Factoring Uncertainties into Climate Policy: Hedging Emission Pathway Abstract At this time, scientists are calling for mitigation policy to limit global warming within 2 0C, a temperature target that should prevent major irreversible changes in the climatic system. However, economists express concern that such an ambitious environmental goal could be prohibitively expensive. Current efforts to curb carbon emissions will generate some short and mid term costs while pushing benefits sometime into the distant future. The expected value approach to the cost-benefit analysis of climate policy dominates literature. With uncertainties, the approach relies on the aggregated estimation of various outcomes of climate policy, weighted and averaged by probabilities. The variance, skewness, and kurtosis are important characteristics of uncertainties and risk associated with selected climate policy, but can be easily lost in aggregation. Alternatively, the real option analysis (“ROA”) explicitly accounts for the expected value of underlying assets but also considers the shape of distribution and therefore factors in the variance of the expected value (as well as crucial moments of distribution). In this paper, we explain application of the real options methodology as an alternative to the conventional costbenefit analysis of climate policy. Due to the irreversibility of negative transformations in the climatic system, flexibility has economic value that could be estimated as an option value of climate policy. The fat tail distribution of damage attributed to global climate change suggests that flexibility in terms of future climate policy could be more valuable than flexibility in terms of irreversible investment into sunk costs needed to ensure flexibility of climate policy. We illustrate the real option analysis of climate policy based on numerical experiments with different option pricing formulas and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these formulas on climate policy. We formulate some policy recommendations based on quantitative analysis of relative uncertainties of cost and benefits of climate policy. Key words: Climate policy; uncertainty; real options 1. Introduction The expected value approach to the cost-benefit analysis of climate policy dominates literature. With uncertainties, the approach relies on the aggregated estimation of various outcomes of climate policy, weighted and averaged by probabilities. The variance, skewness, and kurtosis are important characteristics of uncertainties but can be easily lost in aggregation. Alternatively, the real option analysis explicitly accounts for the expected value of underlying assets and considers the shape of distribution factoring in the variance of the expected value (as well as crucial moments of distribution). Irreversibility is an important characteristic of climate policy. Selection of a particulate emission target may lead to irreversible consequences, regarding both climate and the economy (e.g. sunk cost). Therefore, climate policy should focus on a dynamic balance between two irreversible decisions to maximize flexibility and avoid irrecoverable damages and costs. Page 1 of 23 The real options methodology emerges as a relevant analytical framework. The decision on climate policy could be formulated as a deferral option. Acceptance of a policy target means that policy makers may select a particular state of environment that prevents socio-economic damage associated with a status quo policy, i.e. defer further “depletion” of climate asset. So, implementation of an interim climate policy could be described as the purchase of an option on a climate asset. The value of this climate asset equates to averted damage to the environment. This value, however, is unknown. Policy makers assume a distribution that captures the magnitude of uncertainties. In the view of scientists and some politicians, limiting a temperature increase within 20C above the pre-industrial era should prevent irreversible changes in the climatic system. But most economists view such a policy as excessively expensive. If decision makers reject this policy, they save on the mitigation sunk cost, but abandon the climate asset whose value may potentially be higher than the mitigation cost required to prevent degradation of the climate asset. Policy makers may decide temporarily to maintain flexibility until they learn more about climate change and the cost of mitigation policy and then make a final decision on how to use the climate asset. The mitigation sunk cost for the “learning period” is exactly the price to keep this asset in possession. In the context of irreversibility, flexibility has economic value. The fat tail distribution of damage attributed to global climate change suggests that flexibility in terms of correction of emission pathways could be more valuable than flexibility in terms of avoidance of sunk costs needed to ensure flexibility of climate policy. Obviously, peaks and variances are the most critical parameters that describe the avoided damage and mitigation costs. The expected value approach uses probabilities directly as coefficients to calculate a weighted outcome from uncertain parameters, not accounting for variance. Like many others, we believe that the expected value, or expected utility, is not an ideal valuation instrument for climate policy due to the fat tail nature of the distribution of negative climate outcomes. There is a need for an instrument that considers both "peaks" and "tails”. An option pricing formula provides policy makers with a single number that is a “one variable image” of a multivariable object. But a scalarization process based on option pricing models preserves important information on underlying uncertainties. The only condition for application of option pricing models is finite variance. Damage still could be significant but is bounded. In the next section, we present ROA methodology as an alternative to the conventional aggregation technique offered by the expected value approach in detail and explain how it could be applied to climate policy valuation. In this paper, we propose an application of the real options analysis to formulate rules to select an interim climate policy (emission target) and estimate the economic value of the future flexibility. The interim climate policy may be