2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Annex 1 p.1 進度表 (2013-2014 中三生物科) 課本:邁進 21 世紀 最新綜合科學 3A (雅集出版社) 教師:陳慧冰 周次 章節 課節分配 學習目標 教與學活動 課程重點 ◎ 科學探究 ☆ 科學、科技、社會和環境的連繫 ※ 生物學的本質和歷史 Chapter 35 Diet and health 1-4 35.1 What is health? 35.2 Food substances in our diet A. Main types of food substances and their functions 5-6 B. Food test 7-8 9 35.3 Balanced diet A. What is a balanced diet? B. Energy values of food C. Energy requirement D. Effects of over-eating and under-eating Answer checking / Revision 3 2 2 • Students should understand what health is. • Students should understand the seven types of food substances in our diet. • The functions of each type of food substance and the corresponding deficiency disease. • Students should understand how to test for the presence of different food substance in the food. 35.1 Using iodine solution to test for starch 35.2 Using Clinistix paper to test for glucose 35.3 Using Albustix paper to test for proteins 35.4 Using filter paper to test for fats 35.5 Using DCPIP solution to test for vitamin C 35.6 Test for the food substances present in common foods • Students should understand what a balanced Teaching Video: diet is. Using a food pyramid to plan a • Students should understand what energy balanced diet value of food is. Balanced diet Worksheet • Students should understand the factors that affect the daily energy requirement of different people. • Students should understand the effects of over-eating and under-eating. 1 上學期統一測驗 (31/10, 4/11, 5/11) ◎ 運用適當的儀器和方法,進行實驗 以分析食物內的主要成分 ☆ 隨着食物科學及營養學的發展,人 類更認識其膳食需求 ☆ 應用科學和科技於改善食物質素(營 養、味道、貯存期限) 備註 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report 10-11 35.4 天然食品和加工 食品 A. 甚麼是天然食品和 加工食品? B. 食物添加劑 第36章 食物的消化和吸收 12 36.1 消化作用的重要 性 36.2 人類的消化系統 1 36.3 攝食 A. 牙齒的種類和功用 B. 牙齒的構造 C. 口腔健康 14-15 36.4 食物的消化過程 A. 食物在口腔內的消 化過程 B. 食物在胃內的消化 過程 C. 食物在小腸內的消 化過程 16 核對答案 / 單元溫習 1 13 • 應知道天然食品和加工食品的分別 • 應知道常用的食物添加劑的例子及它們對 健康的影響 1 • 應知道消化系統的重要性 • 應知道人類的消化系統的各主要部分 • 應知道牙齒的種類、功能和構造 • 應了解甚麼是蛀牙和牙周病 • 應了解預防蛀牙和牙周病的方法 2 教育電視: 人的消化系統 人體模型 教學錄像: 刷牙的方法 牙線的使用方法 • 應能指出食物在口腔、胃和小腸內的消化 過程 1 36.5. 把已消化的食物 吸收 1 20-21 36.6 身體如何處理已 吸收的食物 1 19 Annex 1 聖誕及新年假期 (23/12 - 1/1) 第一學期考試 (2/1 - 13/1) 教學錄像: • 應知道小腸內的構造 • 應知道小腸內的構造特徵如何有助食物吸 小腸內壁 收 • 應能指出已吸收的食物如何運送到身體各 部分的細胞 • 應能指出身體細胞如何處理已吸收的食物 農曆新年假期 (29/1 - 8/2) 22 英文部分 1 第 37 章 保持循環系統健康的飲食習慣 ※ 科學和科技的改進,加上科學家不 斷的研究,讓人類更能了解生物的 生理過程 ※ 明白生物維持生命的活動及系統的 複雜性 p.2 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report 23-25 37.1. 人類的循環系統 A. 血液的成分 B. 血管 C. 心臟的構造 3 26-27 37.2 血液的循環 A. 心臟如何泵壓血 液? B. 血液怎樣在人體內 循環? C. 甚麼是心跳、脈搏和 血壓? 28 核對答案 / 單元溫習 2 29-30 37.3 如何保持循環系 統的健康? A. 膽固醇對循環系統 的影響 B. 脂肪對循環系統的 影響 C. 如何減低患上冠心 病的風險? D. 身體檢查 31 英文部分 Annex 1 • 應了解人的循環系統的組成部分 • 應了解血液的成分和功能 37.1 魚尾微血管中血液的流動情況 ◎ 運用適當的儀器和方法,進行解剖 37.2 解剖豬心 實驗 ◎ 進行實驗時,仔細觀察和認真記錄 所得 • 應了解血管的種類 • 應了解心臟的結構 • 應了解心臟如何泵壓血液 • 應知道甚麼雙循環 • 應知道甚麼是心跳、脈搏和血壓 教學錄像: 捐血 觀察手臂中靜脈的血液流動 37.3 量度血壓 ☆ 了解更多有關循環系統的疾病,從 而於日常注意飲食和健康 1 2 下學期統一測驗 (31/3, 1/4, 7/4) • 應知道血液中的膽固醇對循環系統的影響 心臟疾病專題工作紙 • 應知道血液中不同種類的脂肪對循環系統 的影響 • 應知道保持心臟健康的方法 1 復活節假期 (18/4 - 26/4) 第 38 章 運動與健康 32-33 38.1. 運動的好處 38.2. 體格強健的指標 34 38.3 體格鍛鍊 38.4 如何避免運動創 傷? 35 36 37 38.5 休息的重要 英文部分 核對答案 / 單元溫習 2 1 1 1 1 • 應了解運動的好處 38.1 量度肺活量 • 應了解體格強健的指標 • 應了解 S-因素是甚麼 活動 38.5 量度柔軟度 • 應了解如何選擇合適的運動來改善 S-因 活動 38.5 量度柔軟度 素 • 應了解常見的運動創傷及如何預防這些運 動創傷 • 應了解休息的重要 第二學期考試 (9/6 - 18/6) ☆ 以科學數據,設定指標,掌握運動 和身體健康的關係 p.3 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report 附註: 課程重點內已包括課題所強調的共通能力、科學過程技能、價值觀和態度。 為延展課程,只在3A和3B班教授。 Annex 1 p.4 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report ESTIMATED PROGRESS (2013-2014 Annex 1 p.5 S.4 BIOLOGY) Textbook: New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology for Biology and Combined Science (H. W. Yung) Bk1A,1B & 2 No. of teaching weeks : 37 Teacher: Shak Yee Fan and Wong Chung Yu Week 1-2 Section Bk 1A Ch 1 Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Studying biology 1.1 What is biology? 1.2 The characteristics of organisms 1.3 How do scientists study biology? 1.4 Why should we study biology? 1.5 Major biological discoveries and inventions 2-4 2 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology • To know what biology is about • To know the seven characteristics of organisms • To learn the basic scientific methods that scientists adopted when studying biology (A) • To know the aim of studying biology • To appreciate major biological discoveries and inventions Bk 1A Ch 2 The cell as the basic unit of life 2.1 Chemicals of Life 2.2 Discovery of cells 2.3 The basic structure of a cell 2.4 Levels of body organization 2.5 Using a light microscope 2.6 Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells 13 • To identify the inorganic and organic chemical constituents of organisms • To be able to state the cell theory and use microscopes to examine cell details • To describe basic structures in cells and their corresponding functions(3D model) • To identify different levels of body organization • To observe cell details in high and low power using microscopes • To idenify the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Allocation of students. ◎ Use appropriate instruments and proper Checking and use of instruments techniques for carrying out practical work (Skills in scientific investigation, Making (e.g. food tests). biological drawings –Exam practice ,p.7) ☆ Appreciate the role of science and 2.1 Observation with a light microscope technology in understanding the molecular 2.2 Preparation of temporary mounts of basis of life. animal cells and tissues 2.3 Preparation of temporary mounts of plant ☆ Recognise that the development of cells and tissues microscopic technology, computing Read articles about the discovery of cells. technology and image analyzing technology may lead to the advancement of biological knowledge. ※ Recognise the contributions of various Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology people (e.g. Robert Hooke, Theodor Schwann) to developments in biology. ◎ Make careful observations and accurate records (e.g. examine prepared slides or temporary mounts of tissues and make biological drawings). ※ Be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge (e.g. the understanding of cell membrane and sub-cellular organelles). 5-6 Bk 1A Ch 3 3.1 Cell membrane 3.2 Movement of substances across membranes Movement of substances across cell membrane 11 p.6 • To identify structures of cell membrane and how are they related to their properties and functions (3D Model) • To compare different processes of substance movement across cell membrane (A) • To compare respective states of cells in solutions of different water potentials 3.1 Demonstration of osmosis using dialysis ◎. Make careful observations and accurate tubing (Demo & Video) records (e.g. examine prepared slides or 3.2 Demonstration of osmosis using living temporary mounts of tissues and make animal tissue (Video) 3.3 Study of osmosis in red blood cells biological drawings). (power-point) ◎ Identify and explain the importance of 3.4 Study of osmosis in living plant cells (V & control variables in scientific investigations Lab) (e.g. the study of osmosis). 