Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow

Теми для рефератів ХТФ (5курс)
Група ЗХН – Технологія неорганічних речовин
1. The focus on descriptive inorganic chemistry
(Coordination compounds, main group compounds, transition metal compounds, organometallic
compounds, cluster compounds, bioinorganic compounds, solid state compounds, characterization of
inorganic compounds:
2. Theoretical inorganic chemistry
(Qualitative theories, molecular symmetry group theory:
3. Mechanistic inorganic chemistry
(Main group elements and lanthanides, transition metal complexes, redox reactions, reactions at
4. Chemical Applications of Group Theory
(Significant influence by introducing group theory to a much wider group of chemists:
5. The nature of oxides
Група ЗХЕ – Технічна електрохімія
1. Atomic layer deposition by electrochemistry
2. Electroactive polymers
3. Corrosion inhibition
4. Archaeological metal artifact reduction/cleaning by electrolysis
5. Electrochemical uses of carbon
Група ЗХК – Технологія композиційних матеріалів
1. Composite Material Structure
(Continuous Fiber Composites, Carbon–Carbon Composites, Cement-Matrix Composites)
2. Processing of Composite Materials
(Polymer-Matrix Composites)
3. Processing of Composite Materials
(Metal-Matrix Composites)
4. Processing of Composite Materials
(Carbon-Matrix Composites)
5. Processing of Composite Materials
(Ceramic-Matrix Composites, Cement-Matrix Composites)
6. Materials for Lightweight Structures
(Composites with Polymer, Carbon, Ceramic and Metal Matrices, Cement-Matrix Composites)
7. Basic Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials
(Modulus of Elasticity, Strength, Ductility)
8. Carbon Fibers and Nanofillers
(Carbons, Carbon Fibers, Nanofillers)
9. Tailoring by Component Selection
(Polymer-Matrix Composites, Cement-Matrix Composites)
10. Tailoring by Component Selection
(Metal-Matrix Composites)
11. Vibration Damping Ability
(Viscoelastic Behavior)
12. Vibration Damping Ability
(Pseudoplasticity and Ferroelasticity, Interfacial Damping, Structural Materials for Damping)
13. Vibration Damping Ability
(Comparison of Materials Utilized for Damping, Emerging Materials for Damping)
14. Composite Design Concepts
15. Applications of Composite Materials
Source: Chung Deborah D.L., Composite Materials: Science and Applications. 2nd Edition. – N.Y.:
Springer, 2010. – 349 p.
Теми для рефератів ФЕЛ (5курс)
ЗДП – мікроелектроніка
1. Simulation methodology for dose effects in lateral DMOS transistors
2. Leakage reduction through optimization of regular layout parameters
3. The impact of Miller and coupling effects on single event transient in logical circuits
4. An analytical drain current model for dual material engineered cylindrical/surrounded
5. Design of a hiccup mode over-current protection circuit for DC–DC switching converters
6. Materials for microelectromechanical systems manufacturing
(Silicon, Polymers, Metals, Ceramics:
7. Microelectromechanical systems basic processes
(Deposition processes, Patterning, Etching processes:
8. Microelectromechanical systems manufacturing technologies
(Bulk micromachining, Surface micromachining, High aspect ratio (HAR) silicon micromachining:
9. Nanoelectronic devices
(Radios, Computers, Energy production, Medical diagnostics:;
ЗДЕ – електронні прилади та пристрої
1. Active Electronic Components
(Semiconductors, Display technologies, Vacuum tubes, Discharge devices, Power sources:
2. Passive Electronic Components
(Resistors; Capacitors; Magnetic (inductive) devices; Transducers, sensors, detector; Antennas;
Assemblies, modules; Prototyping aids:
3. Electromechanical Components
(Piezoelectric devices, crystals, resonators; Terminals and connectors; Cable assemblies; Switches;
Protection devices; Mechanical accessories:
4. Basic Electrical Cirquits and Components
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
5. Measurement of Voltages and Currents
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
6. Capacitance of Electric Fields
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
7. Inductance and Magnatic Fields
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
8. Electronic Sysstems
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
9. Semiconductors and Diodes
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
10.Field-effect Transistors
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
11.Bipolar Junction Transistors
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
12.Power Electronics
(Neil Storey Electronics: A Systems Approach. 4th Edition. – Harlow: Prentice Hall, 2009. – 804 p.)
13.The world goes electronic
(Moira Butterfield Electronics. – North Mankato, MN : Smart Apple Media, 2004. – 153 p.)
14.The big discovery in electronics
(Moira Butterfield Electronics. – North Mankato, MN : Smart Apple Media, 2004. – 153 p.)
15.Chips that change
(Moira Butterfield Electronics. – North Mankato, MN : Smart Apple Media, 2004. – 153 p.)
Теми для рефератів ПБФ (5курс)
1. Electronic Instruments
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
2. Digital Instruments
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
3. Display Devices
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
4. Linear Control Systems
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
5. Electrical Engineering Materials
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
6. Functional Elements of an Instrument
(U.A.Bakshi, A.V.Bakshi Instrumentation Engineering. – Technical Publications, 2009. – 428 p.)
7. High-speed piezomanipulator
8. Hybrid precision three-coordinate manipulator
9. Probes for tunnel microscopy and nanotechnologies
10.Highly sensitive tunnel sensor
11.Air-discharge arresters
12.Plants for condensers quality control
13.Superfine non-porous gilding
14.Multi-layer galvanoplastics
15.Ecologically safe galvanics
16.New adaptive materials
17.Constructive ceramic materials
18.Metal base thermoelectric modules (TEM) and devices using them
19.Maintenance and regenerating technology
20.Ecologically friendly eliminator of scale and corrosion sediments "LIN"
21.New adaptive materials
22.Powder-Gas cleaning system with aerodynamic effect (ADD)
23.Wear-resistant cluster coatings
24.Nanotechnological device “Lutch-2”
25.System of one-coordinate displacement «Axis-2»