Interest Group Meetings Division Interest Groups Automated Acquisitions/In Process Sunday, June 26, 10:30 am-noon, Embassy Suites, Jean Lafitte 2 “Consortial Purchasing - Is it worth it?” The meeting will feature a panel discussion on the assessment and usage patterns of consortial purchases. For more information, please contact co-chairs Clare Appavoo or Sharon Marshall . Creative Ideas in Technical Services Sunday, June 26, 4:00-5:30 pm, JW Marriott, Orleans Join us for a round table discussion with your colleagues to share creative ideas in technical services. Possible topics include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What tools are you using to create efficiencies in workflows? How is your library planning to implement RDA? How has the use of outsourcing affected your workflow? How do you handle different work styles and preferences? How do you prioritize cataloging activities? What strategies do you use to handle backlogs, if you have them? Contact Guanxian (Tony) Fang (Chair, 2010 - 2011) or Libbie Crawford (Chair-Elect, 2010 - 2011) for more information. Electronic Resources Management (ERMIG) Friday, June 24, 1:30- 3:30 pm, Embassy Suites, Jean Lafitte 4 The ERM/IG is hosting a panel of speakers from OCLC (Andrew K. Pace: Recasting ERM across OCLC services: Update, strategy, and feedback session); EDItEUR (Kathy Klemperer: ONIX Standards and the Library Supply Chain) and NISO. The NISO presentation includes updates on SUSHI, KBART, their joint work with EDItEUR and information on industry initiatives related to eBooks. The presentation details are as follows: Recasting ERM across OCLC services: Update, strategy, and feedback session OCLC has been working with member libraries on the introduction and testing of services that will centralize and simplify the management of electronic resources from selection and purchase to discovery, delivery and ongoing maintenance. The solution set will include the WorldCat knowledge base, WorldCat Resource Sharing, WorldCat Local and a new license manager (available this summer). The license manager will provide integrated electronic management within library workflows. Progress to date will be shared, including work and results from efforts with pilot libraries, and how the strategy will unfold in coming months. OCLC hopes to gain insights and feedback from interest group members. The session will be facilitated by Andrew K. Pace, Executive Director for Networked Library Services, OCLC. ONIX Standards and the Library Supply Chain LITA members may be familiar with the ONIX family of metadata standards, widely used throughout the book trade and increasingly adopted within the serials/library supply chain. Recently the ONIX for Serials formats, originally developed by EDItEUR in conjunction with NISO, have been enhanced and extended to address deep-seated changes in the library market. One interesting addition to the set is ONIX for Preservation Holdings (ONIX-PH), created as a means of communicating complex holdings information at the request of the PEPRS project, which seeks to establish a pilot registry of preserved e-journals. Working in close cooperation with the PEPRS team (including representatives from Portico, CLOCKSS, EDINA, and the British Library), ONIX-PH was derived from the existing ONIX for Serials SOH (serials online holdings) format. All of the ONIX for Serials formats were also recently reviewed and enhanced to cater for subscription products such as eBooks, eBook collections, and database products, alongside straightforward journals. And parallel activities have progressed ONIX’s abilities to express publication license terms (ONIX-PL), supply chain information (price catalog, claims handling, and release notification), and comprehensive eBook metadata (ONIX for Books). EDItEUR consultant Kathy Klemperer, who also works with the Harrassowitz subscription agency, will describe some of these initiatives. For more information on EDItEUR’s objectives and standards, see Contact Anjana Bhatt for more information. FRBR Friday, June 24, 10:30 am-noon, Morial Convention Center, Room 338 The FRBR Interest Group will feature two presentations: 1. Functional requirements for bibliographic linked data: the FR family and the Semantic Web Gordon Dunsire, Freelance Consultant This presentation describes the development of representations of IFLA's Functional Requirements family of bibliographic metadata models in the Semantic Web's Resource description framework (RDF). The entities and relationships defined in Functional requirements for bibliographic records (FRBR), Functional requirements for authority data (FRAD), and Functional requirements for subject authority data (FRSAD) are expressed as RDF classes and properties which can be used as the bases of "triples" for library linked data. Issues discussed include the assignment of identifiers, labels, definitions, scope notes, and semantic constraints, and how the process is feeding back into the development of a consolidated Functional requirements model by the FRBR Review Group. The presentation also discusses the impact of this work on related standards and the creation of linked data from legacy bibliographic records. 