3.5 Study of osmosis in living plant tissue ((V & Lab) 3.6 Examination of phagocytosis in Amoeba (V) Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week 7-8 Section Bk 1A Ch 4 4.1 Metabolism 4.2 Properties and actions of enzymes 4.3 Factors affecting the rate of enzymatic reactions 4.4 Applications of enzymes 9-11 Bk 1A Ch 5 5.1 Humans as heterotrophs 5.2 The food requirements of humans 5.3 Food tests 5.4 Balanced diet Time allocat ion Learning target (No. of period s) Enzymes and metabolism 8 • To identify catabolism, anabolism and metabolism respectively • To be able to state the role of enzymes in metabolism and their corresponding properties • To identify factors that would affect the rate of enzymatic reactions • To appreciate the uses of enzymes in industry Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 4.1 Demonstration of the breaking-down ◎ Identify and explain the importance of action of enzymes (V??) control variables in scientific 4.2 Investigation of the effect of temperature investigations on enzyme activity (V) 4.3 Investigation of the effect of pH on ☆. Be aware of the applications of biological enzyme activity(S) 4.4 Investigation of the effect of inhibitors on knowledge of enzymes in society. enzyme activity (V) 4.5 Investigation of protease activities in different fruit juices (V??) 4.6 Design an investigation of the effectiveness of different biological washing powders (V) Food and humans 13 p.7 • To know the mode of nutrition of humans and 5.1 Detection of food substances by food its characteristics tests • To identify the sources and functions of 5.2 Investigation of food substances present different food substances in common foodstuffs • To be aware of the corresponding deficiency 5.3 Design an investigation to compare the symptoms amount of vitamin C in different fruits and vegetables (v) • To test for the presence of different food substances using appropriate food tests • To state the importance of a balanced diet • To be aware of the health problems resulting from improper diet Ask relevant questions, identify problems and formulate hypotheses for investigations related to life processes. ◎ Plan, conduct and write reports on scientific investigations in areas of life processes. ◎ Identify and explain the importance of control variables in scientific investigations. ◎ ☆. Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. food tests and dissection). ☆. Evaluate the impact of the application of biology to human activities (e.g. dietary requirement). ☆. Be aware of the application of biological knowledge (e.g. balanced diet) in society. Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 12-13 Bk 1A Ch 5 Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Human Nutrition 6.1 The process of human nutrition 6.2 The human digestive system 6.3 Ingestion of food 6.4 Movement of food along the alimentary canal 6.5 Digestion of food 6.6 Absorption of digested food 6.7 Assimilation of absorbed food 6.8 Egestion 11 Annex 1 p.8 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning target • To identify the main processes of human nutrition • To identify the alimentary canal and various glands in the human digestive system • To identify different parts of the alimentary canal • To state the functions of each type of tooth • To be able to describe the structure of a tooth • To know what is dentition and be able to identify the two sets of teeth in humans • To know the features of peristalsis along the alimentary canal • To be able to compare physical and chemical digestion • To identify the functions and characteristics of different digestive juices • To state the reactions involved in different parts of the alimentary canal • To know the adaptation of the small intestine for food absorption • To trace the route of absorption of various food substances • To know how are the absorbed food molecules assimilated inside cells • To state the roles of the liver • To state the role of egestion Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Understand that science is a human endeavour through the study of essential life processes of animals and interactions with 6.2 Design an investigation of the action of our environment. digestive enzymes ※ Recognise the complexity of the physiological processes of animals. 6.3 Investigation of the effect of bile salts on ※ Understand the nature and limitations of oil (Demo) scientific activity (e.g. investigations on various physiological processes). 6.4 Simulation of digestion and absorption in 6.1 Examination of the mammalian alimentary canal and its associated glands (v) the small intestine using dialysis tubing (V??) ※ Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 14-15 Bk 1B Ch 7 Time allocat ion Learning target (No. of period s) Transport in humans 7.1 The human breathing system 7.2 Gas exchange in the air sac 7.3 Transport of respiratory gases 7.4 Ventilation 16 17-18 19-22 Bk 1B Annex 1 11 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning and Teaching Activities • To be able to recognize the main parts of human breathing system • To know how is incoming air kept clean, moist and warm in the respiratory tract • To learn how gas exchange takes place in the air sacs • To know the adaptive features of air sacs for gas exchange • To identify the adaptive features of red blood cells for carrying oxygen • To know how is oxygen and carbon dioxide transported • To be able to contrast the movements of rib cage and diaphragm during inhalation and exhalation • To know the difference between the composition of inhaled and exhaled air Gas exchange in humans ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 7.1 Examination of the breathing system of a ◎ Make dissected rat and a human torso. records 7.3 Examination of the mammalian air sacs 7.4 Comparison of the composition of inhaled air and exhaled air careful observations and accurate Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. microscopic examinations and dissections). ◎ 7.2 Examination of the pig lungs Revision First Term Examination Ch 8 p.9 Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Section 8.1 The transport system 8.2 The blood 8.3 The blood vessels 8.4 The heart 8.5 Blood circulation 8.6 Exchange of materials between blood and body cells 8.7 