Description of Materials #1 K and up Spin N Learn – Short Vowels The child names the picture and says the short vowel that is heard. There are 9 different wheels with several pictures on each. This is a self-checking activity. ________________________________________________________________________ #2 K and up Spin N Learn – Long Vowels The child names the picture and says the short vowel that is heard. There are 9 different wheels with several pictures on each. This is a self-checking activity. ________________________________________________________________________ #3 K and up Vowel Parade Activity Book Children use this reusable activity book to practice long and short vowels. Activities include connect the dot, match pictures, and write vowels. ________________________________________________________________________ #4 K and up Short and Long Vowel Templates Students look at the picture and write a vowel to complete the word. There are 14 cards that are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #5 1st and up Special Vowels and Consonants Templates Students look at the picture and write vowels or consonants to complete the word. They will be using the following: ar, ir, or, ou, ow, oo, ur, er, c, k, s, g, and j. There are 14 cards that are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #6 1st and up Consonant Blend and Digraph Templates Students look at the picture and write the consonant blend or digraph to complete the word. They will be using the following: th, sh, ch, wh, br, cr, fr, sk, sm, st, sl, bl, gl, pl, sc, sw, sp, sn, cl, fl, tr, dr, gr, and pr. There are 14 cards that are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #7 1st and up Blend Dominoes Students use dominoes that have beginning consonants, blends and digraphs, and join them with endings to form different words. ________________________________________________________________________ #8 K and 1st TOAD – Letter Sounds Game Students use toads with different word parts and put them together to form words. Students, or someone older, can read the story book Toad. ________________________________________________________________________ #9 K and up Think Pattern Cards – Vowels Students take two different colored chips and place them on their card according to what vowel they hear when they say the picture. If done correctly, it will form a pattern. There are 32 cards. These cards deal with short and long vowels, and the following: er, ir, or, ar, ur, ou, ow. oy, oo, and aw. ________________________________________________________________________ #10 1st and up Think Pattern Cards – Reading Skills Task Cards Students take two different colored chips and place them on their card according to the key. If done correctly, it will form a pattern. There are 37 cards that deal with capitals, rhyming, suffixes, punctuation, compound words, syllables, contractions, singular, plural, classifying and ABC order. ________________________________________________________________________ #11 3rd and up Prefix Puzzles Students join puzzle pieces which contain prefixes and root words to form new words. There are 36 puzzle matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #12 3rd and up Suffix Puzzles Students join puzzle pieces which contain suffixes and root words to form new words. There are 32 puzzle matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #13 3rd and up Syllable Systems Task Cards Students are introduced to rules for dividing words into syllables, and then they complete the activities for practice. There are 30 cards. ________________________________________________________________________ #14 1st and up Word Master 2 Students join different letters and word parts to form words. They will be able to form 139 different words. ________________________________________________________________________ #15 2nd and up White Water Raft Trip Game Students play a board game which gives them practice in using antonyms and homonyms. ________________________________________________________________________ #16 1st and up Antonyms Clothespin Game Students place clothespins on the board to match a word with its antonym (opposite). There are 11 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #17 1st and up Contractions Clothespin Game Students place clothespins on the board to match a contraction to the two words from which it is made. There are 13 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #18 2nd and up Homonyms Clothespin Game Students place clothespins on the board that contain the homonyms needed to complete the sentences. There are 10 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #19 1st and up Long Vowel Sounds Clothespin Game Students pick clothespins that contain the vowels needed to complete the words. There are 10 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #20 1st and up Short Vowels (a, o, u) Clothespin Game Students pick clothespins that contain the vowels needed to complete the words. There are 12 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #21 1st and up Short Vowels (a, e, i) Clothespin Game Students pick clothespins that contain the vowels needed to complete the words. There are 14 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #22 2nd and up Synonyms Clothespin Game Students place the clothespins on the board to match a word with a synonym (word that means the same). There are 12 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #23 1st and up Diphthongs Clothespin Game Students pick the clothespins that contain the diphthongs (ou, ow) to complete the words. There are 12 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #24 1st and up Short and long Vowel Sounds Clothespin Game Students pick the clothespins that contain the vowels needed to complete the words. There are 13 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #25 1st and up Long Vowel Clothespin Game Students pick the clothespins that contain the vowels needed to complete the words. There are 13 matches. ________________________________________________________________________ #26 1st and up Fun Thinkers Sounds and Words Students cover the right answer with tiles and if done correctly, it will form a pattern. This involves short and long vowels, consonants, blends and digraphs, r-controlled vowels, oy, aw, ing, soft g and c, au, ow, oo, and silent letters. ________________________________________________________________________ #27 K and up Wrap Ups – Phonics 1 Students wrap the string around the board to match rhyming words and beginning sounds. There are 10 wraps, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #28 1st and up Compound Words Wrap Ups Students wrap the string around the board to form compound words. There are 10 wraps, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #29 2nd and up Synonyms Wrap Ups Students wrap the string around the board to match the word to its synonym (word that means the same). There are 10 wraps, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #30 2nd and up Antonyms Wrap Ups Students wrap the string around the board to match the word to its antonym (word with opposite meaning). There are 10 wraps, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #31 2nd and up Homonyms Wrap Ups Students wrap the string around the board to match the word to its homonym (word that sounds the same). There are 10 wraps, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #32 1st and up Compound Pond Students match the lily pads to make compound words. They will make 29 different compound