best practices in distribution loss reduction

Distribution System Planning, Analysis, and Design
GIS Based Mapping
Software Based Distribution Network Analysis
GIS Based Growth Planning
Load Forecast Implications
Present Needs of Distribution Company to achieve effectiveness
System management for quality power with minimum losses
Efficient diagnosis of losses - Technical & Commercial
Monitoring of commercial losses due to
Defective metering
Lack of meters
Undisciplined meter reading
Effective Metering & Billing programme
An effective vigilance system
Prompt action on meter readers observation
Optimum inventory management
Proper customer complaints & grievance system
Effective Man power utilization
Non availability of network information/data base
Non existence of regular updating system
Non-availability of any specific manual
Non-availability of any IT enabled tool to provide requisite analytical reports correctly
& quickly
The distribution company cannot work efficiently and economically Without
availability of consumer and technical data base
Record day to day change in the system.
Analysis & improvement of the system, will not be possible.
Solution - GIS data base & Distribution Analysis Software Package
What is GIS?
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based tool for mapping and
analyzing things that exist and events that happen in a spatial context.
GIS Benefits
Combined textural/spatial capabilities make GIS valuable to a wide range of public and
private enterprises for
 Explaining events,
 Predicting outcomes and
 Planning strategies.
GIS Technology
GIS technology helps to
 Integrates common database operations (data query and statistical analysis), with
the unique benefits of visualization and conceptual spatial analysis, offered by maps.
 Optimizes data layering (spatial overlays for object relationship identification),
 Allows for effective and timely data management (particularly data updates).
GIS based mapping for electrical network
The GIS mapping in the context of Electrical distribution network means Mapping of
complete electrical network upto low voltage system and customer supply points with
latitude and longitudes overlaid on satellite image and/or survey of India maps. It also
covers incorporation of present details of localities, landmarks, network details upto
consumer level
What is the Need?
Inventory of Existing Network
Easy access to Network details
Easy access to Consumer Data
Data export for Analysis & Network Improvement of existing system
Load growth projections
What is required?
Base Map (Digitized or image)
DGPS (Differential Geographical Positioning System) to fix salient topographical
Handheld GPS (Global Positioning System)or Electronic Distance/Angle Measuring
Equipment(EDM) to locate network details upto consumer level
GIS package
Mapping procedure
Preparation of Base Map
Fixing Topographical Details
GPS Survey
Single Line Diagrams
Preparation of Network in GIS package
Preparation of Base Map
Obtaining the Base Map of the area to be mapped from ISRO/Remote Sensing
Application Center/ SOI/other sources which would have coarse level information
Digitization of Base Map
Geo-referencing the Map
Fixing Topographical Details
Using DGPS (Differential Geographical Positioning System) the salient topographical
details of the area like road junctions, important land marks can be accurately fixed.
GPS survey
Handheld GPS / Geo explorer/other system with resolution of 1m can be used to locate
the substations /transformers /poles/ consumer points, etc
Attribute data of each pole and other facilities collected during the survey - such as asset
data, Transformer details, services, type of use, load, consumer details, etc
Single line diagrams
The GPS points will be used to plot the networks on the already digitized Base maps
using suitable GIS Packages (AutoCAD map/ Map Info /Arcinfo/custom)
Categorization codes can be used to identify the
substations/transformers/poles/consumers, etc
Attributes like Transformer details, load centres, type of use, HP of pumps, consumer
details, etc tol be indicated for each equipment/pole
Attributes for a Distribution trasnformer
Preparation of GIS
GIS includes the GPS survey network overlaid on Base map with all attributes of
each pole
Includes inventory for asset management
Includes loads on the system
Also associated analysis
GIS Applications
 Asset Management
 Location of faults
 Efficient planning of maintenance
 Effective network augmentation/upgradation
 Customer Management viz. Complaints, new services, etc
 Build in consumer data base covering consumption, billing and collections, etc
 Energy Audit & MIS
GIS Applications
 Asset Management
 Efficient planning of maintenance
 Location of faults
 Effective network augmentation/upgradation
 Monitoring of consumption
 Energy Audit & MIS reports
Software based distribution network analysis
What is the need?