2. GLIMIR (Global Library Manifestation Identifier) Richard Greene, OCLC OCLC is building on GLIMIR’s work with record matching and FRBR Work set creation to identify and establish GLIMIR links among records for manifestations within FRBR works. The initial implementation will be to address parallel records and reproductions but the model can be useful for establishing other relationships. Much of the attention given FRBR has been at the Work and Expression level but there is a wealth of information within bibliographic records that can be utilized to establish relationships between manifestations. The presentation will describe the work to date on GLIMIR, plans for implementation, implications for FRBR Work sets, and some future possibilities. The FRBR IG is calling for volunteers to run for Chair-Elect for 2011-2012 who will then serve as Chair of ALCTS FRBR Interest Group in 2012-2013. Please express interest to Judy Jeng, Chair, FRBR IG. This program is co-sponsored by ALA, Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, and MARCIVE, Inc. Linked Library Data Sunday, June 26, 10:30 am-noon, Morial Convention Center, Room 265 The first official meeting of the new LITA/ALCTS Linked Library Data Interest Group (LLD-IG) will take place during the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The agenda is available online. There will be time for a limited number of lightning talk style presentations of no longer than five minutes if participants have projects or topics to share. Anyone interested in giving a brief talk should contact chairs Karen Coyle and Corey Harper. Minutes of previous "informal" LLD-IG meetings from the 2010 ALA Annual Conference in Washington D.C., Dublin Core 2010 in Pittsburgh, and the 2011 ALA Midwinter Meeting in San Diego are online at: MARC Formats Saturday, June 25, 4:00-5:30 pm, Morial Convention Center, Room 354 There will be two presentations on the topic: Will RDA Mean the Death of MARC? The end of the MARC formats has been predicted for years, but no serious alternative format has risen up to challenge MARC Will the introduction of the new cataloging code RDA precipitate the demise of MARC? Will RDA require the description of content and functionality that cannot be accommodated by the MARC formats, or that can be more easily accommodated by alternative content formats? If so, what format(s) will replace MARC? And if MARC does continue to thrive, how will it have to change to accommodate the new content descriptions in RDA? The scheduled speakers are: Karen Coyle and Diane Hillmann Contact Steve Kelley for more information. Public Library Technical Services Saturday, June 25, 7:00-10:00 am, Hilton Riverside, Marlborough A/B room ALCTS Public Library Technical Services Interest Group will be jointly meeting with the Dewey Breakfast group during the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. There will be two topics following the Dewey program that will highlight DDC23 news: Round table discussion of library plans and schedule for implementing DDC23 Panel discussion on the implementation of collectionHQ, a collection development toolkit developed by a Scottish librarian used by 50 percent of public libraries in the United Kingdom that was first introduced to the North American market at last year's PLA meeting. Contact Sally Smith for more information. PVLR Saturday, June 25, 4-5:30 pm, Embassy Suites, Jean Lafitte 1 Room If you are interested in becoming involved with PVLR, please attend their planning meeting. Contact co-chairs Liz Lorbeer or Kim Steinle for more information. Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Sunday, June 26, 4:00-5:30 pm, JW Marriot, Maureapas Please join us for an informal discussion of Patron Initiated Acquisitions (PIA) featuring Keith Powell, Head of Acquisitions at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), who will summarize the pilot PIA program implemented at UCI this past year. The presentation will describe the strategy used, the pilot’s results, and identify any changes or adjustments. Powell will also discuss potential future plans for PIA at UCI at both the local and consortia levels. Finally, he will address the potential of PIA to transform his duties as an acquisitions manager. There will be ample time for questions, discussion, and information sharing immediately following the presentation. Contact chairs Wanda Jazayeri and Jack Hall for more information. Scholarly Communications Saturday, June 25, 10:30 am-noon, Morial Convention Center, Room 245 “Library-Press Collaboration: How do they work together to advance scholarly communication?” Moderator: Raym Crow, Senior Consultant, SPARC Panelists and topics: James Mullins, Dean of Libraries, Purdue University: How a library integrates and manages a university press Kizer Walker, Director of Collection Development, Cornell University, and Managing Editor of Signale: Modern German Letters, Cultures, and Thought: What issues there are when a library seeks to build a working relationship with a university press John Wilkin, Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology, University of Michigan, and Executive Director of HathiTrust: How HathiTrust works with university presses to open up access to scholarly content There will be an open forum after the three presentations. All participants are welcome to pose questions and share thoughts about scholarly communication issues. Please join us for what promises to be an engaging and informative discussion on June 25! Contact Adrian Ho and Sarah Shreeves for more information or visit Technical Services Directors of Large Research Libraries Interest Group (Big Heads) Friday, June 24, 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Grand Salon B (No. 1 on the hotel map) Join t he Big Heads for an overview of the RDA recommendations from U.S. National Libraries and comments on Transforming our Bibliographic Framework by Beacher Wiggins. A draft of “The Role of cataloging in a full-text, knowledge base world” will also be discussed. Contact Scott B. Wicks (Chair, 2010- 2011) for more information. Technical Services Managers in Academic Libraries (Medium Heads) Saturday, June 25, 8-10 am, Hilton New Orleans Riverside, Kabacoff “Navigating the rapids: leading in fast moving times” Topics for discussion at the various tables include: Challenges of patron driven acquisitions Challenge the process: new and innovative ways for our work Technical Services skills for the future New library goals and new roles for Technical Services Status and rank of librarians in academic