Secondary School Credits Correspondence

2015 – 2016 Correspondence
*Study at home at your own pace
Secondary School Credits
Course List & Descriptions
Student Service Fee – Non-refundable
Kitchener – 80 Young Street (Room 108)
per Correspondence Course – Non-refundable
TEL: 519-745-1201 x217-Kitchener
FAX: (519) 745-9269
Registration/Office Hours and Tutoring Hours:
Office Hours
Tutoring Hours
8:30am – 12:00pm
10:30am – 12:00pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
5:30pm – 7:30pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
(no Guidance available in
Tuesday evening timeslot)
5:30pm – 7:30pm
12:00pm – 3:00pm
12:00pm – 3:00pm
5:30pm – 7:30pm
5:30pm – 7:30pm
8:30am – 12:00pm
10:30am – 12:00pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Important dates:
Lesson Submission
Monday, September 14, 2015
& Exam START
Registration, Lesson
Submission & Exam
END Date:
Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Tutoring START
Monday, September 21, 2015
Tutoring END Date:
(Office closed)
Monday, October 12, 2015
Monday, February 15, 2016
Friday, March 25, 2016 and Monday, March 28, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Christmas Break:
The office will be closed from December 21, 2015 to January 1, 2016
March Break:
The office will be closed from March 14, 2016 to March 18, 2016
Thursday, June 16, 2016
How many courses can I register for? Maxmum of 2 courses at a time.
How long do I have to complete the course(s)? You must complete your lessons by the lesson submission
end dates and write your exams on or before the exam end dates, or one year from registration,
whichever is later.
What happens if I don’t finish the course? If you drop or don’t finish the course with half or more
completed, a withdrawal mark will show on your transcript.
How many lesson books may I have out at a time? You are restricted to one (1) lesson book per course at
any given time. You must make your study notes as you work through your lesson book.
How many lessons can I submit per week? Maximum of 2 lessons per week per course. When you submit a
lesson, attach a completed Lesson Submission Cover Sheet.
Can I submit more than 2 lessons a week? You may make arrangements with the marker. Without
agreement from the marker first, a student is NOT to submit more than 2 lessons a week. It is NEVER
acceptable to submit a whole course’s lessons at one time.
Do I complete both Key and Support Questions? For some courses you are required to submit both Key and
Support Questions, while for other courses only Key Questions. Refer to the course’s Student Information
Sheet (SIS) or ask your marker.
Where do I drop off my lessons? Lessons can be dropped off in the lesson submission box in the
Correspondence Office or in the Self-Direct dropbox on the wall by the Correspondence door. Cambridge –
Annex Room A1 submission box. NEVER PUT LESSON BOOKS IN BOX.
Where do I pick up my marked lessons? Lessons are marked within 5-7 business days. Lessons must be
picked up in the Kitchener Correspondence Office during office hours. Lessons that are not picked up within
6 months will be destroyed. DO NOT CALL OR EMAIL FOR YOUR MARKS.
How are the courses graded? Most courses are graded with a 70/30 split: 70% lessons and 30% exam(s).
Refer to the course’s Student Information Sheet.
Can I redo lessons where the mark is below 50%? No, unless marked as “RESUBMIT” by your marker.
How do I book my midterm or final exam? When you have a neon green Exam Notice Form attached a
marked lesson, present it to the Administrative Assistant, and she will book a time for you.
What should I bring to my exam? You must return all course resources in order to write your exam. You
should bring your own pencils, eraser, ruler, and non-graphing calculator if needed.
Can I redo an exam if the mark is below 50%? Students are allowed one redo of an exam, the maximum
exam grade being 65%. You must PASS the FINAL exam (50%) in order to achieve your credit.
How do I graduate? Complete an Intent to Graduate Form. Graduation is held in November 2015.
Do I get a report card? Report cards are available for pickup upon request.
