J. Repper
Name Julie Repper
Present Appointment Reader and Associate Professor of Mental
Health Nursing and Social Care (seconded .4 fte to Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust; .4 to
(Additional Appointments Recovery Lead, Nottinghamshire Healthcare
Trust (from December 2007); User and Carer
Engagement Fellow, East Midlands CLAHRC
(From Oct 2008); Senior Fellow, Institute of
Mental Health (from Aug 2007); Honorary
Research Fellow, CCAWI, University of Lincoln
(from Aug 2006))
2000 PHD: ‘Translating Policy into Practice. An evaluation of a multidisciplinary training in psychosocial interventions for people with serious mental health problems” Manchester University
1994 MPhil: ‘The patient’s experience of community care: The progress of people referred to a rehabilitation and community care service’
Nottingham Trent University
1988 BA Hons Health Studies (Applied Social Science) First Class (CNAA)
1984 Registered Mental Nurse NMC PIN: 78J0898E
1981 Registered General Nurse NMC PIN: 78J0898E
Honours and Distinctions
2006 Awarded Eilleen Skellern Memorial Lectureship (a UK elected award for contribution to mental health nursing)
1988 Awarded final year prize for ‘outstanding performance’ during my first degree, from School of Social Studies, North East London Polytechnic.
I lead teaching on Recovery and social inclusion, user and carer involvement in research and contemporary developments in mental health in undergraduate nursing courses and post graduate courses.
J. Repper
I am currently developing a new MSc pathway in Recovery and Social Inclusion to commence 2010 (this will constitute the first UK course dedicated to this subject).
Over the past 10 years I have held joint academic/service posts which have enabled me to place an emphasis on the implementation of research findings through further research, service development, workforce development and training. I have co-developed a toolkit for training mental health workers in
Recovery principles and approach including a personal recovery planning pack for service users.
External Examining
University College, London (PhD) June 2009
Nottingham University (internal PhD) 2008
Southamptom University (MSc Mental Health Practitioner) 2007-9
University of Manchester (PhD) Jan 2007
Southamptom University (PGDip Mental Health Practitioner) 2005-7
University of East Anglia (MSc by Research) Dec 2005
University of Lancashire (MSc in Evidence Based Practice) 2000-5
University College, London (PhD) November 2005
City University, London (PhD) June 2004
University of Birmingham (MSc in Community Care) 1998-2002
Kings College, London (Validation Committee for Nursing Courses) 2000
Manchester Metropolitan University (University Board of Approval for Nursing
Courses) 2000
Middlesex University (Validation Cttee for BSc Mental Health Nursing) 2000
Contribution to School’s Teaching and Learning Strategy
Member of Mental Health Research Group
Practice Learning Team Lead
Developing alliances/partnerships with external organizations which inform and contribute to teaching developments; enhance relationships with third sector; bring in variety of service user expertise
Significant Personal Achievements in Teaching and Learning
Personal achievements include my contribution to the development of service user involvement in education and training through cutting edge initiatives
(consistent with Health and Social Care Policy, Mental Health Policy, Recovery, all
Professional education and Darzi recommendations on ‘co-production of knowledge’).
2010 Developing new MSC in Social Inclusion and Recovery which actively promotes places for mental health service users and provides a module on peer support working (this will be a focus in DoH Policy Implementation
Guidance for Recovery due to be published 2009).
2009 Developed and delivered 10 day Peer Support Worker Training with
Making Waves) seeking Level 4 accreditation with Open University.
2008 Developed proposal for service user led evaluation of Recovery training
(with Making Waves) and this has won funding from Notts Healthcare
Trust (£30,000 over 2 years).
J. Repper
2007 Co-developed Recovery training toolkit based on model developed in
Repper and Perkins, 2003. (Commissioned by SW London and St Georges
Mental Health Trust, London). This is now used extensively nationally and internationally.
2004 Initiated, supported and evaluated entirely user and carer run module
(Sheffield) (see Breeze and Repper, 2006; Townend, Tew and Repper,
2000 Set up first user and carer involvement group in the School of Nursing,
Nottm. (see Repper, Hanson, Stickley and Shaw, 2001, in Section D3).
Contribute to the Schoolwide Mental Health Curriculum Advisory Group
Contribute to Schoolwide Mental Health Service user and Carer Group
Contribute to the Schoolwide Mental Health Executive
Mentoring 2 members of staff
Activity Reviewer for 3 members of staff
Involved in recruitment and selection of staff as appropriate.
Activities in support of Internationalisation
Delivered masterclass on user involvement at University of Berne July 2009
Member of World Health Organisation Empowerment Project and co-author of
WHO statement on empowerment in mental health.
Organised visit from WHO Collaborating Centre in LILLE, France to study user involvement in Notts Health care Trust and localuser led organizations.
The model of Recovery and Social inclusion (and training toolkit) developed from
Repper and Perkins (2003) is a key reference in New Zealand Health Commission
Recovery policy, Brazil’s mental health policy, Scottish Recovery Network guidance
Delivered keynote papers in Malta, Switzerland, Arizona 2008
Delivered concurrent papers in Boston Mass. (2005), Toronto (2007), poster presentation Boston (2008).
Work with WHO/Geneva Initiative for Psychiatry 2003-6 has led to a number of bids for funding to support service development and evaluation (thus far unsuccessful)
With the Universities of Adelaide and Birmingham, I developed and evaluated a toolkit for user involvement in research, practice and planning.
Academic and Professional Activities outside the University
2009 Invited member of joint DoH/SCMH (Sainsbury Centre for Mental
Health) Recovery in Forensic Settings Steering Group.
J. Repper
2009 Invited member of DoH/MHRN (Mental Health Research Network)
SURGE (Service Users Research Group England). This group exists to raise the profile of service user research, recruit service users into research, establish service users’ priorities for research and inform service users about research findings.