libraries especially in Technical Services Initiating and implementing change with emotional engagement. Contact Linda Haack Lomker for more information. Technical Services Workflow Efficiency Monday, June 27, 1:30-3:30 pm, Morial Convention Center, Room 342 “Sharing the Shelf: a Look at Print Retention and Shared Archive Initiatives” Join us and learn more from a panel discussion about consortium and group participation in shared print archive initiatives. The long-term stewardship needs of print collections are as important to libraries as the ongoing electronic migration. Working together in groups or consortia, libraries can benefit from sharing costs, management needs, and storage facilities. Panelists will discuss their participation in initiatives and related issues regarding selection parameters, title uniqueness, coordination, efficiencies, challenges and opportunities. The scheduled panelists are: Aisha Harvey, Head, Collection Development, Duke University Karen Wilhoit, Associate University Librarian for Collections, Wright State University Co-chairs Dracine Hodges and Megan Dazey will serve as moderators. Acquisitions Section (AS) Acquisitions Managers and Vendors Sunday, June 26, 1:30-3:30 pm, JW Marriott, Rosalie “A closer look at Print on Demand and how it can shape Library Acquisitions” Attend a lively panel discussion examining the state of print on demand (POD) technology. We will take a look at where the industry is with POD technology, how POD may affect the industry, and how it can contribute to a "just in time" acquisitions model. What are the broader issues facing libraries and vendors alike? What are the greatest obstacles to making the most of this technology? What is the tipping point for growth and expansion? What is the future of this technology both with vendors and libraries? Speakers will include librarians currently utilizing POD in their own institutions, traditional book vendors, publishers, and POD technology resellers. Contact co-chairs Meg Manahan and Sadie Williams for more information. Cataloging & Classification Section (CCS) Authority Control Interest Group Sunday, June 26, 1:30-5:30 pm, Sheraton New Orleans, Waterbury Ballroom “Authority Control in the Next Generation” Topics and speakers: LC report Janis Young, Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress. Authority Control, New Library Standards, and the Semantic Web Gordon Dunsire, a freelance consultant with a background in cataloguing and systems librarianship, and a member of the FRBR Review Group and ISBD/XML Study Group. This presentation will discuss the place of authority control in new bibliographic standards such as the Functional requirements family for bibliographic records (FRBR), authority data (FRAD), and subject authority data (FRSAD), Resource Description and Access (RDA), and the consolidated edition of the International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD). RDA incorporates authority control to a much greater extent than its predecessor, the Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, while ISBD employs controlled vocabularies for the first time, in the new Area 0 for content form and media type. A brief non-technical introduction to the concept of triples and linked data is followed by a discussion of the importance of authority control concepts in the Semantic Web and their application to library linked data. The presentation will also discuss the potential impact of the linked data environment on the development and maintenance of library authority data. Authorities: The Things of Library Data Karen Coyle, consultant One of the basic concepts of the semantic web is that the information world is made up of Things that have relationships to other Things. To make this work, a community that produces data needs to define all of the Things that will be part of the community's data set, and every Thing has to have a unique identifier. In fact, libraries have been doing this for over a century with authority data. This talk will highlight some of the differences between how the semantic web and libraries have managed their Things, and will show how these differences can be (and are being) overcome. The Getty Vocabularies: Issues in Authority Control for Art and Architecture Robin Johnson, Senior Standards Editor, Getty Vocabulary Program, Getty Research Institute. The Getty vocabularies may be used as non-authoritarian authorities for cataloging art and architecture. This approach to designing terminology was necessary for art information several decades ago, and it is now seen as a practical approach to utilizing terminology across many disciplines and incorporating vocabularies as linked data. This presentation will describe the Getty vocabularies, the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT)R, the Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names (TGN)R, the Union List of Artist Names (ULAN)R, and the new vocabulary in development, the Cultural Objects Name Authority (CONA)T. A business meeting and elections will follow the featured presentations. Contact Lynnette Fields, Chair, or Melanie McGurr, Vice Chair/Chair Elect, for more information. This program was co-sponsored by ALA, Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, and MARCIVE, Inc. Catalog Management Saturday, June 25, 1:30-3:30 pm, Marriott at Convention Center, New Levee Room Speakers and topics: Creating a Gem: Preparing Metadata for a Faceted Catalog Beth Picknally Camden, Goldstein Director of Information Processing, University of Pennsylvania Libraries The University of Pennsylvania Libraries has recently released a beta version of their “nextgeneration” Franklin catalog ( based on opensource software. In preparation for this implementation, they completed an environmental scan to determine the most popular facets and how they were defined in other catalogs. After