Model Test Seven Part I Writing
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the
passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For
questions 1~7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),
B), C) and D). For questions 8~10, complete the sentences with the
information given in the passage.
Running Dry
(1) "WATER is the oil of the 21
century," declares Andrew
Liveris, the chief executive of Dow, a chemical company. Like oil,
water is a critical lubricant(华润剂) of the global economy. And as
with oil, supplies of warm'—at least, the clean, easily
accessible(可接近的) sort—are coming under enormous strain because
of the growing global population and an emerging middle-class in Asia
that hankers(渴求,追求) for the water-intensive life enjoyed by
people in the West.
(2) Oil prices have fallen from their recent peaks, but concerns
about the availability of freshwater show no sign of decreasing.
Goldman Sachs, an investment bank, estimates that global water
consumption is doubling every 20 years, which it calls an
"unsustainable" rate of growth. Water, unlike oil, has no substitute.
Climate change is altering the patterns of freshwater availability in
complex ways that can lead to more frequent and severe droughts.
(3) Industrialization without limitation, particularly in poor
countries, is polluting rivers and aquifers(含水层) . America's
generous subsidies for bio-fuel have increased the harvest of waterintensive crops that are now used for energy as well as food. And
heavy subsidies for water in most parts of the world mean it is often
grossly under priced—and hence wasted.
(4) All of this poses a problem, first and foremost, for human
welfare. At the annual World Water Week conference in Stockholm this
week, delegates focused on measures to extend access to clean water
and sanitation(卫生,卫生设) to the world's poor. But it also poses a
problem for industry. "For businesses, water is not optional," says
Dominic Waugh ray of the World Economic Forum, a think-tank, "
Without it, industry and the global economy falter. "
(5) Water is an essential ingredient in many of the products that
line supermarket shelves, JPMorgan, a bank, reckons that five big
food and beverage giants—Nestle, Unilever, Coca- Cola, AnheuserBusch and Danone—consume almost 575 billion liters of water a year,
enough to satisfy the daily water needs of every person on the planet.
(6) Although agriculture uses most water, many other products and
services also depend on it. It takes around 13 cubic meters of
freshwater to produce a single 200mm semiconductor wafer(薄片; 干胶
片) , for example. Chip-making is thought to account for 25% of water
consumption in Silicon Valley. Energy production is also waterintensive: each year around 40% of the freshwater withdrawn from
lakes and aquifers in America is used to cool power plants. And
separating just one liter of oil from tar sands—a costly alternative
fuel made feasible by high oil prices—requires up to five liters of
(7) Quality matters as much as quantity. According to the World
Bank, around 90% of the rivers in China near urban areas are
seriously polluted. The overall cost of water scarcity (水荒) —from
pollution and the depletion(弄空) of groundwater—is estimated to be
147 billion yuan($21.4 billion) a year, or almost 1% of China's
annual output. In 2007 poor water- quality cost China some $12
billion in lost industrial output alone.
(8) Elsewhere, Taipei City in Taiwan no longer allows companies
to tap its groundwater, because of shortages. Firms in drought-ridden
Australia have lived under strict water restrictions for years.
Southern Company, an electricity utility based in Atlanta,
temporarily shut down some if its power plants last summer because of
a drought. Indeed, according to a survey by the Marsh Center for Risk
Insights, 40% of Fortune 1000 companies said the impact of a water
shortage on their business would be "severe" or "catastrophic" (灾难
性的) —but only 17% said they were prepared for such a crisis.
(9) Not all companies are sitting still. Since 1995 Dow has
reduced the amount of water it uses per tonne of output by over a
third. Nestle cut its water consumption by 29% between 1997 and 2006,
even as it almost doubled the volume of food it produced. And at
Coca-Cola bottling plants from Bogota to Beijing, schools of fish
swim in the water tanks filled with treated wastewater, evidence to
the firm's commitment to clean all its wastewater by 2010 (it is 84%
of the way there) .
(10) Cynics say such programs are mere public relations. There is
some truth to this. Companies that use freshwater in areas where it
is scare are understandably unpopular. Activists have attacked both
Coea-Cola and Pepsi, for instance, for allegedly (被怀疑) depleting
groundwater in India to make bottled drinks. Coca-Cola took the
matter to court and was proved innocent by an independent commission,
which blamed a regional drought for water shortages, but activists
were not satisfied and refused to calm down. Coca-Cola has responded
by redoubling its attention to water—for instance, by backing a
scheme in Kaladera to teach villagers how to harvest rainwater and
irrigate crops more efficiently. "Regulatory licenses to water are
not enough," says Jeff Sea bright of Coca-Cola, "We need a social
license—the OK from the community—to operate. "
(11) Cutting water consumption can also make business sense.
Using less water reduces spending on water acquisition and treatment,
and on the clean-up of wastewater. Some firms have no choice. Elion
Chemical in China is working with General Electric to recycle 90% of
its wastewater to comply with Beijing's strict new " zero-liquid
discharge" rules, which bar companies from dumping wastewater into
the environment. Of Nestlé’s 481 factories worldwide, 49 are in
extremely water-stressed regions where water conservation and re-use
is the only
(12) Such farsightedness(有远见的) is, alas, only a drop in the
bucket. In a drought, even water-efficient factories can run into
trouble. Moreover, the water used within a factory's walls is often
only a tiny fraction of a firm's true dependence on water. Jose Lopez,
the chief operating officer of Nestle, notes that it takes four
liters of water to make one liter of product in Nestlé’s factories,
but 3000 liters of water to grow the agricultural produce that goes
into it. These 3000 liters may be outside his control, but they are
very much a part of his business.