2009 Elected Carer Representative on the Research project Adoptions
Committee of the National Mental Health Research Network
2008 Invited member of joint DoH/SCMH (Sainsbury Centre for Mental
Health) Recovery Policy Implementation Advisory Group, running a series of seminars around England to generate ideas about the translation of Recovery ideas into services, then publishing policy implementation guidance for mental health service commissioners.
2007 -
Invited Member of Board of Horatio, the Association of European
Mental Health Nursing
Elected chair of DoH/MHRN (Mental Health Research Network)
Carer Research Group FACTOR (Friends and Families Together in
Research). This group exists to raise the profile of carer research, recruit carers into research, establish carers’ priorities for research and inform carers about research findings.
2007 -
2007 -
Invited to join Editorial Board of Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing
Invited to join Editorial Board of Mental Health Review – Pavilion
Publishing Journal
Invited by DoH/CSIP to chair interagency/multiprofessional group to review day services for people with mental health problems and write new commissioning guidance (see publications)
Invited to give evidence on Social Inclusion and Mental Health
Nursing to CNO Review of Mental Health Nursing, DoH, London
2005 -
2005 -
Invited member (nursing representative) of DoH/MHRN habilitation and Recovery Research Forum (University College London) (these
DoH funded groups meet to develop research bids/proposals in priority areas).
Invited member (nursing representative) of DoH/MHRN Social
Inclusion Research Forum (Kings Fund London).
August 2005 External Advisor on interview panel for Professor of Mental Health
Research at Royal College of Nursing.
2002-2003 Inaugural co-chair of ‘Mental Health Nursing Academics UK’ a group with membership of all UK Universities with Nursing Departments, set up to develop strategy and collaboration in mental health nursing research education.
2002-2003 Core member of the DoH National Institute of Mental Health
(England) Nursing Advisory and Development Group
J. Repper
1998-2004 Editorial Board Member of Journal of Clinical Nursing and Journal of
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.
2003- Review research proposals to DoH SDO, NIHR, Mental Health
Foundation, Involve, BIG Lottery Fund Research Programme
2003-2006 Member of organising committee of Annual Royal College of
Nursing Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference.
2003 - 2006 Member of Geneva Initiative for Nursing (affiliated for World Health
Organisation ‘Geneva Initiative for Psychiatry). A group of UK mental health nurses working with nurses from 14 Eastern
European and Newly Independent States to improve the status and treatment of people with mental health problems and mental health nurses.
1998- External Reviewer for Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of
Mental Health, Nursing Times, Mental Health Today and Mental
Health Practice, International Journal of Nursing Studies. Mental
Health Review, Health and social Care in the Community
Outreach Activities
I have been invited to join the Boards of a number of voluntary sector agencies on the basis of my research and publications. I have used these opportunities to a) bring an academic influence to proceedings ensuring that relevant research and rigorous procedures are put in place where relevant; and b) enhance relationships between statutory and non-statutory services through partnership working in teaching, research and practice.
2008 – Steering Group member of Road to Recovery, a self-help group for families of people with psychosis, Nottingham (successfully bid for funds (£40,000 over 2 years) from Primary Care Trust for peer support worker scheme, I provide clinical supervision to the new recruits to these posts and drew up the evaluation specification. Members of this group contribute to the University by providing teaching sessions and representation on research advisory groups.
2005 -
2006 - 8
Director of Making Waves (independent service user research group). I have also worked with this group to secure funding contracts from Notts Healthcare Trust to provide Recovery training and to evaluate the impact of this training.
Trustee of Revolvers (ex-prisoner & mental health activist group)
Attend annual meetings to determine progress and direction of this small but progressive research group.
2003 - 5
Reference Group Member of Tapestry, Service User Social
Relationships Agency, Berkshire. Funded by Big Lottery this is an innovative user led ‘dating agency’ for people with mental health problems which is being formally evaluated.
Trustee of Mentality UK (now subsumed into Sainsbury Centre for
Mental Health).
J. Repper
1998-2000 Trustee of Nottingham Advocacy Group.
May 2004 Interviewed on BBC Radio 4’s ‘All in the Mind’ to provide a critique of ‘The Tidal Model’ of mental health nursing.
Research students; a) 7 students (5 PhD, 2 DHSci) ongoing (2 external)
b) 4 PhD and 1 MPhil students completed
(PA – published since appointment June 2007)
(PR – peer reviewed)
(* - more significant publications)
(PA) Repper J. and Perkins R. (In preparation) Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Mpdel for Mental Health Practice 2 nd Edition.
(PA) Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (Eds) (2008) Mental Health: From Policy to Practice .
Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall.
Repper J. and Perkins R (2003) Social Inclusion and Recovery: A Model for
Mental Health Practice. Edinburgh: Baillière Tindall (Cited in Times Higher Ed as
Number 6 on Top Ten Academic Bestsellers list – April 2008; now on 7 th reprint)
Brooker C. and Repper J. (1998) (Eds) Community Mental Health Services for
People with Serious Mental Health Problems: Policy, Practice and Research.
Edinburgh: Baillière Tindall
Perkins R. and Repper J. (1998) Choice or Control. Dilemmas in Community
Mental Health Practice. Radcliffe Medical Press, Oxford
Perkins R. and Repper J. (1996) Working Alongside People who have Serious long
Term Mental Health Problems. Stanley Thornes, London
(PA) Repper J. and Perkins, R. Recovery and Social Inclusion (2009) Chapter in
(PR) P Callaghan, J Playle and L Cooper (eds) Mental Health Nursing Skills. Oxford
University Press, Oxford. (Due for publication 2009)
(PA) Repper J. and Perkins, R. Recovery og Social Inklusion (2009) Chapter in
(PR) Buus, N. (red) Psykiatrisk sygepleje, Dansk sygeplejerad, Nyt Nordisk Forlag
Arnold Busk.
