1989) 19. American Social Health Association: “A Practical Guide for the Tongue-Tied: How to Talk with Your Health Care Provider About HPV and Other STD’s” brochure (2/17/99) “Algunas Preguntas Y Respuestas Sobre El Herpes” brochure (10/21/96) “Algunas Preguntas Y Respuestas Sobre La Clamidia” brochure (10/21/96) “Algunas Preguntas Y Respuestas Sobre Las Verrugas Veneréas” brochure (10/21/96) “Better Sex, Healthy Sex” brochure (11/3/92) “Chlamydia: What You Should Know” brochure (10/21/96) “Condoms, Contraceptives and STDs” brochure (4/29/96) “Condoms, Contraceptives and STDs-Does Your Birth Control Method Protect You From STD?” brochure (2/23/98) “For Teens” brochure (11/3/92) “Hepatitis B” brochure – for General Public (11/3/92) “Hepatitis B – It Can’t Be Cured, But It Can Be Prevented” brochure – for MDH Grantees (11/27/95) “Herpes” brochure (10/21/96) “Herpes Simplex and Pregnancy” brochure (2/23/98) “HIV/AIDS What You Need To Know “ brochure (2/23/98) “HIV Negative - When Are You Free From HIV” brochure (8/5/96) “Making Love Better, Healthier-Sex Talk” brochure (2/23/98) “My Health Matters” brochure (4/29/96) “Positive Living” brochure (11/3/92) “Protect Yourself and Your Baby From STDs” brochure (11/3/92) “Questions Answers HPV” brochure (10/21/96) “Questions – HIV/AIDS – Answers” brochure (4/29/96) “Sex: Hot Healthy” brochure (10/21/96) “Some Questions and Answers About Chlamydia” brochure (revised version) (10/21/96) “Some Questions and Answers About HPV and Genital Warts” brochure (3/17/03) “Some Questions and Answers About Venereal Warts” brochure (1990) “Syphilis: A Serious Disease, A Simple Cure” brochure (2/17/99) “Telling Your Partner About Herpes” brochure (2/17/99) “What You Should Know About Chlamydia” brochure (3/17/03) “When Your Partner Has Herpes” brochure – MDH Grantees (4/29/96) “When Your Partner Has Herpes” brochure – MDH Grantees & YIP (10/21/96) 11 20. Asian AIDS Project: “Asians and AIDS: What's the Connection” brochure (11/3/92) “Long Yang Workshop” outline (1/22/01) 21. Asian Health Project: “Herpes” brochure (1991) “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” brochure (1990) 22. Atlanta Harm Reduction Center: “Smoking Crack: Does Not Have To Mean Losing Control Of Your Life” brochure (adopted by MAP) (1/27/03) 23. Balm In Gilead: “Healing Through Prayer, Education, Advocacy and Service” handout (11/19/01) “Our Church Lights the Way - Get Tested for HIV” brochure (9/17/01) “The Balm In Gilead” brochure (9/17/01) “The Black Women's Guide to Living With HIV/AIDS” booklet (4/12/99) 24. Becton, Dickinson and Company: “For Comfort and Safety, Use Insulin Needles Only Once.” instructional card (7/18/05) 25. Body Health Resources Corporation ( “A Guide to HIV Drug Resistance” booklet (3/21/05) “Crystal Meth: When Using Just Isn’t Fun Anymore” article/handout (9/20/04) “HIV Medications: When to Start and What to Take – A Roadmap to Success” booklet (1/26/04) “Stigmatizing Crystal Meth” article/handout (9/20/04) 26. Boldt Entertainment/Ryan White Foundation: “Awareness Is Doing Something” coloring/comic book (11/5&9/98) 27. Boys and Girls Club of America: “Postponing Sex” handout (9/14/99) 28. Breaking Free: “Breaking Free Group Level Intervention” pre and post questionnaire (5/17/04) “Breaking Free: Sisters Helping Sisters Break Free” brochure (1/27/03) “Evaluation Sheet” handout (3/17/03) “Pre and Post Test HIV/STD Questionnaire” handout (3/17/03) “We’re Here for You” outreach card (7/18/05) 29. Bridgeport Needle Exchange: “Shoot Smart Shoot Safe – Tips for Safer Crack Injection” brochure (11/17/03) 12 30. Bristol - Meyers - Squibb: “Healthy Living Pocket Guide” book (9/17/01) “If You’re Thinking About Treatments for HIV” booklet (9/14/99) “What You Should Know about Living with HIV” booklet (9/14/99) “What You Should Know about Zerit (stavudine) and HIV” booklet (9/14/99) 31. Burroughs-Welcome: “Living With HIV” brochure (10/13/93) “There's Something You Should Know” brochure (11/27/95) 32. Canadian Public Health Association: “Les Femmes Et Le SIDA: Options Four Les Femmes A L'ere Du SIDA” brochure (8/5/96) “Women and AIDS: Choices For Women In The Age Of AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 33. Caring Hands, Inc.: “How To Pee Standing Without Devices” handout (1/28/02) 34. Catholic Charities/Street Scene/Street Works: “Be Streetwise, Don't Take Risks” brochure (8/5/96) “Body Piercing Information/Aftercare” brochure (8/5/96) “Case Management Training: Women At Risk For HIV/STDs” manual (8/5/96) “Curriculum For The Provision of HIV/STD Prevention, Education and Risk Reduction” (8/5/96) “Outreach Plan Manual for Homeless Women” manual (8/5/96) “Seton Outreach Services For Women” brochure (8/5/96) 35. Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California San Francisco: “Do Condoms Work?” handout (4/12/99) “How Do Parents and Children Talk About HIV?” handout (4/12/99) “Mpowerment Project Training Manual – gay/bi education” manual (7/19/04) “Mpowerment Project Training Manual – prevention for positives” manual (7/19/04) “What Are HIV Prevention Needs of Adults Over 50?” handout (4/12/99) “What Are Women's HIV Prevention Needs?” handout (4/12/99) 36. Center For Behavioral Research and Services: “For Women Only: A Year Without Santa” brochure (8/5/96) “For Women Only: Don't Put Your Child at Risk” brochure (8/5/96) “For Women Only: Lesson In Love” brochure (8/5/96) “For Women Only: Telling It Like It Is” brochure (8/5/96) “For Women Only: We Can Take Our Time” brochure (8/5/96) 37. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “AIDS and You” brochure (1989) “Caring for Someone with AIDS” brochure (1990) “Hepatitis A Prevention” brochure (5/21/01) 13 “How to Clean Needles and Syringes to Reduce the Risk of HIV Infection” handout (5/17/04) “How You Won’t Get AIDS” brochure (1989) “Preventing HIV and AIDS” booklet (5/19/03) 38. Centro Cultural Chicano: “Chameleon/El Camaleon” street theater script (9/16/02) “Street Theater Script ‘Confession’” by Teatro del Pueblo (11/20/00) 39. Chai Project: “Tricks of the Trade: Health and Safety Tips For Sex Workers” brochure (1/27/03) 40. Channing Bete Company: “A Call to Men of Color / HIV and Men” brochure (5/16/05) “A Call to Women of Color” brochure (2/23/98 & 2/17/99) “A Christian Response to AIDS” booklet (11/19/01) “About AIDS and Shooting Drugs” booklet (2/10/97) “About Combination Drug Therapy for HIV” booklet (2/23/98) “About STDs” booklet (1989) “AIDS: An African Women's Story” booklet (5/3/95) “Anyone Can Get AIDS” booklet (12/2/91) “Chlamydia - A Hidden Danger” brochure (5/3/95) “Chlamydia Reduce Your Risk” brochure (12/22/97) “Condoms - What Women Need to Know” booklet (5/3/95) & (8/5/96) “Could I Have HIV” brochure (2/17/99) “Dying To Get High” booklet (12/2/91) “El VIH, Su Bebe' y Usted” booklet (8/5/96) “Facts About STDs” brochure (3/18/02) “Find Out About STDs - It Could Save Your Life” booklet (5/3/95) “Genital Warts booklet” (English and Spanish versions) (4/13/98) “Getting Him to Use a Condom” brochure (2/17/99) “Gonorrhea - More Common Than You Think” booklet (English and Spanish versions) (4/13/98) “Good Nutrition for People with HIV” booklet (5/17/04) “HIV and AIDS – Facts For Young People” booklet (5/3/95) “HIV, AIDS and Shooting Up” booklet (2/23/98) “HIV Testing and Pregnancy” booklet (2/23/98) “HIV: To Protect Yourself Learn the Facts” booklet (5/3/95) “Keep Free from HIV: For Men” brochure (5/16/05) “La Prueba del VIH y el Embarazo” booklet (11/23/98) “Living Well with HIV?” booklet (3/20/06) “Lo Que Gente Joven---” booklet (2/10/97) “Lo Que Todos Deben---” booklet (2/10/97) “My Brother Got AIDS - An African American Man's Story” booklet (4/12/99) “My Family Never Talked About AIDS” booklet (5/3/95) “Preventing Opportunistic Infections” booklet (4/12/99) 14 “Protect Yourself from HIV: For Women” brochure (5/16/05) “Protect Yourself from STDs” booklet (5/8/92) “Saying No to Sex - It Makes Sense” booklet (English and Spanish versions) (6/8/94) & (5/3/95) “Sex and STDs” brochure (11/3/92) “Sex is Safer with a Condom” brochure (12/2/91) “Syphilis - Still a Threat” booklet (English and Spanish versions) (4/13/98) “Thinking about Tattooing or Body Piercing” booklet (2/23/98) “To Women in Their Teens and Twenties” brochure (2/17/99) “Understanding AIDS in the Workplace” booklet (6/8/94) “What Young People Should Know About AIDS” booklet (5/17/04) “When A Loved One Has HIV” booklet (5/17/04) “You, Your Baby and HIV” booklet (8/5/96) “Young People Can Get AIDS” booklet (12/2/91) 41. Chicago Recovery Alliance: “Better Vein Care/Safer Injection” guide (9/14/99) “Better Vein Care/Safer Injection” post card pictorials (9/14/99) 42. City of Philadelphia Public Health: “AIDS The Facts” brochure (8/5/96) “Having A Simple Yeast Infection, May Not Be So Simple Anymore” brochure (8/5/96) “Shooting Drugs and AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 43. Clay County Public Health: “Focus Group Questions” (2/23/98) “Key Informant Interview” (12/22/97) HIV/STD Prevention Planning Survey (Latinos) (8/5/96) HIV/STD Prevention Planning Survey (Young Adults, Bar Version) (8/5/96) HIV/STD Prevention Planning Survey (Youth) (8/5/96) HIV/STD Survey in Northwestern Minnesota (English and Spanish Versions) (2/10/97) “Survey for HIV/AIDS/STD Education and Prevention” (2/23/98) 44. Clinic 42, Abbot Northwestern Hospital: “2003 World AIDS Day Celebration: The Heart and Soul of HIV” press release (1/26/04) “EROS Party Prep List” card (5/20/02) “Gay Men’s Sex Discussion Group” brochure (9/15/03) “Gay Men’s Sex Discussion Group” post card (9/15/03) “HCV Support Croup” curriculum (11/17/03) “Hepatitis C Support Group” outreach card (3/17/03) “I Am Negative and My Partner is HIV Positive---” post card “Mystery Date” workshop curriculum (7/21/03) “PIN News” newsletters: summer 2001 (9/17/01); fall/winter 2001 (1/28/02); summer 2002 (9/16/02) “Project Positive Outcome Survey” (9/24/03) 15 “Project Positive: Sexual Health Promotion for People Living With HIV and/or their Sexual Partners” flyer (8/13/01) “Project Positive Web-page-Initial Launch” (11/17/03) “Project Positive Website: Project Positive Cyber Community Center; MSM Resource Room; Hetero Resource Room; MSM Partners of Positives Resource Room; Hetero Partners of Positives Resource Room; Sexual Health Resource Room; and, Community Resource Room.” (11/17/03) STD Coasters: “Chlamydia – burning from desire;” “ Genital warts – rocky road;” “Gonorrhea – don’t go with the flow;” “Herpes – hot spot;” “Hepatitis – not so mellow yellow;” “HIV – pitcher or catcher;” and, “Syphilis – e-ruptions” coasters (1/26/04) “Straight to the Point Support Group: support group for heterosexuals living with HIV/AIDS and their partners” outreach card (3/17/03) “Testing buddies peer manual” (2/15/00) “Testing buddies peer manual - facilitators version” (2/15/00) “Testing buddies peer manual - I am Joe/Jane’s STD activity” (2/15/00) “Testing buddies peer manual - pre/post training quiz” (2/15/00) “Testing buddies peer manual - STD jeopardy activity” (2/15/00) “Testing buddies peer manual - training satisfaction evaluation” (2/15/00) “World AIDS Day 2003 The Heart and Soul of HIV” condom cover (11/17/03) “World AIDS Day 2003 The Heart and Soul of HIV” poster (1/26/04) “You Can Never Have Enough Talk about Sex” curriculum (11/17/03) “You Can Never Have Enough Talk about Sex” flyer (Oct. 7th workshop) (11/17/03) 45. CLUES: “CLUES Provides Confidential Support/CLUES Proporciona Apoyo Confidencial” flyer (9/14/99) “For Latino Men/Hombre Latino” flyer (9/14/99) “Latino MSM Support Group” curriculum (11/17/03) “Para Los Hombres Latinos (for Latino Men)” flyer (3/24/00) “Porque Amas...Protegete! (Because You Love...Protect Yourself!)” flyer (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) “Pruebas de VIH Gratis y Clases Educacionales Sobre el VIH/SIDA Para la Comunidad Latina (Free HIV Tests and Educational Classes About HIV/AIDS for the Latino Community)” flyer (1/26/04) 46. Coalition for Positive Sexuality: “Just Say Yes/Di Que Si” booklet (1/22/01) 47. Community Fitness Today: “What Everybody Should Know About HIV/AIDS” presentation flyer (9/17/01) “Twin Cities African American Church HIV Prevention Project” brochure (11/19/01) 48. Conasida: “El Condom” brochure (2/10/97) 16 49. CORE Program: “Chico Modernos” comic book (6/8/94) 50. Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans: “AIDS/HIV and Asian Pacific Communities” brochure (1991) 51. DanceSafe: “DanceSafe Drug Information Card Set - Harm Reduction: 2-CB; Acid; Cocaine; Ectasy; GHB; Heroine; Marijuana; Mushrooms; Nitrous Oxide; and Speed” (5/20/02) 52. Dartnell Corporation: “When a Co-worker has AIDS” brochure (1989) 53. D.E.A.F. (Now called CSD of Minnesota): “AIDS Ride Poem” by Ron Harmount, Jr. (2/10/97) “Deaf Community HIV/AIDS and STD Network: Protect Yourself Everytime” flyer (4/14/97) “Minnesota Deaf Community HIV/AIDS and STD Education” brochure (4/29/96) “Protection Options” overhead transparencies (9/14/99) “Remember...” Overhead transparencies (9/14/99) “Syphilis - Health Warning” outreach card (11/18/02) 54. District 202: “Methamphetamine” handout by Marissa Olsen (1/28/02) “No One Is Free When Others Are Oppressed” orientation brochure (1/22/01) 55. District of Columbia Department of Health/Administration for HIV/AIDS: “Be Ready For What’s Coming Next” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Expect Respect” outreach post card (10/12/99) “I Told Him: Roll It On…” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Let’s Talk About Sex” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Life is Sweet. Make it Last” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Need Some New Lines…” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Negative or Positive…” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Negativos o Postivos…” outreach post card (10/12/99) “O lo hacemos a mi manera, o no lo hacemos” outreach post card (10/12/99) “One Way. My Way. Or No Way.” