European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Company Background information.
1) Please identify the main product or service your company provides.
2) Please indicate the number of employees in your organisation.
Less Than 10 Employees
Between 10 and 30 Employees
Between 30 and 100 Employees
Greater than 100 Employees
3) How many years has your company been in operation?
4) How many suppliers do you have?
Less than 5
Between 5 and 10
Between 10 and 20
Greater than 10 (please indicate)…...
5) How many customers do you have?
Less than 5
Between 5 and 20
Between 20 and 100
Greater than 100
6) Do you Export product abroad?
7) What do you perceive is your organisations biggest challenge?
8) What do you perceive is your organisations greatest strength?
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro
European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Quality Management Tools;
1) A: Are you aware of any of the following methods/tools?
B: Which of them are you currently using?
Aware of
Supply Chain Management
Plan Do Check Act Cycle
Value Stream Mapping
Statistical Process Control
Six Sigma Analyses (DMAIC Methodology)
Total Productive Maintenance
Policy Deployment (Hoshin)
Cellular Manufacturing
Other (please define) ………………….
2) With a view to strengthening your company’s competitiveness in the market
place, place the following statements in order of importance;
Improved Customer Satisfaction
Improved Quality
Improved Productivity
Workforce Commitment
Stock Reduction
Reduced Lead Times
Improved Sales
Improved Profit
Improved Cash Flow Other (please define) ………………….
3 )What percentage improvement on your Key performance indicators would a
full application of lean production have? (examples might include Customer
Service, Sales per month, Inventory level, productivity etc.)
Key Performance Indicator 1;………….. % Improvement;………
Key Performance Indicator 2…………. % Improvement………
Key Performance Indicator 3…………... % Improvement………
4) Are you aware of companies within your own business network that have
implemented lean production methods?
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro
European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Barriers to Quality Management System Adoption
1) What do you think inhibits or prevents the organisation in adopting a
training system for quality management?(please rate in order of impact 1-5)
1) Limited availability of training material
2) Limited availability of time to take course
3) Insufficient IT resources
4) Lack of knowledge of benefits of TQM tools
5) Other (please describe)……………………..
2) What do you think inhibits or prevents an individual taking on an e-learning
course on quality management?
1) Insufficient access to IT resources
2) Insufficient time
3) Lack of Knowledge of benefits of TQM tools
4) Lack of knowledge of interest in TQM
5) Other(please describe………………………
(For the following statements, please tick the box you feel is the most accurate)
1) We have sufficient IT resources to allow e-learning;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
2) The organisation is very supportive of employees furthering their education;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
3) Its difficult to find courses in quality management that match our needs;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
4) The company has a good understanding of what the impact of quality
management tools on productivity and efficiency can be;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
5) It is difficult for employees to get the opportunity to further their education;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
6) The cost of training in quality management is prohibitive;
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
Do you feel there are any other barriers to implementation of quality
management systems in your firm?.........................................................................
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro
European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro
European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Tools for Quality Management Training
1) What do you most hope to learn from a quality management training
2) Have you ever participated in courses or any other educational activities that
were based on internet learning? (please specify purpose and tools
3) If you answered ‘yes’ on question number 2, what was your impression of the
Pro’s and Con’s of internet learning? (please describe strong and weak points)
4) Have you used CD-ROM based educational material to be viewed by, and
interacted with, a standard PC? (please specify material type and available
mechanisms on CD)…………………………………………………………………
5) If you answered ‘yes’ to question 4 what’s your impression of the pro’s and
Con’s of the method? (Technical aspects, availability, interaction etc.)
6) Do you think it is important to still have some face to face teaching hours on
an internet learning course? (if so, how much and why)
7) What is your general feeling about educational tools and activities that are
using internet technology (technical aspects, availability, and effectiveness)
8) Technical Specifications;
1) What is the average age of PC’s in your firm?…………….
2) What operating system are these PC’s using?......................
3) Do you have internet access at your workplace?..................
4) What % of employees have access to internet……………..
5) If so, what speed connection do you have?..........................
6) Do you have an intranet in your workplace?........................
7) What % of employees have access to internet?…………….
Thank you for your participation.
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro
European Educational Framework for Quality Management (EEFQM)
Leonardo Da Vinci; LE3-Multipro Agreement No; 2007-1980/001-001 LE3-Multipro