Lymphatic system 23-25 Bk 1B Ch 9 13 Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning target • To know the purpose of having a transport system in humans • To know the constituents of human circulatory system • To identify the composition of the blood and the corresponding functions • To identify different types of blood vessels and the relationships between them • To identify the functions and adaptations of blood vessels • To know how blood pressure changes along the blood vessels • To identify different structures of the heart • To identify blood vessels related to the heart • To know how blood is circulated in the pulmonary and systemic circulation • To know how materials are exchanged between blood and body cells • To be able to describe the formation of tissue fluid • To identify constituents of the lymphatic system • To identify the functions of the lymphatic system Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 8.1 Examination of a blood smear ◎ Make careful observations and accurate 8.2 Examination of the transverse sections records of an artery and a vein ◎ Use appropriate instruments and proper 8.3 Examination of the capillary flow in a fish techniques for carrying out practical work tail fin (e.g. microscopic examinations 8.4 Dissection and examination of a pig heart and dissections). Nutrition and gas exchange in plants 9.1 Nutrition in plants 5 9.2 Gas exchange in plants 5 p.10 • To know the adaptive features of roots for water and mineral absorption • To be able to describe the absorption of water and minerals in roots 9.1 Investigation of the effects of different ◎ Make careful observations and accurate minerals on plant growth records (e.g. examine prepared slides or 9.2 Examination of the structure of roots temporary mounts of roots, stems and leaves, 9.3 Design an investigation of the and make biological drawings). distribution of stomata on both sides of a • To know where and how does gas exchange ◎ Ask relevant questions, identify problems leaf take place in plants and formulate hypotheses for investigations 9.4 Investigation of the effect of light • To know how leaves are adapted for gas intensity on gas exchange in plants related to life processes. exchange using hydrogencarbonate indicator ◎ Plan, conduct and write reports on • To identify factors affecting gas exchange in 9.5 Investigation of the effect of light plants scientific investigations in areas of life intensity on gas exchange in plants processes. using a data logger Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Identify and explain the importance of control variables in scientific investigations (e.g. the study of the effects of different minerals on plant growth). ◎ Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. preparation of temporary mounts and microscopic examinations). ◎ 26-27 Bk 1B Ch 10 10.1 Transpiration 10.2 Transport in flowering plants 10.3 Support in plants Transpiration, transport and support in plant 10 p.11 • To be able to describe transpiration pull • To be able to state the importance of transpiration to plants • To identify factors affecting the rate of transpiration • To know what xylem and phloem are composed of • To know how flowering plants transport water, minerals and organic nutrients • To know how are young stem and non-woody parts of dicotyledonous plant supported • To know how a woody plant support itself 10.1 Demonstration of the occurrence of transpiration 10.2 Measurement of the rate of transpiration using a bubble photometer 10.3 Measurement of the amount of water absorbed and lost by a plant using a weight photometer 10.4 Design an investigation of the effects of environmental factors on the rate of transpiration 10.5 Examination of the vascular tissues of a young dicotyledonous plant 10.6 Investigation of the plant tissue responsible for water transport Understand that science is a human endeavour through the study of essential life processes of plants and interactions with our environment. ※ Be aware that biological knowledge and theories are developed through observations, hypotheses, experimentations and analyses (e.g. the study of transpiration pull). ※Recognise the complexity of the physiological processes of plants. ※ Understand the nature and limitations of scientific activity (e.g. investigations on various physiological processes). ※ Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 28-30 Bk 2 Ch 11 Time allocat ion Learning target (No. of period s) Cell cycle and division 11.1 Chromosomes 11.2 Mitotic cell division 11.3 Meiotic cell division 11.4 Comparison between mitotic and meiotic cell divisions 31-32 Bk 2 Ch 12 12.1 Types of reproduction 12.2 Asexual reproduction in flowering plants 12.3 Sexual reproduction in flowering plants 12.4 Significance of asexual and sexual reproduction 33-35 Bk 2 Ch 13 10 Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning and Teaching Activities ☆ STSE Connections Remarks ※ Nature and History of Biology • To be able to describe the structure of a Observe and identify the different stages of ☆. Recognise that the development of chromosome mitosis and meiosis, using microscopic technology and imaging photomicrographs • To be able to contrast diploid and haploid technology may lead to the advancement cells • To know that cell cycle consists of cell growth biological knowledge. and mitotic cell division • To identify every stages of mitotic cell division • To state the significance of mitotic cell division • To identify every stages of meiotic cell division • To state the significance of meiotic cell division • To be able to compare mitotic and meiotic cell divisions of Reproduction in flowering plants 10 • To be able to define binary fission • To contrast asexual and sexual reproduction • To identify food storage organs involved in vegetative propagation • To identify structures and functions of various parts of a flower • To list out the adaptive features of insect-pollinated and wind-pollinated flowers • To be able to describe fertilization in flowers • To be able to list out the advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction in flowering plants Reproduction in humans p.12 12.1 Examine photomicrograph of binary ◎ Make careful observations and accurate fission in bacteria records 12.2 Examination and cultivation of a ◎ Recognise that the development of vegetative propagating organ microscopic technology and imaging 12.3 Dissection and examination of a flower technology may lead to the advancement of 12.4 Examination of an insect-pollinated biological knowledge. flower and a wind-pollinated flower 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Time allocat ion (No. of period