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Por tu vida !no te arriesgues!” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Protegete” outreach post card (10/12/99) “Sex. Drugs. And HIV?” outreach post card (10/12/99) 56. Donna Odierna (author): “Herbal Detox” article (11/18/02) 57. Epitope, Inc.: “What You Should Know About The OraSure HIV-1 Oral Specimen Collection Device Prior to Providing an Oral Specimen” brochure (English and Spanish bilingual)(11/18/02) 17 58. ETR Associates/Network Publications: “5 Smart Steps To Condoms” brochure (8/13/01) “9 Sexually Responsible Behaviors” brochure (1/24/05) “21st Century STD” brochure (3/19/01) “101 Ways to Make Love Without Doin It” brochure (11/27/95) “101 Ways To Say No To Sex” brochure (4/12/99) “About Methamphetamine” brochure (9/19/05) “Abstinence and Staying With It” brochure (5/19/03) “Abstinence Think About It/Abstinencia Piénselo” brochure (2/10/97) “Abstinence and Self Esteem/Abstinencia y Autoestima” bilingual brochure (English and Spanish) (1/27/03) “Alcohol y VIH – Pienselo (Alcohol and HIV – Think About It)” brochure (1/26/04) “All About Treating HIV” brochure (5/20/02) “All About Preventing HIV” booklet (revised version) (5/19/03) “Are You Ready? Am I Parent Material?” brochure (7/21/03) “Amigos Y Amantes” photo tabloid (6/8/94) “Birth Control” brochure (12/16/96) “Body Art Self Test” brochure (2/23/98) “Chlamydia” brochure (4/13/98) “Chlamydia Screening” brochure (3/19/01) “Condoms - How To Use Them” brochure (7/15/02) “Condoms - Talking With Your Partner” brochure (1/22/01) “Condones-Piénselo (Condoms – Think About It)” brochure (1/26/04) “Cystitis” brochure (1990) “Depression” brochure (1/22/01) “Does Your Man Shoot Dope?” booklet (11/3/92) & (5/19/03) “Drinking and HIV” brochure (8/13/01) “Drinking and STD” brochure (4/12/99) “Drug Facts” brochure (1/27/03) “Drugs and HIV - Think About It / Drogas y VIH Pienselo” brochure (1/22/01) “Endometriosis” brochure (1990) “FAQs Safer Sex” brochure (1/24/05) “FAQs STD” brochure (1/24/05) “Genital Warts and HPV - Sexually Transmitted Disease” brochure (8/13/01) “Gonorrhea” brochure (4/13/98) “Hepatitis A” brochure (11/16/99) “Hepatitis B” brochure (4/13/98) “Hepatitis C” brochure (2/23/98) “Herpes - Sexually Transmitted Disease” brochure (revised version) (4/13/98) “HIV: After the Test” brochure (revised version) (5/19/03) “HIV Am I At Risk” brochure (4/12/99) “HIV and STD Prevention After 50” brochure (5/19/03) “HIV Answers for Women” brochure (11/3/92) “HIV Antibody Test” brochure & website (English version) (3/20/06) “HIV Facts” brochure (English and Spanish versions) (4/13/98) “HIV Fast Facts - Abstinence” brochure (4/29/96) 18 “HIV Fast Facts - Condoms” brochure (4/29/96) “HIV Fast Facts - Testing” brochure (4/29/96) “HIV Fast Facts - The Basics” brochure (4/29/96) “HIV Fast Facts - What is HIV+” brochure (4/29/96) “HIV Fast Facts - Young Women” brochure (4/29/96) “HIV Mom-to-be” brochure (5/17/04) “HIV – Not Me” brochure (1/26/04) “HIV Think About It/VIH Piénselo” brochure (2/10/97) “HIV, What If I’m Positive” brochure (8/13/01) “HIV: What If I’m Negative” brochure (revised version) (5/19/03) “I’ll Take the Condom” brochure (4/13/98) “I’ll Take the Condom” tabloid (11/3/92) “Incredible Condom Facts “ brochure (2/23/98) “Incredible STD Facts” brochure (2/23/98) “It Only Takes A Minute” brochure (5/21/01) “It's About Condoms” tabloid (11/3/92) “La Hepatitis A, B y C (Hepatitis ABC’s)” brochure (1/26/04) “La pruerba de clamidia” brochure (3/19/01) “Living With HIV, Feelings” brochure (1/26/04) “Living With HIV, Managing HIV” brochure (8/13/01) “Living With HIV, Services” brochure (8/13/01) “Living With HIV, Sex” brochure (1/26/04) “Living With HIV, Staying Healthy” brochure (5/20/02) “Living With HIV, Treatment Options” brochure (8/13/01) “Living With HIV, Your Health Care Provider” brochure (8/13/01) “Living With HIV, Your Treatment Plan” brochure (8/13/01) “Men and HIV – Take Charge” brochure (1/26/04) “Men Protect Your Sexual Health” brochure (4/13/98) “NGU” brochure (1990) “Not Everyone’s Doin It” brochure (2/10/97) “PID” brochure (10/21/96) “PID – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” brochure (3/17/03) “Play Safe” brochure (11/3/92) “Play Safe” tabloid (11/3/92) “Real World HIV” brochure (5/20/02) “Real World STD” brochure (11/16/99) “Safer Sex Can Be Fun!” (revised edition) – brochure (7/21/03) “Safer Works If You Shoot Drugs” brochure (7/15/02) “STD Facts/ETS” brochure (English and Spanish) (5/18/99) “STD Talking With Your Teen” brochure (5/21/01) “STD Test – Get Yours” brochure (1/24/05) “STD, You and Others - Sexually Transmitted Disease” brochure (8/13/01) “Syphilis” brochure (8/96) “Syphilis: Sexually Transmitted Disease” brochure (4/13/98) “Syphilis: Sexually Transmitted Disease” brochure (3/17/03) 19 “Talking with Your Child About AIDS” brochure (now retitled, “HIV Talking With Your Child”) (1989) “Talking with Your Partner About Safer Sex” brochure (1989) & (11/3/92) & (8/13/01) “Talking with Your Partner About Using Condoms” brochure (11/3/92) “Talking with Your Teenager About AIDS” brochure (now retitled,” HIV Talking With Your Teen”) (1989) “Teens and HIV” brochure (11/27/95) “The Choice to Abstain” brochure (5/8/92) “Vaginitis” brochure (1990) “We Can Protect Ourselves from HIV and AIDS” booklet (11/3/92) “What About Older Guys, Teens Talk With Teens” brochure (7/21/03) “What’s Changing? Sexual Health Women” brochure (4/13/98) “Women Protect Your Sexual Health” brochure (4/13/98) “Women and STDs” brochure (8/5/96) 59. Euro RSCG Life NRP “Facts About Chlamydia” handout (3/15/04) “Facts About Gonorrhea” handout (3/15/04) “STDs Can Cause Serious Complications” cartoon (3/15/04) “Three Out of Four Have No Symptoms” poster (3/15/04) 60. Face to Face Health and Counseling Service: “A Day In The Life Of A Homeless GLBT Youth” simulation exercise (11/18/02) “Face to Face GLBT Support Group” curriculum (11/17/03) “Interested in Getting Tested” poster (11/16/99) “SafeZone” street outreach card (9/17/01) 61. Fairy HIV Action Group: “Yeah, But Is It Safe?” booklet (5/19/03) 62. Federal Drug Administration: “Eating Defensively: Food Safety Advice for Persons with AIDS” brochure (1989) 63. Female Health Company: “Female Condom Instructions” handout (5/17/04) “Female Condom Instructions and Insertion Diagrams” handout (5/17/04) “Latex Condom Instructions” handout (5/17/04) “Male Latex Condom Instructions (with illustrations)” handout (5/17/04) “Reality Female Condom” brochure (5/18/99) 64. Fond du Lac: HIV and STD Survey 1996 (8/5/96) HIV and STD Survey 1996-1997 (12/16/96) “STD/HIV Prevention Planning 1997-1998 Focus Group” (12/22/97) “STD & HIV Youth Survey, 1997-1998” (12/22/97) 20 65. Fremont and Westside Community Health: “El VIH: El Virus Que Causa el SIDA…” brochure (2/15/00) 66. “Study: Crystal Meth Fueling HIV, Syphilis Epidemics” article/handout (9/20/04) 67. Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: “Hepatitis A & B: A Bigger Deal Than You Think” brochure (11/17/03) 68. Gay Lesbian Community Action Council: “Men In Communities of Color Survey Questionnaire” (4/13/98) 69. Gay Men's Health Crisis: “Complete Guide to Gay Men’s Sexual, Physical, and Educational Well-Being” Guide by Daniel Wolfe (5/21/01) Crystal Cards: “My rule was to always use condoms…”; “I hooked up with these bruthas at a sex party…”; “We had a few cocktails…”; “I wanted to forget about being HIV positive…”; “I hooked up with these guys at the bathhouse…”; “I did some crystal so I could party all night…”; “I never wanted to give him HIV…”; “I did a bump of crystal on Friday night…”; “I was looking to hook up online and PNP…”; “I never wanted to give anyone HIV…”; “I used to always play safe…”; “Cada fin de semana nos íbamos de fiesta…” (5/16/05) “Safer Sex Guidelines for Gay Men” brochure (4/12/99) “Safer Sex Handbook for Lesbians” booklet (revised version) (5/20/02) “The ABCs of STDs (for gay men)” booklet (11/16/99) “The GMHC Complete Guide to Gay Men’s Sexual, Physical and Emotional Well Being” pages 124-134: Sex Life Versus the Rest of Your Life? (9/19/05) 70. GlaxoSmithKline (formerly GlaxoWellcome): “Drug Holidays: One Vacation You Don’t Want to Take” booklet (7/19/04) “How HIV Works in Your Body” booklet (9/14/99) & (11/19/01) “Reach One, Teach One” prison peer training curriculum (11/19/01) “What Have You Heard About Starting HIV Therapy” booklet (11/19/01) “Your Health Risks in Correction Settings” brochure (11/19/01) 71. GLSEN: “Staff Development on Homophobia Issues” handout (3/17/03) “Resources for Educators Dealing with Gay and Lesbian Issues” handout (3/17/03) 72. Global Protection Corporation: “Pleasure Plus” handout (1/28/02) “STDs: The Quiet Epidemic” brochure (5/21/01) 73. Hallie Q. Brown: “Learn About AIDS” brochure (1990) “Love Carefully” brochure (1990) 21 74. Harm Reduction Coalition: “C is for Cocaine” brochure (11/18/02) “Getting Off Right – A Safety Manual For IDUs” (7/15/02) “H is for Heroin” brochure (11/18/02) “Hepatitis A B C: The Straight Dope” brochure (7/15/02) “Hepatitis A B C” flyer (7/15/02) “Hepatitis C for Users” booklet (11/17/03) “Levels of Risk: Picking a Spot to Hit – Know The Risks” brochure (11/18/02) “Overdose Prevention and Survival” brochure (5/1/00) “S is for Speed” brochure (11/18/02) “Taking Care of Your Veins: Rotate Your Spot” brochure (7/15/02) “Think Sink! Think Light” brochure (11/18/02) “What is Harm Reduction?” handout (11/18/02) 75. Hatcher, Hatcher, Pluhar, Zieman, Nelson & Darney “La Planificacíon Familiar?” book (half of book) (5/16/05) “La Planificacíon Familiar?” book (second half of book) (7/18/05) 76. Health EDCO, Inc: “ABCs of STDs” display model (3/18/02) “AIDS: Not Just Another STD” flipchart (3/24/00) “Death of an Immune System” display model (3/18/02) “STD: Courting Disaster” (3/24/00) 77. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA): “Recreational Drugs and HIV Antivirals: Guide to Interactions for Clinicians” (9/15/03) 78. Health Start Clinic: Crossword Puzzle – Handout (10/13/93) 79. Hennepin County/Red Door Clinic/HIM Program/Neighborhood Involvement Program: “African Men Who Have Sex With Men Group” flyer (11/19/01) “African Men Who Have Sex With Men Group” project proposal (11/19/01) “AIDS - What Women Should Know” brochure (1988) “Are You Married to a Woman and Attracted to Men?” post card (3/17/03) “Because I Care HIV Testing Event” flyer (11/19/01) “Between Men Discussion Group” outline (3/17/03) “Burning Love: STD Info for Positive People” workshop curriculum (5/19/03) “Camp Benedict: STD Info for Positive People” outline (7/21/03) “Can We Talk Forum: The Masseur and Escort Program” outline (4/12/99) “Celebrating Our Lives 2000” conference presentation outline “Chlamydia” brochure (11/17/03) “Come On and Ring My Bell” outline (3/18/02) “Counseling and Support Groups for Persons with HIV/AIDS” brochure (9/16/02) “Crabs” brochure (11/27/95) “Epidemiology Update: Hepatitis C” handout (9/11/00) 22 “Fact or Fiction” exercise (11/21/05) “Fourth Annual Holiday Bowl” flyer (11/19/01) “Fungal Infection in Men” brochure (11/17/03) “Genital Herpes” brochure (11/17/03) “Girl Talk” invitation (7/19/04) “Gonorrhea” brochure (4/29/96) “Gray Eagles” general program curriculum outline (11/15/04) “Hennepin County Red Door Clinic” brochure (8/5/96) “Hepatitis B” brochure (4/29/96) “Hepatitis C” brochure (11/17/03) “H.I.M. Program” brochure (11/27/95) “H.I.M. Program” website (1/26/04) “H.I.M. Program Between Men Discussion Group” pre/post test evaluation (1/24/05) “HIV (AIDS) Testing at the Red Door Clinic” brochure (8/5/96) “HIV Disclosure Issues” curriculum (3/21/05) “Holiday Bowl Event” outline and health questionnaire (11/19/01) “How to Use a Condom (Rubber)” brochure (1991) “Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)” brochure (11/17/03) “Men Together Brunch Support Program” outline (7/21/03) “Men’s Center Health and Well-Being Symposium Program” outline and AIDS Jeopardy Game (11/19/01) “Men’s Monthly” discussion group agenda (3/15/04) “Men’s Monthly Sexual Health Group for Gay and Bi Men” outlines: May ‘04 edition (5/17/04); June ‘04 edition (5/17/04); July ‘04 edition (5/17/04); September ‘04 edition (9/20/04); October ’04 edition (9/20/04) “Molluscum Contagiosum” brochure (10/21/96) “Mystery Date” workshop curriculum (7/21/03) “Non-gonococcal Urethritis” brochure (11/17/03) “Nonspecific Urethritis” brochure (10/21/96) “Open to All Your Questions – A STD/HIV Prevention Program for Youth” YIP postcard (3/15/04) “Past, Present, and Future” outline for CD treatment programs (11/17/03) “Pelvic Inflammatory Disease” brochure (11/27/95) “Prevention Case Management (PCM)” intake assessment and accompanying forms (5/19/03) “Profile for Man Hunt outreach for” profile (4/5/06) “Protect Yourself Against Hepatitis A & B / Protejase Contra la Hepatitis A y la Hepatitis B” brochure (11/15/04) “Pubic Lice” brochure (11/17/03) “Recipes for Disaster, Recipes for Success” conference presentation outline (3/24/00) “Rubber Kit” insert (3/15/04) “Scabies” brochure (11/27/95) “Screening Coupon” (6/7/04) “Sex & the Internet” curriculum & media (3/21/05) “Sexual Health and Compulsivity” program outline (3/24/00) “” website (5/15/06) “Summer Lovin’: Exploring Intimacy Between Men” program outline (3/24/00) 23 “Straight Spouse Network” brochure (3/18/02) “Syphilis” brochure (11/17/03) “Syphilis” public health letter (3/20/06) “Syphilis / Safer Sex?” chart (3/20/06) “Syphilis: What Now?” brochure (3/20/06) “Teens and STD Facts” fact sheet (10/21/96) “The HIM Program of the Red Door Clinic” brochure (3/17/03) “The Mind Body Soul Program” outline and program flyer (5/20/02) “There’s Something You Need to Know…Syphilis is Back” outreach card (3/15/04) “Think Before Your Act” brochure (5/3/95) “Tinea and Yeast” brochure (11/27/95) “Trichomoniasis” brochure (11/17/03) “Vaginitis” brochure (11/27/95) “Venereal Warts” brochure (11/27/95) “What You Need to Know About HIV Testing at Pride Institute” brochure (5/17/04) “Whatever Happened to AIDS” newsletter article (5/19/03) “What's The Reality of Your Sexuality” fact sheet (10/21/96) “Why Not Safer Now” brochure (6/8/94) “YIP Post-test outcome monitoring evaluation instrument” form (9/20/04) “YIP Pre-test outcome monitoring evaluation instrument” form (9/20/04) “YIP – Youth Intervention Project” wallet-sized card (3/15/04) “Youth Intervention Project” brochure (11/27/95) “Youth Intervention Project Questionnaire” assessment form (8/5/96) 80. Hepatitis B Coalition: “Hepatitis B - 100 Times Easier to Catch Than HIV - Get Vaccinated” brochure (9/14/99) “Questions Frequently Asked About Hepatitis B” fact sheet (12/16/96) 81. HERO: “AIDS - Don’t Let AIDS Block Your Shot At Life” brochure (4/13/98) “HIV Infection - Precautions for the First Responder” brochure (11/3/92) “Reach for the Bleach” brochure (11/3/92) “Safer Sex for Men and Women concerned About HIV Infection” brochure (8/5/96) “When You Get Hot Be Cool” brochure (8/5/96) “You Don’t Have to be White or Gay to Get AIDS” brochure (1989) 82. Hispanos en Minnesota: “HIV/AIDS Risk Assessment” survey (10/21/96) 83. HIV Positive Magazine: “Just Diagnosed?” article (11/19/01) 84. “Crystal Meth Pride 2004” poster (5/16/05) 24 85. Hook: “Male Sexwork Handbook: A Basic Guide to Working Safe, Sane, and Smart in the Sex Industry” handbook (11/17/03) Impact AIDS (See San Francisco AIDS Foundation) 86. Indian Health Board of Minneapolis: “What Do I Do Now That I'm Living With HIV?” brochure (4/12/99) 87. Indigenous Peoples Task Force: (formerly called, Minnesota American Indian AIDS Task Force): “A Coyote Story” play script (4/14/97) “A Guide to Safer Sex for Two Spirit Native Gay Men” brochure (5/18/99) “Another Way Out” play script (4/14/97) “HIV Infection and Threat in Indian Country” booklet (11/17/03) “HIV/STD Jeopardy” Q/A sheet (3/18/02) “My Grandmother’s Love” play script (4/14/97) “Myths and Facts About Anal Sex for Indian Men” brochure (11/18/02) “Myths and Facts About Relationships and HIV for Indian Men” brochure (11/18/02) “Native American Men and HIV/AIDS” brochure (11/18/02) “Ogitchitag Gikinooamaagad Peer Education Program”: -pre and post test surveys (3/18/02) -consent form (7/15/02) -consent form for test subjects and feedback forms (7/15/02) -evaluation/acting skills testing survey (7/15/02) -post-test survey for participants (7/15/02) -scenarios for acting skills post-testing questionnaire (7/15/02) -scenarios for acting skills pre-testing questionnaire (7/15/02) “Pow-Wow Cooking” play script (4/14/97) “Pow-Wow Leadership Training” Module (3/21/05) “Respecting Yourself and Your Partner” brochure (11/18/02) “Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Indian Country” brochure (11/18/02) “Summer Native Arts Program” consent form (7/15/02) “Summer Native Arts Program” survey (3/18/02) “This Place” play script (4/14/97) “Two Spirit Indigenous Native American Gay Social” flyer (5/18/99) “Two Spirit: Native American, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Community” outreach card (11/19/01) “Two Spirit Risk Reduction Program” brochure (11/18/02) “Two Spirit Risk Reduction Program” brochure (11/19/01) “Two Spirit Risk Reduction Program” curriculum (5/1/00) & (5/20/02 – revised version) “Two Spirit Risk Reduction” curriculum instructors book (5/20/02) “Two Spirit Role Playing Game” (7/15/02) “Two Spirit Social” flyer (11/19/01) 25 88. Journeyworks Publishing: “50 Things You Should Know About HIV and Safer Sex” brochure (10/21/96) “Hepatitis B & C” brochure (11/16/99) “HIV and AIDS - Should I Take The Test / El VIH y el SIDA Debo hacerme la prueba?” brochure (English and Spanish) (5/18/99) “HIV and Pregnancy – Ten Things You Should Know” brochure (7/19/04) “HIV and Sex - Unsafe, Safer, Safest / El VIH el sexo - Muy riesgoso, Menos riesgoso, Poco riesgoso” brochure (English and Spanish) (5/18/99) “HIV – Understanding Your Risk” brochure (1/24/05) “How Abstinence Protects You From HIV and Other STDs” brochure (5/17/04) “How to Say No to Unwanted Sexual Attention” brochure (1/24/05) “Lesbians and HIV-Are you At Risk?” brochure (5/21/01) “Self Esteem, HIV and Safer Sex” brochure (10/21/96) “Sex, Communication and Respect” brochure (1/24/05) “Tattoos and Body Piercing: Protecting Yourself From Hepatitis and HIV” brochure (11/18/02) “Teaching Your Teen About Sexual Responsibility” brochure (1/24/05) “Ten Ways To Protect Yourself From HIV & Other STDs” brochure (5/20/02) “What Every Woman Should Know About HPV and Cervical Cancer” brochure (7/19/04) “What Older Adults Need to Know About HIV and Other STDs” brochure (3/21/05) “Women and STDs” brochure (8/5/96) “Young and Gay: Protect Yourself from HIV” brochure (11/19/01) 89. JRI Health “TransFacts for TransMen: What You Practice Can Save Your Life” brochure (11/17/03) 90. Kaiser Family Foundation: “Get Informed, Get the Facts About HIV/AIDS and Other STDs” booklet (7/21/03) “The Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic” (September 2005) handout (3/20/06) “The HIV/AIDS Epidemic in the United States” (September 2005) handout (3/20/06) “San Francisco Public Health Officials Discuss Crystal Meth Use That Has Led to High-Risk Behavior Among MSM” article/handout (9/20/04) 91. Krames Communications: “Herpes” booklet (12/22/97) “STDs” booklet (1989) “Understanding and Preventing HIV and AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) “What You Need to Know About Condoms and STDs” brochure (8/5/96) 92. La Oportunidad, Inc.: “HIV/AIDS Risk Assessment” (4/13/98) 93. Lesnick, Henry: “It’s Up to Us” Curriculum (2/10/97) 94. Lewin, Sheldon, MSW: “Developmental Stages of Bisexual Men in Straight Relationships” article (1/24/05) 26 95. Life or Meth posters: “Would you ingest drain cleaner & antifreeze?”; “Tina destroys the life & soul of the party.”; “Turn your back on Meth…not on life.”; “You can break free…from Tina’s grip.”; “Just one night with Crystal Meth…can undo years of safe sex.” (5/16/05) “Meth = Death” card (5/16/05) 96. Lifestyles: “How To Use a Condom” brochure (11/27/95) 97. Lowers, Jane, Deneuve (Nov/Dec 1995, p 16): “Lesbians and STDs: If She's Got It, You Don't Want It” handout (8/5/96) 98. Lutheran Social Services: “AIDS Information Duluth” brochure (1/24/05) “AIDS Information Duluth – Street Smart Program” brochure (1/24/05) “HIV/AIDS STD Knowledge Worksheets I & II” worksheets (11/30/05) “Informed Consent Form” form (12/20/05) “Post Intervention Survey & Supporting Documents” survey (1/23/06) “Pre & Post Coping Problem Solving Skills Worksheet” worksheet (12/9/05) “Pre & Post Intervention Evaluation Forms” evaluation form (1/23/06) “Regional HIV/STD Prevention Planning Project” survey (8/5/96) “Steps to Correct Condom Use” handout (12/20/05) “Steps to Correct Female Condom Use” handout (12/20/05) “Street Smart Enrollment Form” form (1/24/05) “Street Smart Focus Group Interview” planning sheet (1/24/05) “Street Smart Focus Group Interview Evaluation” evaluation (1/24/05) “Street Smart Participant Intake Form” form (1/24/05) “Street Smart Survey” survey (1/24/05) 99. Mancilla, Michael & Troshinsky, Lisa “Love in the Time of HIV” pages 48-54: A Man Falls in Your Lap: Replacing the Isaac Newton Theory of Love (9/19/05) 100. Martin Luther King Center: “Sex Alert” handout (1989) 101. Merck “Common Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) – A Guide for Women & A Guide for Men” desk top flip chart (7/19/04) 102. MEXFAM: “El Condom” brochure (6/8/94) 27 103. Minneapolis Department of Health and Family Support: “Don't Get Stuck With AIDS” brochure (4/12/99) “Facts About HIV Infection and AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 104. Minneapolis Urban League: “AIDS and The Black Community” brochure (8/5/96) “HIV/AIDS Prevention Curriculum for African American Men” (12/16/96) “HIV Quick Quiz” quiz (3/21/05) “Minneapolis Urban League” condom kit insert (3/15/04) “Overwhelmed” brochure (5/10/93) “The African American Man Makes the Difference” social network flyer (5/20/02) “Yo - Do the Right Thing Before It’s Too Late” brochure (5/10/93) 105. Minnesota AIDS Project (MAP): “AIDS - An Equal Opportunity Disease” poster (1989) “AIDS Lives Here” poster (1989) “AIDSLine/Positive Link” card (9/29/97) “Answering Your Questions About HIV” reference (8/16/04) “Ants In Your Pants” flyer and workshop description (1/22/01) “Are You Cumming Yet?” outreach card (12/22/97) “Are You Safe in Bed?” booklet (1989) “Be a Man” Café Chat curriculum (9/19/05) “Bear, Butch, Femme or Fag?” Café Chat curriculum (3/21/05) “Big Gay Movie Nights” discussion questions (3/15/04) “Big Gay Movie Night 2005 Movie Selections” listing (3/21/05) “Body Language - The Syntax of Sex” curriculum (3/18/02) “Bottom Condom” safer sex kit insert (1/23/06) “Café Chat” curricula and training manual (9/15/03) “Café Chat Curricula – Revised” manual (5/15/06) “Child Care Resources” sheet (12/16/96) “Chlamydia Can be Transmitted Through Unprotected Oral Sex” glove & dam pack insert (11/17/03) “Choose Safer Sex” outreach card (12/22/97) “Client Risk Assessment” for outreach HIV testing (5/17/04) “Come Upstairs for a Free Oral HIV Test” flyer (9/15/03) “Condoms and HIV Prevention: Clarifying the message” brochure (11/3/94) “Condoms. Kiss. Hug. Touch…Talk About It!” outreach card (12/22/97) “Corey’s Story” comic book (1989) “Don’t Forget To Dress For The Occasion” outreach card (12/22/97) “Facts About HIV and AIDS” brochure (11/3/94) “Farm Boys” follow up questions after play (3/30/06) “Fit Pack” labels (7/15/02) “Free Coupon, Good For One Breakfast” outreach card (12/22/97) “Genital Warts Can be Transmitted Through Unprotected Oral Sex” glove & dam pack insert (11/17/03) 28 “Gonorrhea Can be Transmitted Through Unprotected Oral Sex” glove & dam pack insert (11/17/03) “Health Education Event Plan/Curriculum: Partner Notification; Differences in Race and Culture; Age Differences When Adults Date; Public Sex; Anal Health; and, Lube Update.” (11/17/03) “Health Updates and Chat Curriculum for Gay/Bi Health Contract: Resources; Parasites; Syphilis; Bacterial Infections; Herpes; HPV; Hepatitis; Safer Sex Burnout; Role Models; HIV and CCR5-delta 32 mutation; Gender, Power, and Cultural Norms; Epidemiology Explained; Condom Efficacy; Bug Chasers and Gift Givers; Vaccine Studies; Testing Options” chat curriculum (7/21/03) “Herpes Can be Transmitted Through Unprotected Oral Sex” glove & dam pack insert (11/17/03) “Hey! You Know What? You Can’t Get AIDS” poster (9/16/02) “HIV Case Management” brochure (9/16/02) “HIV Counseling, Testing, & Referral Program Client Consent Form” (5/17/04) “HIV Infection in Women” sheet (12/16/96) “HIV-Positive. Now What?” brochure (9/16/02) HIV Testing and Connection to Care – outreach display posters: “Get tested, Know your status;” “Why test?;” and “Connect to HIV Care” (9/19/05) “How To Make Your Own Dental Dam” brochure (8/5/96) “How To Use A Condom” safer sex kit insert (11/17/03) “If You Get it On, I’ll Get You Off!” outreach card (12/22/97) “I’m Ready, Are You ?” outreach card (12/22/97) “Key Contacts” brochure (12/16/96) “Leading The Fight Against HIV in Minnesota” booklet (7/15/02) “Let’s Beat It Together!” outreach card (12/22/97) “Liquid Discourse Flyers: 3-2-1 Contact; Apathy Sucks; Are You Ready For Your Close-up; Bi Bi Bi; Closets Are For Sissies; Fear Of A Queer Planet; Free to BU & Me; I’m A Slave 4U; Just A Little Prick; Let’s Dance; Queer.Com; Rollin With The Homos; Scaredy-Gay; Sex & The Cities; T For 2; There Goes The Neighborhood; What In The Hell; and What’s New Pussy Cat” (5/20/02) “Look