Date of issue: 08 August 2008 Closing date for applications: 22 August 2008 General information The Notice of Vacancies provides a list of public sector job vacancies. It is published weekly and should be made available to public sector employees at their usual place of work. For enquiries regarding placement of vacancies and other advertisements in this notice, please phone 8226 2893. For distribution enquiries, please phone Government Publishing SA on 8207 0910. If you are interested in any of the jobs listed, contact the person identified for a copy of the job & person specification or to discuss the position. From time to time information about matters that may affect your employment will be published in this Notice. If you are employed under the Public Sector Management Act, please check any Public Service Notices from the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Advertisements placed in the Notice of Vacancies are generally for a period of 14 days, from the Friday advertised date, except when other wise stated, but a minimum of 7 days is required. In relation to any commercial advertising in the notice, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. Applications for vacancies To be considered for jobs listed in this notice you must send your application to the address at the end of each advertisement, ensuring that it is received by the correct person AND by the closing date. All applications are treated in confidence. Interpreting services Those who need help to understand the contents of this notice can phone the Interpreting and Translating Centre on 8226 1990. * Unless shown otherwise THE NOTICE OF VACANCIES CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS: Eligibility to apply for vacancies contained in this Notice Public Service Notices (published when required) Public Sector Management Act (PSM Act) salaried vacancies Health Care Act (HC Act) vacancies Other Public Sector salaried vacancies Weekly Paid vacancies ELIGIBILITY PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT In addition to Public Sector Management Act employees, only applications received from persons either employed by the following organisations or in the arrangements specified below will also be accepted for all vacancies listed unless marked (Advt) which are also being advertised in the public press. Public Sector Management Act employees of administrative units (includes those employees appointed subject to the provisions of the Act (ie ongoing) and those employees appointed on a contract basis (ie temporary, casual and longer term contract employees)) Hourly, daily and weekly paid employees of administrative units Employees of administrative units employed under the Children’s Services Act, 1985, the Education Act, 1972 or the Technical and Further Education Act, 1975 Police Officers employed in the Police Department who are Legal Officers, Engineers, Psychologists and Research Officers to whom Clause 29(f) of the Police Officers Award applies Participants of equal employment opportunity programs gazetted by the Minister under Section 67 of the Public Sector Management Act, in line with processes approved by the Commissioner for Public Employment. Further details on specific programs are provided in Commissioner’s Standard No 1 – A Planned Workforce Persons currently employed by South Australian Public Sector agencies through the South Australian Public Sector Graduate Recruitment Program for the first 12 months of employment under that Program Presiding Officer, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal Persons employed in the following public sector agencies and other organisations: Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board Adelaide Festival Centre Trust Alinytjara Wilurara Natural Resources Management Board Carclew Youth Performing Arts Centre Incorporated Chiropractors Board of South Australia Courts Administration Authority, but only those appointed pursuant to the Courts Administration Act, 1993 including those appointed pursuant to Section 6(3) of the Sheriff’s Act, 1978 Country Arts SA Country Fire Service Dairy Authority of South Australia Education Adelaide Elliston Le Hunte Animal and Plant Control Board Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Board Essential Services Commission of South Australia Government House Grant Animal and Plant Control Board History Trust of South Australia -1- PUBLIC EMPLOYEES DETERMINED TO BE 'RELEVANT PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNDER REGULATION 11 OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR MANAGEMENT ACT (Continued) HomeStart Finance, but only those employees who were formerly employees of the South Australian Housing Trust and who were transferred to HomeStart Finance by proclamation of the Governor on 21 December 1995 Hospitals and health services incorporated under the Health Care Act, 2008 and South Australian Ambulance Service (SAAS) Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science Kangaroo Island Natural Resources Management Board Land Management Corporation, but only employees who: were transferred from the Department for Administrative and Information Services by proclamation of the Governor on 21 May 1998 or 18 December 2003; or were transferred from the Department for Environment, Heritage and Aboriginal Affairs by the Commissioner for Public Employment on 11 October 1999; or were previously employed as greenkeepers in the MFP Development Corporation; and who have maintained such rights since their transfer Legal Services Commission of South Australia Lucindale Naracoorte Animal and Plant Control Board Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Board Northern Yorke Peninsula Animal and Plant Control Board Nurses Board of South Australia Parliament, Officers of either House or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly Personal Assistants to Members of Parliament (but not those employed on a temporary or casual basis) whose employment is or has been terminated because of a change of Member or status of Member as a result of the State Election on 18 March 2006. This determination is effective for any Personal Assistant who has been so terminated for a period of 15 months from the declaration of the poll Police Complaints Authority Rangelands Integrated Natural Resources Management Group SA Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Board SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Board Senior Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission South Australian Forestry Corporation South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service, but not operational fire-fighters South Australian State Emergency Service employees, under Fire and Emergency Services Act who were transferred from the Emergency Services Administrative Unit on 1 October 2005 South Australian Tourism Commission South Australian Water Corporation South East Natural Resources Management Board Superannuation Funds Management Corporation of South Australia Tandanya - National Aboriginal Cultural Institute Incorporated TransAdelaide, excluding AN employees made available to operate metropolitan railways West Beach Trust WorkCover Corporation of South Australia, but only those employees who were formerly members of the staff of the South Australian Occupational Health and Safety Commission as employees of the Department for Industrial Affairs and who transferred to WorkCover Corporation of South Australia by proclamation of the Governor pursuant to the Clause 2 of the Schedule of the WorkCover Corporation Act, 1994 and only in relation to Public Sector Management Act vacancies DISCLAIMER The State of South Australia does not sponsor, endorse or necessarily approve of any products or services advertised in the Notice of Vacancies by private sector entities and makes no warranties or representations regarding the quality, merchantability or fitness for purpose of those products or services. -2- Leading a team Tailor your own in-house course A practical workshop for new and experienced leaders alike How to set team objectives that provide a clear purpose and direction 5 proven ways to keep a team motivated during difficult times How to earn the respect of team members, even if you are not a natural leader The four leadership strategies: Directing, Coaching, Consulting and Delegating Discover how to choose the right strategy at the right time How to build a true team by making the most of different personalities in a team Practical strategies for managing team conflict in a calm and reasonable way Basic counselling skills to help staff address personal stresses How to give feedback confidently to older or more experienced staff than you Public Adelaide City In-house (max 16 people) Leading a team $595 4 & 5 Sep $1895 / day Practical project management $595 28 & 29 Aug $1895 / day Assertiveness & conflict resolution $495 23 & 24 Sep $1895 / day Time management tools $295 1 Sep $1895 Developing Potential (Australia) Pty Ltd Email: Phone: 1300 88 44 86 Website: -3- CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Please contact the Human Resources Section for details of the relevant agency’s conditions of employment. APPEAL RIGHTS Public Sector Management Act vacancies to be filled on an ongoing basis are subject to appeal pursuant to Section 43 of the Act, unless shown otherwise. With effect from 1/10/2007 appeal rights exist for all ongoing positions at or below Executive Level 1 ie for positions with a salary or maximum salary limit less than $90,362 pa. No appeal rights exist for vacancies designated contract (including casual, temporary and longer term contracts). Appeal rights are only available to all employees of administrative units under the Public Sector Management Act, with the exception of those employees employed on temporary, casual or longer-term contracts, who have 12 months or less continuous employment within the Public Service. Appeal rights are also available to: Officers appointed under the Parliament (Joint Services) Act, 1985, including officers of either House of Parliament or a person under the separate control of the President of the Legislative Council or the Speaker of the House of Assembly; Employees of the MFP Development Corporation to whom such rights have been extended by a proclamation of the Governor under Section 71 of the Public Sector Management Act and who retain such rights. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by the Public Service Workforce Division, Department of the Premier and Cabinet up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2924, or e-mail and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. -4- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 8 AUGUST 2008 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM Trainee TRAINEE- CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7118/2008 Duties: This position is based at the reception desk, the trainee will be responsible for meeting and greeting members of the public, mail outs, filing, word processing such as editing letters, photocopying, answering the phone, and general admin. The unit is a small team of people and is responsible for providing an administrative service to the Office Manager and on occasions to the Chief of Staff and Ministerial Advisers. For further information on duties please download position description. Special Conditions: Employment is subject to the following special requirements: Police Check. To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Attorney General's Office) Enquiries to: Vicki Antoniou, telephone 8207 1603, email Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: Apply Now:\Application CoverSheet New.pdf Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships.pdf Position Description:\Trainee July 2008.doc -5- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee TRAINEE - CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7025/2008 Duties: This position within the Digital Bridge Unit will provide administrative support to the Outback Connect Extension Project through various tasks such as taking general phone enquiries, registering clients, word processing, data entry, record management and asset database management. In addition to Administration, the position will also have an IT focus and may be required to provide basic technical support to clients of the Project. The Trainee also provides basic administrative support for the Information Economy Directorate’s Programs when required. The Unit is a team of 6 people and works to assist in reducing the socially and economically divisive nature of advancing technologies through encouraging the use of technology within disadvantaged groups. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Information Economy Directorate) Further Information: Enquiries to: Colleen Liddell, telephone 8207 8731, email Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: Apply Now:\Application CoverSheet New.pdf Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships.pdf -6- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) Trainee TRAINEE- INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7097/2008 Duties: The incumbent will be exposed to a diverse, complex, progressive range of current and future technologies in an interesting and challenging environment. They will have a strong customer focus supporting a broad demographic customer base and experience working in a dynamic environment as an integral member of a cohesive team. They will possess an understanding of PC hardware, peripheral devices, operating systems, desktop applications and networking technologies. They will be a skilful communicator who enjoys working with people particularly in the area of customer service. Duties will include; Customer enquiries to be answered timely and informatively, Customers to be provided with feedback on enquiries, Written and verbal correspondence with customers, Log, monitor and track enquiries, Escalate enquiries where required, Updating of information in the Helpdesk Management System, updating and maintenance of intranet pages, Giving of appropriate advice provided where required. For further information please download attached position description. Special Conditions: People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government to apply. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Corporate) Further Information: Enquiries to: Jason Ernst, telephone 82042321, email Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: Apply Now:\Application CoverSheet New.pdf Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships.pdf Position Description:\Helpdesk Trainee PR3292.doc -7- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER - ELIZABETH (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($20561.00/37531.00) Vacancy No. 7020/2008 Duties: As a member of the Administrative Team, the General Administrative Officer is responsible for the provision of an administrative service as coordinated by the Site Administrative Manager, undertaking a range of keyboard and administrative tasks that contribute to the provision of effective administrative support. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Will be required to participate in the performance management review process. The incumbent may be required to travel or work across and/or be located at any of the Domiciliary Care SA locations. The incumbent must be prepared to work between 8am and 5pm on a rostered basis. Days of work are to be Week 1 – Tuesday/Thursday, Week 2 –Tuesday/Thursday/Friday. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is required. Current driver’s licence is desirable. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background check prior to being employed. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Domiciliary Care SA) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Sonya Gray, Site Administrative Manager, Domiciliary Care SA, telephone 8256 8536, email Applications to: Ms Maria Trimboli, Business Support Officer, Domiciliary Care SA, PO Box 758, Marleston SA, 5033, telephone 8193 1235, email Note: To obtain a copy of the Job & Person Specification contact Sonya Gray on 8256 8536 or email Applicants are required to address all of the essential and desirable requirements of the person specification in their application. Please complete an application cover sheet and attach this to your application quoting the vacancy number 7020/2008 in your application and forward an original application plus two copies, including the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: DFC Job Application Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf DCSA Application Cover Sheet:\DomCare SA Application Cover Sheet.doc J&P:\AS01 Gen Admin Off - Eliz pt.doc -8- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO1 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 3 MONTHS) ($20561.00/37531.00) Vacancy No. T6871/2008 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer is responsible for the provision of clerical duties which results in quality services to the staff and clients of the District Centre. Special Conditions: A current driver’s licence is essential. Some intrastate travel with overnight absences may be required. The incumbent will be required to uphold the values of the division and participate in a regular performance management process for the achievement of outcomes. The incumbent may be assigned to another position at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Murray Bridge) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Andrew Stevens, Business Manager, Families SA, PO Box 721, Murray Bridge SA, 5253, telephone 8535 6211, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jenny Leske, telephone 8535 6211, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: ASO1 Job & Person Specification:\ASO1 Admin Services Officer DC.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf -9- PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 REGIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 26/06/2009) T6640/2008 Duties: The Regional Customer Services Officer is responsible to the Team Leader, Customer Service and Administration, but also takes direction from Housing Team Leaders for providing quality customer service to members of the public, including information regarding eligibility for Housing SA services including public and private housing assistance. Day to day provision and maintenance of the front counter services and public waiting area. The provision of clerical and administrative support services. Contributing to the successful operation of teams and team relationships. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Far North Region - Port Augusta) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mrs Lea Crabtree, Regional Support Officer, Housing SA, telephone 8642 9145, email Applications to: Mrs Kristy Harding, Team Leader, Customer Service & Administration, Housing SA, Far North Region, PO Box 175, Port Augusta SA, 5700, telephone 8642 9136, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Lea Crabtree, telephone 8642 9145, or email Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO2 Regional Cust Services Off.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 10 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 REGIONAL SUPPORT OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) (Advt) T6658/2008 Duties: The Regional Support Officer position is an operational role within Regional Offices, Housing SA and is accountable to Team Leader Customer Service and Administration, Housing SA for providing a confidential secretarial and administrative support service to the Housing SA regional management team, administering time sensitive tasks within the region, such as Appeals and Ministerials and contributing to the effective operation of the region by providing administrative and clerical support to the regional team. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Appointment will be to a specific Housing Services Region, Housing SA with possible movement to any other Housing Services Region depending on organisational needs. The incumbent may be assigned to other areas to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification on a temporary or continuing basis. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Murray and Fleurieu Region - Murray Bridge Office) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Wendy Gaborit, Operations Manager, Housing SA, PO Box 1094, Murray Bridge SA, 5253, telephone 8532 8523, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\PD - Regional Support Officer HOU.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 11 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 24/12/2008) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. T7082/2008 Duties: The Administrative Services Officer is accountable to the Administration Manager, Manufacturing and Allied Technologies for the provision of a keyboard and general clerical service to the program which contributes to the provision of an effective and efficient administrative support to the Institute activities. The Administrative Services Officer is responsible for ensuring efficient and effective day to day clerical/administrative and Student Management System functions of the program which contributes to a comprehensive support service to the school. Special Conditions: Some overtime will be required during enrolment periods. A flexible approach to the taking of leave is essential. Is required to work on a roster basis between 8:00am and 5:30pm. May be required to work across Campuses. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Mechanical Engineering) Enquiries to: Sharon Wilton, Mechanical Engineering, telephone 8348 4598, email Applications to: Scott Vassal, Human Resources, TAFE SA - Human Resources Days Road, Regency Park, 5010, telephone 8348 4450, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sharon Wilton, telephone 8348 4598, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P Administrative Services Officer:\TAN0895 Admin Services Officer ASO2.doc Employment Declaration:\ Job Application Guidelines:\JOBAPPLICATIONGUIDELINES.pd f - 12 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 PERSONAL ASSISTANT (PART-TIME) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 7084/2008 Duties: The Personal Assistant, Planning, Policy & Reporting Branch is accountable to the Officer in Charge, Planning, Policy & Reporting Branch for the provision of a confidential secretarial, administrative and reception service, the supervision and coordination of the work of other clerical staff as required and the provision of a typing and general clerical support at management level within the Branch. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be licensed to drive a car. This is a part-time position working 22.5 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Days to be worked are flexible. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police (Performance Management and Reporting Service - Planning Policy and Review Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Dave Reding, Manager Administration, PMRS Administration Unit, telephone 08 8204 2652, email Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and the Desirable Criteria of the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name and contact details of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specification:\Personal Assistant ASO-2.pdf - 13 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER (SA FOOD CENTRE) (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2011) (Advt) C7018/2008 Duties: The SA Food Centre is intended to be a ‘one stop shop’ for the South Australian Food industry, and will facilitate the industry’s uptake of services and programs offered by the Centre’s partners as well as other government and industry organisations. The Administration Officer (SA Food Centre) will design and implement systems and processes in the newly established facility, and provide comprehensive, efficient and effective customer and administrative services to the SA Food Centre. Special Conditions: This is a contract position until 30 June 2011 with a possible extension subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds. The position is located at the SA Food Centre, based at the Regency Park TAFE College. Interstate and intrastate travel may be required and a current driver’s licence is highly desirable. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Dr Andrew Barber, Principal Scientist, Innovative Foods and Plants, SARDI, GPO Box 397, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8207 7838, email Note: Position descriptions and guidelines are available from Mrs Jo Slade, telephone (08) 8207 7886 or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Preparing your application:\Applying for Positions in SARDI.pdf Position Description:\ASO-2 SA Food Centre 2008.pdf ASO2 COMMUNITY LIAISON COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 19/12/2008) (Advt) T7080/2008 Duties: Responsible for TAFE SA promotion and course coordination for the community, act as a TAFE SA and community reference point, undertake campus administrative functions to ensure day to day running of the site is maintained and provide appropriate student support and advocacy. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Nil Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required and a flexible approach to the taking of recreation leave. Some travel throughout the Institute may be required, also intrastate travel with possible overnight absences may be required. Required to participate in DFEEST Performance Management Program. Appointment to this position is subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Cleve) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: TAFESA - Regional (TAFE SA - Cleve - Regions) Enquiries to: Patrick Cotton, Community Education Manager, TAFE SA, telephone 8628 7060 Applications to: Fiona Reichelt, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone 8648 8716, email Note: Job and Person Specification is available from Fiona Reichelt. Applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain this information. Applicants are also encouraged to email their application to Fiona Reichelt. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. DFEEST is an equal opportunity employer. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 14 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T6801/2008 (Advt) Duties: Deliver a comprehensive range of high quality, integrated Government Agency services to customers, ensuring service excellence. Be proactive in identifying and responding to customer requirements, including promoting the range of Government information and services available through Service SA. Ensure that processing and receipting activities associated with customer service delivery complies with financial and audit guidelines and maintain the integrity of information systems. Contribute to a positive team culture where team members are proud of their contribution and are making a difference and demonstrate commitment to the customer service ethic that underpins Service SA. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. More than one position available. Applicants are required to authorise a check of Police Offender History Records, and the successful applicant must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence. Location: Lower North (Port Pirie) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Service SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Tricia Lee, Manager, Port Pirie , Locked bag 1, Port Pirie, 5540, telephone 8632 9222, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. External applicants are required to complete the ‘Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector’ and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Declaration for Employment.pdf :\ASO2 Customer Service Officer J&P.pdf - 15 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 7051/2008 Duties: The Records Management Officer is responsible for the provision of a broad range of services relating to records/correspondence management. The position will contribute to achieving the business goals and the effective management of the Shared Services SA. Special Conditions: Incumbents must hold current Australian work eligibility status. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. All staff within unit are required to be part of a roster working 8.00a a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Incumbents are required to undertake performance management. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Treasury and Finance (Shared Services SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs T Hughes, Senior Records Management Officer, Records Management, Level 3, Westpac House, 91 King William Street or GPO Box 11030, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 08 8226 2785, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\Records Management Officer ASO2 nov Job Application Guildlines:\Job_Application_Guidelines_Oct 07.pdf ASO3 SENIOR PROPERTY OFFICER ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 6798/2008 Duties: The Senior Property Officer is responsible for the operation, management and security of the prisoner property store and records section. Responsible for documentation associated with the admissions of prisoners, receipt of prisoners property, maintenance of the property system and the responsibility for the daily operation of the prisons property store, which results in an efficient reception, property storage and issue service to prisoners. Responsible for the preparation and control of all records, excluding medical, associated with prisoners entering the prison including sentence details, Court appearances and discharge dates. Special Conditions: Located at Yatala Labour Prison. Required to work in a maximum security environment with some face to face contact with prisoners. Flexi-time core time and start times are to be negotiated to meet the needs of the prison and may be required to work overtime. A current SA Drivers Licence is desirable. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Jeff Golding, Business Manager, Yatala Labour Prison, 1 Peter Brown Drive, Northfield, 50, telephone 83430286, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\J&P Senior Property Officer.doc Applicant Package:\Advice to Job Applicants.pdf - 16 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 ADMINISTRATION COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2009) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. T7061/2008 Duties: The Administration Coordinator ensures effective operation of the Directorate by: Monitoring and updating financial and HR reports to assist managers; Designing and maintaining effective administrative and information systems to record, monitor and report on the Directorate’s activities in relation to staffing, IT, office supplies and equipment, information and other resource requirements; Maintaining, monitoring and reporting on the Directorate budget including Commonwealth funding sources (budget and expenditure) by ensuring the provision of current and accurate information on all financial matters within the Directorate; Providing first point of contact with finance queries for Directorate. Special Conditions: Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (Planning, Policy and Innovation - Workforce Development Directorate) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Chris Harrison, Director, Workforce Development Directorate, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 5552, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. DFEEST is an equal opportunity employer and encourages Indigenous Australians, young people, people with disabilities, people from culturally diverse backgrounds and women to apply for advertised positions. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\ESFS034 - Admin Co-ord.pdf Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines July08.doc - 17 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PROJECT OFFICER COORDINATOR ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 6963/2008 Duties: The Project Officer Coordinator is accountable to the Chief Technology Officer for the establishment and ongoing provision of office and administrative services associated with the review, analysis and management of Delivery Services budgets and projects. This will result in the provision of timely support services assisting the Delivery Services Unit in providing accurate budget and project reports for its’ stakeholders. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra state travel may be required. The incumbent will uphold the values of DH as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within DH subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr G Earl, Chief Technology Officer, Information and Communication Technology Services, Delivery Services, telephone 8226 7355, email Applications to: Ms M Savage, Human Resources Officer, Information and Communication Technology Services, Customer Services Branch, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall SA, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7344, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage telephone 8226 7344 or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P_Project Officer Coordinator_ASO3:\J&P_ASO3 ProjectOfficerCoord.pdf Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf - 18 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PROJECT AND EXECUTIVE SUPPORT OFFICER ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 7079/2008 Duties: Provide a range of confidential and high-level, personalised administrative and secretarial support functions, requiring the application of initiative and judgement, to efficiently and effectively support the Senior Programs Manager, AC&H. Special Conditions: Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. The incumbent is expected to work in a manner consistent with all relevant state and federal legislation, including the PSM Act, the Equal Opportunity Act 1984, Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Act 1995 and the Code of Conduct. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Premier and Cabinet (Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Andy Robb, Senior Programs Manager, Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division, telephone 8226 8881, email Applications to: Mrs Diana Quaglia , Human Resources Support Officer, Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation Division, GPO Box 2343, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8226 8931, email Note: Applicants are asked to submit a cover letter of no more than 2 pages in length demonstrating their suitability for the role along with an up to date CV please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO3 Project & Exec Supp Off Jul08.doc Application Guidelines:\DPC - Guidelines for Applicants.pdf ASO3 ELECTORAL OFFICER ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 6943/2008 Duties: The Electoral Officer is directly accountable to a Senior Electoral Officer for providing assistance in the development, maintenance and application of the most proficient practices and procedures, which contribute, to the professional and ethical conduct of Parliamentary, Statutory and other non-government and local government electoral events and associated activities. Special Conditions: In order not to compromise the strict neutrality of the Office, no person who is active in political affairs and intends to carry on this activity may be an employee. Extensive out of normal working hours duty is required during the period of an election. Interstate and intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Rose Park) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: State Electoral Office Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Trevor Overy, Senior Electoral Officer, State Electoral Office, 134 Fullarton Road, Rose Park SA, 5067, telephone 8401 4321, email, web site Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P Specification:\ElecOff.doc - 19 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2009) T7094/2008 Duties: The Professional Development Coordinator is responsible for, coordinating, and implementing professional development activities and assisting in the supervision of the Teaching and Learning Office. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Nil Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 52.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some evening and weekend work may be required. There is a requirement to travel between campuses and/or be located at any of the campuses as the need arises. A flexible approach to working hours and the taking of leave is essential. Appointment to this position is subject to a satisfactory criminal history check. Location: Gawler Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: TAFESA - Regional (TAFE SA - Gawler - Innovations, Teaching and Learning) Enquiries to: Anne Dening, Educational Manager - Innovations, Teaching and Learning, TAFE SA, telephone 0413 051 801, email Applications to: Fiona Reichelt, Assistant HR Consultant, TAFE SA, 141 Nicolson Avenue, Whyalla Norrie, 5608, telephone (08) 8648 8716, email Note: Job and Person Specification is available from Fiona Reichelt. Applicants are strongly encouraged to obtain this information. Applicants are advised to only email their applications to Fiona Reichelt. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. DFEEST is an equal opportunity employer. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 ASO3 PROJECT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) C7023/2008 Duties: The Project Officer is responsible for assisting with major projects and programmes involving the investigation and development of systems, practices and procedures and providing administrative support to other members of ICT Strategic Sourcing by undertaking and co-ordinating projects of an administrative nature. The project officer also provides assistance to committees and working parties by providing investigation and research support, as required. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. The incumbent may be required to work within other areas of OCIO. This position will be filled as a contract appointment for an initial period of 12 months. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Office of the Chief Information Officer) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Rachel Capetanakis, Senior Project Officer, ICT Strategic Sourcing, GPO Box 1484, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 2211, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\AD1302 ASO3 Proj Off J&P Spec.pdf - 20 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 EXECUTIVE SUPPORT OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. (Advt-Recirc) 4902/2008 Duties: The Executive Support Officer is responsible for the provision of confidential secretarial, administrative support and project based services that contribute to achieving the business goals and the effective management of the Shared Services SA. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel may be required. Incumbents must hold current Australian work eligibility status. Incumbents are required to undertake performance management. This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Shared Services SA - Administration) Enquiries and Applications to: Janell Behrendt, Manager Central Administration Team, Shared Services SA, GPO Box 11030, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8462 1186, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Janell Behrendt, telephone 8462 1186, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please ensure you address the "Technical or Expert Knowledge/Experience" criteria as part of your application. Those applicants who submit their application via email do not need to send original hard copies. No folders/binded applications please. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\4902 Exec Support J&P.doc Application Guidelines:\4902 Application Guidelines.doc - 21 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 HOUSING OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. T6645/2008 Duties: The Housing Officer position within Housing Services, Housing SA, is accountable to the Housing Team Leader for offering customers a range of housing options, across the housing continuum (public, private, community, home ownership opportunities). Facilitating successful customer housing outcomes, through timely assessments, responses and support. Providing quality customer service to internal and external customers. Ensuring customers have a clear understanding of tenancy obligations across the continuum. Providing advocacy services and connection to support services where necessary. Contributing to achievement of team key performance indicators. Actively contributing to team success and overall goals in a mutually supportive manner. Participating in community development and capacity building. Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Some out of hours work may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Coober Pedy) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Far North Region - Coober Pedy) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mrs Lea Crabtree, Regional Support Officer, Housing SA, telephone 8642 9145, email Applications to: Mr Chris Kennett, A/Regional Manager, Far North, PO Box 175, Port Augusta SA, 5700, telephone 8642 9145, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Mrs Lea Crabtree, telephone 8642 9145, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\ASO4 Housing Officer (Generic).doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 22 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 HOUSING OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 6273/2008 Duties: The Housing Officer position within Housing Services, Housing SA, is accountable to the Housing Team Leader for offering customers a range of housing options, across the housing continuum (public, private, community, home ownership opportunities), facilitating successful customer housing outcomes, through timely assessments, responses and support, providing quality customer service to internal and external customers and ensuring customers have a clear understanding of tenancy obligations across the continuum. The Housing officer is also responsible for providing advocacy services and connection to support services where necessary, contributing to achievement of team key performance indicators, actively contributing to team success and overall goals in a mutually supportive manner and participating in community development and capacity building. Special Conditions: More than one permanent position available and more than one temporary fulltime and part time positions available at Port Adelaide and The Parks. The incumbent in the position is a Mandated Notifier of child abuse under the Children’s Protection Act 1993. An incumbent may be required to drive considerable distances in the course of their duties and must possess a current Class C Drivers Licence. Some out of hours work, and occasional intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences may be required. Appointment will be to a specific Housing Services Region, Housing SA with possible movement to any other Housing Services Region depending on organisational needs. The incumbent may be assigned to other areas to perform work of a similar nature appropriate to the classification on a temporary or continuing basis. Location: Adelaide Metro (Port Adelaide and The Parks (Angle Park)) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Housing Services South - Western Adelaide Region) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mrs Teresa Walker, Team Leader, Western Adelaide Region, 296 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide SA, 5015, telephone 8347 5236, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Theresa Walker, Team Leader, Housing SA, Western Adelaide Region, telephone 8347 5236, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\PD - Housing Officer (Generic).doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 23 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROPERTY COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. T6885/2008 Duties: The Property Coordinator is accountable to the Maintenance Field Manager for providing a range of field operations to support quality vacancy/transfer services and asset decisions and providing contract monitoring services. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to work across several regions (this may include responsibility for a metro and country region). Some out of hours work and occasional intrastate travel necessitating overnight stays may be required. The incumbent will be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of specific outcomes. Current Driver’s licence is necessary. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Housing Services - Maintenance Operations) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Bill Carroll, Maintenance Field Manager-South, Maintenance Operations, telephone 8375 7251, email Applications to: Ms Sarah Muldoon, Office Manager, Maintenance Operations, 100 Reservoir Road, Modbury SA, 5092, telephone 8265 8323, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sarah Muldoon, Office Manager, telephone 8265 8323, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\AS04 Property Coordinator Final.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 24 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 PROJECT OFFICER, RESEARCH (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) (Advt) C5419/2008 Duties: The Project Officer, Research position is a strategic role within the Strategy and Research Division and is accountable to the Manager, Research and Analysis for: Assisting in the development and implementation of the DFC Research Communication Strategy, assisting or undertaking research projects, producing research communication products, including research notes and practice guides, developing and maintaining excellent networks of communication across DFC and with other key stakeholders. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. This position will be filled as a contract appointment for up to 2 years. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Research & Analysis Unit) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Nancy Rogers, Manager, Research & Analysis Unit, Level 2 North West, Riverside Building, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8413 8170, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Nancy Rogers, telephone 8413 8170, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf :\ASO4 Research Project Officer.doc - 25 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 IT ASSETS ADMINISTRATOR ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. 7006/2008 Duties: The IT Assets Administrator is accountable to the Manager Infrastructure. This position is responsible for the administration and management of all information relating to SAPol IT assets. The asset base includes all hardware equipment and software titles which are used by SAPOL throughout locations across the State. This includes the ongoing development and maintenance of an asset database, with particular focus on ensuring the accuracy of the information stored. Particular emphasis is placed on this position's need to closely liaise with each LSA and Service area to ensure that the provision of asset information is timely and accurate. This includes the initial negotiation of equipment replacement through upgrade, consolidation or rationalisation. The position is also responsible for placing and monitoring IT Procurement requests via Infrastructure Services Branch technical staff and liaison with Procurement & Contract Management ensuring timely delivery and payment of required items. This position also has a responsibility for the management of equipment through its lifecycle and therefore must have experience of the State's guidelines on procurement and familiar with the process of securely salvaging equipment. A good understanding of the breadth of IT hardware and software is expected to allow the IT Assets Administrator to identify and correctly categorise computing equipment. This position is responsible for a range of corporate ICT asset reporting requirements within the agency and compliance reporting to agencies such as OCIO & DTEI. Special Conditions: Some intrastate/interstate travel may be required. Some overtime and out of normal business hours work may be required Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Police Enquiries to: Craig Grant, telephone 8204 2614 Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and Desirable Characteristics of the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name and contact details of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job & Person Specification:\Assets officer ASO-4.pdf - 26 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 BUSINESS ANALYST/PROGRAMMER (Advt-Recirc) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. 6230/2008 Duties: The Business Analyst/Programmer is accountable to the Officer in Charge, BIS for the provision of information products and services. This will be achieved through the interrogation of existing databases (involving the development and maintenance of a library of complex extraction programs) and other research sources, or through the design, implementation, documentation and maintenance of information collection systems. The Business Analyst/Programmer will be required to provide and interpret data and produce analytical reports on key trends; to research and produce background information for corporate-level reports; to contribute to corporate mapping and performance-related products; to contribute to the quality, reliability and relevance of data, and to provide a consultative service for users of data products. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required from time to time. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Planning, Policy and Review Branch - Business Information Section) Enquiries to: Chief Inspector Kym Thomas, Officer in Charge, Business Information Section, telephone 0434 071 506, email Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and Desirable Characteristics of the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specification:\BIS Business Analyst ASO4.pdf - 27 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 IT PROJECT QUALITY OFFICER ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. 7071/2008 Duties: The IT Project Quality Officer is responsible for ensuring that IT Projects are managed in accordance with Departmental and Whole of Government policies, standards and methodologies. The incumbent will provide Support to Agency IT Governance bodies, including coordination of meetings. A key component of the role will be preparation of project reports, including project exception reports, monitoring of projects to ensure appropriate controls are in place and provision of assistance with procurement of IT services and project risk assessments. The incumbent will also provide assistance with the preparation of departmental costs models and the financial tracking of departmental projects. The incumbent will have a strong customer focus, an understanding of IT project and risk management and a commitment to the ongoing improvement of the IT Project Services Section via input and contribution to the development and maintenance of policies and standards for the section. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Primary Industries and Resources Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Philippa Byrnes, Manager, IT Project Services, Information Management - Corporate Division, GPO Box 1671, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 0542, email Note: Applicants should address capability definitions as outlined in the capabilities profile in section C of the Position Description. Please forward an original application plus three copies, including the name and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\IT Project Quality Officer.pdf Guidelines for Applicants:\Guidelines for Applicants.pdf AMENDMENT ASO4 SENIOR IT PROJECT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 27/02/2009) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. T6932/2008 Duties: The Senior IT Project Officer coordinates small ICT projects and undertakes project activities for large ICT projects to ensure the project is completed in a satisfactory manner. The Senior IT Project Officer maintains technical documentation about ICT services using the agency’s Enterprise Architecture framework for planning and compliance reporting, and works with key business staff to provide a secondary level of customer service within Strategic IT. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Water, Land, and Biodiversity Conservation (Corporate Services Division Strategic IT) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Sharon Pearn, A/Manager, Strategic IT, GPO Box 2834, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8463 7902, Amended Note: Please refer to Application Information for criteria to be responded to in written application. Please note amended Application Information Selection Criteria. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 28 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 ASSET SUPPORT COORDINATOR (Advt) Vacancy No. 7096/2008 Duties: The Asset Support Coordinator; Provides expert advice and services on a range of asset management functions that contribute to the efficient and effective delivery of government/departmental objectives; Contributes to the development of new techniques, policies and methodologies that support the provision of a coordinated asset management service; Coordinates, undertakes and/or contributes to a range of projects within broadly defined guidelines at a corporate, district and site level in accordance with Asset Services goals and related government/departmental policy and procedures; Contributes to the resolution of complex matters relating to asset management services for DECS sites through undertaking liaison, consultation and negotiation with a range of stakeholders; Contributes to and supports the delivery and maintenance of efficient work practices within the team which support Asset Services. Special Conditions: Some travel to DECS sites is required as part of this position. Some out of hours work may be required. The incumbent may be required to undertake a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Resources Portfolio - Asset Services) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr R Lowe, DECS, Level 11, Education Centre, 31 Flinders St, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 1253, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Mr R Lowe, telephone 8226 1253, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\ASO5 Asst Spt Coord Feb 08.doc ASO5 ($59236.00/66356.00) SENIOR BUSINESS INFORMATION ANALYST (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. T6965/2008 Duties: The Senior Business Information Analyst position is a strategic role within Families SA and is accountable to the Manager, Business Planning and Development for providing management information that supports corporate decision making, business planning and policy development. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Initial position is for 6 months with a possible extension after the 6 months. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Business Planning & Development) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Rosie Beare, Business Support Officer, Corporate Services, telephone 8124 4187, email Applications to: Ms Ros Wilson, Manager, Business, Planning & Development, GPO Box 292, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7009, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\F02003 AS05 J P Final July 08 (2).doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 29 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 PROGRAM COORDINATOR (Advt) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 7041/2008 Duties: The Program Coordinator position is a role within Property Services and is accountable to the Program Manager for monitoring the achievement of all sub stages of the allocated programs and coordinating reporting to ensure the delivery and communication of building program outcomes in a timely and effective manner. Special Conditions: Applicants are required to authorise a check of Police Offender History Records, and the successful applicant must not have been found guilty of any relevant offence. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Housing SA - Asset Services - Property Services) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Carol Douglas, Development Manager, Property Services, telephone 8207 0696, email Applications to: Ms Ainsley Roberts, Manager, Administration, Asset Services, GPO Box 1669, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8207 0710, email Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Spec:\ASO5 Program Coordinator.pdf Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf - 30 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 FLEET DESKTOP ENGINEER - APPLICATION PACKAGING (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 6994/2008 Duties: The Fleet Desktop Engineer is accountable to the Fleet Desktop Group Manager for managing and coordinating a range of specialist activities that ensure the effective and best practice management of the Desktop Environment across the Health Portfolio. This position is responsible for the Desktop Fleet Environment, including SOE design, packaging desktop applications for deployment, design and deployment of Group Policies and the management and mitigation of threats and risks including the administration of Anti-virus software. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Some out of hours work will be required. Interstate and intrastate travel will be required. May be required to attend up to 10 days full time training each year. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr M Coghlan, Fleet Desktop Group Manager, Information and Communication Technology Services, Delivery Services, telephone 8226 9804, email Applications to: Ms M Savage, Human Resources Officer, Information and Communication Technology Services, Customer Services Branch, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall SA, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7344, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage telephone 8226 7344 or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P_Fleet Desktop Engineer_ASO5:\J&P_ASO5 Fleet Desktop Engineer.pdf Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf - 31 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 FLEET DESKTOP ENGINEER - PATCH MANAGEMENT (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 6964/2008 Duties: The Fleet Desktop Engineer is accountable to the Fleet Desktop Group Manager for managing and coordinating a range of specialist activities that ensure the effective and best practice management of the Desktop Environment across the Health Portfolio. This position is responsible for the Desktop Fleet Environment, including SOE design, packaging desktop applications for deployment, design and deployment of Group Policies and the management and mitigation of threats and risks including the administration of Anti-virus software. Special Conditions: The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Some out of hours work will be required. Interstate and intrastate travel will be required. May be required to attend up to 10 days full time training each year. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Information and Communication Technology Services - Delivery Services) Enquiries to: Mr M Coghlan, Fleet Desktop Group Manager, Information and Communication Technology Services, Delivery Services, telephone 8226 9804, email Applications to: Ms M Savage, Human Resources Officer, Information and Communication Technology Services, Customer Services Branch, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall SA, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 7344, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential criteria of the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from Maria Savage telephone 8226 7344 or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P_Fleet Desktop Engineer_ASO5:\J&P_ASO5 Fleet Desktop Engineer.pdf Job Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.pdf - 32 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 POLICY OFFICER ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 7056/2008 Duties: The Policy Officer is accountable to the Manager, Safety Policy for undertaking research and investigation into issues and initiatives contributing to the effective delivery of road safety programs; undertaking research and analysis for the development of sound road safety policy which contributes to the achievement of DTEI’s corporate goals for transport safety in accordance with the directions provided by State and National transport safety strategies and policy documents and international conventions. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and interstate and intrastate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD (Roma Mitchell House) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division) Enquiries to: Ms Paula Norman, Manager, Safety Policy, telephone 08 8204 8822 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 08 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants MUST complete the Application Cover Sheet (contained within the Guide to Apply) and Employment Declaration and submit with their application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\Policy Officer ASO5 .doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC ASO5 FINANCIAL ANALYST ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 6970/2008 Duties: The Financial Analyst provides a range of specialist analysis and advice to the Manager Finance and Commercial Services, and to the Service SA management team, to support a strategic approach to financial decision-making that contributes to the achievement of budget and funding strategies, initiatives and targets. The position is required to undertake complex analytical investigation projects and business modelling services including cost recovery, fee structures and the analysis of new initiatives. Contributing to the timely and accurate monitoring and reporting of Service SA’s financial performance. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Completed or undertaking appropriate tertiary studies in accounting, economics or a related discipline. Special Conditions: Some intra and interstate travel and out of hours work may be required from time to time. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Service SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Paul Sansome, Manager, Finance and Commercial Services, GPO Box 1707, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 7512, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\ASO5 Financial Analyst.pdf - 33 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5/ ASO6 SENIOR HUMAN RESOURCES CONSULTANT (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($59236.00/66356.00) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. T7098/2008 Duties: The Senior Human Resource Consultant contributes to the effective and efficient implementation of best practice human resources within the Department by providing a project and consultancy service on a range of human resource management issues. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intra-state travel will be required. Driver’s Licence is essential. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide CBD (Central Office) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Department for Human Resources - Employee Relations Unit ) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Angela Gransden , Manager, Employee Relations, Department for Correctional Services , GPO Box 1747, Adelaide , 5001, telephone 8226 9951, email Note: Appointment will be based upon the applicant's skills, knowledge and experience. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Advice to Job Applicants:\Advice to Job Applicants.pdf ASO5 JOb & Person Spec:\7098 - ASO5 J&P.pdf ASO6 Job & Person Spec:\7098 - ASO6 J&P.doc ASO6 SENIOR CONSULTANT, WORKFORCE STRATEGY (Advt-Recirc) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 4873/2008 Duties: The Senior Consultant, Workforce Strategy is responsible for developing, coordinating and implementing a range of strategic workforce initiatives that strengthen the attraction, retention commitment and performance of the SA Health workforce. The initiatives will contribute significantly to the achievement of planned business outcomes for the Department of Health and across SA Health. The Senior Consultant, Workforce Strategy is responsible for delivering strategic HR projects and for coordinating and supporting the delivery of strategic HR projects by other HR Consultants. Special Conditions: Some out-of-hours work may be required. Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Workforce Development) Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Patrick Smith, Manager, Human Resources, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 08 8226 6837, email Note: Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 15 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\ASO6 Senior Consultant.doc - 34 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SUPERVISOR ACCOUNTING SERVICES (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7050/2008 Duties: The Supervisor Accounting Services is accountable to the Manager Corporate Shared Services Branch for the management of accounting services to Shared Services SA, taxation and accounting within SAPOL. Output from the Corporate Shared Services Branch has significant emphasis on high quality, timely service delivery and continuous improvement consistent with SAPOL’s Future Directions Strategy, Government’s policy objectives and Government Financial Management Framework. The Supervisor Accounting Services is required to contribute to the successful implementation and operation of financial management practice improvements related to accounting services to Shared Services SA and taxation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate Bachelor degree level tertiary qualification in Accounting, or Finance, that majors in accounting. Special Conditions: Some work out of normal hours and / or overtime may be required. Some intra / interstate travel may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Business Services - Corporate Shared Services Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Robert Drusetta, Manager, Corporate Shared Services Branch, telephone (08) 8204 2742, email Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Lauren Dobbie, telephone 8204 2761, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and the Desirable Criteria of the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name and contact details of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specicication:\Supervisor Accnt Srvs ASO6.pdf - 35 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 PROJECT MANAGER SUSTAINABILITY / FACILITIES (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7103/2008 Duties: An exciting career opportunity exists for a result-driven individual with a facility management and or project management background to complement the South Australia Police - Physical Assets Services team. Working within a small focused group, the position is responsible for day to day planning and strategic direction through provision of high quality planning and strategic services directed to SAPOL’s major asset categories. A high standard of project management skills combined with a proven and successful record in the facility field is required. The role requires superior communication skills and the ability to develop strong relationships with internal customers and external suppliers. The Project Manager Sustainability / Facilities position also coordinates the collection of information and reporting of sustainability projects and environmental performance. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and intrastate travel may be required. Current Driver’s Licence is essential. The incumbent is required to commit to SAPOL’s code of conduct. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (Physical Assets Services Branch - Strategic Asset Management Services Section) Enquiries to: Julie Hill, Team Support Officer, Physical Assets Services Branch, telephone (08) 8204 2679, email Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application, plus three copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and Desirable Characteristics of the Job and Person Specification. The covering letter should be no more than two pages and should outline your skills and experience relevant to the position. The application should detail particular experience in management of projects, people and consultants. Applicants should include the name and contact details of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specification:\ASO6 Project Manager Sustainability.pdf - 36 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR RESEARCH OFFICER (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7086/2008 Duties: The Senior Research Officer is accountable to the Officer in Charge, Crime Prevention Coordination Section for planning, implementing, coordinating, evaluating and monitoring projects on integrated strategic criminal investigation practices, policies and programs across the organisation. The incumbent is also responsible for the preparation of funding submissions, business cases and briefing papers, together with research, analysis and advice on policy and related issues, to assist senior management with decisions relating to operational policing, planning and policy. The Senior Research Officer is also responsible for the occupational health safety and welfare of all the staff under his/her control and for maintaining a discrimination and harassment free work and service delivery environment. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some interstate and intrastate travel with overnight stays may be required Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Police (State Crime Prevention Branch - Crime Prevention Coordination Section) Enquiries to: Sergeant Joanne Howard, telephone 08 8204 2927, email Applications to: Receptionist, Human Resources, GPO Box 1539, ADELAIDE SA, 5001 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies addressing the Essential Minimum Requirements and Desirable Characteristics of the Job and Person Specification. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\JobApplicationGuidelines.pdf Job and Person Specification:\Senior Research Officer ASO-6.pdf - 37 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5/ ASO6/ ASO7 INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ADVISER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($59236.00/66356.00) (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) ($75751.00/82227.00) Vacancy No. 7129/2008 Duties: The Industrial Relations Adviser is responsible for conducting sensitive and high level negotiations dealing with significant Industrial Relations claims and matters, including major Enterprise Bargaining negotiations, and the provision of industrial advocacy services. The Industrial Relations Adviser works closely with Agency Chief Executives and other Executive level officers to assess major Industrial Relations claims, develop sustainable and appropriate recommendations for Government’s consideration, conduct necessary negotiations and deal with related matters, advocate the Government’s position before Industrial Tribunals and develop appropriate implementation strategies and processes to give effect to achieved outcomes. The Industrial Relations Adviser conducts and/or coordinates major Workforce Relations Projects, contributes to policy development and is responsible for training divisional staff in negotiation strategy and techniques and Industrial Relations advocacy. Special Conditions: An attractive remuneration package will be negotiated with successful candidates. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Premier and Cabinet (Public Sector Workforce Division) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Gary Salter, Director, Public Sector Workforce Relations, Public Sector Workforce Division, PO Box 2343, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82263082, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Roger Fennell, telephone 82262725, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\pid Industrial Relations Adviser.pdf - 38 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 FINANCIAL AND MANAGEMENT REPORTING ADVISER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. T7083/2008 Duties: The Financial and Management Reporting Adviser is accountable to the Team Leader, Performance Monitoring and Reporting for providing high level financial reporting, monitoring and expert analysis functions for the Department and ensuring the Department meets its financial reporting obligations; coordinating and ensuring the provision of expert financial advice and information to the Department of Treasury and Finance and to the Chief Finance Officer relating to the optimisation of Agency funding; being the primary financial contact for DTEI Divisions; consolidation and reporting of Department information to be included in whole of government budget papers which significantly contributes to the achievement of corporate goals of an efficient and safe transport system. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in accounting, finance or economics majoring in accounting. Special Conditions: Some work outside normal hours and some intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Vince Scuteri, A/Team Leader, Performance Monitoring and Reporting, telephone 8343 2353 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\Fin Mgmt Report Advisor ASO6.DOC Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 39 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR ICT SECURITY ADVISOR (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 6444/2008 Duties: The Senior ICT Security Advisor is responsible to the ICT Contracts, Security and Compliance Manager for coordinating and providing corporately focussed ICT Security consultation and advisory services to a range of clients; facilitating the establishment of ICT Security policies, strategies, tactics, standards and practices pertaining to network, server, desktop, office equipment and information systems across DTEI and their alignment with the prevailing Across Government Security Framework; developing, implementing, monitoring across-CICTS practices to incorporate ICT Security and Risk Management as an integral component of ICT systems proposals, developments, changes and ongoing operations which contributes to the achievement of DTEI and Section business objectives pertaining to the provision of ICT services. Special Conditions: Required to carry a mobile phone. Out of hours work will be occasionally required. A current driver’s licence is required. Must be prepared to effectively deal with a range of potentially offensive material. Some intrastate travel will be required and occasional interstate travel may be required necessitating overnight absences. Be willing to undertake a SAPOL Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Corporate Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Neville Fryar, ICT Contracts, Security and Compliance Manager, telephone 08 8343 2536 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 08 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Emp Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC J & P:\snr ict sec advis ASO6 23315.DOC - 40 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SENIOR PROJECT OFFICER (Advt) Vacancy No. 6670/2008 Duties: The Senior Project Officer, Legislation – Policy and Services is accountable to the Manager, Legislation – Policy and Services for the provision of legislative and associated policy advice, including the development of legislation, and of implementation and post implementation strategies for new legislation which results in the achievement of Government and Departmental objectives in line with the Government’s regulatory and micro-economic reform agenda. Special Conditions: Attendance may be required on Public Holidays and over the Christmas New Year period. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD (Roma Mitchell House) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Policy and Planning Division) Enquiries to: Ms Andrea Pearce, Manager, telephone 08 8204 8829 Applications to: Ms Carolyn Drumm, HR Coordinator, Level 9, Roma Mitchell House 136 North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 08 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Emp Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC J & P:\T6670 snr pjt off ASO6.DOC ASO6 ($68623.00/72832.00) CCC OPERATIONS COORDINATOR (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 6955/2008 Duties: The CCC Operations Coordinator manages the efficient and effective operations, programs, budgets and resources of the CCC to ensure the achievement of Service SA objectives. The role is responsible for the operational aspects of service contracts, lead and manage a group of Team Leaders and administrative positions and coordinate the development and implementation of recruitment, training and Quality Assurance programs. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Service SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Ian Sandercock, Manager, Customer Contact Centre, GPO Box 1707, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9856, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. External applicants are required to complete the 'Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector' and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Declaration for Employment.pdf :\ASO6 CCC Operations Coordinator.pdf - 41 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 PROJECT MANAGER QUALITY & STANDARDS ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7085/2008 Duties: The Project Manager Quality & Standards is accountable to the Coordinator Infrastructure Standards for; providing specialist services to the development and coordination of the Projects Directorate Audit Program with a continuous improvement intent including managing relationships with external auditors; coordinating and/or undertaking a variety of audits with a focus on developing, encouraging and supporting stakeholders in achieving high level understanding, commitment and compliance to quality assurance and standards; maintaining effective relationships and consultative processes with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure clarity of expectations and constructive feedback; providing expert input into the development and updating of road-related infrastructure technical standards, guidelines and procedures within the Standards Framework; undertaking a range of other Quality Assurance activities/projects, as required; undertaking a range of other Quality Assurance activities/projects, as required which contributes to the achievement of Government objectives for an equitable, efficient, safe, sustainable, integrated and competitive transport system Special Conditions: Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel may be required. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Transport Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Gary Hutchinson, Coordinator, Infrastructure Standards, telephone 83432120, email Applications to: Ms Lynne Franks, HR Coordinator, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone 83432608, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\24010 Project Manager J&P's.doc :\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 42 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 NORTH WESTERN LOCAL ICAN PROGRAM MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($75751.00/82227.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6243/2008 Duties: The Local ICAN Program Manager is accountable to the State Manager, Innovative Community Action Networks (ICANs) for the management and progress of ICAN initiatives in the North Western metropolitan area. ICAN is a key initiative of the State government’s Social Inclusion School Retention Integrated Strategy and the DECS School to Work Strategy. The Local North Western ICAN Program Manager: works in partnership with relevant government and community stakeholders to identify and promote innovative and creative solutions that deliver improved education, training, employment and community participation outcomes for young people at risk of disengagement from learning. The ICAN Program Manager provides significant expertise in the promotion of socially inclusive practice and youth engagement expertise focussed towards particular community/agency programs/objectives which impact on cross agency program delivery. The successful applicant will lead the development and coordinates the implementation of local ICAN community partnerships, ICAN strategic plans and ensures that programs and services are provided to deliver on that plan. The successful applicant will plan, formulate, implement, deliver, monitor and evaluate local Innovative Community Action Network and Flexible Learning Options (FLO) initiatives in partnership with DECS Learning and Work Team projects and programs. They will administer complex policy to maintain standards and support the achievement of corporate goals and objectives. They will provide regular high level reports for monitoring, accountability and evaluation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant Tertiary qualifications in relevant areas of education / community development / social work / public policy. Special Conditions: Significant out of hours work, intrastate travel and some interstate travel will be required, with overnight absences in some instances. Current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History check prior to confirmation of appointment. This position will be for 12 months initially with a possibility of extension subject to performance review. Location: Adelaide Metro (North West (Flinders Park)) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Education and Children's Services (Schools and Children's Services - Curriculum Services - Learning and Work) Enquiries to: Ms Phillipa Duigan, Manager, telephone 8226 1726, email Applications to: Ms Karen Gilbert, Personal Assistant, Beatty Street, Flinders Park, 5025, telephone 8416 7303, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Karen Gilbert, telephone 8416 7303, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\ASO7 ICAN Program ManagerV5.doc - 43 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 FACILITIES & ASSET MANAGER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($75751.00/82227.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C7059/2008 Duties: Located at the Waite Research Precinct the Facilities and Asset Manager will be the key driver of the strategic and operational infrastructure planning and delivery for SARDI. You will be instrumental in the management of the PRC and greenhouse services team, whose services are integral to the R&D programs and must run effectively and functionally 24/7. You will be responsible for developing best practice initiatives regarding asset management across 15 sites and managing contracts and subcontractors to ensure delivery of exceptional customer service to your internal clients. Consultative, a strong communicator, both written and verbal, and possessing demonstrated experience in asset management of complex and diverse facilities are essential. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A relevant trade certification in a technical field i.e. electrical, air conditioning, building or similar, with extensive relevant experience. Special Conditions: This is a contract position, initially for 5 years, located at the Waite Campus, Urrbrae. A current driver’s licence is essential. Some intra-state and inter-state travel is required. Some out of hours work, including emergency call-out may be required. After hours Building Management System (BMS) emergency monitoring through a home computer (supplied) is required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Urrbrae) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (SA Research and Development Institute) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Adrian Fiocchini, Consultant, Hudson Pro, Consultant, Hudson Property & Construction, telephone (08) 8223 8800, email, web site Note: A position description and guidelines on how to apply are available from Adrian Fiocchini, telephone (08) 8223 8800 or email Please apply, quoting the relevant reference number Ref.No.ADAD/5B/09953 online at or by emailing your resume to Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 44 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER, MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT (Advt) ($85367.00/88750.00) Vacancy No. 7038/2008 Duties: Are you interested in playing a pivotal role in advancing the Environmental Agenda? An excellent opportunity exists for an experienced Manager, skilled in the management accounting function. With its aspirations to promote sustainability, conserve and invest in South Australia’s rich heritage and diverse natural environments, the Department for Environment and Heritage will give you a chance to contribute to the achievement of environmental outcomes in nature and heritage conservation. We are currently looking for a qualified manager who can lead a medium sized team in the provision of a broad range of management accounting services. This position forms an integral part of the finance function of the agency and will see you leading budget formulation and contribute to the broader financial management strategy within the department. Reporting to the Director, Financial Services and working closely with the Executive and senior managers, this is a role that offers a strong exposure within the business as a whole, as you play a significant role in advancing the environmental agenda. This position is an ideal step up if you are looking to challenge yourself in a high profile role in an evolving and stimulating agency, and will involve achieving the following key outputs:- Leading the departmental budgeting and reporting processes. Developing a customer service orientated team providing a range of management accounting services. Providing effective strategic and tactical budget management advice. Improving financial and budget management practices, processes and systems. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree level qualification in Accountancy, Business Management, Economics or Commerce (Majoring in Accountancy). Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Rob Denton-Brown, telephone 08 8204 9161, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5, telephone 08 8204 1898, email Note: Applications should be no more than a 2 page letter outlining your capabilities, with a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of three referees. Please forward an original and three copies of your application and stating where you saw the position advertised. Please quote reference number 7038/2008 on application. No folders please. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\aso8_mgr_mngt_acctg_eh0327_jp.pdf Declaration Form:\Declaration Form.pdf - 45 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER APY PROGRAMS WEST ($85367.00/88750.00) Vacancy No. 6881/2008 Duties: The Manager APY Programs West position is a strategic role within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services and is accountable to the Senior Coordinator APY Lands for the management of Family Homemaker, Youth and Substance Misuse diversion, Disability and Ageing programs in the western communities on the APY Lands. Providing specialist skills and support in Homemaker, family support and disability services across the APY Lands. Initiate, review and recommend changes to coordination, structure and delivery of ATSI Services programs across the APY Lands. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to live in either Marla, Amata or other Aboriginal communities on the APY Lands. Current driving licence will be required, four wheel drive experience is highly desirable (training will be provided if necessary).The incumbent will be required to travel alone extensively over rough roads in remote locations. The incumbent will be required travel in light aircraft. Intra and Interstate travel will be required. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (APY Lands) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Peter Kay, Manager Substance Misuse and Youth Programs, Department for Families & Communities, PO Box 280, Marla SA, 5724, telephone (08) 8670 8103, email Note: People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\Manager APY Programs (West) ASO8.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 46 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER MAJOR REFORMS PROJECTS (Advt) ($85367.00/88750.00) Vacancy No. 6609/2008 Duties: The Manager Major Reforms Projects is responsible for the planning, development, implementation and successful establishment of key strategic mental health reform initiatives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualifications in health services related disciplines or public administration. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Mental Health Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Derek Wright, Director Operations, Mental Health, telephone 08 8226 6286, email Applications to: Sue Johnson, Business Manager, Mental Health Unit, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 08 8226 6182, email Note: Applicants are requested to provide an electronic copy of their application which addresses the Person Specification to Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\6609 Manager Major Reform Projects.doc - 47 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER REHABILITATION AND RECOVERY (Advt) ($85367.00/88750.00) Vacancy No. 6601/2008 Duties: The Manager, Rehabilitation and Recovery Services is responsible for the leadership and development of Rehabilitation and Recovery services in line with the South Australia Mental Health reform agenda. The incumbent will lead the improvement of the quality and performance of state funded mental health services and mental health outcomes by: Evaluating mental health Rehabilitation and Recovery services; redesigning the Rehabilitation and Recovery system across the state; Setting strategic direction and developing policy relating to: Mental Health in the Department; Rehabilitation and Recovery services delivery support; System improvement; Monitoring the outcomes of rehabilitation and recovery system redesign and ensuring the outcomes are congruent with State and National Mental Health Strategies and reforms. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualifications in health services related disciplines or public administration. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Mental Health Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Derek Wright, Director Operations, Mental Health, telephone 08 8226 6286, email Applications to: Sue Johnson, Business Manager, Mental Health Unit, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 08 8226 6182, email, web site Note: Applicants are requested to provide an electronic copy of their application which addresses the Person Specification to safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\6601-Manager Rehab Recovery Servs.doc - 48 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO8 MANAGER STATEWIDE SERVICES (Advt) ($85367.00/88750.00) Vacancy No. 6582/2008 Duties: The Manager, Statewide Services is responsible for the leadership and development of Statewide services in line with the South Australia Mental Health reform agenda. The incumbent will lead the improvement of the quality and performance of state funded mental health services and mental health outcomes by: Evaluating Statewide mental health services; Redesigning the Statewide services system across the state; Setting strategic direction and developing policy relating to: Mental Health in the Department; Statewide services delivery support; System improvement; Monitoring the outcomes of clinical system redesign and ensuring the outcomes are congruent with State and National Mental Health Strategies and reforms. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Relevant tertiary qualifications in health services related disciplines or public administration. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of specified outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Mental Health Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Derek Wright, Director Operations, Mental Health, telephone 08 8226 6182, email Applications to: Sue Johnson, Business Manager, Mental Health Unit, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 08 8226 6182, email, web site Note: Applicants are requested to provide an electronic copy of their application which addresses the Person Specification to safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\6582-Manager Statewide Services(2).doc AMENDMENT MAS3 REGIONAL CONSERVATOR OUTBACK REGION (Advt) ($90362.00 Vacancy No. 6843/2008 Department: Environment and Heritage Applicants and intending applicants are advised that the position advertised in the Notice of Vacancies dated 01 August 08 has been withdrawn from call. - 49 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES MAS3 DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 EXECUTIVE MANAGER, HR & CORPORATE SERVICES (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($90362.00) Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C7111/2008 Duties: Reporting to the Chief Executive, as Manager HR and Corporate Services you will be responsible for the provision of a comprehensive range of strategic and operational human resource management, financial management, administration and other corporate services to support the efficient and effective functioning of the SACE Board of South Australia. Location: Adelaide Metro (Wayville) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SACE Board of South Australia Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: David Dunnicliff, Hender Consulting, email, web site Note: For a job and person specification, please visit and for further information on our client, please visit Applications in Word format only should be forwarded to David Dunnicliff by e-mail to Telephone enquiries may be directed to Edwina Hicks on (08) 8100 8820. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 25 Aug 2008 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) MAS3 MANAGER, CALL CENTRE OPERATIONS, SERVICE DELIVERY (Advt) ($90362.00) Vacancy No. 6954/2008 Duties: The Manager, Call Centre Operations, Service Delivery provides high level and strategic leadership for the Service SA Customer Service Delivery function to ensure the effective, streamlined and user friendly delivery of all government services and products. This position is accountable and responsible to lead and direct the development, implementation and review of innovative strategies, models, business and workforce plans, policies, standards and procedures. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Service SA) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Peter Welling, Director, Service SA, GPO Box 1707, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 7472, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. External applicants are required to complete the 'Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector' and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Declaration for Employment.pdf :\MAS3 Manager CCC Service Delivery.pdf EXECUTIVE GROUP - 50 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES EXA DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 EXECUTIVE MANAGER, MODERATION SERVICES (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C7116/2008 Duties: Reporting to the Chief Executive, the Executive Manager, Moderation Services will be responsible for the leadership of the moderation and quality assurance of school-based assessment. You will be a member of an executive leadership team, responsible for both the current SACE and the implementation of the new SACE, leading to more effective services to students, schools and the South Australian community. Location: Adelaide Metro (Wayville) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SACE Board of South Australia Further Information: Enquiries to: Edwina Hicks, Hender Consulting, telephone (08) 8100 8820 Applications to: David Dunnicliff, Hender Consulting, email, web site Note: Applications in Word format only should be forwarded to David Dunnicliff by e-mail to Telephone enquiries may be directed to Edwina Hicks on (08) 8100 8820. Closing Date: 25 Aug 2008 SAES Level DIRECTOR, HEALTH PERFORMANCE COUNCIL SECRETARIAT 1 (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C7040/2008 Duties: The Director, Health Performance Council Secretariat is responsible for the provision of high quality policy and strategic advice to the Chief Executive and Chair of the Health Performance Council in relation to the operation of the health system and health outcomes for South Australia. The Director, Health Performance Council Secretariat leads the provision of high level advice as well as the development, and establishment of the Secretariat and effectively manages, on an ongoing basis, the creation of a high performance team culture to ensure the Department of Health delivers valued and quality services. The position is also required to undertake significant projects of a complex nature as determined by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work will be required. Intra and interstate travel will be required. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. The incumbent will uphold the values of the Department of Health as reflected in the Strategic Plan. The incumbent may be assigned elsewhere within the Department subject to relevant provisions of the PSM Act. The incumbent may be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Office of the Chief Executive) Enquiries to: Nicki Dantalis, Executive Director, Office of the Chief Executive, telephone 8226 7065, email Applications to: Debbie Fairchild, Project Officer, Department of Health, Human Resources, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone 8226 6297 , email Note: Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Director Health Performance J&P.doc - 51 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 EXECUTIVE GROUP (Continued) SAES Level DIRECTOR, CASE MANAGEMENT 1 (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 3 YEARS) (Advt) C7113/2008 Duties: The Director, Case Management is accountable for the facilitation of sustainable industry and regional development projects in South Australia through a collaborative approach across SA Government agencies and other key stakeholders. Special Conditions: Work Status: Eligibility to work in Australia. Out of hours business work. Intra state and interstate travel. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Trade and Economic Development (Commercial Division - Case Management Unit) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Nick Stillwell, Stillwell Management Consultants Pty Ltd, telephone (08) 8212 0999, email Applications to: Mr Nick Stillwell, Stillwell Management Consultants Pty Ltd, email Note: Job & Person Specifications are available from Nick Stillwell on Applicants are requested to provide an electronic email copy of their application quoting the vacancy number in the email title. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\JPS Dir Case Mgmt SAES.doc Divisional Org Chart:\Commercial1.pdf Application Guidelines:\CHOOSE DTED -Job Guide may08.pdf - 52 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 EXECUTIVE GROUP (Continued) SAES Level DIRECTOR PROJECTS 1 (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP Vacancy No. TO 5 YEARS) (Advt) C6992/2008 Duties: The Director Projects represents the Department in the management of PPP Projects from inception to contractual close. Other responsibilities include reviewing agency proposals for major capital investments, the development of the Partnerships SA policy framework and representing the Department on inter-governmental and industry forums dealing with private sector development of public infrastructure. To be successful in this role you will have strong communication skills with the ability to relate to and influence a wide range of stakeholders including Ministers, Chief Executives, other agency and inter-governmental agencies and industry. A high level of political nous and the ability to deal with complexity, ambiguity and multiple conflicting priorities will be required. You will have a high attention to detail, initiative, drive, motivation and the ability to work as part of a close knit team. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A tertiary qualification in Economics, Accounting, Finance or other appropriate discipline is essential. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Projects Branch) Enquiries to: Mr Steven Page, Executive Director, Projects Branch, telephone 08 8226 2829, email Applications to: Ms S O'Connor, Business Manager, Projects Branch, GPO Box 1045, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8226 2829, email Note: Please submit application electronically to or alternatively please provide the original plus three copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Person Description:\Director Projects SAES1 Pos Desc.doc - 53 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS2 CORRECTIONAL OFFICER ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6616/2008 Duties: The Correctional officer is responsible for the safe, secure, humane welfare and control of offenders under care, using a case management model; assisting with offenders' work, social and educational development, using a case management process; ensuring policies, procedures and standards are complied with, and maintained; provide guidance, advice, assistance and training to staff and offenders. The Correctional Officers reports to the Unit manager, and is required to liaise with other managers, operational and admin support within the institution, external agencies and members of the public Special Conditions: A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some out of hours work may be required. The position is rostered over 7 days. A current First Aid Certificate required. Successful completion of the 12 month trainee officer induction course. Work within a secure environment. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services (Custodial Services - Adelaide Pre- Release Centre) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Rosalie Forth, Business Manager, Adelaide Pre-release Centre, PO Box 2042, REGENCY PARK, 5942, telephone 83430105, email Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\APC CORRECTIONAL OFFICER - JULY 08.doc Advice to Job Applicants:\Advice to Job Applicants.pdf OPS3 WORKS SUPERVISOR ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 7067/2008 Duties: As Works Supervisor for the Northern Lofty District, you will be responsible for the exercise of planning, management and operational duties, which ensures the protection of natural resources and enhancement of visitor activities. Reporting to the District Ranger, you will be based within the Northern Lofty District office. Location: Adelaide Metro (Athelstone) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Janine Kraehenbuehl, telephone 8336 0911, email Applications to: Recruitment Selection Team, Human Resources, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone (08) 8204 1898, email Note: Applicants should include a statement of how they meet the essential requirements listed in the Person Specification, include your Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of three referees in your application. Please forward an original and three copies of your application. Please quote vacancy number 7067/2008 and state where you saw the position advertised when applying. No folders please. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Applicant Guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Job and Person Specification:\ops3_wks_sup_rcd_310708.doc - 54 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 YOUTH WORKER (PART-TIME) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. 6878/2008 Duties: The Youth Worker position is an operational role within Families SA and is accountable for enhancing the social and survival skills of young people who are clients of the District Centre, providing appropriate assessment and case management of clients, delivering appropriate programs and advocacy services to clients and contributing to the services provided by the District Centre Social Work team. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 18.75 hours per week and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. The incumbent may be assigned to another position/location at this remuneration level or its equivalent. Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver’s licence is essential. A first aid certificate is essential. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Country Region - Murray Bridge) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Gayl Gogel, Senior Youth Worker, Families SA, PO Box 721, Murray Bridge SA, 5253, telephone 8531 3666, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Jenny Leske, telephone 8535 6211, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: OPS3 Job & Person Specification:\OPS3 - Youth Worker DC.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 55 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS3 COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T6944/2008 Duties: Accountable to the Supervisor, Anti-Poverty and Customer Services, the Community Support Worker contributes to and operates within the District Centre’s integrated practices in the provision of services to the community with a significant focus on providing advice on options to and supporting clients under critical financial pressure. Special Conditions: A current SA Driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Intrastate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Successful applicants will be required to undergo a Criminal History and Background Check prior to being employed. Location: Adelaide Metro (Woodville) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Families SA - Northern Metropolitan Region Woodville District Centre) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Lynda Stevenson, Supervisor, Anti-Poverty & Customer Services, Woodville District Centre, 824 Port Road, Woodville SA, 5011, telephone 8406 2777, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Kylie Foster, telephone 8406 2777, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. The positions are available up to six months with possibility of extension. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\CSW - FC - OPS3 March 08.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 56 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS5 TEAM LEADER, TRANSPORT SAFETY COMPLIANCE OFFICER (Advt) ($56970.00/60693.00) Vacancy No. 6927/2008 Duties: The Team Leader, Transport Safety Compliance Officer is accountable to the Regional Coordinator Transport Safety Compliance for contributing to the Agency’s safety compliance and enforcement objectives relating to the road freight, marine and passenger transport, including development and administration of state-wide inspection, detection and enforcement operations and investigations relating to safety compliance with transport related legislation; Contribute to the development and improvement of policy and systems relating to changing legislation and requirements with the marine, passenger transport and road freight industries; Implementation of community and industry education and public relations campaigns that encourages voluntary compliance; Providing leadership to and managing the work of a number of transport safety compliance officers involved in compliance education, enforcements and investigation relating to passenger transport, road freight and marine; Leading teams as it relates to oil spill response in South Australian state waters; Which contributes to the operational safety of all vehicles on roads and vessels on waterways in South Australia, protection of the community, the environment and the State’s transport system. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at either a regional or metropolitan location in South Australia. Operational Responsiveness necessitates work around the state. Occasional interstate and intrastate travel as well as work outside of normal hours and at weekends will be required. A current driver’s licence for class C is required. Hours of work are 152 over a four week period which may be worked on an irregular shift basis over the 24 hour day, seven days per week including public holidays. Location: Port Augusta Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Safety and Regulation Division) Enquiries to: Mr Colin Wright, Regional Coordinator, telephone 08 8648 5238 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 08 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Applicants MUST complete the Application Cover Sheet (contained within the Guide to Apply) and Employment Declaration and submit with their application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC Emp Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc J & P:\6927 Tm Ldr Comp Unit OPS5 NEW.doc - 57 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS6 FACILITIES MANAGER (Advt) ($62798.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 6936/2008 Duties: The incumbent will manage projects, works programs, contractors and project teams in the development and provision of total facilities management services across multiple government agencies in a designated area. Provide expert building advice and interpretation on technical and procedural matters in relation to, and in accordance with Australian Standards, Codes of Practice, government policy and relevant legislation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate trade qualification or equivalent Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some intra/interstate travel involving overnight absences may be required. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Building Management - Facilities Services - Fringe) Further Information:, Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Gil Dempsey, Senior Facilities Manager, Building Management Facilities Services, 47 Myall Ave , Murray Bridge, 5253, telephone 8532 2122, email, web site Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Gil Dempsey, telephone 8532 2122, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. External applicants are required to complete the ‘Declaration on Application for Employment in the South Australian Public Sector’ and submit the original as a component of their written application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\OPS6 Facilities Mgr MBridge.doc - 58 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS PO1 FORENSIC SCIENTIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T7100/2008 (Advt) Duties: The Forensic Scientist Biology is accountable to the Manager Biology for the provision of an efficient and timely analytical, interpretive and advisory service that meets client expectations and organisational objectives while delivering the highest quality biology scientific evidence to the justice system of South Australia. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Science or equivalent Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required and interstate travel may be required. Incumbent must submit a Police Security Check. Incumbent must provide reference sample so that their DNA profile can be stored on an electronic database and compared to other profiles generated to exclude the possibility of contamination. Some out of hours work may be required and interstate travel may be required. Incumbent must submit a Police Security Check. Incumbent must provide reference sample so that their DNA profile can be stored on an electronic database and compared to other profiles generated to exclude the possibility of contamination. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Forensic Science SA - Biology) Enquiries and Applications to: Melanie Rowe, Graduate Project Officer, Forensic Science SA, 21 Divett Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7997, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\PO1 Biol AGD July 08.doc Police Check:\Police Check.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc PO2 FORENSIC SCIENTIST (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 7104/2008 Duties: The Forensic Scientist Biology is accountable to the Manager Biology for the provision of an efficient and timely analytical, interpretive and advisory service that meets client expectations and organisational objectives while delivering the highest quality biology scientific evidence to the justice system of South Australia. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree in Science or equivalent Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required and interstate travel may be required. Incumbent must submit a Police Security Check. Incumbent must provide reference sample so that their DNA profile can be stored on an electronic database and compared to other profiles generated to exclude the possibility of contamination. Some out of hours work may be required and interstate travel may be required. Incumbent must submit a Police Security Check. Incumbent must provide reference sample so that their DNA profile can be stored on an electronic database and compared to other profiles generated to exclude the possibility of contamination. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Attorney-General's (Forensic Science SA - Biology) Enquiries and Applications to: Melanie Rowe, Graduate Project Officer, Forensic Science SA, 21 Divett Place, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8226 7997, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Guidelines:\Guidelines for writing applications.doc J&P:\PO2 Biol AGD July 08.doc Police Check:\Police Check.doc - 59 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 WETLAND MANAGEMENT ADVISOR - SOUTH EAST NATURELINKS (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. 12 MONTHS) (Advt) C7081/2008 Duties: This position will form part of a small Naturelinks planning and extension team working towards community broader education and understanding of environmental values and threats, as well as facilitating on-ground action and involvement to assist with recovery of wetlands in the South East landscape. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate degree in Science, Environmental Management or equivalent. Special Conditions: Position is based in Mount Gambier. Refer job and person specification for other conditions. Location: South East (Mt Gambier) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Environment and Heritage Further Information: Enquiries to: Karen Heaver, telephone 08 8735 1115, email Applications to: Recruitment and Selection Team, Human Resource Services, Department for Environment and Heritage, GPO Box 1047, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 8204 9439, email Note: Applicants should include a statement of how they meet the essential requirements listed in the Person Specification, include your Curriculum Vitae and the names and contact details of three referees in your application. Please post an original and three copies of your application or send via email. The Job and Person Specification is available via the download link below. Please quote vacancy number /2008 and state where you saw the vacancy advertised when applying. No folders please. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Application guidelines:\Applicants Guidelines DEH .doc Declaration form:\Declaration Form.pdf Job and Person specification:\PO2_Wetland_Management_Advisor_ j&p.doc - 60 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. 6959/2008 Duties: The Senior Occupational Therapist is responsible for providing direct client services, professional consultancy services, professional support and leadership to Occupational Therapists, Allied Health Assistant s and Occupational therapy students and be involved in the development of innovative practices and contribute to community development activities and educational programs Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist as published in Commissioner Standard 2, Attachment C. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Northern Adelaide) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Silvija Osis, Team Manager, Disability SA - Northern Adelaide, telephone 8182 1560, email Applications to: Ms Hilda Best, Office Manager, Disability SA - Northern Adelaide, 46 Commercial Road, Salisbury SA, 5108, telephone 8282 5500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hilda Best, telephone 8282 5500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Senior Occupational Therapist:\Senior Occupational Therapist PO2 .doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 61 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. TO 6 MONTHS) (Advt) T6961/2008 Duties: The Senior Speech Pathologist will participate in the planning and provision of a community-based service to children less than six years of age and their families. Services will be focused on supporting children and families, promoting early childhood development, promoting positive social interactions and accessing community services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in speech pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Practicing Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Northern Adelaide) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Silvija Osis, Team Manager, Disability SA - Northern Adelaide, telephone 8182 1560, email Applications to: Ms Hilda Best, Office Manager, Disability SA , 46 Commercial Road, Salisbury SA, 5108, telephone 8282 5500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hilda Best, telephone 8282 5500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\PO2 - Senior Speech Pathologist.DOC Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf - 62 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR SPEECH PATHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. 6958/2008 Duties: The Senior Speech Pathologist will participate in the planning and provision of a community-based service to children less than six years of age and their families. Services will be focused on supporting children and families, promoting early childhood development, promoting positive social interactions and accessing community services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: An appropriate degree in speech pathology or other appropriate qualification giving eligibility for Practicing Membership of the Speech Pathology Association of Australia. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Northern Adelaide) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Silvija Osis, Team Manager, Disability SA - Northern Adelaide, telephone 8182 1560, email Applications to: Ms Hilda Best, Office Manager, Disability SA - Northern Adelaide, 46 Commercial Road, Salisbury SA, 5108, telephone 8282 5500, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Hilda Best, telephone 8282 5500, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\PO2 - Senior Speech Pathologist.DOC Guidelines:\Generic Job Guidelines.pdf - 63 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 6 MONTHS) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6962/2008 Duties: The Senior Occupational Therapist is responsible for providing direct client services, professional consultancy services, professional support and leadership to Occupational Therapists, Allied Health Assistants and Occupational therapy students and be involved in the development of innovative practices and contribute to community development activities and educational programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist as published in Commissioner Standard 2, Attachment C. Special Conditions: This position may be offered on either a full-time or part-time basis. Salary will be adjusted accordingly. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Must be prepared to submit to a Police security check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Southern Adelaide) Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Richard O'Loughlin, Senior Psychologist, Disability SA - Southern Adelaide, telephone 8277 8566, email richard.o' Applications to: Mrs Janet Puplett, Office Manager, Disability SA - Southern Adelaide, 180 Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, telephone 8277 8566, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Janet Puplett, telephone 8277 8566, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Senior Occupational Therapist:\Senior Occupational Therapist PO2 .doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 64 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1/ PO2 ASSESSMENT OFFICER - EXTRACTIVE OPERATIONS (TEMPORARY UP TO 19/04/2009) ($44991.00/57846.00) (Advt) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. T7052/2008 Duties: The position Assessment Officer – Extractive Operations reports to the Program Manager, MOA. The primary purpose of the position is to assess mining proposals in accordance with legislative requirements and to set environmental standards that meet government/community expectations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Science, Environmental Management or Engineering. Special Conditions: The position is based in the Adelaide office. A current SA driver's licence is required. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel, including fieldwork may be required. Whilst in the field, the incumbent may be required to work extended hours and 7 days per week, including camping in the open, sometimes under harsh conditions in remote areas of the State. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Minerals & Energy Resources - Mine Regulation & Rehabilitation - Mine Operations Assessments Program) Further Information: Enquiries to: John Morton, Program Manager, Mine Technical Services , Minerals & Energy Resources, telephone 8463 3152, email Applications to: Ms Margaret Doolan, Senior Human Resource Consultant, Minerals & Energy Resources, Level 6, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 3111, email Note: Position Descriptions are available from John Morton, telephone 8463 3152, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The position may be filled at either remuneration level depending on the level of responsibility and accountability assigned in accordance with the qualifications and experience of the successful applicant. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\PO2 Assess Off (Extractive) Aug08.pdf How to Apply:\How To Apply.pdf - 65 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1/ PO2 GRADUATE ENGINEER (Advt) ($44991.00/57846.00) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. 7046/2008 Duties: The position of Project and Compliance Engineer will primarily focus on the area of providing assurance on regulatory compliance in relation to drilling, production and processing and pipeline operations in the petroleum and geothermal industries. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor of Engineering or equivalent. Special Conditions: The position is located in the Adelaide metropolitan area. A current SA Driver’s Licence is required. Capable of lifting up to 16 kg weight. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate/international travel, including field work may be required. The incumbent will be required to maintain a safe working environment by adopting appropriate hazard management practices consistent with the role. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Primary Industries and Resources (Minerals & Energy Resources - Petroleum & Geothermal Unit - Operations Branch) Further Information: Enquiries to: Michael Malavazos, Chief Engineer, Petroleum & Geothermal Group, telephone 8463 3245, email Applications to: Ms Margaret Doolan, Senior Human Resource Consultant, Minerals & Energy Resources, Level 6, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 8463 3111, email Note: Position Descriptions are available from Michael Malavazos, telephone 8463 3245, or email Please forward three copies of your application. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 26 Sep 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\PO1 Project & Comp Eng Aug08.pdf - 66 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 PROJECT ENGINEER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. T7091/2008 Duties: The Project Engineer is accountable to the Project Director for; contributing to or providing, under supervision, a range of professional services to support the delivery of major infrastructure projects to time, cost and quality criteria, including managing construction of projects; assisting in the development and implementation of new project management systems, policies and procedures; providing professional advice to the Director on project related issues and initiatives which results in the achievement of Agency program objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer Special Conditions: Out of hours work and intrastate travel requiring overnight absences may be required. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Transport Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Mike Stockham, Infrastructure Delivery Manager, telephone 83432354, email Applications to: Ms Lynne Franks, HR Coordinator, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, telephone 83432608, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\24351 Project Engineer J&P's.doc Employment Dec:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 67 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO4 PROGRAM MANAGER SRF INTAKE AND SUPPORT ($77664.00/84895.00) Vacancy No. 6999/2008 Duties: The Supported Residential Facilities (SRF) sector refers to a commercially operated supported accommodation sector comprising of upwards of 1000+ beds located in approx 34 facilities across the state. The Program Manager, SRF Sector Intake and Support is an exciting new role that will lead the recent changes to the SRF sector. The new program response will significantly build, expand and diversify the activities of the team. You will manage the multi-disciplinary team in the operation of a state-wide SRF sector Intake and Support program by leading the development and implementation of service delivery models, policies and procedures for all services of the DFC SRF program. You will be heavily involved in managing the change processes within the team, and fostering positive and effective working relationships between all government, non-government and private sector stakeholders to ensure the success of the program. The Program Manager will operate with significant autonomy and will be required to bring sophisticated knowledge and experience acquired from training and practice about issues and best practice approaches to working with the homeless. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Location: Adelaide Metro (Fullarton) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Exceptional Needs Unit - SRF Intake and Support) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Andrew Coidan, Manager, Exceptional Needs Unit/Disability SA, Level 6B 103 Fisher Street, Fullarton SA, 5063, telephone 08 8448 4610, email Note: Job and Person Specifications and Application forms are available from Ricky Abdul, telephone 08 8448 4610, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 15 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\Program Manager - SRF.doc Application Form:\Program Manager SRF App Form.doc - 68 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO4 PLANNING UNIT MANAGER (Advt) ($77664.00/84895.00) Vacancy No. 6854/2008 Duties: The Planning Unit Manager is accountable to the Regional Manager, Northern and Western Region for: developing regional policies, tactical plans and works programs which will result in the effective maintenance and management of the road network of the Region; providing information to the public and key industry groups; providing professional advice and leadership to a multi-disciplinary team which contributes to the achievement of the Department’s objectives of providing an infrastructure that is safe, efficient, reliable and in harmony with the environment. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer. Special Conditions: Located in the Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure, Transport Services Division, Northern and Western Region based either at Port Augusta (preferable) or Crystal Brook. Some work outside of normal hours and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Transport Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Short, Regional Manager, Transport Services Division / Road and Traffic Management, telephone 8648 5220 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\Planning Unit Manager PO4 23911.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 69 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO4 PROJECT UNIT MANAGER (Advt) ($77664.00/84895.00) Vacancy No. 6968/2008 Duties: The Project Unit Manager is accountable to the Regional Manager, Northern & Western Region for: providing professional project management in the initiation, planning, implementation and hand-over phases of concurrent major capital works and non-infrastructure projects of a very complex and sensitive nature to time, cost and quality requirements; contributing significantly to the development and implementation of new project management systems, policies and procedures; providing authoritative advice to the Regional Manager on complex issues; managing staff in the Projects Unit and providing a project management leadership role to the Region which results in the achievement of Regional and departmental program objectives. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Professional Engineer. Special Conditions: The position works across the Northern and Western Region and is based at either Port Augusta or Crystal Brook. Some work outside of normal hours and intrastate travel necessitating overnight absences will be involved. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Port Augusta) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Transport Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Peter Short, Regional Manager, Transport Services Division / Road & Traffic Management, telephone 8648 5220 Applications to: HR Customer Support, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1), Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P:\Proj Unit Manager.doc Employment Declaration:\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 70 - PSM ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO3 CONTRACT DESIGNER (Advt) ($58265.00/61502.00) Vacancy No. 7060/2008 Duties: The Contracts Designer is accountable to the Coordinator Specialist Services for; facilitating the timely and cost effective completion of Road Design contracts and services that satisfy client needs; contributing to the positive promotion of Road Design services and effective management and application of human resources; contributing to the efficient and effective operational management and continuous improvement of Road Design services and the achievement of Section operational goals which contributes to the achievement of Government objectives for an equitable, efficient, safe, sustainable, integrated and competitive transport system. Special Conditions: Will be frequently required to work across the directorate, including in the Contracts & Standards Section. Some out of hours work and inter/intrastate travel may be required. A current Drivers Licence is essential. Location: Adelaide Metro (Walkerville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Transport, Energy and Infrastructure (Transport Services Division) Enquiries to: Mr Phil Kersten, Coordinator Specialist Services, telephone 8343 2201 Applications to: Ms Lynne Franks, HR Coordinator, Level 2, 33-37 Warwick Street (PO Box 1) , Walkerville, 5081, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from, telephone 8343 2600, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\Contracts Designer TG03.DOC :\Employment_Declaration.doc Guide:\Guide to Applying for Positions.DOC - 71 - PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 NOMINATIONS Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 7252/2007 Senior Policy Adviser, Treasury and Finance NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 2916/2008 Regional Support Officer, Families and Communities CHERYL KITE, Supervisor Support Services, Correctional Services 4362/2008 Service Coordinator, Families and Communities NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 4548/2008 Senior Consultant Workforce Improvement, Treasury and Finance CATHERINE MILLER, Snr Human Resources Consultant, Treasury and Finance 4801/2008 COURT OFFICER, Courts Administration Authority NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 4860/2008 Housing Officer, Families and Communities GRANT WHITEHORN, Housing Officer, Families and Communities 4896/2008 Co-ordinator Grants, Attorney-General's SARA HATCHARD, Grants Consultant, Premier and Cabinet 4902/2008 Executive Support Officer, Treasury and Finance SARAH CALNAN, Business Support, Treasury and Finance 5000/2008 Solicitor, Attorney-General's TRACY RIDDLE, Solicitor, Attorney-General's TANIA MOXON, Solicitor, Attorney-General's MICHAEL JUDD, Solicitor, Not Specified 5010/2008 Case Management Coordinator, Correctional Services MARK GOODE, STATE MOVEMENTS CO-ORDINATOR, Correctional Services 5199/2008 Manager, Asset and Risk Services, Correctional Services GEOFF NORRIS, Manager Property and Facilities, Primary Industries and Resources 5260/2008 Senior Contracts Officer, Education and Children's Services VICKI WEYLAND, Senior Project Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 5391/2008 Financial Analyst - Account Management, Treasury and Finance SCOTT HALL, Project Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure ROY YATES, Senior Finance Analyst, Treasury and Finance JUSTINE BOURKE, Policy and Research Officer, State Electoral Office JANINE BATES, Assistant Account Analyst, Treasury and Finance TIM PAPANESTORAS, Corporate Reporting Officer, Families and Communities DAVID ELLIOTT, Finance Officer, Treasury and Finance - 72 - PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 NOMINATIONS (Continued) Vacancy Position and Administrative Unit Nominated 5392/2008 Financial Analyst - Team Leader, Treasury and Finance SCOTT HARTWELL, Team Leader, Treasury and Finance NICK ASHLEY, Team Leader, Treasury and Finance 5585/2008 HR Information Clerk, Police CHRISTIAN PATERSON, A/HR Information Clerk, Police 5616/2008 Project Manager Sustainability / Facilities, Police NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 5676/2008 Administrative Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure CHLOE CONSTABLE, Customer Service Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 5849/2008 Information Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure HAYDEN RYAN, Information Officer, Transport, Energy and Infrastructure 5867/2008 Senior Management Accountant, Police NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 5904/2008 Supervisor, Social Work Team, Families and Communities NO NOMINATION WILL BE MADE ON THIS CALL 5995/2008 Senior Project Officer - Higher Education IRINA FEROULEVA, A/Project Officer, Further Recognition, Further Educ, Employment, Science Educ, Employment, Science & Technology & Technology 6125/2008 Project Officer (Records and Information), Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology NICKY SLAGTER, Records & Information Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 6258/2008 Client Information Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology JESSICA WHITBY, Acting Client Information Officer, Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology 6280/2008 Personal Assistant, Police DEBRA MORRIS, A/Personal Assistant, Police - 73 - PSM ACT NOMINATIONS DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 APPEAL INFORMATION Whilst it is recognised that practices in relation to handling enquiries regarding nominations may vary between Administrative Units, it is recommended that such enquiries should in the first instance be directed to the chairperson of the selection panel or, if that person is not known or available the enquiry person named under the appropriate vacancy description as contained in the Notice of Vacancies. Appeals pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Sector Management Act against the above nominations must be lodged on the prescribed form and with the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, 12 th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, within seven days after the publication of the notice of nominations. It should be noted that “late” appeals cannot be considered by the Tribunal. Consequently, it might be preferable to forward appeals using the facsimile service ((08) 8226 2801). If using postal services please address your appeal to the Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, Office of Public Employment, GPO Box 1651, Adelaide, 5001. As Chief Executives may now attempt to resolve, by conciliation, issues relevant to an appeal prior to its hearing, a copy of the appeal form must also be sent by the due date to the relevant Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will decide if conciliation is to be attempted and advise the Tribunal Secretary of that decision within one week of receiving a copy of the appeal. Please note that in respect of the nominations, there is no right of appeal on the basis of superior merit. An appeal against a nomination may only be made on one or more of the following grounds: that the employee nominated is not eligible for appointment to the position: or that the selection processes leading to the nomination were affected by nepotism or patronage or were otherwise not properly based on assessment of the respective merits of the applicants: or that there was some other serious irregularity in the selection processes, and may not be made merely on the basis that the Tribunal should redetermine the respective merits of the appellant and the employee nominated. Chief Executives must ensure that the Notice of Vacancies is distributed within their organisation as quickly as possible to enable applicants wishing to appeal, to do so within the prescribed 7 day limit. A list of the members of the Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal and Disciplinary Appeals Tribunal panels may be found at Enquiries relating to the appeal process should be directed to Jenny Schahinger, Appeals Administrator, Promotion and Grievance Appeals Tribunal, telephone (08) 8226 2881, email: Jeff Walsh COMMISSIONER FOR PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT - 74 - HEALTH CARE ACT VACANCY INFORMATION DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 HEALTH CARE ACT VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the provisions of the Health Care Act 2008. In addition to Health Care Act employees, applications received from persons employed by the organisations contained on pages 1 and 2 of the Notice will also be accepted for vacancies listed in this section. Applicants are encouraged to obtain further details of the position and conditions of the vacancy from the contact officer nominated in the advertisement. Applicants should relate their application to the Person Specification for the position and include a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume to maximise their chances of being considered further by a Selection Panel. GRIEVANCE PROVISIONS If you believe that your application for promotion has received unfair treatment relating to the selection process, you may have the right to seek a review of the decision. The right of review ONLY applies to employees under the Health Care Act and employees under the Public Sector Management Act who were seconded to the SA Health Commission prior to 1st September, 1987. This Grievance Procedure is explained in more detail in Part 3-1 of the SA Health (Health Care Act) Human Resources Manual. Initial enquiries should be directed to the Chairperson of the Selection Panel. REQUEST TO CIRCULARISE HEALTH CARE ACT VACANCIES All requisitions for filling Health Care Act vacancies should be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (NOV Administrator, Workforce Development Division) by close of business Tuesday prior to the date of issue of the following week's Notice of Vacancies. Every effort will be made to ensure vacancies are advertised as soon as possible, however regions and SA Ambulance Service are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the timely clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. Enquiries may be directed to the NOV Administrator, telephone number (08) 8226 6195, facsimile number (08) 8226 6663. - 75 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DTED 8 AUGUST 2008 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM ASO2 BUSINESS SERVICES OFFICER ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 7009/2008 Duties: The Central Northern Adelaide Health Service (CNAHS) was created as the first step in the long term reform of South Australia’s health system towards creating a truly integrated health service focused on the total health needs of local communities. The Business Services Officer (BSO) works as a member of a small team and is responsible to the Manager, Resource Accounting and Administration through the Team Leader of the Business Services Group for: providing a range of accurate, effective and timely financial and administrative support services undertaking procurement of required goods and services which contributes to the efficient and effective management and operation of Primary Health Care Services. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra and interstate travel may be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver’s licence. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Sefton Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services - Business Unit) Enquiries to: Vicki Hynes, Acting Team Leader Business Services, Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services, telephone 8342 8671, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8666, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay Human Resource Unit, telephone 8342 8666, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Part Time hours may be negotiated. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 76 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT, PAEDIATRIC OUTPATIENTS (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) 6895/2008 Duties: The Administrative Assistant is accountable to the Medical/Nursing Directors, Division of Paediatric Medicine, via the Nursing Unit Head, Paediatric Outpatients Department for the provision of a confidential secretarial, reception and administrative service to the Paediatric Outpatients Department. Reports on a daily basis to the Office Manager Paediatric Outpatients. Will work on a weekly rotation roster within the clinical areas, typing and telephone rooms, thus being multi-skilled in all aspects of the Paediatric Outpatient Department. Will perform duties autonomously and undertake responsibilities for more complex duties and decision making in coordination with Office Manager. Special Conditions: More than one position is available 1 x perm 0.6 FTE position available. 1 x Temp 0.6 FTE until May 2009 and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Intra and interstate travel may be required. May be relocated to meet organisational need. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Paediatric Outpatients (Division of Paediatric Medicine) Enquiries to: Antoinette Gauci, Office Manager, Paediatric Outpatients, telephone 8161 6614, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide SA, 5006, telephone 8161 6614, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of 3 current referees. The Job and Person Specification and 'Advice to Applicants' document (which assists applicants in the preparation of their application) can be downloaded from the weekly on-line NOV publication or by contacting the Enquiries Person. Applicants must clearly state in their application their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document\:\ASO2PAEDOUTPATIENTSJULY08. pdf - 77 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, POSTNATAL WARD (PART-TIME) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6988/2008 Duties: The Administration Officer is responsible for the provision of a high level confidential receptionist and administrative service to the Postnatal Ward that supports the clinical staff and contributes to the efficient functioning of the Women’s and Babies’ Division. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight (to be worked on a rotating roster) and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Shifts include early 8 am to 4 pm and late shift 11.45 am to 7.45 pm. May be required to weekend and Public Holidays shifts during times of staff leave and absence by negotiation. Some out of hours work will be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. May be relocated to meet organisational need. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Postnatal Ward (Women's and Babies' Division ) Enquiries to: Rita Tasevski, Administrative Manager, Women's and Babies' Division, telephone 8161 7509, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide SA, 5006, telephone 81617509, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of 3 current referees. The Job and Person Specification and 'Advice to Applicants' document (which assists applicants in the preparation of their application) can be downloaded from the weekly on-line NOV publication or by contacting the Enquiries Person. Applicants must clearly state in their application their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 15 Aug 2008 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document\:\ASO2POSTNATAL.pdf - 78 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATION OFFICER, WOMEN'S OUTPATIENTS DEPARTMENT ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6973/2008 Duties: The Administration Officer is responsible for the provision of a high level confidential receptionist and administrative service to customers attending the Women’s Outpatients Department clinics that supports the clinical staff and contributes to the efficient functioning of the Women’s and Babies’ Division. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. May be relocated to meet organisational need. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Women's Outpatients (Women's and Babies' Division) Enquiries to: Mrs Karen Sajn, Divisional Project Officer, Women's and Babies' Division, telephone 8161 7664, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide SA, 5006, telephone 8161 7664, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of 3 current referees. The Job and Person Specification and 'Advice to Applicants' document (which assists applicants in the preparation of their application) can be downloaded from the weekly on-line NOV publication or by contacting the Enquiries Person. Applicants must clearly state in their application their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document\:\ASO2WOPD.doc - 79 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 OPERATING ROOM BOOKING OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 25/07/2009) T7037/2008 Duties: The Operating Room Booking Officer is accountable to the Manager, Patient Services, for the provision of a confidential administrative service within the Perioperative Suite. This will include non-routine tasks and features of work required with only limited guidance and direction based on recognised Modbury Hospital practices. The Operating Room Booking Officer is the point of contact between the Peri-operative Services Operating Room Suite Manager, Surgical Consultants and Patients, collaborating information pertaining to the implementation of the effective utilisation of Operating Rooms for the purpose of elective surgery at Modbury Hospital. The Operating Room Booking Officer will have a working knowledge of all aspects of the elective admission process. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Although initially based at Modbury Hospital, the incumbent may be required to work in any site of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. A formal performance appraisal will be conducted annually. Have a flexible approach to working hours. Location: Adelaide Metro (Modbury) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - Acute Services - Modbury) Enquiries to: Ms Sharon Richards, Manager, Patient Services, Modbury Hospital, telephone 8161 2670, email Applications to: Human Resources, Modbury Hospital, Smart Road, Modbury SA, 5092, telephone 81612636, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Sharon Richards telephone 81612670, or email please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\ASO2 Op. Room Booking Officer .doc - 80 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ROSTER COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/12/2008) (Advt) T7039/2008 Duties: This position is responsible for providing administrative support services to a number of programs within the Community Aged Care program. The main focus of the position is in establishing systems to coordinate effective staff rostering and supporting Program Coordinators to manage staffing levels and needs in the program area. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Six months at 0.8FTE ( hours 8 am to 2.30 pm). The incumbent will be required to enter into a performance agreement for the achievement of service outcomes. The incumbent will participate in special projects as required. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Police Record Check. Location: Will be required to work from any site within the Adelaide Hills Community Health catchment area. Location: Adelaide Hills (Mt Barker) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Adelaide Hills Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Prue Galvin, Coordinator, CACP Program, Adelaide Hills Community Health Service, telephone (08) 8393 8165, email Applications to: Lyndall Fowler, Healthy Ageing Program Manager, Adelaide Hills Community Health Service, PO Box 42, Mt Barker SA, 5251, telephone (08) 8393 1833, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Rosters Co-ordinator.doc - 81 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 WARD CLERK (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6919/2008 Duties: The Ward Clerk provides the first point of contact for patient, visitors and staff. The Ward Clerk is accountable for day to day activities, to the Nursing Director via the CNC and Nurse Manager. The Ward Clerk performs general administrative and clerical duties pertaining to the management of patients in the ward/unit and facilitates communication with Patient and Central Flow Coordinator and other units to ensure efficient use of beds. Assists Nursing and Medical staff to ensure the smooth functioning of the ward/unit. Provides a customer focussed reception service for patients, families and staff. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some weekend work is required. May be required to provide relief to other areas within the Division. Maintain strict confidentiality. Will be required to have a health assessment. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Ward 5D - Surgical and Specialty Services Division) Enquiries to: Danielle Ridgway, Nurse Management Facilitator, telephone 8204 5303, email Applications to: HR Administration, Human Resources, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please download or contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 6919 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job and person specification:\J&P Ward Clerk ASO2 5D.doc - 82 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 HOSPITAL LIAISON OFFICER (PART-TIME) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 5537/2008 Duties: The Surgical Centre Administration/Liaison Officer provides an efficient, comprehensive, customer orientated service to staff and clients within the Surgical Centre. This includes ensuring patient medical records and x-rays from Flinders Medical Centre and other hospitals are available for patient clinics and admissions. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. This is a part time position working 67.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to hours worked. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Procedural and Related Services Division) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Michelle Hefford, Administration Coordinator, telephone 8275 1834, email Applications to: Mrs Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, email Note: Please quote Vacancy No. 5537 in your application. Applicants should forward an original application plus three copies, and include the names, addresses and contact numbers of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available on line at and applicants are required to clarify their suitability in terms of the Person Specification criteria. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. The RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50 percent. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job and Person Specification:\5537 ASO2 HOSP LIAISON JUNE 08.doc - 83 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT CLERK - RELIEVING (PART-TIME) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6913/2008 Duties: The Emergency Department Clerical Unit provides a 24 hour a day, seven day a week clerical service. Providing service primarily to the Emergency Department but also to other key areas of the hospital. The key objective is to effectively coordinate the registration of all patients attending the department and arrange admission/facilitate discharge where necessary. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 30 hours per fortnight covering all 3 daily shifts may be required to work more hours and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Rostered over 7 days 24 hours. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Flinders Medical Centre - Emergency & Perioperative Medicine) Enquiries to: Ms Karen Duffy, Clerical Manager, Emergency & Perioperative Medicine, telephone 8204 4024, email Applications to: HR Administration, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please download or contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 6913 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job and person specification:\J&P ED CLERK AS02.doc - 84 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 6972/2008 Duties: The incumbent is responsible for providing a comprehensive and confidential administrative, secretarial and receptionist service to the Clinical Director of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, and, as required, to Consultants, Trainee Medical Officers, scientific, academic and nursing staff, and psychologists in the department by monitoring workflow, prioritising work and assisting with meeting work deadlines, including providing secretarial and administrative support to the department’s academic and clinical functions. The Administrative Assistant provides a communication link between the department, the university and various outside agencies and health professionals. The Administrative Assistant works as part of the Women’s & Children’s administrative team and provides support to other secretaries within the Division to enable comprehensive clinical services, teaching, research and community outreach services to be maintained. Special Conditions: May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Will be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Flinders Medical Centre - Obstetrics & Gynaecology) Enquiries to: Robert Bryce, Clinical Director, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, telephone 8204 4577, email Applications to: HR Administration, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please download or contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 6972 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\J&P FM0522 Admin Ass O&G.doc - 85 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO2 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. 7022/2008 Duties: Accountable for the provision of secretarial administrative and reception services, which results in an effective level of service to the staff of the Injury Prevention and Management Unit (IP&IM) of The Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Provides administrative assistance to the Injury Prevention & Management Unit with duties including claims processing, payment of income maintenance, accounts and follow up of accounts service for TQEH and its agencies. The incumbent administers the staff Identification Badge system and provides a secretarial service to the TQEH Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Committee and other Committees as required. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Injury Prevention and Management Unit) Enquiries to: Anne Voce, Injury Prevention and Management Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6407, email Applications to: Human Resources Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South SA, 5011, email Note: Applicants are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 ASO3 HUMAN RESOURCE SUPPORT AND RECRUITMENT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. T6966/2008 Duties: The Human Resource Support and Recruitment Officer is responsible to the Human Resource Manager to provide support and advice to ensure equitable and consistent development and application of human resource practices within and across all areas of Country Health SA. This includes a range of employment matters, such as, career counselling, work experience, advertising, performance improvement, orientation/induction and training and development. The incumbent will also be responsible for the coordination of all advertising for vacant and contract positions within Country Health SA and for ensuring that potential applicants are provided with up to date and reliable information about employment in the organisation. Special Conditions: Position available only to existing CHSA employees. All other special conditions as listed in the Job and Person Specification. Location: Riverland (Renmark) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Operations Group - Country Health SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Jann Farrent, Human Resource Consultant, Central Operations Group CHSA, PO Box 1946, Renmark SA, 5341, telephone (08) 8580 4102, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\HR_ Support_Recruit Officer.doc - 86 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 HUMAN RESOURCE SUPPORT & RECRUITMENT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. T7015/2008 Duties: The Human Resource Support and Recruitment Officer is responsible to the Human Resource Manager to provide support and advice to ensure equitable and consistent development and application of human resource practices within and across all areas of Country Health SA. This includes a range of employment matters, such as, career counselling, work experience, advertising, performance improvement, orientation/induction and training and development. The incumbent will also be responsible for the coordination of all advertising for vacant and contract positions within Country Health SA and for ensuring that potential applicants are provided with up to date and reliable information about employment in the organisation. Special Conditions: Please note this position is only open to Country Health SA employees only. Hold a current South Australian motor vehicle (class C) driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. Some Intra/Interstate travel may be required necessitating overnight absences and out of hours travelling by car. May be required to travel by aircraft. Some approved out of hours work may be required for which time in lieu (TOIL) arrangements may apply. Applicants will be required to produce a satisfactory National Police Certificate/National Police History Records Check prior to confirmation of appointment and every 3 years thereafter from date of issue. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries to: Shirley Biedenweg, Manager, Human Resources NOG, Country Health SA, telephone (08) 8648 8523, email Applications to: Karen Burns, Human Resource Consultant, Country Health SA, PO Box 267, Whyalla SA, 5600, telephone (08) 8648 8524, email Note: Applicants are not required to address the Person Specification but are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. A detailed Job and Person Specification is available from the Human Resource Department, telephone 86488524, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\WS HR ASO3 JP.doc - 87 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 WORKFORCE SUPPORT & RECRUITMENT OFFICER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. T7011/2008 Duties: The WS Support & Recruitment Officer is responsible to the Director, Workforce Operations for providing a high quality, responsive and efficient office management support service to staff within the CHSA Adelaide Office. This support service includes human resources, records management and a range of other administrative tasks, including assisting in the review of systems, and in the introduction of new and modified systems. The incumbent will also provide coordination of all advertising for vacant and contract positions within Country Health SA and for ensuring that potential applicants are provided with up to date and reliable information about employment in the organisation. Special Conditions: This position is only open to Country Health SA employees. The appointee will be subject to a criminal history check prior to confirmation of appointment. Some out of hours work will be required; Travel intra-state may be necessary. Current driver’s licence essential and a willingness to drive. Located in the CHSA Adelaide Office. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries and Applications to: Pam Sylvester, Director, Workforce Operations, Country Health SA, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone (08) 8226 6345, email Note: Applicants are not required to address the Person Specification but are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\WS Support Recruitment Officer.doc - 88 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO3 HOME CARE COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($46475.00/49762.00) Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2009) T7008/2008 Duties: Ensure the efficient and effective coordination and implementation of home and community based services to clients within organisational guidelines/ criteria and that these services are monitored, reviewed and evaluated for effectiveness. Special Conditions: The position is offered on a temporary basis working 30 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked and is based at the Cleve Campus but will involve some intra cluster work across the communities of Franklin Harbour, Kimba and Cleve council areas. The position is subject to Multi purpose service funding. Flexibility of working hours will be required. Some intra state travel will be required. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Cleve) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA - Eastern Eyre Health & Aged Care, Cleve Campus) Enquiries to: Jenny Williams, Acting Team Leader, Client Services, Eastern Eyre Health & Aged Care, Cleve Campus, telephone (08) 8628 2460, email Applications to: Leonie Weiss, Acting Manager, Community Health Services, Eastern Eyre Health & Aged Care, Cleve, PO Box 20, Cleve SA, 5640, telephone (08) 8628 2460, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\PDHomeCare Coord JS.doc - 89 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 INDIGENOUS CULTURAL CONSULTANT (Advt) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. 6810/2008 Duties: The Indigenous Cultural Consultant (ICC) is accountable to the Regional Manager, Child and Family Health for the provision of health promoting services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) children, their parents and families through improving access to Children, Youth and Women's Health services (CYWHS), assisting families to obtain referral services and linking families to community supports. The ICC will contribute to the development and implementation of high quality culturally safe and sensitive systems, services and work practices within CYWHS. Special Conditions: This appointment will be subject to a satisfactory offender history check; possession of a current driver’s licence and the willingness to drive; flexibility in working hours (including Saturday mornings); participation in CYWHS's performance management process; ability to relocate (as required) to meet service delivery and or organisational requirements; ability to travel intra or interstate, which may involve overnight absences (as required). Location: Murray Bridge Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Alison Day, Regional Manager, Country South, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, telephone 0427 100 855, email Applications to: Ms Rosalie Carne, Administrative Coordinator, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 82 Henley Beach Road, Mile End SA, 5031, telephone 8159 9414, email, web site Note: An Information Session will be held on Monday 18th July 10am - 11am for all interested applicants. Please contact Alison Day on 0427 100 855 for further details. Applicants are asked to demonstrate their interest in no more than 3 pages, outlining past and present experiences, skills and abilities relevant to this position. Please enclose a copy of current resume and details of three current referees. Salary Sacrifice is an advantage to this position. Closing Date: 29 Aug 2008 Downloads: Advice to applicants:\Advice_to_Applicants.pdf Job & Person Specification:\ASO4 ICC July08.pdf - 90 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO4 BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES PROJECT OFFICER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. TO 27/06/2009) (Advt) T6884/2008 Duties: The BHC Project Officer is accountable to the Executive Officer/Director of Nursing Leigh Creek through the project steering group for the facilitation and coordination of the Building Healthy Communities (BHC) initiative including involvement in identification of needs, planning, delivery and evaluation of the program. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 60 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current ‘car’ driver’s licence is essential and a willingness to travel in the course of duties. Intrastate travel may be required necessitating occasional overnight absences and out of hours travelling by motor vehicle and/or light plane. Some out of hours work may be required where Time of in Lieu (TOIL) provisions apply. The position is located in Marree. The appointee will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Marree) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Service) Enquiries to: Daniel MacKenzie, Team Leader/ Community Social Worker, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Service, telephone (08) 8648 7830, email Applications to: Denise Grantham, Human Resource Officer, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Service, Hospital Road , Port Augusta SA, 5700, telephone (08) 8648 5522, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Project Officer Marree.doc - 91 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 MANAGER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (Advt) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 7014/2008 Duties: The main functions of the position are the management of the maintenance contract, responsibility for coordinating ad hoc repairs and maintenance, and coordination of capital works. The maintenance component requires oversight of the on site and external maintenance contractors. The works component involves forward planning, programming, briefing, preparing sketch plans, checking specifications and working drawings and ensuring that the projects are completed satisfactorily. Close liaison with Senior Management, user groups, the on site maintenance contractor, and other contractors is paramount. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. A formal performance review will be conducted annually. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Health Assessment. Must be prepared to provide a Criminal History Check or National Police Clearance. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Planning , Development and Assets) Further Information: Enquiries to: Andrew Cowgill, Manager Facility Services, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone 08 8275 1088, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, email Note: Please quote vacancy number 7014 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specification are available at RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50 percent. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\7014 ASO5 MGR PROP MGMT AUG 08.doc - 92 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO5 REHABILITATION COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6935/2008 Duties: The Rehabilitation Coordinator is responsible to the regional Injury Management Coordinator through the Rehabilitation Case Manager for the provision of a timely, professional and efficient rehabilitation service to injured workers of Southern Adelaide Health Services. Special Conditions: Will be required to travel to other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service at times. Will be required at times to undertake extensive driving throughout the metropolitan area for the purpose of taking injured workers to appointments. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Flinders Medical Centre - OHS & Injury Management) Enquiries to: Wendy O'Callaghan, Rehabilitation Case Manager, OHS & Injury Management, telephone 8204 4378, email Wendy.O' Applications to: HR Administration, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service may offer attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number 6935 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. To obtain a Job Pack, including the Job and Person Specification, please contact the Health Careers Candidate Call Centre on 1300 882 992 or visit to download. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification.:\ASO5 rehab coordinator sahs june08.doc - 93 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 MANAGER INJURY PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7007/2008 Duties: The Manager, Injury Prevention & Management is responsible to the Executive Director Human Resources & Organisational Development, through the Strategic Manager Workforce Health, for the provision and delivery of a comprehensive efficient and effective injury prevention and injury management service to Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services employees of Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. The service includes the development of prevention and injury management strategies, procedures, program development and review, education, health surveillance and promotion, statistics provision and analysis, workers compensation rehabilitation and claims management, in accordance with relevant Acts, Regulations and guidelines. Special Conditions: May be required to work in any site across the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. The incumbent must be prepared to uphold the values of CNAHS as reflected in the CNAHS Business Plan. Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. Formal performance review and development will be conducted. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services) Enquiries to: Deb Sykes, Strategic Manager Workforce Health, Human Resources & Organisational Development, telephone 0423 845 438, email Applications to: Deb Sykes, Strategic Manager Workforce Health, Human Resources & Organisational Development, PO Box 17, Fullarton SA, 5063, telephone 0423 845 438, email Note: Desirable: To possess or be working towards appropriate tertiary qualifications in Occupational Health & Safety or Rehabilitation/Claims Management, Human Resource Management or Behavioural or Health Science discipline. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Deb Sykes, telephone 0423 845 438, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 94 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 TEAM MANAGER ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 6979/2008 Duties: As a leader of a multi-disciplinary team, the Team Manager will be responsible for ensuring responsive primary health care services, programs, and activities targeting young people between the age of 12 to 25 living within the Playford, Salisbury and Tea Tree Gully Local Government Areas. These will be based on social justice and a social view of health, are developed in collaboration with communities and relevant organisations within government and other sectors. The Team Manager provides leadership and direction to the multi-disciplinary team of staff based on a community development primary health care approach. The Team Manager provides leadership and direction in a major regional portfolio area in line with strategic directions. The Team Manager undertakes operational management of Shopfront Youth Health and Information Service at the local level including administrative support, monitoring of service provision, data collection and service evaluation. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra and interstate travel may be required. Must have a current, valid and unencumbered driver’s licence. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Salisbury) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Primary Health Care Services - Shopfront Youth Health & Information Service) Enquiries to: Di Jones, Director Families & Children, Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services, telephone 8243 5651, email Applications to: Susan Stringer, Human Resources, Primary Health Care Services - Central Eastern, PO Box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8667, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Human Resource Unit telephone 8342 8600, or email applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 95 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 SCREENING SUPPORT & EVALUATION UNIT MANAGER (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7016/2008 Duties: BreastScreen SA (BSSA) is part of the Statewide Services Directorate, CNAHS and is the South Australian component of the national breast cancer screening program, BreastScreen Australia. BSSA aims to reduce the mortality and morbidity attributed to breast cancer in women primarily aged 50 to 69. Responsible to the General Manager for the management and direction of the Screening Support and Evaluation Unit of BSSA including Information Systems. Provides policy and technical advice relating to the promotion, conduct and evaluation of mammographic screening in South Australia, and is responsible for information services and provision of information and advice for special research studies on economic, behavioural and epidemiological aspects of the program. Responsible for the administrative screening support activities of BSSA. Special Conditions: This position is temporary for an initial period of up to 12 months with the possibility of an extension. Location: Adelaide Metro (Wayville) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - Statewide Services - BreastScreen SA) Enquiries to: Lou Williamson, General Manager, BreastScreen SA, telephone 8274 7101 Applications to: Steve Waller, Corporate Services Manager, BreastScreen SA, 1 Goodwood Road, Wayville SA, 5034 Note: Please forward 3 complete sets of your application. Applicants must address the essential minimum requirements of the Job and Person Specification, and provide details of three current referees. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Salary Sacrifice is an advantage to this position. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\ASO6 Mgr SSE July 08.doc ASO6 CLIENT & CONSUMER ADVOCACY OFFICER (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7028/2008 Duties: The Client and Consumer Advocacy Officer contributes to maintaining the professional reputation of the organisation by establishing and maintaining an effective, patient advisory, consumer feedback and complaint handling service. The incumbent is also responsible for ensuring that consumer complaints are promptly and appropriately investigated and working with Manager Professional Standards Unit to ensure that issues identified are appropriately managed to reduce the chance of them occurring in another situation. Location: Adelaide Metro (Eastwood) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (SA Ambulance Service) Enquiries to: Rob Elliott, General Manager Professional Standards Unit, telephone 041 7843 750 Applications to: Human Resources, 216 Greenhill Road, Eastwood SA, 5063 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Description:\Client & Consumer Officer.doc How to apply:\How to apply - Public.pdf - 96 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO6 MANAGER CLINICAL GOVERNANCE UNIT (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7019/2008 Duties: The Manager Clinical Governance Unit is responsible for the development and implementation of a clinical governance strategy for SAAS that will achieve organisational objectives for clinical governance, clinical audit and ambulance research. Importantly the incumbent will promote a multifaceted national and international partnership approach to clinical audit and research. The incumbent is directly responsible for the management and leadership of a small team which includes managing, overseeing and monitoring their work performance and professional development. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Eastwood) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (SA Ambulance Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Hugh Grantham, Executive Director Clinical Services, telephone 8274 0468 Applications to: Human Resources, SA Ambulance Service, GPO Box 3, Adelaide SA, 5001, telephone 8274 0497, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies. Closing Date: 05 Sep 2008 Downloads: Job Description:\Manager Clinical Goverance 2008.doc How to Apply:\How to apply - Public.DOC ASO7 MANAGER, CORPORATE SERVICES (Advt) ($75751.00/82227.00) Vacancy No. 6858/2008 Duties: The Manager, Corporate Services is accountable to the Health Service Director for the provision of high quality corporate and business services that support the effective operation of health units within the cluster. The Manager, Corporate Services will support, and where required by the Director manage, the planning and delivery of all administrative and non clinical services within the cluster, with the exception of those support services provided by the Finance and Infrastructure Division and the Workforce Services Division. As a member of the cluster management team the Manager, Corporate Services will liaise with staff at all levels to plan, develop, monitor, implement and evaluate effective service provision and resource utilization within the cluster. The Manager, Corporate Services will work across and provide support to all service delivery programmes including public and private acute, residential and aged care and community based services. Special Conditions: The appointee will be subject to a criminal history check prior to confirmation of appointment. Some out of hours work will be required. Frequent travel intra-state; Current driver’s licence and a willingness to drive essential. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries to: Kay Atfield, Director, Whyalla & Eastern Eyre Health Services, Country Health SA, telephone (08) 8648 8501, email Applications to: Karen Burns, Human Resource Consultant, Country Health SA, PO Box 267, Whyalla SA, 5600, telephone (08) 8648 8524, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\ASO7 - Mgr Corp Svs.doc - 97 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES STREAM (Continued) ASO7 MANAGER CORPORATE SERVICES ($75751.00/82227.00) Vacancy No. 7036/2008 Duties: The Manager, Corporate Services is accountable to the Health Service Director for the provision of high quality corporate and business services that support the effective operation of health units within the cluster. The Manager, Corporate Services will support, and where required by the Director manage, the planning and delivery of all administrative and non clinical services within the cluster, with the exception of those support services provided by the Finance and Infrastructure Division and the Workforce Services Division. As a member of the cluster management team the Manager, Corporate Services will liaise with staff at all levels to plan, develop, monitor, implement and evaluate effective service provision and resource utilization within the cluster. The Manager, Corporate Services will work across and provide support to all service delivery programmes including public and private acute, residential and aged care and community based services. Special Conditions: Available to existing ongoing CHSA employees only. Other special conditions are as listed in the Job and Person Specification. Location: Lower North Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Yorke & Lower North Health) Enquiries and Applications to: Ms Sharon Patterson, Manager, Human Resources, Central Operations Group CHSA, PO Box 1946, Renmark SA, 5341, telephone (08) 8580 4110/0400 229 039 , email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must address the essential and desirable criteria as disclosed in the job and person specification. Applications without this information may not be considered. Applications sent via the enquiries person will not be considered unless otherwise specified. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Mgr Corp Svs_ Yorke & Lower North.doc - 98 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 MEDICAL OFFICERS MD2 Level CONSULTANT/SENIOR CONSULTANT HAEMATOLOGIST 1-9/ (Advt) ($102641.00/135057.00) Vacancy No. MD2G ($122475.00/161155.00) 6575/2008 Level 1-9 Duties: Responsible, through the Department Head of Haematology for the Southern region, to the Clinical Director of the Haematology Directorate in SA Pathology. Contributes to all areas of clinical and laboratory haematology: diagnostic, clinical, teaching, the training and supervision of trainees in laboratory and clinical haematology, and research, as well as provide services to external (private) clients of the SA Pathology diagnostic laboratory service. Provides services in each of the named areas. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Specialist Qualifications for Consultant/Senior Consultant registrable as a Specialist with the Medical Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: This position has a total remuneration package of up to $241,709 - $314,060. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - SA Pathology) Enquiries to: Professor Alex Gallus, Senior Consultant Haematologist, Flinders Medical Centre, telephone 8204 5453, email Applications to: Mr Frank Young, Acting Manager, Human Resources, SA Pathology, Frome Road, Adelaide SA, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter, resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees. Closing Date: 05 Sep 2008 Downloads: J&PS:\Haematology Consultant.doc - 99 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 MEDICAL OFFICERS (Continued) MDP2/ MDP2G PALLIATIVE MEDICINE REGISTRAR (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($53121.00/79247.00) TO 2/02/2010) (Advt) ($57176.00/91575.00) Vacancy No. C7005/2008 Duties: Responsible for the provision of high quality medical care to palliative care patients in the region serviced by the Lyell McEwin Palliative Care Service. This encompasses inpatients, a consultation liaison service and community. This position is accredited for RACP advanced training in Palliative Medicine. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor of Medicine; Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) or equivalent, registrable with the Medical Board of South Australia as a Medical Practitioner. Special Conditions: This is a contract appointment up to 2/02/2010. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: SA Medical Officers Award and Enterprise Agreement Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Palliative Care Services) Enquiries to: Dr Christine Drummond, A/Clinical Head, Palliative Care, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8182 9208, email Applications to: Kirsteen Knevitt, Medical Administration, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, telephone 8182 9921, email Note: Applicants are requested to quote the vacancy number in their application. Please provide an original and two copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P:\J&P Registrar Palliative Medicine.doc - 100 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS RN/RM1 GRADUATE NURSES - RN1 (FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($45225.00/60300.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T6832/2008 (Advt) Duties: Works in a supportive learning environment to facilitate their transition to a professional Registered Nurse. Preceptors work closely with the graduate nurses, and Clinical Educator support is provided to both graduates and their preceptors. The primary focus of the program is clinical, offering graduates an opportunity to build on their recent academic achievements. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position available, offered on temporary full-time or part-time basis for 12 months with salary adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Modbury) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - Modbury Hospital) Enquiries to: Ms C Cutts, Clinical Nurse Educator, Modbury Hospital, telephone 8161 2390, email Applications to: Graduate Nurse Program Co-ordinator, Modbury Hospital Smart Road , Modbury SA, 5092, email Note: Applications should include: Letter of application, Curriculum Vitae, Names and contact details of 2 referees, Academic Transcript, Student placement reports for the last 2 years. Closing Date: 26 Sep 2008 Downloads: :\Registered Nurse Level 1 GENERIC.doc - 101 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM1 REGISTERED NURSE (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($45225.00/60300.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 6909/2008 Duties: Provide specimen collection and client care services for IMVS clients attending patient centres. Domiciliary collections are also included in the service. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position available, offered on a part-time basis working 45.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Initially rostered over 7 days. A current drivers licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Initially required to work in IMVS Collection Centres on a rostered basis as well as in hospital settings and will be required to undertake domiciliary collections. The appointee will be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - SA Pathology) Enquiries to: Mr Anthony Critchley, Laboratory Manager, telephone 8648 8388, email Applications to: Mr Frank Young, Acting Manager, Human Resources, SA Pathology, 5th Floor Margaret Graham Building, Adelaide SA, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter, resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&PS:\RN-1 generic JPS version E.doc - 102 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM1 GRADUATE MIDWIFE - FLINDERS WOMEN AND CHILDREN (FULL-TIME AND PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($45225.00/60300.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T6957/2008 (Advt) Duties: The Graduate Midwife provides nursing and/or midwifery services in primary health, secondary, tertiary or quaternary service settings. Graduate Midwife consolidates knowledge and skills and develops in capability through continuous professional development and experience. The Graduate Midwife accepts accountability for own standards of nursing/midwifery care and for activities delegated to others. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate and completion. Special Conditions: More than one position available, offered on a temporary full-time or part-time basis for 12 months with salary adjusted according to actual hours worked. Required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work at any site within the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Flinders Medical Centre - Flinders women and Children Division) Enquiries to: Angie Parker, Education Facilitator, telephone 8204 4320, email Applications to: Dawn Lindenberger, Assistant HR Consultant, Human Resources and Organisational Development, Flinders Medical Centre Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service may offer attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T6957 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. To obtain a Job Pack, including the Job and Person Specification, please contact the Health Careers Candidate Call Centre on 1300 882 992 or visit to download. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 03 Oct 2008 - 103 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM2A CSC ASSOCIATE CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($62310.00/65325.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) 6971/2008 Duties: Accountable for the practice standards, activities delegated to others and the guidance and development of less experienced staff. Accountable to the Nursing Clinical Services Coordinator/Team Leader for delivering specialist mental health care to consumers with complex needs. Responsible for ensuring optimal consumer care is provided by utilising the process of nursing to deliver direct and comprehensive nursing care and individual case management to mental health consumers within a designated practice setting. The provision of education, counselling and group work is considered essential components of care which is directed towards the attainment of optimum consumer health and recovery. This involves consultation and liaison with other professional disciplines and non governmental organisations. Uses clinical knowledge, skills and experience in the application of direction, support, orientation and education to nursing staff and participates in action research projects, quality improvement activities and policy development within the practice setting. Relieves the RN Level 3 as required. Provides specific support to the Nursing Clinical Service Coordinator role in the leadership of nurses in the unit/team. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: More than one position available. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Directorate Specialist Statewide Mental Health Services) Enquiries to: Kerim Skelton, Nursing Director, Aged Mental Health Care Services, telephone 8282 0449, email Applications to: Robert Rossi, Nurse Manager, Aged Mental Health Care Services, 200 Fosters Road, Oakden SA, 5086 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P Specification:\RN2 ACSC AgedCare.pdf - 104 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM2A CSC REGISTERED NURSE/MIDWIFE (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($62310.00/65325.00) Vacancy No. TO 31/07/2009) (Advt) T7010/2008 Duties: Provides specific support to the Nursing/Midwifery Clinical Service Coordinator or relevant equivalent role, in the community service, in the leadership of nurses/midwives in the unit. Maintains a professional reporting relationship for Nursing and Midwifery clinical practice issues and standards with a Nurse and or Midwife at Level 3 or above classification, where the direct line manager is not a Nurse and or Midwife. Maintains a close working relationship with the Clinical Nurse/Midwife (Level 2). Maintains cooperative and productive working relationships within all members of the health care team. Supports and works collaboratively with less experienced members of the nursing team. The Kangaroo Island Health Service (KIHS) is a Multi Purpose Service and receives funding through State and Commonwealth resources. KIHS includes an acute inpatient service, high & low aged care facilities, and an extensive community health service. KIHS has centres based at Kingscote, Parndana, American River and Penneshaw but outreach services are available to residents wherever they are located on the Island. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse and/or Midwife by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position up to 31/07/2009 working 48 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Reports to the Nurse/Midwife Clinical Services Coordinators (Level 3 or 4) or the relevant Team leader position within local community service/team for matters that are not related to nursing practice. Location: Kangaroo Island (Kingscote) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Kangaroo Island Health Service) Enquiries and Applications to: Marjo Smith, Community Health Nurse/ Midwife, Kangaroo Island Health Service, Esplanade, Kingscote SA, 5223, telephone (08) 8553 4218, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Assoc Clinical Srv Coord RNM2 .doc - 105 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM2A CSC ASSOCIATE CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (PART-TIME) ($62310.00/65325.00) Vacancy No. 6882/2008 Duties: Provides specific support to the Nursing/Midwifery Clinical Service Coordinator role in the leadership of nurses/midwives in the unit. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.6 FTE and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Murray Lands (Mannum) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Country Health SA - Mannum District Health Service) Enquiries to: Ruth Mason, Clinical Services Coordinator, Mannum District Health Service, telephone (08) 8569 0200, email Applications to: Eileen Dunn, Executive Officer/ Director of Nursing, Mannum District Health Service, Parker Street, Mannum SA, 5238, telephone (08) 8569 0200, email Note: Applicants are not required to address the Person Specification but are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\RNM2 ASC.pdf - 106 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM2C N CLINICAL NURSE/MIDWIFE ($52763.00/65325.00) Vacancy No. 7027/2008 Duties: Provides advanced nursing and/or midwifery services in primary health care settings and context. Accountable for practice standards, activities delegated to others and the guidance and development of less experienced staff. Central Northern Adelaide Health Service (CNAHS) was created as the first step in the long term reform of South Australia’s health system towards creating a truly integrated health service focussed on the total health needs of local communities. The PHCD sits within CNAHS as one of four service delivery directorates (the others being acute services, mental health and South Australian Dental Service). These services are supported by four support directorates, Service Development, HR, ICT/Finance and Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander health. PHCD provides services directly, to specific target groups such as women, children, Indigenous people and other vulnerable groups, as well as working in partnership with other providers and organisations, particularly general practice. The role requires extensive liaison and collaboration with housing, health, social and other relevant systems in the brokerage of services and the development of policy and practice to optimise outcomes for people experiencing primary homelessness. It also involves building the capacity of non-government organisations and government agencies to respond to vulnerable people with complex needs who require a coordinated and integrated service response. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Initially based at the Street to Home Service office and will be required to work across the Adelaide metropolitan area in an outreach role. Initially rostered over 7 days. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. The appointee may be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide CBD (Adelaide) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services - Street to Home Service) Enquiries to: Greg Calder, Team Manager, Street to Home Service, telephone 8113 3888, email Applications to: Neil Ramsay, Human Resource Unit, Ambulatory & Primary Health Care Services, PO box 508, Prospect East SA, 5082, telephone 8342 8666, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Neil Ramsay, telephone 8342 8666, or email Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants who wish to apply for the Clinical Nurse (level 2) classification are required to demonstrate by way of example/evidence that each of the criteria contained in the statement of key outcomes and activities of the Job and Person Specification (section 4) are met in their application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 107 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) AMENDMENT RN/RM3 CLINICAL PRACTICE CONSULTANT ($74873.00/77385.00) Amended To: RN/RM3 CLINICAL PRACTICE CONSULTANT (Advt) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. 6775/2008 Vacancy No. 6775/2008 Duties: In the course of fulfilling the role, provides clinical mental health nursing expertise for specified individual consumers and identified consumer populations and provides clinical leadership to mental health nurses. Accountable for the outcomes of nursing practices for the specific consumer group and for addressing inconsistencies between practice and policy. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Amended Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Directorate Early Intervention & Acute Services) Enquiries to: Neville Phillips, Early Intervention & Acute Services, telephone 8222 2630, Applications to: Marilena Ranaldo, Nurse Manager, Early Intervention & Acute Services, Cleland House Glenside Campus PO Box 17, Fullarton SA, 5063, telephone 8303 1245, Amended Note: Applicants please note vacancy 6775 is now advertised externally and the close date extended to 22 August 2008. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Job and Person Specifications are available from Ms Marilena Ranaldo by email at Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 108 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM3 NURSING CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (Advt) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. 6969/2008 Duties: Accountable for practice standards, activities delegated to others and the guidance and development of less experienced staff. Uses their clinical knowledge and experience to provide the pivotal coordination of consumer care delivery in a defined ward/team or program within a Health Unit/Company Service. The main focus of this role is the line management, coordination and leadership of the team activities to achieve continuity and quality of consumer care. Accountable for the delivery of high quality care. Accountable for the outcomes of practices in the specific practice setting, for addressing inconsistencies between practice and policy; and for developing team performance and a positive work culture in the interest of consumer outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: May be required to work at any site within the Central/Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Mental Health Directorate Specialist Statewide Mental Health Services) Enquiries to: Kerim Skelton, Nursing Director, Aged Mental Health Care Services, telephone 8282 0449, email Applications to: Robert Rossi, Nurse Manager, Aged Mental Health Care Services, 200 Fosters Road, Oakden SA, 5086 Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&P Specification:\RN3 ClinicalServicesCoordAgedCare.pdf - 109 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM3 NURSE CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (Advt) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. 