corrected in the future in response to new knowledge that would hopefully reduce uncertainties. Page 2 of 23 2. Conventional approach and state of debates on uncertainties and climate policy Despite abundant literature on the economics of climate change, it is hard to disagree with William Nordhaus that the key questions regarding climate change policy - "how much, how fast, and how closely" - remain unanswered (Nordhaus 2007). On one hand, publications like the Stern Review (Stern 2006) and AR4 (IPCC 2007) (see also Stern 2009) urge immediate actions to drastically curb carbon emissions, appealing to newly available information in the field of climate science. On the other hand, the application of conventional economic analysis (Nordhaus 2007; 2008) show that such an urgent and sharp GHG reduction does not warrant the cost. In most integrated assessment models (“IAMs”), damage appears as insignificant losses of GDP (for further discussion, see Golub et al 2009). Climate policy imposes costs now, but does not return enough to justify a strict emission target like stabilization of temperature increase within 20C. An optimal policy could be formulated as “do something, but not much”. DICE-2007 computes an optimal trajectory with temperatures going up about 3.50C. Optimal carbon tax is about $7.5/tCO2 (see Nordhaus 2008). Adding catastrophic events, we have “infinite damage” (Weitzman 2007), and then even drastic and immediate reduction is insufficient and geoengineering becomes the only way to tackle climate change. Application of either methodology reaches a similar conclusion: rejection of near-term interim temperature target. Cost benefit analysis based on expected value maximization suggests introduction of a modest carbon tax. Consideration of distributions with infinite variance suggests that even immediate conversion to carbon-free economy does not eliminate unbounded damage. Then geoengineering (that we can interpret as adaptation to inevitable climate change) appears as the dominant policy and mitigation plays a secondary role. If, however, damage is bounded, ROA offers an optimal mitigation policy that balances risks of uncontrollable costs and fat tail unrecoverable damage that is subject to adaptation. Geoengineering would be an important but not dominant element of a climate hedging portfolio. In the literature there are several attempts to correct the expected value methodology. A full review is beyond the scope of this paper; however, some relevant work must be mentioned. As noted in the literature, the conventional approach does not account for the presence of thresholds in the concentration-response function and the risk of global catastrophic climate events that, though characterized by a low probability of occurrence, would lead to significant economic damage. Tol (2003) and Weitzman (2007) present a strong case highlighting the major limitations of cost benefit analysis based on the expected value calculation in the context of climate policy. Stern attempts to solve the problem by applying an exogenous social discount rate (0.1-0.15%)1, but this artificially low discount rate coan not be explain in Ramsey framework that constitutes foundation for most of IAMs. Yet risk-adjusted discount rate could be an instrument to account for negative impact of climate induced productivity shocks on economy. 1 See for example Stern 2006 Page 3 of 23 The nature of productivity shocks is critical too. Gollier and Weitzman 2009 and Gollier 2010 and consider a hilly stylized model with irreversible investment decision should be taken now when future return on capital is a subject to unknown productivity shocks and proposed application of risk adjusted discount rate that depend on magnitude of permanent shocks. As extension of Gollier and Weitzman (2009) approach Golub and Keohane (2010) consider endogenous productivity shocks and distinct between i.i.d. and permanent shocks. Climate change is a perfect example of endogenous productivity shocks. Accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere leads to irreversible transformation of environment and result in permanent (or at least long-term) negative productivity shocks. Two different growth alternatives (or two different economies) that have different impact on environment and as result are subjects to shocks of a different kind. “Clean economy” is subject to i.i.d. and “Dirty economy” is subject to both i.i.d and permanent shocks induced by irrevercible changes in climatic system. Magnitude of permanent shocks is a function of accumulated pollution. Then there is a feedback between current climate policy and future productivity shocks. In Ramsey framework risks attributed to these shocks could be reflected in adjusted discount rate. 2.1.Uncertainty is at the heart of the climate change debate There are several unknown parameters that constrain environmental policy. We do not know: • • • • Magnitude of climate response to increased GHG concentrations; Cost of climate policy to mitigate GHG emissions; Adaptation potential and magnitude of adaptation cost; Business response to various policy instruments. Technological developments also are a significant random component. We cannot say for sure what the cost of environmental policy would be or where the optimal balance between mitigation and adaptation is. Yet through careful risk management, a decision should be made regarding these uncertainties. Underlying uncertainties could be summarized as in Figure 1: Page 4 of 23 Figure 1. Sources of uncertainties in climate change estimations What we do know: • The temperature increase could be significant but bounded; • Even catastrophic damage is a finite number; • Mitigation cost could be significant but truncated by existence of back-stop technology; • Learning narrows uncertainties over time. Consensus is summarized in IPCC reports. Based on IPCC reports and various peer reviewed publications, we can quantify these uncertainties and assign particular distributions to underlying parameters. These publications represent the current state of knowledge about climate change, mitigation and adaptation cost. Then we can run Monte-Carlo simulations and compute combined uncertainties. Monte-Carlo simulations simply combine uncertainties and do not apply additional assumptions. One important requirement remains for future