Good?” outreach card (12/22/97) “Mainline Stories: Tyrone and Billy Shoot Safe” brochure (8/5/96) “Mainline Stories: Tyrone and Rosie Get The Facts” brochure (8/5/96) “Mainline Stories: Tyrone y Billy Tiran Con Seguridad” brochure (8/5/96) “Mainline Stories: Tyrone y Rosie Cojen Los Hechos” brochure (8/5/96) “M.A.P.” brochure (11/3/94) “MAP AIDSLine Brief” newsletters: winter ‘02 (3/18/02); spring ‘02 (5/20/02); fall ‘02 (10/18/02); winter ‘03 (1/27/03); spring ‘03 (4/18/03); August/September ‘03 (7/21/03); November/December ‘03 (10/20/03); winter ‘04 (1/26/04); spring ‘04 (4/20/04); August/September ‘04 (7/19/04); November/December ‘04 (11/15/04); winter ‘05 (1/24/05); Pride / June ‘05 (5/16/05); July/August ‘05 (7/18/05); May ’06 (5/15/06) “MAP AIDSLine Refrigerator Magnet” (5/21/01) “MAP Gay/Bi Health Café Chat Curricula, 2004 – 2005” curriculum (3/15/04) “MAP Gay/Bi Health Life Skills Group: Series 1” curriculum (1/24/05) “MAP Gay/Bi Health Outreach Team Meetings Jan-June 2005” curriculum (1/24/05) 29 “MAP Gay/Bi Health Outreach Team Meetings Curricula, July – December 2005” curriculum (7/18/05) “Minnesota AIDSLine-a program of the Minnesota AIDS Project” brochure (11/5&9/98) “Outreach Team meetings curricula” curricula (1/23/06) “Outreach Team Orientation Manual” manual (1/23/06) “Partners in Support” handout (11/3/94) “Planning For Children’s Future” sheet (12/16/96) “Positive Link” card (12/16/96) “Positive Power Retreat and Core Group Curriculum” curriculum (5/16/05) “Positively Sexual – for Men Who are Positive” flyer (2/6/03) and curriculum (3/17/03) “Positively Sexual – for Long Term Survivors – HIV + MSM” health education chat curriculum (7/21/03) “Positively Sexual – for Suburban HIV Positive MSM” curriculum (9/15/03) “Pregnancy and HIV” sheet (12/16/96) “PrideAlive” brochure (9/14/99) “PrideAlive and Gay/Bi Health Education Mpowerment Retreat” curriculum & presentation material (11/15/04) “PrideAlive Café Chat Curricula: Barebacking, Growing Older/Financial Issues, Hooking Up Online, and Prevention Questions” (9/16/02) “PrideAlive Cafe Chat & Liquid Discourse promotional cards: AIDS Walk Info Meal; Scaredy-Gay; Sex & The Cities; There Goes The Neighborhood; and You’re So Vain” (5/20/02) “PrideAlive Newsletters:” Nov/Dec ’01 (11/19/01); Mar/Apr ‘02 (3/18/02); May/June ’02 (5/20/02); July/Aug ’02 (7/15/02); Sept/Oct ’02 (7/15/02); Nov/Dec ’02 (9/16/02); Jan/Feb ’03 (11/18/02) “Profile of Epidemic in Minnesota” handout (3/20/06) “Protect Yourself From HIV and Hepatitis C” outreach card (7/15/02) “Reading AIDS” brochure (4/29/96) “Safer Sex and HIV Prevention” brochure (11/27/95) “STD Workshop Description” (1/22/01) “Shoot Safe” fact sheet (8/96) “Sucking and Fucking” brochure (7/10/00) “Syphilis Can be Transmitted Through Unprotected Oral Sex” glove & dam pack insert (11/17/03) “Talking To Your Child About AIDS” brochure (10/21/96) “Testing for HIV Antibody” brochure (11/3/94) “To Suck or Not to Suck” brochure text (11/15/04) “Too Good To Be True? What You Need To Know To Avoid HIV Treatment Fraud” booklet (1/26/04) “Tricks of the Trade: Health & Safety Tips for Street Sex Workers” brochure (11/17/03) “Unless You’re Built Like This, You Should Be Using Condoms” poster (7/15/02) “We’re Bound To Have A Good Time” outreach card (12/22/97) “We Have The Freedom To Fuck Without Fear” outreach card (12/22/97) “What The Well Dressed Man is Wearing” outreach card (12/22/97) “Whatever You’re Into, Do It Safely” outreach card (12/22/97) “What’s New” curriculum (11/17/03) 30 “When a Friend has AIDS” brochure (11/27/95) Wise@Work: “At Work Fear Is Contagious” direct mail (1/6/03) Wise@Work: “At Work Fear Is Contagious” (male & female versions); “Get HIV Workplace Policy…”; and, “Work With Facts, Not Fear” display ads (1/6/03) Wise@Work: “At Work Fear Is Contagious” tabletop display (1/6/03) Wise@Work: “Know HIV At Work” brochure for employees (1/6/03) Wise@Work: “Know HIV At Work” brochure for employers (1/6/03) Wise@Work: “Know Where To Start HIV Support & Services” resource guide (1/6/03) “Women and HIV Prevention” brochure (11/3/94) “You’ve Got It Goin On!” outreach card (12/22/97) “You Look Like A Naughty Boy” outreach card (12/22/97) “+VC-Now You Know” outreach card (12/22/97) 106. Minnesota Comprehensive Care Center: “Healthcare Needs of Men Who Have Sex With Men” presentation by Dr. Ron Falcon (5/20/02) 107. Minnesota Department of Corrections: “HIV/STI Curriculum” Sexual Health Program (5/21/01) 108. Minnesota Department of Health/Commissioner’s Task Force/Youth Advisory Council: “Do You Know About Hepatitis C? Safer Ways To Take A Hit” flyer (7/15/02) “Don’t Get Hit With Hepatitis C” brochure (7/15/02) “Facts on AIDS and HIV Infection for Women” brochure (5/19/03) “For Persons Who Have Been Sexually Assaulted: Information You Should Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases” brochure (11/18/02) “General Public Survey” (1988) “Genital Herpes” brochure (4/12/99) “Genital Herpes” brochure (3/17/03) “Get Tested for HIV Before Being Vaccinated for Smallpox” outreach card (3/17/03) “Health Care Workers Survey” (1988) “Hemophiliacs Survey” (1988) “How to Prevent Hepatitis B” brochure (3/21/05) “Infection Control Practitioner’s Survey” (1988) “Minnesota Pharmacy Syringe/Needle Access Initiative” brochure (4/12/99) “Physician’s Survey” (1988) “Public Health Nursing Director’s Survey” (1988) “Safe Disposal Options For Home – Generated Needles and Sharps” brochure (5/16/05) “Safe Disposal of Needles and Syringes” brochure (4/12/99) “Safe Disposal of Needles at Home” outreach card (11/18/02) “Smallpox and HIV Testing, Should I Care?” English and Spanish flyer (3/17/03) “STD Facts” series: Chancroid; Chlamydia; Genital Warts/HPV; Gonorrhea; Hepatitis: Type A and B; Herpes; HIV infection and AIDS; Nongonococcal Urethritis; Pubic Lice; STD Summary; Syphilis; and Vaginitis (11/16/99) “STD Fact Sheet” wall chart (1991) “STD Prevention + Carnival = Sex. Don’t Just Do It” flyer (9/16/02) 31 “STD Speech Outline” for 7th Day Adventist by Ronn Easton (11/19/01) “Survey on HIV Prevention Needs for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS” (12/22/97) “Syphilis Facts & Information” fact sheet/handout (9/16/02) “Syphilis Rising Among MSM” card/envelop stuffer/ad (9/16/02) “Syphilis Rising: Is That The Only Thing?” outreach card (6/02) “You Know Where To Cop. But Do You Know About Hepatitis C?” flyer (7/15/02) 109. Minnesota Department of Human Services: “HIV Case Management Providers in Minnesota” brochure (5/20/02) 110. Minnesota Family Planning and STD Hotline: “1-800-78-Facts About Sex” poster/ad (3/17/03) “78 Facts” poster (3/15/04) “78 Facts About Sex” card/sticker (3/17/03) “78 Facts About Sex” poster (11/17/03) “78 Facts About Sex” wallet card (3/15/04) “Family Tree Hotline STD Brochure Orders” client order form (3/18/02) “For Answers You and Your Partner Should Know Before, Not After” wallet card (8/13/01) “Free Promotional Materials” order form (3/18/02) “Helpful Phone Numbers” referral sheet (3/18/02) 111. Minnesota Men of Color: “Brunch with Edwin” flyer (5/21/01) “Emancipation-Redefining our Lives with HIV. Get Informed.” Posters (5 varieties: African American, Asian, Native American, Latino and combined) (9/14/99) “Explore, Explore, Explore Jamboree” flyer (9/17/01) “Gender Girl” promotional flyer (9/17/01) “Ikche Wichasha HIV/STD Prevention Program” curriculum instructors book (11/20/00) “Ikche Wichasha Prevention Program - Facilitator Guide” (11/20/00) “Ikche Wichasha Prevention Program - Curriculum Workbook” (11/20/00) “It’s About Your Health, The People Around you, The People You Love” posters (3 Varieties: Native American, Latino, and African American) (9/14/99) “Jamboree” flyer (9/17/01) “Jamboree Scream” postcard (11/19/01) “Live Life, Love Yourself” poster (9/14/99) “Minnesota Men of Color” business and invitation card (9/17/01) “Obi Nka Bi” outreach card (9/17/01) “Pride Makes Us Do Things Well” pride pack (9/17/01) “The Truth About Sex, Love and Intimacy” brochure (9/17/01) “There Are Some Things You Should Know About...” brochure (1/28/02) 112. Minnesota Migrant Community: “Informacion Sabre SIDA/AIDS” brochure (1990) “La Mujer Y El SIDA” brochure (1990) 32 113. Minority AIDS Project: “A Very Special Friend Who Cares” brochure (5/8/92) “Black People Do Get AIDS” brochure (11/3/92) “People of Color - Let’s Talk” brochure (11/3/92) 114. Montana United Indian Association: “Do Our Children Know? But Now There Is A New Enemy-AIDS” poster (1989) “Teach Your Children Well-Warn Them About AIDS-It's The Indian Way” poster (1989) 115. Mothers' Voices: “Finding our Voices: Talking with our Children about Sexuality and AIDS” booklet (5/18/99) 116. Muscle and Fitness Magazine: “Living Example” article by Robert Schirmer (9/17/01) 117. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): “NAACP HIV/AIDS Film Outreach Project - flip chart” (11/20/00) 118. National Council of La Raza “Protégete Protege a tu Familia – Para el Hombres / Protect Yourself, Protect Your Family – for Men” brochure (11/15/04) “Una Familia Unida se Protege Mejor – Para la familia / Protect Your Family: Communicate – for the Latino Family” brochure (11/15/04) 119. National Council of Negro Women, Inc.: “The Impact of HIV/AIDS and STDs on African American Women” article (4/12/99) 120. National Digestive Diseases Information: “What Do I Need to Know About Hepatitis B” booklet (9/14/99) “What Do I Need to Know About Hepatitis C” booklet (9/14/99) 121. National Education Association: “Just the Facts About Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators, and School Personnel” manual (3/17/03) 122. National Hepatitis C Advocacy Council: “Hepatitis C…Isn’t that the one I have been vaccinated for?” post card (3/21/05) 123. National Minority AIDS Council: “Patients' Guide to HIV Medicines and Guidelines for Their Use” booklet (5/18/99) 124. National Women's Health Information Center: “Women's Health Chartbook - AIDS” handout (4/12/99) 125. Native American Advisory Board/California Indian Health Board, Inc.: “AIDS Is Also An Indian Problem” brochure (8/5/96) 33 126. Native American Women Education Resource Center: “Taking Care of You” brochure (11/3/92) 127. Neighborhood House: “Comadres Program Pre and Post Test” questionnaires (1/26/04) 128. Network for Family Life Education, Rutgers University: “Teaching With SEX, ETC.: Articles and Activities” curriculum (9/15/03) 129. New York Crystal Meth Anonymous: “Are You An Addict?” brochure (9/20/04) 130. New York State Health Department: “Important News for Pregnant Women” brochure (11/27/95) “Shooting Up and AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 131. North Memorial Family Practice Clinic: “Gonorrhea and Chlamydia Urine Test” brochure by Dr. Cathy Anson (11/19/01) 122. Novella Health Center: “Amigo y Amantes” tabloid (6/8/94) “Tres Hombres” tabloid (6/8/94) “Un Amigo DeConfianzo” tabloid (6/8/94) 123. Oklahoma Committee on Deafness and HIV/AIDS: “Protect Yourself: Stop AIDS” flyer (9/14/99) 124. Oregon Health Division/Cascade AIDS Project/HIV Program: “HIV Infection and Oral Health: A Message for Persons Who are HIV Positive” brochure (1990) “Infection Protection! Protejase Contra El Sida!” bilingual poster (7/15/02) 125. Out 4 Good: “Suggestions for Discussing GLBT concerns with Students” handout (3/17/03) 126. Outfront Minnesota: “Does Your School District Comply?” brochure (3/17/03) 127. Pediatric AIDS Foundation: “Lo Que Toda Mujer Embarazada Deberia Saber Acerca Del VIH y El SIDA” brochure (8/5/96) “What Every Pregnant Woman Should Know About HIV and AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 34 128. People of Color Against AIDS Network (POCAAN): “AIDS News” comic book (1989) “Muy Bien Pero La Proxima Vez Te Tienes Que Poner Uno” brochure (10/21/96) “Yo No Necesito User Uno De Esos” brochure (10/21/96) 129. Pillsbury House: “Health Education Program” brochure (11/17/03) “Health Education Program” flyer (11/17/03) “HIV/AIDS Awareness” brochure (11/19/01) “HIV/STD Prevention Program” insert (10/21/96) “Just Between Men” newsletters: 10/01 (11/19/01); ll/01 (11/19/01); 12/01 (11/19/01); 1/02 (1/28/02); 3/02 (3/18/02); 4/02 (5/20/02); 5/02 (5/20/02) “Just Between Men Brunch” generic flyer (11/17/03) “Just Between Men Brunch” survey (1/26/04) “Just Between Men Brunch Presents Inside Out” flyer (11/17/03) “Love Makes the World Go ‘Round: Don’t Let HIV/AIDS Stop Your World From Spinning” brochure (9/29/97) “Pillsbury House – Health Education Program” insert for safer sex packets (1/24/05) “Pillsbury House HIV/AIDS Prevention Program” flyer (4/29/96) “Raising Awareness and Compassion” brochure (11/19/01) “Women and HIV/STD” flyer (3/22/96) 130. Pink Triangle Press “Crystal Meth Widows” article/handout (9/20/04) 131. Planned Parenthood: “Deciding About Sex” brochure (2/15/00) “Drinking, Drugs and Sex” brochure (8/5/96) “Periodic Abstinence and Fertility Awareness Methods” handout (8/5/96) “Sexually Transmitted Diseases” brochure (8/5/96) “Taking Care of Yourself” brochure (7/15/02) “The Condom” brochure (2/15/00) “Your Contraceptive Choices” booklet (8/5/96) 132. Planned Parenthood of Greater Northern New Jersey “Enseñando el Sexo Seguro / Teaching Safer Sex” curriculum (11/15/04) “Streetwise to Sex-Wise” second edition- curriculum (11/15/04) “Streetwise to Sexwise: Lesson 5 – Protection is the Key, HIV and AIDS” chapter in book (3/15/04) 133. Points of Distribution “Abscess 411” brochure (3/21/05) 134. Positive Link: “Understanding AIDS: A Coloring and Activities Book” (5/3/95) 35 135. Positively Aware, Mary Ann Williams, author: “Sex Positive” article reprint (3/17/03) 136. POZ “Bottoms Up” article by Jamie Bufalino (11/15/04) 137. PRIDE - Family and Children’s Services: “How To Get Out and Stay Out Of Prostitution” brochure (11/18/02) 138. Pride Institute: “The Proven Alternative to Traditional Treatment Programs” brochure (9/17/01) 139. Priority Healthcare Corp.: “My Complete Blood Count Record” recording sheet (9/15/03) “My Liver Function Test Record” recording sheet (9/15/03) “My Treatment Diary” recording sheet (9/15/03) “Patient Assistance Programs” handout (9/15/03) 140. Program in Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota: “All Gender Health Pre and Post Seminar Questionnaires” (4/12/99) “All Gender Health Seminar: Transgender Health; Evaluation of a Sexual Health Approach to Reducing HIV/STD Risk in the Transgender Community” brochure, curriculum, & handouts (11/15/04) “Are You A ---” flyer (5/18/99) “B4 Real” brochure (in collaboration w/ Mpls. Urban League) (1/23/06) “Beyond: Sexual Health Seminars For Women Who are Attracted to Women and Men” brochure and manual/curriculum (11/16/99) & (3/24/00) “Cara Cara” (Face to Face) Curriculum (10/12/99) “Definition of Sexual Health” handout (9/15/03) ‘Finding the Right One” brochure (in collaboration w/ Mpls. Urban League) (1/23/06) “Man-to-Man Sexual Health Seminar” curriculum (2004 revision) (3/15/04) “Man-to-Man: Sexual Health Seminars” leader’s summary script (3/18/02) “Man-to-Man: Sexual Health Seminars” manual/curriculum (6/17/97) “Man-to-Man: Sexual Health Seminars” participant’s manual (9/20/04) “Man-to-Man Sexual Health Seminars: Exploring Intimacy Between Men” curriculum (9/20/04) “Our Sexual Health Pilot Seminar” final script (3/18/02) “Our Sexual Health Workshop” flyer and brochure (8/13/01) & (9/17/01) “Positive Connections – Sex, Intimacy, Love: Sexual Health for Gay and Bisexual Men” curriculum (9/20/04) “SHADES Script” (11/18/02) “SHARE” program brochure (7/10/00) “Stop the AIDS epidemic, now! Empowering Heroes Conference” flyer/ad (3/17/03) “Talkin’ Trans” Venus/Skindog Productions brochure (12/29/04) “Transgender: Sexual Health Seminars” manual/curriculum (3/24/00) “Women’s Initiative for Sexual Health (WISH)” script/curriculum (4/14/97) 36 141. Project Inform: “Day One: After You’ve Tested Positive” (5/19/03) 142. Project OffStreets: “AIDS Is Killing the Youth of America…Protect Yourself” poster (5/10/93) “Health and AIDS Prevention Program” brochure (5/1/00) 143. Project Valentine “Project Valentine, Inc” pamphlet (10/20/04) “The Awakening” poem (11/21/05) 144. Puget Sound Indian AIDS Task Force: “If You Have Tested Positive, Stay Strong” poster (7/15/02) 145. River Huston: “Safe Sex, Safer Sex and Unsafe Sex” experts from brochure published by WORLD (5/18/99) 146. Rodale Press: “Discussion Leaders’ Guide: HIV/AIDS and Other STDs” guidebook (10/13/93) “Straight Talk” magazine (vol. 1, #1) (10/13/93) 147. Rural AIDS Action Network: “Discussion/Support Group” promotional flyer (5/21/01) “HIV Prevention…You Can Help” brochure (7/21/03) “Interview Assessment Tool” for Men Who Have Sex With Men (2/23/98) “MSM Peer Education Circle” curriculum (9/15/03) “Rural AIDS Action Network…What is RAAN?” brochure (7/21/03) “Rural Centers for HIV Care” brochure (7/21/03) “Survey of Men Who Have Sex With Men” 1996 (8/5/96) “Survey of Men Who Have Sex With Men” 1997 (12/22/97) “Survey of Youth at Risk” (12/16/96) “Take the Test. Take Control” cards (1/26/04) “The Men’s Circle” postcard (9/15/03) “The Range Men’s Circle” tear off flyer (9/15/03) 148. Safe Choices Project, National Network for Youth: “How to Create Latex Barriers for Oral Sex Using Gloves and Condoms” fact sheet (12/16/96) “Need to Know Information About Youth in High Risk Situations” fact sheet (12/16/96) 149. Safe Schools Coalition: Seattle, Washington: “An Administrator’s Guide to Handling Anti-Gay Harassment” handout (3/17/03) “An Educator’s Guide to Intervening in Anti-Gay Harassment” handout (3/17/03) “What does it mean to ‘Affirm’ versus ‘Promote’?” handout (3/17/03) 37 150. “How to Use a Condom” web page (7/21/03) 151. Saint Ann’s Residential Services, Inc.: “Safe Net”: Inform Consent (3/24/00) “Safe Net”: Ground Rules (3/24/00) “Safe Net”: Group Session I (3/24/00) “Safe Net”: Group Session II (3/24/00) 152. Saint Cloud State: “Condom Cards” wallet-sized cards (11/27/95) “Condom Talk” brochure (11/27/95) “HIV Testing” brochure (11/27/95) “Sexual Roulette - A Game for Lovers” game (11/27/95) 153. St. Paul - Ramsey County: “Room 111” brochure (5/21/01) 154. San Francisco AIDS Foundation/Impact AIDS: “AIDS and Lesbians” brochure (5/8/92) “AIDS Kills Women and Babies” brochure (8/5/96) “Alcohol, Drugs and HIV” brochure (4/29/96) “Cleaning Needles” wallet-sized outreach card (11/16/99) “Condoms and Bleach Save Lives” brochure (5/8/92) “Condoms For Couples” brochure (8/5/96) “Condoms for Life” brochure (bilingual in Spanish) (2/17/99) “Condones Para Las Parejas” brochure (8/5/96) “Coping with Grief” booklet (11/3/92) “Crack...Sex...AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) “Fact vs Fiction: 10 Things You Should Know About AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) “I’m Positive” brochure (11/16/99) “Infectious Precautions for People with HIV/AIDS” brochure (5/8/92) “It Takes Two” brochure (9/14/99) “Keep It Up” brochure (4/29/96) “Las Mujeres y El SIDA” brochure (8/5/96) “Lesbian Safer Sex” brochure (1/22/01) “Living with HIV - A Guide for Women” booklet (5/8/92) “Man to Man” brochure (5/8/92) “Managing AIDS and HIV Disease” booklet (9/14/99) “Play It Safe No Matter What” wallet-sized outreach card (11/16/99) “Positive News - Steps to Take if You Are HIV Positive” booklet (5/8/92) “Pregnancy and HIV” brochure (8/5/96) “Prevent Infection: A Simple Guide for People with HIV” brochure (11/16/99) “Straight Talk About Sex and AIDS” brochure (1988) “Straight Talk About Sex and HIV” brochure (8/5/96) “Taking Charge” booklet (5/8/92) 38 “The ABCs of Hepatitis and HIV” brochure (11/16/99) “The Adventures of Bleachman” brochure (8/5/96) “The AIDS Antibody Test” brochure (8/5/96) “The Works - Drugs, Sex and AIDS” comic book (10/13/93) “When a Friend has HIV” brochure (11/16/99) “Women and HIV” brochure (8/5/96) “You Can Stop AIDS” brochure (bilingual in Spanish) (2/17/99) “Your Child and HIV” brochure (8/5/96) 155. San Francisco Department of Public Health: Crystal Mess posters: “Horny and impotent, what an attractive combination.”; “Your career took up too much time anyways.” (5/16/05) “Oral Sex: Using Your Head” brochure (10/13/93); updated version (8/13/01) 156. Santa Cruz Syringe Exchange: Safe Shooting Scenes (14 varieties) outreach cards: “Hep Heroes; Fuck Safe, Shoot Clean; Cotton Fever; Abscess Care; Safe Shooting; Clean Shooting; What Kinda Water Should I Shoot; What To Do If You Hit An Artery; Hit An Artery; Tips To Help Inject Correctly; Injection Techniques; What To Do If Someone Goes Out; If You…; and, Overdosing.” (11/18/02) 157. Schering Corporation: “Got One? Get Tested for Hepatitis C” Outreach Poster (3/17/03) “If You Are Fighting HIV, You May Be In the Ring With Hepatitis C” outreach poster (3/17/03) “The Needle Can Hurt Your Liver Too” outreach poster (3/17/03) “What Everyone Should Know About Hepatitis C” booklet (11/18/02) 158. Seattle Counseling Service Project Neon Meth posters: “If you want to know about shooting crystal, ask someone who knows…”; “I just told my best friend I shoot crystal…”; “My best friend just told me he shoots crystal…”; “Live thru crystal” (5/16/05) 159. SIECUS: “Talk About Sex” brochure (5/10/93) 160. Somali Mai Community “Be Aware of HIV/AIDS – Iska Cudurka HIV/AIDS” booklet (11/4/04) 161. Southern Voice Online: “The Trouble With Tina” article/handout (9/20/04) 162. Spokane AIDS Network/Spokane County Health District AIDS Program: “AIDS Is A Women's Health Issue” brochure (8/5/96) 39 163. State Council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans: “Asian Pacific Islander Youth” survey (11/5&9/98) “Asian Pacific Islander Youth II” survey (11/5&9/98) “Gay/Bi Asian Pacific Islander Men” survey (11/5&9/98) 164. StayWell Company: “HPV-Understanding This Common Virus” brochure (3/19/01) 165. Street Outreach Project Against AIDS KC: “Hey Sister You're Looking Fine - Stay That Way - Don't Get AIDS” brochure (8/5/96) 166. Street Scene: “Be Street-wise – Don’t Take Risks” brochure (8/96) 167. Streetworks: “Body Piercing” brochure (8/96) 168. Sub-Saharan African Youth & Family Services in Minnesota (SAYFSM) “African HIV/AIDS Educational Brochure” brochure (5/16/05) “Mbiu” newsletter (10/22/04); Issue #2 (2/14/05); Issue #3 (6/25/05); Issue #4 (10/19/05); Issue #5 (4/7/06) 169. Syndistar Inc.: “Syphilis” brochure for MSM (3/17/03) 170. The City, Inc.: “2004 Program Calendar” calendar (1/26/04) “Agency Resource List” (11/21/05) “Check Yo’ Self B-4 You Wreck Yo’ Self” brochure (3/15/04) “Educate Your Mind, Protect Your Body” HIV/AIDS Program logo (10/13/93) “HAS Business Card” (5/20/02) “HAS/Check Yo’ Self Crew” brochure (11/21/05) “HAS Program” brochure (3/15/04) “HAS Program” website (3/15/04) “How Many Times Will You Roll Before You Crap Out: Educate Your Mind, Protect Your Body” (Don’t Gamble With Your Life) flyer (11/21/05) “How Many Times Will You Roll Before You Crap Out: HIV Is 100% Preventable” (Don’t Gamble With Your Life 2) flyer (11/21/05) “Individual Level Intervention” form (3/15/04) “Let’s Discuss Protecting Us” poster (7/15/02) “No Parachute - No Jump” poster/billboard (8/5/96) “Peer Educator” questionnaire (3/15/04) “Presentation Feedback” form (3/15/04) “Protect Yourself With Pride – Information/Education + Application = Elimination” logo on Tshirt (11/18/02) “STD Fact Sheets” (3/21/05) 40 “World AIDS Day 2005” flyer (11/21/05) “Yo - Check Yo Self B-4 You Reck Yo Self” brochure (6/8/94) 171. The Learning Partnership: “Straight Talk – A Magazine for Teens” and discussion guide (12/22/97) 172. Total Access Group, Inc.: “Safe Sex – Safer Sex Counts…And So Do You!” cards (9/15/03) “Safe Sex Counts…And So Do You!” / “El Sexo Seguro Cuenta…y tambien cuentas tú!” outreach card (7/18/05) 173. Transitions: “Respecting the Rights of GLBTQ Youth, A Responsibility of Youth Service Professionals” article (3/17/03) 174. Turning Point, Inc.: “HIV Prevention Education Poster” poster (10/1/04) “Negotiating Condom Use With a Sex Partner” script (7/21/03) “The Myths” web page (5/19/03) “Turning Point Group Level Form” pre/post test questionnaire (5/17/04) “Turning Point HIV/AIDS Curriculum” curriculum (9/20/04) “Turning Point, Inc. Injecting Drug User Program” brochure (11/17/03) “Turning Point Prevention HIV/STD Education Materials” Poster (7/21/03) “We Won’t Stop Till HIV/AIDS is Over” slogan and logo (9/15/03) 175. Tuskegee University School of Veterinary Medicine: “HIV/AIDS & Pet Ownership” brochure (5/20/02) 176. Union of Ontario Indians: “Project No Fear, Native Youth and HIV” curriculum training manual (9/17/01) 177. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: “Condoms and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Especially AIDS” brochure (1990) “Food Safety Advice For Persons With AIDS” (1990) “HIV Infection and AIDS: Are You At Risk” brochure (1990) “STD Summary 1990” wall chart (1990) “Tuberculosis facts - TB and HIV” fact sheet (5/10/93) 178. University of Massachusetts: “Talking To Your Partner About Condom Use” handout (11/18/02) 179. University of Miami: “Risk Reduction for Gay and Bisexual Men” brochure (5/8/92) 180. University of New Mexico: “Condoms” fact sheet 153 (9/15/03) 41 “Drug Use and HIV” fact sheet 154 (9/15/03) “Safe Sex Guidelines” fact sheet 151 (9/15/03) “What Is AIDS?” fact sheet 101 (9/15/03) 181. West Side Health Center: “Individual Level Intervention Evaluation” form (5/21/01) “The Truth That Hispanics Do Not Want to Accept” brochure (12/2/91) 182. WHISPER: “I Tried Using Condoms but...” brochure (5/3/95) “What’s Up with HIV/AIDs” brochure (5/3/95) “WHISPER KABB survey” (5/3/95) 183. Whitman-Walker Clinic: “El Seyo Con Proteccion” brochure (8/5/96) “Good Sex Is Safer Sex” brochure (8/5/96) 184. Wingspan Life Resources: “Project: Safety Net” flyer (9/11/00) 185. Women’s Initiative for Sexual Health: “A Special Invitation to Women of Minnesota” brochure (9/29/97) 186. Youth and AIDS Projects: “Are You a Young Man? Are You Gay or Bi? Want $40.00 to Participate in a U of M Program?” poster (5/1/00) “I’m Sexy. I’m Safe. Are You?” Pride 2000 screen print design for T-shirts (7/10/00) “Just Wear It” Campaign (9 different posters): Log On; Why Gamble; Because I Love You; Head Protection; Take The Time; See The Future; Dress For The Occasion; You Never Know When You Are Going To Get Hit By A Bus; No Matter How Much He Offers. (8/5/96) “Referral Voucher” card (7/10/00) “Where Do You Stand?” exercise instruction sheet (3/17/03) 187. Undesignated source/provider: “Your First AIDS Can be your last: Blacks Get AIDS, too” poster (1989) 42 Videos/DVDs/Slides Approved 43 44 AIDS Materials Review Panel Video Materials Reviewed and Approved 1987-Present Videos/Slides 1. Altscul Group, Inc.,: “Sex and other matters of life and death” (9/29/97) “Talking about AIDS” (5/8/92) 2. American Correctional Association: “AIDS and juvenile correction facilities” (10/13/93) 3. American Red Cross: “Building: Prevention In African American Communities” (9/15/03) “Camp Itsamongus” (12/2/91) “Mi hermando” (1990) “Don’t forget about Sherry” (1989) “The Party” (4/14/97) 4. American Social Health Association: “Living with herpes” (5/10/93) 5. AIDS Education/Services for the Deaf: “A positive influence” (6/8/94) 6. AIDS Ministry/Women’s Consortium: “Mothers with HIV: The journey” (12/16/96) 7. AIDS Survival Video Project: “An interruption in the journey with HIV/AIDS” (1991) 8. AIMS Media: “AIDS: Everything you should know” (1991) “Bloodborne pathogens in the workplace: for industrial facilities” (11/3/92) “El plan” (9/11/00) “The plan (addictions-HIV)” (9/11/00) 9. AMFAR CBCT: “Going about it…” (1991) “Sonia Y Edwin” (1991) 10. Aquarius Health Care Videos: “Bigger than this Manhattan” (9/11/00) “Hopes and fears: Rusti's story” (9/11/00) “Wide time: an HIV odyssey” (9/11/00) 45 11. ARC Films, Inc.: “Flashback: An AIDS video drama for teens” (1990) 12. Asian AIDS Project: “Fly the Friendly Skies” (1/22/01) 13. Assn. Of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations: “Behind the mask: AIDS - It affects all of us” (1990) 14. Babalu Pictures “Hooked” (3/15/04) 15. Balm in Gilead: “The Heart of the Matter” (11/19/01) 16. Bristol - Myers Squibb: “Get tested: The only thing worse then having HIV is not knowing” (5/18/99) 17. Burroughs Welcome Company: “The psychology of testing patients with HIV disease” (1990) 18. Carl Medical Communications: “Overcoming irrational fear of AIDS” (1988) 19. Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR), Medical College of Wisconsin: “Partners in Prevention: Women's Edition” (5/18/99) 20. Center One Inc. “Laughing and Learning About HIV/AIDS” (1/26/04) 21. Centers for AIDS Prevention Studies, U of C – San Francisco “Mpowerment Project Overview” (7/19/04) “Mpowerment Project Training Tape” (7/19/04) 22. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC): “Eating defensively: Food safety advice for persons with AIDS” (1989) “HIV uninfected (does not equal) unaffected” (9/11/00) 23. Channing L. Bete Co., Inc.: “Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs): The keys to prevention” (9/29/97) 24. Chicago Department of Public Health: “Kevin’s Room” (1/28/02) 46 25. Concentric Media “Breaking the Silence! The Stigma of HIV/AIDS in Ethiopia” (5/17/04) 26. Council on Black Minnesotans: “African Americans in Minnesota and HIV/AIDS” (5/8/92) 27. Creative Media Group: “AIDS alert” (1988) 28. DuPont Pharmaceuticals: “The Fire This Time” (11/19/01) 29. Dream Out Loud Productions: “Does Anyone Die of AIDS Anymore” (1/26/04) “The Gift” (1/26/04) 30. ETR Associates: “Let’s talk about STD: testing for young men” (5/10/93) “Let’s talk about STD: testing for young women” (10/13/93) 31. Fanlight Productions: “Both ends burning, working with people with AIDS” (9/11/00) “Mother, mother” (1990) “Taking a sexual history” (9/11/00) “The drop-in group” (9/11/00) “Too little, too late” (1990) 32. Food and Drug Administration: “AIDS health fraud expanded version” (1991) 33. Gay and Lesbian Community Action Council: “The hidden epidemic homophobia and AIDS” (5/8/92) 34. Glaxo Wellcome: “Steps Toward Health” (11/19/01) “Test for Life” (11/19/01) 35. Greenwood Cooper: “Becoming Men” (3/17/03) 36. Hazelden: “Hepatitis C: The silent epidemic” (3/19/01) 37. HBO/State Farm Life Insurance Co.: “AIDS: Everything you and your family need to know but were afraid to ask” (1989) 47 38. Health Care For The Homeless Harm Reduction Center: “Safer injection, better vein care: The power of any positive care” (11/18/02) 39. Health Matters, Inc.: “The quilt” (1989) 40. Hispanic Health Projects: “The forgotten people: Latinos with AIDS” (1991) 41. Human Relations Media: “The HIV test: who should take it? What does it show?” (9/11/00) “El examen del VIH: ?Quien deberia? ?Que demuestra?” (9/11/00) 42. Intermedia, Inc.: “Speaking for ourselves: Portraits of gay and lesbian youth” (5/3/95) “Smart talk” (1989) 43. Landmark Films, Inc.: “Condoms: A responsible option” (1990) 44. Light Video Television: “AIDS: Can I get it?” (1989) 45. Media Works, Inc.: “In our own words: Teens and AIDS” (English and Spanish versions) (2/17/99) 46. Minnesota AIDS Project/PrideAlive “Big Gay Movie Night 2005 Movie Selections” (3/21/05) 47. Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): “Sexually transmitted diseases: An overview on transmission, recognition and prevention” slide program (12/2/91) 48. Milner-Fenwick, Inc.: “Chlamydia” (1991) “Facts about AIDS” (12/2/91) “Genital Herpes” (12/2/91) “Human papilloma (HPV)” (1991) “Pelvic inflammatory disease” (12/2/91) “Sexually transmitted diseases” (1991) 49. MTI Film and Video: “AIDS: A different kind of germ” (1991) “Not a game: Sexually transmitted diseases” (1991) 48 50. MTV/Kaiser Foundation: “True Life” video (7/10/00) 51. Multicultural Training Resource Center: “Black homosexuality/bisexuality” (11/3/92) “Black sexuality” (11/3/92) 52. National AIDS Information Clearinghouse: “I have AIDS - a teenager’s story” (1990) 53. National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP): “Coming to life” (11/20/00) “House of fire” (11/20/00) “Sister's keeper” (11/20/00) 54. National Education Association: “Considering condoms” (5/10/93) 55. National Minority AIDS Council: “HIV/AIDS and African Americans” (2/15/00) “HIV/AIDS and Latinos” (7/10/00) “HIV/AIDS and Older Americans” (5/19/03) 56. National Native American Indian AIDS Prevention Center: “We owe it to ourselves and our children” (1991) 57. National Sheriff’s Association: “AIDS: the challenge for corrections” (10/13/93) 58. National Television of Ivory Coast: “Family” (11/17/03) 59. Novela Health Foundation: “HIV test counseling: Avoiding the pitfall” (1990) 60. Paramount Pictures: “Time out” (10/13/93) 61. Passionfruit Company and Lao Family Community: “Tiv thaiv koj tus kheej kev kawn txog kev tiv thaiv kab mob HIV/AIDS” (5/18/99) 62. “Picture This” Picture Production, Inc.: “Tuning in to STD’s/HIV” (6/8/94) “The awakening in the fields” (6/8/94) 49 63. Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.: “Talking about sex, a guide for families” (9/11/00) 64. Planned Parenthood of Oklahoma: “Circle of life” (12/16/96) 65. Perennial Education: “A is for AIDS” (1989) 66. Polymorph Films: “The ABCs of STDs” (1989) “Perinatal AIDS: Infection control for hospital personnel” (1989) 67. Portland Metro Task Force on HIV Prevention: “Safe” video I section A1 (3/24/00) “Safe” video II section F (3/24/00) 68. Program in Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota (Approved for use within this program only): Videos (Man to Man Seminar): “Before Stonewall” (6/17/97) “Best little whorehouse in Texas” (6/17/97) “Four men speak out on abuse” (6/17/97) “Gender” (6/17/97) “Homosexuality beyond disease” (6/17/97) “Lavender cowboy” (6/17/97) “Man-to-Man Sexual Health Seminars: Exploring Intimacy Between Men” DVD clip (9/20/04) “March on Washington” (6/17/97) “Massage composite” (6/17/97) “Masturbation 3 screen sequence” (6/17/97) “Negotiating sex with HIV” (6/17/97) “Not all parents are straight and torch song trilogy” (6/17/97) “Perfect body” (6/17/97) “Real bodies” (6/17/97) “Safer sex instructional video” (6/17/97) “Sex after 50” (6/17/97) “Sex after 50, silent pioneers, active partners” (6/17/97) “Sexual behavior composite” (6/17/97) “Spirituality: two bodies, one soul” (6/17/97) “The male couple” (6/17/97) “Tom and Erwin, mischief” (6/17/97) “Touch film” (6/17/97) 50 Videos (All Gender Health Curriculum): “Alcohol and abuse” (from “The Ballad of Little Jo” and “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”) (3/24/00) “Beyond positive sexuality collage” (9/11/00) “Coming out in the workplace collage” (3/24/00) “Condoms are a girl’s best friend” (Memory Lane) (3/24/00) “I will survive” (RuPaul and Diana Ross music video) (3/24/00) “Masturbation collage” (3/24/00) “Safe “T” Lessons” (3/24/00) “Sex work” (from “Paris is Burning”) (3/24/00) “Taking the Last Drag” smoking cessation DVD by LBGT Community Center (11/15/04) “Transgender coming out collage” (3/24/00) “Transgender revolution” (from A&E documentary) (3/24/00) “Transgender sexuality collage” (3/24/00) “Transgender Stories” DVD (9/19/05) Videos (Beyond Sexual Health): “Antonia’s line” clip (3/24/00) “Chasing amy” clips (3/24/00) “Fried Green Tomatoes” clip (3/24/00) “Go fish” clip (3/24/00) “Masturbation collage” (3/24/00) “Sexual desire collage” (3/24/00) “Viva la vulva” (Betty Dodson) (3/24/00) Slides (Man to Man Seminar): “Barriers to healthy sexual development” (6/17/97) “Being sexual in the age of HIV” (6/17/97) “Body image and touch” (6/17/97) “Childhood and adolescent development” (6/17/97) “Integration” (6/17/97) “Intimacy, dating, relationships and aging” (6/17/97) “Principles of healthy sexuality” (6/17/97) “Sexual expression” (6/17/97) “Sexual identity” (6/17/97) “Sexual language” (6/17/97) “Sexuality and spirituality” (6/17/97) 69. Roche Laboratories: “Positively: Adults Coping With HIV and AIDS” (5/19/03) 70. Rotary AIDS Project: “The Los Altos story” (1991) 51 71. San Francisco AIDS Foundation: “AIDS: Changing the rules” (1989) “An epidemic of fear - AIDS in the workplace” (1988) 72. San Francisco Public Health Department: “Awake, alive” (10/13/93) “Teen AIDS in focus” (1990) 73. Select Media: “Face-to-Face with AIDS” (1989) “Seriously fresh” (6/8/94) 74. Spirits Alive: “AIDS and addiction” (5/8/92) 75. Strand Releasing: “Beyond Vanilla” DVD (5/16/05) 76. Teachers College Press: “Children talk about AIDS” (9/11/00) 77. Tengade Productions: “Look of love” (7/15/02) 78. The Media Group, Inc.: “AIDS is about secrets” (1991) 79. TLA Releasing: “Circuit” DVD 80. Union of Ontario Indians: “Project: No Fear” (9/17/01) 81. United Cambodian Association of Minnesota: “It only takes one time” (4/14/97) 82. United Hospital Fund: “Friends like these: A time of crisis” (1990) 83. USDHHSS: “Outreach: Meeting the challenge of AIDS in the community” (5/8/92) 84. Video Publishing House: “The national AIDS awareness test” (1989) 52 85. Video Services, A Division of Community Television Network: “Questions and answers” (1988) 86. Walt Disney - WDEMCO Film Library: “AIDS” (1988) 87. Wisconsin Clearinghouse: “No greater love” (2/10/97) 88. Wolfe Video: “Safer Sexuality: Erotic Choices III” DVD (3/21/05) 89. Unknown producer: “AIDS in rural America” (1989) 53 54 Advertising Approved 55 56 AIDS Materials Review Panel Ads/PSAs/Webpages Reviewed and Approved 1987-Present Print Ads, Radio/Television Spots, Public Service Announcements (PSAs), Webpages 1. Advertising Council: a. Print PSAs: “AIDS ain’t just some big city problem.” (6/8/94) “Education can save a child’s future. It can also save a child’s life.” (6/8/94) “In the last two years, AIDS among teens doubled.” (6/8/94) “It would take four vietnam wars to equal the number of Americans who have died from AIDS.” (6/8/94) “Our lives are made of choices.” (6/8/94) “Sex. HIV. AIDS. There’s one word missing: condom.” (6/8/94) “Sleeping with your partner is sleeping with their past.” (6/8/94) “The average age for a child’s first sexual experience is 16.” (6/8/94) “There’s a word some find harder to say than AIDS: condom.” (6/8/94) “Where were you a decade ago?” (6/8/94) “You don’t get AIDS from mosquitos.” (6/8/94) “Young people face a terrible risk.” (6/8/94) b. Broadcast PSAs: Dispelling myths (you don’t get AIDS from mosquitos) (6/8/94) Educating children (the average age for a child’s first sexual experience is 16) (6/8/94) Educating teens (one of the fastest growing groups) (6/8/94) General awareness (we’d have to fight four Vietnam Wars) (6/8/94) General awareness (you are not sleeping with your partner) (6/8/94) Learn about HIV testing (the facts) (6/8/94) Using condoms (there’s one word missing) (6/8/94) Using condoms (it would take four Vietnam Wars) (6/8/94) 2. AIDS Action Committee of Massachusetts: “Bottoms up” display/restroom ad (11/27/95) “Cojelo Con Cuidado” display/restroom ad (11/27/95) “It’s no accident” display/restroom ad (11/27/95) “Stay negative” display/restroom ad (11/27/95) 3. AIDS Project of the East Bay: “Brothers!…” (10/21/96) “Don't Be Pressured” (10/21/96) “Don't Even Think About Me…” (10/21/96) “Dreams… Do Come True…” (10/21/96) “Each One… Teach One…” (10/21/96) 57 “Girlfriend! Can We Talk…” (10/21/96) “Keep Your Guard Up…” (10/21/96) “Knowledge Is Power Against HIV/AIDS…” (10/21/96) “Love Won't Protect You” (10/21/96) “Matters Of The Heart” (10/21/96) “Positive Support…” (10/21/96) “Private Thoughts…” (10/21/96) “Protect Yourself…” (10/21/96) “Protect Yourself, Protect Your Team…” (10/21/96) “Reach For Protection…” (10/21/96) “Real Men Use Condoms…” (10/21/96) “Sharing Knowledge Is Powerful…” (10/21/96) “Sisters!