(PA) Perkins, R. and Repper, J. Recovery, Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion. (2007)
(PR) Chapter in Buus, N. (Ed) (Due for publication 2008)
J. Repper
(PA) Perkins, R. and Repper, J. Recovery and Rehabiliation. Chapter in Norman, I. and
(PR) Ryrie, I. (Eds) (2007) The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing, 2 nd Edition).
Open University Press, Milton Keynes
(PA) Repper, J. (2007) Carers as Researchers: Lessons from the Partnerships in Carer
Assessment Project. Chapter in Nolan, M., Hanson, E., Grant, G., Keady, J. (Eds)
User Participation in Health and Social Care, Open University Press.
(PA) Repper, J. (2007) Working with families and friends: Lessons from a national study of carer assessments. Chapter in Stickley, T., Lindley, P., Bassett, T. (Eds)
Learning about Mental Health Practice. Chichester: John Wiley and sons
(PA) Repper J. (2008) Carer Involvement in Mental Health Services. Chapter in
Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (Eds) Mental Health: From Policy to Practice
Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall
(PA) Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (2008) Recovery and Social Inclusion. Chapter in
Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (Eds) Health: From Policy to Practice Edinburgh:
Bailliere Tindall
Breeze, J. and Repper, J. (2006) Developing and Evaluating a User and Carer led
Module. Chapter in Bassett, T. and Stickley, T. (Eds) Teaching Mental Health.
Chichester: John Wiley and Sons
Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (2004) Recovery and Rehabilitation. Chapter in
Norman, I. and Ryrie, I. (Eds) Mental Health Care and the National Service
Framework. Open university Press, Milton Keynes.
Repper, J. and Perkins, R.(2004) Social Inclusion on Acute Wards. Chapter in
Harrison, M. and Mitchell, D. (Eds) Nursing in Acute Care Settings, Sage
Publications, London.
Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (2003) Recovery and Social Inclusion. Pp 54-67 in
Hannigan, B. & Coffey, M. (Eds) The Handbook of Community Mental Health
Nursing, Routledge, London.
Repper, J. (2003) Creating effective relationships Chapter in Harris, N., Williams,
S. and Bradshaw, T. (Eds) Psychosocial Interventions for People with
Schizophrenia. Macmillan, London.
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (2002) Social Inclusion on Acute Wards. Chapter 5 in
Bates, P. (Ed) Working Towards Social Inclusion, Sainsbury Centre for Mental
Health, London.
Bates, P. and Repper, J. (2002) Evaluating Social Inclusion, Chapter 8 in Bates,
P. (Ed) Working Towards Social Inclusion, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health,
Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (2001) Exclusive Language? Chapter in Mason, T. (Ed)
Social Exclusion and Mental Illness. Stanley Thornes, London.
Repper, J. (2000) Social Inclusion. Chapter in Thompson T. and Matthias P. (Eds)
Mental Health and Disorder, 3 rd Edition, Baillière Tindall, London.
Repper, J. and Brooker, C. (1998) Community Mental Health Services for People who have Serious Mental Health Services: The Significance of Policy Research and
J. Repper
Practice. Chapter 1, Pp 3-14 in Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (Eds) Community
Mental Health Services Policy, Practice and Research.
Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (1998) Principles of working with individuals who have serious mental health problems. Chapter 2, Pp 14-36 in Brooker, C. and Repper,
J. (Eds) Community Mental Health Services: Policy, Practice and Research.
Repper, J. and Brooker, C. (1998) Future directions. Chapter 14. Pp 311-327 in
Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (Eds) Community Mental Health Services: Policy,
Practice and Research.
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1998) Assessing the needs of people with serious and ongoing mental health problems. Chapter 5 in Baldwin, S. (Ed) Needs
Assessment and Community Care, Clinical Practice and Policy Making.
Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1994) Targeting a Local Service for the Severely
Mentally Ill, Implications for CPNs, Chapter 6, Pp 127-154 in Brooker, C. and
White, E. (Eds) Community Psychiatric Nursing, A Research Perspective, Volume
3. Chapman and Hall, London.
Repper, J. and Cooney, P. (1994) ‘Meeting the Needs of People with Enduring
Mental Health Problems’, Chapter 19, Pp 385-442 in Thompson, T. and Matthias,
P. (Eds) Mental Health and Disorder, 2 nd Edition, Baillière Tindall, London.
Journal Papers
(PA) McKuen, J., Clarke, A., Repper, J. and Ingleton, C. Actively Involving People with
(PR) Dementia in Qualitative Research. Accepted for Publication in Journal of
Clinical Nursing 2009
(PA) Repper J (2009) Recovery, Psychiatrie und Pflege. Z Pflegewiss
(PR) psych Gesundh 3:1-11 ( www.zppg.eu
) (my contribution 100%)
(PA) Grant, G., Repper, J., Nolan, M. (2008) Young people supporting parents with
* mental health problems: Experiences of assessment and support. Health and
Social Care in the Community 16 (3) 271-281 (my contribution 40%)
(PA) Townend, M., Tew, J., Grant, A., Repper, (2008) J. Involvement of Service
(PR) Users in Education and Training: A Consideration of the Literature and
Exploration of the Implications for the Education and Training of Psychological
Therapists. Journal of Mental Health (my contribution 20%)
(PA) Winship, G. and Repper, J. (2007) Focus-Group Research: The Role of Cacophony
(PR) in Dialectical Democracy. Group Analysis, 40(1) 145-159 (my contribution 50%)
(PR) Repper, J. and Breeze, J. (2006) A Systematic Review of the Literature on
* Consumer Involvement in Health care Education and Training. International
Journal of Nursing Studies, (my contribution 60%)
Repper, J. (2006) Discovery or Recovery? Mental Health Today February, pp 37,
Reprinted in Rethink Newsletter Feb 2006
J. Repper
(PR) McKuen, J., Clarke, A. and Repper, J. (2006) The Use of Life Story Work within
Health and Social Care Practice: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of
Advanced Nursing 55 (2):237-247 (my contribution 20%)
(PR) Goward, P. Repper, J., Appleton, L., Hagan, T.(2006) Crossing boundaries:
* identifying and meeting the mental health needs of gypsy and travellers. Journal
of Mental Health 15(3) 315-327 (my contribution 40%)
Bassett, T. and Repper, J. (2005) Travelling Hopefully, Mental Health Today,
November, pp16-18
(PR) Repper, J., Allam, S., Blythe, S., Newman,A. (2004) Researching collaboratively
* with service users. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (my contribution 50%)
(PR) Appleton, L., Hagan, T., Goward, P., Repper, J. and Wilson, R. (2003) Smail’s contribution to understanding the needs of the socially excluded: the case of
Gypsy and Traveller women. Clinical Psychology, Issue 24, p.40-47 (my contribution 20%)
Bates, P. and Repper, J. (2002) Social Inclusion. Mental Health Today
Bates, P. and Repper, J (2001) Measuring social inclusion. Life in a Day.