application of ROA: each underlying uncertain parameter should be described by distribution with finite variance. MonteCarlo simulation to calculate implied volatility creates the basis for forward-looking analysis of current climate policy without aggregation or losses of primary information that are available now. 2.2.Peaks, tails and variance While a number of scientists and politicians call for a mitigation policy to limit global warming within 20C (see for example Stern Review 2006, IPCC AR4, Stern 2009, etc), a temperature target that should prevent major irreversible changes in the climatic system, economists express concern that such an ambitious environmental goal could be very expensive. Applying conventional methodology that focuses on the expected value approach (also known in the literature as expected utility) may not be the best way to understand benefits of climate policy, where there is an immediate economic burden but distant positive effect in the future. The expected value approach averages out various climate outcomes; therefore it may not be an Page 5 of 23 appropriate tool for accurate analysis of irreversible processes with outcomes described by fat tailed distribution. Figure 2 presents results of Monte-Carlo simulations for a particular numerical example we selected to illustrate the methodology. A detailed description of this example is provided in Annex 1 (for more detailed description see Anda, Golub, Strukova 2009). Figure 2. Costs and benefits of climate policy Figure 2 highlights an important aspect of climate policy analysis: the tradeoff between expected values on one hand and tail and variance on the other. In this particular example, expected cost of the policy “outweighs” expected benefits. Conventional cost-benefit analysis will reject this policy. However, the presence of a fat tail in the benefits distribution suggests potential high damages if the policy is rejected. With relatively low yet significant probability, the damage may reach double-digit figures. There is a 10% probability that the irreversible damage process results in costs of more than 5.7% of the gross world product (“GWP”), while there is a 90% probability that the cost of a policy is less than 4.4% of the GWP. Therefore, the choice is between higher costs versus higher risk. The expected value approach masks this trade-off. In this paper, we illustrate the application of a “real option” analysis to climate policy assessment. Numerical experiments with simplified version of the DICE 2007 model demonstrate the positive value of flexibility afforded by an interim climate policy aimed at avoiding irreversible changes. We found that the economic value of flexibility exceeded the net present value (“NPV”) of the costs of an interim policy. While this requires a more substantial analysis, we hope to provide a framework within which this can be done. 3. Irreversibility and value of waiting Page 6 of 23 When outcome or cost of policy is uncertain and policy decision is irreversible, there could be a positive value of postponing decision until major uncertainties are resolved. Flexibility has an option value that is higher when uncertainties are higher. For illustration we adopt a simple approach presented in Dixit (1992) and Pindyck (2004) that is easy to understand and provide some illustrations. Let capital investment K yields annualized revenue R . The simplest decision rule is to invest when project has a positive expected return; R rK M (1), where r stands for risk free discount rate and M denotes brake even point for investment. In other words, M is a minimum level of return for investments to pay back. The investment rule (1) holds in deterministic case only. If benefits are uncertain, then decision rule (1) transforms into (2): B H rK M (2) Waiting for a certain amount of time allows an investor to avoid downside risk (Dixit 1992), but it doesn’t make sense to wait any longer if net revenue reaches sufficiently high level H . If however, policy maker is forced to make a decision before observed revenue reaches level H , then lost flexibility value could be considered as a penalty for adoption of that policy. In Ramsey model discount rate is equal to marginal product of capital. If marginal product of capital is subject to independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) random shocks, then discount rate equals to the expected productivity. Benefits of climate policy depend on uncertain repose of climatic system to anthropogenic emissions and uncertain response of socioeconomic system to changing climate. Cost of climate policy is uncertain too. Unlike in the case described above, decision maker does not observe process in time and does not have a flexibility to implement climate policy when it is clear that avoided damage is large enough to recover sunk cost of mitigation policy. It is overdue to act when there is a 100% certainty about the damage attributed to climate change. Therefore a decision maker should pick a climate policy (say, a concentration target) now, substantially before the moment when major uncertainties regarding cost and benefits of climate policy are fully resolved. In the beginning a decision maker has a climate asset A. Long-term expected value of this asset is D that is a function of the selected concentration target. Implementation of climate policy requires cost Z . If the policy is discontinued, then decision maker irreversibly loses the asset A, but has some savings on climate policy cost. Let’s call these savings an asset B. Application of the Dixit rule allows to formulate conditions when it is optimal to discontinue climate policy taking into account value of waiting attributed to uncertainties that determine actual value of assets A and B. Page 7 of 23 Asset A has an expected value D , it could be exchanged for an asset B that has an expected value Z . Investment decision to continue to posses A results in expected cost Z D , penalty D and “premium” Z since holder of the asset A postpones decision to exchange the asset A. Or vise versa, investment decision to switch to the asset B yields instant benefits Z D , but implies cost equal to the lost net value of waiting Z D . In terms of a stylized analysis presented in this section, selection of a climate policy is selection of a long-term stabilization GHG concentration target