s) Section 13.1 Human reproductive systems 13.2 The menstrual cycle 13.3 Fertilization in humans 13.4 Development of the embryo and foetus 13.5 The birth process 13.6 Parental care 13.7 Birth control 36-37 Bk 2 Ch 14 16 Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry Learning and Teaching Activities Learning target • To identify the structures and functions of male and female reproductive systems • To identify the structures and functions of sperm and ova • To realize events that happen during the human menstrual cycle • To be able to define ejaculation • To be able to describe the process of fertilization • To contrast identical and fraternal twins • To know what happens to the zygote before implantation • To know the functions of amnion and placenta • To be able to outline the main stages of the birth process • To know the advantages of breast-feeding • To understand the biological basis of various contraceptive methods ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 13.1 Examination of the mammalian ◎ Make careful observations and accurate reproductive systems of a human torso. records (e.g. examine photomicrographs and 13.2 Examine photomicrographs of make biological drawings). mammalian sperm and ova ☆. Evaluate the impact of the application of Use audiovisual materials to study the process of fertilisation. biology to human activities (e.g. birth Examine photos or video clips taken by control). ultrasound showing differentstages of foetal development. ☆. Analyse ways in which scientific and Discuss the harmful effects of drinking and technological advancement (e.g. computing smoking habits of a pregnant woman on technology and image analysing technology) the development of the foetus. Search for information on the effectiveness have enhanced our understanding of complex and possible side effects of various life birth control methods, in vitro processes. fertilization ☆.Be aware of the application of biological knowledge (e.g. birth control) in society and its social, ethical, economic and environmental impact. Growth and development 14.1 Concepts of growth and development 14.2 Growth and development in plants 14.3 Measurement of growth 14.4 Growth curves 8 p.13 • To know what are growth and development 14.1 Design an investigation of the and how do they occur conditions for seed germination • To be able to outline the major processes in seed germination • To identify the locations of growth in plants • To know what happens to cells in different regions of the root and shoot tips during growth and development • To state the advantages and disadvantages of the parameters for measuring growth • To identify the stages of growth in annual plants and humans • To be aware of the faster growth rate of girls than boys during early adolescence Second Term Examination Ask relevant questions, identify problems and formulate hypotheses for investigations related to life processes. ◎ Plan, conduct and write reports on scientific investigations in areas of life processes. ◎ Identify and explain the importance of control variables in scientific investigations. ◎ Remarks 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report ESTIMATED PROGRESS (2013-2014 Annex 1 S.5 BIOLOGY) Textbook: New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology for Biology and Combined Science (H. W. Yung) BK 2, 3 &4 No. of teaching weeks : 37 Teacher: Sha Yee Fan and Chan Wai Ping Week Summer holiday 1-3 Time allocation (No. of periods) Section Bk 2 Ch 14 Learning target Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Growth and development 14.1 Concepts of growth and development 2 • To know what are growth and development and how do they occur 14.2 Growth and development in plants 2 • To be able to outline the major processes in seed germination • To identify the locations of growth in plants • To know what happens to cells in different regions of the root and shoot tips during growth and development 14.3 Measurement of growth 2 • To state the advantages and disadvantages of the parameters for measuring growth 14.4 Growth curves 2 • To identify the stages of growth in annual plants and humans • To be aware of the faster growth rate of girls than boys during early adolescence Ch 15 Learning and Teaching Activities Ask relevant questions, identify problems and formulate hypotheses for investigations related to life processes. ◎ Plan, conduct and write reports on scientific investigations in areas of life processes. ◎ Identify and explain the importance of control variables in scientific investigations. 14.1 Design an investigation of the conditions for seed germination ◎ 15.1 Examination of a human eye model 15.2 Dissection and examination of an ox eye 15.4 Examination of a human ear model ◎ Detecting the environment 15.1 Irritability 2 • To be able to classify irritability, stimulus, receptor, response, effector and coordination 15.2 Detecting light by the eye 5 • To identify functions of various parts of the human eye • To identify the causes and ways of correction of short sight, long sight and colour blindness 15.3 Detecting light by plants 5 • To identify the responses of shoots and roots to light • To identify where auxins are produced and their effects • To know how auxins cause phototropism in shoots and roots Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. dissections). p.14 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 15.4 Detecting sound by the ear 4-5 6-7 Bk 2 Ch 16 Time allocation (No. of periods) 3 Annex 1 Learning target ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Coordination in humans 2 • To be able to identify different parts constituting the human nervous system • To compare different types of neurones 16.2 Transmission of nerve impulses between neurones 1 • To know how nerve impulses transmitted across a synapse • To know the significance of synapses 16.3 The brain 1 • To know the main parts of the brain and cerebral cortex and their corresponding functions 16.4 The spinal cord 1 • To identify the structure and functions of the spinal cord 16.5 Reflex action and voluntary action 2 • To be able to trace the reflex arc • To know the significance of reflex actions • To know the characteristics of reflex actions and voluntary actions • To know how the nervous system brings about voluntary actions 16.6 Differences between reflex actions and voluntary actions 1 • To contrast reflex and voluntary actions 16.7 The human endocrine system 2 • To know how are hormones transported to all parts of body • To know the general function of hormones 16.8 Comparison between hormonal and nervous coordination 1 • To contrast hormonal and nervous coordination 17.1 The human skeleton Curriculum Emphases • To identify functions of various parts of the human ear • To be able to describe how we hear 16.1 The human nervous system Bk 2 Ch 17 Learning and Teaching Activities p.15 Analyse ways in which scientific and technological advancement (e.g. computing technology and image analysing technology) have enhanced our understanding of complex life processes. ※ Recognise the complexity of the physiological processes in humans. ※ Understand the nature and limitations of scientific activity (e.g. investigations on various physiological processes). 