1. Water will become the oil in the 21st century because ______.
A) Asians are enjoying a better life.
B) there is an ever-increasing population
C) farming calls for more clean water
D) there will be more droughts
2. According to Goldman Sachs, global water consumption is
doubling every, ______ years.
A) 30 B) 25 C) 20 D) 13
3. In most countries, water is being seriously wasted because
A) people are charged far less for their consumption of water
B) industry is experiencing a faster development than ever
C) America begins to produce the harvest of water-intensive crops
D) most of the water in the lakes is partially polluted
4. Which of the following is true of the 5st paragraph?
A) The five big food and beverage giants consume far less water
than people in the Asia.
B) Many of the supermarkets will go bankrupt if there is enough
C) The five giants should be highly charged for their consumption
of water.
D) The five giants consume as much water as people in the world
in their daily life.
5. The Americans use ______ or so of the freshwater from lakes
and aquifers to cool power plants.
A) 25% B) 13% C) 40% D) 20%
6. According to the World Bank, every year China spends about
______ billion in dealing with the polluted water.
A) $20 B) $12 C) $147 D) $1
7. ______ of the Fortune 1000 companies surveyed by the Marsh
Center for Risk Insights claimed to be well prepared for the water
A) About 400 C) Nearly half
B) Approximately 300 D) Less than 200
Part III listening Comprehension
Section A
Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations
and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or
more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the
conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each
question there will be a pause. During the pause , you must read the
four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) , and decide which is the
best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2
with a single line through the centre.
11. A) Mary is going to get her driver's license soon.
B) Mary is not going to the party.
C) Mary hasn't bought a car yet.
D) Mary should not be driving without a license.
12. A) He's glad that the woman will be away.
B) He's not sure if he'll be able to help her.
C) He'll do what the woman requests of him.
D) He'll go with the woman.
13. A) He thinks it's not a good time for a conversation.
B) He thinks they had better talk with the old man later.
C) He thinks it's a good place for a conversation.
D) He thinks they had better leave the place now.
14. A) A historical event.
B) The man's performance on a history exam.
C) Dr. Johnson's history class.
D) A historical novel.
15. A) Who're going to attend the meeting.
B) What's to be discussed at the meeting.
C) Where the meeting is to be held.
D) When the meeting is to be held.
16. A) Whether the woman will go to the party with him.
B) Whether the red tie matches his shirt.
C) Whether he should wear a blue tie to the party.
D) Whether the party has already begun.
17. A) He cut his finger while cooking.
B) He doesn't want to work in a restaurant.
C) He's planning to open up his own restaurant.
D) He's not going to eat at a restaurant.
18. A) The woman is asking the man to leave.
B) The woman feels sorry ~for the man's carelessness.
C) The man is a member of the airport staff.
D) The man's behavior is strange.
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just
19. A) Light music. C) Country music.
B) Rock and roll. D) Jazz music.
20. A) Italian. C) American.
B) Mexican. D) Japanese.
21. A) Because she doesn't eat tomatoes. C) Because she doesn't
eat beans.
B) Because she doesn't like potatoes. D) Because it's too
22. A) Entertainment. C) Classical music.
B) Preference. D) Favorite food.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just
23. A) One. C) Three.
B) Two. D) Four.
24. A) He wanted to work in the daytime.
B) He wanted to earn more money.
C) He wanted to work with a big restaurant
D) He wanted to work with his friends.
25. A) One sick day a month. C) Health insurance.
B) One month holiday a year. D) Free training.
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At
the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the
passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a
question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices
marked A) , B) , C) and D) . Then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. A) Because he spent all his money on a very expensive
electric car.
B) Because he spent $15000 on an electric car that can't go fast.
C) Because the electric car he bought is too big in size.
D) Because his new car produces a lot of pollution.
27. A) Because it does not pollute the air.
B) Because it will soon become popular.
C) Because it can save a lot of power.
D) Because it is more comfortable and convenient.
28. A) It can only run on special high ways.
B) Its top speed is only 56 miles per hour.
C) It needs several days to be recharged.
D) It runs out of battery after about 60 miles.
Passage Two
Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage yon have just heard.
29. A) Because she had a small garden.
B) Because she lived in an apartment.
C) Because she lived in a house with no garden.
D) Because she had only a small country hut.
30. A) In her sister's garden. C) On the bus floor.
B) In her own garden. D) At a bus stop.
31. A) A miserable story. C) A funny story.
B) A love story. D) A ridiculous story.
Passage Three
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
32. A) To find out if people like to do volunteer work.
B) To find out what kind of lob people prefer to take.
C) To find out how much money is enough for people to live in a
D) To find out how much people would like to work ff they had
enough money.
33. A) Take care of the family full time. C) Work full time.
B) Take care of the family part time. D) Stay at home doing
34. A) 39%. B) 33%. C) 31%. D) 15%.
35. A) Because a greater part of women surveyed work both outside
home and as homemakers.
B) Because a greater part of women surveyed do not want to give
up either role.
C) Because a lot of women like having responsibilities at home.
D) Because both breadwinners enjoy the roles they play.
Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times.
When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen
carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again.
When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to
fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you
have just heard. For blanks numbered 44 to 46 you are required to
fill in missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the
exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your
own Words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you
should check what you have written.
Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
Section A
Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks.
You are required to select one word for each blank from the list of
choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage
through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank
is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for
each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following passage.
Another great difference between cops (警察) and their television
counterparts (对应的人) is their physical condition. Detectives
everywhere work twelve hours a day, seven days, most weeks. A study
of British detectives' working hours found that they spent five hours
a day at home. This means that detectives' marriages are often shaky
affairs, and they are said to have the highest (47) rate of any
professional group. And most real-life detectives, far from being the
tanned(皮肤晒黑的) , fit heroes of the screen, are white-faced, short
of several weeks' sleep. And living on their (48) .
A detective's work is decided by the type of crime to which he is
(49) . An officer working in a big city, either in Britain or America,
will deal all day, every day, with assaults, robberies, thefts, (50)
—whatever comes his way. If he is assigned to a specialist unit,
like the Murder Squad in London, his interests are (51) on the people
who commit those crimes, and the rest of the world passes him by.
The work he does is determined by the laws (52) to those crimes,
making it hard to compare the work in different countries. The
training of detectives, too, is often quite different. When a British
detective enters the force, he will already have done his sixteen
weeks' (53) training. After two trial years on the beat he can join
the CID—the Criminal Investigation Department—again on trial, and
after two years, if he's good enough, becomes a detective
constable(警官) . Then he has a further three months at a detective
training school where the studies are almost (54) in criminal law,
and the pass mark is 80 percent. As a diversion(娱乐) , the students
get (55) lectures on murder investigations and the use of explosives,
but the rest is hard grind(专心学习) .
However, in New York there is much less formal training. A young
policeman gets a few weeks in school, mainly learning self-defense
and the basic powers of arrest. He then starts learning his trade in
(56) on the streets. If he is "active" there, he can be tried out in
the detective department—there is no school. If he learns fast, he
A. assigned F. centered K. minimum
B. relating G. murders L. earnest
C. involving H. expected M. interestingly
D. divorce I. occasional N. entirely
E. hazards J. nerves O. basic
Section B
Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is
followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them
there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should decide
on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer
Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage one
Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.
We are all consumers. Every time we make a purchase, however
humble, we are consciously or unconsciously using our power to choose.
Since art is involved in most of the objects seen and used every day,
one of the great needs of the consumer is knowledge of the principles
fundamental to good taste. Good taste, in the field of art, is the
application of the principles of design to the problems in life where
appearances as well as utility are a consideration. With the
development of our appreciation of these principles, the meaning of
the term "principles of design" broadens and deepens. These
principles are never static. They should be regarded as flexible
guides to be used in producing a desired result. It has been said
that good taste is doing unconsciously the right thing, at the right
time, in the right way. Good taste in art can be acquired by applying
the principles of beauty deliberately until, the time is reached when
the right thing is done unconsciously.
Good taste, then, includes the selection and arrangement of all
our belongings—our communal as well as our personal possessions. For
the sake of economy as well as beauty, it is important that every
individual should understand and apply these principles of art. Since
the appearance of the things we acquire causes us to enjoy some of
them permanently, while others please for only a little while, it is
an advantage to be able to judge discriminately. Beauty is determined
not by the cost but by the quality of the objects chosen. Most people
who enjoy the effect of richness would like to know how to appreciate
the restraint, which marks the difference between the rich and the
gaudy, while others who like simple things wish to recognize the
point where plainness ceases to be beautiful and becomes monotonous
and unimaginative. Training will show where merely a variation of
proportions or the addition of some simple note of contrast will
result in a quality and beauty that might otherwise be lacking.
57. The principles of design
A) are fundamental to good taste because they are part of our
B) should not be regarded as unchangeable guides when they are
C) must be kept in mind until we can apply them unconsciously
D) could only be acquired when the appearance combines with
58. Good taste in art
A) must strike a good balance between the appearance and utility
B) appeals mainly to the mental requirements of the consumers
C) can only be acquired by unconscious application of such
D) depends on the proper application of the principles of design
59. Which of the following is TRUE of the first paragraph?
A) Designers place more emphasis on appearance than on utility.
B) Consumers apply principles of design consciously when buying
C) The principles of design inevitably change as time goes by.
D) Consumers often find it hard to acquire a good taste in art.
60. In the author's eye, we can judge whether a thing is
beautiful or not mainly by its
A) cost B) appearance C) proportion D) quality
61. The word” gaudy" An the second paragraph most probably means
A) properly painted C) attractively decorated
B) moderately shaped D) too brightly colored
Passage Two
Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.
It often happens that a number of applicants with almost
identical qualifications and experience all apply for the same
position. In their educational background, special skills and work
experience, there is little, if anything, to choose between half a
dozen candidates. How then does the employer make a choice? Usually
on the basis of an interview.