Q . Selecting particular target a policy maker loses flexibility that has a value equal to the value of waiting presented in figure 3 by curves D (Q) and Z (Q) . According to Dixit-Pindyck formula this value is a convex function: (Q) BD (Q) (3), where B is a constant, and D (Q ) stands for economic benefits of stabilization target Q . Power coefficient is a function of volatility and discount : 1 8 1 1 2 2 (4) 0 . It implies that value to postpone climate policy is higher if volatility of climate benefits are lower and, vise versa, the value of waiting and defer climate policy is lower, if uncertainties associated with future damage are higher. For instance in the numerical example presented above, D 1.04 and Z 1.46 . Note that 1 and As presented in figure 3, we assumed D Z then: Z D H D H Z It implies that in order to commit climate policy a decision maker should observe relatively lower expected return on climate asset. It also implies that in the neighborhood of D , net penalty for abandoning a climate asset is positive. These results hold for marginal cost and benefits of climate policy too. Page 8 of 23 Z D HD R HZ Z D Figure 3. Value to wait and climate policy (R denotes annualized revenue). Next we consider more general case when D Z . In the numerical example presented in section 2, D Z If a decision maker chooses to save on mitigation cost, he looses the value of waiting, but saves on abatement cost simultaneously loosing the value of climate asset. In the numerical example from section 2 the difference between the savings on cost and the lost benefits is 14. Net savings in this case is the difference between the expected values of cost and benefits minus penalty that equals to the lost value of waiting. The decision maker picks a climate policy minimizing net losses. In numerical example presented in previous section, the expected benefits of climate policy are even below the expected cost. If climatic change and damages attributed to climatic change a fully reversible, then the best strategy is to wait, see what happens, and then adopt the policy Q , as soon as there is enough evidence that benefits of climate policy are equal or higher than H D . But climatic change and economic damage attributed to climatic change is irreversible. Therefore the target Q may not be feasible any more. Rejection of climate policy Q yields some savings on mitigation cost Z on expense of future damage D . H Z is a threshold. The expected savings on abatement cost should reach it in order to reject a climate policy. Z (Q) is the value of waiting and postponing a decision about dropping stabilization target Q and saving on abatement cost. In other words, is a penalty for an early adoption of a climate policy. For lower concentration target this penalty should be added to the negative expected benefits (difference between avoided damage and mitigation cost). But if policy is relaxed and emission target increased, then penalty Z (Q) is even higher. The Page 9 of 23 cost of inaction would be D Z (Q) / , while cost of climate policy would be Z D (Q) / . Selection of a long-term climate policy implies significant reduction of flexibility and loss of value of flexibility. For a given concentration target Q we can estimate net annualized benefits of adoption that target: D (Q) Z (Q) Z (Q) D (Q) (5) And from (5): D (Q) Z (Q) B( Z Z D D ) (6) For instance, in numerical example from section 2, D 1.04 and Z 1.46 . Recall D (Q) Z (Q) 14 for Q 450 ppm , if B 1 , then annualized value of an option to prevent climate change by keeping the target at 450 ppm level equals 2.1. Further analysis of (5) requires closed-form expression for B . Let 20C limit on global temperature increase is an environmental target. Then 450 ppm could be considered as a starting brake-even point for cost benefit analysis of climate policy. Then Q 450 ( D (Q) Z (Q)) B( z Z d D ) 0 and B Z D , ( z d D ) Z where z Z ; d D . In our numerical example B 0.2 Starting with an initial target, policy makers observe dynamics of an expected damage and expected policy cost and correct (if possible) concentration target Q , solving (5) for Q and plugging in new expected values for benefits and cost of climate policy. Although initial decisions could be mostly irreversible, there could be a slight flexibility on a side of climatic system and greater flexibility on a side of an abatement target. In Dixit (1992), value of waiting is interpreted as an adjustment coefficient for a discount factor. As we pointed in section 2, it is a plausible approach to estimate risk adjusted cost and benefits of climate policy that is coherent with Gollier (2010) and Gollier, Weitzman (2009) analysis. D would be applied to savings in Relatively higher adjusted discount coefficient D 1 Page 10 of 23 abatement cost attributed to untightening of emission target. Relatively lower discount rate Z would be applied to avoided damage. Z 1 Note that this adjustment of discount rate does not require any artificial steps like in Stern (2006), and follows from application of expected value approach. This approach is consistent with the Ramsey framework. The result holds for irreversible shocks only, and therefore it is applicable to irreversible losses. From (4) it is easy to see that relative adjustments of discount are a function of variance. Although this method is better than “raw” expected value approaches since it takes into account first and second moments of distribution. Risk adjusted discount rate may be a good tool to use in IAMs and for other practical applications that require simplified numerical analysis. It is not good enough to capture distribution shape and tail. Advanced option pricing formulas we discuss in the next section take into account third and fourth moments. 