ENGLISH BUSINESS TRANSLATION GUÍA 2- CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATION BY: Luisa Fernanda Monroy Quiñonez Ireno Mosquera Gamboa Luz Carmenza Limas Limas Universidad EAN –Facultad de Estudios en ambientes virtuales Primer ciclo. Bogotá, Mayo de 2015. 1 ENGLISH BUSINESS TRANSLATION GUÍA 2- CORPORATE PROFILE AND CORPORATE COMMUNICATION BY: Luisa Fernanda Monroy Quiñonez Ireno Mosquera Gamboa Luz Carmenza Limas Limas TUTOR: Daniel Alejandro Márquez Guzmán Universidad EAN –Facultad de Estudios en ambientes virtuales Primer ciclo. Bogotá, Mayo de 2015. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Pág. INTRODUCTION 1. TRANSLATION VISION STATEMENT 2. TRANSLATION MISSION STATEMENT 3. COMPARATIVE CHART 4. TRANSLATION LOOKPRINT OR ALCAID PROFILE 5. COMPARATIVE CHART 6. GLOSSARY 7. TRANSLATION OF THE 3 SAMPLES CONCLUSIONS BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 5 5 6 7 9 10 13 16 17 3 INTRODUCTION Translators must have knowledge and domains of the language used in business, financial and legal documents, if they want communicate adequately their translations. Also, must learn the jargon that is used for certain business processes and within organizations. Through this guide we will develop the language skills that will allow us to keep accurate and effective translations in the business field. 4 1. TRANSLATION VISION STATEMENT Source Language – English Target Language – Spanish Vision statement Visión “MBC Farms will be an agribusiness “MBC Farms será una agroindustria focused on the profitable, progressive, dedicada a la producción rentable, and sustainable production of premium progresiva y sostenible de granos de quality identity-preserved grains, identidad preservada, semillas oleaginosas oilseeds, and dairy products. MBC y productos lácteos. MBC Farms será un Farms will be a respected, responsible vecino respetado y responsable y un activo neighbor and an asset to our para nuestra comunidad. Preferimos un community. We prefer a rural lifestyle estilo de vida rural y estamos dispuestos a and are willing to embrace change as a aceptar el cambio como un medio para ese means to that end. MBC Farms fin. MBC Farms ofrece la oportunidad para provides the opportunity for our children que nuestros hijos y empleados participen and employees to participate in en la producción agrícola, ya sea como production agriculture either as owners propietarios o administradores de la and/or managers of the business.” empresa”. 5 2. TRANSLATION MISSION STATEMENT Source Language – Spanish Target Language – English Misión Mission Statement La misión de todas las empresas de The mission of all companies in our group is to participate in our country development processes by generating employment and welfare through the promotion of innovative activities in industrial, agricultural, commercial, and other related sectors,thus providing rational management of the resources that lead to a fair retribution for our shareholders, employees, and for society in general. nuestro grupo es participar en los procesos de desarrollo del país, mediante la generación de empleo y bienestar a través de la promoción de actividades innovadoras en los sectores industriales, agrícola, comercial y otros relacionados, proporcionando un manejo racional de los recursos que conduzcan a una retribución justa para nuestros accionistas, colaboradores y para la sociedad en general. 6 3. COMPARATIVE CHART Sample Company Profile Contact Information Financial and Operational Sumary Management Directory: Chiefs of the different divisions of the Company Business Profile: brief summary of the history of the company Company News : contain the latest company press releases Industry Information: offer a general look of industry structure, current conditions, key players, future developments and background perspective on the products produced. Key Process: provides an introduction to the basic manufacturing processes used within the industry, including important technology and equipment. Israel New Tech Indicates web site It does not have Financial Sumary It does not contain Management Directory Company Profile: Description of the principal services of the Company and also shows date of establishment and number of employees Instead of news about the Company, show some of the projects that the Company has done Technology and products: name of the products that the Company has, without describing them Company objectives and target companies 7 4. TRANSLATION LOOKPRINT OR ALCAID PROFILE PRESENTATION ALKAID is a Costa Rican company, whose strength is the development of software and the implementation of systems infrastructure for information and communication technologies, using open technologies. We use the