words. ________________________________________________________________________ #33 2nd and up Getting the Main Idea Game Students play a board game in which they read short paragraphs and pick the main ideas. ________________________________________________________________________ #34 2nd and up Drawing Conclusions Activity Cards Students read short stories and pick the best conclusions. These are wipe-off cards, and an answer key is provided. ________________________________________________________________________ #35 2nd an up Multiple Comprehension Skills Activity Cards Students use wipe-off cards to practice main idea, conclusions, locating facts, and making associations. There are 32 cards/4 questions and a bonus activity to stimulate thinking. ________________________________________________________________________ #36 4th and up Multiple Comprehension Skills Activity Cards Students use these wipe-off cards to practice with main idea, conclusions, locating facts, and making associations. There are 32 cards with 4 questions and a bonus activity to stimulate thinking. ________________________________________________________________________ #37 2nd and up Reading for Main Idea Clothespin Game Students place the clothespins on the card to match the paragraphs to their main ideas. There are 10 cards, and they are self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #38 2nd and up Sequencing Cards Students put the cards in the correct sequence to tell a story. There are 8 sets with 6 cards each. They are coded on the back for self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #39 K and up Animals: Fun-To-Know Cards These cards have pictures of common animals (pets, zoo, jungle) on one side and information about that animal on the other side. These could be used for building vocabulary, comparisons, sorting, reports, alphabetizing, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ #40 2nd and up Turnabout Tales This is a partner activity in which they read a story, and do comprehension activities. There are 40 different story cards and a book with questions for each story. ________________________________________________________________________ #41 2nd and up Connections I – Picture Association Game This is a picture association game in which you figure out how given pictures can be related. You form a line across the board to win. ________________________________________________________________________ #42 K and up Short and long Vowel Dominoes Students match dominoes with the same vowel sounds. They might match vowel to vowel, picture to vowel, or picture to picture. ________________________________________________________________________ #43 K and 1st A Day at the Park – Story Puzzle Students can switch puzzle pieces to change the story. It has 22 different puzzle pieces. ________________________________________________________________________ #44 K and 1st A Day at the Beach – Story Puzzle Students can switch puzzle pieces to change the story. It has 24 different puzzle pieces. ________________________________________________________________________ #45 K and up Sound Tracks Listening Bingo Students listen to a tape of sounds. They use counters to cover pictures of things that would make those sounds. This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #46 K and up Rebus Reading – Sentence Making Students match sentence beginnings with a variety of sentence endings to make all kinds of sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ #47 1st and up Gramma Rummy Cards Students join phrases to make sentences. There are 150 different phrases to make all kinds of sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ #48 K and up What’s My Name? Students describe objects, and others try to guess what it is. If you guess correctly, you put one of your markers on the board. When you get 5 in a row – you win! ________________________________________________________________________ #49 K and up Rhyming Bingo Players look on their card for a word that rhymes with the word that is called. There are 36 different cards and 20 different rhymes. ________________________________________________________________________ #50 1st and up Taskmaster Limited – BROGY – Set I Students make sentences from cards containing verbs, nouns, pronouns, articles, adjectives, and adverbs. There are 7 sets of cards – each with a different theme: family, wild animals, birds, fruit, farm animals, transport, and road transportation. ________________________________________________________________________ #51 2nd and up Bugs and Hearts Game Students place cards in the correct places according to whether the word is a verb or an adjective. ________________________________________________________________________ #52 1st and up Squirrels and Acorns Game (Is and Are) Students decide if is or are should go in the sentence, and place the card on the correct acorn. ________________________________________________________________________ #53 2nd and up Birds and Feathers Game (nouns and verbs) Students decide if the word is a noun or a verb, and place the card on the correct bird. ________________________________________________________________________ #54 2nd and up Fruit and Worms Game (was and were) Students decide if was or were should go in the sentence, and place the card on the correct fruit. ________________________________________________________________________ #55 1st and up Cats and Fish Game (periods and questions marks) Students decide if the sentence should end with a period or a question mark, and place it on the correct cat. ________________________________________________________________________ #56 Parents Help your Child Learn to Read This book will help in understanding the skills that are involved in reading. It also provides activities to help your child develop those skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #57 Parents Homework Without Tears – by Lee Canter This is a parents’ guide for motivating children to do homework and succeed in school. ________________________________________________________________________ #58 Parents Assertive Discipline for Parents – by Lee Canter This book presents a step-by-step approach to solving everyday behavior problems in children. ________________________________________________________________________ #59 Parents Parent Resource Guide – by Lee Canter This resource helps parents develop a “take-charge” attitude to manage behavior effectively. ________________________________________________________________________ #60 K and up Sorting Box for Rhyming Sounds Students sort pictures according to the picture they rhyme with. There are 12 different rhyming families – with 4 cards in each. ________________________________________________________________________ #61 K and up Sorting Box for Initial Consonant Blends Students sort pictures according to their beginning blend. There are four cards for the following blends: tr, gr, pr, sw, sc, st, bl, cl, fl, br, cr, and dr. ________________________________________________________________________ #62 K and up Sorting Box for Long and Short Vowels Students sort pictures according to their vowel sounds. There are four cards to match each of the vowel sounds. ________________________________________________________________________ #63 K and up Hippo Big Book – Create Your Own Story Students create a title and story for this book by writing on the post-it note sheets. The sheets are replaceable. ________________________________________________________________________ #64 K and