4. Real option alternative The ROA methodology provides a way to quantify relative uncertainties and takes into account both "peaks” and “tails". For instance, a higher variance yields a higher option value. If the abatement cost variance is kept well below the variance of climate outcomes, we are "going long" on the relatively cheap option of new technologies to cover our "short" position on a relatively expensive climate option. In other words, under this methodology, we would undertake emission reductions now in order to keep the option of stabilizing emissions at safe levels. We would keep this option open until new information on climate change and its impact becomes available. To use this methodology, we need better variance (as well as skewness and kurtosis) data from both sides of the trade, meaning positive feedback loops on the climate side and narrowing technology cost ranges on the abatement side. The ROA methodology was developed relatively recently, and it is one of the fastest growing areas of investment analysis (see for example, Copeland et al. 2000; Copeland and Antikarov 2003, Mun 2005, Trigeorgis 1996, Schwartz and Trigeorgis 2004). Recently, this methodology was applied to environmental policy analysis, focusing on option analysis into abatement technologies. It is the first time we apply ROA to evaluate climate policy (see Golub at al 2008, Anda, Golub, Strukova 009), although there were examples of applying the event tree approach (see Webster 2008). 4.1. Testing new tool As we noticed in Figure 2, the underlying asset – avoided damage - exhibits a more significant variance than the cost needed to prevent degradation, i.e. irreversible losses of this asset. A high relative variance of damages over costs favors a more stringent emission target. Average return on this investment does not cover the cost of climate policy, yet the option value is positive. In Page 11 of 23 this numerical example, the positive option value of climate policy outweighs negative net expected value. High relative skew and kurtosis of damages over costs indicates further benefits of more stringent targets. 150 100 95 80 93 95 93 Benefit 52 50 23 NPV 0 -50 Cost Mean -15 Median -39 SD Figure 4. Expected value and uncertainties Figure 4 illustrates potential problems with valuation of climate policy based on expected value of cost and benefits and helps to understand how ROA brings different perspectives into assessment of climate policy. In the example, the mean value of net benefits of 450 ppm concentration target is negative. Median analysis of net benefits suggests that the difference between cost and benefit of that climate policy is even more significant. The standard deviation of climate benefit that captures uncertainties of climate outcome, however, is about four times greater than standard deviation of the cost. Moreover, SD of the net benefits is six times higher than the absolute value of net benefits, which are negative in the example. The standard deviation or volatility is the simplest indicator of riskiness of climate policy. In two-standard deviation range, present value of climate benefits almost reaches 270 trillion while cost of the policy is just slightly higher than 140 trillion. At the same time, the numbers are indicative rather than definitive. It is not likely that we could determine an optimal climate policy (optimal concentration or emission target) from this analysis. Indications given by option tools are well outside the ranges for conventional NPV results. To the degree that the policy objective is hedging catastrophic climate risk, the indications given by option based tools should be considered. Most likely, ROA is a new way of thinking about climate policy and understanding and communicating the benefits and costs while implicitly including the value of risk. Risk management in climate policy requires forward looking expert judgments regarding future negative impacts on climate and the cost of climate policy. Econometric analysis focused on identification and extrapolation of existing trends does not help since historically observed Page 12 of 23 climate change is not a good predictor. Underestimation of risks caused by safeguard policies built on extrapolations of historical observation led to the financial crisis of 2008-2009. Historical data was not a helpful indicator. Risk management should rely on forward-looking implied volatility analysis. Weak correlation between random variables leads to the emergence of a fat tail. Presence of a weak correlation among returns on different securities was ignored and the fat tail was overlooked. Non linearity also leads to a fat tail emergence. 4.2.Option pricing and tail quantification Direct calculations based on Monte-Carlo simulation give the best estimations of option value. However, depending on the number of underlying uncertainties, Monte-Carlo simulation can be time-consuming. Monte-Carlo simulation embedded into optimization procedure (i.e. maximization of an option value) may create significant computational complications. Therefore it would be helpful to apply a closed-form solution for option value. The well known BlackScholes formula is easy to apply but in cases of fat tails, it significantly underestimates option value (see Figure 5 and Table 3). 100 80 60 40 20 0 85 76 61 32 21 11 24 3640 Damage Cost Policy Value Black Gram Edgeworth Scholes Charlier Binomial Figure 5. Selecting option pricing formula The ideal model for option pricing is computable distribution of an underlying asset with filtration (continues analogy of event tree). However if one is looking for a closed-form solution needed in integrated assessment models, one should apply different option pricing formulas. Black Scholes is the most famous option pricing formula that offers closed form solution for an option, however Black-Scholes assumes normal distribution of return and therefore log-normal distribution of the underlying asset. For a climate asset, this analysis understates value since it does not have enough flexibility to factor in skewness and kurtosis. Gram Charlier and Edgeworth Binomial option models offer an alternative to Black-Scholes. These models better Page 13 of 23 capture shapes of distributions and most importantly allow for quantifying a fat tail, but still present an approximation that could understate or overstate the value of ROA on a climate asset. In section 3 we discussed valuation of flexibility method based on the Dixit-Pindyck approach. Its application to climate policy suggests that the value of climate asset should be discounted less then savings on abatement cost. This result is coherent with the Gollier-Weitzman interpretation of risk adjusted discount rate. Both methodologies take into account first and second moments of benefits and cost distributions. ROA allows accounting for skewness and kurtosis, and therefore for better capturing the shape of distributions and tails. 