selecting their main facets (Access, Format, Subject, Language, Library, Publication date, Classification, Author/Creator, Specific location), they embarked on several months of metadata clean-up. The presentation will cover the range of techniques used for metadata clean-up and how this will help in their future implementation of Kuali OLE. Merging SIRSI Dynix Item Types at Troy University Ruth Elder, Cataloging Librarian, Troy University Library, Erin E. Boyd, Cataloging/Reference Librarian, Troy University – Montgomery, and Olga Knyaz, Technical Services Librarian, Troy University – Dothan In 2005, the three Alabama campuses of Troy University became one unified university with a shared library catalog. As separate institutions, each campus library had established item types and home locations in their SIRSI Dynix ILS that defined their own collections. When the campuses merged, nothing was done to ensure these item types and home locations were consistent, thus making uniform statistical reports for the university library difficult. In 2009, new catalogers were hired on each campus. They have worked diligently to make the cataloging and cataloging workflow as uniform as possible. In 2011, the library dean requested that the item type and home location discrepancies be resolved to create a more uniform system. This presentation will discuss the steps being taken to streamline the catalog and the item types and home locations that best describe all campus library collections. Does Catalog Management belong in Circulation? Helen Goldman, Monographic Services Coordinator for Auburn University Libraries and Anthony (J.P.) Pendleton, Head of Circulation for Auburn University Libraries When the Auburn University Libraries’ Technical Services units of Cataloging and Acquisitions combined in 2010, there was an office space issue that would be a deal breaker. Catalog Management staff required more workflow staging space than could be accommodated in the projected room designs. Taking inspiration from a trip to Duke University, the Monographic Services Coordinator suggested transferring the Catalog Management staff and their administrative reporting lines to Circulation. The Head of Circulation and Library Administration agreed to try this arrangement. In the (almost) year that followed the decision, there have been what one librarian referred to as “unexpected consequences.” Was this a good idea? Why did we think it would be a good idea? Does Catalog Management belong in Circulation? Procuring the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) and Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM) Databases Nate Cothran, Product Manager, Automation, Backstage Library Works, Jim Kuhn, Head of Collection Information Services, Folger Shakespeare Library, and Deborah J. Leslie, Head of Cataloging, Folger Shakespeare Library This presentation will focus on the background behind procuring the RBMS and TGM databases with the help of librarians from different libraries and institutions such as Folger, University of Texas at Austin, University of Mississippi, MIT and UCLA. The presentation will explain the conversion of the data into a useable and searchable MARC format and how Backstage Library Works worked closely with Folger to iron out issues such as listing matching criteria (655 _7 $2 rbgenr, etc), statistics of the data as well as its usage. The presentation will also cover how these two databases are freely available to all existing authority control clients. Contact Anping Wu (Annie) for more information. Cataloging and Classification Research Sunday, June 26, 10:30 am-noon, Sheraton Napoleon A1 The CCRIG provides a showcase for presenting and discussing the latest research projects in the organization and retrieval of information. “Beyond 2010: the Year of Cataloging Research” will begin with a brief summary of the March 2011 ALCTS e-forum discussion on that topic presented by the co-chairs, followed by the presentations listed below: Cataloging Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Is Author-contributed Metadata Useful? Xiaoli Li, Head, Cataloging and Metadata Services, Shields Library, University of California, Davis In September 2010, the University of California Davis (UC Davis) began to mandate that all theses and dissertations must be submitted in electronic form via the ProQuest UMI ETD Administrator system. The requirement has a significant impact on the University General Library which plays an essential role in providing timely access to the theses and dissertations produced at UC Davis. This presentation will describe a semi-automated workflow implemented to extract the data collected during the ETD submission and how the captured metadata is used to create MARC cataloging records for OCL WorldCat database and the UC Davis Library cataloging database. The presenter will discuss results from evaluating the quality of the studentsupplied metadata and assessment of the usefulness of keywords and subject categories supplied by students Blitzing 101: Engage, Evangelize, and Eventuate Sharing Cataloging Research and Development The ALCTS Board of Directors unanimously voted 2010 the Year of Cataloging Research. The news enlivened a number of ALA committees and forums. As part of the year-of-celebration the Metadata Research Center at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH), and the UNC Libraries co-sponsored a series of “Blitz Events,” allowing library school students and professional staff to share their research. The blitz events drew participants from across the research triangle park area, and highlighted the importance of sharing and discussing research. This presentation will introduce the practice of blitzing and allow participants to experience a blitz first-hand, giving insight into how they may evangelize and eventuate blitzing in their own institutions. Jane Greenberg will provide an overview of UNC's blitzing experience, and highlight desired outcomes. SILS students, UNC-CH professional library staff, and SILS’ alumnus will blitz and share their research (see blitz list below), followed by an open discussion of the research presented. Blitz agenda 1. Jane Greenberg, professor and Director, Metadata Research Center, School of Information and Library Science, UNC-CH Let’s blitz! 