Urinary and Bowel Elimination Lecture

Urinary and Bowel Elimination Lecture
Lecture by:
Maggie Keil MNe, RN
Objective One: Physiology of Urinary
Taylor: Pages 1132-1134-Read On Your Own
Objective Two: Factors Affecting Urinary
Taylor: Pages 1134-1136-Read On Your Own
Objective Three: Plan Of Care To Promote
Urinary Elimination
Taylor: Pages 1136-1173
Plan Of Care
Nursing History
Physical Assessment
Assessing(Nursing History)
Functional Issues Associated With Urinary or Fecal
Mental Status
Mobility and Dexterity
Focused Assessment Guide
Urinary Elimination
Usual Patterns Of Urinary Elimination
Recent Changes in Urinary Elimination
Aids to Elimination
Present or Past Occurrence of Voiding Difficulties
Presence of Artificial Orifices
Health History Questions for Clients/Altered
Determine Duration of Problem
Determine Type of Urinary Incontinence
Identify Complicating Factors of Urinary Incontinence
Identify Bladder Management program
Factors to Assess-Influence Urinary Elimination
Fluid Intake
Loss of Body Fluid
Psychological Factors
Obstruction Of urine flow
Factors to Assess-Influence Urinary Elimination
 Hypotension
 Neurologic Injury
 Decreased Muscle tone
 Pregnancy
 Surgery
 Medications
 Urinary Diversions
 Indications Of Sexual Abuse
Assessment-Terms- Describe Additional Urinary
Assessment-Terms- Describe Additional Urinary
Assessing (Physical Assessment)
 Kidneys
 Bladder
 Urethral Orifice
 Skin Integrity and Hydration
 Vaginal Vault
 Urine
 Diagnostic And Lab Data
Assessing (Diagnostic And Lab Data)
 Dipstick Urinalysis
 Microscopic Urinalysis
 Urine Culture and Sensitivity
 Urodynamic Studies
 Cytoscopy
 Retrograde Pyelography
 Ultrasonography
Diagnosing (Urinary Function As Problem)
Impaired Urinary Elimination
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Reflex Urinary Incontinence
Urge Urinary Incontinence
Functional Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Retention
 See Nursing Dx common Problems
For Related To and M/B in Text
Diagnosing(Urinary Function As The Etiology)
 Anxiety
 Risk for Infection
 Impaired Skin Integrity
 Knowledge Deficit
 Noncompliance
 Pain
 Self-Esteem Disturbance
 Sexual Dysfunction
 Sleep Pattern Disturbance
 Toileting Self-Care Deficit
Produce urine output about equal to fluid intake
Maintain fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Empty the bladder continually at regular intervals
Report ease of voiding
Maintain skin integrity
 Client Teaching
 Promote Normal Urination
 Promoting Fluid Intake
 Diet
 Lifestyle and Prevention
 Stress Management
 Strengthening Muscle Tone/Initiate Exercise
 Environmental Modifications
 Management Of Urinary Retention
 Management Of Urinary Incontinence
Produce a sufficient quantity of urine to maintain fluid,
electrolyte, and acid-base balance
Empty the bladder completely at regular intervals without
Evaluating (Continued)
Develop a plan to modify any factors that contribute to current
urinary problems that might adversely affect urinary functioning
in the future
Correct unhealthy urinary habits, such as delaying voiding,
drinking insufficient fluids, or abusing diuretics
Objective Four: A&P Of Bowel Elimination
Taylor: Pages 1182-1184
Objective Five: Factors That Affect Bowel
Taylor: Pages 1185-1188
Objective Six: Plan Of Care To Promote Bowel
Taylor: Pages 1188-1206,1213
Plan Of Care
Assessing (Nursing History)
Usual Pattern Of Bowel Elimination
Aids To Elimination
Recent Changes in Bowel Elimination
Problems With Bowel Elimination
Presence of Artificial Orifices
Nursing History Questions/Altered Elimination
Determine Type of Fecal Incontinence
Identify Complicating Factors of Fecal Incontinence
Identify Bowel Management Program
Assessment (Physical Assessment)
Mental Status
Mobility and Dexterity
Anus and Rectum
Stool Characteristics
Warning Signs
Assessment (Diagnostic And Laboratory Tests)
Upper GI and Small Bowel Series
Stool Culture
Diagnosing (Bowel Elimination As The
See Nursing Diagnosing Diagnoses For Common Problems For
R/T and M/B
Perceived Constipation
Bowel Incontinence
Diagnosing (Bowel Elimination As The
Altered Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements
Body Image Disturbance
Fluid Volume Deficit
Impaired Skin Integrity
Diagnosing (Bowel Elimination As The
Ineffective Individual Coping
Knowledge Deficit
Self-Care Deficit
Self-Esteem Disturbance
Sexual Dysfunction
Have a soft, formed bowel movement every 1 to 3 days without
Explain the relationship between bowel elimination and dietary
fiber, fluid intake, and exercise
Relate the importance of seeking medical evaluation if changes
in stool color or consistency persist
Client Teaching
Promoting Regular Bowel Habits
Nursing Management Of Fecal Incontinence
Preventing And Treating Constipation
Preventing and Treating Diarrhea
Decreasing Flatulence
Promoting Regular Bowel Habits
Nursing Management Of Fecal Incontinence
Manipulation of Environment
Preventing and Treating Constipation
Teaching About Nutrition
Teaching About Cathartics And Laxatives
Preventing And Teaching Diarrhea
Initial Management Of Diarrhea
Teaching About Nutrition
Teaching About Antidiarrheal Medication
Rectal Pouch
Decreasing Flatulence
Gas-Producing Foods
Rectal Tube
Verbalize the relationships among bowel elimination and
nutrition, fluid intake, exercise and stress management
Develop a plan to modify any factors that contribute to current
bowel problems or that might adversely affect bowel functioning
in the future.
Have A Nice Weekend!
Best Wishes On Your Test!
Mrs. Keil