Can I get my final grade sent to OCAS or OUAC? Yes, final grades can be faxed to the post-secondary
application centres from St. Louis. A student is responsible for informing guidance when the student has
applied to OCAS or OUAC (since we do not know this unless you tell us) and you need to inform guidance
when you reach the mid-term point or are finished a course so that we know to send your marks.
What are the rules on PLAGIARISM? Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty and will not be tolerated.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, cutting and pasting from Internet sources and copying from
another student’s lessons. The marker who suspects or identifies plagiarism will assign a mark of zero for
that lesson or for that part of that lesson. The marker will then report the plagiarism to the Correspondence
Administrator. Continued plagiarism after being warned can result in removal from the
course/Correspondence program.
CoOL – Correspondence On-Line
Course Title
English, University
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course
Chemistry, Grade 11, University
Chemistry, Grade 12, University
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Course Title
Financial Accounting Fundamentals
Financial Accounting Principles
Entrepreneurship: The Venture
Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals
Contemporary Studies (social science)
Course Title
Travel and Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspective
Understanding Canadian Law
World Religions: Beliefs and Daily Life
Health for Life
Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis
Philosophy: Questions and Theories, University
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Course Code
Credit Value
Course Title
English, Academic
English, Applied
English, College
English, Workplace
English, University
Business and Technological Communication
English, College
English, Workplace
English, University
The Writer’s Craft
Studies in Literature
Ontario Literacy Course
Guidance & Career Education
Course Title
Designing Your Future
Grade Level
Course Title
Aboriginal Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations in
Contemporary Society
World History to the Sixteenth Century
Canada: History, Identity, and Culture
World History: The West and the World
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Grade Level
Course Code
Credit Value
Course Title
Foundations of Mathematics, Applied
Foundations of Mathematics, Applied
Principles of Mathematics, Academic
Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life, Workplace
Foundations for College Mathematics, College
Functions and Applications, University/College
Functions, University
Foundations for College Mathematics, College
Mathematics for College Technology, College
Advanced Functions, University
Calculus and Vectors, University
Mathematics of Data Management, University
Course Title
Science, Applied
Science, Academic
Biology, College
Biology, University
Chemistry, University
Environmental Science, Workplace
Physics, University
Earth and Space Science, University
Science, University/College
Biology, University
Chemistry, Grade 12, College
Chemistry, Grade 12, University
Physics, College
Physics, University
*denotes CoOL – Correspondence On-Line course
CoOL – Correspondence Online
ENG4UE- English, Grade 12, University
This course emphasizes consolidation of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. You will analyze a range of
challenging texts from various time periods, countries, and cultures; write analytical and argumentative essays and a major
paper for an independent research project; and apply key concepts to analyze media works. An important focus will be on
using academic language coherently and confidently, selecting the reading strategies best suited to particular texts and
particular purposes for reading, and developing greater control in writing. The course is intended to prepare you for
university, college, or the workplace.
In this course you will analyze online audio and video clips as part of the syllabus.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, University Preparation
OLC4OE – Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12
This course is designed to help students acquire and demonstrate the cross-curricular literacy skills that are evaluated by
the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test. Students will learn to use language skillfully and confidently. To make the
learning process meaningful, students will learn how to make text to text, text to self, and text to world connections. In
addition, they will learn how to recognize and identify the difference between directly stated and indirectly stated ideas and
information. Students will be required to produce several pieces of writing i.e., summaries, information paragraphs, opinion
pieces, and news reports. Students will also be required to contribute to discussions and complete on-line assignments,
individually and collaboratively. Students will maintain and manage a literacy portfolio containing a record of their reading
experiences and samples of their writing. The course is divided into three strands: Building Reading Skills; Building Writing
Skills; and Understanding and Assessing Growth in Literacy.
