Adult Praise & Worship Team Strategic Intent

Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
Praise & Worship Team Strategic Intent
Vision & Mission Statement
Usher in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship.
Foundational Scripture: Exodus 33:15-17
“And he said unto him, If thy presence goes not with
me, carry us not up hence. For wherein shall it be
known here that I and they people have found grace in
thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall
we be separated, I and thy people, from all the people
that are upon the face of the earth.
And the Lord said unto Moses, I will do this thing also
that thou hast spoken: for thou hast found grace in
my sight, and I know thee by name.”
Ministry Officers
President: LaCreasha Collins
Vice-President: India Powell
Second Vice-President: Natalie King (revised March 9,
Secretary: Alexis Aimes (revised March 9, 2011)
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
Events coordinator: Ashley Haynes
Meeting Date, Time, & Location:
1st and 2nd Wednesday at 6:15-7:15pm New Sanctuary
Ministry ministers or work?
All church services
 Sundays 8 am & 11 am services
 Wednesday Nights 7:30 pm
Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives
Short Term Objectives/Goal (6 months):
Retain, recruit, and train partners to usher in the Holy
Spirit through praise and worship.
 Spiritual development and enrichment through
biblical principles
 Continuous vocal development( attended Praise &
Worship conference –revised March 9, 2011
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
 Specific training in praise and worship that
encourage visitors and partners to welcome the
Holy Spirit
 Coordinate with Communication Ministry,
musicians, and choirs
 Recommendation to Pastors
 Retained Partners
 Evaluation Process; process improvement
 Rotational Calendar
 Fellowship among partners
 Committal Contract
 Develop Standard Operating Procedural Manual
a. Ability to sing and minister through song
b. Tither
c. Expectations
Desired Outcomes:
 Retained partners (currently has 6 partners as of
March 9, 2011)
 Approval by Pastors
 Increase in the number of partners up to 8
partners to allow for rotational schedule- revised
March 9, 2011)
 Evidence of spiritual development and maturity
through biblical application; character
 Trained Partners in specific areas of spirituality,
deliverance, and worship
 Established collaborative partnership with other
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
 Ability to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise
and worship
 Ability to encourage partners and visitors to
embrace the Holy Spirit
 Established procedures and protocol for being a
partner in this specific ministry
Responsible Person
Ministry Leadership
January 31, 2010
Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives
Medium Term Objectives/Goal (1 year):
Continue to retain, recruit, and train partners to usher
in the Holy Spirit through praise and worship.
 Continuous spiritual development and enrichment
through biblical principles
 Continuous vocal development
 Continuous specific training in praise and
worship that encourage visitors and partners to
welcome the Holy Spirit
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
 Holy Spirit led selection of songs (focused on
deliverance, praise, and worship) that will usher in
the Holy Spirit
 Continued collaboration with Communication
Ministry, musicians, and choirs
 Retained Partners
 Selection of Partners
 Evaluation Process; process improvement
 Rotational Calendar
 Fellowship among partners
 Revised Standard Operating Procedural Manual
Desired Outcomes:
 Retained partners
 Increase in the number of partners
 Holy Spirit led and spiritually mature partners
 Trained Partners in specific areas of spirituality,
deliverance, and worship
 Ability to usher in the Holy Spirit through praise
and worship
 Ability to encourage partners and visitors to
embrace the Holy Spirit
 “Oneness” with the musicians
 Established procedures and protocol for being a
partner in this specific ministry
Responsible Person
Ministry Leadership
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
August 31, 2010
Praise & Worship Team Strategic Objectives
Long Term Objectives/Goal (Two-Three Years):
To develop a Youth Praise and Worship Team to
minister to their peers, partners, and visitors.
 Leadership recommendation of youth selected to
create a youth praise and worship team
 Create a mentoring program
 Collaboration and recruitment from Kingdom
Seekers (children’s church)
 Age appropriate praise and worship
 Age appropriate teaching, training, workshops &
role playing
 Development of Standard Operating Procedure
 Evaluation process;
 Allow Youth, Praise, and Worship Team to lead in
Kingdom Seekers (children’s church)
 Peer Recognition
 Recognition and Award Program
Desired Outcomes:
 Development of the Youth Praise and Worship
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
 Trained youth
 Retention and recruitment of Adult Praise and
Worship Team
 Mentors who are able to provide leadership to
 Established and written protocol
 Recognition Program: certification, references,
skill development, etc
Responsible Person:
Ministry Leadership
Timeline of Completion/Benchmarks:
August 31, 2011
Update- March 9, 2011
 Increase the number of Praise and Worship
partners to 8
 Create rotational schedule
 New Partners must be oriented through the Adult
Choir before ascending to Praise & Worship
 P&W partners must demonstrate leadership skills
and are able to effectively usher in the Holy Spirit,
lead the congregation, and ministry in unison with
the Instruments of Praise.
 Choirs & Praise & Worship Ministries will utilize
the same SOP
 Begin to identify and train young partners (13-18
years) to create Youth Praise and Worship Team
Green Tier 1 Ministry
Showers of Blessings Harvest Center, Inc.
Green Tier 1 Ministry