16.1 Examination of a human brain model ☆ 17.1 Observation of the contraction of teased muscle from the leg of a pithed frog ※ Movement in humans 2 • To know the general plan of human skeleton • To know the functions of human skeleton Be aware that biological knowledge and theories are developed through 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week 8 9-10 11-13 Section Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning target 17.2 Joints 2 • To identify various structures and functions of a movable joint • To contrast hinge joints and ball-and-socket joints 17.3 Muscles 3 • To know what are skeleton muscles made up of and how are they attached to bones • To know how is muscle contraction initiated 17.4 Movement of the body 3 • To be able to identify opposing muscles • To know how muscles and bones work together to bring about movement Bk 2 Ch 18 3 • To know the major parameters of the internal environment of our body and their importance • To identify the roles of nervous and endocrine systems in homeostasis • To know how homeostasis is brought about 18.2 Regulation of blood glucose level 2 • To know how blood glucose level is regulated and why is this important 2 • To understand what is biodiversity 19.2 Classification 3 • To know how organisms are classified and named 19.3 The six kingdoms and three domains 5 • To know the characteristics of the six kingdoms • To contrast archaebacteria and bacteria • To know how plants and animals are classified 19.4 Classification can change 2 • To be aware of the continual changing of the classification system • To know what the modern classification system is based on 19.5 Biological keys 2 • To know the use of a dichotomous key 20.1 Basic concepts of ecology ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 17.2 Examination of a human arm model observations, hypotheses, experimentations and analyses 19.1 Using a key to identify organisms from a local habitat 19.2 Constructing a dichotomous key for leaves Visit a herbarium, country park or special area (e.g. Lions Nature Education Centre, and Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve). Use specimens, audiovisual materials, games, etc. to study the diversity of organisms, and their ways of life. Discuss the advantages and limitations of different classification systems, and why the classification of some organisms has been changed over time. ◎ Visit nature reserves, country parks, marine parks, field study centres and other local habitats. Use live or audiovisual materials to show the ※ Biodiversity 19.1Diversity of life forms Bk 3 Ch 20 Curriculum Emphases Homeostasis 18.1 The concept of homeostasis Bk 3 Ch 19 Learning and Teaching Activities Make careful observations and accurate records (e.g. observe distinguishing features for identifying organisms). ☆ Appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the complexity of life forms and their genetics. ※ Be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge (e.g. the development of classification systems). Ecosystems 2 • To be aware of the levels of organization in ecology • To be aware of the self-supporting, stable and dynamic nature of an ecosystem Recognise the complexity of the environment. ※ Understand that science is a human p.16 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning target • To know the major types of ecosystems in Hong Kong 20.2 Components of an ecosystem 4 • To identify the living and non-living components of an ecosystem and how they will affect the ecosystem • To be aware of the different ways organisms may adopt to interact with each other in an ecosystem • To know how primary succession takes place • To contrast primary and secondary succession 20.3 Functioning of an ecosystem 7 • To be able to define a food chain and a food web • To know the roles of producers and consumers in the energy flow of an ecosystem • To know how energy flows and how is it lost within an ecosystem • To distinguish between a pyramid of numbers and a pyramid of biomass • To be aware of the importance of cycling of materials in an ecosystem • To know how carbon and nitrogen is cycled in an ecosystem 20.4 Conservation of ecosystem 3 • To be aware of the impacts of human activities on our ecosystems • To know how to conserve the ecosystems 20.5 Ecological study 3 • To identify the uses of quadrats, line transects and belt transects Learning and Teaching Activities relationships of organisms in an ecosystem. p.17 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology endeavour through the study of essential life processes of animals and interactions with our environment. ※ Recognise the complexity of the physiological processes of organisms and the environment. ◎ Use diagrams, graphs, flow charts and physical models as visual representations of phenomena and relationships arising from the data (e.g. use food chains, food webs, and pyramid of numbers to represent relationships between organisms in ecosystems and istribution of organisms). ※ Recognise the complexity of the physiological processes of organisms and the environment. ☆ Evaluate the impact of the application of biology to human activities (e.g. pollution control). ☆ Develop sensitivity and responsibility in striking a balance between the needs of humans and a sustainable environment. ☆ Be aware of the application of biological knowledge (e.g. sewage treatment) in society and its social, ethical, economic and environmental implications. ☆ Be aware that biological knowledge and theories are developed through observations, hypotheses, experimentations and analyses (e.g. field ecology). 