Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Praise & Worship Team Strategic Intent Vision & Mission Statement Usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship. Foundational Scripture: Exodus 33:15-17 “And he said unto him, If thy presence goes not with me, carry us not up hence. For wherein shall it be known here that I and they people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people that are upon the face of the earth. And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name.” Ministry Officers President: LaCreasha Collins Vice-President: India Powell Second Vice-President: Natalie King (revised March 9, 2011) Secretary: Alexis Aimes (revised March 9, 2011) Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Events coordinator: Ashley Haynes Meeting Date, Time, & Location: 1st and 2nd Wednesday at 6:15-7:15pm New Sanctuary Ministry ministers or work? All church services Sundays 8 am & 11 am services Wednesday Nights 7:30 pm Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives Short Term Objectives/Goal (6 months): Retain, recruit, and train partners to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship. Strategies: Spiritual development and enrichment through biblical principles Continuous vocal development( attended Praise & Worship conference –revised March 9, 2011 Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Specific training in praise and worship that encourage visitors and partners to welcome the Holy Spirit Coordinate with Communication Ministry, musicians, and choirs Recommendation to Pastors Retained Partners Evaluation Process; process improvement Rotational Calendar Fellowship among partners Committal Contract Develop Standard Operating Procedural Manual a. Ability to sing and minister through song b. Tither c. Expectations Desired Outcomes: Retained partners (currently has 6 partners as of March 9, 2011) Approval by Pastors Increase in the number of partners up to 8 partners to allow for rotational schedule- revised March 9, 2011) Evidence of spiritual development and maturity through biblical application; character development Trained Partners in specific areas of spirituality, deliverance, and worship Established collaborative partnership with other ministries Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Ability to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship Ability to encourage partners and visitors to embrace the Holy Spirit Established procedures and protocol for being a partner in this specific ministry Responsible Person Ministry Leadership Timeline/Benchmark January 31, 2010 Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives Medium Term Objectives/Goal (1 year): Continue to retain, recruit, and train partners to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship. Strategies: Continuous spiritual development and enrichment through biblical principles Continuous vocal development Continuous specific training in praise and worship that encourage visitors and partners to welcome the Holy Spirit Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Holy Spirit led selection of songs (focused on deliverance, praise, and worship) that will usher in the Holy Spirit Continued collaboration with Communication Ministry, musicians, and choirs Retained Partners Selection of Partners Evaluation Process; process improvement Rotational Calendar Fellowship among partners Revised Standard Operating Procedural Manual Desired Outcomes: Retained partners Increase in the number of partners Holy Spirit led and spiritually mature partners Trained Partners in specific areas of spirituality, deliverance, and worship Ability to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship Ability to encourage partners and visitors to embrace the Holy Spirit “Oneness” with the musicians Established procedures and protocol for being a partner in this specific ministry Responsible Person Ministry Leadership Timeline/Benchmark Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. August 31, 2010 Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives Long Term Objectives/Goal (Two-Three Years): To develop a Youth Praise and Worship Team to minister to their peers, partners, and visitors. Strategies: Leadership recommendation of youth selected to create a youth praise and worship team Create a mentoring program Collaboration and recruitment from Kingdom Seekers (children’s church) Age appropriate praise and worship Age appropriate teaching, training, workshops & role playing Development of Standard Operating Procedure Evaluation process; Allow Youth, Praise, and Worship Team to lead in Kingdom Seekers (children’s church) Peer Recognition Recognition and Award Program Desired Outcomes: Development of the Youth Praise and Worship Team Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Trained youth Retention and recruitment of Adult Praise and Worship Team Mentors who are able to provide leadership to peers Established and written protocol Recognition Program: certification, references, skill development, etc Responsible Person: Ministry Leadership Timeline of Completion/Benchmarks: August 31, 2011 Update- March 9, 2011 Increase the number of Praise and Worship partners to 8 Create rotational schedule New Partners must be oriented through the Adult Choir before ascending to Praise & Worship P&W partners must demonstrate leadership skills and are able to effectively usher in the Holy Spirit, lead the congregation, and ministry in unison with the Instruments of Praise. Choirs & Praise & Worship Ministries will utilize the same SOP Begin to identify and train young partners (13-18 years) to create Youth Praise and Worship Team Green Tier 1 Ministry Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc. Green Tier 1 Ministry