APPENDIX III: REFERENCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Publications marked by a * are cited in the Research Report. A select number of other publications relevant to the case studies, CPs SCM, and SCM at large are also included. Akel, N.G., Boyers, J.C., Tommelein, I.D., Walsh, K.D., and Hershauer, J.C. (2001). “Considerations for Streamlining a Vertically Integrated Company: A Case Study.” Proc. 9th Ann. Conf. International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC-9), 6-8 August, Singapore. Akintoye, A., McIntosh, G., and Fitzgerald, E. (2000). “A Survey of Supply Chain Collaboration and Management in the UK Construction Industry.” European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 3-4 (6) 159-168. Alarcon, L. (editor)(1997). Lean construction. A.A. Balkema, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 497 pages. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (1982). “Recent Advances in Pipe Support Design.” Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference, Orlando, Florida, June 27-July 2. 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Group for Lean Construction (IGLC-10), Gramado, Brazil, pp. 183-195. Arbulu, R.J. and Tommelein, I.D. (2002b). “Alternative Supply-Chain Configurations for Engineered or Catalogued Made-to-Order Components: Case Study on Pipe Supports used in Power Plants.” Proc. 10th Ann. Conf. Intl. Group for Lean Construction (IGLC-10), Gramado, Brazil, pp. 197-209. Arbulu, R.J., Tommelein, I.D., Walsh, K.D., and Hershauer, J.C. (2002). “Contributors to Lead Time in Construction Supply Chains: Case of Pipe Supports Used in Power Plants.“ Proc. Winter Simulation Conference 2002 (WSC02), Exploring New Frontiers, December 8-11, San Diego, California, 1745-1751. Arbulu, R.J., Tommelein, I.D., Walsh, K.D., and Hershauer, J.C. (2003). “Value Stream Analysis of a Re-engineered Construction Supply Chain.” J. 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