…” (10/21/96) “Whisper Safer Sex Into His Ear…” (10/21/96) 4. AIDS Project Los Angeles for their “There's Life After Sex” campaign: “Be You…” broadcast ad (2/10/97) “If We Lose…” broadcast ad (2/10/97) “If We Lose You…” (10/21/96) “No Life, No Voice…” (10/21/96) “We Lose…” broadcast ad (2/10/97) “We Need…” broadcast ad (2/10/97) “We Need Your Voice” (10/21/96) “You Have Talent…” (10/21/96) 5. AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin (Man 2 Man Campaign): “Our community-diverse, courageous, passionate, proud” (2/23/98) “Our dreams-happiness, love, success, a future” (2/23/98) “Our needs-friendship, sex, love, respect” (2/23/98) “Our values-our bodies, our friends, our families, lives” (2/23/98) 6. Bolin Marketing and Advertising/Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): a. Case Management Display Ads: “HIV answers without questions” (4/29/96) “I don’t know where I got HIV” (4/29/96) “I totally denied it when they told me I had HIV” (4/29/96) “When you first learn you’ve got HIV” (4/29/96) “You didn’t deserve to get HIV” (4/29/96) “You don’t have to live with HIV alone” (4/29/96) b. Case Management Radio Scripts: “Antonio” (4/29/96) “Pete” (4/29/96) “Tina” (4/29/96) 58 c. Newspaper Display Ads: “Best friends tell each other everything” (4/29/96) “I’m living with AIDS, but you don’t have to” (4/29/96) “Love isn’t everything” (4/29/96) d. Print Ads for the “Brief Services” program offered through the MAP AIDSLine: “A lot of people I talked to never knew one phone call…” (5/3/95) “As caregivers, we have the opportunity to bring non-judgmental information” (5/3/95) “At first I was afraid to call. When I did, they gave me…” (5/3/95) “Being able to talk with people who understand what I’m going through…” (5/3/95) “Facing the battle together can strengthen your relationship…” (5/3/95) “If you’re HIV positive, or care about someone who is, make the call.” poster (5/3/95) “Once I got over the initial shock and crisis, I made the call…” (5/3/95) & (7/15/02) “The Minnesota AIDSLine. Make the call. We’re here to help.” brochure inserts for poster (5/3/95) “We had questions about health insurance…” (5/3/95) “Who can I trust?” (5/3/95) e. Print Ads for the MDH Disease Intervention Program targeting women: “So, you gave him a little more than just your love” (Latina) (9/29/97) “STD infected? Need to tell your partner?” (Native American, African American, Asian and Latina versions) (9/29/97) “Telling a partner that you have an STD may not be easy” (Native American, African American, Asian and Latina versions) (9/29/97) f. Restroom Ads/Posters targeting women: “Prevention “, “Prevention-use a condom”, and “Prevention and Protection” ad set for the deaf and hard of hearing (9/29/97) “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (9/29/97) “Here’s a little something to wear when you take your sex drive for a ride” (Latina and Caucasian versions) (9/29/97) “If you think wearing a condom is a hassle…Try living with AIDS” (African American, Latina and Caucasian versions) (9/29/97) “Love alone can’t protect you” (Latina and African American versions) (9/29/97) “Wearing one of these can add years to your life” (African American, Caucasian versions) (9/29/97) “Teach him how to be safe” (9/29/97) g. World AIDS Day (produced with the assistance of MDH and MAP's AIDSLine): “AIDS Phone Bank Script” 30 second TV ad, 1998 (11/5&9/98) “How much do you really know” radio ad (60 seconds), 2000 (11/20/00) “KMSP-TVs Nine Line” recorded messages, 1998 (11/5&9/98) “Teletype cut-ins” to run on World AIDS Day on Channel 9, 1998 (11/5&9/98) “Teletype cut-ins” to run on World AIDS Day on Channel 9, 1999 (11/16/99) “There's only one person to trust” radio ad (60 seconds), 2000 (11/20/00) “World AIDS Day/PhoneBank” display ad, 1998 (11/5&9/98) 59 h. Ads targeting MSM, MSM of Color: “There are so many reasons to use condoms” (3 generic variations) (3/19/01) “There are so many reasons to use condoms” (2 African American variations) (3/19/01) “There are so many reasons to use condoms” (2 Latino variations) (3/19/01) 7. California AIDS Prevention Campaign: “I Felt Invincible…” (11/21/96) “My boyfriend knew he was HIV positive” (11/21/96) 8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): “Don’t just worry about HIV” Southeast Asian female version display ad (2/12/93) “Don’t just worry about HIV” Southeast Asian male version display ad (2/12/93) “There’s something you should know about STDs and AIDS” African American version display ad (2/12/93) “There’s something you should know about STDs and AIDS” Native American version display ad (2/12/93) “Today, almost one million Americans…” African American version display ad (2/12/93) “Today, almost one million Americans…” Hispanic version display ad (2/12/93) “Today, almost one million Americans…” Native American version display ad (2/12/93) “Today, almost one million Americans…” Southeast Asian version display ad (2/12/93) 9. Clinic 42: “Project Positive” display ad (11/17/03) “Sex, Drugs & Hard Bodies” event promotional card/ad (5/17/04) 10. Colle and McVoy, Inc.: a. Print Ads: “If you have an STD how will you…” (2/12/93) “If you have an STD please share…” display ad (2/12/93) “Telling your partner you have an STD…” display ad (2/12/93) “We can help you prevent STDs no matter…” display ad (2/12/93) “We can help you tell what’s her name…” display ad (2/12/93) “We can help you tell what’s his name…” display ad (2/12/93) b. Broadcast PSAs: “Partner Notification” 30 second spot (male and female versions) (11/3/92) 11. CLUES: “Always use it - There are many reasons why you should. The most important - you” display ad (11/5&9/98) Print media “fillers” (3 varieties) (5/18/99) 12. District 202: “Beyond condoms” display ad/promotional flyer (11/27/95) 60 13. District of Columbia Department of Health / Administration for HIV/AIDS: “Be Ready for What’s Coming Next” display ad (10/12/99) “Daryl Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Eduardo Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Jessie Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Kevin Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Louis Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Michael Does It” display ad (10/12/99) “Negative or Positive, We Gotta Look Out For Each Other” display ad (10/12/99) “Negativos o Positivos, tenemos que protegernos” display ad (10/12/99) “Protegete” (Spanish only) display ad (10/12/99) 14. Educational Message Service (EMS): a. Print Ads: “I Get Nervous Meeting Guys…” (10/21/96) “If You're Young, Queer And Negative” (10/21/96) “I'm Positive And Positive He…” (10/21/96) “Oral Sex Is Safer Sex” (10/21/96) “Partying With Crystal?” (10/21/96) “Queer Action Now…” (10/21/96) “Take Matters Into Your Own Hands…” (10/21/96) “Talking About What You Want” (10/21/96) “Up All Night?” (10/21/96) “Use Us” (10/21/96) “What Do You Do If A Condom Breaks?” (10/21/96) “When My son Came Out To Me…” (10/21/96) “We Used To Think Being Gay Meant…” (10/21/96) & (11/5&9/98) b. Print Ads in Spanish: “Congelo Con Cuidado…” (10/21/96) “Me Gustan Muchas Cosas…” (10/21/96) “No Tengo Ni Idea Sobre…” (10/21/96) “Somos VIH Negativos…” (10/21/96) 15. Gay Men’s Health Crisis: “He plays hard and he always uses condoms” (African American and Caucasian) display ad (10/13/93) “He plays hard and he always uses condoms” (Asian and African American) display ad (10/13/93) “He plays hard and he always uses condoms” (Hispanic and Caucasian) display ad (10/13/93) 61 16. Grant Communications: a. PSAs: “Abstinence isn’t the only defense against AIDS” (1987) “AIDS has no sexual preference” (1987) “Heterosexuality can’t prevent AIDS” (1987) “Don’t leave home without it” (1987) “How much do you know about AIDS” (1987) “How to get AIDS” (1987) “In addition to the birds and the bees, tell your children about AIDS” (1987) “It can’t prevent AIDS in your wallet” (1987) “Once you get AIDS, you have it till the day you die” (1987) “Take an AIDS Test” (1987) “The facts of life include the facts about AIDS” (1987) “What you don’t know about AIDS can kill you” (1987) “We don’t have a cure - We do have answers” (1987) b. Radio Spots: “Bells” (1987) “Phone call” (1987) “Where to turn” (1987) 17. Health Promotion Agency, Northern Ireland: “Are You Covered?” (10/21/96) “Don't Gamble With Sex…” (10/21/96) “If You Go To Bed With Someone…” (10/21/96) “Know Him, Slept With Him…” (10/21/96) “What's Safer Sex?” (10/21/96) “When He Says He Loves You…” (10/21/96) 18. Hennepin County/Red Door Clinic/HIM Program: “All About Dick” display ad (1/26/04) “Assess Your Risk” newspaper column (1/26/04) “BiCities cable TV show” possible topics (9/20/04) “Being Married in the Gay Community” newspaper column (3/15/04) “Construction Zone: Wear Hard Hats For Your Safety and Your Buddy's Safety, Too!” display ad (5/18/99) “Cruising the Web” column (1/10/06) “Enough Is Enough Is Enough” display ad (3/24/00) “Extended Hours Tuesday Nights – Free Syphilis Screenings” display ad (3/15/04) “Guys: Check Your Parts” newspaper column (3/15/04) “HIM Program Red Door Clinic” (front) “Condoms, Lube, & Something Hard to Suck On” (back) outreach t-shirts (11/15/04) “HIV negative? Are you positive?” display ad (obscure background version) (9/15/03) “HIV Prevention and the Whole Person” article by Bill Burleson (7/18/05) “Hummers Aren’t Just Big Expensive Cars” column (11/15/04) 62 “Is AIDS Yesterday’s News?” column by Bill Burleson (11/17/03) “Live healthy, live happy, know your status” display ad (bathroom scene version) (9/15/03) “Live healthy, live happy, know your status” display ad (two men embracing version) (9/15/03) “Men Monthly Discussion Group for Gay and Bisexual Men” display ad (3/15/04) “MMMM…Lube” column (9/20/04) “Oh, for the love of condoms” column (12/20/05) “Out On the Town” newspaper column (5/17/04) Print media “fillers” (5 varieties) (5/18/99) “PrideAlive and the HIM Program’s MIXER for single and swingin’ gay and bisexual men” display ad (10/12/99) “Reaching the Bisexual Community?” column (7/19/04) “Red Door Clinic” (front) “STD’s, HIV? Ask Me Now!” or “Safer Sex Rules” (back) outreach t-shirts (11/15/04) “Scared Straight? Yea, Right!” article by Bill Burleson (9/19/05) “Show your pride. Know your status.” display ad (9/15/03) “Summer Lovin’: Exploring Intimacy With Other Men” display ad (3/24/00) “Testing and Prevention” column (3/20/06) “Testing Positive” column (3/20/06) “The Masseur and Escort Program” display ad (4/12/99) “The web is all up in us” article (3/24/00) “Tina Article” article by Bill Burleson (8/17/05) “Upcoming Events of the HIM Program at the Red Door Clinic” display ad (11/20/00) “What’s On Your Mind?” display ad (5/17/04) “When not to use condoms” column (12/20/05) “We all are one” PSA (1987) “We Interrupt the Usual Diatribe” column (5/15/06) 19. Hennepin County/MDH: AIDS risk reduction radio spot (1987) 20. Hennepin County, Youth Intervention Program: “B96 Radio Show” (11/23/04) “Condom” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “Confidential” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “Genital Warts” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “He Loves Me” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “Safer Sex Activities” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “She Loves Me” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “Take Care of Your Body – Know Your Status” display ad (7/19/04) “Teen Clinic” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) 21. Hispanic Design, Inc.: “Isabel y Andrea” :30 television PSA (10/13/93) “Lottery” (English and Spanish versions) :30 PSA (5/10/93) “Wrap it up” (English and Spanish versions) :30 PSA (5/10/93) 63 22. Indian Health Board of Minneapolis/Bolin Marketing/MDH: “Women are the givers of life. Protect yourself. Use a condom.” display ad (11/5&9/98) 23. Indigenous Peoples Task Force: “Were you a grass dancer who wanted to dance jingle” display ad (11/18/02) “Who do you think…kept the war party happy” display ad (11/18/02) 24. Internet Sexuality Information Services, Inc. “Boyfriends come and go…so do symptoms of syphilis” banner ad (9/30/04) “Got a sore or a rash?” banner ad (9/30/04) “It’s on the rise..” banner ad (9/30/04) “Sex4men” profile banner ad (9/30/04) “Untreated syphilis: don’t join the ranks” banner ad (9/30/04) 25. Kaiser Family Foundation: a. Know HIV/AIDS Campaign TV PSAs: African American: “Now Available” 30 seconds; “Excuses” 30 seconds; “Word on the Street” (brother’s response) 10 seconds; “Word on the Street” (sister’s response) 10 seconds; “Tornado Warning” 10 seconds; “Million” 10 seconds (7/21/03) General Population: “Boy” 30 seconds; “SUV Mom” 30 seconds; “Global Prevention” 10 seconds; “HIV Infection” 10 seconds; “Youth” 10 seconds; “Little Reminders” 30 seconds (7/21/03) Men Who Have Sex With Men: “Communication” 15 seconds; “Protection” 30 seconds; “Doesn’t Have to Happen” 30 seconds; “Safer Sex” 15 seconds (7/21/03) Youth: “Chain Reaction” 30 seconds; “No Excuses” 30 seconds; “Hallway” 10 seconds; “Bedroom” 10 seconds; “Basement” 10 seconds (7/21/03) b. Know HIV/AIDS