up Dragon Big Book – Create Your Own Story Students create a title and story for this book by writing on the post-it note sheets. The sheets are replaceable. ________________________________________________________________________ #65 K and up Write Your Own Adventure – Big Book Students create their own title and story for this big book by writing on the post-it note sheets. The sheets are replaceable. ________________________________________________________________________ #66 2nd and up Discover the United States of America – Puzzle Book Students will learn lots of interesting facts about each state. They can put the puzzle together to form a map of the United States. ________________________________________________________________________ #67 2nd and up Fun With Words Video Students join the Wizard of Words and his friendly dragon to practice writing basic sentences, identifying nouns/subjects, verbs/predicates, and adjectives and adverbs. There are places to stop the video and have students do practice activities. This requires a VHS tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #68 K and up Up With Phonics Video This video teaches the short and long vowel sounds. There are places to stop the video and have students do practice activities. This requires a VHS tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #69 K and up Rock N Learn Phonics There are two 50-minute cassette tapes which deal with short and long vowels, beginning and ending consonants, blends, digraphs, diphthongs, endings, r-controlled vowels, plurals, syllables, ph and gh, silent consonants, and “rule-breakers”. This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #70 2nd and up Consonant Digraphs Students use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice digraphs. They will be circling and writing digraphs, matching picture with digraphs, or doing word searches. ________________________________________________________________________ #71 2nd and up Advanced Initial and Final Blends Students use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice initial and final blends. They will be choosing words to complete the sentences, unscrambling words, and doing word searches and crossword puzzles. ________________________________________________________________________ #72 2nd and up Advanced Beginning and Ending Consonants Students use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice with initial and final consonants. They will be doing word searches and cross picture puzzles, matching objects to sounds, and circling letters. ________________________________________________________________________ #73 2nd and up Advanced Rhyming Families Students use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice rhyming. They will be writing words, matching, breaking codes and doing mystery designs. ________________________________________________________________________ #74 2nd and up Diphthongs and Vowel Digraphs Students use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice with diphthongs and vowel digraphs. They will be guessing picture names, completing sentences, circling word combinations, and completing blanks and word searches. Students will practice with the following: ou, ow, ai, ay, ea, oa, oi, oy, oo, ew, au, aw, ei, and ie. ________________________________________________________________________ #75 2nd and up Multi-syllable Words Students will use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice syllabication. They will work with compound words, prefixes and suffixes, hard and soft c/g, forms of ing, and silent e. ________________________________________________________________________ #76 1st and up Basic Rhyming Families Students will use the 24 wipe-off cards to practice rhyming. They will match pictures and words, and decide if two words rhyme. ________________________________________________________________________ #77 K and up Basic Beginning Consonants Students will use these 24 wipe-off cards to reinforce consonants in the initial position. ________________________________________________________________________ #78 K and up Basic Final Consonants Students will use these 24 wipe-off cards to reinforce consonants in the ending position. ________________________________________________________________________ #79 K and up Short Vowels Students will use 24 wipe-off cards to reinforce short vowels. They will be completing sentences, matching picture and words, and doing word searches and crossword puzzles. ________________________________________________________________________ #80 1st and up Long Vowels Students will use these 24 wipe-off cards to reinforce long vowel sounds. They will be completing sentences, matching pictures and words, and doing word searches and crossword puzzles. ________________________________________________________________________ #81 1st and up Basic Initial Blends Students will use these 24 wipe-off cards to practice with blends. They will be matching pictures and words, and filling in blends to complete words. ________________________________________________________________________ #82 2nd and up Noting Details Students read short paragraphs and answer 4 questions about details from the story. There are 50 cards which increase in reading difficulty. ________________________________________________________________________ #83 K and up Short and Long Vowel Game Boards There are four different games in which students say the picture, name the vowel, and advance to that vowel on the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #84 K and up Short Vowel Wipe-Clean Cards This has a variety of activities to practice short vowels. There are 12 cards and students will be circling vowels, finding pictures with a given vowel, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ #85 K and up Long Vowel Wipe-Clean Cards This has a variety of activities to practice long vowels. There are 12 cards on which the students will write in missing vowels, decide if the given vowel is long or short, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ #86 1st and up R-controlled and Vowel Combination Wipe-Clean Cards There are 12 different cards which provide practice with the following: oy, oi, ow, ou, oo, aw, au, ar, er, ir, or and ur. ________________________________________________________________________ #87 1st and up Phonetic Word Drill Cards – Set 1 Students flip the pages to make 240 different words. They will use the following endings: b, g, m, d, n, p, t, ft, w, ng, rk, rn, rt, sk, and st. ________________________________________________________________________ #88 1st and up Phonetic Word Drill Cards – Set 2 Students flip the pages to make 240 different words. They will use the following endings: b, d, g, m, n, p, t, ft, w, ng, rk, rn, rt, sk, and st. ________________________________________________________________________ #89 1st and up Phonetic Word Drill Cards – Set 3 Students flip the pages to make 240 different words. They will use the following endings: ing, er, ee, ew, all, ain, eak, ear, eat, eed, eep, eer, out, ight, uff, and ue. ________________________________________________________________________ #90 1st and up Phonetic word Drill Cards – Set 4 Students flip the pages to make 240 different words. They will use the following beginnings: th, sh, ch, cl, sp, pl, pr, bl, br, sc, sk, sm, sn, sl, and wh. ________________________________________________________________________ #91 1st and up Phonetic Quizmo This uses a bingo format to practice letter recognition, or the sounds of vowels, consonants