(PR) Repper, J. (2001) Adjusting the focus of mental health nursing: Incorporating
* service users’ views on recovery. Journal of Mental Health, 9,6,575-587
Repper, J. (2000) Social inclusion and people with mental health problems.
Mental Health Practice, 4,5, 32-38
(PR) Evans, J. and Repper, J. (2000) Employment, social exclusion and mental health.
Journal of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, 7,1,15-24 (my contribution
(PR) Brooker, C., Molyneux, P., Deverill, M. and Repper, J. (1999) Evaluating clinical outcome and staff morale in a rehabilitation team for people with serious mental health problems. Journal of Advanced Nursing 29,1,44-51 (my contribution 20%)
Repper, J. (1999) Sound Support. Nursing Times, 95,21,29
(PR) Breeze, J. and Repper, J. (1999) Struggling for Control: the care experience of difficult patients in mental health services. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
28,6,1301-1311 (my contribution 40%)
(PR) Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (1999) Compliance or Informed Choice? Journal of
Mental Health, 8,2,117-129 (my contribution 50%)
(PR) Repper, J. (1998) A review of interventions in Accident and Emergency
Departments to prevent suicide. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 8, 3-12
(PR) Repper, J., Perkins R., Owen, S. and Robinson, J. (1998) “ I wanted to be a nurse…but I didn’t get that far”: Women with serious ongoing mental health problems talk about their lives’. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing
5, 6, 505-509 (my contribution 40%)
J. Repper
(PR) Repper, J. (1998) Evaluating multi-disciplinary training in psychosocial interventions for people who have serious mental health problems using single case experimental design. NT Research, 3, 5, 374-385
(PR) Owen S., Repper J., Perkins R. and Robinson J. (1998) An evaluation of services for women with long term mental health problems. Journal of Psychiatric and
Mental Health Nursing, 5,4,281-290 (my contribution 40%)
(PR) Brooker, C., Read, S., Morrell, J., Repper, J., Jones, R. and Akehurst, R. (1998)
Coming in from the cold? An analysis of research proposals submitted to funding bodies by the Nursing Section at ScHARR 1994-1997. NT Research, 8,4-5 (my contribution 30%)
(PR) Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (1998) Meeting the needs of women with serious ongoing mental health problems. Mental Health Practice, 2,3,6-8
Perkins, and Repper, J. (1998) Different but normal: language, labels and professional mental health practice. Mental Health Care, 2,3,90-93
Perkins, R. and Repper, J. (1998) Softly, Softly …. A critical view on compliance therapy. Mental Health Care, 21,2,70
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1998) Mental Health Services: Choice or Control?
Mental Health Practice, 1,10,16-17
Repper, J. (1998) Special treatment: Who else would care? Nursing Times, 94, 2,
Repper, J. (1998) Fear and Loathing. Nursing Times, 93, 29, 42-44
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1998) A tricky act to find the balance. Nursing Times,
(PR) Brooker, C., Molyneux, P., Deverill, M.and Repper, J.(1997) An audit of outcome and costs in the Tameside rehabilitation team: report of a pilot study. Journal of
Mental Health, 6, 5, 491-502 (my contribution 30%)
(PR) Repper, J. and Brooker, C. (1997) Difficulties in the measurement of outcome in people who have serious mental health problems. Journal of Advanced Nursing,
27, 75-82 (my contribution 80%)
(PR) Brooker, C., Collins, K., Akehurst, R. and Repper, J. (1997) Mapping the difficulties experienced by clinicians and managers in health and social care who are seeking research training. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 34,
4,278-284 – impact factor 2.115 (my contribution 20%)
(PR) Brooker, C., Repper, J. and Booth, A.(1996). The effectiveness of community mental health nursing: a review. Journal of Clinical Effectiveness, 1,2,1-7 (my contribution 40%)
(PR) Repper, J. and Brooker, C. (1996) Attitudes towards community facilities for people with mental health problems. Health and Social Care in the Community,
4,5,290-399 (my contribution 90%)
(PR) Repper, J., Perkins, R., Owen, S., Deighton, D., Robinson, J. and Howat, J. J.