SCH3UE - Chemistry, Grade 11, University
This course enables you to deepen your understanding of chemistry through the study of the properties of chemicals and
chemical bonds; chemical reactions and quantitative relationships in those reactions; solutions and solubility; and
atmospheric chemistry and the behaviour of gases. You will further develop your analytical skills and investigate the
qualitative and quantitative properties of matter, as well as the impact of some common chemical reactions on society and
the environment. Includes 3D molecular models using VSEPR and video clips featuring neutralization.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
SCH4UE - Chemistry, Grade 12, University
This course enables you to deepen your understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes
and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. You will
further develop problem-solving and laboratory skills as you investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining your
ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on
evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 Chemistry, University Preparation
BAF3MB - Financial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College
This course introduces you to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting. You will develop financial analysis
and decision-making skills that will assist them in future studies and/or career opportunities in business. You will acquire an
understanding of accounting for a service and a merchandising business, computerized accounting, financial analysis, and
ethics and current issues in accounting.
Prerequisite: None
BAT4MB - Financial Accounting Principles, Grade 12, University/College
This course introduces you to advanced accounting principles that will prepare you for post-secondary studies in business.
You will learn about financial statements for various forms of business ownership and how those statements are interpreted
in making business decisions. This course expands your knowledge of sources of financing, further develops accounting
methods for assets, and introduces accounting for partnerships and corporations.
Prerequisite: Financial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11, University/College Preparation
BDI3CB - Entrepreneurship: The Venture, Grade 11, College
This course focuses on ways in which entrepreneurs recognize opportunities, generate ideas, and organize resources to plan
successful ventures that enable them to achieve their goals. You will create a venture plan for a school-based or student-run
business. Through hands-on experiences, you will have opportunities to develop the values, traits, and skills most often
associated with successful entrepreneurs.
Prerequisite: None
BOH4MA - Business Leadership: Management Fundamentals, Grade 12, University/College
This course focuses on the development of leadership skills used in managing a successful business. You will analyze the role
of a leader in business with a focus on decision-making, management of group dynamics, workplace stress and conflict,
motivation of employees, and planning. Effective business communication skills, ethics, and social responsibility will be
emphasized throughout the course.
Prerequisite: None
Contemporary studies (social sciences)
CGG3OA - Travel and Tourism: A Regional Geographic Perspective, Grade 11, Open
This course focuses on travel and tourism as the vehicle for studying selected world regions. Using a variety of
geotechnologies and inquiry and communication methods, students will conduct and present case studies that develop their
understanding of the unique characteristics of selected world regions; the environmental, cultural, economic, and political
factors that influence travel and tourism; and the impact of the travel industry on communities and environments around
the world.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 Geography of Canada, Academic or Applied
CGW4UA - Canadian and World Issues: A Geographic Analysis, Grade 12, University
This course examines the global challenges of creating a sustainable and equitable future, focusing on current issues that
illustrate these challenges. Students will investigate a range of topics, including cultural, economic, and geopolitical
relationships, regional disparities in the ability to meet basic human needs, and protection of the natural environment.
Students will use geotechnologies and skills of geographic inquiry and analysis to develop and communicate balanced
opinions about the complex issues facing Canada and a world that is interdependent and constantly changing.
Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or social
sciences and humanities
CLU3MA - Understanding Canadian Law, Grade 11, University/College
This course explores legal issues that directly affect your life. You will acquire a practical knowledge of Canada's legal system
and learn how to analyze legal issues. You will also be given opportunities to develop informed opinions on legal issues, and
to defend those opinions and communicate legal knowledge in a variety of ways and settings, including legal research
projects, mock trials, and debates.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Canadian History since World War I, Academic or Applied
HPC3OA - Parenting, Grade 11, Open
This course focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to promote the positive and healthy nurturing of children, with
particular emphasis on the critical importance of the early years to human development. You will learn how to meet the
developmental needs of young children, communicate and discipline effectively, and guide early behaviour. You will have
practical experiences with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers, and will learn skills in researching and investigating questions
relating to parenting.
Prerequisite: None
HRF3OA - World Religions: Beliefs and Daily Life, Grade 11, Open
This course introduces students to the range and diversity of world religions, and examines how systems of belief affect
individual lives and social relationships. You will learn about a variety of religious beliefs, teachings, traditions, and practices.