5. Climate hedging policy: real options analysis of interim emission target 5.1.Integrated assessment modeling and uncertainty analysis Integrated assessment models (“IAM”) are useful instrument of policy analysis. With regard to simplification and arbitral assumptions on important but not yet observed characteristics (like damage), IAMs should be treated more like a way of thinking about climate policy, rather than a way to compute an optimal emission pathway, carbon tax, etc. Scenario analysis is one way to address uncertainties (see for example Nordhaus 2008). In this case, the model solves in deterministic forward-looking mode. Each solution was attributed to a particular set of realization of uncertainty parameters. A user of this model should select the most plausible scenario. Stochastic dynamic optimization is another way to address uncertainties. A recursive solution allows accommodating adjustments in response to realization of sequential shocks. ROA permits application of a simplified forward looking optimization procedure. First, MonteCarlo simulations are conducted to calculate expected value and combined uncertainties of cost and benefit of an optimal climate policy. Option value could be presented as a function of expected value and volatility. If the distribution of benefits or costs demonstrates a fat tail, a more sophisticated pricing formula should be applied. Next, the option value of benefits should be added to the criteria and the option value of sunk costs subtracted. Then the optimization procedure should be repeated. If the option value of climate benefits is greater than the option value from the recalculation, the solution should be a lower emission trajectory. Experiments with DICE 2007 demonstrate that volatility is a constant. In this case, a simple formula for option pricing could be applied: ROV 0.4v , where v denotes volatility and stands for expected value of the underlying asset. If v v , then Monte-Carlo simulation should be repeated and the optimal solution recalculated. In a sense, ROA is an extension of deterministic optimization with perfect foresight. In contrast to optimization of expected value of climate policy, we optimize risk-adjusted value. Adjustment is equal to the difference between option value of climate benefits and option value of abatement sunk cost. 5.2. Uncertainties, risks and learning process Thousands of papers in the field of climate science and economics of climate change have been published every year in peer reviewed journals and books. IPCC critically reviews these Page 14 of 23 publications, extracts and summarizes the most robust results in regularly published IPCC reports. The IPCC process creates a background for quantification of uncertainties like we use in our numerical example. Over time, it also ensures learning and policy adjustment. The discreet character of climate policy allows for accommodating new knowledge and new information into climate regulation periodically in response to new IPCC findings. Internationally, UNFCCC (1992) creates foundations for modern policy. Key elements of the convention were an environmental goal to avoid dangerous interference with the climatic system; foundation of economic mechanism; and common but differentiated responsibility. It took five years to negotiate the Kyoto Protocol and make a first attempt to implement the idea of differentiated responsibility and establish a “pilot phase” of a global “cap and trade” system. It took 15 years to build consensus regarding the 20C threshold as a long-term environmental target. It may take several years to get the major developing countries to commit to absolute emission targets comparable to this environmental goal. Over that time, new knowledge will be accumulated and periodically integrated into the policy making process. The discreet mechanism of global climate policy formation should ensure sufficient flexibility. Option analysis offers dynamic hedging of climate policy and provides guidance for preserving flexibility in selecting interim targets. 5.3.Option value of interim target Recognition of the 20C threshold as an environmental target does not mean its automatic translation into a quantitative target on emission. Figure 6 suggests a wide range of uncertainties of climate outcomes for particular emission targets. A stringent concentration target reduces the range of negative outcomes, but it does not guarantee a particular result formulated in terms of the global temperature increase. While traditional models oriented on cost benefit analysis (expected value optimization in case of uncertainties) aim to provide “precise” recommendations like level of emission cap or level of emission tax, ROA offers an algorithm for climate hedging policy. We call that algorithm “climate risk management” (“CRM”). The ideas of CRM are presented climate policy evalustion as a bottom up process. On the top of the pyramid is a scalar indicator that is assigned to a particular sequence of emission targets, but in contrast to expected value this indicator captures more information and allows comparison between relative risks driven by the shape of distribution and spread of underlying uncertainties. The bottom of the pyramid represents theoretical foundations behind that aggregated number. The middle part of the pyramid represents the institutional mechanism of climate policy implementation. Regulations should take into account institutional barriers, including behavioral aspects like a firm’s risk aversion and financial constraints. Climate policy based on CRM offers a uniform metric to compare risks and tools to minimize integrated risk. Application of the real options methodology provides a new perspective for price versus quantity debates. In this paper, we put aside the differences in incentives created by price and quantity in cases of risk neutral and risk averse firms (see Golub et al 2008) and just discuss carbon tax versus emission cap from the point of view of a regulator aiming for a particular temperature Page 15 of 23 target (e.g. 20C increase above pre-industrial era). Carbon tax provides assurance regarding maximum level of marginal cost of climate policy, while it leaves climate outcome uncertain. An emission cap provides assurance regarding total emissions, but it leaves room for uncertainties. Mitigation