and blends. ________________________________________________________________________ #92 2nd and up Finding the Sequence Activity Cards Students read a short paragraph and answer 4 questions dealing with sequence of events. There are 50 cards which increase in reading difficulty. ________________________________________________________________________ #93 2nd and up Predicting Outcomes Activity Cards Students read a short paragraph and answer 4 questions with possible outcomes. There are 50 cards which increase in reading difficulty. ________________________________________________________________________ #94 2nd and up Making Inferences Activity Cards Students read a short paragraph and answer 4 questions based on inferential content of the paragraph. There are 50 cards which increase in reading difficulty. ________________________________________________________________________ #95 2nd and up Getting the Main Idea Activity Cards Students read a short paragraph and answer 4 questions about details and main idea. There are 50 cards which increase in difficulty. ________________________________________________________________________ #96 1st and up Building A Sentence Students build as many sentences as possible with the phrases they spin. There are who, what, where, and when cards. ________________________________________________________________________ #97 1st and up Critical Thinking Skill Activity Cards Students can use these cards to practice with classifying, using context clues, making analogies, cause/effect, associations and sentence sense. ________________________________________________________________________ #98 2nd and up Critical Thinking Skills Activity Cards Students can use these cards to practice with context clues, inferences, classifying, making judgments, relevant/irrelevant information, fact/opinion, and fact/generalization. ________________________________________________________________________ #99 1st and up Basic Word Skill Activity Cards Students can use these cards to practice with compounds, antonyms, synonyms, plurals, context clues, and word usage. There are 32 different cards. ________________________________________________________________________ #100 2nd and up Basic Word Skills Activity Cards Students can use these cards to practice with antonyms, synonyms, homonyms, compounds, contractions, plurals, prefixes, suffixes, and word usage. There are 32 different cards. ________________________________________________________________________ #101 K and up Send A Letter Game Students get practice with the alphabet and the letter sounds. ________________________________________________________________________ #102 K and up The Big Bug Game Students read and spell words (consonant-vowel-consonant) and use the words in sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ #103 1st and up STOP Game Students practice with beginning and ending consonant blends by reading and spelling different words. ________________________________________________________________________ #104 1st and up The Dump Truck Game Students read and spell words with double consonants (ll, ff, gg, ss) and ck. ________________________________________________________________________ #105 1st and up The Magic e Game Students practice with consonant-vowel-consonant-e words. they will read and spell words, and use them in sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ #106 1st and up Carnival Game Students will review letter sounds, blends, double consonants, CVC words, and CVCe words. ________________________________________________________________________ #107 4th and up Comprehension Games Kit: Drawing Conclusions Students read short paragraphs and answer questions dealing with drawing conclusions. Correct answers will allow them to move around the board. ________________________________________________________________________ #108 1st and up Shopping Lists Game Students use price lists from 8 different stores to figure up the total from their shopping lists. ________________________________________________________________________ #109 2nd and up Let’s Go Shopping Students use price tags from four different shops to practice counting money, adding and subtracting money, figuring change, and deciding how to use money wisely. ________________________________________________________________________ #110 2nd and up Menu Math Students order from 6 different menus, and must count the amount of money needed to pay for the food. ________________________________________________________________________ #111 1st and up Problem Solving Manipulative Kit Students use manipulatives (frogs, pigs, insects) to write and solve word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. ________________________________________________________________________ #112 4th and up Bank Account Students will get practice in handling a bank account. They will make deposits, write check and keep their account balanced. ________________________________________________________________________ #113 4th and up Purchase Students will get practice with making change, keeping records or income and balances, and making strategy decisions based on probability. ________________________________________________________________________ #114 2nd and up Comprehension Game Kit: Cause and Effect Students read a paragraph and answer questions dealing with the cause and the effects. Correct answers allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #115 2nd and up Comprehension Games Kit: Context Clues Students read a paragraph and, using context clues, select the best meaning of the underlined word. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #116 2nd and up Comprehension Games Kit: Fact or Opinion Students read a paragraph and answer questions which deal with facts and opinions. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #117 2nd and up Comprehension Games Kits: Getting the Main Idea Students read a short paragraph and select the main idea from three choices. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #118 2nd and up Comprehension Games Kit: Reading for Detail Students read a short paragraph and answer detail questions dealing with who, what, where, and when. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #119 2nd and up Professor Davensteev’s Predicting Outcomes Game Students read short paragraphs and answer questions that deal with predicting outcomes. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #120 2nd and up Following Directions Game Students read short paragraphs and answer questions regarding sequences, and purpose of the directions. Correct answers will allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #121 2nd and up Professor Davensteev’s Main Idea Game Students read a short paragraph and select the sentence that best states the main idea. Correct answers will allow them to move around the board. ________________________________________________________________________ #122 4th and up Department Store Math Students use play money to purchase items from the Shopper’s Guide. They will have to count money and make change. ________________________________________________________________________ #123 K and up Clock Cards Students can use these cards to practice telling time to the hour and half-hour. ________________________________________________________________________ #124 K and up Play Clock Students can use this clock with movable hands to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #125 K and up Word Family Sliders Set Students slide the strip up and down to form different words. These use a variety of word families, consonants, blends and digraphs. ________________________________________________________________________ #126 1st and up Scrabble Junior In one version, students place letter tiles to match the letters on the board. The other version, students make their own words from the letter tiles. ________________________________________________________________________ #127 K and up Sort and Sound Vowel Digraphs – Box 3 Students put puzzle pieces together to form words. They will have the following vowel digraphs: ie, oo, ee, ai, ou and ea. ________________________________________________________________________ #128 K and up Sort and Sound Vowel Digraphs – Box 4 Students put puzzle pieces together to form words. They will have the following vowel digraphs: oo, ee, oa, ea, ou, oi, and ai. ________________________________________________________________________ #129 K and up Sort and Sound Vowel Digraphs – Box 2 Students put puzzle pieces together to form words. They will have the following vowel digraphs: ea, oa, oo, ou, and ai. ________________________________________________________________________ #130 K and up Sort and Sound Vowel Digraphs – Box 1 Students put puzzle pieces together to form words. They will have the following vowel digraphs: ai, oo, ou, oa, ea, oi, and ee. ________________________________________________________________________ #131 1st and up Versatiles – Beginning Reading Comprehension Lab: Level 1 and 2 Students place tiles in spaces according to their answers. If their answers are correct, the tiles will form a pattern. The skills used are: reading for details, finding the main idea, using context clues, understanding words, using inferences, and using reading skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #132 3rd and up Versatiles – Reading Comprehension Lab: Level 3 – 5) Students place tiles in spaces according to their answers. If answers are correct, the tiles will form a pattern. Students will do activities with: reading for details, finding the main idea, using context clues, understanding words, using references, using reading skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #133 1st and up Subject and Predicate Flip Book – Level 1 Students will flip through subjects and predicates to create a variety of sentences. These sentences will deal with who and what. ________________________________________________________________________ #134 1st and up Subject and Predicate Flip Book – Level 2 Students will flip through subjects and predicates to create a variety of sentences. These sentences will deal with who, what, and where. ________________________________________________________________________ #135 K and up Telling Time Cards Students can use the cards to practice telling time to hour and half-hour. Some cards have clock faces, and some have digital time. ________________________________________________________________________ #136 K and up Upper and Lowercase Letter Cards Students can use these cards to practice letter recognition, abc order, or to match uppercase and lowercase letters. ________________________________________________________________________ #137 K and up Long Vowel Cards Students can use these cards for long vowel recognition or to match cards with the same vowel sounds. Each card has a picture and a word with the vowel missing. ________________________________________________________________________ #138 K and up Short Vowel Cards Students can use these cards for short vowel recognition or to match cards with the same vowel sounds. Each card has a picture and a word with the vowel missing. ________________________________________________________________________ #139 K and up The Four Seasons Cards Students match these picture cards to the season in which you would see them. ________________________________________________________________________ #140 K and up Opposites Cards Students can use these cards to learn opposites by matching a picture and a word. ________________________________________________________________________ #141 K and up Coin Matching Cards Students put puzzle pieces together to match the coins with their value. ________________________________________________________________________ #142 K and up Sun Swamp Students use the number dice and the operations die ( + and -) to create number sentences. The answer decides how far to move on the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #143 K and up Alpha Tiles Students use the letter/picture tiles to practice letters and sounds, beginning sounds, and formation and recognition of words. ________________________________________________________________________ #144 K and up Alphabet Animals Students will use these puzzle pieces to practice letters of the alphabet, the names of animals, and will combine letters to make words. ________________________________________________________________________ #145 K and up Sight Word Bingo – Level 1 Students play this version of bingo by placing chips on the words as they are called. ________________________________________________________________________ #146 K and up Sight Word Bingo – Level 2 Students play this version of bingo by placing chips on the words as they are called. ________________________________________________________________________ #147 K and up Sight Word Bingo – Level 3 Students play this version of bingo by placing chips on the words as they care called. ________________________________________________________________________ #148 K and up Gramma Rummy #2 Students join phrases to make sentences. There are 150 different phrases to make all kinds of sentences. ________________________________________________________________________ #149 K and up Coin Cubes Students can use these coin cubes for coin recognition or for counting the value of the coins. There is a half-dollar, a quarter, a dime, a nickel and 2 pennies on each cube. ________________________________________________________________________ #150 K and up Rhyme Puzzles Students match the puzzle piece to the rhyming puzzle piece. There are pictures and words on each piece. ________________________________________________________________________ #151 3rd and up Brainquest – 4th Grade Students try to answer trivia questions in a variety of subject areas. Self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #152 4th and up Brainquest – 5th Grade Students try to answer trivia questions in a variety of subject areas. Self-checking. ________________________________________________________________________ #153 K and up Money Match Me Cards Students can use these cards to practice the value of a coin or group of coins, or match money amounts. Some cards have the pictures of coins, words, or amounts. There might be single coins or combinations of coins up to $1.00. ________________________________________________________________________ #154 K and up Time Match Me Cards Students can use these cards to practice telling time to the hour, half hour or quarter hour. Some cards have the digital time, some have the clock with hands, some have time written in words, and some have time written in numbers. ________________________________________________________________________ #155 1st and up Punctuation Bingo One person calls out a punctuation mark and explains its use. Players cover any sentence on their cards that uses that punctuation mark in the same way. ________________________________________________________________________ #156 3rd and up Parts of Speech Bingo Students use this bingo to practice with nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, interjections, prepositions, and conjunctions. ________________________________________________________________________ #157 K and up United States Floor Puzzle Students put all the states together to form a map of the Unites States of America. ________________________________________________________________________ #158 1st and up Addition Bingo One person calls out a number, and players cover any addition sentence with that number as the answer. ________________________________________________________________________ #159 1st and up Subtraction Bingo One person calls out a number, and players cover any subtraction sentence with that number as the answer. ________________________________________________________________________ #160 3rd and up Multiplication Bingo One person calls out a number, and players cover any multiplication sentence with that number as the answer. ________________________________________________________________________ #161 K and up Animal Wipe-off Activity Cards Students will do a variety of activities dealing with animals. They will do some matching, drawing and circling of pictures. ________________________________________________________________________ #162 1st and up Cluster Word Building Game This game is on the order of scrabble, only there is a mixture of single letters, and combinations like: double vowels, double consonants, blends, diphthongs, digraphs and silent letters. ________________________________________________________________________ #163 K and up Clock Dial #1 Students can use the movable hands on this clock to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #164 K and up Clock Dial #2 Students can use the movable hands on this clock to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #165 K and up Clock Dial #3 Students can use the movable hands on this clock to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #166 K and up Clock Dial #4 Students can use the movable hands on this clock to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #167 K and up Clock Dial #5 Students can use the movable hands on this clock to practice telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #168 3rd and up Language Detective Students read sentences and tell what the error is. Errors may include usage, spelling, capitalization, hyphenation, punctuation, etc. ________________________________________________________________________ #169 1st and up Temperature Matching Puzzles Students match the picture of the thermometer to the card that has the correct temperature on it. ________________________________________________________________________ #170 3rd and up Money Puzzles – Making Change to $10.00 Students read problems which state how much money they have and how much they are supposed to spend. Then they have to figure the change, and find the correct puzzle piece. ________________________________________________________________________ #171 2nd and up Money Puzzles – Making Change to $1.00 Students read problems which state how much money they have and how much they are supposed to spend. Then they have to figure the change, and find the correct puzzle piece. ________________________________________________________________________ #172 4th and up Decimal/Fractions Dominoes Students try to link any dominoes with one having the same value. Each piece will have a diagram, a decimal or a fraction. ________________________________________________________________________ #173 K and up Triominoes Students use these triangular shaped dominoes to match to other dominoes having the same numbers in the corners. ________________________________________________________________________ #174 3rd and up “One” – Card Game Students can play different games to reinforce equivalent fractions, or combinations of fractions to equal 1. ________________________________________________________________________ #175 K and up Telling Time Cards – Set 1 Students pick puzzle pieces to match the clock with the correct time. Clocks will have time to hour and half hour. ________________________________________________________________________ #176 1st and up Telling Time Cards – Set 2 Students pick puzzle pieces to match the clock with the correct time. Clocks will have time to quarter hour and minutes. ________________________________________________________________________ #177 3rd and up Precomputer 1000 This portable computer introduces the student to some computer programming and activities and teaches all of the basics for learning touch typing. There are four different multi-level trivia learning categories, a math category with 5 multi-level subjects, a game section, and a calculator all built in. ________________________________________________________________________ #178 K and up Telling Time Students can use these flash cards for practice with telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #179 3rd and up Metric Flash Cards – Length Students can use these flash cards for practice with metric measurement in length. ________________________________________________________________________ #180 3rd and up Metric Flash Cards – Volume Students can use these flash cards for practice with metric measurement in volume. ________________________________________________________________________ #181 3rd and up Metric Flash Cards – Weight Students can use these flash cards for practice with metric measurement in weight. ________________________________________________________________________ #182 2nd and up Roman Numeral Activity Cards Students can use these flash cards to practice with the Roman Numerals. ________________________________________________________________________ #183 3rd and up Multo Arithmetic Game - #1 This game is like bingo. Students will get practice with 100 combinations in multiplication. ________________________________________________________________________ #184 3rd and up Imma Whiz Students will get practice with both multiplication and division. ________________________________________________________________________ #185 1st and up Time Flash Cards Students can use these flash cards to practice with telling time. ________________________________________________________________________ #186 3rd and up Multo Arithmetic Game - #2 This game is like bingo. Students will get practice with 100 combinations in multiplication. ________________________________________________________________________ #187 K and up Addo Arithmetic Game This game is like bingo. Students will get practice with 100 combinations in addition. ________________________________________________________________________ #188 3rd and up Math Lab Card Games Students play games that use attributes, pattern sequences, number sets, and fractions. ________________________________________________________________________ #189 2nd and up Dollars and Cents Place Value Kit This kit provides practice with the correct way of expressing place value positions in the decimal situation using play money. ________________________________________________________________________ #190 Parent Lee Canter’s Assertive Discipline This is a Parent Resource Guide. It provides everything a parent needs to solve everyday behavior problems. ________________________________________________________________________ #191 K and up Phonics Cards Students can use these cards to practice with letters and