INDIVIDUAL TAX RETURN CHECKLIST (Office Use) Client Name: Prepared by: Accounting Year: Checked by: Start Date: CLIENT DETAILS: Have you checked with the appropriate person WHAT ENTITY you should INPUT YOUR TIME to in the tim ledger? (Firm policy is to bill the main company of the group) YES Client Reference _______________________ □ Have you checked if client was referred and a cheque needs to be raised for $150 to referee? YES □ Current Home Address: If Fee from Refund – Postal Address to be [Firm Name] Telephone Number: Spouse Name: Email Address: Occupation: Questions to ask Client: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notes for & General Notes: Cleared INCOME - all items relate to the 2011/2012 year – Introduction TR Code Please mark "y" "n" or "n/a" where relevant - Link 1&2 Salary / Wages /Director’s fee and other allowances?(ensure RFBA is included in tax return) Pro-rata tax free threshold if ceased or begin residency Link 3&4 Lump Sum or Employment termination payments due to roll-over, termination, compensation or legacy? If YES go to "ETP Worksheet" Link Link 5 Commonwealth of Australia government allowance & payments such as Newstart, youth allowance & Austudy Link 6 Australian government Pensions / allowance? If YES, calculate the undeducted purchase price. Check the deductible amount and the 15% tax offset Link 7 Australian annuities and superannuation income streams. Check any entitlement to tax offset Link 8 Australian superannuation lump sum payments Link 9 Attributed Personal Services Income Link 10 Interest Interest for Non-residents? Did you pay 10% withholding tax? NB: do not report interest from First Home Saver Accounts Link 11 Dividends? (Check details from website if payment advice is missing) Link 12 Employee Share Scheme Link 13 Partnership, Trust distribution or a managed investment trust fund payment? (Unit, Cash Management, Deceased Estate) Claim any directly related deductions in the deductions area of this section. Link 14 Personal Services Income – Did the client pass PSI tests? If no, complete item 15 of tax return. PSI Losses to be claimed at D15 Label J – Other Deductions. Link 15 Business? If YES go to "Sole Trader Worksheet" Check for the following items: - Look into clients’ situation to see if client satisfy Small business entity concessions, refer P10 for details. - Does the client satisfy small business entity concessions? If YES the following criteria must be met. * They must be carrying on a business * They must have an aggregated turnover of less than $2 Million - Is the client registered for GST? - If YES ensure all income & expenses are GST exclusive - Check gross income reconciles back to BAS - Check Wages reconciles with BAS and PAYG Summary - Check on PAYG Summary for allowance paid - Check super contribution - Check GST has been taken up for sale of capital asset - Check private % has been taken out for all expenses. e.g. motor vehicle expenses - Review depreciation schedule and check eligibility for the investment allowance - Compare income and expenses with prior year tax return and note any large variance. - Check for prior year tax losses carried forward P2P19 16 Prepared By Checked By Link Link Has your sole trader business worksheet made a loss and your adjusted taxable income is < $250,000? (if YES ensure the business Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. meets at least one of the four tests below) -Check for prior year deferred losses. i. Assessable income test - the activity produces income of at least $20,000 assessable Link ii. Profit test - the activity has produced a profit in 3 out of the past 5 years (including the current year) Link iii. Real property test - the value of real property or interest in real property (i.e. land & buildings), used in the business is at least $500,000. Link iv. Other assets test - the value of certain other assets (excluding cars, motorcycles and similar vehicles) used in the business, is at least $100,000. Link Alternatively, check the eligibility for getting the Commissioner’s discretion. Link (P9) Did this business (inc Partnership) have a deferred loss last year? If YES do they meet one of the criteria to offset the loss against business income in 20112 (Ensure relevant sections are completed in tax return) Link 17 Net farm management deposits or withdrawals Link 18 Did the client dispose of any assets during the year? (e.g. Shares, land) or Did the client receive any capital distribution from managed funds? NOTE 1: If asset was acquired before 1st October 1999 and was held for at least a year before sale then the 50% disc on CGT will apply, or the difference between the sale price and the frozen indexed cost base as at 21 Sept 1999. NOTE 2: If property purchased after 7.30pm (ACT time) on May 13, 1997 need to add back depreciation when disposing rental property. NOTE: Building/Structural Allowance is to be added back regardless if the 2.5% PC Building write off deduction has been claimed or not. NOTE 3: If the client sold their home, was a business conducted from that home or was that home used to carry on a business? - if YES there may be CGT implications Link Check any Capital Losses Carried Forward 19 Foreign Entities Link 20 Foreign Source income, asset or property – include foreign employment income and pension, net foreign rental income and distribution from managed funds. You may need to convert to Australian currency Check whether foreign tax credits are applicable. Link 21 Rental Income* (ATO focus audit area) Link Address Purchase Date Ownership Trust (Y/N) 1 2 3 4 Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. 