broad engineering knowledge and experience of our team to provide support in the analysis and implementation of solutions that meet the needs of information systems of our clients. We believe that a successful project is derived from the implementation of appropriate processes and best practices during development. To comply with this principle, adjusted methods, models and procedures applied globally recognized in all phases of project development, from analysis to the quality assurance. We are experts in the development and implementation of the model based on free software systems as well as in the migration to these platforms, using technology and valued internationally. We base our work on a series of principles and foundations that seek respect towards social progress and environmentally sensitive technology to provide free knowledge and property that may be shared by society. In ALKAID, we also have the support of a platform for strategic technology partners that support our services, ensuring trust and confidence in the results. MISSION STATEMENT. Offer the best support to the organizations, small and medium enterprises in their needs around information and communication technologies, putting in his hands adaptables, extensibles, free and innovative solutions that allow them achieve their challenges and make the most of the available tools. VISION STATEMENT. A society where the entrepreneurships make appropriate use of knowledge and technology, favoring the progress of each and every person living in the world and the welfare of the planet in general. We want to be fundamental part of the strategies, initiatives and actions that require the use of technological tools to contribute to progress and sustainable development. PRINCIPLES AND FOUNDATIONS. ALKAID is a social enterprise that is born of collective experience of its team in different areas of communication, technology, graphic design, social economics 8 and strategy applied to organizations and initiatives with a social purpose corresponding with the principles and vision of society we promote. ALKAID responds primarily to the need to enlarge the incidence, transformation, collaboration and scope around the management of information that undertake enterprises, organizations and their initiatives, through the development and training in the use of technological tools available. ALKAID is the sum of knowledge and individual experience of its employees, who are direct beneficiaries of the effort made by our company, which places the quality of life for themselves above the profit interests that have resulted in high levels of inequality in society. ALKAID is committed to modern technologies that employ free software and open standards, encouraging the opening of knowledge, adaptability and the continued strengthening of a more collaborative and supportive community, aware that technology and knowledge in the hands of the people are the key to the progress. 9 5. COMPARATIVE CHART Memos Used for internal communication It can be addressed to a single person or everyone in the company It has no inside address, usually has the To line with the rider´s name, the From line with the name of the person who is sending it and the subject line. Short and to the point Use short sentences, less formal language Serve for: Announcing personnel changes Conveying confidential information Giving recommendations Outlining new procedures Letters Used both for internal and external communication Message that is sent by a person to another to send information that one wants that the other receive There is the inside address on top, the date, the greeting, the complimentary close at the end followed by the signature Organizational Charts A diagram that outlines the internal structure of a company. Describe the role, responsibility and relationship between individuals within an organization Long and in detail Use more formal language Types of letters: Cover letters Job acceptant letters Job declination letter Thank you letters Used for: Organizational restructuring Job analysis Organizational and supervisory communication Resource planning Workforce planning 10 Sending an object through internal office mail 6. GLOSSARY SL TL COMMENTS Appreciate Apreciar agradecer Clerical Oficinista Company Empresa / Compañía Contacto / contactar Transmitir, comunicar Fecha/acompañant e/ cita Querido / estimado / distinguido Contact Convey Date Dear / Department Departamento Disabilities Discapacidad Dissertation Disertación, discurso, ensayo Division División (sección Be grateful; recognize with appreciation; raise the value (Of a job or person) concerned with or relating to work in an office, especially routine documentation and administrative tasks