The course also helps you to develop skills used in researching and investigating topics related to world religions.
Prerequisite: None
HZT4UA - Philosophy: Questions and Theories, Grade 12, University
This course addresses three (or more) of the main areas of philosophy: metaphysics, logic, epistemology, ethics, social and
political philosophy, and aesthetics. You will learn critical-thinking skills and the main ideas expressed by philosophers from a
variety of the world's traditions; you will also learn how to develop and explain your own philosophical ideas, and how to
apply those ideas to contemporary social issues and personal experiences. The course will also help you refine the skills used
in researching and investigating topics in philosophy.
Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in social sciences and humanities, English, or Canadian
and world studies
PPZ3CA - Health for Life, Grade 11, College Preparation
This course enables students to examine the factors that influence their own health practices and behaviours as well as
those factors that contribute to the development of healthy communities. It emphasizes the concept of wellness, which
addresses all aspects of well-being – physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual, and social – and promotes healthy eating,
physical activity, and building and maintaining a positive sense of self. Students will develop the skills necessary to make
healthy choices and create a personal wellness plan. They will also design initiatives that encourage others to lead healthy,
active lives. The course prepares students for college programs in health sciences, fitness, wellness, and health promotion.
Prerequisite: None
EBT4OA - Business and Technological Communication, Grade 12, Open
This course emphasizes practical writing and communication skills that are needed in the world of business and technology.
You will analyze the characteristics of effective models of business and technical communications; gather information to
write reports, business letters, memos, manuals, instructions, and brochures; and integrate graphics and text, using
technology appropriately for formatting and special effects.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, University, College, or Workplace Preparation
ENG2DB - English, Grade 10, Academic
This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that you need
for success in your secondary school academic programs and in your daily life. You will analyze literary texts from
contemporary and historical periods, interpret and evaluate informational and graphic texts, and create oral, written, and
media texts in a variety of forms. An important focus will be on the selective use of strategies that contribute to effective
communication. This course is intended to prepare you for the compulsory Grade 11 university or college preparation
Prerequisite: Grade 9 English, Academic or Applied
ENG2PB - English, Grade 10, Applied
This course is designed to extend the range of oral communication, reading, writing, and media literacy skills that you will
need for success in secondary school and daily life. You will study and create a variety of informational, literary, and graphic
texts. An important focus will be on the consolidation of strategies and processes that help you interpret texts and
communicate clearly and effectively. This course is intended to prepare you for the compulsory Grade 11 college or
workplace preparation course.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 English, Academic or Applied
ENG3CB - English, Grade 11, College
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for
success in academic and daily life. Students will study the content, form, and style of a variety of informational and graphic
texts, as well as literary texts from Canada and other countries, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of
forms for practical and academic purposes. An important focus will be on using language with precision and clarity. The
course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 12 college preparation course.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 English, Applied
ENG3EB - English, Grade 11, Workplace
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for
success in the workplace and in daily life. Students will study the content, form, and style of a variety of contemporary
informational, graphic, and literary texts; and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms for practical
purposes. An important focus will be on using language clearly and accurately in a variety of formal and informal contexts.
The course is intended to prepare students for the compulsory Grade 12 workplace preparation course.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 English, Applied
ENG3UB - English, Grade 11, University
This course emphasizes the development of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. You will analyze challenging
texts from various periods; conduct research and analyze the information gathered; write persuasive and literary essays; and
analyze the relationships among media forms, audiences, and media industry practices. An important focus will be on using
language with precision and clarity and incorporating stylistic devices appropriately and effectively.