sounds. ________________________________________________________________________ #192 K and up Dr. Seuss Flash Cards Students can use these cards to get practice with rhyming words. ________________________________________________________________________ #193 K and up Subtraction Flash Cards Students can use these flash cards to practice with subtraction facts. ________________________________________________________________________ #194 K and up Phonics Flash Cards Students can use these cards to practice with letters and sounds. The card has a picture and the letter for the beginning sound (uppercase and lowercase). ________________________________________________________________________ #195 K and up See and Read Matching Cards Students will pick three puzzle pieces that go together to form a word. If correct, it will form a picture that goes with the word. ________________________________________________________________________ #196 K and up Little Talking Scholar This is a little computer that goes over basic skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #197 Parent Great Ways to Motivate Students to Read (Copy #1) This is a parent resource guide which contains numerous ways to motivate students to read. ________________________________________________________________________ #198 Parent Great Ways to Motivate Students to Read (Copy #2) This is a parent resource guide which contains numerous ways to motivate students to read. ________________________________________________________________________ #199 K through 2nd First Grade Big Activity CD-Rom This CD contains lots of activities involving concentration, knock-knock jokes, drawing and painting, movies and dot-to-dot pictures. ________________________________________________________________________ #200 2nd and up Magic Match – Multiplication Students push the button to see the answer to the multiplication fact. ________________________________________________________________________ #201 1st and up Magic Math – Addition and Subtraction Students push the button to see the answer to the addition or subtraction fact. ________________________________________________________________________ #202 K and up Beginning Sight Word Flash Cards Students can use these flash cards to practice sight words. ________________________________________________________________________ #203 Parent Helping your Child Learn to Read Parents can find information in this book about helping their child with reading. ________________________________________________________________________ #204 1st and up Phonics Flash Cards Students will get practice with double consonants and multiple vowel sounds. ________________________________________________________________________ #205 K and up Troll Read-Alongs – Reptiles Students can listen to the tape about reptiles and follow along in the book. There are comprehension questions and activities. (10 copies of the book – great for listening center too). This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #206 K and 1st Child’s First Bingo Game Students will enjoy playing this picture bingo with Mickey Mouse and his friends. ________________________________________________________________________ #207 K through 2 Picture Word Flash Cards Students can learn about building vocabulary, basic words and concepts, and recognizing number words and color words. ________________________________________________________________________ #208 K and up Addition Cards Students can use these cards to learn addition facts. Answers are on the back for selfchecking. ________________________________________________________________________ #209 K and up Subtraction Cards Students can use these cards to learn subtraction facts. Answers are on the back for selfchecking. ________________________________________________________________________ #210 K and 1st Three Letter Word Puzzles Students put the three pieces together to complete the picture and spell a word. These are good to practice blending sounds into words. ________________________________________________________________________ #211 K and 1st The Muppets (for computer) Students will enjoy spending time with the Muppets as they practice reading and phonics skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #212 K and 1st Alphabet Blocks (for computer) Students work with Bananas, the monkey, to practice letter names and sounds, sight words and vocabulary. ________________________________________________________________________ #213 K and 1st Hello Kitty (for computer) Students will get practice with shapes and numbers. ________________________________________________________________________ #214 K through 2nd Pictures That Rhyme Students can use these picture cards to practice with rhyming words. The cards could also be used for building vocabulary, visual discrimination and creative expression. ________________________________________________________________________ #215 K and 1st Let’s Pretend Our World is a Playground (for Computer) Students work with Flash the Firefly to spell words and learn some facts. They will visit different types of environments. ________________________________________________________________________ #216 K through 2nd Money Game Students can work on identifying coins and recognition of their value while they play this game. ________________________________________________________________________ #217 K and up Danny and the Dinosaur (for Computer) Students will enjoy this computer game with Danny the Dinosaur. They will get practice in spelling with matching and word games. ________________________________________________________________________ #218 K through 2nd Reader Rabbit – First Grade (for Computer) Students will enjoy spending time with Reader Rabbit in this computer game. They will get practice with first grade reading, math, language arts, science, comprehension, strategic reading and critical thinking skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #219 1st through 3rd Reader Rabbit – Second Grade (for Computer) Students will enjoy spending time with Reader Rabbit in this computer game. They will work in several areas: reading, math, language arts, science, comprehension, strategic reading and critical thinking activities. ________________________________________________________________________ #220 K through 2nd Muppets Reading (for Computer) Students join the Muppets in some reading fun. They will practice beginning sounds, capital and small letters, and same and different. ________________________________________________________________________ #221 K and up Jack and the Beanstalk (for Computer) Students will enjoy the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. They can also work with Gus and the Cyberbuds to paint pictures. ________________________________________________________________________ #222 K and 1st Robot (batteries required) Students can use this electronic game to learn shapes, numbers and letters. ________________________________________________________________________ #223 K and up The Magic School Bus Explores the Human Body (for Computer) Students will enjoy learning about the human body. ________________________________________________________________________ #224 K and 1st Let’s Start Learning (for computer) Students do lots activities that will give them practice with number skills, letter skills, matching, sorting, and early reading and early math skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #225 K and 1st Jump Start – Kindergarten (for computer) Students have activities