6934/2008 Duties: Uses their clinical knowledge and experience to provide the pivotal coordination of patient/client care delivery in a defined ward/unit/value stream or program within a Health Unit/Community Service. The main focus of this role is the line management, coordination and leadership of nursing and or midwifery team activities to achieve continuity and quality of patient/client care. Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing and/or midwifery care. Accountable for the outcomes of nursing practices in the specific practice setting, for addressing inconsistencies between practice and policy; and for developing team performance and a positive work culture in the interest of patient/client outcomes. Various practice models may be adopted by health services to enact this role, including but not limited to: Primarily leading a patient care area/nursing and or midwifery clinical practice/service team; Undertaking a combination of patient care area/ team leadership and resource management. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Some on call and overtime will be required. Attendance at Theatre Management Committee meetings is required. A current driver’s licence and a willingness to drive is required. Some intrastate and interstate travel may be required. May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. The appointee will be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: South East (Mount Gambier) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Mount Gambier District Health Service) Enquiries to: Paul Bullen, Acting Director of Nursing & Patient Services, Mt Gambier District Health Service, telephone (08) 8721 1573, email Applications to: John Warneke, Acting Human Resources Consultant, Mt Gambier District Health Service, PO Box 267, Mount Gambier SA, 5290, telephone (08) 8721 1528, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\RN3 Clinical Services Coord.doc - 110 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM3 CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR - BARMERA CAMPUS (Advt) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. 7026/2008 Duties: Utilises their clinical knowledge and experience to provide the pivotal coordination of resident/patient/client care delivery in residential and acute care. Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing and residential care. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: May be required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes. Appointee will be required to produce a current National Police Certificate without being found guilty of any offence relevant to the area of employment and thereafter every three years from the date of issue of the current certificate. Location: Riverland (Barmera) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Riverland Regional Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Desiree May, Director of Nursing, Riverland Regional Health Service, telephone (08) 8580 2404, email Applications to: Ms Jann Farrent, Human Resource Consultant, Central Operations Group CHSA, PO Box 1946, Renmark SA, 5341, telephone (08) 8580 4102, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must address the essential and desirable criteria as disclosed in the job and person specification. Applications without this information may not be considered. Applications sent via the enquiries person will not be considered unless otherwise specified. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Clinical Services Coord Barmera.doc - 111 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS (Continued) RN/RM3 NURSE CLINICAL SERVICES COORDINATOR (TEMPORARY UP TO 13/04/2009) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. T6997/2008 Duties: Uses their clinical knowledge and experience to provide the pivotal coordination of patient/client care delivery in FRM. The main focus of this role is the line management, coordination and leadership of nursing team activities to achieve continuity and quality of patient/client care. Accountable for the delivery of high quality nursing care which is consistent with the Department of Health quality framework. Accountable for the outcomes of nursing practices in FRM, for addressing inconsistencies between practice and policy; and for developing team performance and a positive work culture in the interest of patient/client outcomes. Undertakes a combination of patient care area/team leadership and resource management. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: This is a temporary position up to 13/04/2009. Required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development process. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History check. May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Bedford Park) Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Service - Flinders Medical Centre - Flinders Reproductive Medicine) Enquiries to: Jo O'Connor, Director of Nursing, Flinders Division of Women and Children, Flinders Medical Centre, telephone 8204 3023, email jo.o' Applications to: Team Leader, HR Administration, Flinders Medical Centre, Flinders Drive, Bedford Park SA, 5042, telephone 8204 5264, email Note: Southern Adelaide Health Service offers attractive Salary Sacrifice benefits. To obtain a Job and Person Specification please download or contact the enquiry person. Applicants are requested to quote Job Number T6997/2008 in their application and to forward an original application plus three copies and include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specification:\Job Spec SAHS RN3 CSC FRM.doc - 112 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS PO3/ RN/RM3 PROGRAM LEAD CHRONIC DISEASE COMMUNITY (Advt) ($70701.00/74986.00) ($74873.00/77385.00) Vacancy No. 6530/2008 Duties: Responsible to the Program Manager Demand Management & Hospital Substitution and ultimately accountable to the Director Health Services Integration primarily for the overall operation, conduct, quality outcomes and promotion of the CDCP and contribution to the strategic development of current and future chronic disease programs of the Population and Primary Health Care Directorate in the south. This will include team staff supervision, contract management for the accredited provider panels of the CDCP, and working with the chronic disease portfolio lead for Southern Primary Health services. There will be a limited service delivery component to the role in Telephone Coaching, CDCP Liaison or service training. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at the PO3 Classification: Appropriate qualification from a recognised tertiary institution giving eligibility for membership with the relevant professional association where appropriate. For appointment at the RN/RM3 Classification: Registered or eligible for registration as a General Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Job and Person Specifications are reviewed regularly as part of the ongoing Performance Development process. Some out of hours work may be required. May be required to undertake a health assessment prior to commencement. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check. May be required to work within other locations of the Southern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Southern Adelaide Health Services - Health Services Integration Regional Office) Enquiries to: Debbie Law, Director, Health Service Integration, Southern Adelaide Health Services, telephone 8201 7815, email Applications to: Jodie Pollard, Human Resources Consultant, Noarlunga Health Services, PO Box 437, Noarlunga Centre SA, 5168, telephone (08) 8384 9515, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Debbie Law, telephone 8201 7815, or email applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please ensure you mark the vacancy number clearly on your application. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Program Lead Chronic Disease 2008.doc :\ProgramLeadChronicDisease.doc - 113 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 NURSING OFFICERS AMENDMENT RN/RM4 MENTAL HEALTH NURSE PRACTITIONER (Advt) ($79898.00/81908.00) Amended To: RN/RM3/ MENTAL HEALTH NURSE PRACTITIONER/ CANDIDATE RN/RM4 (Advt) ($74873.00/77385.00) ($79898.00/81908.00) Vacancy No. 6822/2008 Vacancy No. 6822/2008 Duties: In the course of fulfilling the role, primarily providing direct expert nursing care for individuals and/or groups of patients/clients. May practice beyond the usual extent of nursing/midwifery scope of practice and are autonomous clinical decision makers, working independently and collaboratively in the health care system. Accountable for their nursing/midwifery practice; professional advice given, delegations of care made and for addressing inconsistencies between practice and policy. Responsible for the development, provision and evaluation of mental health nursing care that ensures optimal client / family and community outcomes. Draws upon their professional competencies to improve clinical service outcomes through effective research and quality improvement activities. Develops a state-wide/national profile in relation to research, publication and education in their specialty area of practice. Responsible as a leader, advisor and mentor for other senior nurses practicing in the field of mental health. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Registered or eligible for registration as a Mental Health Nurse by the Nurses Board of South Australia and who holds, or who is eligible to hold, a current practicing certificate. Special Conditions: Participation in a performance development and review program. Some out of hours work may be required. Some intra and interstate travel may be required. Participation in continuous quality improvement. Participation in clinical supervision/reflection on practice. Participate in an on call roster may be required. Must have current South Australian driver’s licence and a willingness to drive. Must be willing to submit to a Police Records Check. Location: negotiated within Country Health SA Award: Nurses/Midwives (SAPS) Enterprise Agreement 2007 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries to: Lee Martinez, Country Health SA, telephone (08) 8226 7237, Applications to: Lorraine Martin, Executive Assistant, Mental Health Program, Country Health SA, PO Box 287 Rundle Mall, Adelaide SA, 5000, telephone (08) 8226 7218, Note: Mental Health Nurse Practitioner applicants may initially nominate to work from any one of the following health service sites: Adelaide Hills (Mt Barker), Murray Bridge, Southern Fleurieu (Victor Harbor), Kangaroo Island, Barossa/ Gawler, Wallaroo, Pt Pirie, Pt Augusta, Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Riverland, South East (Mt Gambier). To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 29 Aug 2008 - 114 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM OPS1 PHLEBOTOMIST (PART-TIME) (MORE THAN ONE ($20133.00/37531.00) Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) 6911/2008 Duties: Contribute to the efficient provision of patient services by providing support functions such as venepuncture (specimen collection) and specimen management, reception and clerical services. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 45.5 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Will be required to work extended hours including 7 day/24 hr shift work, weekends and public holidays. Maintenance of a current Senior First Aid Certificate. Maintenance of a current drivers licence. The successful incumbent will be required to work in IMVS Collection Centres on a rostered basis, as well as in hospital settings and also perform domiciliary collections. The appointee will be subject to a Criminal History Check prior to confirmation of appointment. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (CNAHS - SA Pathology) Enquiries to: Mr Anthony Critchley, Laboratory Manager, Whyalla, telephone 8648 8388, email Applications to: Mr Frank Young, Acting Manager, Human Resources, SA Pathology, 5th Floor Margaret Graham Building, Adelaide SA, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter, resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: j&ps:\OPS-1 generic JPS version E.doc OPS2 COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 27/06/2009) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6870/2008 Duties: The Community Support Worker is responsible to the Team Leader/Community Social Worker for the delivery of a comprehensive range of health services throughout the Quorn health service area. Special Conditions: The position serves the respective communities and surrounding districts of Quorn. A current ‘car’ driver’s licence is essential and a willingness to travel substantial distances in the course of duties. Regular intrastate travel may be required necessitating occasional overnight stays and out of hours travelling by car and/or light plane. Some out of hours work may be required. 3 month probation period may apply if applicable. Applicants will be required to produce a satisfactory national police certificate/national police history records check prior to confirmation of appointment and every three years after from date of issue. Location: Flinders Ranges & Outback (Quorn) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA) Enquiries to: Daniel Mackenzie, Team Leader/ Community Social Worker, Country Health SA, telephone (08) 8648 7830, email Applications to: Denise Grantham, Human Resource Officer, Port Augusta Hospital & Regional Health Service, Hospital Road, Port Augusta SA, 5700, telephone (08) 8648 5522, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Comm Support Wrk.doc - 115 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 OPERATIONAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) OPS2 ABORIGINAL AGED CARE WORKER (TEMPORARY UP TO 28/12/2008) ($39906.00/43193.00) Vacancy No. (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) T6953/2008 (Advt) Duties: The Aboriginal Aged Care Worker provides a range of services which meet the community service and social support needs of the frail, aged and younger disabled members of the Aboriginal community in the Murray Mallee Region. Special Conditions: The Aboriginal Aged Care Worker is required to enter into an annual performance agreement for the achievement of (specific or service or program) outcomes and participate in special projects as required. Some out of hours work or some intra and interstate travel may be required. A current South Australian driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Applicants will be required to produce a satisfactory National Police Certificate/National Police History Records Check prior to confirmation of appointment and every 3 years thereafter from date of issue. Location: Murray Lands (Murray Bridge) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Murray Mallee Community Health Service) Enquiries to: Joanna Diasinas, Regional Coordinator, Tumake Yande Aboriginal Aged Care Program, Southern Fleurieu Health Service, telephone 0402 155 357, email Applications to: Linda Thompson, Human Resources Consultant, Country Health SA, PO Box 346, Murray Bridge SA, 5253, telephone (08) 8535 6777, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Aboriginal Aged Care Worker.doc - 116 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS AMENDMENT PO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST- ROTATING (PERM OR TEMPORARY) (Advt) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. 6851/2008 Amended To: PO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST- ROTATING (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6851/2008 Duties: The physiotherapist is responsible to the Manager of Physiotherapy to provide professional physiotherapy skills and knowledge for the assessment and treatment of patients in the inpatient and outpatient setting. The physiotherapist will be supervised and supported by a clinical consultant physiotherapist in the clinical areas of rotation. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist. Special Conditions: This is a full time temporary position for 12 months. Current SA Driver’s licence is essential as some travel may be required. Home visiting may be required. Occasional out of hours work and participation in regular weekend roster will be required. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Elizabeth Vale) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Central Northern Adelaide Health Service - Lyell McEwin Hospital Phy) Enquiries to: Paula Harris, Lyell McEwin Hospital, telephone 8182 9000 Pager 6150, Applications to: Human Resources Team, Human Resources & Organisational Development, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Haydown Road, Elizabeth Vale SA, SA , Note: Applicants are requested to quote the vacancy number in their application. Please provide an original and two (3) copies of application with the name, address and contact number of three (3) current referees. Closing Date: 15 Aug 2008 - 117 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 INPATIENT SOCIAL WORKER (Advt) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. 6949/2008 Duties: As part of multi-disciplinary team provide high quality social work assessment and intervention to all inpatients, their families and carers as appropriate. The Social Worker may also be required to work within the broader Whyalla Hospital and Health Services to ensure quality and safe care to the community through liaison with a broad range of professions and agencies. The Social Worker implements the principles of Primary Health Care into daily practice. This may involve group work and training and education sessions with consumers/carers and other groups and organisations. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive. Special Conditions: 75 hours per fortnight, Monday to Friday. A current South Australian motor vehicle (class C) driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to travel by aircraft. Some approved out of hours work may be required for which time in lieu (TOIL) arrangements may apply. Applicants will be required to produce a satisfactory National Police Certificate/National Police History Records Check prior to confirmation of appointment and every 3 years thereafter from date of issue. Some Intra/Interstate travel may be required necessitating occasional overnight absences and out of hours travelling by car and/or plane. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Whyalla) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Whyalla Hospital & Health Service) Enquiries to: Wendy Voorendt, Acting Team Leader, Whyalla Hospital & Health Service, telephone (08) 8648 8302, email Applications to: Karen Burns, Human Resource Consultant, Country Health SA, PO Box 267, Whyalla SA, 5600, telephone (08) 8648 8524, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Social Worker Inpatient.doc - 118 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/10/2008) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. (Advt) T6905/2008 Duties: Provide physiotherapy services to either inpatients referred from the wards, outpatients referred from clinics and local GP’s and to patients. The physiotherapist is responsible for the assessment and management of patients which results in improved patient care and outcomes. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which entitles registration as a Physiotherapist. Special Conditions: Must be prepared to attend relevant meetings and staff development/education activities as required. A formal performance review will be conducted annually. Weekend and public holiday work is required on a rostered basis. Some out of hours work may be required. Appointment may be subject to a satisfactory Offender History Check and Health Assessment. Location: Adelaide Metro (Daw Park) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Repatriation General Hospital - Division of Rehabilitation, Aged Care and Allied Health) Further Information: Enquiries to: Tony Hewitt, Director of Physiotherapy, Repatriation General Hospital, telephone (08) 8275 1614, email Applications to: Pat Penny, Human Resources Consultant, Repatriation General Hospital, Daws Road, Daw Park SA, 5041, email Note: Please quote vacancy number T6905 in your application. Applicants are required to address the Job and Person Specification in their application. Job and Person Specifications are available from RGH is an approved Public Benevolent Institution for fringe benefits tax purposes which enables eligible employees to salary sacrifice/package up to 50 percent. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. People of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander descent are strongly encouraged to apply. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job and Person Specifications:\T6905 PO1 PHYSIOTHERAPIST AUG 08.doc - 119 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO1 RADIOGRAPHER (Advt) ($44991.00/57846.00) Vacancy No. 6975/2008 Duties: Responsible for performing a range of imaging procedures not requiring constant supervision of technical detail, working both as part of a team or individually. Responsible for providing professional supervision, support and guidance to PDY radiographers, medical radiations students on clinical placement and work experience students. Contributes to approved research programs, and the departmental quality controls programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Statement of Accreditation in Diagnostic Radiography from the Australian Institute of Radiography, or its recognised equivalent. Licensed under the Radiation Protection and Control Act SA (1982). Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Shift work will be a requirement. Weekend and public holiday work will be required. Overtime and on call work may be required. Variable starting and finishing times will be required. PDY Radiographers will be considered. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Radiology Department) Enquiries to: Jan Coles, Radiology Department, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6790, email Applications to: Human Resources Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South SA, 5011, email Note: Applicants are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 120 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 APAC PHARMACIST, PHARMACY DEPARTMENT (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. T7002/2008 Duties: The core component of this position is the provision of a clinical pharmacy service to patients of the Women’s and Children’s Hospital, which will encompass the guiding principles of the Australian Pharmaceutical Advisory Council (APAC) guidelines on achieving continuity of medication management. This position will also be expected to provide support to other areas of the department. The APAC pharmacist is accountable to the Director, Pharmacy Services for the provision of clinical pharmacy services to ensure the quality use of medicines and continuity in medication management. This service promotes appropriate, safe, cost-effective drug therapy, to ensure optimal health outcomes for patients at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital. This is done in accordance with the hospital’s philosophy and practice of quality management, which ensures the best possible services to consumers, and in accordance with The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia Standards of Practice for Clinical Pharmacy. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree or equivalent in Pharmacy which is registrable with the Pharmacy Board. Special Conditions: This is a temporary full time position available from August 2008 for a period of 12 months. Required to participate in weekend, late's and on-call roster. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Intra and interstate travel may be required. May be relocated to meet organisational need. Location: Adelaide Metro (WCH North Adelaide Campus) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Children, Youth & Women's Health Service - Women's and Children's Hospital Campus - Pharmacy Department ) Enquiries to: Sean Turner, A/Director of Pharmacy, telephone 8161 8350, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's and Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide SA, 5006, telephone 8161 8350, email Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification and details of 3 current referees. The Job and Person Specification and 'Advice to Applicants' document (which assists applicants in the preparation of their application) can be downloaded from the weekly on-line NOV publication or by contacting the Enquiries Person. Applicants must clearly state in their application their employee status within the Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: job description and advice to applicants document\:\PO2APACPHARMACIST.pdf - 121 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR SOCIAL WORKER/SENIOR CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST (PART-TIME) (Advt) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. 7035/2008 Duties: The Senior Social Worker/Senior Clinical Psychologist is responsible for the provision of a comprehensive specialist (Assessment and Therapy) clinical child protection service for children and families which assists in the prevention of abuse, the promotion of adequate care and protection for children, and recovery from harmful effects of abuse. The successful applicant will be experienced in the field of child mental health and/or child protection and a team player. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Degree level qualification in the social work discipline to a standard accepted by the Chief Executive or a Masters Degree in Clinical or Applied Psychology and registered under the provisions of the Psychological Practices Act, 1973. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 37.50 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some overtime/after hours work will be required, for which time off in lieu is granted. Paid overtime may be approved in some circumstances. The incumbent will be required to participate in an after hours on-call roster (crisis service). Paid overtime will be approved when clinical services are provided after hours. Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal History Check. Intra and interstate travel may be required to provide clinical and teaching services. May be relocated to meet organisational need. Location: Adelaide Metro (North Adelaide) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Children, Youth and Women's Health Service) Further Information: Enquiries to: Ms Mary Aesche, Business Manager, Child Protection Services, telephone 8161 7248, email Applications to: Human Resources Department, Women's & Children's Hospital Campus, Children, Youth and Women's Health Service, 72 King William Road, North Adelaide SA, 5006, telephone 8161 7249, email, web site Note: Please forward 4 complete sets of your application which must address the requirements of the person specification, curriculum vitae and details of three current referees. Salary Sacrifice is an advantage to this position. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job & Person Specification:\PO2 SnrSW_SnrCP July 08.pdf Advice to applicants:\Advice_to_Applicants.pdf - 122 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 PROFESSIONAL OFFICERS (Continued) PO2 SENIOR OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, MEDICAL REHABILITATION SPECIALIST (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. TO 12 MONTHS) T7047/2008 Duties: The Specialist Occupational Therapist, Medical Rehabilitation is accountable to the Assistant Director, Occupational Therapy for the coordination and management of Occupational Therapy services provided to Medical Rehabilitation at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree or other qualification which gives eligibility for registration as an Occupational Therapist. Willingness to undertake relevant ongoing education/study. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position working 45 hours per fortnight and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Rotation to Royal Adelaide Hospital. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Vicki Hume, Senior Occupational Therapist, telephone 8222 1698, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, Administrative Manager, Administration & Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield SA, 5085 Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Administration & Human Resources, telephone 8222 1621, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Word Document:\PO2 OT Med Rehab.doc PO2 SPECIALIST OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, GENERAL MEDICAL /GERIATRICS (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) ($61060.00/68023.00) Vacancy No. T7042/2008 Duties: Provide Occupational Therapy services to patients mainly from Geriatrics and Rehabilitation, General Medical and General Surgical Units at Royal Adelaide Hospital, contributing to early and ongoing rehabilitation processes and maximising functional ability of those patients. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree in Occupational Therapy or equivalent giving eligibility for registration with the Occupational Therapy Registration Board of South Australia. Special Conditions: This is a temporary appointment to 20/11/2009 or until the return of the substantive officer, whichever is sooner. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (Royal Adelaide Hospital - Occupational Therapy Department) Enquiries to: Ms Margot Masters, Director, Occupational Therapy, Royal Adelaide Hospital, telephone 8222 4980, email Applications to: Ms Susan Castle, Human Resource Officer, NAAHGS, Level 4, Margaret Graham Building, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide SA, 5000 Note: Please forward an original application plus three copies, include contact details of three current professional referees and address the requirements in the Person Specification. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 123 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER ($33023.00/48283.00) Vacancy No. 7001/2008 Duties: Contribute to the provision of the routine diagnostic infectious diseases service by performing routine diagnostic tests including the preparation, screening and reporting of clinical specimens, assisting with more complex tests and procedures for the diagnosis of infectious diseases. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: Will be required to participate in a shift roster and may be required to work extended hours on an overtime basis which may include weekends and public holidays. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - SA Pathology) Enquiries to: Mr Bruce Winter, Laboratory Manager, IDL, telephone 8222 3841, email Applications to: Mr Frank Young, Acting Manager, Human Resources, SA Pathology, 5th Floor Margaret Graham Building, Adelaide SA, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following: covering letter, resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 TGO0/ TGO1 TECHNICAL OFFICER (MORE THAN ONE POSITION) ($17443.00/42880.00) ($33023.00/48283.00) Vacancy No. 6948/2008 Duties: The incumbent is required to perform tissue culture and prepare and analyse chromosomes at various levels of resolution from all major tissue types. The incumbent will be required to work with both prenatal and post natal tissue samples. Essential Minimum Qualifications: For appointment at TGO0, the educational standards required for entry to an appropriate recognised Technical study course. For appointment at TGO1, a Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant Technical discipline, or equivalent, such as those specified in the Technical Grades Stream Classification Standards. Special Conditions: More than one position is available. Will be required to occasionally work on weekends and public holidays. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - SA Pathology) Enquiries to: Ms Rhonda Hutchinson, W&CH, telephone 8161 6715, email Applications to: Mr Frank Young, Acting Manager, SA Pathology, 5th Floor Margaret Graham Building, Adelaide SA, 5000, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applications must clearly state the vacancy number and include the following covering letter, resume/curriculum vitae providing full details of employment history and relevant experience, together with names of three referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J&PS:\SA Path TGO 0-1 perm .doc - 124 - HEALTH CARE ACT SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE: 08/08/08 TECHNICAL SERVICES STREAM (Continued) TGO5 TECHNICAL MANAGER, CLINICAL ENGINEERING TEAM (Advt) ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 6995/2008 Duties: As a senior member of the Department's management team, the Technical Manager, Clinical Engineering is responsible for assisting with the implementation and review of the departments mission, goals, policies, operational plans and financial budgets. On a day to day basis will manage the resources of the Clinical Engineering Team and provide technology management for the biomedical engineering equipment in The Queen Elizabeth Hospital and other Health Care Institutions in South Australia to achieve organisational goals, and to ensure that customers receive quality biomedical engineering support services. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A Diploma or Advanced Diploma in a relevant technical discipline or qualification assessed as equivalent by the Commissioner of public employment. Special Conditions: The incumbent will be based at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital or other sites under the responsibility of the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Some out of hours work may be required. Participation in on call roster and out of hours work may be required. Work may involve equipment generating ionising and non-ionising radiation and other hazardous substances. Work within client departments may involve patient treatment, trauma or assessment. Work outside TQEH, together with intrastate/interstate and overseas travel may also be required. Participation in approved Biomedical Engineering commercial ventures. Location: Adelaide Metro Award: Public Sector Salaried Employees Interim Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (The Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Finance and ICT - Biomedical Engineering) Enquiries to: Larry Covino, Biomedical Engineering Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, telephone 8222 6831, email Applications to: Human Resources Manager, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 28 Woodville Road, Woodville South SA, 5011, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Maureen Devine, telephone 8222 6724, or email applicants are asked to demonstrate their formal interest in no more than three pages, outlining past and present experience whilst indicating their individual skills and abilities relevant to this position and enclose copy of resume. Applicants should include the name and contact number of three current professional referees. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Application Guidelines:\Guidelines.doc Job & Person Specification:\TGO5 J&PS.doc - 125 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR VACANCY INFORMATION OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Vacancies contained in this section will be filled under the conditions applicable to each public sector organisation. Appeal provisions may apply to vacancies advertised in this section. Intending applicants are encouraged to clarify appointment conditions and appeal provisions (if any) from the enquiries person named in each advertisement. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. - 126 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DATED 8 AUGUST 2008 OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Trainee TRAINEE - CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7049/2008 Duties: The trainee will be responsible for meeting and greeting members of the public, paying accounts, mail outs, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone, and general administrative duties. This unit is a small team of people responsible for providing an administrative service to the office. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Electorate Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, 5001, telephone 1800 683 534 web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: Apply Now:\Application CoverSheet New 08-09.pdf Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships.pdf - 127 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES Trainee DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 TRAINEE- CLERICAL PROCESSING (OFFICE ADMINISTRATION) (TEMPORARY UP TO 12 MONTHS) Vacancy No. (Advt) T7093/2008 Duties: The trainee will be responsible for meeting and greeting members of the public, paying accounts, mail outs, filing, word processing, photocopying, answering the phone, and general administrative duties. This unit is a small team of people responsible for providing an administrative service to the office. Special Conditions: To apply for this position you need to be between the ages of 17-24 (inclusive). You can be between the ages of 17-28 (inclusive) if you fit into one of the following targeted groups: Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, declared disability, long term unemployed (12 months or more), have been or are under State Care. You can only do one state government traineeship, and you must not have taken a package from the state government within the last three years. You must be a South Australian resident, and must not be currently employed in the State Government. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Treasury and Finance (Electorate Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Administrative Coordinator, CareerStart SA, DFEEST, GPO Box 320, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 1800 683 534, web site Note: To apply for this position please click on "Apply Now" for instructions. If you would like more information about traineeships, resumes, and interviews, please click on "Traineeship Information". Please contact CareerStart SA on 1800 683 534 if you have any questions. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: Apply Now:\Application CoverSheet New.pdf Traineeship Information:\info about traineeships.pdf - 128 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO4 SENIOR LAND MANAGEMENT OFFICER (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) (Advt) C7089/2008 Duties: The Senior Land Management Officer will contribute to the delivery of the sustainable management of natural resources in the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges region through the provision of a high level of advice, specialist expertise and support to a range of land managers within a specified district and in accordance with the AMLR NRM Plan and Board objectives. The Senior Land Management Officer also makes a significant contribution to the ongoing improvement of the Land Management Program through the management of projects aimed to integrate NRM activities and achieve a landscape scale response to issues. The incumbent will achieve this by operating as the first point of contact to land managers, and by establishing and maintaining effective relationships with land managers to facilitate ongoing discussions regarding the management of natural resources on their land. Special Conditions: Located at Lobethal. Out of hours work may be required. The incumbent is required to work alone in a field environment, including working in adverse conditions from time to time. Must hold a current drivers licence and be prepared to undertake 4WD training. Location: LOBETHAL Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Adelaide & Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mandy Turnbull, Business Support Manager, AMLR NRM Board, 205 Greenhill Road, Eastwood, 5063, telephone 82739100, email, web site Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies and include the name, address and contact number of two current referees. Applicants are required to address the essential and desirable skills / knowledge / experience listed in the job and person specification. Job and Person Specification available at: Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: JOB DESCRIPTION:\Senior LMO JP.pdf - 129 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO4 OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY OFFICER (PART-TIME) (Advt-Recirc) ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. 1498/2008 Duties: The Occupational Health and Safety Officer will contribute to the development, implementation and monitoring of the SAFECOM corporate Occupational Health, Safety & Welfare strategy & compliance with the WorkCover Performance Standards for Self Insurers. Contribute to the development, implementation, and monitoring of SAFECOM Safety Management Systems. Facilitate and deliver Occupational Health & Safety information and training programs for SAFECOM. Assist in developing and implementing strategies and systems to measure the effectiveness of the OHS&W programs. Identify SAFECOM Health Safety & Welfare issues, facilitate and monitor remedial processes. Conduct accident investigations & review hazard and near miss reports. Special Conditions: This is a part-time position working 0.50 full time equivalent and salary will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Fire and Emergency Services Commission Further Information: Enquiries to: Judy Arthur, Manager Occupational Health Safety and Welfare, SAFECOM, telephone 08 8463 4140, email Applications to: Vacancies, Human Resources, SAFECOM, GPO Box 2706 or 6th Floor, 60 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8463 4081, email Note: Please refer to the Application Guidelines when preparing an application. The South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The Emergency Services Sector offers flexible working arrangements. Safety in our workplace is a core business value in the Strategic and Business directions and operations of our organisation. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.doc ASO4 OHSW:\PD ASO-4 OHSW Officer 0.5FTE.doc - 130 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO4/ ASO5/ ASO6 RESEARCH OFFICER - STATUTORY AUTHORITIES REVIEW COMMITTEE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($53115.00/55569.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) ($59236.00/66356.00) C7137/2008 ($68623.00/72832.00) Duties: The Statutory Authorities Review Committee has been established under the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 to consider and report on the functions, structure and operations of Statutory Authorities and comprises Members of the Legislative Council. Duties will include conducting research projects in areas of relevance to the Committee. Essential Minimum Qualifications: A degree in Economics, Commerce or other business related degree or Law. Special Conditions: An understanding of the issues involved in the Committee's inquiry will be required together with appropriate research, analytical and report writing skills. The provisions of the Public Sector Management Act do not apply to this position. However, general Public Service conditions apply and entitlements are transferable. Located at the Parliamentary Committees' Office, Old Parliament House, North Terrace. Appointment at the appropriate level will be based on qualifications and experience. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Parliament of SA (Legislative Council) Enquiries to: Mr C Schwarz, telephone 8237 9308 Applications to: Mrs J M Davis, Clerk of the Legislative Council, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Any person who is, and is seen to be, active in political or electoral affairs, and intends to publicly carry on this activity, may compromise the strict neutrality of this position and cannot be considered. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Description:\Research Officer Job.pdf Person Description:\Research Officer - Person.pdf - 131 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO5 REGIONAL OPERATIONS OFFICER (Advt) ($59236.00/66356.00) Vacancy No. 7117/2008 Duties: The Regional Operations Officer manages the Unit and Regional Operational readiness and capability in line with Service standards (SOER). Facilitates the Regional Audit program (Assets, OH&S, equipment maintenance, SOER). Manages special projects and major events as directed by the Commander. Manages the Regional Duty Officer system. Responsible for the development of business cases and plans (including financial requirements) to address identified Regional operational needs. Undertakes and manages projects including timelines, KPIs, and fiscal reporting as directed by the Commander. Works collaboratively with the Commander to enhance human resource management in volunteer Units. Works collaboratively with the Commander to achieve Zone Emergency Management outcomes. Contributes to the leadership, development and management of the Regional Team. Contributes to the positive image of the SASES by representing the organisation at meetings, seminars and on working parties. Monitors the compliance with OH&S policies, practices and procedures. Monitors the compliance with Service, sector and government policies, plans and procedures. Identifies, develops and implements strategies that ensure that SES service delivery meets community needs and risks. Complies with financial policy and operates within budget parameters. Delivers, assesses and participate in SES training and assessment. Deputises for the Commander in all respects. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Certificate IV in Training and Assessment (or equivalent) Special Conditions: The incumbent will be required to attain and maintain the minimum service operational competencies. Commitment to personal development. Extensive out of hours work will be required for which time off in lieu of overtime and operational overtime will be approved. Will work a 75 hour roster over 10 days in any given fortnight which may include weekends and public holidays, and for which a penalty of 13.1% is paid. Approved time off in lieu may be accrued and acquitted with the approval of the Regional Commander. Some intrastate and interstate travel necessitating overnight stays will be required. Must be prepared for prolonged operational duties on a rostered basis. Required to perform operational duties in emergency situations and participate in the Regional Duty Roster for which an on-call allowance is paid. Must be prepared to fly in rotary or fixed wing aircraft for transport or operational duties, as required. A current driver’s licence essential. Location: Bowden Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: State Emergency Service Enquiries to: Derren Halleday, Regional Commander Central Region, SASES, telephone 08 8345 9107, email Applications to: SAFECOM vacancies, Human Resources, SAFECOM, GPO Box 2706 or Level 6/60 Waymouth Street, Adelaide, 5001, telephone 08 8463 4081, email Note: Position Description and Application Guidelines are available from Human Resources, telephone 08 8463 4081 or email Applicants must address the Essential and Desirable criteria from the Position Description. Please forward an original application plus three copies or one electronic copy. Applicants should include the name, email/postal address and contact number of three current referees. Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. The South Australian State Emergency Service is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, people from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The Emergency Services Sector offers flexible working arrangements. Safety in our workplace is a core business value in the Strategic and Business directions and operations of our organisation. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\Regional Operations Officer Central.doc Application Guidelines:\Job Application Guidelines.doc - 132 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO6 COORDINATOR, RANGELANDS NRM ALLIANCE (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT FOR ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 1 YEAR) (Advt) C7053/2008 Duties: The National Rangelands NRM Alliance is a newly convened group comprised of representatives of State and National natural resources management organisations with responsibility for the management of remote rangelands of Australia. The Alliance has identified a range of high priority activities which will benefit from a joint national approach. Such activities include: Developing and implementing a management program for large feral herbivore control across the rangelands of Australia; Implementing a range of ecosystem services in the rangelands of the Australia; Implementing a National Sustainability Trust across the rangelands of Australia; Improving management of the Arid Rivers and Wetlands of Australia; Increasing community skills, knowledge and engagement in remote Australia; Developing soil condition and water quality targets for the rangelands. The Coordinator, Rangelands Alliance is responsible for significantly contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the National Rangelands NRM Alliance by coordinating and developing strategies, projects and activities which result in improved natural resources management outcomes for remote rangeland areas of Australia. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Desirable: Tertiary qualifications in natural resource management, project management or related area. Special Conditions: Located at the SA Arid Lands NRM Board’s Port Augusta office (or negotiable). A current driver’s licence is essential. Considerable work outside normal hours with travel to remote and interstate centres necessitating occasional overnight stays will be required. Location: Port Augusta (negotiable) Award: Natural Resources Management Boards Award Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: SA Arid Lands NRM Board Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr John Gavin, General Manager, SA Arid Lands NRM Board, PO Box 2227, Port Augusta, 5700, telephone 08 8648 5977, email, web site Note: The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Coord Rangelands NRM Alliance.pdf - 133 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) ASO6 BUSINESS ANALYST (CONTRACT APPOINTMENT UP ($68623.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. TO 2 YEARS) C6278/2008 Duties: The Business Analyst will be responsible for developing specifications and managing specific delivery of the system component from the Programmers in line with Business Outcomes. The Business Analyst will provide expertise focussed toward particular Government/agency objectives and programs relative to the analysis of business requirements which impact on the IT Implementation Project Team operations and program delivery. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate tertiary qualifications. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide Metro (Wayville) Award: SA Govt Wages Parity (Sal) Enterprise Agree 2006 Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: SACE Board of South Australia Further Information: Enquiries to: Mr Frank Biedermann, future SACE IT Project Team Leader, SACE Board of South Australia (previously SSABSA), telephone 8372 7400, email Applications to: Mrs Caron Duffield, Administration Support Officer, SACE Board of South Australia (previously SSABSA), 60 Greenhill Road, Wayville, 5034, telephone 8372 7400, email, web site Note: Applications should be marked 'Confidential'. Please forward an original application plus three copies. Applications to address the Essential Minimum Requirements detailed in the PID. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 - 134 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) Lecturer LECTURER REFRIGERATION AND AIR CONDITIONING (TEMPORARY UP TO 30/06/2009) ($49605.00/68422.00) Vacancy No. T7102/2008 Duties: The Refrigeration and Air Conditioning work group is based at Regency Institute provides a range of educational, training and consultancy services, both on campus in award courses and off campus in a range of Fee For Service programs in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. The role of the Lecturer is to provide instruction and guidance to students in order to facilitate satisfactory completion of the requirements of their course of study in accordance with relevant Enterprise, Industry and Curriculum objectives and with the Academic Policies of the School, Faculty and Institute. The lecturer contributes to the provision of effective training in the program, by developing teaching and learning materials and by the delivery of programs in award courses, fee for service courses and customised programs in the areas of Certificate III in Electro technology -Refrigeration and Air Conditioning and post trade studies. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Degree or Diploma or equivalent (in an area relevant to the position) from a recognised tertiary institution or industrial experience relevant to the position. Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. A flexible approach to duty hours and the taking of leave is essential. The successful applicant must meet AQTF/ARC requirements for the delivery of this educational program, or agree to obtain the relevant qualifications within 12 months of appointment. This position is a "prescribed position". Appointment will be subject to a satisfactory police check. Location: Adelaide Metro (Regency Park) Award: TAFE Act (Educational Staff) Interim Award Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Further Educ, Employment, Science & Technology (TAFE SA - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning) Enquiries and Applications to: Ian Fleming, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, TAFE SA Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Regency Park, 5010, telephone 8348 4481, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Ian Fleming, telephone 8348 4481, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. The SA Government is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: J & P Lecturer Refrigeration & Air Conditioning:\TAN1088 Lect, Refrig & Air Con.doc Employment Declaration:\ Job Application Guidelines:\JOBAPPLICATIONGUIDELINES.pd f - 135 - OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: OTHER PUBLIC SECTOR SALARIED VACANCIES (Continued) n/a COMMITTEE SECRETARY - PARLIAMENTARY LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE ($72832.00/72832.00) Vacancy No. 7139/2008 Duties: The Legislative Review Committee has been established under the Parliamentary Committees Act 1991 to consider, along with other legal and constitutional matters, all subordinate legislation and comprises Members of both Houses of the Parliament. Duties include being responsible for the day to day coordination and administration of the Parliamentary Legislative Review Committee. Required to provide procedural advice to the Committee in conformity with the Parliament's procedures, undertake research and ensure that the Committee's investigations are undertaken efficiently and expeditiously. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Tertiary qualifications preferably with a legal component are essential, together with excellent communication skills (oral and written) and an ability to adapt to the environment of Parliament. Special Conditions: After a suitable probationary period the officer will become a permanent officer of the Legislative Council. This position is not under the PSM Act but conditions generally follow those which apply in the Public Service and entitlements are transferable. Some out of hours work may be required. Location: Adelaide CBD Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Parliament of SA (Legislative Council) Enquiries to: Mr C Schwarz, telephone 8237 9308 Applications to: Mrs J M Davis, Clerk of the Legislative Council, Parliament House, North Terrace, Adelaide, 5000 Note: Any person who is, and is seen to be, active in political or electoral affairs, and intends to publicly carry on this activity, may compromise the strict political neutrality of this position and cannot be considered. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Job Description:\Committee Secretary - Job.pdf Person Description:\Committee Secretary - Person.pdf - 136 - WEEKLY PAID VACANCY INFORMATION WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES If you are applying for a weekly paid job in this Notice, your application should include this information: the title and number of the job you are applying for; your name; the name of the Agency or Statutory Authority where you are working and your work telephone number; a description of your work experience. If you have any problems or questions about your application you should talk to your supervisor, or you may want to talk to the Office of Public Employment. This Office is located on the 12th Floor, State Administration Centre, 200 Victoria Square, Adelaide. The telephone number is 8226 2893. If you have any questions about your rights to apply for other government jobs you should ask the Office of Public Employment (telephone 8226 2893). In this Notice there are also vacancies for promotional salaried positions. Weekly paid employees who are determined to be ‘relevant public employees’ under Regulation 11 of the Public Sector Management Act who wish to apply for any of these positions are welcome to do so. If you want to discuss any of the positions before putting in an application, you should contact the person whose name and telephone number is listed for enquiries for the position. REQUESTS TO CIRCULARISE VACANCIES Details of vacancies to be published in this section will be accepted by Business Services of the Office of Public Employment up to 12.00 p.m. FRIDAY prior to the date of issue of the Notice. Whenever possible however, agencies are encouraged to forward vacancy details as soon as they become available. This action will facilitate the clearing of positions for advertising in the Notice. The facsimile number is 8226 2966, and for any enquiries please telephone 8226 2893. - 137 - WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 NOTICE OF VACANCIES DTED 8 AUGUST 2008 WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES Weekly Paid TRADES COOK (TEMPORARY FOR 6 MONTHS) Vacancy No. T6862/2008 Duties: The Cook is responsible for the delivery of cost effective and special menus, the supervision of staff employed in the prison kitchen. Ensure the security, welfare and training of staff, ensure that work standards are optimised and maintained in line with departmental policies and procedures. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Appropriate Trade Qualification in Cookery Special Conditions: Some out of hours work may be required. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. Working in a high security environment with face to face prisoner contact. Location: Adelaide CBD Award: SA Government Services Award Rate of Pay: $742.60 (1st Increment) $752.60 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Correctional Services Enquiries to: Mr Colin Eastgate, Catering Supervisor, Adelaide Remand Centre, telephone 82163262, email Applications to: Mrs Helen Goodman, Business Manager, Adelaide Remand Centre, 208 Currie Street, Adelaide, 5000, telephone 82163279, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Helen Goodman, telephone 8216 3279, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Advice to Job Applicants:\Advice to Job Applicants.pdf Job & Person Specification:\Trades Cook 07-08.pdf - 138 - WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid DISABILITY SERVICE OFFICER (CASUAL) (MORE THAN ONE Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) L6956/2008 Duties: The Disability Services Officer provides personal care and practical support to persons with a disability and their families. The incumbent participates, with other members of the service team, in the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of programs. Essential Minimum Qualifications: Must possess a Senior First Aid Certificate or other recognised first aid qualification as determined by the employer. Special Conditions: These casual positions will provide personal care and daily living support to a 14 year old girl living in the family home at Chandler's Hill. Support is provided week-day, evening, weekends, public and school holidays (4 hour shifts). A current driver's licence is highly desirable. Must be prepared to relocate within the service should the need arise. Required to undertake study and /or training in the field of developmental disability. Must be prepared to undergo Prior Offender History Check by the South Australia Police Department. For casual positions a 20% loading applies in lieu of annual and sick leave. Location: Adelaide Metro (Chandlers Hill) Award: Intellectual Disability Services Award Rate of Pay: $678.65 (1st Increment) $689.98 (2nd Increment) $707.90 (3rd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Families and Communities (Disability SA - Accommodation Services) Further Information: Enquiries and Applications to: Mr Rob Portlock, Manager, Disability SA, Personal Support & Development South, Level 2A, 103 Fisher St, Fullarton SA, 5063, telephone 8448 4697, email Note: Job and Person Specifications are available from Leonie Prior, telephone 8266 8505, or email Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Safety is a core value of the South Australian Public Sector. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Position Description:\Disability Service Officers JP.doc Guidelines:\Guidelines Position Descriptions.pdf - 139 - WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid PORTER/SECURITY OFFICER/MEDICAL ORDERLY Weekly Paid HOME SUPPORT WORKER (PART-TIME) (TEMPORARY UP Vacancy No. TO 30/06/2009) (Advt) T6908/2008 Duties: Provides direct home care & support services to clients who receive support through the Home Care, and other Community Health Programs in Eastern Eyre. Special Conditions: This is a temporary part-time position up to 30/06/2009 working 22.5 hours per fortnight and rate of pay will be adjusted according to actual hours worked. Some flexibility of working hours may be required. Some overnight absences from home may be required. Salary sacrificing is available to employees. Required to produce a satisfactory National Police Certificate/National Police History Records Check prior to confirmation of appointment and every 3 years thereafter from date of issue. Location: Eyre Peninsula (Cleve) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $700.30 (1st Increment) $710.40 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Country Health SA - Eastern Eyre Health & Aged Care, Cleve Campus) Enquiries and Applications to: Leonie Weiss, Team Leader, Client Services, Eastern Eyre Health & Aged Care, Cleve Campus, PO Box 20, Cleve SA, 5640, telephone (08) 8628 2460, email Note: To apply, download a position description from for further information about the role, instructions to apply offline, and for a copy of the Position Description please phone the TMP Candidate Care Centre on 1300 882 992. Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\Home Support Worker WHA3.doc Vacancy No. 6967/2008 Duties: Responsible for the provision of programmed maintenance, waste management, general portering service and a security service to the campus. Supports service to medical and nursing staff in the clinical units by assisting in all aspects of manual handling involving equipment and clients and providing client transportation. Special Conditions: Initially rostered over 7 days, 24 hours. Required to undertake a Senior First Aid Course. A current driver's licence and willingness to drive is essential. May be required to work at any site within the Central Northern Adelaide Health Service. Location: Adelaide Metro (Northfield) Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $720.00 (1st Increment) $730.10 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: South Australian Public Sector Employees Only Department: Health (CNAHS - RAH - Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre) Enquiries to: Shane McInnes, Manager, Fire Safety, Security & Orderly Services, telephone 8222 1750, email Applications to: Mary Staunton, Administrative Manager, Administration & Human Resources, Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre, 207-255 Hampstead Road, Northfield SA, 5085 Note: Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Job and Person Specifications are available from Administration & Human Resources, telephone 8222 1621, or email Closing Date: 22 Aug 2008 Downloads: Word Document:\WHA4 Med Orderly.doc - 140 - WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES DATE OF ISSUE:08/08/08 AGENCY: WEEKLY PAID VACANCIES (Continued) Weekly Paid COMMUNITY SUPPORT WORKER (CASUAL) (MORE THAN ONE Vacancy No. POSITION) (Advt) L7024/2008 Duties: Responsible to the Community Aged Care Package Coordinator for the provision of a high standard of Home Support Services including providing personal care, cleaning, shopping and meal preparation to residents of the Riverland Region based on service eligibility. Actively involved in the planning, facilitation and evaluation of Health Promotion activities of the Community Health Service. Understands and applies primary health care principles to contribute to the enhancement of the health of individuals and the community. Special Conditions: More than one position available, offered on a casual basis for which a 20 percent casual loading applies in lieu of sick leave and annual leave with rate of pay adjusted according to actual hours worked. A current driver's licence and a willingness to drive is essential. Appointee will be required to produce a current National Police Certificate without being found guilty of any offence relevant to the area of employment and thereafter every three years from the date of issue of the current certificate. Location: Riverland Award: SA Government Health Etc Ancillary Employees Award Rate of Pay: $680.40 (1st Increment) $690.30 (2nd Increment) Eligibility: Non-Public Sector Employees May Apply Department: Health (Riverland Regional Health Service) Enquiries to: Ms Karen Clark, CACP Coordinator, Riverland Regional Health Service Inc, telephone (08) 8588 0451, email Applications to: Ms Jann Farrent, Human Resource Consultant, Central Operations Group CHSA, PO Box 1946, Renmark SA, 5341, telephone (08) 8580 4102, email Note: Please forward an original application plus two copies. Applicants should include the name, address and contact number of three current referees. Applicants must address the essential and desirable criteria as disclosed in the job and person specification. Applications without this information may not be considered. Applications sent via the enquiries person will not be considered unless otherwise specified. Closing Date: 18 Aug 2008 Downloads: :\WHA2_CACPSupportWorker_0408.d oc - 141 - - 142 -