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week 14-15 16 17-19 20-21 Section Bk 3 Ch 21 Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning and Teaching Activities Learning target Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Photosynthesis 21.1 Basic concepts of photosynthesi s 1 • To know where photosynthesis occurs in plant cells and its significance 21.2 Requirements for photosynthesi s 3 • To be aware of the need of destarching a plant before conducting experiments • To know the requirements for photosynthesis 21.3 Site of photosynthesi s 2 • To know the adaptive features of a leaf to photosynthesis • To know the adaptive features of a chloroplast to photosynthesis 21.4 The process of photosynthesi s 3 • To identify the major steps of photochemical reactions • To identify the major steps of the Calvin cycle • To know the relationship between photochemical reactions and the Calvin cycle 21.5 The fate of photosynthetic products 1 • To know the fate of photosynthetic products 21.6 Factors affecting the rate of photosynthesi s 2 • To know the effect of light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis 21.1 Detection of starch produced from photosynthesis 21.2 Detection of oxygen produced from photosynthesis 21.3 Investigation of the need for chlorophyll in photosynthesis 21.4 Investigation of the need for carbon dioxide in photosynthesis 21.5 Design an investigation of the need for light in photosynthesis 21.6 Examination of the structures of leaves 21.7 Examination of the structures of chloroplasts 21.8 Investigation of the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis 21.9 Design an investigation of the effect of carbon dioxide concentration on the rate of photosynthesis Use animations to study the processes of photosynthesis. Recognise that the development of microscopic technology and imaging technology may lead to the advancement of biological knowledge. ☆ Revision 1st Term Examination Bk 3 Ch 22 p.18 Respiration 22.1 Basic concepts of respiration 2 • To be able to compare and contrast burning and respiration • To know the role of ATP in cellular metabolism • To identify the two types of respiration 22.2 Site of respiration 2 • To be able to identify structures of a mitochondrion and state how it is adapted to respiration 22.3 Aerobic respiration 4 • To know what happens during different stages of aerobic respiration 22.1 Examination of the photomicrograph of mitochondria 22.2 Investigation of carbon dioxide production in a living mouse 22.3 Investigation of carbon dioxide production in germinating seeds 22.4 Investigation of heat production in a living mouse ◎. Identify and explain the importance of control variables in scientific investigations (e.g. the study of respiration). ☆ Recognise that the development of microscopic technology and imaging 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week 22 23-24 Section Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning target 22.4 Anaerobic respiration 3 • To know how anaerobic respiration occur in skeletal muscles and yeast • To identify the cause of muscle fatigue • To be able to compare aerobic and anaerobic respiration • To state the applications of anaerobic respiration 22.5 Relationship between respiration and photosynthesi s 1 • To contrast the processes of respiration and photosynthesis Bk 3 Ch 23 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 22.5 Design an investigation of heat production in germinating seeds 22.6 Demonstration of anaerobic respiration in germinating seeds Interpret, analyse and evaluate data relating to investigations on respiration. Discuss the application of anaerobic respiration in the food industry. Use animations to study the processes of respiration. technology may lead to the advancement of biological knowledge. ☆ Be aware of the applications of biological knowledge of cells and molecules of life in society. Discuss the effects of prolonged unbalanced diet. ☆ Examine photomicrographs of some pathogens (e.g. viruses, bacteria, fungi and protists). Read stories about how scientists (e.g. Sir Alexander Fleming, Ernst Boris Chain and Sir Howard Florey) contributed to the discovery and development of penicillin. Use audiovisual materials to illustrate the effects of antibiotic discs on a bacterial lawn. ◎ Personal Health 23.1 Meaning of health and disease 4 • To know the biological meaning of disease and health 23.2 Effects of lifestyles on health 4 • To be aware of the deficiency symptoms of food substances • To be aware of the problems of intaking an excess of food substances • To know the health benefits of exercise • To be aware of the effects of insufficient sleep, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse on health Bk 3 Ch 24 Learning and Teaching Activities p.19 Be aware of the application of biological knowledge in maintaining a healthy community and its social, ethical, economic and environmental implications. ☆ Analyse ways in which societal needs have led to technological advances (e.g. diet control). Infectious diseases 24.1 Causes of infectious diseases 2 • To identify the major difference between infectious and non-infectious diseases • To know some diseases caused by pathogens 24.2 Ways of transmission and control measures of infectious diseases 4 • To know how infectious diseases are transmitted and how to reduce these diseases 24.3 Treatment of infectious diseases 2 • To know how antibiotics kill or inhibit bacterial growth • To know the consequences of indiscriminate use of antibiotics • To know what is sulpha drugs and their functions • To know how does 'cocktail therapy' work Understand that the process of scientific investigations includes analyzing evidence and providing explanations based upon scientific theories and concepts (e.g. treatment and prevention of infectious diseases). ☆ Be aware of the application of biological knowledge in maintaining a healthy community and its social, ethical, economic and environmental implications. ☆ Analyse ways in which societal needs 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities p.20 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology have led to technological advances (e.g. treatment and prevention of diseases). 25-26 27-28 Bk 3 Ch 25 Non-infectious diseases and disease prevention 25.1 Non-infectious diseases 4 • To know some examples of non-infectious diseases, their risk factors and how to prevent them 25.2 Prevention of diseases 4 • To know how immunization programmes contribute to disease prevention • To state some activities that community health involves Bk 3 Ch 26 Suggest ways to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases. Read stories about how scientists (e.g. Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur and Jonas Salk) contributed to the development of vaccination. 2. Be aware of personal responsibility in preventing disease transmission. ※ Appreciate the contributions of various people in advancing the application of biology (e.g. the development of vaccines and the discovery of antibiotics). ※ Be aware that biological knowledge and theories related to the prevention and control of diseases are developed through observations, hypotheses, experimentations and analyses. ※ Understand the nature and limitations of scientific activity (e.g. the causes and transmission of some diseases are not yet known). 