that go over basic skills (similarities and differences, listening, sequencing, counting, vocabulary, telling time, letter combinations and comprehension.) ________________________________________________________________________ #226 K and 1st One Banana (for Computer) Students will enjoy following along in the story book, or use the computer to play games to practice counting. ________________________________________________________________________ #227 K through 3 Interactive Math Journey (for computer) Students will visit different Math Lands and engage in fun-filled games and activities. They will work with patterns and shapes, addition and subtraction, measurement, fractions and multiplication. ________________________________________________________________________ #228 K through 2nd Interactive Reading Journey (for computer) Students will enjoy Reader Rabbit in 40 different stories and then work with vocabulary and phonics activities to develop reading skills and strategies. _______________________________________________________________________3 #229 K and up Golden Book Encyclopedia (for computer) Students can use this electronic reference product to get practice using hundreds of articles, tables, maps and pictures to access information. _______________________________________________________________________ #230 K and up ZAP Around Town! (for computer) Students will learn mapping and direction skillswith Shelby the turtle. ________________________________________________________________________ #231 1st through 3rd Treasure Mathstorm (for computer) Students will do activities that build skills in math, time-measurement, counting money and critical thinking. ________________________________________________________________________ #232 K through 2nd Jump Start – First Grade (for computer) Students will do activities in a variety of subjects (geography, science, art/creativity, math and reading.) ________________________________________________________________________ #233 K through 2nd Thinking Things Collection (for computer) Students will enjoy activities that will develop creativity and auditory discrimination, increase memory, discover spatial relationships, observe and compare attributes and develop critical thinking skills. ________________________________________________________________________ #234 K through 2nd Reader Rabbit – First Grade (for computer) Students will do activities to get practice on letter recognition and sounds, letter patterns, word recognition, word-picture association and sound blending. ________________________________________________________________________ #235 K through 3rd Phonics Fun (for computer) Students will follow Puppy in activities involving stories, songs, word building, memory matching, rhyming, problem solving, and vocabulary. They will be able to create pictures and print them. ________________________________________________________________________ #236 K and up Troll Read-Along – Dogs and Puppies Students can listen to the story about Dogs and Puppies and follow along in the book. There are comprehension questions and activities. (11 copies of the book – great for a listening center). This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #237 K and up Troll Read-Along – Cats and Kittens Students can listen to the story about Cats and Kittens and follow along in the book. There are comprehension questions and activities. (11 copies of the book – great for a listening center). This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #238 K and up Troll Read-Along – Horses Students can listen to the story about Horses and follow along in the book. There are comprehension questions and activities. (11 copies of the book – great for a listening center). This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #239 K and up Troll Read-along – Creatures of the Night Students can listen to the story about Creatures of the Night and follow along in the book. There are comprehension questions and activities. (11 copies of the book – great for a listening center). This requires a cassette tape player. ________________________________________________________________________ #240 1st and up Addition and Subtraction Shapes Students play this like Triominoes. They have to match the answer to the equation. ________________________________________________________________________ #241 1st and up Zip Around Students use these question and answer cards to build mental computation using addition and subtraction. (I have ___________; who has _________?) ________________________________________________________________________ #242 Parent Let’s Read About – Finding Books They’ll Love to Read This book can help parents find books that their children will enjoy reading. ________________________________________________________________________ #243 Parent Read to Me: Raising Kids Who Love to Read This book can help parents with things like: when to start reading to your child, using TV wisely, how to make a reader out of your child. Contains a list of good read-aloud books. ________________________________________________________________________ #244 Parent 101 Ways to Help Your Child Learn to Read and Write This book provides 101 creative activities to help children learn to read and write. ________________________________________________________________________ #245 Parent On the Road to Reading Parents can use these 101 creative activities to help in getting their child to think, evaluate and make decisions. ________________________________________________________________________ #246 2nd and up Comprehension Games Kit – Fact and Opinion Students read a paragraph and answer questions which deal with facts and opinions. Correct answers allow them to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #247 4th and up Language Detective Game Students read a sentence and have to tell where the error is and how to correct it. Errors include usage, spelling, capitalization, hyphenation, punctuation, etc. Correct answers will allow the student to move around the game board. ________________________________________________________________________ #248 K and up Bunny Money Game Students earn money and then use that money to buy items on the shopping lists. ________________________________________________________________________ #249 K through 2 Wings Kit #1 This kit contains activities to help with decision making, comprehension, and creative thinking. (Take the Magic Desk (board) also). #250 K through 2 Wings Kit #2 This kit contains activities to help with problem solving, comprehension, decision making and memory. It also contains a Positive Parenting Guide. (Take the Magic Desk (board) also). #251 K through 2 Wings Kit #3 This kit contains activities to help with creative thinking, memory, comprehension and decision making. (Take the Magic Desk (board) also). #252 K through 2 Wings Kits #4 This kit contains activities to help with creative thinking, problem solving, and decision making. (Take the magic Desk (board) also). #253 K and up United States Presidents Puzzle This puzzle contains 1000 pieces and will be 24 inches by 30 inches. It has the United States, the Presidents up to 1993 (Clinton) and pictures of places in different states. #254 K and up Pattern Blocks and Cards Students use the attribute blocks to make the patterns on the cards. #255 1st and up Alphabet Race This is a fast moving game where you have to think of names of items that fit the category on the card and start with a certain letter of the alphabet.