There are many arguments for and against the interview as a
selection procedure. The main argument against it is that it results
in a wholly subjective decision. As often as not, employers do not
choose the best candidate, they choose the candidate who makes a good
first impression on them. Some employers, of course, reply to this
argument by saying that they have become so experienced in
interviewing staff that they are able to make a sound assessment of
each candidate's likely performance. The main argument in favor of
the interview—and it is, perhaps, a good argument—is that an
employer is concerned not only with a candidate's ability, but With
the suitability of his or her personality for the particular work
situation. Many employers, for example, will overlook occasional
inefficiencies from their secretary provided she has a pleasant
It is perhaps true to say, therefore, that the real purpose of an
interview is not to assess the assessable aspects of each candidate
but to make a guess at the more intangible things, such as
personality, character and social ability. Unfortunately, both for
the employers and applicants for jobs, there are many people of great
ability who simply do not interview well. There are also, of course,
people who interview extremely well, but are later found to be very
unsatisfactory employee. Candidates who interview well tend to be
quite confident, but never boastful; direct and straightforward in
their questions and answers; cheerful and friendly, but never overfamiliar; and sincerely enthusiastic and optimistic. Candidates who
interview badly tend to be at either end of the spectrum of human
behavior. They are either very shy or over- confident. They show
either a lack of enthusiasm or an excess of it. They either talk too
little or never stop talking. They are either over-polite or rudely
62. We can infer from the passage that an employer might tolerate
his secretary's occasional mistakes, if the latter is ______.
A) talkative B) cheerful C) optimistic D) enthusiastic
63. What is the author's attitude towards the interview as a
selection procedure?
A) Positive. B) Sympathetic. C) Objective. D) Dismayed.
64. According to the passage, people argue over the interview as
a selection procedure mainly because they have different ______.
A) standards for competence C) outlooks of value
B) purposes in the interview D) work experiences
65. The purpose of the last paragraph is to indicate ______.
A) the ways to positively impress the interviewers
B) connections between work abilities and personality
C) the strong points interviews might highly value
D) a link between success in interview and personality
66. Who might be most interested in the last paragraph?
A) The would-be bosses. C) The interviewers.
B) The applicants. D) The training centers.
Part V Cloze
Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For
each blank there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You
should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the
corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through
the centre.
The average person learns most of the 30000-40000 words whose
meaning he or she recognizes by learning or reading them in context
or simply absorbing them without conscious effort. The best way to a
good vocabulary, (67) , is to read a great deal and to participate
(68) a lot of good talk. There are (69) few words that we learn
permanently by purposefully (70) to dictionaries or keeping word
lists. However, even those extra few are (71) value, and no one will
make a mistake by working on (72) a large 'vocabulary. Here are some
suggestions of how to do it.
Read plenty of good books. When you come (73) a new word or a new
meaning of an old word, stop and see if you can understand it from
its (74) . If you do not, and if you can manage it without (75) the
thought of the book too much, look it up in a dictionary or ask
somebody and then repeat its meaning to yourself a couple of times.
If you are really conscientious, (76) the word and its meaning in a
personal vocabulary list— (77) using it in a sentence. (78) over the
list from time to time. (79) , try to use a new word in writing (80)
conversation a few times over the next several days.
Listen to good talks and be (81) to new words you hear or to new
meanings of words you already know. Then treat them (82) you do new
words you read. Learn and be alert to parts of words: prefixes,
suffixes, and (83) . Knowing them (84) you to make intelligent
guesses about the meanings of words. If you are studying a foreign
language, be alert for words in that language which (85) to words in
English. English has inherited or borrowed much of its vocabulary of
500000-600000 words (86) Latin, Greek, French, Spanish, and German.
67. A) besides C) however
B) therefore D) nevertheless
68. A) over C) through
B) for D) in
69. A) relatively C) favorably
B) interestingly D) obviously
70. A) searching C) referring
B) looking D) consulting
71. A) of C) beyond
B) in D) at
72. A) gathering C) extending
B) developing D) expanding
73. A) up C) off
B) over D) across
74. A) context C) position
B) surrounding D) location
75. A) wondering C) interrupting
B) upsetting D) bothering
76. A) input C) record
B) write D) imitate
77. A) preferably C) earnestly
B) reasonably D) ideally
78. A) Pass C) Fall
B) Take D) Go
79. A) Further C) Namely
B) Normally D) Anyway
80. A) and C) or
B) over D) versus
81. A) quick C) curious
B) alert D) active
82. A) even if C) only when
B) as if D) just as
83. A) families C) roots
B) branches D) clusters
84. A) enables C) motivates
B) prepares D) favors
85. A) amount C) keep
B) relate D) belong
86. A) with C) by
B) in D) from
Part VI Translation
Directions: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by
translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.
Part I Writing
Directions: In this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a
composition on the topic: Has Microsoft Crone too Far in China ? You
should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the
outline (given in Chinese) below:
1. 微软公司宣布采用“黑屏”措在中国打击盗版;
2. 人们对此有不同的看法;
3. 你的观点的……
Has Microsoft Gone too Far in China7
Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
8. Ever since 1995 Dow has been using ______ of its original
amount of water per tonne of output.
9. In India, Coea-Cola and Pepsi are thought to withdraw
freshwater from the ground to produce bottled drinks and received
10. Faced with the water shortage, one way is to reduce the
consumption of water and the other is to ______.
Part III Section C
Rockets trainer Keith Jones approached the bike shop last year
(36) ______ making a custom bike for Yao Ming. Constructing a (37)
______ bike for someone who is that tall isn't easy, but if there was
someone in Houston who could make it (38) ______, it was Jeff Nielsen.
Nielsen, the owner of West U Cycles, has become (39) ______ of a
bike-builder to the stars in Houston.
Nielsen said: "You got a guy who's 7'6". The bike wasn't going to
take normal-size handlebars. It wasn't going to take a normal-size
seat. The bike had to be able to (40) ____________ a guy who weighs
310 pounds. "
Collecting all the necessary parts from bike shops and custom
bike (41) ______ from across the country was the most (42) ______
part. Once all the parts arrived at his shop, Nielsen and his (43)
______ at West U spent about two days putting them all together. And
as if (44) ______________________________ if they stumbled upon it on
the street, Nielsen added a special touch with Yao's name painted in
white on the top tube.