(1996) Evaluating services for women with serious mental health problems: developing an appropriate research method. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing,3,1,39-48 (my contribution 60%)
J. Repper
(PR) Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1996) The Deserving and the Undeserving: Selectivity and Progress in a Community Service. Journal of Mental Health, 4, 483-498 (my contribution 80%)
(PR) Brooker, C.G.D., Repper, J and Booth, A.(1996). Examining the effectiveness of community mental health nursing: a review. Mental Health Nursing, 16,3,12-15
Repper, J. (1996). Schizophrenia: knowledge for practice. Professional
Development Nursing Times Unit 31 part 1/3. Nursing Times, 92,30,1-4
Repper, J (1996). Schizophrenia: role of the nurse. Professional Development
Nursing Times. Unit 31 part 2/3. Nursing Times 92,31,5-9
Repper, J (1996). Schizophrenia: contemporary issues. Professional Development
Nursing Times. Unit 31 part 3/3. Nursing Times 92,32,10-14
Repper, J. Brooker, C. and Repper D. (1995) Serious Mental Health Problems:
Recent Policy Changes. Nursing Times, 91,25,28-31
(PR) Ford, R., Beadsmoore, A., Ryan, P., Repper, J., Craig, T., and Muijen, M. (1995)
Providing the safety net: Case management for people with a serious mental illness. Journal of Mental Health 1, 91-9 (my contribution 20%)
(PR) Repper, J. (1995) Munchausen syndrome by proxy in health care workers.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 21, 299-304
Repper, J. (1995) NT Guide to Schizophrenia, Nursing Times, (Mail Offer- April
Repper, J. and Perkins, R. (1994) Meeting the needs of neglected patients. Nursing
Standard, 9,2,28-31
Ford, R and Repper, J. (1994) Taking responsibility for care. Nursing Times, 90, 54-
Repper, J., Ford, R. and Cooke, A. (1994) ‘Building trust with mental health patients’, Nursing Times, 90, 11-12
(PR) Repper, J., Cooke, A. and Ford, R. (1994) How can nurses build trusting relationships with people who have severe and long term mental health problems? Experiences of case managers and their clients? Journal of Advanced
Nursing, 19, 1096-1104 (my contribution 50%)
Ford R., Repper, J. and Cooke, A. (1993) ‘Community care and mental health services’. Nursing Times, 89, 55
(PR) Ford, R., Beadsmore, A., Norton, P., Cooke, A., and Repper, J. (1993)
‘Developing case management for the long term mentally ill’, Psychiatric Bulletin
of the Royal College of Psychiatry, 17,7,409-411 (my contribution 10%)
Repper, J. and Brooker, C. (1993) Valuable insights. Nursing Times, 89,25,28-31
Ford, R., Cooke, A. and Repper, J. (1992) Making a point of contact. Nursing
Times, 88, 45, 40-41
J. Repper
Repper, J. and Peacham, W. (1991) A suitable case for management. Nursing
Times, 87, 12, 62-65
Published Reports (with ISBN and/or available on-line)
Repper, J., Nolan, M., Grant, G., Curran, M. and Enderby, P. (2008) Family Carers
on the Margins: Experiences of Assessments of Carers of People with Mental
Health Problems. DoH/SDO R&D Programme. Final report has been reviewed and resubmitted. Will be available on
Repper, J. (Ed) (2005) Commissioning Guidance for Day Services for People with
Mental Health Problems, Department of Health, London. Available at www.dh.gov.uk/
Repper,J. and Breeze, J. (2005) Review of the literature on user involvement in
the education and training of health care workers, University of Sheffield.
Available at www.shef.ac.uk/snm/ research/user-involvement-in-training-healthprofessionals.html
Repper, J., Newman, A., Saul, C., Roberts, J., Brooker, C., Freeman, J. (2003)
“Going the extra mile….” Evaluation of the Lincolnshire Assertive Outreach Service.
ScHARR, University of Sheffield. Available at www.nimhe-em.org.uk/
Brooker, C., Repper, J., Beverley, C and Ferriter, M (2003) Mental Health Services
and Prisoners: a Review, Department of Health, Crown Copyright. www.dh.gov.uk/assetRoot/04/06/43/78/04064378.PDF
Repper J., Sayce L., Strong S., Wilmott J. and Haines M. (1997) Tall Stories from
the Backyard. National survey of local NIMBY opposition to community mental health facilities. Mind Publications, London.
Owen S., Repper, J., Perkins R. and Robinson, J. (1997) Services for Women with
Long Term Mental Illness. Policy Paper No. 15. School of Nursing, Midwifery and
Health Visiting, University of Nottingham.
Repper J. and Brooker C. (1995) ‘Community Attitudes towards Mental Health
Facilities’, Occasional Paper No. 1. Sheffield Centre for Health and Related
Research, University of Sheffield.
Ford R., Repper, J., Cooke A., Norton P, Beadsmore A. and Clarke C. (1993)
‘Implementing Case Management’. Research and Development for Psychiatry,
Internal Papers/Reports
Repper, J., Grant, G., Nolan, M., Enderby, P. (2005) Carers’ Views on, and
Experiences of Mental Health Services and Carer Assessments: The Results of a
Consultation Exercise. School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Sheffield.
Repper, J., Newman, A., Saul, C., Roberts, J., Brooker, C., Freeman, J. (2003)
“Going the extra mile….” Evaluation of the Lincolnshire Assertive Outreach
Service. ScHARR, University of Sheffield, also on NIMHE East Midlands website.
J. Repper
Brooker, C., Beverley, C., Repper, J., Ferritter, M. (2002) Prisoners and Mental
Health: A Review of the Literature. ScHARR, University of Sheffield.
Brooker, C., Repper, J., Saul, C., Ricketts, T. (2001) Analysis of Mental Health
Training Needs in Leeds. ScHARR, University of Sheffield.
Monach, J., Repper, J., Roberts, J., Saul, C., Wickstead, A. (2000) Sheffield
Outreach Team Evaluation Report. ScHARR, University of Sheffield
Brooker, C. and Repper, J. (1999) Increasing the use of research by nurses and
PAMs: the development of a consultation strategy in the new Leicester and
Rutland Healthcare Trust. Leicester and Rutland Healthcare Trust.