Assessment of Voltage Regulation
Peak Power Loss/Energy Loss of each system element to arrive at total technical loss
Assessment of inadequacies of the existing ST&D system
Inadequacy of the backup transmission system
Security and reliability of the power supply
What does it provide?
Sub station design
Cost benefit
What if analysis
Express feeder
Switch optimization
Over load equip.
Load Balancing
Short circuit
Load flow
Net work configuration
Transformer summary
Consumer summary
Energy Audit
Load flow
Short circuit
Consumer ledger
Consumer service losses
Advantages of software based network analysis
Very accurate analysis of Voltage variation, Energy loss, etc
Less time requirement
Graphical output
Quick Output based on query for each facility/line
What If analysis
Manual method - More possibilities for error and Time consuming process, Laborious
Available software for analysis
How to proceed?
The major components of software based network analysis includes
Mapping of the Network
Information about facilities
Mapping of the network
Import the GPS based Networks with actual lengths of each span, load centres,
transformer points, etc into the software. Alternately the software can be clubbed with a
GIS backend to collect information of network & its assets.
Information about facilities
Assign the following details about the facilities
Conductor type
Conductor size
Transformer details, etc
The reliability of analysis results depends on the quality of input. Lot of care
has to be taken to provide the following inputs
 Load of each consumer
 Transformer load
 Power Factor(PF)
 Power & Energy flow at the Input buses on the network
 Actual voltage levels at the input bus
After providing necessary inputs, the software can be asked to perform analysis for the
 Load flow study
 Short circuit analysis
 What if analysis
 Over loaded equipment analysis
 Network reconfiguration
 Switching optimization
 Load balancing
 Energy auditing
 Reconductoring
 Capacitor placement
 Express feeder proposal
 Protective device coordination
The output of the analysis will be given in a summary format / graphical view
Based on the queries specific reports on voltage regulation, loss level, loading levels
can be obtained
Segregation of losses at various voltages and into categories
Identification of causes leading to Higher Losses
Estimation of benefits from various improvement options to choose the best option
Graphical Output
A series of graphical output examples depicting the analysis of a distribution network
before and after carrying out some modifications is given. The graphical display provides
information on improvement in voltages levels pre & post modifications.
GIS Based Growth Planning & Load Forecast Implications
What is the need?
For the Distribution system planning which involves siting of substations, routing of
feeders and many other decisions relating to both locations and quantum of capacity
additions, the forecast of Geographical locations as well as quantum of future load
growth is necessary.
What is GIS based?
Load forecast of Geographical locations as well as quantum of future load growth can be
easily made using GIS and also the planning of Distribution system like
upgradation/strengthening can be performed accurately with the geographical, and
network details with consumption history is available in the GIS.
Three step procedure for load forecast.
1. Trend Analysis - analysis of past trends of growth in electricity demand and energy
2. System load forecast viz. Forecasts of load for the entire study area
3. Spatial or small area load forecast viz. Divide the utility service area into sufficiently
large number of small areas and forecast for each small area
Trend analysis
Trends in electricity demand plays a significant role in the forecast of future demand if
the area is already exposed to electrical power usage and past records are available.
Data required for Trend analysis
 Category wise number of services
 Connected load
 Energy consumption for the last 5 to 10 years, etc
The above parameters can be incorporated in GIS for Trend analysis
Growth rate of energy - year wise and cumulative growth rate of energy for the period
Share of electrical energy consumption among different sectors year wise and the
average for the period
Energy consumption per service year wise and the average for the period
Growth rate of service connections year wise and cumulative growth rat for the period
Connected load per service connection year wise and the average during the period
System load forecast techniques
Techniques Based on Extrapolation
Fitting a trend curve to the basic historical data, using method of least squares
 Techniques Based on Co-relation
Relates the system demand to various demographic and economic factors
 End use Method
Demand of each category of consumer is assessed and summed up to arrive at total
consumption. Generally this method is adopted for distributionsystems.