(45) ______________________________. Nielsen estimates the total
cost of the bike is around $12000.
(46) "______________________________," he said, "I hope he likes
it. "
Part VI Translation
87. The system can be allowed to operate in such a way
__________________ (以达到三个基本目的) .
88. The less we fancy ourselves ill or bother about little bodily
discomforts,__________________(或许越有可能保持身体的健康) .
89. As a general observation, many physicians regret
________________________(没有学习医学历史课程) .
90. Five minutes earlier, ________________________(我们就可以赶上
最后一趟火车了) .
91. Not until people can completely trust you
________________________(你才能对他们产生积极的影响) .
Test 7
Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short
conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each
conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.
Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.
After each question there will be a pause. During the pause , you
must read the four choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) , and decide
which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
11. W: Mary is going to give me a lift to the party.
M: How could she? She doesn't have her license yet.
Q: What does the man mean?
12. W: Could you take notes for me and get copies of the handouts
while I'm away next week?
M: Sure. I'd be glad to.
Q: What does the man mean?
13. W: Shall we sit here and have a talk with the old man?
M: There is no better place than here.
Q: What does the man mean?
14. W: How did you do on Dr. Johnson's history exam?
M: Well, I passed anyway. But I wish I'd studied more.
Q: What are they talking about?
15. W: Do you know something about the meeting on Monday?
M: Yes, I do. But I'm still not quite sure what the meeting is
Q: What does the man want to know most?
16. W: The party is starting soon. Aren't you ready yet?
M: I just have to decide on a tie. Do you think this red one goes
with my shirt?
Q: What does the man want to know?
17. M: Is Ron still working as a cook?
W: Not anymore. He decided he's not cut for restaurant work.
Q: What can be concluded about Ron?
18. W: Excuse me, Sir. You're not supposed to be here. This area
is for airport staff only.
M: I'm sorry. I didn't notice this sign.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?
Now you'll have two long conversations.
Conversation One
M: Hi, Mary. Did you have a good time at the club last night?
W: Yeah, it was pretty wild.
M: What did you think of the band?
W: Well, the music is great for dancing, but, to tell you the
truth, it was kind of too loud. I guess I really prefer listening to
M: Do you go to a night club very often?
W: No, not too often. I can't afford it. It's too expensive.
M: So, what do you like to do for fun?
W: Well, I love to eat out. There's so many great, cheap
restaurants around here!
M: What's your favorite kind of food?
W: Italian. What about you?
M: Believe it or not. I don't like tomatoes, so I can't eat much
Italian food. But I love Mexican food.
W: Oh, I hate beans. Boy, you and I don't seem to agree on very
many things, do we?
Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just
19. What music does the woman actually prefer listening to?
20. What kind of food does the man like to eat?
21. Why doesn't the woman like Mexican food?
22. What're the man and the woman talking about?
Conversation Two
W: How many years of work experience do you have?
M: About five.
W: Umm. And where did you work before?
M: Well, I worked at the Grand Cafe for three years, and then I
worked at Joe's Place for about two years.
W: Why did you leave Joe's Place?
M: I left my last job because I wanted to have a daytime job and
they only had jobs at night.
W: And why do you want to work here?
M: One of my friends is working here. And she says the people are
very nice and the restaurant is very good.
W: I see. Do you have any questions you'd like to ask me?
M: Yes. What's the salary?
W: $5.00 an hour plus tips.
M: What are the hours?
W: If you work days, you have to work from 11:00 until 4:30.
M: And what are the benefits? Is there health insurance?
W: No. There's no health insurance. But you get one day sick
leave a month. Do you have any other questions?
M: No, I think that's all. Thank you.
Questions 23 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just
23. How many times did the man quit his jobs before?
24. Why did he leave his last job?
25. What's the benefit of the job the man is applying for?
Section B
Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At
the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the
passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a
question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices
marked A) , B) , C) and D) , then mark the corresponding letter on
Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage One
Hi. My name is Dave and my neighbors and friends think I'm crazy.
I just bought a car for $15000 that can't go very fast or very far or
seat more than two people. It's not fancy; no air conditioning or
anything like that. Maybe you guessed it: I've bought an electric car.
And you know what? I really love it.
First of all, I feel good about not using any gas and not
polluting the air. You know, here in California half the air
pollution is caused by gasoline-powered cars. We have to do something
about that.
Sure, my electric car isn't as convenient as my old one. For one
thing, the battery runs out after about 60 miles. So that means I
have to recharge it often. I have to find a special recharging
station and leave the car there for several hours. Also, its top
speed is only about 65 miles per hour. One good thing, though, my
electric car is quieter than gas-powered cars. So it's cutting down
on noise pollution too.
All in all, I think electric cars are the wave of the future.
Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.
26. Why do Dave's neighbors and friends think he is crazy?
27. Why does Dave love his new car so much?
28. What disadvantage does his new car have?
Passage Two
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mrs. Wilson lives in a
house in Duncan and Mrs. Smith lives in an apartment in Victoria. One
day Mrs. Wilson visited her sister. When her sister answered the door
Mrs. Wilson saw tears in her eyes. "What's the matter?" she asked.
Mrs. Smith said, "My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to
bury him. "
She began to cry again. Mrs. Wilson was very sad because she knew
he sister loved the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said "I can
bury your cat in my garden in Duncan and you can come and visit him
sometimes. " Mrs. Smith stopped crying and the two sisters had tea
together and a nice visit.