Repper J. (1998) Telephone Helplines in Mental Health Services: A Review. (A
report for Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust). Department of Nursing,
Midwifery and Health Visiting, University of Manchester.
Repper J. (1996) A review of the literature on the prevention of suicide through
interventions in Accident and Emergency Departments. (A report for Community
Health Sheffield NHS Trust). Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research,
Brooker, C., Todd, C. and Repper, J. (1996) Evaluation of Psychosocial
Intervention Training in the North-West Region. (A report for North West
Regional NHS Exec Office) Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research,
Repper, J., Brooker, C., Todd, C. (1996) Evaluation of Psychosocial Intervention
Training in the North-West Region: An Interim Report. (A report for North West
Regional NHS Exec Office). Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research,
Repper, J. (1996) Integrated Primary Health Care Teams: A Pilot Project. (A report for Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust). Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research, Sheffield.
Repper, J. and Todd, C. (1996) Community Health Sheffield District Nursing
Caseloads. 1993-1995. GP Practice Reports. (A report for Community Health
Sheffield NHS Trust) Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research, Sheffield.
Repper, J. and Todd, C. (1996) Community Health Sheffield District Nursing
Caseloads Locality Reports. (A report for Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust).
Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research, Sheffield.
Owen S., Repper J., Perkins R. and Robinson J. (1997) Services for Women with
Long Term Mental Illness. Department of Nursing and Midwifery Studies, (A report for Trent Regional NHS Exec. Office). Department of Nursing and
Midwifery Studies, University of Nottingham.
Repper J. (1995) Census of Community Mental Health Nursing Caseloads: A
Discussion Document. (A report for Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust).
Sheffield Centre for Health and Related Research, Sheffield.
Repper J. and Brooker C. (1995) ‘Community Attitudes towards Mental Health
Facilities’, (A report for Rotherham Community NHS Trust). Sheffield Centre for
Health and Related Research, Sheffield.
J. Repper
Repper, J. (1994) A Review of the Literature on Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy in
Healthcare Workers. A report for Trent Regional Health Authority. Department of
Nursing and Midwifery Studies, University of Nottingham.
Research grants or contracts
Research Grants
2008-2013 Schneider,J., Manning, N., Repper, J. Dissemination Theme within the Application to establish a pilot CLAHRC: BOAST (Behavioural medicine and Organisation science Applied research Synergy in
Trent region: a NHS and University collaboration for patient benefit). Total sum approx £17m, I will be funded .3 fte as
‘Research engagement Fellow’ responsible for service user and carer engagement in the mental health projects.
2008 Repper, J. and Calton, T. ‘Living in Both Worlds’ Successful bid for development of research proposal about people who both use mental health services and provide them through Managed
Innovation Network Scheme.
Institute of Mental Health £2,800
2007-2009 Co-Applicant on DoH Policy Implementation Programme
Evaluation of the Chief Nursing Officer’s Review of Mental Health
Nursing. DoH £189,000
2006-2008 Project Advisor for Making Waves (Service User research group) evaluation of Open-Up Anti-Discrimination Toolkit.
Mental Health Media £24,000
2007 Co-Applicant (with Stickley) Mental Health, Social Inclusion and the
Arts: Arts and Mental Health Training, (2007).
National Social Inclusion Programme, Department of Health.
2006-2007 Co-applicant on Sheffield based project piloting NICE guidelines for depression, exploring their effectiveness across different socioeconomic groups (with T. Hagan, M. Grimsley, P. Goward).
SHSRC - £60,000
2003-2006 Co-lead applicant and project manager for National multi-centre project investigating the assessment of carers of people with mental health problems (with M. Nolan, G. Grant, P.Enderby)
SDO (DoH)- £299, 000
2005-2006 Co-lead applicant to extend above project, involving further sites and developing analysis and dissemination (with M. Nolan, G.Grant,
P. Enderby)
SDO (DoH)- £90, 000
J. Repper
2003 - 2004 Lead investigator on review of literature on consumer involvement in education and training (with J. Breeze, C. Brooker and members of Sheffield user and carer research group)
SHSRC - £5,000
2002 - 2003 Advisor on user involvement in Evaluation of North Trent Cancer
Research Consumer Panel (with C. Cooper, R. Telford and J.
Trent Region NHS Exec - £5,000
2001-2003 Lead investigator on Gypsy-Traveller Mental Health Project
(with T. Hagan, L. Appleby, P. Goward, M. Knowles, R. Welton)
Sheffield joint funding - £20,000
2001-2003 Lead Investigator on Evaluation of Lincolnshire Assertive Outreach
Project (with C. Brooker, A. Newman, C.Saul, J. Roberts and J.
Lincolnshire HA - £59,000
2002 -2003 Review of Mental Illness in Prisoners – led on Section ‘Service
Delivery and Organisation’ (with C. Brooker, A. Booth, K. Beverley and M. Ferriter)
DoH - £52,000
2002-2003 Specialist Advisor on Development and Evaluation of Toolkit to prepare service providers for service user involvement (with
Birmingham University and University of Adelaide, Australia)
West Midlands Partnerships for Developing Quality - £25,000
2002-2003 Specialist Advisor on Development and Evaluation of a Toolkit to prepare service users for involvement in services (with Birmingham
University and University of Adelaide, Australia)
National Patient Safety Agency - £25,000
Training Needs Analysis of community workers for working with people who have mental health problems (with C. Brooker)
Leeds Health Authority - £62,000
1999 Developing a research strategy for nurses and PAMs in Leicester and Rutland Healthcare Trust (with C. Brooker)
Leicester and Rutland Healthcare Trust - £8,000
1998-2001 Evaluation of the Sheffield Outreach Team, (with J. Monach, C.
