North Carolina State University is a land-grant university and a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina February 6, 2007 Professor John Z. Smith Statistics Department Search Committee Department of Statistics University of Transylvania Transylvania, PA 12345 College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Department of Statistics 209G Patterson Hall Campus Box 8203 Raleigh, NC 27695 919.515.1921 919.515.1169 (fax no.) Dear Professor Smith: I am a doctoral student in the Department of Statistics at North Carolina State University. I would like to apply for the tenure track assistant professor position advertised on your department website. Currently, I am completing my dissertation on statistical inference for werewolf data under the supervision of Professor Roger Berger, and I expect to receive my Ph.D. in Statistics in the summer of 2003. My dissertation research involves the development of a new hierarchical model framework for the analysis of data from studies of the existence and movement of werewolves. The analysis of these data is complicated by the fact that werewolves undergo sporadic transformations between their human and wolf forms, rendering existing methods for population sampling inappropriate. In my work I develop a hierarchical latent variable representation that takes this feature into account. I have already submitted one paper summarizing aspects of this research to Biometrics, and I recently received an ENAR Student Travel Award for this paper. I am currently preparing a second paper based on my dissertation; my attached Research Statement gives further details on this work and my plans for future efforts after I receive my degree. As my curriculum vitae indicates, I have considerable experience in both teaching and collaboration. I have taught ST 311, ``Introduction to Statistics,'' for three semesters, and I have received excellent teaching evaluations. I have also served as a Graduate Industrial Trainee at GlaxoSmithKline in Research Triangle Park since Fall of 2004, where I work in the clinical biostatistics department. In 2003, I was awarded the Gertrude Cox prize for the top performance on the Department qualifying exam. The position at University of Transylvania is especially attractive to me because of the department's strengths in both methodological and collaborative research. I am particularly excited about the Department's ties to the Department of Zoology and the Center for Vampire Research, as I believe my background would allow me to make substantial contributions to the efforts of the Center. I am enclosing my curriculum vitae, my statements on research and teaching, and a copy of my recent Biometrics submission. An official transcript will follow under separate cover. I have asked Professors Dennis Boos, Sastry Pantula, and Leonard Stefanski to send recommendation letters directly to you; contact information for these references is also enclosed. Thank you for your consideration. Please contact me by e-mail ( or phone 919-512-1234 if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Jane Q. Student Ph.D. Candidate in Statistics