The course is intended to prepare you for the compulsory Grade 12 university or college preparation course.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 English, Academic
ENG4CB - English, Grade 12, College
This course emphasizes consolidation of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for
success in academic and daily life. You will analyze a variety of informational and graphical texts, as well as literary works
from various countries and cultures, and create oral, written, and media texts in a variety of forms for practical and
academic purposes. An important focus will be on using language with precision and clarity and developing greater control
in writing. This course is intended to prepare you for college or the workplace.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, College Preparation
ENG4EB - English, Grade 12, Workplace
This course emphasizes the consolidation of literacy, communication, and critical and creative thinking skills necessary for
success in the workplace and in daily life. You will analyze informational, graphic, and literary texts and create oral, written,
and media texts in a variety of forms for workplace-related and practical purposes. An important focus will be on using
language accurately and organizing ideas and information coherently. This course is intended to prepare you for the
workplace and active citizenship
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, Workplace Preparation
ENG4UE- English, Grade 12, University – see CoOL – Correspondence On-Line courses
ETS4UA - Studies in Literature, Grade 12, University
This course is for students with a special interest in literature and literary criticism. The course may focus on themes, genres,
time periods, or countries. You will analyze a range of forms and stylistic elements of literary texts and respond personally,
critically, and creatively to them. You will also assess critical interpretations, write analytical essays, and complete an
independent study project.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, University Preparation
EWC4UA - The Writer’s Craft, Grade 12, University
This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. You will analyze models of effective writing; use
a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and
identify effective ways to improve the quality of your writing. You will also complete a major paper as part of a creative or
analytical independent study project, and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 English, University Preparation
OLC4OE - Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course, Grade 12 – see CoOL – Correspondence On-Line
Guidance & Career Education
GWL3OA - Designing Your Future, Grade 11, Open
This course prepares you to make successful transitions to post-secondary work and education or training. You will explore
the realities and opportunities of modern workplaces, while refining your employability skills and learning how to manage
your career. You will target appropriate post-secondary education or training options and begin to implement an action plan
for post-secondary success.
Prerequisite: None
CHW3MB - World History to the Sixteenth Century, Grade 11, University/College
This course investigates the history of humanity from earliest times to the sixteenth century. Students will analyse diverse
societies from around the world, with an emphasis on the political, cultural, and economic structures and historical forces
that have shaped the modern world. They will apply historical inquiry, critical-thinking, and communication skills to evaluate
the influence of selected individuals, groups, and innovations and to present their own conclusions.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Canadian History since World War I, Academic or Applied
CHI4UA - Canada: History, Identity, and Culture, Grade 12, University
This course explores the challenges associated with the formation of a Canadian national identity. You will examine the
social, political, and economic forces that have shaped Canada from the pre-contact period to the present and will
investigate the historical roots of contemporary issues from a variety of perspectives. You will use critical-thinking and
communication skills to consider events and ideas in historical context, debate issues of culture and identity, and present
their own views.
Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or social
sciences and humanities
CHY4UA - World History: The West and the World, Grade 12, University
This course investigates the major trends in Western civilization and world history from the sixteenth century to the present.
You will learn about the interaction between the emerging West and other regions of the world, and about the development
of modern social, political, and economic systems. The skills and knowledge developed in this course will enable you to
understand and appreciate both the character of historical change and the historical roots of contemporary issues.
The e-Journal is not available with this course.
Prerequisite: Any university or university/college preparation course in Canadian and world studies, English, or social
sciences and humanities
NBV3EA - Aboriginal Beliefs, Values, and Aspirations in Contemporary Society, Grade 11, Workplace
This course focuses on the beliefs, values, and aspirations of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. You will examine issues of
identity facing Indian, Metis, and Inuit peoples, and their relationships to land and nature, as well as to one another within
their communities and working environments. You will also learn how traditional and contemporary beliefs and values
influence the present-day aspirations and actions of Aboriginal peoples.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, Open, or Grade 10 Canadian History since World War I, Academic or
MFM1PC - Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied
This course enables students to develop an understanding of mathematical concepts related to introductory algebra,
proportional reasoning, and measurement and geometry through investigation, the effective use of technology, and handson activities. You will investigate real-life examples to develop various representations of linear relations, and will determine
the connections between the representations. You will also explore certain relationships that emerge from the
measurement of three-dimensional figures and two-dimensional shapes. You will consolidate your mathematical skills as
you solve problems and communicate your thinking.