2. Shay Beezley, SILS master's student Evaluating BISAC-based Headings: What do Users and Librarians Think? 3. Renee McBride, Head, Special Formats and Metadata Section, Resource Description and Management Department, UNC-CH CONTENTdm Authority Control Project: UNC-Chapel Hill University Libraries 4. Lauren Kage, SILS master's student Faceted Application of Subject Terminology: An Evaluation of Innovation by Aspiring Library Professionals 5. Jessica Mlotkowski, SILS master's student Race as Access: Designation of Race through User-Assigned Tags for Digitized Archival Images 6. Lee Richardson, Cataloging and Metadata Coordinator, Health Sciences Libraries, UNC-CH North Carolina Health Information Cataloging 7. Joyce Chapman, Libraries Fellow, North Carolina State University, (SILS 2009) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Manual Metadata Enhancements with A /B Testing and Google Analytics. CCRIG is soliciting volunteers to run for Vice-Chair (2011-2012) who will then serve as Chair (2012-2013). Please express interest to Sherab Chen, Chair, or Susan Massey, Vice-Chair. Cataloging Norms Saturday, June 25, 1:30-3:30 pm, Morial Convention Center, Room 353 The Cataloging Norms Interest Group meeting will feature four speakers: Archiving Gordy-Motown Randal Baier, Multimedia, Fine and Performing Arts Librarian, Eastern Michigan University Baier will describe an archiving project at Eastern Michigan University involving the Gordy Motown Collection, a deposit of about 1200 LPs and 800 45s from the Motown office before they moved to Los Angeles in 1972. The collection includes sheet music, fan club materials, and office records. There is a finding aid online and the collection is being digitized. The visual and audio materials are being cataloged. Links are currently being created between the finding aids, the online catalog, and the digitized materials. FRBR and Facets Go to the Movies: Improving Access to Moving Image Materials in Libraries Kelley McGrath, Metadata Management Librarian, University of Oregon Libraries This presentation takes a look at some of the ways in which the functional requirements for bibliographic records (FRBR) model could make the cataloging of films and television programs more efficient and effective while also making the process of find DVDs in the catalog easier and more intuitive for patrons. McGrath will demonstrate OLAC’s prototype FRBR-inspired enduser interface for finding moving images and show how faceted navigation can provide more flexible access to the FRBR group 1 entities (work, expression, manifestation, and item) than the more common hierarchical approach Data Curation, Data Management Planning and You: What it means for Cataloging Departments Kevin Clair, Metadata Librarians, Penn State University Libraries Academic libraries are increasingly tasked with providing data management support to researchers who have such tasks mandated as part of their grant application process. Metadata plays a vital role in ensuring a successful data management plan, but the role of cataloging and metadata services in this work is still somewhat unexplored. Clair will discuss roles for the metadata specialist in devising data management strategies with faculty researchers, potential delivery mechanisms for data and the role metadata plays in them, and how data curation ties into the existing work of cataloging departments. What's That Keyword Search Finding? : Subject headings, tables of contents, and more Karen D. Miller, Monographic/Digital Projects Cataloger, Northwestern University Library In a 2008 study, Miller and Michael Babinec found that the addition of tables of contents to bibliographic records in the Northwestern University Library’s catalog had a statistically significant effect on circulation. Miller will provide a detailed examination of how patron keyword searches are affected by the presence of TOC fields. She will present the results of a follow-up study which illustrates what percentage of search results came from tables of contents, subject headings, transcribed fields, and other sources. The study also examines what kind of searches users execute in the OPAC, including the number of terms searched and search index usage. Contact Michele Seikel for more information. Copy Cataloging Saturday, June 25, 10:30 am-noon, Morial Convention Center, Rooms 335-336 There are two main topics for the meeting: 1. “Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA: Beyond Guidelines and Procedures” In contrast to RDA training on "what to know," these presentations will focus on "how to teach" RDA copy cataloging. Included will be strategies for both training new copy catalogers and transitioning AACR2-experienced catalogers into a dual-cataloging-rules environment. Speakers: Erin Stalberg, Head, Metadata and Cataloging, North Carolina State University Libraries Amy Weiss, Associate Dean, Technical Services Division, Florida State University, University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida. Annie Glerum, Head of Complex Cataloging Department, Florida State University, University Libraries, Tallahassee, Florida. 