Saul, J. Roberts, C. Brooker)
Sheffield Health Authority - £60,000
Systematic review of the literature on telephone help lines in mental health services
J. Repper
Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust - £3000
1997 National survey into public attitudes towards community facilities for people with mental health problems
MIND - £5,000
1997-2000 Three year Research Studentship (bursary to study for PhD)
University of Sheffield - £8,000
University of Manchester - £28,000
1995 Review of the literature on interventions in A&E to prevent suicide
Community Health Sheffield NHS Trust - £5,000
Review of the literature on public attitudes towards community mental health facilities (with C. Brooker)
Rotherham Acute Hospital Trust - £5,000
Evaluation of multi-disciplinary training in ‘Working with Severe
Mental Illness’ for ‘opinion leaders’ from Trusts in the NW Region
(with C. Brooker)
NW Region NHS Exec - £10,000
Review of the literature on Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy in healthcare workers (for Clothier Report).
Trent Region NHS Exec - £500
1993 – 1997 Evaluation of services for women with long term mental illness
(with S. Owen, R. Perkins, J. Robinson and J. Howat)
Trent Region NHS Exec - £68,000
Conference presentations and papers 2000 - July 2009
Invited keynote paper at Low Intensity IAPT conference: “Where does Recovery fit in all of this?” at Trent Vineyard, Nottingham, 9 th July 2009
Invited paper ‘ Personal Recovery Planning’ at Hearing Voices Network and
Asylum Conference, Accrington College, 30-31 st June 2009
Invited Paper “Making Recovery a Reality” given at Cambridgeshire and
Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust RECOVERY CONFERENCE at
Chilford Hall, Linton, Cambs on 25 th June 2009
Keynote paper at Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust Recovery Conference, Life at the Centre, 24 th June 2009
Concurrent paper given at ‘Delivering Better Health Services’ Conference for the
Service Delivery and Organisation Network, and the Health Services
Confederation in Birmingham on 3 rd - 4th June 2009
Invited paper “Carer Assessments: families on the margins” given at MHRN
National Scientific conference, East Midland Conference Centre, Nottingham 20-
21 May 2009
J. Repper
Chaired symposium on Carers and Research, and delivered paper on Carers as
Researchers at MHRN National Scientific conference, East Midland Conference
Centre, Nottingham, 20-21 May 2009
Chaied one day conference on Sexuality and Intimate Relationships at Life at the
Centre, Nottm (hosted by Notts Healthcare Trust) 14 th May 2009
Invited paper at Nursing Conference ‘Enhancing the Patient Experience’
Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, 12
Seminar paper given at Nurses Research Network, South Staffordshire and
Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust, 27 th th May 2009
May 2009
Concurrent Paper ‘Ir’s OK to talk about it: the Anti-stigma campaign at Notts
Healthcare Trust’, given at Fourth International Stigma Conference at Royal
Society of Physicians, London, 21-23 Jan 2009
Invited paper on Recovery and User Perspectives at National Forum for Assertive
Outreach conference at Leicerster, 4 th Feb 2009
Symposium on ‘Recovery’ – 10-15 th November – European Festival of Psychiatric
Nursing ”The Age of Dialogue’ Malta.
Invited paper on Recovery and Leadership at Professional Nurse Leadership conference, Notts Healthcare Trust, Ollerton Pumping Station, 13 th October 2008
Invited paper – 8 th October 2008 – Making Recovery a Reality: The next Steps.
Opening Keynote address, Annual Conference at the York Retreat.
Invited paper – 16-18 th October 2008 – Recovery and mental health nursing –
Opening keynote address and workshop at ‘Recovery Psychiatry and Mental
Health Nursing, the annual German speaking nation conference (Austria,
Germany and Switzerland), Psychiatric university Hospital, Berne.
Invited paper – 10-11 th September 2008 - User and Carer Involvement in
Healthcare Education and Training: What, who, how and why? Keynote address given at 8 th
Annual Mental Health Education and Training Conference, Pavilion
Invited paper – 16 th July – Taking Back Control – applying principles of Recovery, keynote address given at Hearing Voices Network AGM, Birmingham City
Invited paper – 18 th June 2008 – How can Recovery Help? Keynote Address at
Asylum Associates Conference ‘Raising Awareness of Paranoia and Hearing
Voices’, Penrith Cumbria
Invited paper - 8 th May 2008 – What difference does service user involvement make? Opening Keynote paper at NIHR East Anglia Hub conference ‘Service User and Carer Involvement in Mental Health Research: From participation to ownership, Woodgreen Animal shelter Godmanchester.
Invited paper - 18 th October 2007 - Recovery: A model for consumer led healthcare, keynote address for Welsh Office ‘Fundamentally Caring conference at
Cardiff Town Hall.
J. Repper
Invited paper - 2 nd October 2007 - Meeting the Challenge: The Changing Agenda in
Mental Health, paper in monthly seminar series at Lincoln University.
Invited paper - 30 th September 2007- What Carers what from Mental Health
Services, keynote paper given at National Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference.
Concurrent paper - 16 th -19th June 2007 - Carers Researching Carers Needs, paper given at Festival of Caring, Disability, Ageing and Technology, Toronto, Canada.
28 th February 2007 - The Changing Agenda in Mental Health, paper given in
Nursing Directorate seminar series at Maudsley and Bethlem Hospitals
Management Open Day.
Award lecture - 6 th December 2006 - Daring to Dream, Paper given for Eilleen
Skellern Memorial Lecture Award, Royal Institute of British Architecture,
Invited paper - 10 th August 2006 - Recovery: A challenge for practitioners or service users? Keynote address given at Village Hotel, Bury at Launch
Conference for Chief Nursing Officer’s Review of Mental Health Nursing,
Invited paper - May 11 th 2006 - Recovery and Social Inclusion – Keynote address given at St Andrew Northamptonshire, National conference on Recovery,
Concurrent paper - March 21 st -24 th 2006 - Carers as Researchers, at RCN
Research Society Conference,
Concurrent paper - March 21 st -24 th 2006 Researching Carer Assessments: A
Constructivist Approach, at RCN Research Society Conference,
Invited paper 20 th November 2005 – Hope and Opportunity. After dinner paper at AGM of Voluntary Mental Health Services in Sheffield,
Invited paper - 8 th October 2005 – Carers Views and Experiences of Assessments.