Prerequisite: None
MFM2PB - Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
This course enables students to consolidate their understanding of linear relations and extend their problem-solving and
algebraic skills through investigation, the effective use of technology, and hands-on activities. Students will develop and
graph equations in analytic geometry; solve and apply linear systems, using real-life examples; and explore and interpret
graphs of quadratic relations. Students will investigate similar triangles, the trigonometry of right triangles, and the
measurement of three-dimensional figures. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and
communicate their thinking.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 Mathematics, Academic or Applied
MPM2DB - Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
In this course you will broaden your understanding of relations, extend your skills in multi-step problem solving, and
continue to develop your abilities in abstract reasoning. You will pursue investigations of quadratic functions and their
applications; solve and apply linear systems; solve multi-step problems in analytic geometry; investigate the trigonometry of
right and acute triangles; and develop supporting algebraic skills.
Prerequisite: Grade 9 Mathematics, Academic or Applied
MEL3EC - Mathematics for Work and Everyday Life, Grade 11, Workplace
This course enables students to broaden their understanding of mathematics as it is applied in the workplace and daily life.
Students will solve problems associated with earning money, paying taxes, and making purchases; apply calculations of
simple and compound interest in saving, investing, and borrowing; and calculate the costs of transportation and travel in a
variety of situations. Students will consolidate their mathematical skills as they solve problems and communicate their
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 9, Academic, or Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 9, Applied, or a Grade 10
Mathematics LDCC (locally developed compulsory credit) course
MBF3CB - Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College
This course will enable you to broaden your understanding of exponential growth and important areas of personal finance.
You will investigate properties of exponential functions and develop skills in manipulating exponential expressions; solve
problems and investigate financial applications involving compound interest and annuities; and apply mathematics in
making informed decisions about transportation, accommodation, and career choices.
Prerequisite: Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
MCF3MB - Functions and Applications, Grade 11, University/College
This course introduces basic features of the function by extending students' experiences with quadratic relations. It focuses
on quadratic, trigonometric, and exponential functions and their use in modelling real-world situations. Students will
represent functions numerically, graphically, and algebraically; simplify expressions; solve equations; and solve problems
relating to applications. Students will reason mathematically and communicate their thinking as they solve multi-step
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic, or Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied
MCR3UB - Functions, Grade 11, University
This course introduces the mathematical concept of the function by extending your experience with linear and quadratic
relations. You will investigate properties of discrete and continuous functions, including trigonometric and exponential
functions; represent functions numerically, algebraically, and graphically; solve problems involving applications of functions;
investigate inverse functions; and develop facility in determining equivalent algebraic expressions.
Prerequisite: Principles of Mathematics, Grade 10, Academic
MAP4CB - Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 12, College
This course equips students with the mathematical knowledge and skills they will need in many college programs. You will
use statistical methods to analyze problems; solve problems by applying the principles of geometry and measurement to the
design and construction of physical models; solve problems involving trigonometry in triangles; and consolidate your skills in
analyzing and interpreting mathematical models.
Prerequisite: Foundations for College Mathematics, Grade 11, College Preparation, or Functions and Applications, Grade 11,
University/College Preparation
MCT4CB - Mathematics for College Technology, Grade 12, College
This course enables you to extend your knowledge of functions. You will investigate and apply properties of polynomial,
exponential, and trigonometric functions; continue to represent functions numerically, graphically, and algebraically;
develop facility in simplifying expressions and solving equations; and solve problems that address applications of algebra,
trigonometry, vectors, and geometry. You will reason mathematically and communicate your thinking as you solve multistep problems. This course prepares you for a variety of college technology programs.