Business, social gathering, group of people. e.g. I have a contact in that company if you need any help. Informar Day of the month, specific date, appointment Very used in the opening comments of letters: e.g Dear John, Specialized division of a large concern, such as a business, store, or university: the geography department. An illness, injury, or condition that makes it difficult for someone to do the things that other people do. A long formal talk or piece of writing (for a university degree etc). government office; division, 11 Eager Employee Expedite en una empresa) Ansioso Empleado Experience Agilizar, expedir, acelerar Experiencia Feeling uncertain Fellowship Sensación de incertidumbre Compañerismo Formality From Formalidad De/ desde Gender Género Grasp Comprender, entender Jerarquía Hierarchy Holiday In short Vacaciones / día feriado Además De hecho/en realidad En resumen Increase Aumentar / subir Indeed De hecho, efecto Memos informativos In addition In fact Informationa l Memos en section; district; area, domain Full of desire, interest etc. e.g. No employee of the agency was involved in the fraud. Process faster This word is widely used in the cover letters. It is when a person is not sure; not definitely knowing anything An association (of people with common interests), a companion and equal It is the way to write a letter In a letter or memo it shows the person who is sending the message. e.g. Any of a number of classes into which nouns and pronouns can be divided (eg masculine, feminine, neuter) To understand In order of rank, importance etc. Syn: Vacation, time off work , festivities Syn: also, on top of that e.g. in fact, it was a wonder anyone survived He summary is a synthesis technique which is to reduce a text with the main ideas of this one. To make or become greater in size, degree, frequency, etc; grow or expand Used for emphasis It is an internal communication addressed to one or more individuals 12 Interoffice Entre empresas Job applications Solicitud empleo Letterhead Papel con membrete Seguro de vida Life insurance Likely Marketing Memo sheet Memorandu m de Probable, probablemente Mercadotecnia, mercadeo Hoja de memorando Memorando Paperwork Documentación Preprinted Preimpreso Prize Regarding Samples Premio Con respecto a Muestras Scope Alcance Starting salary Salario inicial Struggle Lucha, esforzarse Suitable Apropiado An interoffice memo: functioning or communicating between the offices of a company or organization Is a form or collection of forms that an individual seeking employment A written message, especially sent by post in an envelope A system in which you make regular payments to an insurance company in exchange for a fixed amount of money that will be paid to you when you reach a certain age or you die The likely result is a draw between the two teams. Syn: retailing, selling, advertising Small leaf used to take notes A written statement about a particular matter, often passed around between colleagues (in plural) documents proving one’s identity, nationality etc. In the case of manuscripts envelopes or on the face (in envelopes preprinted) A reward for good work With respect to; concerning Please bring some samples of your work to the interview Few things are beyond the scope of a child’s imagination. The amount of money received when starting a particular type of job for the first time. To make great efforts or try hard. Right or appropriate for a purpose or occasion. 13 7. TRANSLATION OF THE 3 SAMPLES Sample Job Interview Thank You Letter - Carta de agradecimiento entrevista de trabajo Source Language - English Target Language – Spanish Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Email Su nombre Su dirección Date Fecha Name Title Organization Address City, State, Zip Code Nombre Cargo Organización Dirección Ciudad, departamento, código postal Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name: Thank you for taking the time to interview me for the second time. I appreciate your interest in my candidacy for the Marketing Director position. As we discussed, my strong skill set and my experience with ABC Company in a very similar role would enable me to provide strong leadership, and to immediately provide the guidance and expertise to improve departmental performance exponentially. Apreciado Sr./ Sra. Apellido: Gracias por el tiempo que ha dedicado para entrevistarme por segunda vez. Agradezco su interés en mi candidatura para el cargo de Director de Marketing. Su ciudad, departamento, código postal Su número de teléfono Su correo electrónico De acuerdo con lo conversado, mi sólido conjunto de habilidades y mi experiencia en la Compañía ABC en un cargo muy similar me permitiría ejercer un fuerte liderazgo y proporcionar de inmediato la orientación y los conocimientos necesarios para mejorar el desempeño del departamento exponencialmente. I am pleased to have had a chance to Me alegra haber tenido la oportunidad talk with you again, and thank you again de hablar con usted nuevamente. for your consideration. Gracias de nuevo por su atención. 