Seminole County Public Schools High School Lexiles Grammar Course Textbook Title Lexile Elements of Language Grade 9 990L Elements of Language Grade 10 1020L Elements of Language Grade 11 1050L Elements of Language Grade 12 1060L Literature (Each literature selection has a Lexile score. Please click on the grade level for Lexiles Course (Click for Lexiles) Textbook Title Timeless Voices, Timeless Grade 9 Themes—Gold Level Timeless Voices, Timeless Grade 10 Themes—Platinum Level Timeless Voices, Timeless Grade 11 Themes: The American Experience Timeless Voices, Timeless Grade 12 Themes: The British Tradition Mathematic Course Textbook Title Lexile Prentice Hall Algebra I Algebra IA/IB 880L Prentice Hall Algebra I Algebra I Standard 880L Glencoe Algebra I Algebra I Honors 974L McDougal Littell Concepts in Informal Geometry 850L Geometry Prentice Hall Geometry Geometry Standard 880L McDougal Littell Geometry Geometry Honors 910L Prentice Hall Algebra II Algebra II Standard 950L McDougal Littell Algebra II Algebra II Honors 1060L Science Course Textbook Title Florida Holt Biology Modern Biology Holt Prentice Hall Biology Prentice Hall Chemistry Glencoe Chemistry: Matter and Change Thompson Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity Holt Physics Biology 1 (S) Biology 1 (H, G, IB) AP Biology Chemistry 1 (S) Chemistry 1 (H) AP Chemistry Physics (S,H) Lexile 1170L 1120L 1300L 1120L 1170L 1300L 1190L Holt Rinehart & Winston AP Physics B AP Physics C Environmental Science (S) AP Environmental Science Anatomy and Physiology (S) Anatomy & Physiology (H) Thompson College Physics Thompson Physics for Scientists and Engineers Florida Holt Environmental Science Thompson Living in the Environment Prentice Hall Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Glencoe Hol’s Human Anatomy & Physiology * * * * * * Earth Space Science (S&H) Physical Science (S&H) Social Studies Course Cultural Geography World History World History Honors American History American History Honors Economics Economics Honors American Government American Government Honors Law Studies Psychology I Sociology AP World History* AP European History* Glencoe Earth Science: Geology, Environment and Universe Prentice Hall Physical Science: Concepts in Aciton Textbook Title Holt World Geography Today Holt World History: The Human Journey World History: Patterns of Interaction The Americans: Reconstruction To The 21st Century American Vision Economics: Today and Tomorrow Economics: Principles and Practices Magruder’s American Government Magruder’s American Government Street Law: A Course in Practical Law Holt Psychology: Principles in Practice Holt Sociology: The Study of Human Relationships The Earth And Its Peoples* A History Of Western Society: Since 1300* 1120L 1060L Lexile 960L 920L 1030L 1200L 1110L 1110L 1210L 1120L 1120L 1180L 1140L 1130L 1330L 1290L * Not Available *Advanced Placement (AP) college level course and textboo Advanced Placement (AP) textbooks not listed above were not Lexiled by the publishe Personal Fitness/Health Course Textbook Title Lexile Personal Fitness For You (Hunter) Personal Fitness 1221L Glencoe Health (Glencoe) Health-Life Management 1040L Art Art History Course Textbook Title Discovering Art History (Davis) 1070L Lexile Driver Education Course Driver Education Textbook Title Drive Right (Prentice Hall) 980L Lexile