Prerequisite: Functions and Applications, Grade 11, University/College Preparation, or Functions, Grade 11, University
MCV4UA - Calculus and Vectors, Grade 12, University
This course builds on students' previous experience with functions and their developing understanding of rates of change.
Students will solve problems involving geometric and algebraic representations of vectors and representations of lines and
planes in three dimensional space; broaden their understanding of rates of change to include the derivatives of polynomial,
sinusoidal, exponential, rational, and radical functions; and apply these concepts and skills to the modelling of real-world
relationships. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics.
This course is intended for students who choose to pursue careers in fields such as science, engineering, economics, and
some areas of business, including those students who will be required to take a university-level calculus, linear algebra, or
physics course.
Prerequisite: Note: Advanced Functions, Grade 12, University Preparation, must be taken prior to or concurrently with
Calculus and Vectors.
MDM4UB - Mathematics of Data Management, Grade 12, University
This course broadens students' understanding of mathematics as it relates to managing information. You will apply methods
for organizing large amounts of information; apply counting techniques, probability, and statistics in modelling and solving
problems; and carry out a culminating project that integrates the expectations of the course and encourages perseverance
and independence. Students planning to pursue university programs in business, the social sciences, or the humanities will
find this course of particular interest.
Prerequisite: Functions, Grade 11, University Preparation, or Functions and Applications, Grade 11, University/College
MHF4UB - Advanced Functions, Grade 12, University
This course extends students' experience with functions. Students will investigate the properties of polynomial, rational,
logarithmic, and trigonometric functions; develop techniques for combining functions; broaden their understanding of rates
of change; and develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical
processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course is intended both for students taking the Calculus and
Vectors course as a prerequisite for a university program and for those wishing to consolidate their understanding of
mathematics before proceeding to any of a variety of university programs.
Prerequisite: Functions, Grade 11, University Preparation, or Mathematics for College Technology, Grade 12, College
SNC2DB - Science, Grade 10, Academic
This course enables students to enhance their understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and
physics, and of the interrelationships between science, technology, society, and the environment. Students are also given
opportunities to further develop their scientific investigation skills. Students will plan and conduct investigations and
develop their understanding of scientific theories related to the connections between cells and systems in animals and
plants; chemical reactions, with a particular focus on acid–base reactions; forces that affect climate and climate change; and
the interaction of light and matter.
Prerequisite: Science, Grade 9, Academic or Applied
SNC2PA - Science, Grade 10, Applied
This course enables students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science,
and physics, and to apply their knowledge of science in real-world situations. Students are given opportunities to develop
further practical skills in scientific investigation. Students will plan and conduct investigations into everyday problems and
issues related to human cells and body systems; chemical reactions; factors affecting climate change; and the interaction of
light and matter.
Prerequisite: Science, Grade 9, Academic or Applied
SBI3CB - Biology, Grade 11, College
This course focuses on the processes involved in biological systems. You will learn concepts and theories as you conduct
investigations in the areas of cellular biology, microbiology, animal anatomy and physiology, plant structure and physiology,
and environmental science. Emphasis will be placed on the practical application of concepts, and on the skills needed for
further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic or Applied
SBI3UB - Biology, Grade 11, University
This course furthers your understanding of the processes involved in biological systems. You will study cellular functions;
genetic continuity; internal systems and regulation; the diversity of living things; and the anatomy, growth, and functions of
plants. The course focuses on the theoretical aspects of the topics under study, and helps you refine skills related to
scientific investigation.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
SNV3EA - Environmental Science, Grade 11, Workplace
This course provides you with the fundamental knowledge of and skills relating to environmental science that will help you
succeed in work and life after secondary school. You will explore a range of topics, including the impact of human activities
on the environment; human health and the environment; energy conservation; resource science and management; and
safety and environmental responsibility in the workplace. Emphasis is placed on relevant, practical applications and current
topics in environmental science, with attention to the refinement of your literacy and mathematical literacy skills as well as
the development of your scientific and environmental literacy.