Keynotte address at Turning Point Carers Conference at Wyboston Lakes, Cambs.
Invited paper - 21 st July 2005 - Recovery, Hope and Opportunity. Keynote address at National Institute for Mental Health Conference “Finding our Place in the World”at Exeter University.
Invited paper - 29 th June 2005 - Researching in Partnership with Service Users and Carers. Keynote address at NIMH(E) East Midlands Research Hub conference on Consumer involvement in Research, Kelham Hall, Newark.
Invited evidence - 24 th June 2005- Using Clinical skills to Promote Social
Inclusion. Subject specialist paper for CNO Review of Mental Health Nursing.
DoH, Wellington House, London.
Invited paper - 15-17 th March 2005 – “Recovery or Discovery?” Opening address at Annual Mind Conference. Harrogate Conference Centre.
Invited paper - 2-3 rd February 2005 – Hope Opportunity and Recovery. Keynote address at Psychosis: The Recovery Journey. National Conference at Royal
Moathouse Hotel, Nottingham.
Invited paper - 30 th November 2004 – Social Inclusion and what it means for us.
Keynote address at Lincolnshire Partnership Trust Mental Health Awareness
Conference, Bentley Hotel, Lincoln.
Invited paper - 19 th November 2004 – What carers want from services. Keynote address at Health Advisory Service conference, Kings Fund, London.
Invited paper - 15 th November 2004 – The research role of nurse consultants.
Opening address paper at Annual Mental Health Nurse Consultants Conference,
Hinckley, Leicester.
J. Repper
Invited paper -12 th October 2004 – Recovery, Hope and Opportunity. Keynote address at North West Regional Conference on Recovery at Stockport.
Invited paper - 16 th June 2004 – Carers’ Views on Carers’ Assessments. Keynote address at London Development Centre Conference at Kings Fund, London.
Invited paper - 4 th May 2004 – Recovery: What part do we play? Keynote address at Cambridge Mental Health Trust Conference on Recovery.
Invited paper - 26 th March 2004 – Assertive Outreach in Lincolnshire. Keynote
Paper at Lincolnshire Partnership Trust launch for Assertive Outreach services.
Invited paper - 12 th February 2004 – Carers Researching Carers. Keynote paper at North East Regional Consumer involvement conference at Leeds Playhouse.
Invited paper - 26 th January 2004 – Facilitating Hopeful Relationships. Keynote paper on at South East Region Conference on Recovery at Winchester Civic Hall.
Invited paper - 28 th November 2003 - Recovery: Our role in a person’s journey.
Keynote paper given at Annual Rehabilitation Conference at Health Advisory
Service, Kings Fund, London.
Concurrent paper - 18 th November 2003 - Lessons from the experience of service user researchers. Royal College of Nursing Psychiatric Nursing Research
Conference, University of Oxford.
Concurrent paper - 7 th October 2003 - Crossing boundaries: meeting the mental health needs of Gypsies and Travellers. European Nursing Research Conference,
10 th July 2003 - The Mental Health of Gypsies and Travellers. Workshop at
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health Rural Initiatives Conference.
25 th July 2003 - The Marion Beeforth Memorial Lecture: Learning from Service
Users in Education, Practice and Research. Institute of Nursing and Midwifery,
University of Brighton.
11 th March 2003 - Carers researching Carers. Working with Families: Giving
People their Lives Back. Stratford Upon Avon.
11 th February 2003 - Carers Researching Carers. Keynote paper at
RETHINK/NCMH conference. Durham University.
30 th January 2003 - Recovery - What it is and what it isn’t. Keynote address given at Recovery and Inclusion Conference, Nottingham.
24 th October 2002 - Recovery: a UK perspective. Innovations in Recovery and
Rehabilitation. Centre for Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Boston University,
10 th October 2002 - Transforming Psychiatric Nursing: Lessons form service users. Keynote Paper to be given at ‘Transforming Practice’, conference at Cardiff
18 th September 2002 - Involving service users in research. Keynote paper given at Royal College of Nursing Psychiatric Nursing Research Conference, University of Oxford.
16 th February 2002 - What is our role in Recovery? Keynote paper given at
European conference in Mental Health Nursing, SAS Radisson Hotel,
7 th November 2001 - Training Rehab Practitioners: A workshop at the HAS Best
Practice in Rehab Conference, The Oval Conference Centre, London.
J. Repper
26 th September 2001 – ‘Learning from Practice: Socially inclusive strategies in mental health nursing’. Keynote paper at Annual RCN National Unit for Psychiatric
Research Conference, Oxford.
13 th September 2001 – ‘Challenging Cultures: Really involving service users in mental health nursing education’. Keynote paper at Pavilion/Sainsbury Centre conference on Service Users role in Education and Training, Brighton
1 st March 2001 – ‘Fuelling the debate about mental health nursing: the effect of training in psychosocial interventions’. Concurrent session at RCN European
Mental Health Nursing conference
30 th November 2000 – ‘Training in psychosocial interventions: what is taught, what is learnt, and what is implemented’. Keynote paper at Community Mental
Health Nursing Conference, Rotherham
30 th April 2000 – ‘Sheep in Wolves Clothing: psychosocial intervention skills and mental health nursing’. Keynote paper at “Making Family Work a Reality”, Stratford upon Avon
April 12 2000 – ‘Employment and training in Rehabilitation Services’. Workshop at Health Advisory Service REHAB Forum, Oval Cricket Ground, London