It was now five o'clock and Mrs. Wilson said it was time for her
to go home. Mrs. Smith put the dead Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs.
Wilson took the shopping ban and walked to the bus stop. When the bus
arrived she got on the bus, sat down and put the shopping bag on the
floor beside her feet. She then began to read the newspaper. When the
bus arrived at her bus stop she got off the bus and walked for about
two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she left the shopping bag on the
bus. Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.
29. Why did Mrs. Smith say she has no place to bury her cat?
30. Where did Mrs. Wilson leave her sister's dead cat?
31. What's the passage about?
Passage Three
In a recent survey, people were asked about how much they would
work if they had all the money they needed. The answers were
surprising. Twenty-one percent of men said that they would like to do
full-time family care. The percentage of women who would stay at home
full- time if they could afford dropped from 39 percent in 1981 to 31
percent in this survey.
When asked about other options, 33 percent of men and 15 percent
of" women said they would work full-time. Twenty-eight percent of men
and 33 percent of women preferred the idea of part-time work.
Volunteer work appealed to 20 percent of women and 17 percent of men.
Family life is more complicated for families with two
breadwinners. Many women work both outside the home and as homemakers.
However, 56 percent of the women polled did not want to give up
either role. They liked having responsibilities both at home and at
Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.
32. What's the purpose of the recent survey?
33. What do twenty-one percent of men prefer to do according to
the survey?
34. What percentage of men would work full-time?
35. Why does the author say that family life is more complicated
for families with two breadwinners?
Section C
Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times..
When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen
carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the
second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36
to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered
from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information.
For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just
heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when
the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you
have written.
Rockets trainer Keith Jones approached the bike shop last year
(36) about making a custom bike for Yao Ming. Constructing a (37)
mountain bike for someone who is that tall isn't easy, but if there
was someone in Houston who could make it (38) happen, it was Jeff
Nielsen. Nielsen, the owner of West U Cycles, has become (39)
something of a bike-builder to the stars in Houston.
Nielsen said, "You got a guy who's 7'6". The bike wasn't going to
take normal-size handlebars. It wasn't going to take a normal-size
seat. The bike had to be able to (40) trundle a guy who weights 310
pounds. "
Collecting all the necessary parts from bike shops and custom
bike (41) builders from across the country was the most (42) time-
consuming part. Once all the parts arrived at his shop, Nielsen and
his (43) crew at West U spent about two days putting them all
together. And as if (44) there was any danger of someone mistaking
this bike for their own if they stumbled upon it on the street,
Nielsen added a special touch with Yao's Name painted in white on the
top tube.
(45) All this custom work does come at a price. Nielsen
estimates the total cost of the bike is around $12000.
(46) "It's one of the most unusual projects I've ever worked on.
" He said. "I hope he likes it. "
Key to Model Test Seven
Part I Writing
Sample Composition
Has Microsoft Gone too Far in China?
Many computer users in China were stricken by panic when they
learned that Microsoft,in order to urge consumers to purchase
legitimate software,had announced its decision to crack down on the
pirated Windows software by turning the screen completely black.
Has Microsoft gone too far in carrying out this anti-piracy move?
People vary in their opinion.Those who support Microsoft hold that
Microsoft is only protecting its interests and what's important is
that they are launching this campaign in a legal and reasonable
way.If Microsoft doesn’t do like this,they will suffer great loss
from piracy.Additionally,the Chinese software industry and Chinese
companies Can learn fl lot from this fight against piracy,and
prepare for the War against piracy so as to guard their own
benefits.Those who believe Microsoft has gone too far think
Microsoft is alienating millions of Chinese users and it will surely
hurt its long-term interests.According to an online survey,nearly
90 percent people said that Microsoft's decision has triggered their
hostility and they are determined not to buy any legitimate version
of Microsoft products.
So far I am concerned.I don't think Microsoft has gone far
because what it is doing is fairly within the law.What I want to
emphasize is that Chinese software industry and Chinese companies
should grasp this golden opportunity to develop themselves,for
although Microsoft is acting fairly reasonably,it will inevitably
lose many of the shares by arousing the hostility.
Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)
1.[答案] B。文章第一段指出,2l 世纪,水,尤其是干净可用的水将和
2.[答案] C。文章第二段指出,Goldman Sachs 是一个投资银行,它估计
全球用水量正以每 20 年翻一番的速度增加,所以选 C。
3.[答案] A。文章第三段指出,世界不少地方对用水的补贴(subsidy) 费
大,这意味着水的价格就定得非常的低(grossly under-priced) ,水价低,人
们就缺乏节约意识,于是出现浪费(hence wasted) ,所以选 A。
4.[答案] D。第五段指出,这五个食品和饮料巨头每年消耗的水约 5750
亿升,完全可以满足地球上所有人的日常需求,所以选 D。
5.[答案] C。文章第六段指出,能量生产的耗水量很大,美国每年从湖泊
和地层提取的淡水中,40%被用于冷却发电厂的设备,所以选 C。
6.[答案] A。文章第七段指出,据世界银行统计,中国城市的河流中,大
约 90%受到重度污染,水荒带来的花费大约是 1470 亿人民币,折合美元为 214
亿,这与选项 A 最接近,所以选 A。
7.[答案] D。文章第八段指出,该公司调查的《财富》1000 个公司中,
40%的公司认为缺水对他们的企业影响巨大,甚至是灾难性的,只有 17%的公司
说他们已经做好了准备。这 17%的公司,换算成数字,只有约 170 家公司,所
以选项 D 是正确的。
8.[答案] two-thirds。第 9 段指出,从 1995 年开始,Dow 每生产一吨的
9.[答案] attacks from activities。第 10 段指出,Coca-Cola 和 Pepsi
attacked both Coca-Cola and Pepsi) ,所以填入 attacks from
10.[答案] recycle the water。文章第 11 段指出,公司没有其他的选
择,要么减少生产中的耗水量,要么像 Elion Chemical 那样,循环用水,达到
政府规定的“零液体排放”规定。Nestle 在全世界的 481 个公司中,有 49 个
conservation and re-use is the only option) 。
Part III Listening Comprehension
Section A
11.D 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B
16.B 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B
21.C 22.B 23.B 24.A 25.A
Section B
26.B 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.C
31.A 32.D 33.A 34.B 35.B
Section C
36.about 37.mountain 38.happen 39.something
40.handle 41.builders 42.time-consuming 43.crew
44....there was any danger of someone mistaking this bike for
their own...