SPH3UB - Physics, Grade 11, University
This course develops your understanding of the basic concepts of physics. You will study the laws of dynamics and explore
different kinds of forces, the quantification and forms of energy (mechanical, sound, light, thermal, and electrical), and the
way energy is transformed and transmitted. You will develop scientific inquiry skills as you verify accepted laws and solve
both assigned problems and those emerging from your investigations. You will also analyze the interrelationships between
physics and technology, and consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
SES4UA - Earth and Space Science, Grade 12, University
This course focuses on the Earth as a planet, and on the basic concepts and theories of Earth science and their relevance to
everyday life. You will examine the Earth's place in the solar system and, after a general introduction to Earth science, will
explore in more detail the materials of the Earth, its internal and surficial processes, and its history. The course draws on
astronomy, biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics in its consideration of geological processes that can be observed
directly or inferred from other evidence.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
SNC4MA - Science, Grade 12, University/College
This course enables students, including those who do not intend to pursue science-related programs at the post-secondary
level, to further develop their understanding of science and its technological applications. You will explore a range of topics,
including organic products in everyday life; pathogens and disease; energy alternatives and their impact globally;
communications systems; and science and contemporary societal issues. Emphasis will be placed on relating these topics to
global issues as well as to daily life, and on developing skills in the areas of experimentation, research, critical thinking, and
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic, or any Grade 11 university, university/college, or college preparation course in
SBI4UB - Biology, Grade 12, University
This course provides you with the opportunity for in-depth study of the concepts and processes associated with biological
systems. You will study and conduct investigations in the area of metabolic processes, molecular genetics, homeostasis,
evolution, and population dynamics. Emphasis will be placed on achievement of the detailed knowledge and refined skills
needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 Biology, University Preparation
SCH3UE - Chemistry, Grade 11, University
This course enables you to deepen your understanding of chemistry through the study of the properties of chemicals and
chemical bonds; chemical reactions and quantitative relationships in those reactions; solutions and solubility; and
atmospheric chemistry and the behaviour of gases. You will further develop your analytical skills and investigate the
qualitative and quantitative properties of matter, as well as the impact of some common chemical reactions on society and
the environment. Includes 3D molecular models using VSEPR and video clips featuring neutralization.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic
SCH4CB - Chemistry, Grade 12, College
This course introduces students to the concepts that form the basis of modern chemistry. Students will study qualitative
analysis, quantitative relationships in chemical reactions, organic chemistry and electrochemistry, and chemistry as it relates
to the quality of the environment. Students will employ a variety of laboratory techniques, develop skills in data collection
and scientific analysis, and communicate scientific information using appropriate terminology. Emphasis will be placed on
the role of chemistry in daily life and in the development of new technologies and products.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic or Applied
SCH4UE - Chemistry, Grade 12, University
This course enables you to deepen your understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes
and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. You will
further develop problem-solving and laboratory skills as you investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining your
ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on
evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 Chemistry, University Preparation
SPH4CB - Physics, Grade 12, College
This course develops students’ understanding of the basic concepts of physics. You will explore these concepts as they relate
to mechanical, electrical, fluid (hydraulic and pneumatic), and communications systems, as well as to the operation of
commonly used tools and equipment. You will develop scientific-inquiry skills as you verify accepted laws of physics and
solve both assigned problems and those emerging from your investigations. You will also consider the impact of
technological applications of physics on society and the environment.
Prerequisite: Grade 10 Science, Academic or Applied
SPH4UB - Physics, Grade 12, University
This course enables students to deepen their understanding of the concepts and theories of physics. You will explore further
the laws of dynamics and energy transformations, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields;
electromagnetic radiation; and the interface between energy and matter. You will further develop inquiry skills; learning, for
example, how the interpretation of experimental data can provide indirect evidence to support the development of a
scientific model. You will also consider the impact on society and the environment of technological applications of physics.
Prerequisite: Grade 11 Physics, University Preparation