End use method
The demand for energy is estimated for each category of consumption taking into
account relevant parameters such as
 No. of consumers
 Connected load
 Annual rate of energy consumption per consumer
 Past trends, etc
 Peak demand is worked out from total consumption adopting appropriate load factors
keeping in view the nature and composition of loads and considering the loss figures.
Estimation of Agricultural Consumption/Rural Load
Main factors contributing to load growth in this sector are:
 Potential for tapping ground water /lifting it from a flow of stream
 Development of other allied agricultural activities like horticulture, forestry, fishery
 Potential for development of agro-based industries and ongoing programmes of other
development agencies for boring of well and / of energisation of pump sets
Agricultural Consumption
Agricultural consumers are largely unmetered & a correct assessment of energy
consumption is also very difficult
Agricultural consumption mainly depends on
 Number of Pumpsets
 Capacity of Pump set
 Number of working hours per day
The No. of Pumpsets and their capacity are grossly underestimated, as there are number
of unauthorized Pumpsets and the capacity of the motor is increased due to depleting
water table.
Agricultural Consumption
The number of working hours depends on:
 Area irrigated
 Types of crops grown
 Ground water level
 No. of crops grown/annum
 Yield of well
 Rainfall in the year
 Type of soil
 Seasonal requirement
 Availability of power supply
Methods to assess Agricultural Consumption
Avg. consumption per HP from sampling techniques
Annual Load Factor
Avg. Load Factor x Total kW of pumpsets x 8760
Consumption /irrigation/hectare as per studies by independent agencies
Consumption for one irrigation/ hectare x No. of irrigation/year x Total land under
irrigation. Comparing with State Tubewell/Corporation Tubewell Consumption
Spatial load forecast
Forecast of Load and their Locations
Total area is divided into a number of small areas and the loads in each area are
 Constitution of small areas:
 Grid co-ordinate system - for urban areas
 Random area method - rural area
Objective of spatial load forecast is to allocate among the small areas the
growth of demand or energy consumption/number of customers computed in
system forecast for the total area
Planning Objective
Objective of strengthening and improvement of ST&D is
 To ensure quality and reliability of supply to consumers
 Bring down technical losses to an optimal value and
 Phase the system expansion to match the demand growth in the time horizon of the
Planning Phillosophy
Approach for Planning of distribution system should be based on:
Delivering bulk supply of electricity as near to the load centres as possible
Consumers affected due to outage to be few in the area, if at all it becomes
Formation of ring circuit and radial circuit or combination of both, depending on the
technical and economic requirement of the system to enhance reliability of power
Planning Criteria
Voltage regulation
Siting of Primary substation
Capacities of Power & Distribution transformers
Choice of conductor
11kV feeder design
Selection of voltage vis a vis size of conductor
Customer substation
Planning Criteria
Power Factor
Technical loss levels
Max fault levels
Harmonic distortion
Sub-station layout
Distribution automation.
GIS based planning
Load Forecast Techniques
Short term
Distribution Analysis
Upgradation of Sub-transmission & Distribution systems
Based on the Demand Growth, the planning for the upgradation of ST&D system should
be performed
Sub-Transmission system requirement:
 Augmentation of sub-stations
 New Sub-stations
 Sub-transmission lines (new)
 Reconductoring of sub-transmission lines
Upgradation of Sub-transmission & Distribution systems
Distribution system requirement:
 Augmentation of Distribution sub-stations
 New 11 kV lines
 Reconductoring of 11 kV lines
 New Distribution sub stations
 Reconductoring of LT feeders
 New LT lines
Long term technology options
Adoption of HVDS
Standardization of construction practices and O&M procedures
Adoption of Distribution Automations techniques
Adoption of DSM measures
Use of electronic meters with remote meter reading systems, prepayment meters,
Use of all aluminum alloy conductors, AB LT lines in theft prone area, XLPE cables
Low loss transformers
Ring main units, Automatic sectionalisers, autoreclosers, load break switches, etc
Adoption of Management Information systems, Customer Relationship management
systems, etc