14 I look forward to hearing from you. Espero su respuesta. Best Regards, Cordial saludo, Your Name Su nombre Sample Letter Accepting a Job Offer - Carta de aceptación de una oferta laboral Source Language - English Target Language – Spanish Jane Fieldstone 87 Washington Street Smithfield, CA 08055 (909) 555-5555 Jane.fieldstone@gmail.com Jane Fieldstone 87 Washington Street Smithfield, CA 08055 (909) 555-5555 Jane.fieldstone@gmail.com Date Fecha Dear Mr. Barnes, Apreciado Sr. Barnes: As we discussed on the phone, I am very pleased to accept the position of Marketing Manager with Smithfield Pottery. Thank you for the opportunity. I am eager to make a positive contribution to the company and to work with everyone on the Smithfield team. Según lo hablado por teléfono, me complace aceptar el cargo de Gerente de Marketing en Smithfield Pottery. Gracias por esta oportunidad. Estoy ansiosa por hacer una contribución positiva a la compañía y trabajar todo el equipo de Smithfield. As we discussed, my starting salary will be $38,000 and health and life insurance benefits will be provided after 90 days of employment. Tal y como hemos hablado, mi salario inicial será de $38.000 dólares americanos y los beneficios de seguro de salud y de vida me serán proporcionados después de 90 días de ser contratada. I look forward to starting employment on July 1, 20XX. If there is any additional information or paperwork you need prior to then, please let me know. Again, thank you. Estoy ansiosa por iniciar mis labores el 1 de julio de 20XX. Si requiere información o documentación adicional antes de esta fecha, hágamelo saber. Una vez más, gracias. Signature Firma 15 Job Rejection Letter - Carta de rechazo de una oferta laboral Source Language - English Target Language – Spanish George Gilhooley 87 Delaware Road Hatfield, CA 08065 (909) 555-5555 George Gilhooley 87 Delaware Road Hatfield, CA 08065 (909) 555-5555 Date Fecha Dear Mr. Gilhooley, Apreciado Señor Gilhooley: Thank you very much for offering me the position of Marketing Manager with Hatfield Industries. It was a difficult decision to make, but, I have accepted a position with another company. Muchas gracias por ofrecerme el cargo de Gerente de Mercadeo en Hatfield Industries. Fue una decisión difícil de tomar, pero acepte un puesto en otra empresa. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to interview me and to share information on the opportunity and your company. Agradezco sinceramente el tiempo que dedicó para entrevistarme y compartir información sobre el cargo y su compañía. Again, thank you for your consideration. Una vez más, gracias por tenerme en cuenta. Signature Firma 16 CONCLUSIONS We can conclude that it is necessary to have specific skills to be at the forefront of a translation project. Being a professional translator is a task that we must carry out with great seriousness, to establish quality standards and do an excellent job of translation. For that reason it is vital for the translator to have knowledge of the corporate, financial and legal terminology and jargon. The good use of these will determine your level of proficiency in the language and the success of your translation. In order to be able to provide excellent translation services with accuracy for companies and translate texts related with vision statement, company profile, memorandums, letters and corporate charts, it is essential to know the operation of the company, technical terms and all information needed to translate the message the company wants to convey. 17 BIBLIOGRAPHY ICONTEC, Internacional (2010). Norma técnica colombiana – Servicios de traducción, requisitos para la prestación del servicio. Colombia. MUNDAY, J. Introducing Translation Studies - Theories and Applications (200820012). Taylor & Francis eBooks.U.K. Sample company profile. Taken http://members.questline.com/Content/0998_Sample_Company_Profile.pdf from: Israel New Tech Profile. Taken from: http://israelnewtech.gov.il/Documents/Companies'%20PDFs/NEWTech%20ARI.pdf LookPrint. Taken from: content/uploads/2011/10/look_company_profile.pdf http://www.look.com.au/wp- Alcaid profiles. Taken from: http://espejochorotega.una.ac.cr/Pymes/Libretours/Perfil-Empresarial-ALKAID.pdf http://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/organizational-chart.asp#ixzz3Z6tL0Ion http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/organization-chart.html#ixzz3Z6u8JLus 18 19 20