2. “Beyond Training: Developing ‘Copy Cataloger's Judgment’ For Complex and Original Cataloging” For a number of reasons, including the use of PromptCat and budget cuts (resulting in fewer librarian positions and fewer new books ordered), copy catalogers at the University of California, Davis have gradually assumed more responsibility for categories of cataloging that were once the exclusive responsibility of librarians. Through in-house training/documentation and ongoing consultation, copy catalogers are increasing their confidence and expertise to make cataloging decisions in situations that are atypical or present more than one acceptable solution. Speaker: Elaine A. Franco, Principal Cataloger, Cataloging and Metadata Services, Shields Library, University of California, Davis Contact Meg Mering for more information. Heads of Cataloging Monday, June 27, 8:00-10:00 am, Morial Convention Center, Room 397 “Preparing Copy Catalogers for RDA” During this session, presenters will discuss the RDA Toolkit, preparation of staff for nonbook formats using RDA, and other formal and informal training used to ready catalogers for RDA. Speakers: Troy Linker, Publisher, ALA Digital Reference, American Library Association Jeannette Ho, Coordinator of Cataloging, University Libraries, Texas A & M University Robert Rendall, Principal Serials Cataloger, Columbia University Libraries Nancy Kall, Catalog Librarian, Douglas County Libraries, Colorado Contact Linda Smith Griffin, Chair, 2010/2011 or Christopher Cronin, Vice Chair, 2010/2011, for more information. Collection Management Section (CMS) Collection Development Issues for the Practitioner Sunday, June 26, 1:30-3:30 pm, Embassy Suites, Jean Lafitte 3 It is no secret that the e-books trend is here to stay and that e-books will be an increasingly important source of content for students, faculty and for our library community. Are you curious about where the current practice stands on e-books? If your library is an early adopter of e-books, come and share your experience with us. If you are still thinking about it, here is an opportunity to get to know our colleagues’ concerns. We will discuss issues deeply affecting us: PDA, outreach, policy and workflow change, and e-reader use. Please come and share your experience, strategies and solutions for the issues that have occupied our thoughts. We look forward to seeing you. Contact Shin Freedman, Chair, for more information. Collection Management in Public Libraries (RUSA Codes) Monday, June 27, 1:30- 3:30 pm, Morial Convention Center, Room 287 This interest group, co-sponsored by ALCTS CMDS and RUSA CODES, will be discussing current topics of interest in collection development. Anyone interested in collection development and management is welcome to attend. We are looking for someone to serve as new co-chair of the Collection Management in Public Libraries interest group. To qualify, you must be an ALCTS member and able to attend Midwinter and Annual meetings. Contact Bleue Benton if interested. Continuing Resources (CRS) Section Access to Continuing Resources Interest Group Sunday, June 26, 4:00-5:30 pm, Hilton Riverside, Grand Ballroom C “The Age of Discovery: Finding and Accessing the Content You Need” Speakers: Abe Lederman, Founder and CTO, Deep Web Technologies Chip Nilges, Vice President, Business Development, OCLC Rachel E. Vacek, Head of Web Services, University of Houston Donald L. Gilstrap, Dean of Libraries, University of Oklahoma Moderator: Anneliese Taylor, Head, Collection Management, University of California, San Francisco Findability, discovery services, federated search, web scale are ways to discover content that are increasing all the time, but how do we discover which discovery mechanism is appropriate? Join us to learn more about the discovery landscape. When is it appropriate to use federated search over a discovery service? How does this differ by type of researcher? Learn discovery strategies from a librarian in the trenches; learn about “web scale” from an expert; learn how the rest of us are supposed to sort out this tangle? Contact Heather Staines for more information. Electronic Resources Saturday, June 25, 10:30 am- noon, Morial Convention Center, Room 397 for presentations “Implementing and Managing Web scale Discovery Services: Implications for E-Resources Librarians” Speakers and topics: Kate Montgomery, Electronic Resources Librarian, Tulane University, “What a Difference a Year Makes” Post-Katrina, many of Tulane’s lost collections were replaced with online versions. The result was that Tulane has built an online collection which includes many esoteric and specialized electronic resources which are more challenging for patrons to discover than standard aggregator fare. To improve access, Tulane began by implementing a federated search product in 2008, which did improve the “findability” of their resources by including database search features in addition to federated searching, but which also has several limitations. In the spring of 2010, a task force was formed to review web-scale discovery products. After reviewing three products, they decided that none of the products covered enough of their resources and did not fully suit enough of their needs at that time to justify a purchase. One year after the first go-around, both the task force and library have a better idea of what they want from a web-scale discovery product. In addition, the products have improved in several important ways, and are not limited to much larger central indices. Jesse Koennecke, Electronic Resources Librarian, Cornell University Library: “Bringing it all Together: Discovery Service as a Part of the Whole” Cornell University is nearing the conclusion of a process to envision the library’s future online presence and select a discovery service that will be a core part of the bigger picture of information access for users. They hope to make a decision and be in the process of implementing their choice in the near future. The “finished” product will likely use a discovery system as a core piece in an overall discovery environment that breaks down silos and provides users with access to not only to articles and books, but to resources such as