45.All this custom work does come at a price
46.It's one of the most unusual projects I've ever worked on...
Part IV Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)
Section A
做此类 15 选 10 阅读试题,首先对这 15 个进行归类。就本篇阅读来说,名
词有 nerves,hazards;动词有 expected,assigned,centered,involving,
relating;形容词有 minimum,earnest,basic,occasional;副词有
interestingly,entirely。另外有两个词的归类有兼类情况,即 murders,
47.[答案] D。从结构上看,第 47 题应该选名词,因为 highest 是最高
坠,所以他们离婚的概率就很高,所以 divorce(离婚) 是正确答案。
48.[答案] J。从结构上看,第 48 题也应该使用名词。此题测试词组此名
词与介词的搭配,on one's nerves 此处主要表示“紧张”、“不安”。
49.[答案] A。从结构上看,第 49 题需要填入动词,再结合 which 前的介
词,不难看出需要填入动词 assigned,构成的词组 assign...to sb.,表示
50.[答案] G。由并列结构可以看出第 50 题需要名词,如果是可数名词,
还应该使用它的复数形式,因为前面的名词 assaults,robberies 和 thefts 都
是复数形式,由此看出,此处填入名词 murders。
51.[答案] F。从结构看出,第 51 题需要填入动词,再看后面的介词,可
以判断出填入动词 center,构成词组 center...on sth,表示“把……放
在……方面”,此处填入 center 后,表示兴趣的着重点在犯这些罪的人的身
52.[答案] B。第 52 题前已经是一个完整的句子,说明空白及其后面的成
分在整个句子中用做定语,修饰前面的名词词组 the laws。能够在名词词组后
白后面有介词 to,说明词组需要填入前面三类(过去分词、现在分词或形容
词) ,并且要与介词 to 搭配使用。经过比对,不难发现 relating 是正确答
案,relate 在此句中为不及物动词,与 to 搭配构成的词组 relate to 表示
“相关,关系到”,如 all the papers that relate to this subject(有关
这个问题的所有论文) 。
53.[答案] O。从结构上看,第 53 题需要的是形容词。在四个形容词中,
basic 与 training 搭配使用,表示“基本的训练”。
54.[答案] N。从结构上看,entirely 应该修饰副词或形容词。再看原
句,如果不填入任何单词,把 entirely 去掉,句子 the studies are in
criminal law 也是正确的,由此说明填入的单词不是句子完整的必备单词,因
此,需要填入副词。两个副词中,entirely 与 almost 能够搭配使用。
55.[答案] I。从结构上看,第 55 题空后面是名词,说明前面一般使用形
少数,所以填入 occasional,表示“偶尔”。
56.[答案] L。第 56 题测试的是词组 in earnest 的用法。该词组表示
“正经的”,带有认真或坚定的目的,如 settled down to study in earnest
for the examination(坚定信心认真坐下来复习准备考试) 。
Section B
57.[答案] B。第一段明确指出,这些原则不是一成不变的(never
static) ,为了取得预想的效果,它们应该具有弹性(flexible) ,这与选项 B
的 should not be regarded as unchangeable 同义,所以选项 B 是答案。
58.[答案] D。该题测试对第一段最后一个句子的理解。该句指出,人们
必须有意识地(deliberately) 使用这些美学原则,直至达到能无意识地
(unconsciously) 正确使用它们。所以选项 D 是正确答案。
59.[答案] C。该题的答案与第 57 题的答案比较接近,测试对细节的把握
和单词(static) 的理解。文中提到 appearance 和 utility 这两个单词,但没
有提到设计人员更看中外观,文中也没有提到选项 D;选项 B 夸大了事实,因
60.[答案] D。该题测试了对第二段中句子 Beauty is determined not
by the cost but by the quality of the objects chosen 的理解。该句明确
61.[答案] D。此题测试对单词的理解。Gaudy 的意思是“华而不实
62.[答案] B。文中第二段最后一句指出,如果秘书天性活泼可爱(has a
pleasant personality) ,许多老板对她们办事效率偶尔低下也不会在意(will
overlook occasional inefficiencies) 。
63.[答案] C。此题测试作者对面试的态度。作者撰写这篇文章时,第一
情,所以选 C。
64.[答案] A。第二段讲述了对面试的两种截然不同的看法:反对和赞
人员的潜在的工作水平(likely performance) 进行可靠的评价(sound
assessment) 。实际上,他们关注的是应聘人员个性对特定工作环境的适应能
上,所以选 A。
65.[答案] D。该题实际测试了最后一段的主旨。最后一段首先指出,能
66.[答案] B。最后一段讨论的是面试中个性与成功之间的关系,即将参
Part V Cloze
67.[答案] B。选项中,therefore 的意思是“因此,所以”,besides 的
意思是“而且,此外”,however 的意思是“然而,可是;无论如何”,
nevertheless 的意思是“仍然,然而,不过”。前面提到熟悉 30000~40000
出,阅读很重要。于是,阅读就成了扩大词的最佳途径,所以选 therefore。
68.[答案] D。此题测试词组 participate in 的用法,它的:意义是“参