5 NOTE: Pre-purchase inspection, travel or investment advice is nondeductible and cannot be capitalised. Other areas to be aware of: Special Body Corporate Levies not deductible Fees paid on deposit bond and bank guarantees not deductible Note: Check Land Tax threshold, lodge land tax return for assessment if necessary. 2011/2012 Thresholds are: NSW tax – free threshold $396,000 QLD tax – Resident Individual – free threshold $599,999 Companies, trusts and absentees – free threshold: $349,999 VIC tax – free threshold $249,999 SA tax – free threshold $300,000 TAS tax – free threshold $24,999 WA tax – free threshold $300,000 ACT – no tax free threshold For electronic rental schedule refer to “RENTAL PROPERTY STATEMENT WORKSHEET” 22 Bonuses from life insurance companies and friendly societies Link 23 Forestry managed investment scheme income. 24 Other Income - Jury Service, Sickness & Accident policy payments, foreign exchange gain, scholarship awards (Check Tax Agent Portal for interest remitted by ATO) Link EXPENSES D1 Work related car deductions? Link RATES FOR 2011 / 2012 INCOME YEAR Small car - not exceeding 1600cc = 63 cents per KM Medium car - exceeding 1600cc but not 2600cc = 74 cents per KM Large car - exceeding 2600cc = 75 cents per KM Logbook Method – Business % ________ Check MTG for other 2 methods if above methods do not apply D2 Did client incur any expenses for travel relating to their work, including accommodation, meals, incidentals etc (A diary must be kept if travel is for 6 nights or more in a row) Link D3 Does the client have a logo uniform or wear protective clothing? Does the client work outdoors, if so have they incurred expenses in relation to protection from sunlight ( sunscreen, sunglasses etc) *Tinted Prescription sunglasses can be claimed in D3 and T9 Link D4 Has the client incurred any self education expenses - If so ensure it directly relates to their current employment Link Has the client incurred any of the following work related expenses:- Link D5 Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. i. Tools & Equipment (e.g. Computer, printer) Depreciate if over $300 Link ii. Home Office iii. Union Fees iv. Overtime Meal (Only claimable if PAYG Summary has Meal Allowance) v. Telephone/Mobile/Internet? (Check for private %) vi. Stationery/Journals/Publications/Briefcases? Seminars D6 Low-Value pool deduction: - Low-cost assets: assets ≤ $1,000 - Low-value assets: assets greater than $1,000 Link D7 Interest Deductions? Link D8 Dividend Deductions? Note: Share Software to be Depreciated over effective life Link D9 Gifts or Donations? Did the client participate in any fund-raising events organised by Deductible Gift Recipient? Must satisfy: 1) Contribution more than $150. 2) If it was property, either: - purchased it within 12 months of making the contribution, or - owned it for more than 12 months and the Australian Valuation Office (AVO) valued it at more than $5,000. 3) The fund-raising event was held in Australia. 4) The market value of the minor benefit you received for your contribution was worth no more than $150 or 20% of the value of the contribution, whichever is less. The receipt from the eligible organisation will show the market value of the minor benefit you received. Link Did the client make a gift of shares to an eligible organisation? Must satisfy 1) The shares must be in a company that is listed on an approved Australian stock exchange on the day the gift is made. 2) You must acquire the shares at least 12 months before making the gift. 3) The shares must have a market value of $5,000 or less on the day you make the gift. 4) The parcel of shares must be valued at $2 or more. D10 Cost of Managing tax affairs? Including travel to accountants office (request how many kilometres & engine size) and ATO Interest Paid. Link Link D11 Deductible amount of un-deducted purchase price of a foreign pension or annuity Personal superannuation contribution [Ensure your client has completed a Notice of Intent to claim superannuation contributions] Refer to “Deduction for Superannuation contribution” for a pro forma version. Link Deduction for Project Pool Link Forestry managed investment scheme deduction Link D12 D13 Link Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. D14 Other Deductions – eg: Income Protection & Sickness Insurance, PSI Losses and post cessation business expense D15 Link TAX OFFSETS T1 Spouse Child-housekeeper Housekeeper Link T2 Senior Australian (SATO) Link T3 Pensioner (claim if client is of pension age but not able to claim SATO) Link T4 Australian superannuation income stream (15% Rebate) Link T5 30% Private Health Insurance - Does the client have Private Health Insurance? If YES request the private health insurance statement for 2011 to advise us of necessary information. Check Tax Offset Link T7 Superannuation contributions on behalf of your spouse - Did you contribute to a superfund on behalf of your spouse? Link T8 Zone or Overseas forces Link T9 Medical Expense rebate - (Did the clients net medical expenses exceed $2,060.00). If YES ensure 20% rebate is claimed for amount over $2,060.00 – ensure it is paid to a legally qualified medical practitioner Link T10 Parent, spouse’s parent or invalid relative Link T11 Land care and water facility Link T12 Mature Age Worker Tax Offset Is the client over age 