experts in the field, dynamically curate resource lists, and the relevant services that they need. Koennecke will present on the process that Cornell’s Discovery and Access Team, including several e-resource staff, has gone through to develop a vision, architecture, and planning for the future of information discovery at Cornell and how a discovery services fits into this. In addition, he will discuss how they plan to continue the maintenance of this overall system as new products and new types of information are integrated into it. This has implications for many staff throughout the library, particularly in the e-resources area, as they determine where to put their best efforts to maximize the value of the end-product for users. Stefanie Buck, Instructional Design/Ecampus Librarian, Oregon State University Libraries: “Implementing and Managing Web-scale Discovery Systems” Oregon State University selected Serial Solutions’ Summon product as its web-based discovery system in 2009. One of the unique aspects of their Summon implementation has been the integration of the consortial catalog, Summit. The consortial catalog gives users access to the combined catalogs of more than thirty academic libraries in Washington and Oregon and is a vital resource. Currently linked from within the library catalog, users have streamlined access to Summit. When OSU selected Summon for its web scale discovery service, integrated access to the Summit catalog was a requirement. Buck will provide background on the integration of the consortial catalog into Summon and report on usability testing that was conducted to determine how well the integration has worked and to plan for the future. Mike Buschman, Director, Product Management, Summon™ Web Scale Discovery Service and Wendy Zieger, Bridgeman Education, Account Executive for North & South America: “What’s going on behind the curtain? Learn what it takes to get content discoverable” What goes on between a content provider and a discovery service? What is in it for the content providers (in this case, Bridgeman Education, a subscription image database)? How does data get transferred and indexed? How does content get mapped to allow for web-scale discovery? How do you decide what gets displayed? What are the complexities (such as copyright concerns, contractual obligations, etc.) for a content source like Bridgeman Education being indexed by a discovery service like Summon? How do you measure success? The presentations will be followed by panelist/audience discussion. Contact Christine Turner, Chair, ALCTS CRS ERIG or Liz Babbitt, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect, ALCTS CRS ERIG, for more information. College and Research Libraries Sunday, June 26, 10:30 am-noon, JW Marriott, Rosalie There will be three presentations: 1. Bruce Heterick, VP, Outreach and Participation Services: Creating a Virtuous Circle of Access: Integrating Local Web-Scale Discovery Services, JSTOR Discovery has exploded as a theme for libraries in the past several years, as the online catalog and other traditional library-provided discovery points have faced stiff competition from consumer web search engines and their academic offerings. Recently, “web-scale discovery services” have gained increasing prominence as a possible solution for libraries in their efforts to remain relevant as a starting point for research. There is broad consensus, however, that only a small percentage of users are initiating their research at library-designated starting places, and that the library needs to pursue a more comprehensive set of solutions, which includes integrating local discovery implementations with other important research gateways. At JSTOR, a pilot program has recently been initiated to help libraries leverage the not insignificant investments they are making in discovery services by exposing these local web-scale discovery systems to their end users from within the JSTOR interface. Heterick will discuss the data that led to initiation of the project, how the pilot program works and initial results of the pilot. 2. Selden Durgom Lamoureux, Electronic Resources Librarian, North Carolina State Universities Libraries: How to Do SERU SERU has been an alternative to licensing since it became a NISO Best Practice in 2008. This is a quick and informative "how to" for those who would like to use SERU, but are not quite certain just how to get started. 3. Wyoma van Duinkerken, Coordinator of Cataloging Record Support and Crystal Vinal, Administrative Coordinator, Texas A&M: Waking up from the Dream: Can Resources in Common Work? Texas A&M University Libraries-College Station (TAMU) and the University of Texas-Austin Libraries (UT) decided to build a joint print collaborative storage facility which would operate as a jointly owned collection. This storage unit would be different than a repository storage unit since ownership would rest with both institutions instead of having the ownership of the item transfer to a repository storage unit. Driven by current economic conditions, the rational for this joint project rested on the foundation that both universities needed a long term cost effective solution to their space constraints rather than a short term quick fix that would address the current higher education budget reductions but still have these two institutions facing the same problem a few years down the road. Both institutions wanted to save money by avoiding future campus construction costs and knew if they took the cooperative storage collection one step further and adopted the concept of “Resources in Common” (RIC), they would be able to achieve their goal. Unlike most other cooperative storage units, TAMU and UT decided they would de-dupe their print collection and achieve this cost saving goal by housing only one print copy “owned” between the two institutions. Despite extensive planning efforts, a