69.[答案] A。relatively 的意思是“相关的,相对地”;
interestingly 意思是“有趣地”;favorably 的意思是“顺利地,好意地”;
obviously 的意思是“明显地”。此题测试了副词 relatively 与限定词 few 的
70.[答案] C。词组 refer to dictionaries 表示“查字典”。
71.[答案] A。此题测试介词 of 与名词的搭配使用。介词 of 与名词
value,importance, significance,use 等连用时,其语义相当于对应的形
容词 valuable,important,significant, useful。
72.[答案] B。该题测试动词与名词的搭配用法。develop a large
vocabulary 表示“逐步掌 握到较多的单词”。gather 的意思是“收集,积
聚”;extend 的意思是“扩充,延伸”; expand 的意思是“使膨胀,扩
73.[答案] D。come up 的意思是“出现,发生;走上前来”;come over
的意思是“过来”; come off 的意思是“脱落,分开;结果,表现”;come
across 的意思是“偶然遇见,碰上”。
74.[答案] A。context 的意思是“上下文”;Surrounding 的意思是“环
境”;position 的意思是 “位置;立场”;location 的意思是“位置;场
所”。我们要了解一个单词的意思,主要看 它出现的语境,即上下文,所以此
处填入单词 context。
75.[答案] C。wonder 的意思是“想知道”;upset 的意思是“使心
烦”;interrupt 的意思是 “打断;妨碍”;bother 的意思是“烦扰;打
扰”。在做一件事,因为某事而中断,使用动 词 interrupt。
76.[答案] B。学习英语时,查单词或向他人请教某个单词的含义后,常
常将该单词和它 的词义抄下来,所以填入单词 write。
77.[答案] A。记忆单词时,最好不要孤立地一个一个单词地记,应该记
句子,这是最佳选 择,所以填入单词 preferably(更适宜) 。reasonably 的意
思是“适度地,相当地”; earnestly 意思是“认真地,诚挚地”;ideally
78.[答案] D。pass over 的意思是“对……不加考虑”;take over 的意
思是“接管,接受”; fall over 的意思是“落在……之间”;go over 的意
79.[答案] A。further 的意思是“更进一步地”;normally 的意思是
“正常地,通常地”; namely 的意思是“即,也就是”;anyway 的意思是
80.[答案] C。单词要么用于笔头,要么用于口头,所以选择 or,二者选
81.[答案] B。词组 be alert to 的意思是“对……敏感,对……很警
82.[答案] D。此处测试 just as 引出的方式状语。
83.[答案] C。由前面的 prefixes(前缀) ,suffixes(后缀) 可以判断出
此处需要填入单词 root,它在这里表示“词根”。
84.[答案] A。词组 enable sb.to do sth.表示“使……能够
85.[答案] B。amount to 的意思是“总计”;relate to 的意思是“涉
及”;keep to 的意思是 “遵守”;belong to 的意思是“属于”。
86.[答案] D。介词 from 与前面的动词 inherit 或 borrow 构成词组,表
示“继承于……”或 “借自于……”
Part VI Translation
87.[答案] 译文 as to meet three fundamental objectives。该题测试
词组 such…as to 引出的 结果状语。如 He was in such bad health as to
be obliged to resign.(他的健康状况很差, 不得不辞职) ;有时 such 和
as to 之间不使用任何成分,如 The brilliance of his satires was such as
to make his victims laugh。(他写的讽刺作品十分精彩,即便是被他讽刺的
88.[答案] 译文 the more likely perhaps we are to preserve our
health。该题测试 the more...the more...句式。置于句首的 the more 部分
可以是名词词组(含有比较级) ,也可以是形容词或副词的比较级。例如:The
more you learn from the past,the fewer regrets you have.(向过去学习
越多,悔恨就越少。) ;The greater your ability to understand,the
better listener you will become.(你的理解能力超强,就越善于倾听。)
89.[答案] 译文 never having taken a course in the history of
medicine。该题测试动词 regret 后面动名词的用法,表示“对……感到后
悔”。例如:I regret having done this in my heart of heart.我从心里
not 或 never。
90.[答案] 译文 and we could have caught the last train。该题测试
“名词词组+and+分句”表示的条件意义。如果句子是否定的,将 and 改为
or。例如:A few steps forward and you will fall of the rock.(再往前
91.[答案] 译文 will you be able to positively influence them。该
题测试 not until 置于句首时后面分句中的倒装用法,即主语前需要有一个助
动词。例如:Not until he went abroad did he know 出 e truth of the
fact.(直到他出国,他才知道了事情的真相。) ;Not until I shouted at
the top of my voice did he turn his head.(直到我高声喊叫,他才转过头