Campaign Radio PSAs: African American: “Number One” 30 seconds; “Two Per Hour” 30 seconds; “Number One” 10 seconds (7/21/03) General Population: “Australia” 30 seconds; “45 Million” 30 seconds; “100 Million” 30 seconds; “20 Million” 10 seconds; “45 Million” 10 seconds; “100 Million” 10 seconds (7/21/03) Sexually Active Youth: “One Third” 30 seconds; “One Half” 30 seconds; “One Half” 10 seconds; “One Third” 10 seconds; “Every Hour” 10 seconds (7/21/03) c. Know HIV/AIDS Campaign Print PSAs: “Borron y cuenta nueva – Chequeate. Puedes vivir con los resultados” (7/21/03) “Conoce la nueva cara del VIH – Una de cada dos nuevas infecciones de VIH son en jovenes menores de 25 anos. Protegete.” (7/21/03) “Cruise control – Get tested. You can live with the results” (7/21/03) “De que estas hecho – Chequeate. Puedes vivir con los resultados” (7/21/03) “Half of adults with HIV worldwide are women” (7/21/03) “Handle your business – Get tested. You can live with the results” (7/21/03) 64 “Knowing is Beautiful” set of 9 ads (7/18/05) “Meet the new face of HIV – More than half of all new HIV infections occur among African Americans. Protect yourself.” (7/21/03) “Most new infections occur in people under 25” (7/21/03) “Muestra tus cartas – Chequeate. Puedes vivir con los resultados” (7/21/03) “Regions affected by HIV. Regions where HIV is preventable.” (7/21/03) “Represent – Get tested. You can live with the results” (7/21/03) “Stay fabulous – As many as 3 in 4 young gay men with HIV in major U.S. cities don’t know it.” (7/21/03) “The KNOW is spreading” set of 5 ads (7/18/05) “You better ask somebody – Get tested. You can live with the results” (7/21/03) d. Other campaign materials “One at a Time” (30 second & 45 second version) television PSA (7/19/04) 26. Lao Family Community of Minnesota: “HIV/AIDS Videos Available in Hmong” press release (9/14/99) “HIV/STD PSA - Women's Version (English and Hmong) (5/18/99) “HIV/STD PSA - Male Version (English and Hmong) (5/18/99) “HIV/STD PSA - Dr. Phua Xiong (English and Hmong) (5/18/99) “HIV/STD PSA - Tou Ger Xiong (English and Hmong) (5/18/99) “HIV/STD PSA - Teenagers (English and Hmong) (5/18/99) 27. MenPLUS (advisory group for the Minnesota Department of Health): “Sexually active African American men are at great risk for AIDS” gender symbol ad and life symbol ad (5/21/01) 28. Mestawet Ethiopian Newspaper “Forgiveness is the key” article (8/23/04) “Why should I be tested” article (10/7/04) 29. Minneapolis Department of Health: “Jimmy Jamm” 30 second radio public service announcement (2/15/00) “Jimmy Jamm” 30 second television public service announcement (2/15/00) 30. Minnesota AIDS Project (MAP): “468,000 queers live in Minnesota, do you feel that power” ad (2/17/99) “6x” 30 second television PSA (9/15/03) “6,360 queers will be born in Minnesota this year-what would the world be like for them” ad (2/17/99) “Cocktail” 60 second television PSA (9/15/03) “Desire - What do you really want?” display ad (2/15/00) “Do you have questions about HIV? Questions about the rising rates of syphilis? display ad (5/19/03) “Friends talk to friends” display ads with two photo variations (4/29/96) “He’s too fine to have anything like HIV. Are you positive?” display ad (11/19/01) 65 “Identity - Are you the same person everywhere you go?” display ad (2/15/00) “It’s like wearing a bulletproof vest in a shooting gallery” PSA (1990) “Liquid Discourse - Cafe chats for queer men under 30” display ad (2/15/00) “Minnesota AIDS Project AIDSLine Resource Guide” display ad (9/14/99) “Not exactly happy hour. And it’s not a cure” display ad (9/15/03) Photographs (11 variations) to be used in “Man to Man Seminar” ads (4/12/99) PrideAlive display ad (July/August events 2000) (7/10/00) PrideAlive webpage (About Us, Calendar, Gallery, The People, Get Involved, Newsletter) (7/10/00) Print media “fillers” for Pride Alive program (9 varieties) (5/18/99) “Queer - What kind of queer are you?” display ad (2/15/00) “Self - Are you the person you want to be?” display ad (2/15/00) “Talk dirty to me” display ad (4/29/96) “The Future is in Your Hands” display ad (11/15/04) “There is a future, make it happen” ad (2/17/99) “We’d Like All IV Drug Users To Come Clean” PSA (1990) “We‘re here to help. Make the call” display ad (9/29/97) “Who We Are – PrideAlive” display ad (9/14/99) “Wise@Work: “At Work Fear Is Contagious” (male & female versions); “Get HIV Workplace Policy…”; and, “Work With Facts, Not Fear” display ads (1/6/03) 31. Minnesota Department of Health: “Red Door Clinic” Spanish version display ad (2/12/93) “Room 111” Spanish version display ad (2/12/93) “Syphilis Banner Ads” (9/30/04) “Syphilis rising among MSM” display ad (9/16/02) “Use Us…HIV Prevention Programs for MSM/Explore Every Nook and Cranny of Your Sexuality” webpage (7/10/00) 32. Minnesota Family Planning and STD Hotline: “1 in 4 teens get an STD each year - and most don't even know it” display ad (11/5&9/98) “Bumps and burning are only some of the most obvious signs of STDs” radio ad script (3/17/03) “Free statewide hotline answers birth control and STD questions” (two 30 second versions and one 60 second version) (5/18/99) “Herpes” 30 second television PSA (female voice) (11/5&9/98) “He’s da bomb, baby” display ad (5/1/00) “If you need a referral” 20 second radio PSA (11/5&9/98) “If you're worried” 30 second radio PSA (11/5&9/98) “If you’ve ever been in this situation” radio ad script (3/17/03) Print Media “fillers” (5 varieties) (5/18/99) “Share your lives and help each other stay safe” display ad (11/5&9/98) “She’s got it goin on” display ad (5/1/00) “STDs” 30 second television PSA (male voice) (11/5&9/98) 66 33. National Association for Persons with AIDS (NAPWA): “1 out of 2 new cases of HIV in America is among people under age 25” poster/print ad (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) “African Americans account for 6 of 10 AIDS cases in women. Latinos account for 2 of 10 cases in women” poster/print ad (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) “AIDS is the leading cause of death of African Americans between the ages of 25 and 44” poster/print ad (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) “Free voluntary HIV counseling and testing” radio PSA (20 and 30 second versions) (7/10/00) “Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men account for 40% of new HIV cases” poster/print ad (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) “Latinos account for 1 out of every 5 new AIDS cases in the U.S.” poster/print ad (English and Spanish versions) (7/10/00) 34. National Native American AIDS Prevention Center: “A friend doesn’t let a friend face AIDS alone” PSA (1990) “Share knowledge - prevent AIDS” PSA (1990) “Strong families build strong communities” PSA (1990) 35. Pillsbury House: “HIV/AIDS information for parents at Pillsbury House” press release (4/29/96) “HIV/AIDS information for women at Pillsbury House” press release (4/29/96) 36. Program in Human Sexuality, University of Minnesota: 500 Men’s Study promotional material: “500 Men needed, join us!” invitation flyer (2/10/97) “500 Men needed, join us!” display ad (2/10/97) “500 Men needed, join us!” poster (2/10/97) “Men Who Have Sex With Men Are Invited…” radio PSA (2/10/97) “Beyond Sexual Health” display ad (9/11/00) “How Is Your Sexual Health” display ad (7/19/04) “Women's Initiative for Sexual Health” display ad (5/18/99) 37. Project Valentine “The Fate of Our People” TV script (10/20/04) 38. San Francisco AIDS Project: “Life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” display ad (2/12/93) “Maintain” display ad (2/12/93) “Relapse” display ad (2/12/93) “Sometimes it’s hard” display ad (2/12/93) 39. Stevens & Partners (now Dugan, Barkley and Floyd): a. Indigenous Peoples Task Force/ Minnesota Men of Color Campaign: “He has walked this land for centuries” display ad (5/20/02) 67 b. Minnesota AIDS Project Campaign: “I’ll remember this for a lifetime” display ad (5/20/02) “You make me feel so good” display ad (5/20/02) c. Minnesota Family Planning & STD Hotline Campaign: “Did you know…” media kit fact sheet (3/18/02) “Love hurts. It can also sting, itch and burn.” display ad (3/18/02) “STD IQ” radio scripts: male and female; 30 and 60 second variations (3/18/02) “STD Prevention Critical for Minnesota Teens” press release (3/18/02) “Youth STD Awareness and Prevention Activities” media kit handout (3/18/02) d. Chatroom Banner Campaign: “Aren’t you curious” banner ad (11/18/02) “Come inside” banner ad (11/18/02) “Open here” banner ad (11/18/02) “What’s up” banner ad (11/18/02) 40. Stop AIDS Project: “A fashion tip from Crissy: these go with everything” ad (2/17/99) “Crissy wants to know: Are you more likely to fuck without a condom when you’re partying?” ad (2/17/99) “Crissy wonders: Are they having as much fun as they think they are?” ad (2/17/99) “Crissy wonders: Can you party and still keep your wits about you?” ad (2/17/99) “Crissy knows: nobody looks their best at six the next morning” ad (2/17/99) “Hot sex, hard facts and healthy relationships - Let's talk about it” (African American) display ad (11/5&9/98) “Hot sex, hard facts and healthy relationships - Let's talk about it” display ad (11/5&9/98) “I believe in safe sex until the third drink” display ad (11/5&9/98) “I was just another toad on a toadstool” post card (2/17/99) “If I tell him I'm positive, will I ever see him again?” display ad (11/5&9/98) “Mirror, mirror on the wall - what the hell is going on?” post card (2/17/99) “That fifteen seconds caused me six months of anxiety” display ad (11/5&9/98) “Young and bisexual men take action” post card (2/17/99) “Young gay and bisexual men protect each other” post card (2/17/99) 41. Turning Point: “HIV Public Service Announcements” PSAs (10/25/05) “Stop AIDS, Keep The Promise” newspaper ad (11/21/05) 42. Vilven Design Group: “Syphilis..take action, get tested, it’s easy and confidential” display ad and outreach card (Caucasian and African American versions) (4/20/04) “You may get more than just a kiss behind closed doors” display ad and outreach card (4/20/04) “You think it always hurts to pee when you have an STD” display ad and outreach card (4/20/04) 68 43. Youth and AIDS Projects: “Just Wear It” Campaign (9 different ads): Because I Love You; Dress For The Occasion; Head Protection; Log On; No Matter How Much He Offers; See the Future; Take The Time; You Never Know When You Are Going to Get Hit By A Bus; Why Gamble (8/96) 44. Unknown producer: “What can you do about AIDS?” (1989) 69 Materials Disapproved AIDS Materials Review Panel Materials Reviewed and Rejected 1987-Present Materials Disapproved (Did not meet community standards) 1. Abbott Laboratories: “AIDS: The New Epidemic” brochure (1989) 2. American Indian Health Care Association: “When A Native American Person Is Told That He or She Has AIDS, Many Different Feelings Come Out” brochure (8/5/96) 3. Burroughs Wellcome Co.: “Genital Self-Exam Guide” brochure (10/21/96) 4. Community Prescription Service “Double Jeopardy: The HIV/HCV Co-Infection Handbook” booklet (7/19/04) 5. Dartnell Corporation: “10 Myths About AIDS” brochure (1989) “Questions and Answers About AIDS” brochure (1989) 6. EngenderHealth: “Injecting Drug User Link” web pages (7/21/03) 7. ETR Associates/Network Publications: “101 Ways To Avoid HIV” brochure (5/20/02) “All About STD” booklet (4/13/98) “Herpes” brochure (8/13/01) “HIV Antibody Test” brochure (Spanish version) (03/20/06) “HIV, After The Test” brochure (8/13/01) “HIV, The Answer” brochure (8/13/01) “HIV, What If I’m Negative” brochure (8/13/01) “La Prueba De Anticuerpos Del VIH” brochure & website (3/20/06) “Living With HIV, Sex” brochure (8/13/01) “Safer Sex Can Be Fun” brochure (8/13/01) “Safer Sex - Talking With Your Partner” brochure (8/13/01) “Think About It: Women & HIV” bilingual brochure (5/20/02) “What Is Safer Sex?” brochure (8/13/01) 70 8. Gay Men’s Health Crisis: “Safer Sex Handbook for Lesbians” brochure (8/13/01) 9. Journeyworks “Abstinence and Oral Sex” brochure (7/19/04) 10. Merck: “Hepatitis: What You Should Know” fact sheet (3/21/05) 11. Outfront Minnesota: “Definitions: Terms Commonly Associated with the GLBT Communities” handout (3/17/03) 12. Pisces Video Company: “Decisions” video (1990) 13. Power Surge, Media International: “AIDS/STD's: hot topics for teens” video (9/11/00) 14. Rural AIDS Action Network: “Focus Group Format and Questions for Men Who Have Sex With Men and Person’s Living With HIV/AIDS” Focus Group (12/22/97) 15. San Francisco AIDS Foundation/Impact AIDS: “El Embarazo y El SIDA” brochure (8/5/96) 16. STD Action Council “The Facts: STDs” brochure (1990) 17. Straight Talk, Inc.: “The Price Tag of Sex” Facilitator/Student Manual (2/10/97) “The Price Tag of Sex - The Physical Price II - The Incurables” video (4/14/97) 18. Syndistar: “Chlamydia: Silent Enemy” brochure (5/19/03) “Inserts for the MSM, HIV/STD brochure set” (3/17/03) “MSM, HIV/STD” brochure set (3/17/03) “STD: Just the Facts” brochure (5/19/03) 19. SVE and Churchill Media: “AIDS: What Everyone Needs to Know” video (9/11/00) 20. Undesignated source/provider: “AIDS: Learn for Your Life” (1987) “Counseling With HIV Positive Patients” (1987) 71