number of problems were encountered during the actual implementation. This presentation discusses these unexpected challenges that could undermine a Resource in Common model so that other institutions can anticipate and address them earlier in the process. Contact Beth R. Bernhardt for more information. Preservation and Reformatting Section (PARS) Intellectual Access to Preservation Metadata Saturday, June 25, 8-10 am, Morial Convention Center, Room 284 Please join the Intellectual Access to Preservation Metadata Interest Group for a presentation on the latest in PREMIS, followed by a question and answer session with the panelists and a brief business meeting to elect the new interest group vice-chair. “Real-life tales of using PREMIS” Speakers: Rebecca Guenther, Senior Networking and Standards Specialist, Library of Congress: Brief overview of PREMIS and two PREMIS implementation examples Peter Van Garderen, President/Systems Archivist, Artefactual Systems Inc.: First-hand account of PREMIS implementation in Archivematica, a comprehensive open source digital preservation system in compliance with the OAIS functional model. The system uses METS, PREMIS, Dublin Core and other best practice metadata standards. It is being developed in partnership with City of Vancouver Archives, UNESCO Memory of the World, and the University of British Columbia Library. Andrew Hart, Head, Preservation Department, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill: Implementing PREMIS for the Carolina Digital Repository, UNC-Chapel Hill's institutional repository using Fedora and iRODS. Contact Meghan Banach for more information. Book and Paper Saturday, June 25, 10:30 am-noon, New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center, Blaine Kern F The meeting will begin with Whitney Baker, Head, Conservation Services, University of Kansas Libraries, and Liz Dube, Conservator, University of Notre Dame, who will discuss recent research findings derived from their LRTS article "Identifying Standard Practices in Research Library Book Conservation." Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion regarding “conservation on the move,” discussing the on-going trend of preservation units moved away from the main library buildings or completely off-campus and the short-term and long-term effects of such a move. The panel discussion participants are: Kara McClurken, Head, Preservation Services, University of Virginia Cathy Martyniak, Head, Preservation Department, University of Florida Evelyn Frangakis, Chief, Preservation Division, New York Public Library The meeting will conclude with announcements from the floor. Contact co-chairs Laura Bedford and Julie Mosbo for more information. Digital Conversion Saturday, June 25, 1:30-3:30 pm, Marriott at the Convention Center, Blaine Kern F “From Projects to Production: What’s Working?” Speaker: Dreanna Belden, Assistant Dean, University of North Texas Libraries There will also be an election for two co-chairs. Contact David Lowe for more information. Digital Preservation Sunday, June 26, 8-10 am, Morial Convention Center, Room 342 Please join the Digital Preservation Interest Group for a series of presentations on digital preservation systems at ALA Annual 2011 in New Orleans. The presentations will be followed by Q&A with the speakers and a brief business meeting to elect a new Interest Group co-chair. “It's all Geek to Me: Demystifying Digital Preservation Systems” Distributed, hosted, and cloud storage are now viable options to incorporate into our digital preservation management systems. But when we hand over our data to a third party, we do not necessarily have a clear understanding of what preservation actions are performed on it, how and where our content is replicated, and whether these storage systems are OAIS compliant. Representatives from Amazon, Chronopolis, DuraSpace, and OCLC will address these issues (and more!), and Peter Van Garderen will kick the session off with an introduction to Archivematica, a “comprehensive digital preservation system,” that can interoperate with any of these storage services. Contact L. Suzanne Kellerman for more information. Preservation Administrators June 24, noon- 4:00 pm*, Morial Convention Center, Rooms 386- 387 *The traditional time for PAIG has been changed due to modifications in the overall ALA schedule and this will be the official Annual PAIG time slot for the foreseeable future. The meeting will open with a welcome from Tara Kennedy, Chair of the interest group. Speakers and topics: Jeanne Drewes, Chief Binding and Collections Care Division, Program Manager, Mass Deacidification, Preservation Directorate, Library of Congress: From Baby Steps to Full Strides: Preservation Week Update Tara Kennedy, Preservation Field Services Librarian, Yale University Library: A New Tool for Prioritizing Collections for Emergency Plans Jackie Bronicki, Associate Librarian – IMLS Project Coordinator, University of Michigan: Validating Quality in Large-Scale Digitization Jennifer Hain Teper, Head, Preservation and Conservation Units, University of Illinois Libraries: Investigating Library and Archives Conservation Education Needs: a Preliminary Study Matthew Long, Analyst, and Ross Housewright, Senior Analyst, Ithaka S+R: Library Collections: Results from the Ithaka S+R Faculty Survey 2010 There will also be an election for a new PAIG co-chair and time for announcements. The following posters will be presented: Christine Shorey, Reformatting Technician, and Robert Parker, Binding Unit Head, University of Florida Preservation Department: Saving Our Scholarship: Retrospective Dissertation Scanning Project at George A. Smathers Library Gary Frost, Conservator, University of Iowa Libraries: Book Preservation Benjamin Bahlmann, Preservation Specialist, Conservation Division, Library of Congress: Environmental Monitoring at the Library of Congress