55? Link T13 Entrepreneur Tax Offset Link T14 Other Tax Offsets – Please specify Link M1 Medicare levy reduction or exemption Link M2 Medicare levy surcharge (if client not covered by hospital cover for the full year, check if surcharge applies) Complete Spouse details if applicable. Check leap year. Link A1 Under 18 excepted net income Link A2 Part Year Tax – free threshold – beginning or ending residency Link A3 Super co-contribution Link A4 Amount on which family trust distribution tax has been paid From July 1, 2009 Family Tax Benefits are claimed from Medicare Offices and Family Assistance Office. Do you have a HECS/HELP Debt or are you part of the Student Financial Supplement Scheme (SFSS) If YES ensure debt is included in return Check Tax Agent Portal Link Check if client has paid any PAYG Instalments Link Check client’s last year taxable income Check whether client is eligible for Super Co-contribution Note: NOT required to report in the tax return Link Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. CREDIT FOR INTEREST ON TAX PAID C1 You can claim for interest on certain early payment either by writing to the Tax office for a direct payment or by completing this item, if you have done the request, you do not need to claim it at this item. Link INCOME TESTS FOR INDIVIDUAL AND SPOUSE IT1 Total Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount Link IT2 Reportable employer superannuation contributions Link IT3 Tax-free government pensions Link IT4 Target Foreign Income Link IT5 Net financial investment loss Link IT6 Net rental property loss Link IT7 Child support you paid Link SPOUSE’S ADDITIONAL INFORMATION T Your spouse’s share of trust income on which the trustee is assessed under section 98, and which has not been included in your spouse’s taxable income Link U Distributions to your spouse on which family trust distribution tax has been paid and which your spouse would have had to show as assessable income if the tax had not been paid Link P Amount of Australian Government pensions and allowances received by your spouse Link Q Amount of your spouse’s exempt pension income Link A Amount of your spouse’s reportable superannuation contributions Link B Your spouse’s amount of any tax-free government pensions paid under the Military Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2004 that have not been included at Q Link Your spouse’s taxed element of a superannuation lump sum for which the tax rate is zero Link F Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. FINANCIAL HEALTH CHECK 41 Please mark "y" "n" or "n/a" where relevant Do you have tax deductible Income Protection Insurance LinkBy Prepared Checked By Income Protection Insurance covers you 24 hours in a day, at work or home, even on your holidays. Pays you a wage if you become ill or unable to work. If NO, refer to Insurance contact using the "Client Referral" file. 42 Do you have life insurance or Trauma Insurance Life Insurance - to protect your family in case something happens to you Trauma Insurance - pays you a lump sum upon illness, e.g. heart attack, etc... If NO, refer to Insurance contact using the "Client Referral" file. 43 Do you have a mortgage? IF YES - how many years to go? And what's current interest rate. AND Would you like a free appointment with our finance company? They are a research company who find the cheapest loans at NO cost to the client. If YES, refer to Finance contact using the "Client Referral" file. If NO Do you plan on purchasing a new home in the near future? 44 Does the client have investments, would they like a financial planner to check on the progress of their growth? If YES, refer to a Financial Planner using the "Client Referral" file. 45 Is the client interested in minimising their tax via gearing or salary sacrifice? If YES, see a partner or Financial Planner. 46 When do you plan on retiring? If within 6 months, refer to a Financial Planner. If the client is close to 60, they may wish to see a Financial Advisor to look at their rollover superannuation money. If YES, refer to a Financial Planner using the "Client Referral" file 47 Does the client have superannuation? If YES, are they happy with its performance? Would they like it reviewed by a Financial Planner free of charge? If YES, refer to Financial planning contact 48 Do you have a will (both private and business)? If NO would you like a solicitor to prepare one for you? Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. INTEREST RECEIVED Name of Bank Account No. Total Interest Received $ TFN Withholding $ Joint Account? TOTAL Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. DIVIDENDS RECEIVED Name of Company Unfranked Amount Franked Amount Imputation Credit TFN Tax withheld Total Disclaimer: These notes are intended to be a guide only. Business Intranet Systems Pty. Ltd. (BIS), its directors, employees and consultants expressly disclaim any and all liability to any person, whether a purchaser or not, for the consequences of anything done or omitted to be done by any such person relying on a part or the whole of the contents. Do not act on the information without first obtaining specific advice regarding your particular circumstances from a tax professional. © 2012 Business Intranet Systems Pty Ltd. This document is protected by international copyright laws. It is for your internal use only. Unauthorised distribution or reproduction of this information, or any part of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law.