Module Descriptor Module Title Programme Term Credits : : : : Industrial Relations and Labour Law Management (HR-1) MBA III 3 Time required in terms of Student Learning: Learning Contact Guided Study Assessment Total Hours 36 25 14 75 Aim & Objective: Industrial relations is a sum total of the multi-pronged relationships that exists among labour, management, labour unions and the State in an industry. Good industrial relations achieve a motivated, capable workforce that sees its work as creative and fulfilling, whereas its breakdown leads to industrial unrest. Labour Laws covers the laws, rules, regulations, agreements, awards of courts, as well as policy framework laid down by the State for eliciting co-operations between the labour and the management This module aims to provide the MBA students an insight into the nuances of these complex and diverse concepts governing the industrial relation scenario in India. On completion of this module the student will be able to: Understand and critically reflect the current Industrial relations scenario in our country Develop an understanding about the interaction between labour and management. Develop skills for managing and maintaining productive industrial relations in the organizations. Understand the relevance, implications and implementation of the labour laws in the corporate world Teaching/Learning Approach: Students will learn through a combination of face-to-face contact and guided study. Personal contact sessions will include Presentations, case studies, discussion and the additional work outside the class. Guided Study: Guided study will include text readings, articles on contemporary issues in organization, assignments, case analysis and power point presentations. 1|Page Assessment: Assessment of the student will be based on mid-term and end term examination and continuous assessment subject to class participation, assignments and presentations. Indicative Contents: Topic Coverage Industrial relations – An Overview Overview of Industrial Relations (IR) Meaning and Scope of IR Perspectives/Approaches to IR Major stake holders of IR Changing Dimensions of IR in India Bipartism and Tripartism ILO- structure, conventions and recommendations Concepts, Functions, Objectives , Structure Kinds of Trade Unions Problems of Trade Unions Trade union movement in India Trade Union Act, 1926 o Applicability o Registration o Recognition of Trade unions o Immunities available to Trade union office bearers Introduction to Labour Legislations Factors Influencing Labour Legislations Principles of Modern Labour Legislation Objectives of Labour Legislations The Industrial Employment (standing orders) Act, 1946 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 o Concept of Industry and workman o Industrial Actions- Strikes & Lockouts o Prevention and settlement of Industrial Disputes Conciliation Arbitration Adjudication o Collective Bargaining o Lay-off, retrenchment and closure The Factories Act, 1948 o Registration of Factories o Health & safety Trade Unionism Labour Laws 2|Page No. of Lectures 6 Presentation Case Study Yes 7 Yes Yes 15 Yes Yes Labour Welfare & Social Security o Welfare of workers o Rules relating to Hazardous Processes Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970 o Registration of Establishments o Licensing of contractors o Welfare and Health of Contract Labour Wage Legislations (Brief Overview) o Payment of Wages Act, 1936 o Minimum Wages Act, 1948 o Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 o Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 o Equal Remuneration Act , 1976 Concept of Labour Welfare & Social Security Social Security Legislations (Brief Overview) o Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 o Employees State Insurance Act,1948 o Employees’ Provident Funds and (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1952 o Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 TOTAL 8 Yes 36 Suggested Readings: 1. B.D. Singh, “Industrial Relations and Labour Laws” Excel Books, 2008 2. C.S. Venkata Ratnam, “Industrial Relations” Oxford University Press, 2008 3. Memoria, C.B. Memoria, and Gankar S.V., “Dynamics of Industrial Relation” Himalaya Publishing House, 2008 4. P. N. Singh & Neeraj Kumar, “Employee Relations” Pearson 5. A. M. Sharma, “Aspects of Labour Welfare & Social Security” Himalaya Publications. 3|Page Yes