policy “slims” but does not truncate a fat tail. Figure 9 and Table 1 illustrate this point. Therefore, even aggressive climate policy could result in significant damage (even if damage distribution has a finite variance). Thus, a climate hedging portfolio should have additional instruments to truncate the tail. Adaptation and R&D into geoengineering should be incorporated into a policy portfolio. Figure 6. Policy choice and and outcome’s uncertanties. Page 16 of 23 Figure 6 illustrates that even selection of emission targets, formulated as ppm concentration, leaves room for significant uncertainties. Table 1. Sliming a fat tail Statistics Trials Mean Median Mode Standard Deviation Variance Skewness Kurtosis Percentiles 96% 97% 98% 99% 99.5% Damage 350 ppm target Damage 400 ppm target Damage 450 ppm target Damage 500 ppm target Damage 550 ppm target Damage 600 ppm target 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 100000 0.57 1.52 2.73 4.11 5.60 7.17 0.42 1.10 1.98 2.98 4.06 5.20 ------------0.54 1.43 2.58 3.88 5.29 6.76 0.29 2.06 6.64 15.05 27.96 45.75 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 3.54 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 29.52 Damage 350 ppm target Damage 400 ppm target Damage 450 ppm target Damage 500 ppm target Damage 550 ppm target Damage 600 ppm target 1.69 4.47 8.04 12.11 16.50 21.11 1.87 4.97 8.93 13.45 18.33 23.45 2.15 5.70 10.24 15.41 21.01 26.87 2.68 7.10 12.75 19.20 26.17 33.47 3.26 8.64 15.53 23.39 31.88 40.77 A major factor underlying uncertainty in this case is climate sensitivity. Many recent publications explains why climate sensitivity is not predictable and confirms the log-normal shape of the climate sensitivity probability distribution function (“PDF”) (see for example, Roe and Baker 2007). Since economic damage is a function of an increase in temperatures, the distribution of climate sensitivities that links particulate concentration and temperature rise predetermines the distribution of economic damage. Higher concentrations lead to higher expected damage but also, more importantly, to higher variance of temperature increase (see Figure 2), and therefore higher variance of economic damage. Roe and Baker’s paper, and the associated commentary, has an important policy implication. The premise, that as feedback approaches 1, climate sensitivity approaches infinity, leads logically to measuring the amount of carbon consistent with 2°C rather than sensitivity. The policy extension of Roe and Baker’s framework is to evaluate policy choices with an a priori assumption of a 2°C goal. The application of a real options methodology allows us to estimate the benefits of such a policy. Suppose we start with an initial assumption about emissions between now and 2050 consistent with 2°C. We can then attach an aggregate cost to that abatement and assume, initially, that the aggregate benefit derived is equal to that cost. The cost buys us an option on 2°C. The value of that option is zero if the volatility of costs and benefits are equal. If, however, benefit volatility exceeds cost volatility, then the option is valuable. In this case, we are inherently under spending – favoring a quantity target. If cost volatility exceeds benefit volatility, then the option has a negative value – favoring a price target to avoid over spending. For any given GHG emission target, costs of such a policy are uncertain. Regulators are challenged by another decision-making problem with uncertainty: introducing climate policy now, they face uncertain investment cost, but by postponing policy through inaction, regulators also postpone irreversible investment decisions. Hence regulators have another real option: whether or not to postpone irreversible socio-economic costs of climate mitigation policy resulting from investments to meet GHG emission limits. Keeping this option open, regulators could implement climate policy later, when there is better knowledge about carbon emission Page 17 of 23 reduction costs. The key question any regulator should ask is, which option is worth more, the option to postpone the costs of policy to a later date, or maintaining the option to avoid damage from climate change at a later date? The next 15-20 years are critical determinants of long-term climate policy. Aggressive emission reduction may generate unreasonable and unrecoverable sunk costs, while insufficient policy may lead to irreversible changes in climatic system and significant economic damage in the future. Selection of interim policy that prevents irreversible decisions regarding stabilization targets in the future could be the solution to the problem.2 6. Conclusions The raison d’être of ROA in climate policy is to reflect the relative uncertainty of costs and benefits. Admittedly, the policy value of ROA depends on the predictability of relative volatility, as well as relative skewness and kurtosis. Since these parameters are not highly predictable, the scenario analysis common to a conventional marginal cost equals marginal benefit (MC=MB) approach is still needed. Scenario analysis using ROA, however, is sufficiently robust to be additive to conventional analysis, particularly when cost and benefit distributions are dissimilar. To some degree, climate policy has a dynamic of “you get what you measure”. If we measure policy on the parallel parameters of tail skimming and technology learning, and use ROA as a tool to inform this process, we can better match a policy to its objectives. Borrowing from financial economics, one way to state the objective of policy is to hedge the fat tail risk of climate change. To accomplish this we need sufficient technology, learning for rapid deployment of abatement technology when the hedge ratio, informed by scientific data on climate, changes. Thus, part of the benefit to using ROA as a policy tool is its close alignment with the objectives of policy. In the context of a high degree of uncertainty, the preservation of flexibility may be more important than cost control in the short run. With regard to the option value of climate policy, the steep slope of the marginal cost over the next 20 to 30 years does not mean that this policy cannot be justified just because the marginal benefits are relatively flat. Higher variance in benefits “compensates for a lower slope.” Taking into account the discreet character of climate negotiations and the continual nature of knowledge accumulation, a ROA methodology helps to explain the value of a hedging strategy based on the adoption of an interim emission target more rigid relative to the target that could be justified based on the expected value approach. First of all, the estimation of an option value is a call for politicians to adopt tighter emission targets in order to prevent radical, and therefore expensive, corrections of the emission trajectory in the future, assuming the climatic system turns out to be more sensitive to GHG accumulation in the atmosphere and that the socioeconomic system appears less resilient to the climate change. 