5. User manual 5.1. Introduction 5.1.1. The introduction of Product 【Web-based Research Resources Management System】contains the major functionality of “search for research resources” , “management of research resources. The user can input the key words about research resource through WRRMS which help user to find the research resources quickly. And the administrator can use WRRMS to manage the database of the research resources. The aim of WRRMS is to help user who can connect to the internet to get any research resources anywhere. 5.1.2. Terminology Category Search : Search according to the category of research resource Conditional Search : Search according to the information of research resource 5.1.3. The fundamental feature Web-based System SQL Database Using ASP Language 5.1.4. The outline of the user manual Setup Hardware and Software requirement Setup the Web Server and SQL Server User Guide Category Search Conditional Search Administrator Mangement 5.2 Setup This section explain how to setup 【Web-based Research Resources Management System】and the notice events of the installation. 5.2.1. Hardware Requirement Operation System : Windows 95 ,Windows 98 ,Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 CPU : Pentium 133 above 59 Memory : requirement 64MB above The space of hard disk : 40MB above 5.2.2. Software Requirement Windows 95 : the last version of IE and PWS Windows 98 : the last version of IE and PWS NT Workstation 4.0 : NT Server Pack 3 the last version of IE and PWS NT Server 4.0 : NT Server Pack 3 the last version of IE and IIS Windows 2000 : the last version of IE and IIS 5.2.3. The system setup Build the web server (Windows 2000) (1) Install the IIS 4.0 (2) Start Internet Information Server Fig 5.1 Microsoft Management Console (Internet Information Server) (3) Add new web site 60 Fig 5.2 Input the Web Site name Fig 5.3 Input the IP address and port number 61 Fig 5.4 Input the path of main directory Fig 5.5 Complete the setup Fig 5.6 Start the Web Server 62 Setup the ODBC Connection Fig 5.7 Start the ODBC Mangement Fig 5.8 Select Driver (SQL Server) 63 Fig5.9 Select SQL Server and Source name Fig 5.10 Setup the authentication of SQL Server Fig 5.11 Setup the default database 64 Fig5.12 Complete the Setup Fig 5.13 Test the Setup 65 Fig5.14 Setup is ok!! 5.3 Example to use WRRMS 5.3.1. Normal User Run browser (IE) and link Category Search Fig 5.15 Step1 Category Search 66 Fig 5.16 Step2 Choose the information of research resource Fig 5.17 Step3 Choose the information of research resource 67 Fig 5.18 Step4 The result of the Category Search Condition Search Fig 5.19 Step1 Choose and input the information of research resource 68 Fig 5.20 Step2 The result of the Condition Search 5.3.2. Administrator Run browser (IE) and link Administrator Insert data Fig 5.21 Step1 Administrator Login 69 Fig 5.22 Step2 Input the information of the research resource Fig 5.23 Step3 Successful Message 70 Administrator Delete data Fig 5.24 Step1 Administrator Login Fig 5.25 Step2 Choose the category of the research resource 71 Fig 5.26 Step3 Search the research resource which you want to update or delete Fig 5.27 Step4 The Result of the Search 72 Fig 5.28 Step5 The information of research resource which you can update of delete Fig 5.29 Step6 Update the research resource 73 Fig 5.30 Step7 The Successful Message 74