Chapter 3 : ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY a) Define the key terms. (Hand Written) Accommodative strategy Codes of ethics Corporate governance Corporate social responsibility Cultural relativism Defensive strategy Distributive justice Ethical behaviour Ethical dilemma Ethical imperialism Ethics Ethics training Individualism view Instrumental values Interactional justice Justice view Lobbying Moral-rights view Obstructionist strategy Organizational stakeholders Political action committees Proactive strategy Whistleblower 2. Write a response to each of the following: (Hand Written) b) Define ethics and ethical behaviour; and describe the relationships between law, values, and c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) ethical behaviour. Identify and discuss four alternative views of ethical behaviour. Discuss the influence of culture on ethical behaviour; compare and contrast cultural relativism and cultural universalism; and explain how companies can respect universal values across cultures. Define the term ethical dilemma and describe ethical dilemmas typically faced by managers. Identify four rationalizations for unethical behaviour. Identify and discuss the key factors influencing ethical behaviour. List and discuss the various ways in which high ethical standards can be maintained. Explain the concept of corporate social responsibility; explain the role of stakeholders in corporate social responsibility; identify the beliefs that guide socially responsible actions in businesses; and discuss contrasting perspectives on social responsibility. Define the term social responsibility audit; explain the roles of compliance and conviction in social performance; and describe four criteria for evaluating corporate social performance and the strategies that use them Explain how governments influence businesses and how businesses influence governments. Explain the nature of corporate governance and its importance to organizations. Case 1: The minister of a foreign nation asks you to pay a $200,000 consulting fee. In return for the money, the minister promises special assistance in obtaining a $100 million contract that would produce at least a $5 million profit for your company. The contract will probably go to a foreign competitor if not won by you. Case 2: You learn that a competitor has made an important scientific discovery. It will substantially reduce, but not eliminate, your profit for about a year. There is a possibility of hiring one of the competitor’s employees who knows the details of the discovery. Tuesday - Quiz Lecture and classroom involvement: Ethical Behaviour & Social Responsibility Wednesday Lecture and classroom involvement: Ethical Behaviour & Social Responsibility Group Work: You are to describe what you as a group would do if you happened to be in a situation where you could become whistleblowers. What tips would you offer for whistleblowers. Use the chapter for reference. Be innovative with your presentation. Case 3: expense account. You learn that a manager in your company who earns $50,000 a year has been padding his expense account by about $1500 a year. Thursday Monday – Week Ahead Due Friday Lecture and classroom involvement: Ethical Behaviour & Social Responsibility Test Chapters 1, 2, 4 Presentations from Wednesday’s Group work. See next week’s case study assignment 1