2 Appendix B present in simplified form optimal condition for interim emission target. Page 18 of 23 A real option approach helps balance any future upward or downward corrections in the climate policy and minimize possible distortions in the carbon market. An upward correction of the emissions target may flatten the market while downward corrections may disobey rights of allowance holders (governments may be forced to withdraw or re-call previously distributed carbon allowances or change allocation plans or introduce additional policies and measures). Understanding the option value of the climate policy will help to minimize these costs. Any discreet corrections of the emissions target based on forward-looking assessments of the option value will reduce the magnitude of corrections and therefore reduce any disincentives and market distortions. The alternative is to wait until all uncertainty is resolved and then act. But as we mentioned before, the necessary corrections may be enormous and, in all likelihood, not feasible due to the inertia of the economic system and the irreversibility of climate change. In the context of irreversibility, flexibility has economic value that cannot be captured by the expected value approach. The fat tail distribution of damage attributed to global climate change suggests that flexibility in terms of future climate policy, could be more valuable than flexibility in terms of irreversible investment into sunk costs needed to ensure flexibility of climate policy. Uncertainties in climate sensitivity should play an essential role in the design of climate policy and particularly in the targets and tools selected. Current efforts to curb carbon emissions would generate some short term and mid term costs while benefits would be harvested only in the distant future. Because of this time lag, the net present values of expected benefits of climate policy are not sufficient to justify an expensive mitigation policy. One important conclusion can be drawn regarding the role of uncertainties. Those that criticize immediate actions for preventing climate change often refer to the uncertainties of the emissiondamage chain as a reason to postpone a policy that yields uncertain benefits. Real option analysis interprets these uncertainties in opposite ways. The more uncertain the irreversible outcome, the higher value of flexibility and the more reason a policy maker has to prevent it. Page 19 of 23 References Anda, A. Golub, A. Strukova, E. 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A log-normal distribution for a was applied with the mean equal to 0.5 and SD = 0.25.3 The cost estimates are based on the IPCC AR4 Summary for policy makers table SPM.7 from IPCC (2007) p. 21. The calibration of Initial GDP in 2010, annual GDP growth and BAU concentration is consistent with the IPCC B2 scenario (IPCC 2000). Table 1: Parameters of the Numerical Example Gross World Product (gross world product) in 2010, Trillion USD 2006 Annual growth rate Discount rate BAU scenario Damage function (% GWP) Mitigation cost 450 ppm pathway (% GWP) Climate sensitivity 52 2% 3% GHG concentration reaches about 700 ppm in 2100 D 0.5T 2 where T is temperature rise above pre industrial era 2% of GWP in 2030; 4% in 2050 and 5% in 2100 for Monte-Carlo simulation we assumed means are equal to numbers above and SD=50% Median = 3; logarithm mean equal to 1.09 and ln SD=0.4 Then we apply the Monte-Carlo simulations and calculate the combined uncertainty mean and median value, standard deviation and confidence intervals for benefit, cost and net benefits of climate policy. Table 2 presents the simulation results. Table 2: Simulation Results Avoided damage (Trillion USD 2006) Sunk cost (Trillion USD 2006) Mean* Median* 80% confidence interval (CI)* 81 52 16-171 Volatility (standard deviation as % of mean) 120% 95 91 63-134 30% 3 Skewness Kurtosis 4.5 54 0.82 4.4 For the damage function we applied different distributions but the results did not change significantly. As for the mean value of the coefficient “a” we select a moderately conservative value slightly lower than the same coefficient in DICE-99 and slightly higher than in DICE – 2007 (see Nordhaus 2008 p 127). Page 22 of 23 Net present -14 -39 From -47 to value of 37 climate policy (Trillion USD) *)All numbers discounted back to 2010. **) Standard deviation 97 ** Table 3. Option value and fat tail Benefits of climate policy Black-Sholes 32.45 Gram-Charlier 216 (85*) Edgeworth Binomial Tree 76 4.51 49 Sunk cost 21.19 61 36 *)We ignored kurtosis As we can see, factoring a fat tail into the option analysis demonstrates a higher value of climate policy. Thus, the relative variance, skewness, and kurtosis of cost and benefits determine the relative value of the option of climate benefits and sunk mitigation costs. The calculations presented in Table 4 call for a more sophisticated option pricing mechanism than Black-Sholes to better address PDF’s shape. However, giving available information on mitigation costs and damaging further sophistications of numerical analysis is unlikely to bring adequate added value. Moreover, with regard to the negotiation and policy making process, any attempts to find truly optimal numerical solutions are unlikely to pay back. The policy process is discreet and suboptimal. At the end of the day, emission targets are a political solution. This policy context makes for an easier application of the option theory. The policy framework presents a limited number of emission targets and a discreet timeline of international negotiations, with a mandate to revisit environmental strategy at certain points in the future. Page 23 of 23