26.1 Identifying features of mammalian skin that are related to body defence Use photomicrographs to observe phagocytes and lymphocytes. Use audiovisual materials or animations to demonstrate the production of antibodies in response to an antigen, and the antigen-antibody reactions. Discuss why breast feeding may confer passive immunity on a child. ◎ Body defence mechanisms 26.1 Non-specific defence mechanisms 5 • To be able to give examples of physical and chemical barriers • To know how blood clotting provides body defence • To know what is phagocytosis • To know what happens in an inflammatory response 26.2 Specific defence mechanisms 5 • To know how antibodies act against pathogens • To identify the principles of humoral immune response and cell-mediated immune response • To be able to compare B cells and T cells • To be able to distinguish between primary and secondary responses • To know the biological principle behind vaccination • To distinguish between active and passive immunity Understand that the process of scientific investigations includes analyzing evidence and providing explanations based upon scientific theories and concepts (e.g. body defence mechanisms). ※ Be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge related to body defence mechanism and diseases, and understand that science is a human endeavour. 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 29-30 Bk E1 Time allocation (No. of periods) Annex 1 Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities 1.1 Importance of regulating water content 1 • To identify the major organ involved in osmoregulation • To realize the importance of osmoregulation 1.2 The human urinary system 2 • To identify the major parts of the urinary system and their functions • To know the structure of a nephron 1.3 Functioning of a nephron 3 • To know how ultrafiltration takes place in a nephron ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology 1.1 Examine the urinary system of a human torso. 1.2 Examination of the mammalian kidney 2. Be aware of the significance of knowledge in human physiology to improve the quality of life and maintain a healthy community. ☆ Be aware that societal needs have led to technological advances (e.g. dialysis machines). ☆ Appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the human body. ※ Be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge in human physiology, and understand that science is a human endeavour. ※ Be aware that biological knowledge and theories are developed through observations, hypotheses, experimentations and analyses. 2.1 Examination of the mammalian skin ◎ • To compare the composition of the glomerular filtrate and plasma 1.4 The role of the kidneys 3 • To know the role of antidiuretic hormone and the kidneys in regulating water content by negative feedback mechanism • To know how kidneys regulate water content after taking in excess salts • To know the role of kidneys in excretion 1.5 The dialysis machine 1 • To know the function of a dialysis machine • To know the composition of the dialysis fluid and its importance in the functioning of the dialysis machine 2.1 Importance of regulating body temperature 1 • To state the importance of regulating body temperature • To know the major ways of transferring heat between body and the environment 2.2 The role of skin 3 • To state the structures of the skin and their functions • To know how various structures of the skin responds under cold and hot conditions 2.3 Other mechanisms of body temperature regulation 3 • To identify the roles of hormones and muscles in body temperature regulation • To state the behavioural mechanisms that help regulating body temperature under cold and hot conditions 2.4 The thermoregulatory 2 • To know how the hypothalamus detects changes in external and internal temperature Bk E1 Curriculum Emphases Ch1 • To know how substances in the glomerular filtrate are reabsorbed into the blood along kidney tubules 31-32 p.21 Ch2 Make careful observations and accurate records. ☆ Appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the human body. ※ Be aware of the dynamic nature of biological knowledge in human physiology, and understand that science is a human endeavour. ※ Be aware that biological knowledge and theories are developed through observations, hypotheses, 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section Time allocation (No. of periods) 35-36 37 Bk E1 Learning and Teaching Activities Learning target • To know what happens when the thermoregulatory centre detects a skin or blood temperature change centre 33-34 Annex 1 Curriculum Emphases ◎ Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology experimentations and analyses. Ch3 3.1 Importance of regulating gas content in blood 1 • To be aware of the importance of regulating gas content in blood 3.2 Control of breathing 3 • To know how the respiratory centre brings about the basic rhythm of breathing • To know the effects of carbon dioxide content in blood on the rate and depth of breathing 3.3 Control of heartbeat 3 • To know what happens at different times of the cardiac cycle • To know how the cardiovascular centre controls cardiac output 3.4 Effects of exercise on breathing and cardiac output 3 • To know how exercise affects the rate and depth of breathing and cardiac output • To be aware of the significance of the change in rate and depth of breathing and cardiac output during and after exercise 4.1 Hormonal control of the menstrual cycle 4 • To know how follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing Interpret graphs showing the fluctuation of hormones and the changes of the uterine hormone, oestrogen and progesterone interact to lining of the menstrual cycle. bring about changes in the menstrual cycle • To know the significance of hormonal control of the menstrual cycle 4.2 Use of hormones 3 • To know how hormones are used as contraceptives • To be aware of how hormones are used in the treatment of infertility Bk E1 p.22 Design and perform investigations to study the changes in breathing before and after exercise. Ch4 Revision Second Term Examination Plan, conduct and write a report on a scientific investigation (e.g. study the change in heart rate and breathing rate before and after exercise). ◎ Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. measuring breathing rate and heart rate). ◎ Make careful observations and accurate records. ※ Appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the human body ◎ 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Annex 1 ESTIMATED PROGRESS (2013-2014 p.23 S.6 BIOLOGY) Textbook: New Senior Secondary Mastering Biology for Biology and Combined Science (H. W. Yung) BK4 & E4 No. of teaching weeks : 16 Teacher: Shak Yee Fan Week Section 2-3 4-5 Bk 4 Ch 28 Time allocation (No. of periods) Learning target 7 • To be able to state the features of the genetic code • To identify the two main stages in protein synthesis • To know the fate of the proteins synthesized 28.2 Mutations 3 • To distinguish between gene mutation and chromosome mutation • To distinguish between spontaneous mutations and induced mutations • To be able to give examples of mutagens Recombinant DNA technology 29.2 DNA fingerprinting 1. Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Applied genetics 3 29.1 Curriculum Emphases Molecular genetics 28.1 From DNA to proteins Bk 4 Ch 29 Learning and Teaching Activities 4 • To know the major steps and applications of recombinant DNA technology • To know the major steps, basic principle and applications of DNA fingerprinting 29.1 Separation of DNA fragments using gel electrophoresis Use audiovisual materials to illustrate the processes of recombinant DNA technology and DNA fingerprinting. ◎ Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work on molecular genetics (e.g. DNA extraction and gel-electrophoresis). 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 29.3 Human Genome Project 6 7 8-10 SBA SBA Bk E4 Ch 1 Time allocation (No. of periods) 3 Annex 1 Learning target • To know the goals, contribution and limitations of the Human Genome Project Learning and Teaching Activities p.24 Curriculum Emphases 1. Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Be aware that societal needs have led to technological advances (e.g. recombinant DNA technology and DNA fingerprinting). ☆ Appreciate the contribution of the Human Genome Project (HGP) and the application of biotechnology to humans and society. ☆ Explain how the knowledge of biotechnology may lead to the development of new technologies and how new technologies may lead to further understanding of inheritance. ※ Appreciate the advancement of the study of genetics from traditional breeding experiments to molecular experimentation and analysis. ☆ Traditional and modern biotechnology 1.1 Introduction to biotechnology 4 • To give examples of traditional and modern biotechnology • To be able to define biotechnology, genetic engineering and cloning 1.2 Genetic engineering 10 • To know the use of restriction enzymes, DNA ligases, DNA polymerases, DNA probes and vectors in genetic engineering • To know the basic principles of gel electrophoresis, recombinant DNA technology, polymerase chain reaction and DNA fingerprinting • To know the applications of recombinant DNA technology, polymerase chain reaction and DNA fingerprinting • To know the benefits and possible hazards of genetic engineering Use diagrams, audiovisual materials or animations to illustrate ◎ the processes of recombinant DNA technology, PCR, DNA fingerprinting and cloning. Discuss the use of DNA fingerprinting in forensic science. Use appropriate instruments and proper techniques for carrying out practical work (e.g. separation of DNA fragments by gel-electrophoresis). ◎ Analyse and draw conclusions from data (e.g. DNA fingerprinting). ☆ Explain how scientific knowledge may lead to the development of new technology and how new technology may lead to scientific discovery (e.g. understanding of the characteristics of enzymes leading to the invention of PCR technology 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 1.3 Plant and animal cloning 11-12 13 14 Bk E4 Ch 2 Annex 1 Time allocation (No. of periods) 2 Learning target • To be able to distinguish between germ line and somatic gene therapy • To know the potential benefits and hazards of gene therapy • To give examples of applications of stem cells in medical treatment 2.2 Biotechnology in agriculture 5 • To know the uses of transgenic plants and animals in scientific research and agriculture • To give examples of desirable traits built into transgenic plants and animals Appreciate the role of science and technology in understanding the inheritance of humans ☆ Analyse ways in which societal needs have led to technological advances (e.g. the production of genetically modified crops to solve food shortage problem). ☆ Understand how science has been influenced by societies (e.g. debates on human cloning and human stem cells research). ☆ Bioethics 3.1 What is bioethics? 1 • To be aware of bioethics 3.2 Some issues in biotechnology 5 • To be able to list some issues related to the production of GM food, cloning, the Human Genome Project (HGP), gene therapy and stem cell therapy 30.1 The origins of life 1. Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology Biotechnology in medicine and agriculture 5 Bk 4 Ch 30 Curriculum Emphases • To know the major steps and applications of plant and animal cloning • To state some advantages and disadvantages of plant and animal cloning 2.1 Biotechnology in medicine Bk E4 Ch 3 Learning and Teaching Activities p.25 Evolution I 2 • To know how life originated Debate on the issues related to genetically modified food, animal and plant cloning, HGP, gene therapy and stem cells transplant. Be aware of the wide application of biotechnology and its social, ethical, economic and environmental implications (e.g. issues related to stem cells therapy, gene therapy, animal cloning and genetically modified food) ☆ 2013-14 Biology Panel Meeting (I) Report Week Section 30.2 Evolution 15-16 Bk 4 Ch 31 Annex 1 Time allocation (No. of periods) 4 Learning target Learning and Teaching Activities p.26 Curriculum Emphases 1. Scientific Inquiry ☆ STSE Connections ※ Nature and History of Biology • To know what is evolution • To understand how fossil record can provide evidence for evolution • To know the limitations of using fossil record as evidence for evolution Evolution II 31.1 Mechanism of evolution 3 • To know how evolution happens • To state the significance of variations within a species • To state the two main principles of Lamarck's theory 31.2 Speciation 4 • To know what is speciation • To know the isolation mechanisms that lead to the formation of new species Use computer simulations or other simulations to model natural ※ selection. Recognise the contributions of various people (e.g. Charles Darwin, Sir Alfred Russel Wallace and Jean Baptiste Lamarck) to the understanding of evolution. 17-19 Mock Examination (2/1 – 13/1/2014) 20-23 Revision Remark: Curriculum Emphases includes the generic skills, scientific process skills, values and attitudes in the topics.